Post the cutest mons you got.
Also, Monster Hunter thread
Post the cutest mons you got.
Also, Monster Hunter thread
the cutest
Valkstrax: imma do round the world!
Nergi: heh prodictabu
Hear me out about Frontier. I think the shutdown is because they're gonna port it to switch. I have two factors to weight on this
1. Capcom stated that they will bring more MH games to Switch
2. Capcom also stated that they will make future mainline games all on console and PC. No plans on handheld
This means either two things. Frontier will be re-released on Switch, or it will be an MH game with Frontier assets. All this would fund their next mainline MH game
Anime protag nerg still doesn't have lightspeed reaction time, gets that in the next arc
>TFW next dog im getting is gonna be a brindle pitbull and im gonna name him Tigrex
>not End Boss
>not Secret boss
not based and street fighter pilled.
Is there going to be a new level of tempered quest?
also if my drunk ass can counter him with long sword. it aint that hard.
I play cluster gunner online and I don't give a shit if my teammates get blown back when I shoot three shells in a row at the monster's head.
You enjoyed ATs so much that you want more?
ATs will never replace Deviants. Anus must be shattered
monsters are for killing, not cute
But g-rank monsters?
Soon brother...
Reminder that all of them got confirmed because of FUCKING COOKIES
Cutie cat-serpent
/lagibros/ representing
Lol keep dreaing.
Iceborne confirmed for most based iteration
Based. Now all I need is Chameleos.
Food has never led anyone astray.
Wait, are those leaks real??
Whoever came up with the idea of arena quests is an absolute fuking nigger. What a total fucking trash series of quests, who in their right fucking mind would bring the worthless fucking trash items and armor skills they give you for this fucking torture chamber bullshit. FUCK
Yeah man
>that janky anjanath eye closing animation
Git gud. Arena quests are better than normal quests.
Best fun in the game.
>korean source
Holy shit is this real?
What the hell do I do in world now that I've beat every quest? All I feel like I do now is hunt the same three tempered elders and whatever Arch Tempered event is up. It's pretty boring.
It's a prototype proof of concept for MHW back in 2018 GDC. Yeah its real but didn't exist in the release
Might come back in Iceborne
Why do nergifags think their oc donut steel is invincible
You wait for Iceborne and hope to god it has a better endgame loop than vanilla.
I can't wait to see all these """"""leaks"""""" gets proven wrong
i bet zinogre smells like burnt wood from all that electricity it discharges
because Nergi "Sundowner"gante is fucking invincible.
ok non meme response. he hunts and eats other elder dragons. in game they make him seem like outside of Black Dragon levels he can take down everything.
I do think Ukanlos/Akantor would take him. MAYBE Rajang.
i always let everyoje know im doing arena for anyone to join. is much fun and still get the goodies
Hes supposed to be the eater of elders, he hunts other elders
Hes not supposed to job to fucking glav.
The only Monster to beat nergi in a one sided clash is should be Fatalis.
Yes, cause two monster glitching each other around and filling the entire stage is fun and an interesting challenge. As is being forced to use a weapon with trash tier sharpness so all of your attacks bounce, cause bouncing is so much fun too.
I wonder how Tigrex feels about being the franchise's own very special boy.
that was forgotten the moment lunastra came
Okay, i love Nerg both as an elder and flagship but that's asking for too much
He's literally the same tier as the middle tier of elders
There's a LOT of high tier elders like Amatsu/Yama/Dala/Ukan/Akan/Fatalis/Shaggy/Alatreon to consider here
Angry, just like how he feels about everything else.
>Yes, cause two monster glitching each other around and filling the entire stage is fun and an interesting challenge.
Arena quests gives you a bounce of traps and flash bomb just for this specific situation, use it wisely.
>As is being forced to use a weapon with trash tier sharpness so all of your attacks bounce, cause bouncing is so much fun too.
If your attacks bounce it means you're hitting the wrong hitzone, dumbass. The sets and weapons the arena gives you are perfectly balance for that quest.
he is just autistic but i doubt he is aware of that
Would I be made fun of if I said I am a monster hunter vegan who doesn't play the games because I'd rather not kill the cool monsters?
please be patient
Yeah okay but when's Volvidon
you can capture them but elders mut be killed because they want to destroy and kill everything and they must be stopped
To the guy in that thread talking about the deviants coming back, here me out. Capcom just put out a new card game called TEPPEN, it has a fair amount of monster hunter monsters as cards, EACH and EVERY monster hunter card in that game is a real monster from SOMEWHERE in monster hunter... Including the super rare Rathalos, Dread king Rathalos. They have Dread king as his own card, the point is even with names like dread king and dread queen EVERY card is a real monster in monster hunter.
Besides one.
He is not invincible, he is specifically developed in order to deal with elder dragons. A monster like Rajang or Deviljho or even Diablos would have an easier time taking on Nergigante than Kushala or Teostra because Nergigante specifically counters those elemental powers. A monster like Alatreon or Amatsu on the other hand is just so powerful that Nerg couldn't handle it either way
cus he's new
>3 flash bombs which last like 10 seconds each before the monsters stop giving a shit and go back to fucking you
>trap a monster, doesn't matter cause the other one is waiting to glitch his entire hitbox through and fuck you
>can't hit soft parts of a monster because whenever you try the other one's rock hard hitbox clips through and fucks you
yeah great fun. there's a reason they give you 9 carts for this shit, because they know it's fucking trash and expect you do die
Ukan is not even an Elder but yea he might be able to win in a fight. mainly because him and his negro brother some kind of primordial dinosaurs of monsters.
(no fuck your online faggot origin monsters)
the rest of those are Black Dragons teir monsters.
Shaggy would get his golden ass kicked. he is awesome to fight but he is nothing special outside of his biological weapon. with Nergis healing factor its not gonna be an issue for him.
Also, note that background. Snow? Hmm?
*charges at u*
just co-op
If you're talking about World, 4U, and X/XX arena quests then there's mount another option to lockdown monster if you don't have any flashes or traps anymore. Just learn the monster's pattern and get good.
Lorelet, whats THE elder dragon? Like the king of all monsters. Big dick in town.
《Tigrex Tongue》 obtained
is there a basic Nergi card?
you make it seem like there is a Rathalos and Dread King los.
at the very least it makes Zinogre credible now that the Velk icon matches the /vg/ leak
Well it’s DEFINITELY a variant then. I’m hype.
>(no fuck your online faggot origin monsters)
don't shit on my nigga toa
I tried, nobody plays arena quests and I don't blame them.
I know Diablos's pattern, I can easily fuck up a tempered Black Diablos if it's just that, but having another there is fucking gay and it just turns into sprinting in circles desperately trying to avoid their onslaught of fucking gayness
Yes. there is normal nerg, and normal Los, Dreadking and Legend eater are very much there own thing. The legendary cards of the monster hunter factions in game.
Fatty. White Fatty specifically. Though Capcom considers the fatties, miralis and alatreon to be the top dogs. Not counting frontier stuff though.
The biggest dick in town is Fatalis.
White Fatty
White fatty but maybe Dalamadur
i type i was doing arena and 3 ppl jumped to do them
The Fatalis Three, Alatreon, Miralis, Xenojiva, etc.
Ah so you're talking about World's Dual Blos arena quest. Just use HBG and drop a boulder when one of them starts a turf war then drop clust on one of them. 1 will be killed right before your clusts runs out.
>I tried, nobody plays arena quests and I don't blame them.
There's always like 1 Nip arena room in both PC and PS4 versions.
>Monster Hunter TCG
Is it good?
White Fatty and his brothers rule the school. If you count Frontier, Disufiroa, Unknown, and Raviente probably swing their dick just as hard.
There's one nip arena room on PS4 and of course it just tells me this shit
its from a card battling mobile game called "Teppen", it includes a fuckton of capcom characters.
Drop a room right now, I'll fucking help your fucking ass.
I enjoy it yes. Its a capcom all star's kind of a game but two of the factions are all monster, also real time
>Every new card game from now on is just Hearthstone
>Regular nerg is a brute that regenerates
>Nerg variant being just a bigger and angrier nerg
Not unexpected. I can see them asspulling that Nergigante didn't die and feasted on xeno's corpse or something like that in order to unlock his SSJ3 form in iceborne.
Big Snek, White Fatty, and Wind Goddess
Because of what you did to the Jews.
He noticed you
Wind Goddess is Akantor/Ukanlos tier at best. Big Snek can literally summon meteors, so it’s definitely on par with the Fatalities.
How does xenojiva rack up vs the other top tier elders?
