ITT: Best of Yea Forums thread
ITT: Best of Yea Forums thread
how do you do a "best of" a smoking anus.
by being buttblasted to ashes from being this BTFO
i like how most of these screencaps and best of Yea Forums moments involve nintenkeks getting shit on one way or another
Hark, and behold!
Thy bear witness to the common example of ye contemporary user.
A 16-21 year old zoomer who says things like "kek" and considers a 15xxx series image to be amongst the "best of Yea Forums moments". This is where we've ended up.
Evolve of all games, why? why a game that died in a week?
how coincidental of you to post Inferno
This must always be posted
>Naughty-Dirty, broken or misaligned
Every time. I wonder where tile fucker is now.
>normies will willingly play an MMO to say they are part of "le epin hard game community"
What else is new?
Someone post the picture with all thw MK11 will bomb posts
That certainly aged horribly
Nintendofag here.
I love nothing more than seeing Nintenfucks get laughed at like the jackals they are.
Comfy Mario Maker 2 threads so far.
The WiiU was basically a time when Yea Forums wasn't Nintendo-biased as fuck from how much of an embarrassment that console was. Only form of discussion on the WiiU was its exclusives and even then those died off fast other than Bayo 2, Smash, and W101
It's still strange how it flopped considering it's got the best linup of games since the PS2
"Hah you thought i was serious?"
did he ever do it? I don't remember it happening but I could have missed it.
What do you think?
I love Yea Forums, you stupid stupid fucks.
Have you considered posting this in readable resolution?
>The WiiU was basically a time when Yea Forums wasn't Nintendo-biased as fuck
bullshit. the wii u era was when the nintendo fanbase on Yea Forums started becoming as cancerous as it is today:
>at least one "why haven't you bought a wii u yet?" thread every day
>at least one "the wii u is the only REAL gaming platform" pity party every day
>"nintendo's going to overclock the wii u with a patch and unlock its hidden power!"
>"mario kart will save the wii u!"
>"smash will save the wii u!"
>they even sent treehouse a thank-you card for advertising games to them, even after they censored bravely default
for the record, i'm an idort. i own a wii u and it's a nice console. but let's not revise history here.
>took "six hours"
>doesn't even do paradiso
Never forget
the code was for that thread only so he actually used it for its intended purpose. Also, paradiso is boring as fuck
Don't like any console fanbases but Nintendo fans basically make the board unusable for days at a time whenever new Smash things come out so they're worse. A wojak reply or insult proves me right.
Sorry user I don't have a higher res version but you can have this
Time to fap
what, a 5k resolution image is too low for you?
Are you browsing Yea Forums on the fucking cinema screen?
good to know Yea Forums was always videogames and not redd*t-tier, off-topic cringe shit
>Seeds torrents
Why is that a negative?
>Suddendly everyone was an idort or have a shitchxPC combo
>An entire week of crying and seething
Nintendies always give a good laugh
Yea Forums is for shitposting. There are better websites out there for actual discussion.
This. Pic related dates back to 2006
Oh sweetie
PSP battery life was actually pretty damn good.
>Tile toddlercon
You fucking sick bastard
cleaned the SMUG
This and /pol/'s shenanigans with the 2016 presidential race was the last few times I actually enjoyed Yea Forums. I really miss old Yea Forums, they were always doing some thing stupid but it was still funny.
Why does /pol/ gets all the blame when libertards turned everything on their sight into political warfare
/pol/ killed this site.
You literally just went and turned an entirely apolitical thread into one about politics, good job.
my fucking sides
Stonetoss is not fucking funny.
Isn't antifa literally considered a terrorist organization, at least in the legal sense?
speaking of roaches...
>post jews niggers trannies in every thread like an npc
>add nothing of value, get told to fuck off
>waaaa why are libtards so mean?
Go dilate and neck yourself polcuk, no one loves you
If you're posting screenshots that target Nintendo you're a degenerate asshole.
KKK isn’t a terrorist group, why would Antifa be drumptard?
Rosterfaggotry always brought the worst out of already insufferable smash faggots.
