Is this game still alive? Does it hold up today, even slightly? What servers do people play on...

Is this game still alive? Does it hold up today, even slightly? What servers do people play on? Can you make a Dragoon Red Mage?

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>Is this game still alive?
>Does it hold up today, even slightly?
Good heavens no.

If it doesn't hold up then why is it alive?

Die-hard fanbases die hard.
When you play a single game for more than a decade straight, it tends to leave an impression

But surely those people must see that there's literally a shiny new replacement for their fossil game?

The problem is FF14 is nothing like FF11, for better or worse.

FFXIV isn't even remotely close to the same type of fantasy offering as FF XI even in its diminished state
There's more danger, exploration and wonder in FF XI's dead as fuck zones than there is in any FF XIV overworld area


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i would only play it now for a bit to get the experience and story. is it worth it?

>bumping a thread that has been answered

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>Is this game still alive?
As a single player game you pay a subscription for or as a free but buggy experience on private servers.
>Does it hold up today, even slightly?
On private servers it can still be very enjoyable. As for retail, if nothing else the story is still an adventure, though not a danger-filled one anymore.
>What servers do people play on?
Nasomi is the private server with the biggest population. Eden has the better, less buggy experience and looking at it, it seems to be catching up population-wise. Probably the best choice for classic FF11 multiplayer now. On retail the server wouldn't matter as you'd be playing alone.
>Can you make a Dragoon Red Mage?
As a matter of fact, you can. It's a pretty good combination for soloing, farming materials, etc. You're probably going to want to bring something more focused to a party, though.

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the private servers for FFXI are shit because they're all based on being "era" accurate circa 2006, to a point in the game's history where the job balance was trash and everything was disgustingly slow to accomplish. It was like the beta of the game basically, and ignores a decade's worth of updates and upgrades made by the official devs to make it more enjoyable and polished.

>Still alive?
Kind of, not really what it used to be, at all.
>Serves people play on?
No idea which ones are the popular ones
>Can you make a DRG/RDM?
I mean, you can, but I highly doubt that's any kind of good, even by today standards. WAR, SAM and DNC might be the most popular picks.
But in FFXI you can change jobs anytime you want, so roll whatever you feel like.

Don't forget made-up algorithms and formulas that make no sense.

FFXIV doesn't come close to the experience FFXI was, at all.
And that's not something bad, FFXIV is its own thing, but it is way more oriented to the "Action-side" of things, while XI was way more oriented on the RPG-side of things.
XI was a fucking magical time.

>What servers do people play on?
For retail, it does matter. Asura is basically the only world with a population. I've partied up a couple times but I usually have to play solo though.

Started playing it for the first time a few weeks ago. I haven't gotten far in this or any other MMO for the record but it's definitely a slow experience even with all the changes they've made to make it faster than it used to be, or so I've heard. I like it much more than WOW so far since there is actually some difficulty to be had early on but the game is really slow. There's alot of barren wastelands to traverse before you get the privilege of warping and acquiring a mount. The downtime would definitely be better with friends but probably no one is really playing for the first time anymore. I will say that the lore and overall world design is more in-depth than any other FF game I've played.

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Oh yeah, the game is like a thousand times faster than what it used to be.
Experience tasks, trusts, level sync, aby, there's a lot of things they added to make it really easier for the new player to get to end game.
I wish I could go back to Chains of Promathia days, I want to live those days again.

I can only imagine the grind.
I'm sad I didn't get to experience the glory days because trusts really undo any need to party up.
FFXI feels like it was meant to played in a party from the moment you start playing and its a shame I've only partied twice since it was a great time unlike the solo walking simulator it usually feels like.

FFXI holds a mystic to me. I was of age when it released of course but i've never played it.

I just started as a Red Mage and it's clunky, but I think I can see a glimpse of that sense of adventure that got players to stick with it.

It's easy to tell that you're merely baiting because anybody who seriously felt that way would find nothing of worth in FF11 of any era and would just stick to 14.

I would watch a friend play XI at sleepovers while I would play xbox 360. He was so invested and his group took things so seriously. The amount of effort, and communication, and cooperation. That’s how MMO’s should have been. Things truly felt rewarding. Everything was a big deal. Things were tough. It took coordination. It took determination. It took effort from the whole party. It was a living. It was an experience. Normies and casuals ruin everything. All I can do is play XIV and pretend.

Retail is terrible. They tried to inject modern mmo conventions and it just shits on the original ethos. Play private servers. Eden is the closest we have to the true experience right now, even if it fall short in some areas. Played Eden for about a month but couldn't maintain without sacrificing my real life, which tells you that it's pretty close to the original vision of the game

If you're not a shitter and not a stupid faggot when starting as a new player in retail, the game is just the same as it always has been. Clearly a 17 year old game has fucking nobody doing the earlier content so it should be obvious what you're signing up for. Once you muster up the required IQ to hit 99 and gear up even just a little bit with bottom of the barrel equipment, it's blinding how fun the game becomes. I hear this same smack talk about retail every time and it's always coming from somebody who's too retarded or autistic to integrate into the current community in order to accomplish things.

I'm about to resub all 5 of my accounts this weekend and get back to manually 5 boxing everything. This is what you become when you've been playing the game and stuck with it for over 14 years.

>Just the same as its always been
Trusts, warps to literally every zone, damage scaling buffs, level sync, reduced difficulty of missions,
don't pretend like you played this game during its leak, retard. the core of the game (community driven progression) is fucking dead. have fun maxing your jobs in less than a week and doing the same bullshit delves or whatever over and over you idiot.