We only ever see him fight Elders roughly his size. I don’t see what he could do against something huge like Lao-Shan besides be a nuisance.
anyone got that one screaming legiana gif?
The commission seems pretty worried about nergigante chasing zorah
It was planning on eating Zorah.
>all these monsters making world look good and comfy
>go back to playing after dropping near xeno
>remember i hate it
Mh6 cant come soon enough, I fucking hate these slopes and tremor combos while needing to bring 99999999 dung pods every hunt
>playing hammer vs BLOS and BLACK BLOS
>smashing up their horns within 5 minutes
>same with nerg
>hit diablos in the taint so hard it lifts him off the ground
I know it's not a good solo weapon class but I love hammers.
Like I want your help after your condescension
Git gud
just play a weapon that doesnt slope interactions :^)
>shits on arena quests because bad
>complains when no one wants to play with him
>doesn't want help when actually offered
Play Frontier then, it's free to play and pretty relaxed once you have your first G rank set.
>not being a real man and slaying bazel / jho first before hunting the real objective
Big snek shoots them up first and then they just come down. Also it has a real icon. When Capcom wants to let you know they're serious and an elder dragon being absolute top tier, they don't get a real icon.
What the fuck is your obsession with slopes? are you the same retard from /mhg/?
>Frontier then, it's free to play
Since when?
How do I even find Pickle fuck? My game keeps saying he's on expeditions, but I've been on several and no Jho. I want to try and kill him before I beat Nerg.
More than one person on an entire site play hammer idiot. The fucking thing keeps ruining movement with charge attacks, for a weapon that requires positioning
Please for the love of god don't make it as obnoxious as regular AT Nergi, it nearly made me ragequit the game.
I'm not sure if i can keep up if they put a G-rank version of this shit in the game.
I mean the slopes are literally fucking unbearable sometimes as a hammer main. Sometimes I just want to hit the monster on the head, not slide down a fucking hill away from the monster. That's not a problem with slopes though, they could just make R2 not make you slide and put on LITERALLY ANY OTHER BUTTON FUCK.
Capcom actually says that Nerg will eat anything. Sure he'd like to eat elders, but he'll go for whatever. He's probably trying to eat your hunter too.
Also he's probably starving all the time because he's bad at eating elders even when he's cruising around what amounts to a retirement home for them. Lord only knows what he was hoping to accomplish with Zorah because that wasn't going to happen.
That nerg variant is probably that one Nerg who actually succeeded at getting a real meal.
yeah its the same guy, slope-kun. Ignore him
Akantor didn’t have a fucking icon at first & neither did Ukanlos. Neither are Elders. Also Dalamadur literally summons fucking meteors out of the sky. Next retarded argument.
Jho really needed a Nerg turf war with them trying to vore each other.
>a fucking autist named after slopes
your general's a joke
A week or so ago. The Taiwan version implemented a sloppy F2P solution since the game's shutting down at the end of the year. If you register now, you get 37 days free sub. After that, you have to talk to the event NPC near the lobby entrance to redeem a day of sub if you don't have one active.
Hunteresses are better and you can breed them too.
Would nerg even get a hit in vs fatalis?
>complaing about one mechanic makes you one guy
The state of shitposters right now
If we go by how they react to him.
he is a world ender like Fatty.
I want a fatty and Xeno turf war.
or an adult Xeno, not the goofy clumsy baby you kill in world.
Eh, those monsters were hyped up when they came out but at this point the only Frontier monster which they try to pass off as being all-powerful is duremudira. Dhisu and Unknown are pretty irrelevant outside of farming something specific, and Raviente, while clearly meant to be powerful, is more like Dalamadur than Fatalis. Huge and strong but not mythical and godlike
Post meme images
>reach the last elder dragon in the story
>this snoozefest of a battle
I need some horns but something about this fight was a letdown.
I need a non meme response. Is Bazel armor good? I'm still rolling with low rank rathalos and I'm starting to get my dick kicked in more and more. Just killed Pink Rath.
>thought you meant website cookies or something
His music and design is nice
Depends on your weapon of choice plus the skills that go along with it as a full set. Charms and Decos included if you have them to make signficant gains in skill levels.
Is there any explanation on why the fatalis armor turns you into the fatalis itself or straight up kill you?
I thought magic such as curses etc. Didn't existed in monster hunter.
Shagger's miasma is the distance of an entire fucking mountain, PASSIVELY. I.e when he's just chilling there's a mountain's worth of virus surrounding him, imagine what he can do when he's angry
I like nerg, but shagaru would wipe the floor with him, if shagaru's mist can infect a fucking deviljho (apex jho) , a monster that maybe 4 times heavier than twinkigante, or a rajang, which is much better at the whole physical strength thing, Shag has no problem just infecting him with miasma from a mile away and waiting for him to die from virus exhaustion.
Nothin personal, kid
Fatalis regrows from the smallest cell no?
Haha imagine if he regrew from the armor while you're wearing it.
There's a few """"canon"""" hints to magic. In MHW, the first dragon weapon you can grab, the Dragonbone stuff, has been "created by dark and forbidden means" from the descriptions. Capcom has abandoned this part of the old plot, but the ancient civilization had the Equal Dragon Weapon that was apparently made through some weird ritual magic. So there are hints to magic stuff.
I think Fatty is the only exception to that rule
yeah and zorah was an old man literally on his deathbed. Nerg is like a vulture circling a dying elephant
>abandoned this part of the old plot, but the ancient civilization
no they have not.
there is ruins in GU. there are places that look way more advanced yet over grown and dilapidated.
Fatalis has an extremely powerful healing factor. When you put on the armor then it sort of regrows into you, I guess you could say. Also evidenced by the regrowing sword in Pokke and the Dire Miralis heart description (says that it's still beating and Dire Miralis could regrow from it).
Elder dragons, in general, are immune to the frenzy. Past that, Nergigante has an immunity to elder dragon bullshit like Kush's wind, Teo's fire, etc. Really, the biggest issue for Nerg is that Shaggy is basically the second most muscular elder dragon behind Nerg, and has an extra set of arms to fight with. In general, I feel that Nerg and Shaggy are at the top of the low-level elder dragon group, and if they fought it would probably be close either way, definitely not a stomp for Shaggy.
It's more of a regeneration factor at play.
My best guess would be that the hunter inside the armor is just dead after some time once the armor starts turning back into Fatalis.
I don't remember 4's "plot", does the virus actually kill monsters?
>implying that Capcom gives a shit outside of World
It's all about the casual audience, no time for any of the old stuff.
Don't take armor or weapon descriptions seriously, I think there a longsword that I forget the name of literally says that "one swipe of sword would turn the planet into flames"
seriously ignore that donut steel shit
Rajang's Ghoulish gold gorer's description says that you can still feel rajang's anger in it
Descriptions are mainly metaphors
Because we're not interacting with people but with archetypes instead it's how we retards are able to make sense of anonymity. It's a failure to adapt to a different type of discourse so we create these faces to have someone, anyone on the other side of the line.
the giant kulu in the FF14 dlc quest is unequivocally fucking bullshit
Remember how when you're inflicted with the virus you can either lose to it and get debuffed or "overcome" it and get extra affinity? well crank that shit up to a million with monsters. iirc monsters either die if they lose to the virus, or become apex monsters if they overcome it, hence why only reaaaly strong monsters like jho and raj can become apex
>all of the crossovers are shit
The Shitcher and Trannyfantasy should've never been added.
I'm just complaining about the stupid health pool, the healing, ridiculously inflated damage, and the shitboxes. I don't really care about the crossovers in that sense, I enjoyed the fact that the witcher one mimicked the shitty nu-RPG quest structure though even if the gameplay was horrible
Which monster would you hug?
I want to hug a Tigrex!
>having difficulty with big chung kulu
Oh no no no no
Khezu, the most bullied monster
>implying casuals would not love it
you cant just scream casuals for everything
>Kulve is covered in ancient weapons for eons passed.
you know, like the ancient/rusted weapons in the older games.
I literally straight up failed the quest twice and I've soloed all of the elder dragons without dying
>behemoth needs a premade group
>ancient leshen needs a premade group
Yeah nah, they're both shit. Goes against everything else in the game. At least AL doesn't have anything good, but Behemoth is nearly impossible with a SoS PUG.
Oh behemoth is the ff14 tie-in? I haven't even gotten to him yet
Will we ever see the Yama Tsukami ever again? I thought his weapons always looked cool.
