If you had to live in a save room for a week, which one would you pick?
If you had to live in a save room for a week, which one would you pick?
I dont know
this guy's onto something
One of the luxury apartments in Sleeping Dogs
Rdr2 Horseshoe overlook camp
Whichever one Rebecca is in
Zoey's trailer.
One of the L4D safe rooms
Any of the ones from GTA
This is what I thought of too. The church from Death Toll seems like a cozy spot as long as you aren't in danger of turning into a zombie/getting attacked by them.
Just get to chill and admire the burning city around you.
Vercetti estate
My base in Fallout 76.
re2 main hall
it's a safe room. got a typewriter and item box n shot.
Does it count if you can save on the world map?
the room from SH4
It's a fun game
No. Learn to listen.
Aren't there ghosts in there?
Fuck it I’m gonna play RE7 this game looks too comfy
Which part exactly is fun.
>exploran scenic vistas
>making good frens
>buildan cozy bases
>dressan up nice
>readan lore on notes and terminals
>farman food
>huntan animals
>makan your build
>killan people in survival servers
>destroyan people's bases in survival servers
>winnan nuclear winter
and soon
>talkan to human NPCs
I bought the game at launch but was too blackpilled to play until last week, it's been really addicting since then though
Not him but the game is objectively bad, but I'm happy you're having fun.
80% of the people I meet ingame are men and women who are in their 40s and they like helping out and leading a young guy like me around for a few hours and it makes me feel bretty gud, I've had literal mommies drop me a bunch of items for me without me asking and it always makes me feel warm inside
The lake camp was way comfier
it sounds like you're legitimately being groomed by pedophiles
Why are you talking like a braindead faggot?
>tfw 40 y/o mommy in power armor stops talking to me when she finds out I'm 22
Without a doubt the hotel room in Deadly Premonition.
I was going to say that. or dewberry creek
Too hot but otherwise good choice
Especially if it comes with Heather too
the one in the sewer
mmm oh yes quite pungent my dear *SNIIIIFFFFF*
security room seems pretty chill
forget about it, Mario
>Talks like a redditor
Should of known.
>tfw i worked in a hospital on night shifts
>tfw my desk in the basement looked exactly like this
It's the polar opposite of comfy. The game makes you very uncomfortable and vulnerable in the early game.
This. That room is peak comfy.
I wouldn't be able to live here with the sounds of the survivors
The Palace save room in RE Code Veronica, no question.
>proper comfy couch to sleep on
>nice and soothing art design
>dozens and dozens of books to read during your week there
>a nice desk to sit down on and write/draw with if you feel creative
>even some nice bottles of wine to sip on
>it's shaped like a giant L so you can go shit and piss in a plant pot in the far off corner and never see or smell it
it's perfect desu
Put her in one of the glass window rooms and let her go to work.
Jack off every now and then for a week?
I see no problem here fellows
perfect to shoot some heroin and just lie down for a while
I've seen Minecraft bases look more cozy than the shit stain safehouse you posted. Is that braap town? You have to be retarded to find green mist "cozy".
bro... you posted cringe
>Shoot some H
My man
Not the exact room I think, but literally any of the Tron level ones.
100% this, sounds like minecraft before people learned about all the pedophiles that where in it trying to groom kids lol
Cringe is your bullet points in some weird Tumblr language. Now fuck off and keep on sniffing that green gas.
My house in stardew valley
Not really a save room per se, but Morgan's office is cozy as fuck.
>can watch aliens making coral in the lobby
>play around with recycler and fabricator
>chill with January
>try to get porn going on the huge 3D screen thing
>also has nice decor and furniture
Find a flaw.
Zoe's trailer is pretty comfy before that deputy's head is placed in her fridge. Has a toilet, bed and food.
>the game is better now its definitely worth buying!
//500 atoms have been deposited in to your account//
- Todd
Probably this one
It just doesn't really look all that cozy But you make a good point about the fabricator.
Just buy the game.