Do you know how hard it is to get more than 6 people to agree on something or have the time to do it.

what the fuck. people have lives yo. maybe when it was all 16 year olds in 2005, but the playerbase is over 30 and has lives now. people play for like 4 hours a day and you expect them to spend 3 of those hours waiting for for some dumbshit event?

It might have been impressive but its the complete opposite of how people socialize and play games and divide their time.

I picked up Counter-Strike in-box cause I was reading the box and it sounded like a tacticool swat game, but that's not how people eventually came to play the game. It's just an arcade shooter where you buy weapons at the start of a spawn instead of running to some floating weapon spawn location.

Wow, look at this try hard trying to justify wasting 14 years of his life. Watching your favorite game then to shit and becoming an apologist for terrible additions must be really taxing on your psyche. Get laid.

Retard. People like to think that the only defining feature and appeal of ffxi has only ever been the community aspect. If that's the only thing that appeals to you, and not the lore, customization, soundtrack, visuals, gameplay and content itself, then you're not an actual fan of the game and you never actually like it. Being forced to rely on others for progression instead of only relying upon yourself is a dated concept. I'm fully aware of how the game played and what the community was like on launch day. My brother played it 2 years before I did and I saw it all. If you can't find enjoyment in being able to strengthen yourself to the point where you can single handedly conquer content that gave you a hard time previously, then you're a dull leech who can't operate without a pack of equally simple brained leeches.

My boy Moogle server reborn into Eden is gaining in popularity.
Now i pray the moderation don't turn into a faggot show.

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Best time I've ever had playing a game. I'm sorry you can't enjoy video games anymore, but I guess that's a given since we're on Yea Forums where nobody actually plays games.
>get laid
Been with my wife for 8 years. Don't let that stop you from slipping in the inevitable "Tyrone cuck" reply, she's more racist than I am.

>people have lives
To truly save MMO we must find a way to make people unable to stop playing.

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>It's just an arcade shooter where you buy weapons at the start of a spawn instead of running to some floating weapon spawn location
This shit disgusts me. I can't stand games that do this. I think the only game that I ever enjoyed that did this was Shadowrun on the 360 but only because it had teleport magic.

Nice assumptions, retard. But the gameplay is highly community focused, and that's gone for most of the game. The original magic of ffxi was having to find a group for Qufim at 20, or finding someone to help you get to Jeuno, a group to help you farm for coffee keys, etc. Sadly, you've forgotten this magic after years of delusion sucking Squenix's duck because you just can't give up your sad Mithra whore character. Yes, you have to party up for end game content but that's the case for WoW and every other shitty MMO out there now. Keep being an apologist, squenix shill. Whatever floats your boat and keeps you going. Sure, FFXI is EXACTLY the same as it was at release or even before Wings. sure. Lmao.
Tell your wife to lose some weight. You as well.

The problem is that there actually isn't.

pretty much sums it up. old ffxi was heavily based on teamwork, which although sounds like a nice idea -- actually comes with some shitty consequences, like being unable to do certain content that you'd like to do, either because people are busy doing something else, they've done it and don't want to do it again, they're overlevelled/underlevelled, they don't have the right equipment, they don't have enough money, they haven't done prerequisit quests, they're not in the same nation as you, or they don't have a required job to round out a party -- like jesus christ there are fucking shit-ton of things to interrupt something as seemingly granted as player progression. It took the stars aligning just to get people together to satisfy all above conditions, and then the fucking mob or whatever you're doing might not drop the super rare drop, and then if it does its like well, there are fucking 12 people here who the fuck is gettin it. Oh too bad, you didn't get it. You spent 500,000g and waited around for hours with the stars aligned all so some other dickhat could get an item you wanted.

burn that fucker to the ground. Trusts and higher level caps saved what could be scavenged from that terrible game design.

>t. zoomer

You act like you can't still do those things, when you can. There are always people level sync partying in the dunes and qufim doing exactly that. The old camps are still there and being used by people who strictly progress the old ways. The fact that SE has added ways for veterans to bypass those things we've all already done several times over by now doesn't render the rest of the game soulless or lacking in magic. Next time you try out retail, just go put your light on and actually shout for a group in what ever area you want instead of waiting around for an invite. People do not search for same level players with their lights on anymore, I'll give you that, but still, just don't stand around huffing and puffing because people aren't inviting you to worm and crab camps in qufim because your retarded and is in Lower Jueno waiting for one.


This guy gets it. This is the thinking man's mindset. This is what true evolution of the brain looks like. People who think otherwise are ancient minded cavemen who can't adapt.

But if there's no challenge, then what's the point of the reward?

I encourage everyone to check out Eden. It's a private server that is aht urghan era with a 75 level cap. It has a pretty nice population for an ffxi server and is updated regularly.

human nature is a challenge that will never be beaten.

Not with that attitude.

Yeah, instant gratification and zero team work is so much better than having to actually earn your rewards. Fuck out of here with that whiny nonsense.

The only winning move is to not play

Are you implying the only challenge in this game is getting other people that aren't shit to do content? user...
As a multibox player, let me just tell you something. The REAL challenge in this game is playing, progressing and gearing several accounts all at once and gearing up so fucking much to the point where you can kill insanely high level bosses by yourself when it usually requires 6 other really geared people to do it, and you just did it on your own and with your own skills.

Hell, even soloing shut with one character is the same feeling. The reward in this game is being able to smear enemies by yourself that usually require parties to kill. The challenge is collecting the equipment needed to do this in the first place.

Well, that's one way to do it. I prefer going about it by just talking to other people and getting their help instead or helping them out if they need it. If I wanted to play a singleplayer game, then I'd go play FFXIV instead.