Hug the owl
Yeah, I think he's right after the giant Kulu. Your best bet is to visit /mhg/ or r*ddit and find a carry group for Behemoth.
fuck, that's obnoxious. we'll see when I get to it.
AL can be beaten with a SoS group, unlike behemoth where a retard can fail the whole group with bad rock placements or causing them to all get destroyed.
Or you're an inch slightly to the right of the rock and get carted. Hitboxes on those things are awful.
Gee user, you make it sound like you have no friends. If that were the case, it'd be pretty sad, wouldn't it? Endgame solo-hunting is for sad people after all.
Why are these reptiles in snow?
I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a socially stunted autist with no friends. The thing is, Monster Hunter has always catered to solotards like myself, with the exception of these latest crossovers.
>Kulu Ya Ku
Fucking worldsperm
Cute enough?
I'd call oneshots with poor hitboxes bullshit in any game, to be quite honest
Brace yourself for some 'tism
If you really want to break it down
>Physically strongest monster in his weight class
>Doesn't/can't fly all that well, since it mainly flies to divebomb and not to stay in the air, for the sake of argument, its safe to assume that shag is the better flier, since he does tricks in the air and stays comfortably in the air.
>Very poor range outside of spike shooting, which is obviously has a cooldown, since his healing factor isn't so strong that he can spam that attack nonstop.
>as said above, really needs to get close to get his heavyhitting attacks in, since in turf wars he mainly "wrestles" with the other monsters.
>Very well equiped to fight against Nerg, for example, if nerg wants to take it into the air, shagaru is better than him at that, if he wants fight close-quarters, then shagaru is still competent at that (though worse). Outranges him severly, shagaru attacks with a mix of physical and beams and landmines, though he does sway to the latter more.
>can fly much better, which can be used to outrange
>virus arguably gives a sensory buff a la gore if nothing at all. But he probably needs his feelers for it so I guess there's no buff.
>Again as stated above, he can still wrestle if nerg wants to, his extra arms give him a significant advantage.
If shaggy is even slightly intelligent (which he appears to be since he literally scans you in his intro) he can just stay a safe distance away from nerg, and shoot him with beams until he approaches, at which point shag can just landmine explosion him at the points where his body would make contact with the ground.
The only way I can see Nerg winning, is if he just spergerushes him into oblivion the moment they meet.
Overall, shaggy takes this with some effort. Nerg is cool as fuck but his deviantart oc status as the "elderdragon-killer" has overstayed its welcome.
>shaggy stands in a corner throwing sonic booms and flash kicks when nerg gets close
yeah checks out
No it hasn't MonHun was always a multiplayer game where you're meant to hunt together. Yes, they do accommodate for solotards for most hunts, but since it's a fukken crossover of a party based MMO JRPG, I can appreciate them trying to at least get that feel right. Big AL can suck a dick tho. Just find a decent MonHun jewtuber discord to find a party in. Who knows, maybe you'll find one guy with a meme build that has beaten Behe so many times he thinks it's a joke.
You must be the autist forcing and spamming this unfunny “DURR NERG IS BAD CUZ HE EATS DYING ELDERS” meme
If there's a god out there there will be music mods to use the old themes.
The shit the world team did to glav's theme is criminal
Nah, I judged them on a fair 1v1, if you want to refute go ahead, he'd still get raped
The real joke is how even Drachen will be outclassed in two months so there's no point in making myself suffer.
It’s fucking monster hunter, who gives a flying fuck about which dumbass elder would beat the other? They both lose to a bunch of fucking humans with big sticks.
Nerg's presence in the area is is enough to spook Zora, so it must be able to do something.
I bet he'd give you a big sloppy kiss.
well yeah if a 10 year old entered your room in the hospital with a bunch of knives growing on him youd be spooked too
Nerg Sue is a mistake and I wished MH ended at XX.
>Fantasy Dragon
>Fantasy Dragon
I fucking hate World so much.
I wish your chromosomes ended at XX.
Why are people always morons when it comes to nerg and Zorah? Nerg could sense Zorah was at its end. It was literally waiting for the biggest, easiest, and most nutritious buffet of its life to come to rest so it could dig in. The issue was it noticed a legion of hyenas trying to steal its free meal from it twice so it attacked to defend its to be meal.
World is the one on the right.
shut UP the fuck
no one likes gammoth
Doesn't matter. Current gen is always stronger than previous gen. Only exception is Fatalis.
4th Gen got to beat up 3rd Gen so that they could be special snowflakes. 3rd Gen beat up 2nd gen so they could be special snowflakes.
2nd Gen really didn't beat up first gen mostly because they weren't done introducing monster types. It was pretty much just expanded 1st gen.
So fuck off m8. Or are you forgetting how much of a snowflake tier shit frenzy was when it was introduced?
Oh hey you're back. Let's see how long you'll last
>gammoth is the best of the 4
>no one likes gammoth
Mitzufags need to be purged.
There is so much shit going on with those two in that moment, but that one is literally surface level, so my bet is just people looking for an excuse to shit on World.
>Nergi is a Mary Sue
>Not Fatty Sue
>Or literally anything from Frontier
Nigga Capcom dropped the ancient civilization shit because COG kept using it for Frontier. That's why the ruins in 4th gen look completely different from the Tower ancients which were the ones that dealt with Fatalis and the Dragon War shit.
It was factually abandoned, but they can go back to it because COG and Frontier are being shut down.
>Be a scavenging vulture
>love what I do
>one day find a BIG ass elephant, about to bolt for my fucking life, but wait...
>it looks weird
>its limping
>it looks like its almost dead
>wait it out
>it fucking died!?!
>about to have the feast of my parasitic life
>Vulturebros and Vulturestacies suddenly come and spot me
>try to explain what the fuck is happening
>"So..uh y-yea-"
>"What the fuck Vultureanon did you just kill that 6000kg elephant?!!
>Y-yeah I d-did
>Vulturebros think I'm can kill a fucking elephant, Vulturestacies fawning over my dick, about to get all that /cloaca/
>All because I found that sick elephant, man I sure am a chad
>works everytime.
Fatalis is exempt from being a sue since hes the OG dragon
Wait, how the FUCK can Fatalis be a Mary Sue? It's the original. Elders didn't even exist when they made Fatalis. He's literally the final boss of the original game.
If anything he's the opposite of a Mary Sue. He's got legacy wank.
Mary Sues are shit like Alatreon, Gore and Shaggy, Valstrax, and Nergigante. They were all super duper special, better than anything that came before it, stronger that everything before it bullshit.
>It didn't exist at the time of release so it doesn't count
Nah son. That's not how that shit works. The monsters have always been there, it's just the Pokemon effect of everything else being off in different regions.
>Nergi bodies everyone
>he is just a vulture!
and than they used it right away in G and GU.
>an oddly shaped tower like structure with a very of texture with glowing read pulse feeding in to a central point at the top
>the base the structure is a non functioning giant elevator
but yea they "abandoned" it.
gunlance gang
user what the fuck are you smoking? Valfalk hasn't been shown to be stronger than any other elder, nor has shagaru, I don't know about alatreon but according to your retarded boomer logic, he can't be a mary sue since he the final boss of an older game. You're honestly just shoving things you made up into the games world. Nerg would get bitched by shagaru and shagaru would get beaten by yama or shen or lao or any other older monster.
In fact its the old monsters that are never surpassed, I don't know what the fuck you're on.
>all these people screaming mary sue
im not quite sure how any of these are
fan made self inserts.
are universally loved by the main characters for no reason as soon as they meet.
have no real flaws besides being clumsy.
How can narga be kot if has beak?
pls respond I just want to fight Jho.
Watch out for an unknown monster on the expedition preview. Don't just go out on random expeditions. If he's not there, hunt something else and try again. He's not that rare, you should see him somewhere in two or three cycles.
wow you're patient user
You can see him in any high rank quest/expedition.
you have to be at least hr 12 to get his investigation, just go to special assignments and you'll find food chain dominator.
Its strange that you haven't seen him yet.
I was definitely not saying that Nerg would win, just that it's not a curbstomp for Shaggy. Though also, consider that if Shaggy was just to shoot from a distance, it wouldn't do that much to Nerg because of his regeneration factor, resistance to the frenzy, and general resistance to elder dragon bullshit. I think it'd come down to Nerg getting annoyed by Shaggy's blasts, then having to fight close up and Shaggy winning through intelligence and having 2 extra arms
here is how Monster Hunter team makes monsters.
take at least 2 animals/things and fuse them togeather.
