Why would a female courier sided with the Legion?
Why would a female courier sided with the Legion?
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Because only a literal retard would side with NCR
She's retarded like this
There's still House and Yes Man.
to prove to caesar that YES, EVEN A WOMAN CAN BE STRONG HONEY
Because Shes based
reminder the best NCR ending LITERALLY has no downsides
Daddy issues
To activate my porn mod and gangbang both him and his 8 bodyguards
This is a massive plothole and it's always bothered me. They should've had a different route for females.
Fem-neets into Bara and muscular dominating men.
Because he identifies as a male, shitlord.
She's a complete sociopath who only lusts after power, and thinks that the Legion will offer her, personally, the most power with the lowest resistance. She recognizes their contempt for her gender, but doesn't care about anyone besides herself and figures that she can just become the exception.
except the NCR wins, idiot
You mean get gangbanged, r-right?
why would anyone with a triple digit iq side with the legion?
because the roman empire was the pinnacle of humanity
The roman empire wasn't comprised of a bunch of tribal trash larpers wearing sports gear.
How do you know?
The nuclear revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. As brutal as the legion is, it is merely a means to an end.
Everything is a larp until it isn't.
Because the Legion worked.
There were to exist some Legion's settlements where peace and prosperity ruled. Caesar's Legion was to be the "ends justify the means" faction instead of the "le evil path".
seething ncrtranny
Women are like that.
They love being put into place, even though they pretend they hate it.
Here's a better question
Why would a straight male play as a female courier?
Women like alphas Caesar and being a breed slave probably makes them wet
>So, the Legion is the way it is because Caesar is a warlord who maintains control through his cult of personality and the fear of his disapproval (with severe consequences). The historical Caesar was known for being unusually merciful, but he was playing to societies that were much more accepting of mercy. Caesar taught the Legion mercilessness, so that is what they expect, what they consider strong.
>There’s nothing really morally grey about Liberia’s Charles Taylor, but he’s a real guy who did astoundingly terrible things for the sake of maintaining power. In the context of F:NV, I don’t think Caesar and the Legion need to be thought of as “grey” like the player’s other options.
>I think they can be what they are, as they are, because the lie of their fiction is intended to provoke thoughts about truth, i.e. the nature of humans who rise to power in such circumstances. When we say “war never changes”, we’re talking about things like this.
sex mods, masochistic fetish... etc
>because the lie of their fiction is intended to provoke thoughts about truth
Does this somehow not apply to all the other lectures the other factions give you?
Because he's only straight for show and is desperately trying to get someone to help him get better, just doesn't have the balls do do it explicitly.
How the fuck could you get off to Fallout New Vegas graphics?
>masochistic fetish
also mods
Have you ever played a porn game? The graphics are always shit.
Caesar is not a god. That's a fact. But he and his legion lie about his divinity and being the son of Mars. They also lie about Caesar never being a Follower. They believe the Roman Empire never existed in the first place. They are actively delusional.
It's a much greater lie then the NCR dealing with the typical troubles of democracy or House's mostly harmless nostalgia.
Legion tightly leads to Socialism or Fascism, society is forged in struggle and knows the true meaning of "war never changes", so it thrives.
NCR leads to unchecked capitalism, spirals into the same hedonistic and nihilistic pre-war USA, inevitably leads to the same revolutions and chaos and mob rule, nuclear holocaust inevitably happens again.
The lie is greater and their goals are greater, their desired society inspires a greater change than all other factions. Everything they do is "greater," and again everyone in the game suffers from some level of delusion except perhaps the occasional nihilist or politically apathetic character
Because she is retarded enough to think that siding with some broke ass gay furries in the middle of fucking nowhere is a better idea than siding with Daddy Mr. House who will treat her like a princess and will give her the best pre-war luxuries including cute dresses and a room in the Lucky 38, far superior than wearing those filthy slave clothes and living on a fucking tent.
>all those guys that are genuinely surprised by your skill
>they all want you to be their wife
>even their leader is impressed and practically makes you his designated hitman.
They don't even like you for your looks but your unparalleled prowess in their field and learn that you are some sort of woman that is better than others.
Because females get a different perk and different dialogue options.
Absolutely barbaric
>Because staring at a male character for the entire game is gay af
>Canon courier is female
>Shit clothing/armor
>Females look cute
>Can't /u/ with Veronica as a male character
>Playing a male character (on a game with different player options) while being a male is normie shit
>because I'm gay
Ok, user. At least you are honest.
What you though would happen:
What actually happens:
>housewife slave
>punished heavily if she tries to speak over her husband
I am literally protected by Caesar's blessing and can kick anyone's ass as the courier.
Suck it bitch.
Oh shit, it's the mental gymnast
Is this the first chapter of your retarded fanfic? Do YOU want to be the girl?
You basically just said that you wish you were a cute little girl.
This is very true. Out of all the other factions, you pick the most corrupt, overly bureaucratic and incompetent nation. Congrats, these other minor factions may be okay in a decade, at most, but then its all downhill from there.
Because the character is a whore.
To prove how retarded and non-committed the Legion is.
Then again, the Ranger Stella already that. The Legion feared her because of she killed many of their best men ( including centurions ) with her bare hands.
>fem-courier isnt allowed to fight because women arent allowed in the arena for being too weak
>the grand champion of the arena is a woman
Nice logic legionbros.
Because she gets off on the idea of being used as a cocksleeve.