There is no instant gratification in ffxi you gigantic faggot. There never has been and there never will be, unless you're talking about buying Gil or some shit.

Tell the moderation team to stay professional, they must be paragons of incorruptibility. Like accountants, boring people, that's the way.

Hey retard, I played ffxi for five years. I wasnt talking about ffxi. I was talking to someone who was shitting on it. Learn to fucking read.

They pretty much are. They have to deal with a lot of asshole cheaters though.

>Lol just like progress slower by leveling with niche groups who vehemently hate the current state of the game instead of just utilizing trusts to level up 10x faster bro

But I'm the guy you replied to in that post. What did he mean by this?

Hey, that's what that user wanted, not me. I'd gladly use trusts these days over some goon squad who still has level 10 shit equipped in only 5 slots.

It's still alive and dabbing on WoW even in this day and age.

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Trusts betray the original vision and experience of the game. Fuck off and move on. It's dead mate.

>fag posts that ffxi is too hard to play because it requires getting people together to accomplish things
>fag complains about drop rates
>you say "this guy gets it"
Honestly that's even worse dude. Once again, learn to fucking read.

You fucktards need to shut up before the janny-baited faggots come over here and throw tantrums. I don't know why other mmorpg threads they bait for erp-recruitment but they full on bring the flamethrowers to FFXI threads.

But those things do suck. Having to watch an item get taken by a guy who rolled in the 900's vs your crappy sub 200's roll is the worst feeling in earth, especially if they were worthless the whole fight. Then redoing that entire process of gathering people and losing the lot again 30 more times is straight up ass. That user was saying that he'd rather do that content by himself with trusts these days so that he can actually get what he wants instead of waiting half a year for it. There's still no instant gratification since you need to be geared up enough to even do this in the first place, so you might need to work for it to make it happen. I don't understand your anger.

It's what i've glanced from their forums. I'm looking at things but i'm not playing there. It seems the head admin has a knack for being a charismatic leader and that's potentially dangerous especially when said leader likes to have himself called Godmode. How many communities have burned to the fire in men's heart, kill this fire.

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My biggest beef with FFXI, either on the private servers or current, is that the controls are super ass and never seen macros needed more then ever in a pre-wow mmo.

You can't have it both ways. Either you make a game with actual accomplishments or you make a game with instant gratification. That dude literally suggested that trusts salvaged the game and suggested to burn it down. If you like ffxi, how could you possibly agree with that?

Yeah, using macros and doing some light programming outside of the game itself greatly improves the experience. I'm hoping that the mobile remake somehow fixes most of these problems since I doubt addons will be available for awhile, if ever.

That's a lot to assume about someone from their fucking name. Ive personally spoken to him and he seems chill and down to earth. People like him because he stepped up and saved the server, along with everyone's character data. If you're suggesting it's anything like nasomi, then you're incorrect. Server drama has been minimal.

>1 player and 5 crappy people to form a party
>hope to god everyone has all the requirements met
>do fight
>item doesn't drop or lose lot on item
>1 player and 5 crappy AI to form a party
>know you've met all requirements
>do fight
>get item

How is this worse?

The original experience, sure. The original vision, probably not. I don't think SE envisioned everyone subbing ninja cause it was the only good subjob. I also don't think SE envisioned people being stuck for months unable to make progress because they couldn't get into or build an adequate party of other human players liable to disconnect or leave early.

You tell me
Semantics. Was clearly meant originally to be community driven progression experience.

I understand that the game is different now to a lot of people and that the current state of the game has turned a lot of people away from it, but for the neck beards like me that never left it, I'd say the game is still great. It was great before in the early 2000's and it's still just as great to me today. They actually stated that theyre planing something big for ffxi's 20th anniversary, meaning this game isn't going anywhere for a long fucking time. They plan on supporting this game because clearly people still enjoy the shit out of it, and I couldn't be happier. It's a damn shame that people can't look past the actual past and just enjoy the game for what it is right now.

>resub all 5 of my accounts this weekend and get back to manually 5 boxing everything
Jump on that dark matter campaign bandwagon. You get 12x per day instead of the normal 6x.
Speaking of which, has anyone gotten anything good yet?
>tfw trying to get phalanx+ for RUN but end up with useless WSD pieces instead

I use the keyboard and use WASD to move; the mouse is otherwise fairly useless (but I'm pretty sure you can set up keybinds similar to other MMOs with hotbars). But yeah, you need macros for just about every ability/spell unless you feel confident you can spell fast enough and/or use an auto-complete addon that simplifies what text you need to type to cast the spell.

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That comparison is bullshit. Let me try
>form a group of players to accomplish a task
>no guarantees of success
>play the game as intended
>fail a few times over the course of weeks
>friends with a solid group of people who you actually know now
>finally succeed


>decide to do something
>summon your trusts
>guaranteed success
Yeah nah, that sucks.

Why would I look past the superior expansions when I can still play them with an intimate community of about 750 players at peak times?

I'd like to play on Eden, it's the most promising server i think. You can assume a lot of things from people's choice of pseudonym, why did they choose this? It's never an innocent choice and it might tell about who they think they should be.

>mandy party outside of kazham
>tank says brb smoke break
>someone gets aggro
>whole party dies
>tank logs back in
>laying there waiting for a raise but it never comes
>everyone takes 45+ minutes to travel back to the camp
>actually i gotta go guys
>party disbands

Truly the greatest MMO experience.

It might be, but it doesn't trump their actual words and actions. Godmode has been great so far. He is really detached from the playerbase which is appropriate.