>Tiger+Trex+dragon= Tigrex
>Putting three fucking Elders in the Arena
What madman greenlighted this
Imagine being so much of a faggot that you care about a monster being a "mary sue" instead of just being interested that the monsters have cool powers
I've been going wherever there's ??? on the map. Maybe I haven't been staying long enough. It's a good thing expeditions give unlimited tries, I died 7 times before capturing a Bazel.
I'd be down for having a go at all of the fuckers 3 at a time. I don't get why anons have an issue with more than one monster at once. Then again, I never seem to actually get hit by anything but quick jab type moves these days.
he tends to be close to the small monsters like great jagras or dodogama, since he... you'll see
>The Monsters are the Mary Sues
>Not the Hunters themselves
The Ancient Civilization was only expanded in Frontier. They stopped writing about them with lore entries and new discoveries in 2G. Even the tower was reduced to just the summit for 4th Gen. X and XX are both 10th anniversary games that use old stuff, but they didn't add anything new to the Ancient Civilization from 1st and 2nd Gen. All the 3rd and 4th gens are separate from the Tower people.
>Turf war
>Tosses the bitch aside just like toaster
>here is how Monster Hunter team USED TO make monsters.
FTFY. As soon as these guys left, the monster designs experienced a gradual decline in quality, hitting rock bottom with the literal Tyrannosaur from Jurassic Park.
He's there. Look harder.
It's also possible you're being misled by Azure Rathalos or Black Diablos if you're going to Forest, Recess, or the Wastes and you haven't seen those subspecies yet.
shit on him its helpful
I fucking love that artist.
>be drunk late night with friends in the city
>pigeons cooing by us while we stumble home
>my drunken reaction is to start to "sing"(?) the notes of his song
For all the hate and mary sueing nerg gets, its literally just because he btfos beta kush and washed up teo, can you blame him?
I honestly think deviljho could have a fair fight with him and maybe even win, do you honestly think nerg can grab a diablos and fucking flip his entire body with a bite-chokeslam
Played World on PC. Saw room for quest i need (3 Elder Dragons) there was dude with 999HR obviously a cheater and i thought okay maybe he just cheated gear and plays fair. Noup. One shot Elder dragon. I leaved quest.
Why even play at that point? Why.
What song user? Narga's theme?
Considering it casually bitch tossed a lunastra that caught it off guard.
Khezu is dogshit
Tigrex is awful
Brachydios is mediocre
Kushala is cool
>old monsters that are never surpassed
How'd that work out for Kushala, Ukanlos, Akantor, Teostra, and Chameleos then? Nice try fag.
Also, Alatreon is third gen you stupid fucking retard. If 4th gen hadn't retconned his powers you might have a point, but they made his elemental powers weaker than everyone else. When he was introduced they tried to say he was the strongest dragon that ever existed. Just like how Dalamadur was supposed to be the strongest shit involved with creation myths and shit. Not only that but Gore and Shaggy, with the Frenzy Virus, had a whole fucking story about them destroying the world if left unchecked and were taking down all the 2nd Gen elders(and that's only because 3rd Gen doesn't get to play anymore because they're all stuck in one place like Misty Peaks or the tainted sea.) Fucking Valstrax was shown flying to Misty Peaks in the USJ ride to beat up Amatsu too.
Fatalis is literally the only exception to the power creep.
>Likes getting pushed over by a slight breeze every few seconds
the area i was talking about in GU was brand new for that game.
they just kept it as back ground stuff. as it should be. Valstax starts in the area that is pulsing energy at the top of the tower like structure.
Compare diablos' size and weight with a FEMALE teo
>MHW Icon
Nerg, Rath's, Kush
>4th Gen Icon but not confirmed
Gore, Serg, Valk, Lagi
>4th Gen ico, but confirmed on Iceborne
>MHW:I Icon
Tigrex, Narga, Galv, Zin(?), Velkana
Yeah, he could do it with a little effort.
I want to hug ans pet a very floofy Great maccau.
Do you retards even know what a Mary Sue is?
no they dont.
they are apart of the zoomers that thinks mary sue means "character i dont like"
Ruined Pinnacle isn't tied to the Ancient Civilization from 2nd Gen. It's a completely separate group, like the underwater shit from 3rd Gen.
The Tower people are the ones tied to the shit like Equal Dragon Weapons, the dragon war, getting fucked by Fatalis, etc. Tower Summit's entry for 4th gen just reuses a summary from 2nd Gen and the entire stage has been cut and trimmed into just the summit.
I forgot that he sounds like a pigeon
>he doesn't know about linguistic mutations
Mary Sue hasn't had any relation to Ensign Mary Sue in almost 20 years. People have been using it to describe non-fanfiction characters for over a decade.
MHF is shutting down? Like all of it or just outside japan? Ive neverp layed it but I always enjoyed seeing its freaky crossover and april fools events and some of its monsters not in the main series like the scorpion things.
they might have been a separate group but still obviously they were around along time before the modern world with tech that far surpasses what they have. the glowing pulsing energy lines give it away.
because they are faggots that throw words at things
"epic" is another word like that.
Cool, come back when they actually have story like Second Gen was building up before Frontier locked it down because bitch ass Frontier players got mad that 2G used a frontier map, and two frontier monsters.
It happens all the time though. It's a normal thing. Modern English hasn't used the word awesome correctly for over a century. Just get used to it.
>it always always just back ground stuff in game and hints from rusted weapons
>acts like the artbook stuff was represented in game
Kush is one of the low tier elders, so is teo, chameleos has never been shown to surpassed, are you just making shit up?
Did i say he was 4th gen? take your meds
>uka, akantor
stop fucking lying you retard, if you're talking about the people itt's headcannon, everyone in this thread says that they would btfo nerg, why are you making shit up?
are you confused? we're talking lorewise.
>strongest monster
never has been said nor implied, the most that an be inferred is that he is very power, again stop lying
Name one fucking monster aside from maybe the fatalis family that wouldn't get eaten alive by dala.
>creation myths
You're resorting to using obscure weapon descriptions? those are very obviously folklore, or do you seriously think that the mh team wanted you to think that shah dala "drew the horizion''
>gore and shagaru
never in 4u was it said that he was going to destroy the world, post a screencap to show me otherwise, for the third time, stop making shit up.
Honestly fuck off. Why are you planting delusional thoughts in your mind and then getting upset at them, take your meds
All of it. Japan even closes before Taiwan, which blows my absolute fucking mind. Hopefully this means one day they bring some of their best monsters over to mainline though. Akura, Espinas, Anoru, Baruragaru, and Ruko to name a few, I really want to see them over here one day.
I wish it was so much more than just background bits. The amount of mystery the earlier games had makes me look back with such nostalgia, despite World being much more mechanically intuitive in my opinion.
I might just be a weeb, I dunno. I miss bubble buddy. I miss leviathans in general.
not the same guy but Ukanlos/akantor in game are said to attack elders if they get to close.
I like bubble fox because it fights with a moveset that pretty much no one else has outside of the generic leviathan moves they all use. It fights way different from most to me seeing as it likes to do wide sweeping slides and jumps like its doing a dance around you.
Me, the original pepega slammer
Yes and i agree with that, hence why i said that they would btfo nerg.
Ukanlos and Akantor are not elder probably because of some petty reason like
'they don't drop elder drg bones"
>he doesn't remember the Tower blurbs used for the quests you take there in gen 2
>he doesn't remember all the fun magazines about the exploration being done in 1st and 2nd gen that got dropped from all monhuns after that
They used to deliver the story through quest text and dialogue with villagers in old MonHuns. I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy it.
Claiming that Kush and Teo are low tier elders, saying that Alatreon by "boomer" logic can't be a mary sue because older game even though he's third generation, crying about lore then saying I'm making shit up - all this shit tells me you don't even pay attention to the games are are a fucking 4G or X baby.
It also has a Metal Gear RAY water beam that doesn't make me want to rip out my eyeballs. And probably my favorite sound design in the series, I love its roar.
It's absolutely amazing how TW is even staying up a week longer considering those fuckers never actually updated their game since early January. Even the faithful got tired of their bullshit three months into the supposed 'drought' when the reality was that these guys HAD to know well in advance and simply cashed out with their 1500 for 1500 deals and P2W bullshit armors + decorations that would make JP players envious. The fact that the Taiwanese got blue-balled from having an entirely new weapon in Magnet Spike is only insult to injury, on that server I grinded up like 5mil Ravi g + Gg for a Z1+ weapon in advance and it's all still sitting there collecting dust.
Either way, I'd be happy to tour people around on either JP or TW.