>but mooooooom, the other kids...
This is what you sound like. Stop that.
I'm only going off a passing conversation I heard about them legally defining antifa as a terrorist group.
Anyone have the one with a reflection at gamestop?
Yes they are considered domestic terrorists in America same for the Black Panther Party in Nation of Islam.
oohhhhhh those threads were golden when they popped up. Why don't they continue this?
Why do /pol/cucks get so angry when you talk about their board?
The KKK is labeled as a terrorist organization
>I heard about them legally defining antifa as a terrorist group.
Only closet nazis are afraid of antifa.
not him but
>he says to dilate but posts le epic smug trap
42% yourself
>faggot redditor posting a screencap of other faggot redditors
/pol/ didnu nuffin they good bois
Cope and have sex, rent free
It is in my state. New Jersey
And with that we will never get DD2 since production would cost more than new MH.
>being that obsessed with trannies
Do you have something to tell us? It's okay, we hate you either way.
Because /pol/ accepted the normies, not just regular fuckers but political normies! You fucks try to spread them around like aids when we just want to shitpost on threads.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.
>It's still strange how it flopped considering it's got the best linup of games since the PS2
Are you retarded?
told you i wasn't him. Hate /pol/ as much as you do. But you go ahead and post le kawaii cute traps and you tell others to dilate? Apply yourself, falseflagging tranny. Back to r9k
you can go back anytime user, no one is stopping you.
>70% of the thread is children and their console wars
If I wanted this bullshit I would've just refreshed the front page.
>You literally just went and turned an entirely apolitical thread into one about politics
No, did.
>bitch about /pol/
>surprised when /pol/ or /pol/ sympathizers turn up to defend them/shitpost
Absolutely retarded.
I'm gonna be expecting screencaps like these with CP2077, then Yea Forums pretends they never massively shitposted it
I'm sure if the playstation had games there'd be some real sony discussion going on, but I guess we all just need to settle with your whining for another generation
Have you considered zooming in?
>calls somebody a tard
>"the KKK isn't a terrorist group"
>Constantly feel the need to make everythread political in the name of saving anons from Jews
>Talks about being prpud of your race but refuse to accept your races wrong doings.
>spread misinformation constantly and uses (((facts))) from sites like
>Says government is ran by Jews but then uses statistics and findings from the government.
>can literally never make fun of anyone conservative or you're labeled as a sjw cuck tranny soiboi
>Calls themselves conservative but the majority of users don't actually follow the Bible in any sense of the word like Republicans and conservatives did in the past.
>At first called loli and shota degenerate but since I sjws hate it they like it now
Why do people use sales to defend games? If we did that then certainly Fifa must be a masterpiece.
Wait now anime and the dialte meme is tranny shit? next thing you know breathing is going to be something only trannys do
Open the pic on a new tab. Delete the m at the end of the file name in the link (will work sometimes) Or scroll down and use desktop mode.
Wasn't that in the top 5 posts of "completely BTFO wrong" over the past 5 years or have there been better ones recently?
Unironically traps have more of a history in here that /pol/ ever did. If anyone should leave its pol.
he asked an actual question, and you replied with a snarky response with a non-answer. Are you alright?
Anime site, go back to reddi
He litterally said 2016 /pol/ is the last time he had fun you fucking dunce then the faggot that posted rockthrow birched about his post and called him a liberal
>>bitch about /pol/
Re-read the post you linked you fucking brainlet
>/pol/ sympathizers
My god. kid, what the fuck happened to you growing up?
not him, but linetrap is definitely not older than Habbo raids
Not your hugbox amerifat, cope
Post more Rihanna
It's literally one guy that makes the same three posts every day.
A picture of Minecraft Steve with the caption "he's in" isn't discussion. Thanks for proving me right.
Which is why I added "shitpost".
The moment you fucking MENTION a subject, regardless of the content, it has the potential to open up discussion on it.
I thought that people just shitposting was implied enough with that, maybe I should've added in "shitposters" in general.