>managed to get phalanx for oddyssean gear and refresh+2 for chironic pants in the same day
>can literally never get anything ever again

Oseem is a nigger.

>no one in the party had reraise up
Stop playing with shitters user.

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Indeed that's appropriate for leadership roles.

>no reraise
Isn't there a ring for that?

Once you get through the limit break quests leveling is insanely fast. There's a huge endgame grind at level 99. Asura is very populated and active. The game still gets updates. The only things that are close to super high end raids are kind of lame but the game's more about collecting a bunch of gear and maxing out your jobs.
I'd recommend playing for a couple months and doing the story.

I'm sure there is now. Theres also scrolls. No real excuse not to have it.

>actually wanting friends in an online game
Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel the need to do this in anything I play. I really just want to rely only on myself to accomplish things. People always ask me, "then why do you play an MMO if you're antisocial and solo everything?" and I say it's because 9 times out of 10, the people I'd be grouping up with are cancerous trannies, drama queen faggots or just people I have to work my conversations around because they get offended over gay shit that nobody else does. I had one instance where I was kicked from an LS for saying japs when referring to Japanese players. Apparently that was insanely racist of me. We have mouth breathers who use "u" unironically in place of "you" and I can't relax for 3 seconds by shortening the word Japanese?

Yeah no, I'd rather just not dip my toes into other people's lives and get shat on for it so that I can enjoy my peace and quiet. Dealing with other people is a recipe for a bad time.

I can understand getting burnt out by stupid shit like that. Fortunately, I've never had experiences like that. Were those all somewhat recent? I remember communities being a lot more easygoing a decade ago, but I wouldn't be surprised to experience those kinds of things nowadays.

This one got me

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You are completely entitled to your opinion but I'm going to level with you: Final Fantasy XI was designed as a social experience. That's what it's supposed to be. This means that in order to succeed (in the earlier expansions), you have to be social. This also means that there are repercussions for antisocial behavior. I don't mean not talking, I mean being a complete asshole. You can't just be an asshole in a game with an actual community without consequences. Further, there are plenty of games that cater to people with your views, Including FFXIV. Another thing I want to say is that some things in FFXI classic do absolutely suck to experience. Not getting a drop, party wipes being punishing for groups of bad players, groups falling apart because someone joined with five minutes to play, etc. These negative experiences are necessary for the true experience of success in the game. If someone sees you standing next to the AH in full BiS gear, they know you went through all that bullshit. It's inspiring. That's not a feeling I associate with many games. Certainly not newer mmos.

Oseem is possibly the worst augmenting system that they've implemented in the game. They managed to create a fairly decent system (albeit costly) with the skirmish stones, but promptly threw it into the garbage with Oseem. It's such a ridiculous gating for any tryhard job completionist.
I honestly wonder if SE actually expected people to throw dark matter at Oseem outside of the random campaigns, because farming that shit (or buying it) in bulk is pretty absurd.

The true neckbeard, i'm glad people like this are still real and not ironic quirky persona.

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The LS instance actually happened during the middle of WotG lifespan. There were several other instances of things like this happening such as people blaming me for not healing them when they refused to turn around until spikes were dispelled and they literally kill themselves by spikes. I can't cure that fast, retards, especially not when all 3 of the DD's refuse to turn around. Had a recent instance where I joined a LS event (only 5 LS members showed up) to do current day full 18 man alliance content and I was fucking kicked from the LS after the event for inviting players who needed the content to fill in the rest of the empty spaces. Instead of being a lazy sack of shit, I pulled my weight to help get the train rolling. "I didn't know you were running this event" they said and then they kicked me.

Garbage like this is why I don't work with other people. They literally slow me down.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Does anyone know what happened to the phone remake?

Oh I'm real alright and I feel like I'm a dying breed. It hurts knowing we'll be extinct at some point, but that will never stop me from refusing invites.

I'm also wondering. Why the fuck did he post that? Don't do meth kids.

It's still happening...allegedly.

Accept friendship and light. Only together can we be powerful.

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>farm 300 fern stones
>aim for that sexy as fuck 1 extra stat point that fern allows
>get absolute trash rolls
>buy 500 more fern stones off some faggots bazaar behind me out of anger
>all shit rolls

Incredibly happy with this system, I'm not sure what you're on about.

You should check out Eden. Hit up Cirdan if you ever do.

I would say my trusts are my friends, but they're equally terrible at the game as other people.

I've got a feeling that the 20th anniversary big thing they claimed they're doing might be a remake of ffxi as well as releasing that mobile game along side it, and they'll both be using the same graphics and shit.

>the trusts are my friends
Holy fuck

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Got more friends than you, buddy.
>learn the lyrics
>wait until no one's home
>sing not too loud
>turns out my uncle was still here
>tells me to dance a ballet next
>never sing again

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What a great feeling though when you first watched this cutscene. True soul.

like 90% of XI's playerbase has jumped ship to XIV

What i don't understand is that the songstress of the in-game version doesn't sing as well as the version i've posted.

I wouldn't say that. Most likely that number left initially when it came out, but 60% out of that 90% saw how shit 14 was and quit both games, 10% returned to ffxi and 20% stayed with ffxiv.

She probably does, it's just that you can't hear her as well over your tears.


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Why war your uncle living with you and loafing around while everyone was working?

XI interests me only because it seems more like a Final Fantasy game than XIV.

And you'd be right.