Here's the closest thing you'll ever get to the Equal Dragon Weapon. Capcom is 90% dropping the ancient civilization. If there's any hints of the ancient civilization in Iceborne, I'll post a webm of myself eating a rathalos plushie.
>Ukanlos and Akantor are not elder probably because of some petty reason
You mean the lore? Kind of funny that you don't understand why those two aren't Elders, especially considering they were introduced in the generation that created the Elder Dragon classification.
Literal fucking retard that ignores everything about MH
You never talked to Moga villagers nor paid attention to them, not the encyclopedia and not the tidbits the book tells you
JUST by the sentence you said Alatreon is not the strongest dragon at the time
>is a black dragon classified Unknown
>highest threat top classified information within the guild, only available during event quests
>locals panicks when you get to that point
>saying it's a demon, a god that has transformed into an Elder Dragon
>lives in ONE AREA specifically for him with special snowflake characteristics
This should be common knowledge holy fuck
Seeing that Capcom jumped the shark in MH4 with AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS plotline although the Magalas are still good monsters, I'd honestly think anything could happen at this stage.
Even Frontier dropped that shit.
Don't forget when Alatreon was introduced he was able to use the elements of the TRUE elder dragons. That was said by the games themselves. At that time Teo, Luna, Chameleos, and Kushala were the only ones classified as true elders.
Yama, Kirin, and Lao's status as elders was debated in the lore material of second gen, though they classified them as elders because they couldn't classify them as anything else. Fatalis was still a massive unknown ??? in second gen and considered more myth than real. That's held true even through 3rd and 4th gen, even if his fights have gone down hill thanks to hunter power creep and 1st/2nd Gen not really being updated aside from Teo/Kus/Chameleos.
From Portable 3rd on they've gone really fucking wild with Elders, and 4th gen contributed to scaling back Alatreon saying that, while he can control all elements, he's also not as good as the other Elders in their specific elements.
Made a tier list of how I see their strength levels
>First two tiers are self explanatory, though I wasn't sure how strong Dire Miralis is compared to the Crimson and Black Fatty
>Zorah, followed by Shah and Dala because they are too big to handle. Then Xeno because of them talking about him being able to destroy the whole new world if he got out or at least be a massive issue. Then Gogmazios because he is large, he can fly, and his heat counteracts Ahtal's webs. Ahtal is next due to high intelligence. The Mohrans are only so high because they can basically just sit on anything lower.
>Amatsu is highest because of speed, strength, agility, and the absolute power of her abilities. Kulve Taroth is up there for much of the same reasons, but she doesn't have a hurricane on her side. Ceadeus is hard to judge, but he has a lot of weight to throw around and a very powerful beam attack. I don't think Nakarkos can handle other monsters with more power than itself, but its slew of abilities definitely place it above the other stuff. Ukanlos and Akantor have a small amount of agility, a lot of aggressiveness and strength, and some powerful abilities. Yama Tsukami is big and all but not that physically strong and most of his abilities don't really work out on big elders. Lao Shan Lung just sits there. Sure, he can sit on other stuff but anything which has more abilities, more agility, etc. wins out. Shen Gaoren is like Lao but wimpier.
Funny how they dropped tower and then made a new series of weapons that's broken as fuck during ZZ.
>Lao and Ashen Lao
They're cowards that run from other Elders, especially Fatalis. They have no actual strengths. They're literally only big. This is actual canon and has been since MH1.
We've always been beating up the retarded fatso getting bullied by other Elders.
are you honestly just stupid?
3 of your greentexts are shared with shagaru.
you are just showcasing that it is extremely powerful, no npc has ever said that it is the strongest, only that it is very strong, I beg you to post a screencap proving me wrong, otherwise fuck off, schizo.
>because he has all the elements and his own arena, he is stronger than white fatalis
Tribabs everyone.
I seriously hope this isn't a samefag
>TRUE elder dragons
doesn't matter, teo and the others do not hold a candle to any fatty or heavyweight like jhen, saying "TRUE" doesn't make alatreon any stronger. If you are trying to say that alatreon is the strongest elder then your reasoning is utter dogshit
nigger I do not care that akantor has two nubs that qualify it as a """""flying"""" wyvern, functionally they are elders and should be treated as such.
post yfw every flagship gets a deviant
>Nerg's deviant has him grow spikes on his eyes so it's harder for him to see but he's also easier to provoke
>Gore can sense you if you get frenzied anywhere around the map
>Valstrax can go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND and activate light speed travel
>Deviant Velkhana is literally White Album from Jojo as an ED
I think Velkhana is going to be on par with Amatsu since Capcom said its stronger than your average Elder Dragon.
>Shagaru I think would win out against Nerg because once you take away all of his powers, it's a fight of a 4 armed really really strong monster versus a smarter, 6 armed, really strong monster, with more control in the air. Nerg I put so high because he has the ability to ignore other elder's abilities, seems to be a bit smart, has fast reflexes, and has regeneration. I think he beats Valstrax because Val is kind of scrawny and the only attack that Nerg probably can't handle is the divebomb. Lunastra technically beat Nerg in the turf war, but if any monster could take her out, it'd be Nerg, since his regeneration would eventually be able to beat out her fire. Valstrax has more range, speed, and power than Luna, and Luna doesn't have strong enough abilities, physical or elemental, to counteract him like Nerg does. Chaotic Gore I put right below Luna because he is extremely aggressive but he'd probably putter out due to instability and then Luna would have the upper hand. The next 4 I'm really not sure about, they're all sort of the same strength level. Teostra I put highest due to his supernova and high heat. Vaal and Kush are really the same level, so I just put Vaal higher because I guess when push comes to shove, Vaal has a get out of jail free card by sucking out Kush's life. Cham doesn't have any superpowerful stuff like Kush, Teo, or Vaal. Gore is just in general a weaker version of Chaotic Gore and Shagaru, without sight, and due to that weakness his only real ability is his frenzy and blasts and stuff, which don't work that well on elders.
>Everything else is pretty self-explanatory
I didn't put them that far up. I just put them above any of the ones that they can just sit on to win against. Also, the ordering within the tiers matters, forgot to mention that.
anyone know what the fuck this is
You can't argue lore then say lore doesn't matter. Way to prove you blatantly ignore the games.
The Equal Dragon Weapon is Gogmazios.
>A way to weaken regular Velkhana is by luring it into the hot springs so it's armor dampens
>When you do it with deviant Velkhana the hot springs fucking freeze
Just give me the other 3 of the Fated Four and I'll be happy.
You've already dismissed the games and artbooks so what's the point?
Does Monster Hunter actually have consistent lore, or is it all just a bunch of irrelevant random shit that doesn't mesh with each other
Deviant Valstrax would be a stealth fighter that can fire bioenergized railgun shots in backward swept stance.
It used to be consistent. They even had in game magazines tracking the progress of research across first and second generation and characters that would talk about the shit. It all got fucked up in third gen, and fourth gen stopped caring.
I have dismissed your word, you are by no means credible.
Stop trying to weasel your out and answer the question head on.
If you post anything from any canon source supporting your claim I will gladly admit that i'm wrong.
How can you say you're credible when the games themselves have classified Akantor and Ukanlos as flying wyverns? You've already shown blatant disregard for the games.
>third gen
>the wii
Once again, nintendo is the problem.
There was some lore to the games and still are. But anything like this stupid fucking EDW shit was never in game and literally only concept art. Not even fucking mentioned. Yet retards have spread so much misinformation that now everyone believes that it’s in the lore.
>tfw using his armor and longsword
People have never accepted Ryozo's joke that Hunters are the EDWs either.
That's because it should be in the lore.
what in the absolute fuck are you on about? this dumbass said that the games proved that nergigante would beat ukanlos or akantor in fight.
I said that nerg would get btfod here you then said that they are flying wyverns that attack elders, trying to argue with me that they would beat elders, specifically nerg even though I said that in the post you replied to, are you confused?
I then agreed with you that they are elder level by saying that they are basically elder dragons in name but not officially because of some petty reason like not dropping a certain item, saying this while trying to play around your blatant confusion/stupidity
you're trying to argue with on a point i'm agreeing with you on, did you misreply?
If Nergi is the Geese Howard of MH who's the Rugal Bernstein?
Who's the Iori Yagami?
This shit made me kek harder than I thought it was possible for me
Aisha best girl
debate: is gogmazios a black dragon in the same vein as alatreon, dire miralis and fatalis?
Not even close
Nah. Just an unknown elder.
There are only like seven canon black dragons right now.
