Porn games don't belong on stea-

>porn games don't belong on stea-
Now what are you going to do?
Kagura Games has 21 new porn games coming to steam.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dungeon Town fucking when

>Now what are you going to do?
buy them? you dumb shit

Who is ACTUALLY buying these games?

The comment was directed to all the discord trannies lurking

Incelbait shit, Sterling was right steam has literally no quality control for this junk flooding in

normal human beings, thats why they're so successful, tranny

my dick

Are ONEONE1's games still broken af with piss poor translation or has the quality improved?

Never ever. At least their Clymenia simul-release will be out soon, several months late!

But they're literally FREE

>sold well
>people who bought it enjoyed it
>people who don't like these games can filter it


sounds good to me

Black Souls 2 when?

>sold well therefore good
Thats your mind on muh anime tiddies


who ACTUALLY cares? reddit faggot.

I know, they let Read Only Memories on and everything.

If you don't like it don't buy it and filter it.

No, it means that there is demand for it. Your conception of "the good" is meaningless twaddle.

How can anyone stomach this garbage when are we getting some GOOD games?

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No wonder all the indie devs worth half a shit are fleeing to EGS along with the big wads of cash


already played my guy
who /colette/ here?

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kagura games didn't leave

How is this variety? The devs plan on dropping 21 shovelware porn games, quit being a mindless consumer.

Funny that despite all the trash flooding steam pre porn journos just happened to not start complaining about quality control until porn was allowed

Good on them.

>has a route where you become deranged slut that gets off to killing people
>optionally could take a break from killing and spare the we-swear-she-is-18 loli to send her to get raped
it was alright

As much as I like playing hentai games, RPG genres are boring as fuck, only one published by Kagura that stood out for me was Eiyu Senki
Either way its still a nice first step of bringing porn games onto Steam

Hope they start adding more visual novels soon, maybe they might even start translating untranslated VNs just to market it to the west

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So this is the power of Ember's Ghost Squad...

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Sounds like you played them, explain how they're shovelware.

which one is that?

no loli no buy

Do yourself a favour, take a look at them yourself and you'll see they all look generic as fuck rpgmaker games. Quit being duped.

didn't they recently stop censoring their games?

still need to get the separate patch if that's what you mean

I mean the gnome shit

and that's a good thing

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those are some weird fingers.

That detective girl of the steam city looks interesting to me. It's an eroge, isn't it?

We both know the answer and it's never ever.

do they translate actual hardcore VNs or what

tfw I literally already learned japanese to fap

But I need my Alice dose.

>kagura games

So you haven't played them?

Kagura Games is shit but if this helps normalize porn on Steam and vidya in general, then I'm all for it. Sick of the NO TIDDIES AND PUSSY policies by fucking americans

Steam is just DMM at this point.

I pick up porn games every so often just to support them, i don't actually tend to play anything released on steam because most of it is fairly bland (makina and hunter are the only things i've enjoyed and makina is very by the numbers, i just like heroine) and I've already pirated the good stuff.
It's still nice to see that the scene is growing and to put a bit of cash into it growing.

I also need my dose of the other Alice, but we know that ain't happenin' while there's any girl that looks remotely underage in the game.

Well, DMM is originally the Steam of Japan for distributing their locally made games and porn in Japan is considered non-taboo since you can even pick them up at the local 7-11s
Steam is still censoring shit and what not, removing porn games that they deem are "too hardcore", until Steam makes up their mind on whether they could really allow all kinds of porn games or not, they're not much of a competitor against DMM in terms of porn

They're all rpgmaker games, the easiest engine to pumpout shovelware garbage, they add some dumb fanservice ontop and you morons eat it up.

away with you tranny

Any reply from Valve why some games are allowed to be straight porn, some games are censored with an official uncensor patch available, while others get removed if they make an official patch?

I mean who cares if other people buy thing? Is it illegal? No. Is anyone being hurt? No. Does it make roasties seethe? Yes.

I mean your shitty art project never sold but you still consider it "good". Good is slippery.

Valve: Mooooooooooneeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy


some publishers just don't want their games to be classified as porn to have more visibility regardless of if steam allows it or not

it's also a way to get people to visit their website and possibly get other revenues from that (like ads)

>Pumping out constant kusoge instead of letting the translator work on Lulu Farea 2
>Censored releases with uncensor patches because they want the Chinese audience
>President Yukino had additional censorship on top of that which was not disclosed at any point and only reverted after severe backlash
>Treasure Hunter Claire has additional censorship in having all shotas referred to as gnomes instead and this has never been fixed
Fuck Kagura Games.