Franklin's mansion
Or Playboy Xs penthouse
Giant front window is breakable so strong mimics can kill you instantly, plus they raid that room constantly
If I get to choose I definitely pick the RE0 save room theme.
user NO
The Far Cry 2 ones are the only ones I can think of that have enough food and water.
But they're a real bummer and you'd get malaria eventually.
They never bothered me in my playthrough.
Why not just play modded Fallout 4?
Division 2
The White House pre-endgame before that retarded 24/7 alarm
FF7 Costa Del Sol summer home. Live in luxury by the sea. Not cramped in a small room surrounded by zombies or monsters and shit so I can enjoy a walk outside whenever I want. Sexy bitches in bikinis I can fuck at my leisure because they'll assume I'm a rich Chad. It's objectively the best save area.
RE1 Remake.
because the map is a 1/4th the size and mostly water, I genuinely love 76s map
X gun give it to you there
>FF7 Costa Del Sol summer home
I raise you the Hunter's room in Moga village from MH Tri
I unironically found Trevor's shithole of a trailer and location pretty comfy
You know it
Osborn's apartment in Spider-Man PS4 is amazing.
What's the appeal of nude mods?
That looks disgustingly comfy
>drop something
>whoops never getting that back
Dropping shit was your first mistake
Moga village was cool and all but Pokke village will always do it for me
nudey make pp hard! porn make happy happy! all porn happy time!
>tfw I already live in one
I asked for an answer not a badly written shitpost with a dumb meme.
Kino choice.
The hand-drawn umbrella logo really fucks up this image. Would it have been so hard to print one off?
Yeah. I don't have a printer.
Maximum comfy.
This work better for you?
Liuckily they caged all the dinosaurs.
I want it to have Code Veronica's music
your mother room
The attic in dishonored.
Not really a room but still.
The police station's office room in Parasite Eve
>Office Room has a save telephone
>Also has old computers to shitpost online in glorious megabyte upload speed.
>Door to the Chief's office towards the rear, which has a sofa to rest on
Warriors Clubhouse.
Always spooked the shit outta me
And that damn good music too
Did I say megabyte? I meant Kilobyte. But ya'll know what I mean.
Very good choice, I also like the nerd dungeon for playing consumo
>Respect The Warriors!
What a great game. Coney Island hubworld is so much fun. Loved going into the clubhouse and starting a fight to see how long I could last.
Holy fuck that sounds nice. do you erp with them or think they'd be willingm
Careful, user. This game isn't socially acceptable. People are going to lose their shit at the sight of someone like you who blatantly doesn't give a fuck
Are you gay?
>redneck kidnappers living about 2 minutes away
aesthetically it's the best camp but that place was a pretty shit hideout
still waiting for your canvas bag?
I highly doubt it, they were mommying me in the purest most literal way. It feels like they're packing your lunch for school, especially because when you drop items in game they appear in little brown bags. I'll be looting some building and I'll hear the lady I was following around go 'user? Where'd you go? Come here, I have something for you'. It's a wholesome feeling.
This but unironically
The exact one I was thinking about.
Get to sleep upstairs and look out the barred window before going down the ladder to make some hot drinks and noodles.
I'm surprised no one's said Madd Dogg's mansion from GTA SA, but I suppose this user counts.
But you can see and hear the zombies on the top floor
In that case, I'm going with starfish island from VC
wat gaem
But they can't see you. With pre-rendered backgrounds, every area is a whole different universe completely unaffected by the other, with some exceptions of the "simulation" where certain actions have to take place for example in Remake where some Crimson's heads had to break into the room or when Nemesis in Re3 destroyed a door in the clock tower. All of them are like scripts in this alternative matrix simulation of existence that is the pre-rendered world.
Grunwalder castle
It even has some comfy rooms upstairs.
There is no way in hell you'd ever be able to sleep no matter what mental gymnastics you try and tell yourself if you can see and hear the zombies within a 100 feet of you
He doesn't go in save rooms.