>Crimson Fatalis
>White Fatalis
>Dire Miralis
>Disufiroa (Frontiershit)
>Merphistophelin (From the chink game)
Gog doesn't seem to be the kind of ED to be a world ender like Fatty or Dire.
what makes them black dragons then?
She looks like she'd bully you for having a small dick.
le funny Furufuru benis wyvern, it is /in/.
I honestly think we should ditch the anime shit for now
if say, white fatalis was introduced in world, do you honestly the devs would carry on with the idea that can destroy the entire planet?
They'd tone him down for sure, especially with how they getting rid of things like magic.
The strongest monster should be strong enough to destroy a town. If you want universe level 12 dimensional shit this is definitely the wrong franchise.
same guy
just remembered the lao class monsters
maybe not a town but something still reasonable
like a large city
Grandmas can't be best girls usually.
Clearly you don't know her very well.
>getting rid of things like magic
here we go again. magic doesn't exist in the Mh universe, stop spouting this fanfiction in every thread
what are you talking about, an anjanath could rampage through a town and kill everyone in it, hell that's part of why you need to kill it in world
Look up Dragonbone weapon descriptions in World. The lore is extremely minuscule, but there's traces of it there.
>Xeno Jiva can destroy the world
>a baby aylmao fata
>Zorah dying would blow up the whole continent if he died in the Not Lifestream.
but they are dropping the crazy shit right?
As a 4Ubab, personally I'm fine with them trying to bring monsters more down to earth, and make them threatening, but not to the point of being immensely broken. A small village or town might suffer a lot from something like a Rathalos, but there would still be enough of a push back against it to protect the people. A city on the other hand I could only see being demolished by something enormous like a Dah'ren Mohran. Monster Hunter Stories kinda goes into this a little too, with the Nargacuga attack at the beginning of the game, but the townsfolk are ultimately able to fend it off with the aid of Hunters living there.
>Weapon descriptions
If only.
it does, not in the typical rpg way, but for example, white fatty can summon red lightning storms from the sky, how? yes, magic. They are stepping away from that kind of magic, seeing as how they provided velkhana with a scientific explanation.
I meant "destroy" as in literally destroy, most monsters could kill a town's worth of people, but I meant for monsters like white fatalis to be able literally erase
Zorah's case is fine as that is a natural explosion not some donut steel killing everything
xeno can release enough bioenergy to destroy the NEW WORLD, aka a continent, not the entire planet.
Are you implying that the descriptions are non existent, or just not reliable?
Fatalis among other high class elder dragons can literally cast spells and shit, but is ok because they are dragons and those are meant to be magical.
Here: Old Fatalis casting a solar eclipse to teleport from whatever the fuck it was.
Love these lore discussion going on, MH thread quality has been steadily going up ever since listfag got banned
Don't forget to read your Hunter Life Magazines! (and read them on your Pokke village home bookshelf)
>The Legend of the Black Dragon
>When the world is full of wyverns
>The legend is revived
>Meat is eaten, Bone is crunched.
>And blood is sucked up dry
>He burns the earth
>And melts through iron
>He boils the rivers
>And mows down trees
>He awakens the winds
>And lights an inferno
>He is called Fatalis
>The wyvern of destiny
>He is called Fatalis
>The wyvern of destruction
>Call for help
>Run for your lives
>And don't forget to
>Pray to the skies
>He is called Fatalis
>The wyvern of destiny
>He is called Fatalis
>The wyvern of destruction
>Fatalis, Fatalis
>Heaven and Earth are yours
>Fatalis, Fatalis
>Heaven and Earth are yours
*like white fatalis to be able to literally raze, not erase
I meant something close to leveling a city, an anja can do that
>got burned out and fell off MHW for a long while
>returned today for old time sake
>see that Ancient Leshen is still up and realize that i never completed it because bad
>queue hours upon hours of failure because bad randoms
>decide to give it one more go before i call it
>badass JP randos lock him down and we kill him before he can even teleport out
>i'm now dressed like ciri and an still riding the high of a successful hunt
fuck yeah, now i remembered why i love this game so much. AT Nerg here i come!
>wanting to be reminded of shitcher
user, I'm happy for you, but I wanted to let you know that your opinion is wrong.
There are barely any descriptions for weapons and armor outside of item parts. Dalamadur is one of the only monsters I recall there being legitimate descriptions for, but I could be misremembering.
Love it when i see proper nip doing their shit
It can go either way though, most of what i see are casul tier but once you see the good ones it's astonishing
>mfw absolutely going wham on behe without any carts and some
Why is SnS the best weapon
Nigga you're just proving you can't read and the only reason you say anything is because you don't like Nergigante.
What the hell is the monster head on the far left
Cookie leak is becoming even more plausible. Someone else just bought the World cookie pack and found flagship cookies.
It isn't, it is the most cucked weapon tho.
>lost the oils
>lost it's main gimmick
>THE newfag weapon
Dalamadur, like everyone else, just has local legends. The guild, elder research station, and other international groups like that are where the actual classifications come from.
The new world is the only exception because we don't have any local legends due to the Guild being the only one present there. We don't have tiny villages going, "it destroyed everything and made the mountains and ate the stars holy shit big beams of death," for every village quest monster.
idk about world but every pre world weapon and armor had a description except the deviant copy past template
dalamadur's had some crazy shit on them
"With the first daybreak, Shah Dalamadur defined the earth by drawing the horizon."
"At the fifth evening glow, Shah Dalamadur created time and its coils of memory."
Apparently a majestic snake the size of a mountain, that was slumbering for what could be years in a cave, that drew the horizon and created time, get killed by hunter unga'ing its head with a fucking fish
Fatalis, monster hunter 1's final boss
How can I get these cookies as a fat american
W-where is the Khezu cookie?
I was wondering how long it would take before someone posted Pukei handler.
Nexivian's Pukei handler is the only representation of both Handler and Pukei I find good
Order online somewhere I guess.
Fatalis is the only monster with lore saying he will end the world. So...
The Clutchclaw uppercut and the Rush combo easily makes it a top tier weapon and fun to play instead of just applying buffs items.
>the newfag weapon
lol yeah just like Hunting Horn is a supporting weapon
Is Hammer the most UNGA BUNGA weapon class?
>"I want them back for MH6!"
Said nobody ever.
I do actually. Except legiana, Zorah, and paolumu. They suck.
Do I pay him extra money for orthogonal images so that someone can probably model her into the game?
The version we fight is a baby but everyone is scared of it.
So maybe it's on par with fatalis. We don't know yet. Maybe Xeno makes worlds and fatalis ends them.
I would actually miss Nergigante, B2 bomber, Odogaron, and Paolumu. The others ones I don't really care that much about. Still a few I wouldn't mind seeing.
i love pukei handler memes so much, nex draws such good shit.
For the last time it’s not a baby. It just burst from a cocoon. So it’s like a fresh butterfly, not larvae
Tobi can stay, El Cabron can stay, fluffy bat can stay, angery dog can stay, explosive piece of shit can stay, niggergante can stay, zombie boy can stay, Xeno can stay
Fuck everyone else, specially Legiana.
I fucking despise the soul/soulless meme but damn do these monsters not hit me as hard as the orignals
Pukei pukei grew on me, but there's something about the originals you just can't replicate, I can't quite put my finger on it, but compared to pukei, Gypceros moved like such a clumsy motherfucker and his play dead move was so fucking stupid, I miss him Yea Forumsros.
Wrong. In-game lore explicitly says it was a new born and it's real power is unknown.
>actually missing Gypceros
That's like missing Gravios.
isnt Kulve Taroth a legacy monster?
The only actual bad new monster in World is Jyuratodus. Fact.
>Actually likes Gypceros
Literally OLD GOOD NEW BAD mentality right there, senpai.
Post shitty new monster ideas.
>A fanged wyvern that, due to a genetic quirk, is often born conjoined with two heads
>One head utilizes poison, the other paralyzes
I hope I never see Val Hazzak again. He's not difficult just annoying. The rest can stay
watch how it moves and attacks.
when it first comes out he is clumsy and does not use his ranged attacks much.
as the fight goes on he learns more.
AT Xeno is much more in control of his own body/attacks.
it has all the hallmarks of a new born animal.
>shitty new monster ideas
A giant penis monster which stuns you or jet pack monster, wait...
Nah, fuck Gypceros, I gotta admit that it is a much more competent monster than Pukei tho, at least Gypceros goes absolutely apeshit when in rage mode is naturally faster, far better at poisoning you and has a lot more HP.
Don't forget his retarded brother Lavasioth also
What would Deviant Kushala be like?
that is called nostalgia.
