did she deserve the ending she got?
Did she deserve the ending she got?
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>Japs think this is what Nicaraguans look like
She got the bomb ass pussy
I thought she was Cuban?
It could have been more explosive
Personally I wanted them to torture her more
The Paz storyline in Phantom Pain was probably the best part about that game.
>there is only brown and black people south the border
>specially if they are high class, they are obviously niggers
Not at all
>retard think the latin america ruling elite is brown
I was just surprised more /ss/ artists didn't hop on the Paz and Chico storyline in GZ
story wise
the music was the best thing
it was a different time
I hear here pussy was the bomb lmao
was gona post how the best thing about the game was the trailer
remember watching it a bunch like 2 years ago, almost every day from when it released and dedicated learning that song it played on piano the best I could
search it and realize it came out in 2013
6 years ago
jesus fucking christ, this is horrifying
and whats worse is that I cannot remember anything happening from then till now, those 6 years are gone and wasted
The final tape of hers was the only good part of mgsv
what would it have been like if TPP actually got the love and care it deserved?
You've been in a coma for quite some time.
Yes, yes, I know you would like to know how long, it's been 6 years.
The one tape of hers gave me a confused and kinda guilty boner
Probably the best propaganda for open borders would be that all immigrants would look like Paz.
>"The medic has no idea"
>The fake heli scene
>all of the reminiscing of Peace Walker through the photos
>That entire fucking ending cutscene
>The "tape" directly talking to Venom
This should not have been fucking OPTIONAL, good lord.
Getting killed, yes
Making the character get raped, no
Imo, it was unnecessary, her dying and knowing she's hated by msf and Chico was already enough to drive the point across.
I in that time I lost my Wizardhood to a literal succubus, had another gf for a few months but she was crazy and it didn't last. This all happened in the second half of 2015 and so MGSV carries an additional level of Phantom Pain for me.
I still feel it too.
>Peace Day Never Came
Japs are delusional.
They think they're lighter than people like Spaniards.
There's always a chance for one of them to be this white, maybe one of those south American nazis moved up to Central.
that's just
I just wanted things to go back to how they were back in MSF
it hurts doesn't it
It's one of those awful "why can't x go this way" but then you remember where this road ends, you know the direction BB goes in mg1/2 and mgs4.
Suck my hairy scrote, Peace Walker was my favorite and MGSV was extremely good.
>You know that Venom Snake dies alone and forgotten
>You know that Paz went through hell before dying
>You know that Miller was just tossed away by Big Boss
It truly was the best of times.
None of them deserved the ending they got, the whole story got layered so thickly with drama I'm starting to wonder if Kojima is actually a woman.
Say peace
>You know that Huey turns out to be a total scumbag
>You know that Strangelove dies in Lesbian Baby Jail
>You know that Chico gets fucking wasted despite having cool ass concept art
I will never not be mad that there was those dataminers found some central america files and that promise to Camp omega was a white lie
damn you Kojami
>central america
i was appalled by /mgg/ and Yea Forums's reaction to chico. he was a nice little baby boy, he deserved a lot better, and he got it the hardest in the series after raiden and gray fox
>he got it the hardest
Yes I like to think he god repeatedly sodomized by a flashlight at camp Omega too.
You know that RULES OF NATURE!
Is she supposed to be a clone of The Boss?
"Paz" in spanish is pronounced similarly to "Boss" in english, and they look pretty similar.
Is Paz still alive
Didn't they force Chico to rape Paz when they were torturing her?
You can't
Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land are much more desirable and fun.
I want to be a child soldier growing into an adult soldier raised by Big Boss!
it would of been the highest rated game of all time
in our hearts ='(
She ded and Boss dellusions about her in V were one of the stupidest things I've seen in video games.
Holy lel
To you I give a magnificent end, but an end nonetheless.
>MGSV is merely "Big Boss LARPing" ''''officially approved'''' by Hideo Kojima and Big Boss"
Fuck Paz, fuck Chico, fuck Amanda, fuck Strangelove, fuck The Boss, fuck PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE, fuck Kaz, fuck Ocelot, fuck Big Boss, fuck Skullface, fuck Huey, fuck Strangelove, fuck Man on Fire, fuck Eli, fuck Psycho Mantis, fuck Code Talker, fuck MSF, fuck Diamond Dogs, fuck my self insert, fuck roleplaying, fuck the meta, fuck the canon's bullshit excuses for V being entirely meta and existing only for "Big Boss LARPing", fuck the canon, fuck the prequels, fuck Metal Gear Solid after 2, fuck Death Stranding, and fuck Kojima.
If I had the powers of a god, I would do go back in time so that I can assassinate Kojima and do what Big Boss tried to do and bring the whole world to an endless war after MGS2 releases.
Fighting in a perpetual battle knowing that I can die at any time sounds much more plausible than wasting all my life on waiting for shitty video games.
>being THIS edgy
Chico was a snitch. A SNIIIIIIIIIITCH!!