Bro you got caught. Take the L
What the fuck are you talking about?
>3ds is unhackable so don't even try it
>pic shows a paper clip
she may be referring to the fact that you try to blame the user for bitching about /pol/ when in fact he did not bitch about the board but praised it and somehow it's his fault the other user used his post to bitch about anti-/pol/fags and liberals
You got exposed.
Not even him. But why the fuck did that user need to mention /pol/ ITT. Of course he's gonna get replies from a random /pol/ack. And then you bitched about why did the /pol/ack made the thread political. When it's the original poster poked the beehive of retarded /pol/acks. Mention them, and they will reply. This is mentioning about XV-kun and then bitched about XV-kun ruining a thread. It's like fucking beetlejuice.
What makes someone become such a devoted shill for a subpar game?
What makes someone become such a devoted shill for a subpar president?
>Habbo hotel is /pol/
Oh fuck off you disengenuous faggot nigger newfag.
do you have the fishtank one
>you try to blame the user for bitching about /pol/ when in fact he did not bitch about the board but praised it
>I can't into implications
I'll quote him so you can realize what a dumb motherfucker you are
>This and /pol/'s shenanigans with the 2016 presidential race was the last few times I actually enjoyed Yea Forums.
The implication is that he NO LONGER ENJOYS /POL/ in the 3 years since 2016.
That it has degraded in some form.
I understand you're autistic and can't into it very easily, but come the fuck on.
See above.
It's more like if an user praised FFXV and for some reason XV-kun took that as an insult for some retarded reason
That thread is an amazoing classic.
>ancient egyptians more closely related to europeans
some dynasties maybe but in general no
>tfw when not /pol/cuck and can have normal conversations without calling people tranny
feels good man
He said Yea Forums user which means the entire site, and most anons refwr to 2016 /pol/ as the worst the board has ever been. For him to say that should mean alot.
then what is /pol/? I never went there, but from the looks of the boogeyman, its anything political. If I'm wrong, tell me
Or not, I really should not care
sorry no
Where's the little nicky autist?
wouldn't random mobs just wreck the 29 afk characters on the roleplay session
Reddit loves anime
We are still waiting.
>He said Yea Forums user which means the entire site
Are you actually ESL?
For it to NOT be as good as before, it needs to FALL in quality.
If the reason he likes Yea Forums is 2016 era /pol/, and he no longer enjoys it, what does that mean?
>most anons refwr to 2016 /pol/ as the worst the board has ever been.
They refer to the influx of redditors/new blood as what was fucking awful.
Which is correct, it is fucking awful.
You have thin skin
>For it to NOT be as good as before, it needs to FALL in quality.
And this made you
That's a funny way to spell reddit.
what the fuck is the story here?
can I get a link to the thread?
>you cant just have a DMC thread every day until the game comes out
You'll never see it coming
Post number
>bro ur wrong haha
>No I'm not, here's why
>No, you're being retarded, here's why
For dealing with actual retards like you two? Yes absolutely.
Yea Forums is literally wrong about every game. Some games they shitposted so hard, they still can't accept the truth even years after the games have come out. Look at Breath of the Wild as an example.
When was the last time Yea Forums was this hype over a game? It felt like Yea Forums shined the most during the height of DMC threads
Did someone did one for Persona 5 The Royal?
I hate Trump but I had a good laugh on election night. Gotta see some silver lining, if the country goes to shit at least we'll have memes
>>No I'm not, here's why
Except you are factually wrong and need to deal with it. You got exposed. Take the L. Goodnight.
can I still get a link
But you are wrong, you're literally assuming he doesn't enjoy it anymore do two /pol/ influence and not anything else. If he enjoyed it during 2016 it's something other than fucking politics you victim
Fireden's down
Europoor here, since we started about politics...
I have a serious question. Is AOC Trump's secret agent whose only work is to ensure he wins re-election in 2020.?
Just a heads up. That post was made by a butthurt nin-toddler and is in no way reflective of the consensus of Yea Forums.