Gyperos is an easy boring fight.
when fucking Kut Ku/Bulldrome outshines you as an enjoyable encounter you know you have an issue.
Sure, if you take his latest iteration as a new monster.
I excluded saying him because I don't think he was new.
Considering you have people that unironically conisder Narga a Nintendo monster?
Big enemy lobster, they always tease us with the stupid ass lobster armor and weapons I want a giant lobster.
>not liking Gypceros
Okay, maybe like is a strong term but I sure as hell don't hate him and he's memorable as fuck. I'd rather see him again than most of World's roster. Though considering World's track record, they'd probably nerf him too.
The fight itself was meh and I hated it when starting, imo the fight is much better than pukei since you can't brute force your way through it if at current hr gear, I detailed in my post that I remember for how his clumsy personality shone through his moves, something that surprisingly hit me considering how little attention I paid him. I recall reading something on how the devs tried to showcase tetsu's "stubborness" and looking back at the fight, it really does. I don't despise world's roster, its just that I've played the game since release now and still haven't had any warm memories like with the aforemention mons
and lets look at his attacks
>runs in a triangle
>runs in a triangle
>enrages to run a triangle while shooting poison!
>does his Sargon impression when things gets too real "oh im so sleepy"
>Gore is /in/
Only dead know peace from this motivation
He's only stuck to your memory because you got flashed, stolen, poisoned all at once during your early MH days
I'd prefer Tzitzi's flashing trotting ass than him any day
October 25th, 2017
リオレイア Rathian
リオレイア亜種 Pink Rathian
リオレウス Rathalos
リオレウス亜種 Azure Rathalos
ディアブロス Diablos
ディアブロス亜種 Black Diablos
キリン Kirin
キリン亜種 Oroshi Kirin
クシャルダオラ Kushala Daora
ナナ・テスカトリ Lunastra
テオ・テスカトル Teostra
ヴォルガノス Lavasioth
イビルジョー Deviljho
ボルボロス Barroth
ウラガンキン Uragaan
アルバトリオン Alatreon
アンジャナフ Anjanath
ドスジャグラス Great Jagras
プケプケ Pukei-Pukei
ネルギガンテ Nergigante
ゼノ・ジーヴァ Xeno'jiiva
ゾラ・マグダラオス Zorah Magdaros
クルルヤック Kulu-Ya-Ku
ジュラトドス Jyuratodus
トビカガチ Tobi-Kadachi
パオウルム Paolumu
レイギエナ Legiana
ドスギルオス Great Girros
オドガロン Odogaron
ラドバルキン Radobaan
ヴァルハザク Vaal Hazak
ドドガマル Dodogama
財宝ドラゴン Treasure Dragon
バゼルギウス Bazelgeuse
ツィツィヤック Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Don't forget the "oh shit! I'm tripping!" charge, that one always gets me, many monsters to it but I like when Gypceros do it, it just looks fucking clumsy.
So I guess Alatreon and Oroshi Kirin got cut.
Most likely they just got pushed back, or were never finished. I'm guessing they just weren't finished by launch since KT didn't have her proper name yet either.
They probably intended to add him as an update like Lunastra and decided to wait until Iceborne when they finalized their expansion theme.
In the concept art books they specifically mention that he was going to be a black dragon but they decided against it and went in a different direction with his design
FUCK. The Zinogre image was weirdly discolored and made me think it was astalos
Tobi Kadachi, Anjanath, Odogaron, Legiana, Bazel, Nerg, and maybe Vaal I'd enjoy in future games. If they really wanted to revamp Kulve, I'd like her too. Velkhana we have yet to see, but of course, this is a bait image
Every monster in that image was introduced in World.
Of course it's a bait image. This shit is made by the same people that think neon green electric Rathalos clone and a fucking woolly mammoth are the pinnacle of monster design.
just cut out the first phase of the Kulve fight and it would be fine.
>dive when he stuns for the first portion of the hunt
>make sure to stay to his slightly to the side of his front so you don't get bukkaked by his charge but are still able to to hit his head
>hitting the weakpoint pays off, you broke his crest, no more annoying stun, you can now focus on dps. But remember to still keep an eye out for his tail swipe attacks in case you compromise yourpositioning too much and end up at his rear
>seethe when he robs you
Meanwhile I honest to god cannot tell you a SINGLE one of pukei's telegraphs (even though I hunted his tempered earlier today) and I can only remember two of his attacks vaguely. I haven't fought Gypceros in a year yet I can detail you all this, and its not like I grinded him nonstop or nothing, I'm not usually one to look at the past but there's something here that just doesn't feel right.
>clumsy charge
god yes
>going through my old images
I miss posting a lot of these.
>he does not like DX Rathalos
got two words for you.
If I wanted to play Frontier I'd play Frontier. I don't need a chinese bootleg neon green electric Rathalos pretending to be a new monster.
This, Fury Kulve is good fight but the partsbreaking fest before it is just padding
Im sure it is quite fun
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>just moved here
I'd say Pukei is a bad example for personality wise
You get a lot too out of Tzitzi's personality just by following him around or seeing him screeche>flash>run
Or Odo's sanic thing and generally being erratic
The design of incorporating a personality into moves is more visible on mid-tier monsters just like older games, but in World i'd say it gets an added points by how you can see them interact with the ecology themselves rather than you just getting spoonfed one ecology video and that's it.
Just make Kulve a normal hunt with 2-3 anger state and that's enough.
It just sucks that so many these are a distant memory now.
I hope if he's in iceborne he's a secret monster that you'll randomly get a quest for at like HR 50 or something
Foreshadowing here, folks
He's in a teacup!
Are the chances if getting gyp in world 0%
I can't see them adding a non superserious monster like gyp instead of something endgame like alatreon
What a shame, I really wanted to see gyp relaxing on the beach while fucking over some gajalaka and bullying them for his amusement.
>Monster in Monster Hunter is about the monstrous hunters themself
is eating dragon asses on a daily basis can really turn you into unbreakable terminator?
This is an animal
You are what you eat.
Not zero per se but still not a big chance gypcerosbro, we can only wait and see
How do super rare elder dragons reproduce? Do they just find a mate randomly? Dalamadur had to have two parents, you're telling me that this pathetic guild wouldn't notice three mountain sized snakes just slithering around
>Nergigante reads a thesis about why is he a mary sue.jpg
You're delusional if you don't think they always expected it to be ice-themed.
>Nergigante blanco
>goes bipedal
>fights with humanoid intelligence
also he's basically confirmed through capcom TCG leak
>mary sue means "i dont like this"
I don't get the love for deviants. I never found them any more special than the originals. They just had more cancerous versions of the same attacks they had before.
The Equal Dragon Weapon was the Hunters we met along the way.
Fatalis could have solved all his problems if he had someone to talk to.
All melee weapons are equally unga when wearing rocksteady and temporal.
I think this is probably just inaccurate art.
But is the spike on the tail covered much more area compared to normal Nerg tail when fully spiked
Redhelm Arzuros is great just for turning the biggest punching bag in the series into an actual fight.
>try to reason with him
well fuck you
Same. We know just from base game World, and interviews that Iceborne is going to have severely limited content and cost a ridiculous amount for that "privilege".
Talk for yourself.
I didn't insinuate that though
World is going to cost less than standard G games and at minimum rivaling the base game so i'd expect 16 monsters at least, now we're at 11
It's just that these leaks are retarded and cookies can be just a way to market flagship
>15th anniv
yeah no shit, it doesnt have to be a confirmation
Boy I sorta wish the clutch claw was more seamless; I'd really rather be zipping by monsters and striking them as opposed to just grabbing onto them
I'm not convinced we would have had a major expansion at all if the game had flopped, which was a real possibility. I don't think any plans would have been set in stone until World was confirmed a success, even if they already had ideas of what they would do given the opportunity.
>they said it didn't mean anything with tigrex, and then glav showed up
>they said it still didn't mean anything and now Brachy is in
>they said it still doesn't mean anything and then Zinogre's new icon gets leaked
>they said it still doesn't mean anything and that same brand new icon shows up on official merch
G-rank deviants in GU are in general really good, and there are a lot of them in Gens which are good fun. Also, just the concept of taking a monster's main concept, and instead of switching it out with something else, you kick it up a lot of notches
It should've ended a 4U. XX is cancer and so is World.
>Still trying to force it
Don't make me say it.
Generally I agree with this, and I think the post launch plans they originally had support it.
The fact that they were talking about a Switch monhun back close to World's launch, but now there's no plans for a Switch monhun also lends credence to the idea that they were originally hedging their bets and World blowing up so much means they're going console for the foreseeable future.