I could rag on FFXIV for days. I've played FFXI for 2weeks on a private server and i could tell it was rather adventurous. The simple fact of having mobs that can actually kill you is a huge change. What the fuck was i doing playing the gamecube instead of playing this game.
I stopped because i was tired of being a clueless idiot in parties, i could tell i wasn't pulling my weight. I'll try again, i just want to play an adventure.

FFXI sounded so appealing but I never got to experience the glory days. Retail seems to dilute the entire experience and playing on Eden is ok but can't truly give me what I want.

I've had good times partying with other players there. That feeling when you run into the same people all the time because there is no cross-server/world sharding/match-making bullshit is the best.

But it's very difficult to enjoy being an uninitiated noob amongst all these veterans that know the game back to front. I want to explore an unknown world with other adventurers who know as little as I do but it's just a series of efficient grind camps and getting invited only to serve as a level-sync slave in Eden.

I got kicked out of two linkshells cause i called someone in the LS a nigger, because they were being a nigger. they owned one of the linkshells so whatever, but the other one they also happened to belong to and they went out of their way to slander and defame me to the mods of it to get me kicked.

A "social" game doesn't really work with 2019-human-behaviour.

Well well well, looks like you two should form a party.

It's pretty incredible how far other people go out of their way to ruin your life when you involve yourself in their groups. I never trust anyone in games these days and never speak in groups i'm forced to be a part of to do content that I can't solo. Speaking is just a window of weakness that these roaches seek in order to start their precious drama shit flinging. Being a mute solo player is the best thing I've done in my entire life.

About to do BCNM40 right now. Shit drops incoming.

>2019 human behavior

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>people have lives
this argument makes no fucking sense, unironic boomers played these games did jobs just pop into existence in the past 10 years or something? No you fucking retard.

I think it's true to say younger players or players who've never experience these old mmos are the ones most interested in going back in time. ONly people who haven't seen the shitty part could be so entranced with what they perceive as a wild unknown full of adventures.

Well the good news is, the shitty part has come and gone, ToAU expansion is over now, so the game is good again.

This is true, I remember someone in my LS saying they were fucking 52 years old. Baffles me just thinking about it.

This is the future. Who has enough time to dedicate to a virtual world of harsh grinding: teenagers and retirees.
Geriatric MMOs are coming now that's a demographic.

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>you think you do but you don't

>Is this game still alive?
Kinda but it's on life support. Retail has like 5000 players and private servers have 1500~2000 or so. The game still gets updates at least but they basically killed it by raising the level cap and with the Abyssea expansions.
>Does it hold up today, even slightly?
Yep. Looks great, none of the gay flashing lights, colors and "dont stand in the big circles on the ground!" or "spam your one skill every 3 seconds!" bullshit that plagues modern MMOs. It's funny that XI was made in 2002 and still looks better than XIV, proof that good artstyle and oldschool lighting/shading/textures looks better than everything looking fuzzy, plain and shiny.
>What servers do people play on?
On retail, Asura and Odin are the two popular servers I believe.
On private servers, Nasomi is the biggest but has the most min-max autism faggotry. Eden and Era are both smaller, comfier and more relaxed alternatives with friendly, tight-knit communities.
>Can you make a Dragoon Red Mage?
Definitely can. Great for soloing, 5mp barspell and you instantly heal from 33% HP to full. Other good subjobs for Dragoon are Nin, Sam, Blu, Whm, War... depending on the situation.

Why does Squeenix keep this alive if there's no players anyway?

Music makes this game. The art style mostly holds up. Everything else is dated as fuck. I have no idea if it's dead because I'm not about to deal with the bullshit launcher again. It is the most obtuse complicated shit.

>where the job balance was trash
I agree with you slightly here, but that's less to do with the actual balance of classes and more so the fact that 95% of everything in the game is most easily beaten with either a Darkness skillchain magic burst w/ 15 black mages setup, or by just throwing 18 summoners at it.
>and everything was disgustingly slow to accomplish.
lmao not really. people just make excuses for being bad really. getting sky access and all their abjuration gear plus haidate takes an afternoon.
the reason that shit seemed so slow to accomplish was people assumed you needed 18 people to do EVERYTHING back in the day, when really you can do like 80% of endgame content with 4~6 skilled friends.

I can tell you've never played Drg before.
You literally gear near-instant cast Cure IVs that cost 5mp and generate no hate.
subbing /dnc is basically a waste of time.

Well i know i do but i've never played FFXI extensively.

I tried XI during a gap in my normal MMOs and actually enjoyed it but fucking christ dude, What kind of payment did SE receive to use that terrible shite?

>It's pretty incredible how far other people go out of their way to ruin your life when you involve yourself in their groups.
Fucking own them.
>not shaming them via performance
Tsk tsk

dont use the mouse, mouse is useless in XI.
one hand on wasd, other on cursor keys.
F-keys combined with Ctrl or Alt are your macros.

Based. I was talking about this the other day. I genuinely feel like ffxi graphically and artistically looks and sounds better than any gave I've ever played. Plays better as well. They really nailed the world and the art style.

You deserved to be kicked. Stop calling people niggers outside of Yea Forums.

ye ok sure nigger.

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there's more than you think. retail's been maintained by a skeleton crew of like 1 to 3 people for years now. considering they're still getting a few thousand subs they're still turning a great profit on the game.
hardest thing is keeping the game running on modern operating systems and hardware. unfortunately new graphics cards have trouble running XI decently, resulting in modern PCs running it at 5~20fps.

Yeah the music, art style and atmosphere is what makes the game great. Good story too, especially Zilart, CoP and Naja Salaheem's assault rank up quest line.
PlayOnline is the only thing that holds it back really. Fuck POL.

Still better than XIV.

