I miss Spore.
I miss Spore
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I miss what it could have been
Despite all its flaws, it was a great game. It was a simplified and cartoony version of what people really wanted, but it still succeeded in some aspects.
this, im still mad
i kept watching spore gameplay all the time as a kid but never was able to get the game on pc. I then got a just okay ds game that I spent wayyyy too much time in. I am sure that game was not as good as I remember it being if I were to return to it. Really interested in what all my past creatures looked like.
Part of me would like a Spore 2, but I just know EA would find a way to ruin it.
It's more or less the same game. Probably has the same exact shitty space age too.
Why are space games always the most ambitious with ideas that would have provided us a decade straight of entertainment, then fall flat? Why aren't indie anons literally just picking up on ambitious games of the past that were never fulfilled instead of their shitty OC games that go nowhere?
The whole fish stage would have still been cool to have. Plus maybe a mode where you actually have to keep your species from going extinct by having them repopulate, find food, and even have life spans as a challenge.
>why are creative enough people who'd rather spend time on their own project not just clone games?
I dunno, EA. It boggles the mind too. Maybe you should do it yourself?
>Have the choice between reproducing sexually or asexually
>Sexual reproduction can make more aliens faster but give them a shorter life span and overpopulation is more likely
>Asexual population spawns more aliens slower but will give longer lifespan and overpopulation is easier to prevent but the challenge is to protect the eggs from predators and keep them from being too cold.
If only...
wouldnt asexual reproduction mean the animal could never evolve since no new dna is being made, its just replication of the same strain over and over
im no geneticist
Nah. Otherwise we'd never see successful asexual creatures here on earth anymore.
Did any anyone ever play this?
nope and no one ever will now
thanks EA
All genetic variation comes from mutation caused by gene replication errors which happens in asexual reproduction too. Mixing two sets of genes essentially just allows more chances for things to go wrong and makes for more varied offspring. All life that reproduces sexually evolved from self replicating life anyway.
i played it for like an hour
i thought it was okay but the item management so fucking obnoxious
>tfw this game was supposed to be Will Wright's Magnum Opus but EA ruined it by making it more kid friendly
Fuck EA. Also didn't this game pretty much kill Will's career? Also I'm kinda surprised there hasn't been a similar game made yet, like a modern evolution game, or a Spore knockoff.
>Realistic Mode
>Evolution would be more limited
>Instead of slapping as many legs and body parts you want right off the bat you would be given a certain amount of DNA points from the start and have to work with it until you are able to collect more in creature mode.
>This would also apply to how many vertebrae you want for your creature too.
>Body parts wouldn’t house level 1-5 attacks but give the creature slight perks with there own pros and cons.
>Examples being some could make you faster but more weaker in combat, others could make you sneak better but at the cost of your speed suffering.
>Speed, Strength, Endurance, etc would be determined mostly by the size and shape of the main body.
>Example, the bigger you are the more endurance you have with the downside of being slower, or the more skinnier your creature is, the more your endurance and even strength would suffer but speed would be the creature’s upside.
>Even limbless animals would either squirm or slither depending on the side and length of there bodies
>Long and skinny = slither
>Short and/or fat = squirm
>Balance would also be a challenge for the creature too.
>So you couldn’t just give the creature on leg and make its body like a squiggly line because it would fall over and be immovable like a spaghetti noodle.
>You would have to practice with the creatures anatomy by balancing out its anatomy and determining the right amount of limbs it should have.
>At least four legs would be recommended at the start of the game.
>New Cell Mode
>Start off as an amoeba with a cartoony eyeball as the nucleus
>Instead of a vertebrae you have a hexagon grid to help craft the shape you want for your cell.
>You Swim around collecting glucose and protein to help yourself grow and split into more cells.
>The goal is to split yourself into countless millions of cells without going extinct from other cells and substances that could poison and kill your collection so that you could move into the next stage.
>Fish Mode.
Go play it then?