>randomly deletes games from your library
Nothing personal, 白痴.
Randomly deletes games from your library
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everyone told you guys this would happen
Please citation.
t-they were shit games anyway, o-only got them because they were free
Why is chink culture so cringe inducing? The way they dress, the kind of music they listen to, the things they eat(wtf is the appeal of bubble tea?), the movies they watch. Every time I go to the library there's at least one chink couple that's talking loudly. Why do you sit in the library for this? Are you retarded?
Story behind this? if it's true, then it will be hilarious how peolpe will defend this.
>being mad that you something that was FREE got removed
talk about ingratitude
I'm trying, I don't think it's working
*insectoid noises*
Bubble tea is refreshing as fuck and if you can't understand that you might as well make like a banana and fuck off.
>I'm trying, I don't think it's working
It isn't.
Blizzard also made star craft free but deleted itself after a few months. I'd imagine Epic store or steam can do it too.
I bet you collect figurines.
*crickets chirping*
>He doesn't like bubble tea
Tapioca pearls have an oddly satisfying mouth feel and the flavors are bretty gud.
>Log into wrong account
>Where are my games?!
Ah yes, now if you log into your account you have a 1% chance to login to someone else's account. Just like if you request your personal information from Epic there's a 1% chance they'll send it to someone else
>log onto epic account
OH NOOOO MY LINKIES OH NO MY LINKIES ARE ALL GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they're state controlled. the communist party of china directed them to monitor it's users. from age, what steam games you have and generally anything that can be spied on.
there's nothing wrong with being spied on by china
every countries do it, why shouldn't you?
Nice engrish Chang.
Shut up you yellow freak go get eaten by a sinkhole or something.
>Square Enix shut down the servers for Order of War: Challenge — rendering the game unplayable. Instead of allowing the game to fester in your Steam user library list though, Valve wiped its memory from the client — even if you spent money and bought the game.
they're hostile and totalitarian regime. and it's not okay.
>While the game being wiped from the store doesn’t really matter considering it’s no longer playable
So.... Just like America?
you re not supposed to point that out.
now if you people want to have a good laugh go to the review sites for epic store and you will find hilarious shit.
fucking epic store are a bunch of fucking scumbags that dont care about their customers.
I don't think steam is state controlled and prays for the downfall of our country
esl nigger
Gotta love games-as-a-service
America has a social credit system which prevents you from taking trains or buses?
At least America and its allies have good living standards, work culture and (relatively) decent governence
Yeah sure, aside from being completely wrong you're correct.
>from taking trains or buses
you say that as if that is the worst part about that social credit when its the fact that if you get a really low social credit you cant go to the hospital and rent property in certain zones while outright banning you from buying property
Yeah epic is controlled by china government as stated in deep sea scrolls.
Are you the user that thought China was better than America because you get circumcised in America?
The Gulf of Tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and Taliban Brazil 1964 Argentina 1976 Greece 1967 Haiti 1915 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in Latin America War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo Bay CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages
It's literally an 8$ game man.
Absolutely no one would bellyache if the "Multiplayer" section for Call of Duty 4 got greyed out, all the servers still in use for that game are modded and don't even resemble the base game anymore, it's literally just poorfags playing the same games for a decade.
I know everyone has this massive paranoia of a game just taking 60 bucks from you and shutting down a week later but this never happens, even the shittiest games take like 5 years and even then they were like 15 bucks on release, if 15 bucks over 5 years is really sticking a broom up your ass, do yourself a favor and stop buying video games, pirate them, at least then you won't have to cry about multiplayer servers shitting out
Cool, look at that I'm still on the internet because there's no great firewall of America, unlike with China. Fucking retard
i thought americans only made shitty insult tweets
oh my god imagine not being able to receive proper healthcare.... thats so dystopian.... omg im shaking.... thank god something like that doesnt exist in america
Idgaf about all that. Better living standards for me >>> everything else
Chinese students tell me how much they want to stay here because you have to work 12 hours a day in China and the cities are polluted
>expecting me to read all of that shit
kill yourself faggot
>imagine being this much of a chink that you think other countries would cut their internet because of this
ah yes the fabled living standards of inner city america
wow, you really suck at shitposting.
here have a pity (you)
>He thinks the government can shut off my internet access.
Watch this, Jing Pi
considering how apeshit your government has been going over """"foreign interference""" recently its only a matter of time until your internet is just as censored, if not moreso, than china
I live in Australia.
As retarded as yanks can be, they are a thousand times better than chink dictatorship.
>I'm okay with corporations holding all control over my games because nothing too bad has happened yet
Yes, keep licking that boot.
Did you know California ships in homeless people from other states on busses?
>here you are sir, one insulin pen
>that'll be $350,000 plus tip
Do you wear a helmet at all times? Because you should.
China is soon to take over the world as the main power. Bark while you can, slave
>imagine being this much of a chink and thinking this is even remotely true
lol open your eyes, chinky
You literally never legally held a license for any of your games, no online access just made it so they couldn't tamper with your access to it.
And even then if it's a single player title the servers can't shut down, and even if they did some shit like that to Hitman just pirate it since you legally own a copy anyway.
I know the big bad world is scary but if you're not retarded it really is not that bad
itt: yuroreddits pretending defending chinks just because they have an obsession with the US for some reason
Yeah, that's some fucked up shit.
And the FBI won't black bag me because I know about it or talk about it.
Unironically looks kinda tasty.
stay in denial cletus. you are losing power and your leaders are scrambling desperately. its only downhill from here. this is the cycle that every empire has gone through, you are no exception.
>play MMO
>there are global server, chink server, gook server and jap server
>a lot of chinks on global
>economy completely ruined by chink bots dropping value of currency and by super rich chinks buying everything x10 from AH/GC and spending thousands of $ on currency from bots
winnie the pooh
your nigger ape soldiers are stationed in my country. how would you feel if you had to endure a bunch of chink manlets squatting on your clay?
just fuck off and take your putrid shit media with you, animals. you sicken me.
The whole world stands with china, Europe especially really hates murica.
>Shit talk Euro countries
>They try to bring up Vietnam
>Ask them how the U.S. "lost" the war
>They either look it up and skirt it or they say something along the lines of "u guys lost to farmers lol"
I'll never understand this myth that the U.S. lost the vietnam war, K/D was higher, and the NVA signed a treaty, but since they're chinks they didn't honor it and blocked the shoreline to prevent return
>imagine being this much of a chink and believing this
ching chong ming mong, speaky englandy, lo pan?
Cope harder faggot. China is pretty much already stronger than burgerland in every aspect
it was an economic disaster and wholly unpopular with your citizenry. muh K/D is as meaningless as the popular vote.
You are welcome.
>Bark while you can, slave
Do I have to? I don't want them to eat me.
>standards of living
>Achieve win condition
>Enemy renegs
>"W-w-well it doesn't matter that you killed more and they acquiesced to your demands until you left, they still won"
Delusional, hippies were shit and liberals are still shit to this day, Jing Pi