There's enough players and money coming in to make it worth it. I'm surprised they haven't dove in on the classic crazy like a bunch of other mmmorpgs have done already. Everquest, Lineage 2, and upcoming WoW. Then again the japs have been very draconian in their thinking.

City of Heroes would've been one of those games in the list of NCsoft didn't pull the plug on it for petty reasons and the head-autist of the CoH community kept his secret server underwraps while sabotaging other attempts at private servers.

This is the thing about reviving classic mmorpgs/servers. Alot of people will nostalgia for the golden days of yore, but will completely forget that the current community knows all the ins and outs of the game and many of them see it as ruining other people's fun as THEIR version of having fun. How can this happen in older mmos? Well many older mmos had next to no instancing, so it was a very valid tactic to fuck over "competition" in any way possible. Trains, making kills you don't need, fucking over noobs in low level areas, and so on.

Not to say the majority of people in these communities are sociopaths, but the sociopaths themselves have enough know-how, neckbeards down to the floor, and armed with soak-resistant poops socks that they'll ruin things every which way they can until they realize people take their balls and go away.

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I'm serious. It's cringey as fuck.

I'll stop calling people niggers outside of Yea Forums, when people stop acting like niggers outside of Yea Forums.

Their idea at the time was to set up PlayOnline as their Steam basically, and have all of their games on there. For a while they had TetraMaster on there too, which was basically Triple Triad Online. But for a few years XI was the only thing keeping SE afloat while they were sinking millions into "Project X" (ie: FF14 which they worked on in secret for years) until eventually Dragon Quest X and FF13 saved them (both of which were huge in Japan, their main audience). FF12 did badly because it was basically an afk-offline-singleplayer FFXI that had botting built into it.

>I'm surprised they haven't dove in on the classic crazy like a bunch of other mmmorpgs have done already
Japanese literally dont know or care about EQ, Lineage or WoW, but hopefully WoW Classic is successful. If it is, they'll take a look at the 2000-something players that play private servers, look at how they lost half a million subs after the level cap got raised and realized that they fucked up.

This guy gets it. Ffxi classic is on the table.

ffxi got murdered by wow. what retarded history revisionism are you on. ffxi wasn't all that great.

Most of the people I play with on retail are >30 yo and more than a handful are >40 yo and this doesn't even seem outside the norm for this game. To say the least, these people all have careers and families they deal with in addition to playing the game. Fortunately, the end game isn't as stringent with wonky time attendance content anymore (HNM kings, sky, etc), so it's easy to setup a schedule around the end game alliance events (dynamis-d, omen, aeonics, etc) to participate in them.

"no players" is a shitpost. Relatively speaking, I wouldn't be surprised if SE makes more money per person on FFXI than they do on FFXIV. Between mules (same account), alt characters (different account), additional item space (wardrobes 3&4), and server transfers, it ends up generating ez dosh for a game in maintenance mode. XIV has microtransactions and whales that shell out for race changes and other cosmetic shit, though, so who knows.

why are you on Yea Forums?

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I don't think they'll keep the current ffxi running if they do make classic servers. They can barely keep the game going as it is. If my progress gets erased due to nostalgic cry babies screaming loud enough to make them reboot ffxi, I'll kill all of you.

Dude don't fight in the FFXI thread they're so rare.

>I wouldn't be surprised if SE makes more money per person on FFXI than they do on FFXIV

Take me, a guy with 5 accounts for example. That's over 60 bucks a month just from me, and there's a TON of players who multibox these days.

>Music makes this game.
Which is crazy considering Nobuo Uematsu only did the opening theme, Distant Worlds and Ronfaure's music. Everything else was done by a couple of young upstarts, the best of which was mostly Naoki Mizuta, but the iconic Dynamis-Xarcabard theme was done by some chick if i recall.

nah XI got murdered by XIV. A couple months before the original XIV beta came out they promised XI players that they'd give cheaper rates for people who played both games and other shit, while also releasing updates that basically turned XI into a singleplayer game (increasing the level cap, making all the end-game content soloable by drinking a Primeval Brew, removing level cap on missions making traditionally difficult quest lines easy to solo etc).

I hope so, but i'm not getting ahead of myself. I lived in Japan for like 15 years and remastering old stuff or reviving old stuff isnt something they do, especially a company like SE.
The fact they even considered remastering FF7 at all blows me away and years away from even releasing it everyone can tell they've already fucked it up.

Apparently part of the problem is they've literally lost the software they used to use to do things like making cutscenes and the like.
Private servers work entirely through 15 years or ripping assets and basically emulating the game. Private server XI is basically entirely written by the community from the ground up using the assets in the .dats.

For quite a few years XI kept SE from going bankrupt, just like the Rocky Horror Picture Show kept FOX from going bankrupt for like 10 years at one point.

>tfw used to need 18~30 people to do shit like Dynamis, Sky, Sea, CoP missions etc
>now you can do 90% of that shit by just multiboxxing 4 summoners or 4 blm brd cor.
multiboxxing is slowly killing MMOs

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You mean all.

there are like 1000 collective people who play on pre-cap-increase private servers.

idk man, early ffxi wasn't all that great. later ffxi fixed problems with early ffxi, but also introduced issues of its own like DNC.

I don't think I'd rather put up with either. If FFXI were to be rebooted, i'd like to see it completely redesigned from the ground-up for the better. Things like more intelligent job balance, lesser differences between races, and better reward distribution for end-game content.

