Who is your least favorite companion from Fallout 3, 4, or New Vegas? Mine is Strong.
Fawkes is fucking based tho
Who is your least favorite companion from Fallout 3, 4, or New Vegas? Mine is Strong.
Fawkes is fucking based tho
I agree however cyborg nigger was also pretty lame.
Uh oh, that language. I'm afraid you're going to have to get banned, it's 2019 sweetie :>)
The companions from 4 all suck. I like them more than NV's but at least there they had some thematic relevance to the FO setting in some form. Don't remember anyone from 3 aside from the big guy.
my least favorite so far has been maccready. curie is the best though
suck my cock negro
>least favourite
the rest are okay aside from that courser guy
Dogmeat > Lilly > Dog/God > the fag scientist from NV > Nick Valentine > Piper > Boone > everyone else
No Fawkes?
Get a mod so strong stfu and he is not so bad
Fawkes is a discount Marcus.
too bad marcus wasnt a companion in nv
>least favorite
most in fallout 4 are pretty shit because they talk non stop but strong is definitely the most grating, danse is based, shame I had to execute him because he's a dirty fucking synth
durr milk of life durr be mean to ppl
MacReady. Of all the characters to bring back from 3, they chose the little shit that directly inspired people to mod the ability to kill children into the game. All he does in 4 is whine and ask you to solve his problems for him, and he is a failure as a dad and as a human being.
Marcus was a companion in 2, kiddo
had veronica in my party most of the time, so i guess i like her the most. the arc with christine in dead money brought a tear to my eye.
lily would be my least favorite as a companion, but i like her character.
i really like all the companions in base game new vegas
I know chief, I'm saying that would be cool if you could recruit him from the lodge in NV
and the thread is about fallout 3, 4, and NV you blind fuck. Otherwise most people would put goris on their list
I'm just going to name the best companions, everyone else can go in shit tier due to general annoyance and worthlessness in combat
Boone and fawks
I just checked Fawkes' DPS on the wiki and it's so much higher than anybody else, like it isn't even close lmao