Anyone here besides me unironically like that edginess games from the early 2000s had?
Anyone here besides me unironically like that edginess games from the early 2000s had?
No. Sonic Mania was the best Sonic game in years. Everything after SA2 was trash.
It wasn't just games, everything was edgy back then. People understood that it wasn't real and just a style of presentation. Nowadays redditors lose their shit when anything is even slightly edgy and spam youtube comments section with "lol le edge xd" posts
No. Everything after Sonic 3 was absolute trash
>early 2000s
Yes, I like the ridiculousness of it. Also that game came out in 2005, not the early 2000s.
i had never realised the le edgy meme was just because of the 2000's, i cant be edgy irl at least me be in video games
The sincerity behind it all added to the charm. Nowadays you can't have edge like that without it being tongue in cheek.
*stands alone*
I still like edginess. When it's done well, it can be very effective. I'm convinced Manhunt for example could only have been made in the early 2000's.
Why did the edginess trend die out? What lead to the state we're in now where irony is the current trend? Some people may accuse stuff like hot topic fashion and ultra gory games and movies of being cheesy, but at least it was actually sincere.
You can't have sincerity anymore, only ironic or tongue in cheek.
Ironic this thread shows up as I'm listening to:
Anyways, early 2000s edge was great and I miss it.
basically this Every time something tries to be sincere, it is laughed at. Only reddit tier garbage like rick and morty and avengers is acceptable now.
It all came from subcultures.
The very concept is dead now.
It'll die out eventually right? People will get sick irony just like they got sick of edginess, won't they?
I get the feeling that in order for edge to make a comeback, we need one really good edgy piece of media that's played straight.
Wanna know what I fucking love? The average person who hates Shadow the Hedgehog were born either the same year or after. Not to mention they have no points against it besides "Muh Edgy, Muh Guns LOL, Damn 56th Emerald XDD"
Things happen in cycles.
Sincere thing > Deconstruction & mockery of sincere thing > SIncere thing brought back in a new light that deconstructs it, but doesn't mock it, but tries to sincerely celebrate it > Deconstruction of new sincere thing > and on and on and on
You'll just need to wait for the end of the current cycle to get it back whenever that may be
No, but I ironically enjoy the trashy licensed music that defined video game audioscapes in that era
It was a very real trend. Shadow the Hedgehog, Disturbed in DBZ, Animal I Have Become, Sasuke, Linkin Park, anything "dark" in Kingdom Hearts, the movie 9, "Mature games for mature gamers such as myself", etc. And then you had the other side of the spectrum that was reviled by the youth like the Nintendo GameCube because it was seen as childish. It was surprisingly common for kids to hate Mario or Pokémon because they weren't dark and edgy enough. Twilight Princess was Nintendo's response to the kneejerk reactions that The Wind Waker's visuals received. Maturity was equated with death, killing, blood, brown and bloom, realism, and foul language. The irony was that all of this was a childish view of maturity.
Edgyness will come back when 90s nostalgia ends and 00s nostalgia begins.
It won't be long now. Kids who grew up in that era are already in their 20s.
I blame school shootings
i can't wait. this whole "hahah im so ironic xd isn't it funny lmao haahahaha depression roflmao" shit is just boring now
>Why did the edginess trend die out?
nu-male bugmen replaced "edginess" as the prevailing cultural trend. now everything has to be ironic, insincere, calarts-style, and remind people of their childhood.
one of the reasons i love digimon so much is that it didn't get rid of the late '90s/early 2000s aesthetic once it stopped being popular like everything else did. other series aren't making anything like pic related in 2019.
That wasn't the topic OP had.
It was a good time and a good game
>hahah im so ironic xd isn't it funny lmao haahahaha depression roflmao
get used to it, sooner or later any form of sincerity in media will be drowned out by nihilism, pop-culture references and marvel quips
I really miss this. Absolutely everything in the early 2000's played emo rock during end credits. No matter how out of place it was, it was always there.
>a childish view of maturity
On it's own it is, but people seem to forget that making everything a deconstruction in an attempt to look clever is also fairly immature. Personally, I prefer edginess because of it's sincerity. Kingdom Hearts is a good example, as part of the reason the series is so loved is because people got attached to the tragic backstories of certain characters.
Twilight Princess was still better than WW in the long run.
And don't worry, just like the 80s, it'll make a comeback
Twilight Princess was way better than Wind Waker though.
>This nigger appears
>I stand alone starts playing
I miss this shit man
This game is secretly great
>villain in a game is evil