Nigger, why are you showing your power level outside of Yea Forums?

people were in their 30s with families and jobs back in the prime of XI and Everquest where content actually required some time investment but nah dude the reason why we cant have our RPG in our MMORPGs anymore is because muh people have lives I can only play an hour a day cater to MEEEEE

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i was talkin about 75 cap, but yeah... nah... not EVERYTHING is multiboxxable with 6 accounts, but the shit that's not is generally the big fuckyou stuff anyway, like Kirin, a couple of the higher tier Jailers, T4 ZNMs, Pandy Warden, a couple of Limbus zones (mostly Temenos) arent do-able but basically everything else is.

I've been on other MMOs too where even 10 years ago people multiboxxing 30 accounts or in one case, 92 accounts (on Eve Online) basically was just defeating the purpose of the Massively and Multiplayer in the term MMO.

Nu-Everquest classic finds the balance on that. Basically bringing it back but tweaking tons of shit that people could live without somehow. Then again, they do new classic servers every year or so with tweaks so they had tons of practice to eliminate some of the objectively horrible aspects of their older game including class balance.

>someone does something shitty and shady
>[_]call them a nigger
>[_]don't call them a nigger
nigger is not a Yea Forums coolclub word.

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>idk man, early ffxi wasn't all that great. later ffxi fixed problems with early ffxi, but also introduced issues of its own like DNC.
I agree with you 100% on this. early XI, especially pre-Zilart XI must've been gay as hell.
On the flip side, DNC was overpowered as shit but fortunately no-one realized just how overpowered a subjob it was for a good couple of years until WotG was well underway.
Definitely the game was best at late CoP and through the Aht Urghan era, though I feel like Aht Urghan mobs giving more exp was always a bit dodgy.

Fields of Valor was another questionable change. Fair enough to encourage people to solo/duo/trio but nowadays on private servers that have it enabled it's all people want to do.

Well 75 cap maybe, but these days you can multibox literally everything as long as you're autistic enough.

just my two cents about the timesink reputation. The game gamifies travelling time and exp by rewarding players who figure out quicker methods of transit and killing monsters. One party may take two hours just to get from 10-12 but an experienced party can manage 10-20 in 3-4 hours . The issue is that because time management is a learning curve, you really lack freedom at first.

yeah definitely.
when I was new I remember Dunes and Qufim being like... a 1 or 2 week ordeal.
by the time the level cap went up Qufim ended up being the fastest normal exp in the game, with people making lv12 sync parties, PLs, corsair bard and 4 dragoons to get 35k/hour.
(ie: not Summoner burning). Shit was so broken that people were meriting in fucking Qufim on my server.
East Ronfaure [S] wasnt much better either.
I got Brd, Pld and Drg from lv1 to 66 for my Maat cap in about 3 days each thanks to those 2 camps.

part of it is the way skills work too. the first job to lv10 or even 75 is always the slowest because you have no skills in anything.
once you have combat and magic skills capped shit goes way quicker, especially if it's merited too.
honestly that's why I think Warrior or Red Mage are probably the best starting jobs, with honorable mentions to White Mage and Thief. Because you can have shit skilled up and merited in advance.

Call them out without calling them a nigger. Jesus user, it's not rocket surgery.

imagine if they made another MMO like XI but with a better battle system, and with a much larger world that rewards exploration, but still as dangerous as XI's world was?

The japs on 5ch are watching us.
But since I'm watching them too balance is maintained

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Why are you so interested anyway?

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What did he mean by this?

1.0 kinda was but we all see how that went, sadly

My experience is from 2005-2009, I was around a bit when cap was raised but never caught on to the new ropes. I play on private like a lot of others so I was speaking more in reference to how lack of understanding legitimately slows you down in vanilla.

An example for this was when Japanese players freaked out about the US release because US players were so uninformed they died so much to beastmen that ronfaure, gustaberg and saruta all became BM dominated. They threw away crystals and beastmen seals, and the entire economy crashed. It was only until Japanese players started mentoring newer US players on deeper mechanics did a community develop with english speakers of those who actually know how to play the game. It is strange, but even on these private servers, subcultures develop and they carry along with them monster spawn/death times, doing 3xDRG instead of trying to 6man crabs etc. etc.

OP regardless of what you think so far this entire game is still very fucking much worth playing, whether you fall into the consideration of it being singleplayer or not there's about 20 years worth of content to go through offering an extremely large amount of things for you to engage in
don't forget that, it seems as if most of the thread doesn't really take notice that there's so much shit

As it currently stands, the entirety of the community for retail ff11 is actually quite friendly, it's pretty much a given that you won't see as many players doing lower-levelled activities (barring when free weeks are enabled and return logins are a thing) but you'll occassionally meet and greet people
It's fun when you're in the middle of nowhere and see another lonely soul doing what they do

Also, the setup for this game was notorious for literally ever since the installer would manually update every file and it'd take six hours to do so, but SE recently packaged everything together in one go and it's much easier to set up now

Square Enix - as it stands - has confirmed that support, in all forms, for FFXI will not be ending at any point in the near future, due to it being a numbered entry to the series, as well as an intense mainstay for the communities.

FFXI is a game you're supposed to play with real life friends while you're in highschool, do some content together, then go to bed because you have school the next day, then spend most of break time and lunch talking about what you plan to do after homework that night, talking about whatever quests you did and wondering what you're supposed to do next.

Do they have FF11 threads as well? Will you link the latest one if so?

It depends what kind of game you like, I've played pretty much every mmorpg and I'm still playing ffxi.

I really hate all the modern games, button mashing garbage

FFXI is great, just don't bother with private servers because they lack all the new features that make the game fun to play.

They changed almost everything 3-4 years ago with masses of QoL changes, playing on a private server is fucking garbage.

