Confess your embarrassing secrets or unpopular video game opinions
Confess your embarrassing secrets or unpopular video game opinions
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Skyrim is a good game
I spend more time with visual novels than with any other genre.
Overwatch is a decent game in a shit state because of an incompetent company but could easily be fixed pronto.
I have a top 100 list of my favorite games, despite the fact that nobody cares that i have one
I actually enjoy the avatar movie game and spent hours playing the risk mini game and role playing battles where allies and enemies respawn indefinitely
I enjoyed Shadow The Hedgehog for PS2
Cataclysm was my favourite expansion
FF7 is a boring slog with a mediocre battle system and too many set pieces
I would rather play Saints Row than GTA.
I care user, share it.
I still play Happy Wheels
I pretend to be female online
It is fuck Yea Forums autists.
Visual Novel is medium not a genre.
I play Skyrim for the combat system and nothing more All a game has to have is neat looking kill moves or finishers and I’m there
Fuck off Todd
This is actually correct. Not games, but not anime or manga either.
compulsively listing or sorting things is a symptom of autism
MGS4 has the best gameplay in the franchise.
I loved Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World as a kid and still like it now
I jizzed during the Shadow Moses act, I only pretend to hate it now many years later. The only bad act is the euro one
When I was younger but old enough to know better I played the fuck out of Smurfs Village on my dad's ipad
I enjoyed Dragon Age 2, I've purchased every DOA game and beaten my dick to them for the past 20 years, I've never played Deus Ex / VTMB but I still say "yeah they're good games" to everyone
Literally just had his theme song stuck in my head a few moments ago.
Can’t believe I finished that great story and then had no one to talk to about it
go play MGRR
/s, i know MGRR is not really a metal gear game
I beat my meat more than 50 times to my Sims 3 pregnant harem. It included some alien and plant chicks. I remember that the most dirturbing part of this was that after the hoes gave birth to my rapebabies i just used the cheat panel to age them up in front of their moms so i wouldn't have to take care of them. I think i repeated this process for more than 2 months until i got bored and moved on to better hentai vydia.
There is not a single good game in existence that contains waifushit. Every single game guilty of that is also guilty of being a bad game, from Dragon's Crown, to Bayonetta, to Xenoblade, to Senran Kagura. Not a single person can defend any of these games without falling back to tired comments like "WELL IT MAKES THE SJWS MAD SO IT'S GOOD".
Infact, if you asked them to disavow the waifufags who spam porn of their respective games, they'd tell you to fuck off because, in their words, "gameplay discussion doesn't belong on Yea Forums. Would you trust someone who hates gameplay in video games?
i fapped to CTTR racer girls
I look up girls skirts in games, because a disembodied camera makes life super convenient.
When I was in middle school I setup a submission match in WWF Attitude where there were only women's wrestlers. I let them groan and moan while masturbating.
I like to talk about fightan as if I have been playing for years but I only really started to play them like a month ago and to no surprise I'm not good at them, because well I have little to no experience. I just wish I had less problems with aerial combos, for now I will stay a scrub.
I prefer to play as girls as long as they're cute and kick ass, like Claire in RE2 remake
I played Dishonored 2 with all the difficulty sliders set to the easiest and I still abused the shit out of quick save and quick load. I abuse it in pretty much every game
The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years. If I ever got caught i would start headshotting the enemy team while micspamming an obnoxious rap song and changing my name so they couldn't kick me
I never seed
I have over 12k wallpapers
I made it into Master rank every season I played Overwatch, only playing Mercy. I stopped playing because the anxiety for getting yelled at became too much
I learn a few talking points about Yea Forums's sacred cows like Obsidian, From Software and Rockstar games so I can shitpost about them even though I've never played a lot of them
I'm totally okay with an increased emphasis on cinematic games and almost never play retro games
I watch Game Grumps regularly and think the show got better when Dan came on. I also love Super Mega and got a VIP ticket for a live show
I don't play fighting games because I suck and get too upset when i suck shit at it
The new spiderman game showed me everything that's wrong with gaming today, not that i hated it, but it gave me a bad taste in the mouth
>the repetitive stealth and combat sections
>the forced "from the perspective of Mary Jane/That new character we need to push in every form of media even after we fired Bendis"
>some of the characters only being present by voice
>way less maneuver foccused missions than it should have
>all the bullshit they cut for DLC
>the annoying speedtravel
>I don't know why, but web swinging feels way easier and less fun
>embarrassing secret
I've only ever beaten System Shock 2 on easy
>unpopular opinion
Everything about the new Wolfenstein games is really good EXCEPT for the gameplay, which is not very good.