Inconsistent enforcement of vague rules.

It is awesome how so many games are teanslated nowadays. I only wish my favorite eroge vn would get translated but it is too old I guess. Sister Scheme if anyone wants to know.

Not their fault Murikans oppose 2D pedoshit while being okay with rwal life sexual exploitation of minors.

No underage characters (including school girls).
No charging extra for uncensor patches.

Those are literally the only rules and anyone that says otherwise is a retard.

Every single one of those things is their own fault and defending them censoring Yukino and not saying anything makes you either a shill or plain cancer.

OneOne seems to have their reputation boosted since they started working with KaguraGames.

>Not their fault Murikans oppose 2D pedoshit

many of their games have loli in them and yet the only thing that gets censored is the /ss/

>No underage characters (including school girls).

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it's okay when the game is popular

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>being a retard unable to understand that old publishing contracts can't just be retroactively changed.

The acerola bundle is fucking ACES.

>Being a retard that can't read the release date and realise that this game was released on Steam long after the new policies were introduced

you do know that kagura translites loli games right?

I'm not aware of any Kagura Games' releases having loli in them, which is another reason why they're shit.

you just need a "all characters are over the age of 18" at the start and you're good to go, there's no underage characters

>"all characters are over the age of 18"
If only that helped the games that did have that and got refused on Steam anyway.

No it wasn't. The new rules began in like february this year.

See above, retardo

People who like to nplay porn games?

Popular publishers has been getting their content hit as well tho. Steam just sucks for some because they don't know what they're doing.

Yeah, that don't work.

>The new rules began in like february this year.
Where the hell did you get this idea?

I'm pretty sure those people just have a massive backlog obtained from torrents and similar

>Popular publishers has been getting their content hit as well tho.
Yeah, that's why Senran Kagura got slapped by Steam for breaking the exact rules it states other games are breaking. Oh wait.

Paying attention? That was when games first began to be barred unless they removed underage content.

Maybe people just like to see and enjoy new things of that something they like.
is not rocket science, if you don't like it you can just ignore it.

>That was when games first began to be barred

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>tfw your folder of shitty translated rpg maker h-games still has 341 unplayed games left in it
someday I'll catch up, and then learn Japanese to play more

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>I can't provide any argument against it or proof that games were actually rejected before that point so I'm going to post an image and hope that solves it

Sauce? And is this translated cause I can't speak moonrunes

Here you go, dumb virgin.

Does she just do blowjobs and handies?


>Child exploitation
So pixel exploitation?
drawings and pixels have the same rights as real people now?

Seran Kagura really let itself go now wonder SONY censored it

Yes fictional underage women have more rights that actual human beings attempting to purchase them.
Earliest removed game was in April 2018
Evenicle wasn't added to Steam until October, June was the release on MG
The policy "change" is outlined here but it's noted by Ng that it was already officially in place from September
>Hopefully with the sept change things will improve, not trying to excuse the inconsistencies but understanding where the subsequent breakdowns happen will help address issues in the implementation side of things.

Yeah user. Turns out depictions of children having sex are banned in most places because they are associated with the most reviled kind of sexual predator in the world. Who could have thought?

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Any loli?
If loli, buy.
No loli, no buy.

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Yeah user. Turns out depictions of Men shooting each other are banned in most places but you can enjoy the feeling of simulating murdering someone in the privacy of your own home.

Ha ha except they are not, dumb cunt. Now take your made up equivalencies and neck yourself.

I wish they could actually give up and release straight up porn on steam.

Like Bill Cosby always said "pull your pants up kids, dont you wanna grow up to be a good person?"

>two party members fall in love

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>i dont like your logic so now its made up
Im starting to understand why your kind has trouble figuring out if theyre a dude or a chick.

>unable to make an argument less retarded than "depictions of men shooting each other are banned", the typical Yea Forumstard falls back onto his boogeymen memes

I hope you have a dream one day where you kill someone, because the only right thing to do after that would be to turn yourself in for murder and then i wouldnt need to hear this shit anymore. Ah who am i kidding you dont believe in principles.

some of their games have loli in them and think one or two have lolis as a MC

But they do, user. Koikatsu is a good example.

This gets a buy. Look at how flat she is, goddamn that's hot.