Is this like Tile CP?
well, thanks for trying
>No u, *runs away*
Also, stop using shit like "Take the L" it makes you sound like either a stereotypical "woke"prog faggot or ghetto trash.
>you're literally assuming he doesn't enjoy it anymore
>I enjoyed Yea Forums back in 2016
>not anymore
Again, learn to implication.
> If he enjoyed it during 2016 it's something other than fucking politics
He specifically stated /pol/ and to be frank, there is virtually nothing interesting about the current political climate.
>you victim
I'm telling you retards to:
>A. Stop responding to people who mention /pol/ and shit like it
>B. Stop bringing up /pol/ where it doesn't belong
Now shut the fuck up and "Take the L".
Why would AOC cause Trump's re-election? She's just a congresswoman out of hundreds and isn't running for the presidency
He's kind of gotten condemnations from his own party for falsely accusing her of being from a foreign country
>Is AOC Trump's secret agent whose only work is to ensure he wins re-election in 2020.?
No, she genuinely believes what she preaches.
Trump likes to point to her as an example of everything wrong with the modern Democrats.
No it's not 4D chess, it's basic political science.
No response from other user.
what a surprise
Thank you, politicalfags, for shitting up yet another thread. You truly are the furries of our time and I do most sincerely hope that you all burn in whatever Hell there is.
whoever is making these collages please get better at them. They are so spaced out and vertically tall that you have to zoom in to see anything and scroll around all these disjointed posts. And it's all screen capped at 4k and compressed down in jpg to get under 1mb to fuzz up the text. You wouldn't need to do that if your image didn't have that fuck huge resolution from all that whitespace. Monitor aspect resolution is 16:9. If your image is fullscreened to width then half your image is cut off. If you wanna tell a story with posts in order then a big ass vertical image is fine. If you want to show a sloppy heap of shitposts in any order then stick to 16:9 and try and keep it under 1080. And if you're screen capping long paragraphs shorten your browser width so it's not all on one line.
>keep it under 1080
kek look at this poorfag
Blame the retards giving them (You)'s.
I think I understand why the janitors delete ffxiv threads on sight now.
Has Persona 5 really been out since 2014? It seems like it wasn't that long ago.
>Only closet nazis are afraid of antifa.
this is pretty shitty logic. only criminals are afraid of the police, right?
she's one of the most popular politicians in the country
>top lel
Haven't heard that in an age
My favorite
Because she, like most of the people in USA, doesn't know the difference between legal and illegal immigration?
Maybe he should stop being entitled and be happy with what he gets.
Maybe you should stop defending when a faceless corporate entity decides to fuck their fanbase in the mouth?
Fucking Sandrakers, man.
you have to accept it at some point. Those people are all newfags. Most people are newfags. The old days will never come back, and I'll never have an /x/ that doesn't suck cock or do anything other than summon tulpas ever again.
Shut up incel. Stop shitting up this board with you political faggotry, go back to /pol/.
Did I offend you, Pablo?
>tfw not anti-/pol/cuck and can go 5 seconds without mentioning politics
Feels good man
I'm European, you subhuman. I'm just not interested in sub-80 IQ niggers talking about politics.
Hey idiot, we have Pablos in Europe. The Iberian Peninsula is still part of this continent.
Stop being baited so easily.
>I'm European
Central Europe subhuman detected
Except that those are Meds and not Hispanic, and they're totally different people. Just shut up.
Don't ask questions
Just consume product
and get excited for next product
the vocaroos in the screencap are dead. what a shame
Let me guess: Turkroach?
Jesus christ
Have sex, incels.
my fucking sides that is horrid
Form a decent society G*rmoid
Wow, wow, wow, you sure got me, incel. Have sex.
Holy fucking shit that's rank. I can practically smell it from here.
What's wrong with you people? ''I can imagine the smell'' Why would you do that?
You think I want to smell that shit? It's just a memory that comes to mind when I had to take care of a fat ass uncle.
2016. Which is also the year the game takes place.
Yea Forums has a lot of problems, but what upsets me the most is when you see most if not all of the latest so called "best screencaps" are just "gotcha"-tier and not about OC anymore. There's really been a shift in what people expect from this place.
