Alright faggots. Take a look at my lineup and tell me what I'm missing. 3DS games are gonna get rare soon so I'm on the hunt to get whichever last few games I want before then. Is Shantae any good?
>new leaf
already getting it
Alright faggots. Take a look at my lineup and tell me what I'm missing...
Other urls found in this thread:
>no SMT
sell me on it. never played a smt game. is it like pokemon?
A girlfriend
just hack your console retard
nope, it's hard
you have to negotiate with demons in order to get them
Rune factory 4
Stella glow (maybe)
Ever oasis
Radiant historia perfect chronology
Devil survivor overclocked (the second one is good two)
Pokemon super mystery dungeon
Profesor layton and the miracle mask
Kid Icarus uprising
SMT soul hackers and strange journey redux
Xenoblade chronicles
Sort of, but edgier and it did the whole monster collecting thing first. Instead of holding onto your demons like you do with your pokemon, they're disposable and meant to be fused together to make stronger demons. Also, your friends all suck and you should kill them for disagreeing with you.
>get fooled into buying SUN
>then buys ULTRA SUN
Why are you so retarded?