The reason is that gabe is too much of a fucking pussy to control his staff, it essentially comes down to if your game gets assigned to one of the sjw mods

Wasn't one of the rance games also hit?
there is no fucking rhyme or reason and anybody who tries to claim their is is retarded

Drawings dont have any rights since they are not real, juts drawings, fiction, nothing else.
people who jerk to mere drawings and don't hurt anyone have the same rights as you and me.

is the concept of "fiction" so hard to understand for you?

Rance 5D + VI was rejected immediately upon application.

Valve is so bipolar, nobody knows if they are going to stay there.

Oh cool.
What games would you recommend, fellow anons? Never tried one of these rpg maker games because always look so cheap.

I was being facetious, one day when your nuts drop the concept may resonate with you.

you should try NTRPG2
its pretty good user.

Yes, it is I, the most reviled predator in the world, destroyer of 2D hymens and sullier of 1s and 0s worldwide!
You'd best keep your encryption up to date because no electronic women are safe with me around! I'm going to brute force the backdoors and then gently force the front!

Future child diddler here. See if playing dumb like that gets you anywhere when Jamal is remodeling your shithole in prison.

and i'm also a future serial killer out to murder you on your way out
thanks video games

>NTR pg2

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Which of the games currently on Steam are worth playing? Which of the new ones coming are worth playing?

>child diddler here
Kys pedo

>Jim Sterling
fuck that fat cuck

Rock music make you satanic?
D&D make you a crazy?
Violent videogames make you a serial killer?


the first one is also good user but not as good as the second one

What if a fictional entity is a GAMER? Would she end up having less rights than a casual fucking meatsack?
That is fucked up, how GAMERS have less rights in society than smelly 3D.

no, I already been following Satan's teachings before that

no, I was already crazy

I'd be out there killing people but video games are satisfying my urges, I don't know what I'd do if murder and rape simulators were banned

>its just two human beings that love each other just let them be happy together society stop hating gays
>its just one dude touching himself and busting a nut in his hand before showering off and starting his day

are you starting to see why people think your opinions are shit?

I'm gonna download the mod that turns Jamal into a little brown girl :D

So is rape, but I'd rather pay a prostitute out of principle.

>ive always been crazy
Nah youre just over 25 and youve had your "the world isnt what i thought it was" cherry popped.

>rape game makes you rape
Hope you get raped faggot

That's bullshit, but alright, I believe it.

get real, no one would rape a tranny

>all those hentai steam pictures we memed before
>its now a reality
Dont know if based or good

Uh oh. Already he is unable to distinguish between consenting adults and fucking a child. We can't be more than half a year away before this man fucks a kid.

there's nothing wrong with it if the child likes it

I'd do Chara and/or Frisk Undertale if they were biologically female. I'd use the proper pronouns too!

Depends on the child really, doesn't it?

when is it coming to Steam?

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You cannot consent to gay sex because gay sex destroys your soul, and without a soul you are a mere beast which cannot consent.

Im unable to tell the difference? Nigga youre saying DRAWINGS of people are real people. Ill take it one step further, im masturbating thinking about your fictional 13 year old sister that ive never met and have no idea what she looks like but im fucking her real good in my thoughts, please stop me from committing this thought crime o dweller of the moral high ground.

2d is okayish(not nsfw), 3d isnt and anyone that enjoys 2d should push you pedos out

>Alicesoft and Kagura are on steam
What universe is this? Stein or Stain? Also, which rock have I been living under?

>made up equivalencies
You may as well argue against basic mathematics.

Talking about porn games. Why the fuck Custom Order Maid 3D 2 got it's release date pushed back three times this month?

Reminder that we're raided 24/7.
It's PedoEra trolls, it's always them. They support kusony because they support censorship, that's why you see the same trolls posting the same crap on every single nintendo or anti-censorship thread or a japanese oriented game (because goddamn those subhumans hate japs).
Just report and ignore, even though they will still evade.

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the stein universe was destroyed

Princess Eris had one or two. It was also fun as a game, too (as a throwback to old-time RPG's like Saga Frontier)

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Its a good game but i liked Thug Hero Party more to be honest

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I love loli but sex with children is unironically wrong. Children love candy too they would eat it for every meal if they had their way and theyd be dead by 19 because of it. Sex is a big deal and kids shouldnt be coerced or tricked or forced into it with lustful adults. That being said animated pornography is simply not and will never be real people and trying to give drawings rights while certainly hilarious in concept would be a nightmarish dystopia that i would probably kill myself to escape.

Have sex

I... I hate his shading. The shading for the hair on all of the girls is just so lazy. It's literally a headband of light, and I can never unsee it. It's like seeing the Avatar movie use the papyrus font.