I wanna see the original of this, if anyone still even has it
I mean, I don't particularly care about care one way or another about race, I'm not an incel. I'd feel the same if I were black or Asian. Mostly because I'm not a subhuman whose entire education comes from writing 5 minute YouTube videos. Have sex.
Anyone actually taking a toddlers opinion seriously is almost as retarded as them.
>Over monotize so bad out of the gate that everyone drops it
>Take 2 does it again for RDR2O.
It really didn't have a great lineup of games outside of 2014, but even the PS2 would have flopped if it had the terrible marketing campaign of the Wii U
Are you autistic?
Epic if I do say so myself
Shit dude are you the MH autist in OPs pic?
>The WiiU was basically a time when Yea Forums wasn't Nintendo-biased as fuck
It's funny how people think there's a Nintendo bias at all.
>le reddit humour
wtf i have a boner now???
It was a different time you faglord zoomie
One of my personal favorites to this day still. This is how disputes in this shithole should be solved, instead of flooding threads with unimaginative shitposts.
The worst part is that a lot of them aren't particularly funny. Take the OP post for example, it's just someone making a reasonable observation based on where MH sells the most.
Its not funny like say Chinman, Mr. Bones Wild Ride or even spiders in the Wii U.
I thought avatar fags were banned a while ago? What the fuck happened?
That's because Yea Forums isn't a funny board.
What the fuck are you on about?
>trannies trannies trannies trannies
>That post was made by a butthurt nin-toddler and is in no way reflective of the consensus of Yea Forums.
For about a year pre-release, the threads were full of people absolutely certain it would be a flop and how Capcom was killing Monster Hunter because casuals and the true fans wouldn't want to play it. There might have been a few especially dedicated autists, but nobody would speak in defense of World. It just goes to show how every single opinion you read here is not to be taken with any kind of authority.
>Correcting a grammatical mistake is obsessing over trannies
I'd hate to hear your temper tantrum when you failed remedial English. Your teacher must have been very confused
They think having an image is Avatarfagging without actually knowing what Avatarfagging actually is.
>Yea Forums is literally wrong about every game.
This is why I play every game Yea Forums cries about now. Back in 2007-2015 Yea Forums had good tastes in games, but now they hate on anything that is good so they can fit in with the pessimist culture that surrounds this board.
I can't wait to play Cyberpunk, Pokemon Shield, and whatever else this shit board hates.
>the threads were full of people absolutely certain it would be a flop
Based on previous console sales.
Don't forget to mention that.
You guys have been here and trying to say shitler dindu nuffun and then the next thing you tried to make nazism cool or try to justify your presence.
Just fuck off /pol/.
Don't know how you could say that after X&Y, and especially USUM. A stopped clock and all that.
>grammatical mistake
AOC is basically the face of Millennial left wing politics
>Gigantic idiot who gets fucking humiliated by people with a basic grasp of history and understanding of US politics
>Spends all the fucking time on social media
>Throws tantrums about the Dems not doing everything she wants
I love how user think it's impossible for the game to break through the western audience when the franchise itself have gained a pretty huge but still pretty niche one all by itself over the years
It literally just need a more focused marketing, a current gen graphic and now it's the best selling capcom game ever
And also it's fun, and fun sells
And who invited them over?
/pol/ did but then realized trump wasn't as radical like there idol hitler and sucks israel every time he mentions them then /pol/ got ass blasted forcing redditors on /ptg/ (or they hardly exist and is just a bunch of bots in that general)
And only helped them spread here.
I never played X and Y, the only games I played were Red, Silver, and White.
Wow you're just a buzz kill way to kill the fun mr. no fun allowed.
>B BUT MUH SHOTLER DINDU NUFFIN LET ME RUIN DA THREADS WITH MY EDGY NAZISM. DONT LIKE IT you must be da jooos! Other /pol/ made me more retarded why don't you guiz believe in esoteric shitlerism.
I swear to god I wish gookmoot nuked them off the net fuck /pol/!