>People are still trying to say that it's all just one big coincidence when Capcom leaked it themselves right from the start
Still waiting for Konchudrome
>Don't make me say it.
S-say what???
>Just noticed that Brachy and Zin is redesigned a bit
When is best boy coming back?
That's some Earthworm Jim level art.
post yfw nerg vs valstrax turf war where val exits the atmosphere and crashes down into nerg but he fucking catches it and both are heavily damaged equally
They better add him in Iceborne, i think it's bullshit that Teo and Kushy made it to World but best boy didnt.
The fact that people got butthurt over Jho not outright demolishing Bazel, or Nergi stomping Kush and Teo really just tells you that it's all just rampant fanboyism.
world is trash
Post yfw Valstrax vs Nerg turfwar, except Nerg just dodges the divebomb and proceed to punish Val while its breathless.
I'd still argue he's a punching bag. He just requires you to run longer because his attack combos last longer and he's too big.
>biscuits confirm the return of my friend
I feel it's gonna follow the nero v. vergil buster grab except valstrax just keeps flying and then they both crash into the ground after a bit.
/lagibros/ RISE UP
>Nergigante grabs Valphalk mid-air and Izuna Drops her
>Causes a massive explosion and injures both of them
>inb4 nerg bites Val while they're flying and it just straight up cuts out the engines
Roll to pin
if this is true, that I will officially like this game (i was already hyped about my favorite monster brachydios getting in)
lagiacrus without underwater combat will just be a boring agnaktor
Worse, boring Agnaktor that rips off Khezu
>>THE newfag weapon
Uh kiddo, the newfag weapons are Longsword and Greatsword.
Nergigante is created to be the strongest, baddest elder dragons who eats other elder dragons for breakfast.
Come again?
I he does came to Iceborne, I hope they gave him swimming mode like Beo and Jyura.
I think the tech that they mentioned in prototype presentation that was given to Jyura after Lagi was scrapped is the swimming mode
>revives endlessly
Lmao how fucking radical is it going to be when this dude's horns grow back and the only way to beat him is to capture him because if you kill him he just comes back to life
>Fatalis on the far left
>Nothing on the far right, except for some blue light effects which almost look like a Xeno effect
Hot take: Nergigante is the Garchomp of elders.
>revives endlessly
Niggagante discovered how to cart and now you have to triple cart a monster.
>the strongest, baddest elder dragons
Fatalis are basically Old Testament gods. There's enough evidence to suggest that when you "beat" a Fatalis in the games, you basically haven't accomplished shit and it'll just come back whenever it feels like it.
Nerg is gay
All these monsters trying to one up each other is not fun. More mediocre monsters is what we need.
Na, Fatalis is the strongest monster. His lore literally says he will end the world eventually.
Son he's strong, but he's not that strong. He can probably beat all the regular elders until 5th gen is over but he's not stronger than calamity tier dragons like Alatreon, Amatsu, and Dire Miralis, and Fatalis. Especially not Fatalis.
He's a flagship, not a final monster. Flagships have never been the strongest in their games.
grasping, bro.
That's Fatalis wings stupid.
>Legend Eater Nerg starts to stand up on two legs in second phase
>"I have raged and wrought destruction. Naught shall remain."
I read the other day that there was going to be a convention which Capcom was going to be at but I forget now, does anyone know what that's referring to?
His wings is very clearly hiding the new end game monster, Xenos big bro
>>Legend Eater Nerg starts to stand up on two legs in second phase
>Fatalis bitch slaps him down
god eater 3 did this gimmick first
San Diego Comic Con? That's during this weekend and they confirmed a MH panel for friday
>If Lagiacrus is in then Leviathans are in
>If Leviathans are in then Mizutsune is in
>If Mizutsune is in then Astalos and Gammoth are in
>If Gammoth is in then ape Fanged Beasts are in
>If ape Fanged Beasts are in then Blangonga and Rajang are in
Dodogama is legitimately a fantastic addition to the roster. Uses another skeleton but has a unique and memorable design and skillset to the point where you don't even notice that it's just a reskinned Great Jagras.
I agree, all the fucking BIG BAD ELDER DRAGON focus ruins the games. Like Banbaro, that's a great design, could easily be a flagship, why do we need yet ANOTHER generic ass dragon?
I dont think you have to worry much about inaccurate art, the art for Teppen so far is super true to source
It'll be Amatsu and you'll have to wait until World 2 for gay fox.
>Like Banbaro, that's a great design, could easily be a flagship
Banbaro is a poor man's HR Gammoth, dude.
At least GR Gammoth can sit on your face.
They put velkhana on far right when they revealed it.
Gammoth is literally the most uninspired design since Gravios.
Okay but Gammoth was a flagship too so you're basically just helping my point.
They're completely different animals anyways. Gammoth is an elephant, Banbaro is a deer.
It's execution can be different.
Like Gore Magala and Chrome Gawain or Orochi and Valphak.
Gammoth isn't a flagship. Glav is the only one of the fated four considered a flagship.
>not Bulldrome
>not kecha wecha
it works with lavasioth and mudsioth because they're relatively small, but lagiacrus is too big, if they want him to swim they'll have him dive into the terrain, hence the agnaktor comparison. I do look forward to the armor sets though
yea Jho is pretty shit.
Should i bother with low rank expeditions in 4U?
are you trying to say that the series didn't have basic dinos before world?
>shitting on my monkey boy
Get the fuck outta here
Speaking of this... why can't they just bring back the monster part trading for literally every monster not in the games. It may be too much to ask that every pre-existing mainline monster come back, but armor sets and weapon skins are piss easy by comparison. There is no excuse for them not doing what 4 Ultimate did with armors. That's easily one of my favorite things about 4 Ultimate. You can play with almost every armor ever.
>lets make a popo a monster
And then we got Gammoth. The most uninspired monster. They couldn't even give it an actual name, they just took Mammoth and replaced the m.
I was specifically attacking Anjanath, in defense of Gammoth
Only if you plan to do all low rank quests rank appropriate. I did it for a little while, and found a decent 672 damage GS with a lot of green and positive affinity. Didn't replace it until I had Lacerator Blade.
>elders, jho vs nergigante
i sleep
>rajang vs nergigante
>battle of the angriest fucks
>turf war ends with them dive bombing each other
i dont wanna be that guy, but other than zinogre, a lot of the unconfirmed monster icons look just like how they looked on the 3ds, rather than being the more intricate, detailed icon designs that world has created.
you sure this aint just them puttin flags on cookies to sell to fans?
Rajang casually eats Kirin horns, he would tear apart Nerg in a heartbeat. I'd rather see Rajang vs. Jho like in the size comparison video.
what are jaggis then? unique oc donut steal?
Yeah, I feel like they should have more mid-tier and low tier monsters. Just bringing back everybody's favorites is bland and overbloats the high-tier, difficult monsters. Most of those monsters in the "leaked" image are just the flagships, most of which will need to be at the end of each rank, making the game imbalanced during play. I seriously hope they bring back many more monsters than just those.
>rajang vs having a dad and not committing crimes
now that would be an interesting encounter
I'm inclined to agree with this. Zinogre is the only one among them that I'd take as being hard confirmed by this.
Brachy seemingly not having an updated icon despite being confirmed is a bit weird, though.
Brachy has 3DS 4th gen icon, but he is confirmed.
Who's that horny monster on top right? It's not on PC?
banbaro, new monster in iceborne
Don't forget that Brachy kept his old icon too but he got confirmed, at this point it could mean anything.
The only thing that cookie leak confirmed 100% is that the Zinogre icon leak was real and that he's in.
If Valstrax, Gore, Zin and Lagi are in I'll take back every negative thing I've ever said about world
>It's not on PC?
oh it will be... eventually, don't ask me when
>haha "edgy" words to trigger teh libs, own the libs.
you gotta go back.
Zinogre, Dinovaldo, and Seregios are roughly Rathalos-level threats, I'd say.
>he would tear apart Nerg
He eats the weakest elders horns and somehow he can take one of the stronger ones on in a fight, lol ok
Yeah, which puts them in 5-star low rank and 3rd-star (out of 3) in high rank. That's my point. Just putting them all in the same tier. It's overbloated, imo. Needs to be a more even spread of monsters. It's like comparing how most games handle DLC (poorly, imo) to Terraria. Terraria was smart in that almost every time it had extra content to add, it was spread throughout the whole game, so that it was interesting and varied. Also it made doing new files much more enriching and enjoyable (something dedicated MH players often do as well).