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FF14 is the de facto abbreviation over there, not FFXIV, which is 100% gaijin onry.
Also I'd wager they don't know what a cuckshed is.

They do, but like FFXIV they're spread out over several boards.
Use this to find them

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whats the plot of ffxi?
is there one?
i don't remember much of anything when i played it as a kid

I've been playing on Eden off and on for a few weeks and it's a struggle even dualboxing. It's hard to find even match mobs and half of the fights come down to if a monster uses an ability I'm getting wiped. RDM + WAR

>The owner of this website ( has banned the country or region your IP address is in (US) from accessing this website.
Well then, time to rev up that shitty proxy. Appreciate the link at any rate.

just play eden for free if you want to try it i wonder what ever happened to the mobile version they announced years ago

wouldn't be surprised if they're making a single player game out of it.

realistically, ffxi doesn't fit into a 'mobile game' strategy, and if there were a 'mobile version' it would probably be a different game outright.

There is a plot. The story starts with the base game's city rank missions, then the story continues into all of the expansions and addons. So basically the story is fucking LONG. It's the best story in all of FF though to be sure.

There's plots for each of the three starter nations and plots for each expansion. Nation plots are revealed by completing two or three missions and then ranking up to unlock two or three more missions.

Ranks 2 through 5 are shared between all three nations. Rank 1 and 6 through 9 are unique to the nation. Here's the gist of it that I remember.

The common one is you find out the Shadowlord isn't quite dead as everything thinks. You find out about who the Shadowlord is and his motivations, and then you kill him. Windurst is about learning about their legendary summoner, San d'Oria is finding the Lightbringer sword that destroyed a peninsula, and Bastok is finding out what happened to their legendary soldier. Also, you learn about each nations beef with their respective beastmen.

I think my big beef with private servers is there are two main aspects to old school XI. The first being that the community was amazing and what truly made the game so enjoyable and memorable the second big thing though is that outside of some cool things like skill chains old XI was ass and you can ask almost any player that isn't clinging to the game past ~2012 and they will tell you the same thing.

This is why private servers fail for me, they don't capture the community it once had. Yes those private servers have a somewhat ok population, but the community just isn't what it was in 04-06 I can't have a random super wholesome pug at 4 am with a bunch of Japanese guys where we are communicating solely through auto translate. Then what's more these private servers emulate the worst time period of the game gameplay wise.

I truly do feel like if we could somehow recapture the old community of 04-06 retail would be great and possibly the best mmo on the market. Sadly the genie is out of the bottle and we'll never go back to that time period with the people that truly made classic XI such a memorable experience.

As for the expansions, they're pretty similar beat for beat. Big bad awakens and is going to fuck everyone's shit up, you get help from an annoying, peppy, teenage girl to stop them.

The ancient race that is super magically inclined and lived in floating sky cities is trying to restore themselves to their form glory which means trouble for the three nations, you go and stop them with the thief daughter of a pirate samurai.

The evil god is being awakened and will slap everyone's shit again, you stop him with the help of a priestess monk that looks like a preteen, but is actually a hundred years old or something and thus totally legal.

>Aht Urghan
One middle eastern kingdom destroyed and another middle eastern kingdom. A survivor of the destroyed kingdom wants revenge and will activate their version of a Metal Gear, you stop him with the princess of the surviving kingdom.

Someone is mucking with the past and is going destroy your future present, go and stop them with a half elf, only one in the game, dancer.

A whole bunch of bullshit. It's an alternate reality where you fucked up in Promathia expansion and the world is on the brink of destruction and you go and fix it.

More bullshit. You're on a new continent, some ancient evil god awakens and you go whip his ass with the fat princess. The prince gets turned into a bush, but he's okay with it. Either their dad or grandfather the king shows up and I don't remember.

>if there were a 'mobile version' it would probably be a different game outright.
That's exactly what everyone should be expecting. I just don't get how anything could think of the target platform, look at those screenshots and think 'this is clearly FF11 in a new engine'. For better or worse it's absolutley and so very obviously a brand new game.

>FFXI mobile
Do you think a Square Enix executive will look into this thread and see my post where it say nobody wants micro transactions in it ?

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had to google but wew didn't know there was actually work already done for 'remaking' ffxi.

Hell i was figuring the base game as-is wasn't mobile friendly cause of the graphics and of course the way it's designed. You'd kill your battery in no time flat running FFXI natively on a phone, but also 'engaging' game design isn't something that really fits with 'mobile gaming' which are usually bursts of short and simple elements, and not dependent on other people generally.

those screenshots look more like an HD remaster of ffxi though, which would be ever worse on mobile battery performance than standard ffxi.

Rip little monkey.

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desu i dont think anyone actually wants it, at least in the west.
we havent heard anything about XI mobile for a few years now, there's a good chance they've kept it JP only or they've given up on it.

KYS Xiv tranny or wowfugee.

There is lots of hardcore content in the game that you simply can't do with trusts alone, also the medium tier stuff that you can do with trusts you can still fail with with a high degree of chance.
Trusts are a crutch for players who prefer to solo, you still can't do most endgame with them alone.

>Plays better as well.
Debateable, imo. Spell canceling is clunky, movement is frustrating at times, auto-target needs to be redone so it goes onto the closest target and doesn't cancel combat (maybe stop you from auto-attacking, just keep me locked on), and the menu systems are really antiquated.

That being said, each ability feels good, and the general gameplay is pretty fun. Getting into a groove and grinding for a few hours is much easier in XI than XIV. XI just needs to be polished a bit to get up to modern standards.