Here's the bigger version
based trapfags are just homos in denial GET FUCKED FAGS
>kkk dindu nuffin they no terrorist group
Hey /pol/.
have sex
Dont forget they inherited that from the losers of ww2 and try to play victim.
Do you have that laughing Vegeta image somewhere by chance?
If you lose then you are the victim.
>that thread was four years ago
What the fuck
>spread them out
/pol/ forced them out thus the problem we have now cripple/v/ isn't that far better or any other like it either. Because every single time you get /pol/ to force there presence on to other boards is fucking infuriating especially on /his/ /pol/ and stormfaggotry is a mistake.
god, canada seems like such a disgusting place
this was 100% a marketing gimmick and if you posted any kind of
>we wuz
shit about this game you fell right into Ubisofts ploy
Hah. I get your post. Most of these criticisms can be used on Trump as well. Good meme.
Go back.
>nazi germany
Imagine believing this.
>this was 6 years ago
>/pol/'s logic
>also /pol/
>wow guys I hate /pol/ as the next thing anime is degenerate except legend of the galactic heroes and angel cop don't you agree my fellow/pol/a- I mean Yea Forumsirgins.
anybody got the image about like a hive inside of a console
I wasn't speaking about Germany. I said, if you lose then you are the victim.
Victim of domestic violence is the one who gets beaten, not the one who does the actual beating, right?
it didn't come to the swtich
/pol/ unironically btfo.
You mean the spiders in the wii thing right
Has Yea Forums been right on ANYTHING in the past 4 years?
I'm actually convinced this board is just now flooded with poorfags suffering from Fox and the Grapes syndrome.
He wrote P5S
Persona 5 Scramble is coming to Switch, Royal isn't.
>what is /pol/
>is anything political
>he doesn't know.
This is unironically /pol/ in a nutshell.
yeah I think it was Wii U
Its gay though, I only hope they use some of the money to make a proper Dragons Dogma 2 that isn't put out before its finished
Alright how is /pol/ the victims?
I saw a bunch of people blame that one Tribes Ascend match prior to 2016
Yea Forums is just /pol/ and reddit now, except they come here to thinly veil their thirst with vidya related discussions
Oops forgot vid link.
And an image.
This is /pol/ in a nutshell.
today i will remind them
I came
my favorite!
Makes me sad that this is what the industry has come to, a game is good because is it sold a lot?
Oh I might as well add.
Fuck kikes.
Yea Forums can continue crying and havinf a huge assblast at the sight of a /pol/ack here.
For me I am enjoying the salty tears.
>And I'm eagerly awaiting Pikmin 3
Yea Forums is dying. Unironically
Was it that bad? I havent played it besides the second one
>best of Yea Forums devolves into unfunny consolewarring and politics
Yup, this place is a shithole.
It's alright. Too much story for my tastes and also way too easy but it doesn't have 1's awful crushing glitch so I'd rank it right in the middle.
but user gamergate was about harassing women :^)
People like you are the cancer of Yea Forums why don't you go back and stay within your containment.
Unironic or not
>best of Yea Forums thread
>it's screencaps of consolewar faggotry
This is the most depressing thread I've ever seen
Ya seethin lil guy?
still the very best of Yea Forums right here
>Yea Forums is a shithole
how long did it take you to put that together genius
Yes she not all trannies are born male
People sure hate Hitler even today, 70+ years after the end of WW2, but also love to use that period for making money (games, movies...). Not to mention using products of all companies that Hitler saved. Also, some of the major American companies supported Hitler:
Shouldn't you, I don't know, boycott their products and stop drinking Coca Cola because they did something like this 70 years ago? That would be fair.
No. The tranny in the image is MtF. I checked.
You mad bro?
You dont like natsoc aesthetics?
You don't like the rising sun?
You don't like the name of the greatest man to have ever lived?
You sure you aren't the jew?
You don't like self improvement?
>unironic or not
There is always an intent behind the mask of humor.
There always be frustration hidden behind jokes.