Something so famous and popular, and someone just did something so low quality.


>Meanie Meter

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Video game characters should have the right to NOT be controlled by a low skill noob.
Imagine if you were trying to save the world but you couldn't because the guy controlling you was DarkSydePhil
Noone should have to experience that.



How are the H-scenes in that one? Rape till she enjoys it?

you will never see any of this unless you change your filter to include adult content
go cry somewhere else underage

>not being angry that other people are allowed to see it if they want to

(Porn) Visual "novels" are NOT games. At most, they're expensive CG art slideshow galleries.

A lot of them are rape on loss. But you can also get your companion possessed by a lewd ghost, sell enemies (or even allies) into slavery, get your enemies raped after -their- defeat, get forced to rape a gay man (as a woman), whore yourself or others out, and so on. Also, if you fuck around too long on side quests instead of the main quest, a captured princess gets raped in jail until she's dick-crazy. I like the variety, personally.

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The example OP game is not a visual novel in any shape or form though.

It's just a shitty rpg maker game (with some animations) where you do more combat and literal fucking around than events (well, guess the main route is a bit more story heavy, other routes, not so much)

It's not visual novel though. Jrpg are vidya, boobs or not.
Also dilate.

>Visual "novels"
Implying all Porn games are Visual "novels"

why do you care about what other people do with their lives anyway?
Get a live for yourself and mind your own business

>forced to rape a gay man (as a woman)
That one sounds cool.

and intercrural, and armpits and ass crack and feet

>start game
>you're a Elf, fuck
>become a knight and shit, gotta protect the kingdom from the demons
>get kicked out because you suck
>get into prostitution, gotta make a living
>start working for some resistance group >kill a lot of people randomly cause why not
>get tired of working for those fucks
>leave for some happy town where everyone just fucks and murders all day long
>some lab experiement makes you able to give birth to monsters
>go around fucking monster dogs, horses, and pigs and give birth to all kind of garbage,
>turn into a dark elf
>kill your old friends from the knights and the resistance, keep one as a fuck toy just because
>go around killing every remaining NPC in the game while getting off to it, killing just feels good
>kill the king too
>The End
story was pretty good

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Too bad, all the worthwhile games is getting gobbled up by Fornite Money.

But don't worry, Steam will provide variety in wanking simulator and nip games while Epic fuck us all with chinese dong

Thanks user

Good? Nip games are the only games left.

It still hurts to see all the kickstarter games get poached by epic save nip ones except for Shenmue because they want nip cred

Aren't they just doing the censored base game+patch to remove the random shit they put in the way method? Also can't wait to be disappointed in Sophie's game.

Chinamen actually. Ironic weebs are secondary to the china money.

>it's all fucking rpg maker garbage

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There's no standard, it's the luck of the draw if some SJW reviews your game. Like that Yuri Esperanto learning game that's available on fucking GOG but not Steam.

You missed the cursed humans in Makina's game that were obviously shota.

Underrated post

and that's a good thing

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Makina's game was garbage so I probably dropped it before that point.

This. Literally every H-game i've seen is either RPG maker X or a fucking novel. Why can't they take from Cinderella Escape 2

Well Rance VI does have the Lolita House quest line where you bust a pedo sex ring.

Why would anyone want to take from that kusoge of all things?

Now if only most of them weren't derivative RPG Maker trash.

>Killing child molesters is bad

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A fool and his money, etc.

>These people bought the latest ONEONEONE game before he released the Append expansion

Dog, almost all of those games have already been fan-tled.

a blowjob/handy prostitute can also earn a lot of money too

Even implying child molestation happened is bad yes.

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

Who is ACTUALLY buying these games? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


it really is
you can't un-molest a child

just show the child how to enjoy it so it'll become a good memory

Give me an actual reason why selling these kind of games should be banned.

They did however stop them from continuing to molest all of the children they had enslaved at the time.

Why did you have to make me think about trannies again? Seriously.

3 kinds of people

1. People who don't know how to get them for free
2. People who want to support the dev and want more english-translated H-games to come to Steam by showing there is a market for it
3. Memers

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molestation =/= enslavement

Well it's a private company they can sell whatever they want, but at the same time they need to pick a standard and stick with it and not the current grey area thing. Like the Rape Day incident where they decided not to stick with their standard and arbitrarily ban it instead of using their standard and removing it as a "trolling" game.

I don't know why you think it can't be both.