>my kinks are not arousing to me
imagine even being bad at being a furry
Fuck off /pol/
Reminder that nobody in the history of the world will be more wrong than this user.
Stop arguing about stupid shit and post more Yea Forums
>only 6k hours
>that feel when I had over 23,000 hours in WoW back when Xfire existed
Fucking pleb.
>make joke about jews/trannies/niggers
>resetera and neogaf refugges give me free (you)s like candy
The little frown always makes me laugh
Make me you faggot, I seen a thread that mentioned /pol/ for no reason, but fid cause a lot of butthurt which is hilarious.
>he was only pretending to be retarded
Would you look at that! Nice one, buddy!
I will never not be mad.
>hope for YEARS that MH gets out of Nintendo's shit systems
>it finally happens
>game is the worst MH and sells the best,dooming the series
We got monkey-pawed so fucking hard
did reddit. just blow into this thread
Politics don't belong on Yea Forums faggots it doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you're on
You have multiple other boards to discuss politics on but Yea Forums isn't one of them
Seriously go back to your fucking containment every time I keep hearing it's DA JOOOOOOS DA JOOOOS
Shitler dindu nuffin!
All I wanted to do is talk about video games and no! I cant have that with you fucktards in the other side of the ass cheek spreading your agenda which majes you no different than the sjw!
Seriously why is it you cannot grasp to just stay in your containment along with your stormfag butt buddies huh?
Why is it that you have to spread your so called "truth" and ideology onto other boards?
Seriously why cant you morons just fuck off out of here or cripple chan for all I care.
this monster hunter world thread had like 5 on topic posts. you people are fucked in the head.
You do realize sjws are also /pol/
what the fuck dude
post more
mhw was my first of the series, i liked it a surprising amount and bought it on xbox.
I know you fucking retards only got here a year ago or so since neogaf got nuked and reset era is a shithole but being baited into giving people (you)s over a joke doesnt make them /pol/ what ends up happening is some shitposter makes a joke and you retards spaz out causing actual /pol/ tards to show up and milk your teets of (you)s shitting up the whole thread
That is what /pol/ is except replace every problem they blame which is jew, niggers, and marxism.
Remember when they cured cancer or some shit like that? I do. Hard to believe, really.
Funny. I never mentioned Jews in my post.
Didn't read your full post because, but here's (You). I guess that was your goal.
I'm just telling election refugees like you to fuck off to a board that was made for politics
/pol/ isn't some kind of rightwing heaven it's a cesspool filled with every type of retard sucking off whatever shitty politician they like
Legendary but small version
been here since 2006 :^)
>How dare you talk to my jewish friends like that!
>HOW DARE you like the most evil man on earth which is what schools teach me
>y you
There is a problem my friend.
I only use other few sites and weaving forums like this one for other purposes like a fascist board and book boards and some great info I can fine I will always use the /pol/ and other hobbies here.
But keep seething you little fucking faggot.
>subscribing to the only ideology that failed harder than communism
>seething nintenbroter detected
lol cope keep seething faggot go dilate
>/pol/ is not a right wing heaven.
Don't remember it being strictly just right wing.
>is a cesspool of others who likes there shitty politician
>implying they aren't shitposting, don't convert and not a good thing.
>implying /pol/ still falls into the false dichotomy.
Ya okay faggot.
You fucking retard I'm saying /pol/ is a cesspool filled with people from all sides left right up down front and center
Who said I was a fascist? They are other boards dedicated to natsoc and with tor manage to find a site called fashchan, but ya it must mean I am a fascist and not a natsoc.
>it failed harder
Yet it took an empire, millions of starving soldiers and 4 trillion dollars to take down a nation smaller than texas simply because the guy decided to nationalize the banks.
Keep coping.
Trannies? Nah were known to burning down their degeneracy and forbidden knowledge.
Good it means they are all recruits for the truth. Besides there arguments are easy to btfo manage to convince a few naive plebbitors.
>woooooow took 3 of you to kill me
You know had you faggots not mentioned/pol/ this thread wouldn't have derailed.