Looking forward to Ambrosia, Melissa, that one Tsukinomizu title and DungeonTown (they aren't translating EX for sure).

They'll probably also grab Colette because acerola, that'll be fun too.

Imagine how a poor indie dev must feel seeing their labor of love game they've worked on for years sell less than a fucking hentai RPGmaker game.

Fucking imagine getting bodied by WANWANWAN's trite.

based desu

They can just look at patreon and how much Summertime Saga earns per month or how much people pay for softcore porn or furshit.

I switched over to making lewd games, and I'm never looking back.

Fuck indie "devs" and their worthless bootlegs.

lmao these nips deserve it better

I bet none of these western indie fucks can hold a candle to japan's doujin game scene

What I really want to know is what percentage of sales is owed exclusively to people buying this stuff ironically. Counting the folk who only buy it for a laugh or write a shitty moral signaling review.

I hope more companies like Eushully bring games too.

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Why are most of their translations garbage even for machine TL standards?

Why do we tolerate depictions of killing and depictions that humiliate our religious images? Surely those are worse than an anime girl.

Before Kagura they were literally Japanese -> Chinese -> English MTL.

Not enough American made porn video games is the problem. Leisure suite larry is too tame. Japanese porn games are going too reptitive.

>So is anybody going to join me in the music channel?

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Actual western porn games don't get made because the "developers" come out with a 0.01 playable build and then start a patreon and coast on that for a few years

seething chinkdrone trannies, go back to your epic store shill threads

I hope they can somehow fix the broken TL'd ones they did before. Even if it takes years.
Because these games are labelled as translated but they might as well not be. But because of the label some of these games might be overlooked forever.

What are the biggest ones anyway?

Opala and The Last Sovereign? Claire's Quest?

Never say never but the chances of that are probably zero. They've got an excess of projects and are already falling short on their release dates, the new ONEONE1 game being one of them. Unless they're tethered to a particular deal there's no reason for them or ONEONE1 to do it especially since the latter has basically already made their money off of the MTL ones.

The indieshit devs deserve it for underestimating the power of the D. Also japanese doujin devs are finally getting their long-deserved money free of DLsite and DMM jewishness

American porn is shit, though.

Probably CoC. Maybe Breeding Season, at least before it exploded.

What is this game, Reverse image brings up nothing and searching for colette brings up other unrelated games

Which one of these girls has the dick?

>AOC threads made by discord trannies
Color me surprised

>entire impregnation system locked until you're 20 hours into the game
Why the fuck did they do this?

more like locked to a route, that route has also less story so you can burn through it pretty quick

why wouldn't they? It's their game

They classify any anime girl with a school uniform as underage. Even if they're in college, they're underage. Even if they're a loli in an apron they're legal.

>play knight route without really knowing about each routes (did fail things but reloaded after seeing scenes given the fail max 2 times was scary)
>constant story drop like it's a VN
>that you're a massive slut isn't fitting with the story
>the murder count forever stays 0
>no pregnancy
>save the world

>finally start other route by failing everything
>end up being genocidal maniac that gives birth to monsters

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(((American))) porn

Platform-regulated quality control is overrated. Let the people decide what's popular. If you're unable to determine whether a game is worth playing, then you probably aren't paying enough attention and just getting caught up in hype.

The game has a pretty complex impreg system, she has a whole ovulation cycle, various people/creatures can get her pregnant, it's not quite Violated Heroine levels but it's apparently pretty good, when people/things cum inside her she's talk about "oh no I might get pregnant" "this is a dangerous day please pull it out, only to have them nut inside" turns out she literally can't get pregnant at all unless you play like 20 something hours and go down a very specific route.

Makes no sense why they'd put in that much work constantly remind you it's there and then lock it away and make it almost completely inaccessible. I thought the game was bugged until I heard later on they just locked it off to a specific point later in the game and only if you really suck at the game and go down the bad route.

Nothing wrong with RPGmaker porn dude. Hell I prefer RPGmaker porn to any of those Unreal 4 porn games.

Wait there are UE4 porn games?

Yeah, and they're almost universally shit or completely unfinished tech demos.

It's a new market that actually is showing some growth outside of the delayed forever furry games that post a little porn and then stop updating. Some games are showing some promise and people don't like that. (the same people who bait with some small porn and then go into drip feed mode with silent months)

So basically all glorified porn tech demos?

Most of them yeah. There are some that are absolutely great. I'd wait or just try the free ones though if I were you. The era of the daz prerendered shit is ending.

Nice, gonna buy them all. Thank you based Kagura.