Halo 3 multiplayer sucks compared to 2 and ce
> 1. Zelda: OOT
> 2. Trails in the Sky FC
> 3. Trails in the Sky SC
> 4. SMT: DDS2
> 5. Persona 2: IS
> 6. Persona 3: Portable
> 7. Final Fantasy 10
> 8. Mother 3
> 9. Final Fantasy 6
> 10. Mass Effect
> 11. Akai Ito
> 12. Chrono Cross
> 13. Xenogears
> 14. Chrono Trigger
> 15. P.Dragoon Saga
> 16. Final Fantasy 7
> 17. Zelda: WW
> 18. Final Fantasy 9
> 19. SOTC
> 20. Mass Effect 2
> 21. Xenoblade Chronicles
> 22. MGS3
> 24. NieR: Gestalt
> 25. Bioshock
> 26. Persona 4: Golden
> 27. EarthBound
> 28. Valkyrie Profile
> 29. KH2: Final Mix +
> 30. SoulCalibur
> 31. Lunar: Eternal Blue
> 32. Zelda: MM
> 33. MGS1
> 34. Silent Hill 2
> 35. The Last of Us
> 36. Skies of Arcadia
> 37. Zelda: ALTTP
> 38. Undertale
> 39. Batman: Arkham City
> 40. MGS2
> 41. Kingdom Hearts
> 42. Persona 5
> 43. NieR: Automata
> 44. Xenosaga Episode 1
> 45. Jade Empire
> 46. Beyond Good & Evil
> 47. Fatal Frame 2
> 48. Vagrant Story
> 49. Star Wars: KOTOR
> 50. Metroid Prime
> 51. Uncharted 2
> 52. Resident Evil 4
> 53. S.Night: Swordcraft Story
> 54. Super Mario Galaxy
> 55. Xenosaga Episode 3
> 56. Journey
> 57. Resident Evil (GC)
> 58. Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 59. Zelda: TP
> 60. Silent Hill 3
> 61. Red Dead Redemption
> 62. Persona 2: E.Punishment
> 63. Resident Evil 2
> 64. Batman: Arkham Asylum
> 65. SMT: DDS1
> 66. Super Mario 64
> 67. Conker's Bad Fur Day
> 68. ICO
> 69. Dragon Quest 8
> 70. Super Metroid
> 71. SSB: Melee
> 72. Okami
> 73. Zero Escape: 999
> 74. INSIDE
> 75. Grim Fandango
> 76. SMT III: Nocturne
> 77. Banjo Kazooie
> 78. Zero Escape: VLR
> 79. Heavy Rain
> 80. Resident Evil 7
> 81. Zelda: BOTW
> 82. To The Moon
> 83. Castlevania SOTN
> 84. Perfect Dark
> 85. Persona 1 PSP
> 86. Max Payne
> 87. Suikoden II
> 88. Mario Odyssey
> 89. TWEWY
> 90. Parasite Eve
> 91. Eternal Darkness
> 92. MGS4
> 93. KOTOR 2
> 94. Marvel's Spider-Man
> 95. Zelda: SS
> 96. Psychonauts
> 97. Wolf Among Us
> 98. Max Payne 2
> 99. Paper Mario 64
> 100. Zelda: LA
> Totally ok with an increased emphasis on cinematic games
> Dislikes Azura's Wrath
What in the actual fuck
i dislike giant mechs
C'mon user, having "somewhat" normie taste is nothing to be ashamed, since it is often just Unbiased common sense
>literally anything below DMC2
woo almost got me 7/10
Besides movieshit like Trails in the Sky and Xenoblade, there are some agreeable gems on this list.
why dont u get better then fag
Unironically better then most best game lists that journalists shit out
>Haha good thing i never did thi-
>*flashbacks of hours spent in sorting a box with nearly a hundred old coloring pencils*
The worst part was my sister bringing my cousins into it and they laughing as they scrambled everything
I don't play fighting games because they're only fun for me if I'm playing with friends. Playing solo/online bores the fuck out of me.
haven't played the others but I love Xenoblade because it has good combat and a good world. The waifus are nice but not the reason I play it, if I want anime tiddies I'll play a hentai game
i tried
Thats not embarrassing.
It shows you enjoy games
try again
I can't remember the last time I spent over 2 hours playing video games without stopping because I felt guilty wasting time. Maybe I should try to tonight
I have this mental thing where I have to keep a character completely 'untangled'
like say my character was going in circles to their right, but in that circle they spin to their left, I have to respin them backwards to untangle them, or if I'm going in a straight line and I talk to an npc, I have to walk backwards and continue to go in a straight line
Chrono Trigger is fucking boring. It's on par with OoT for how fucking overhyped it is.
Serious sam is the worst of it's genre
>weapons feel like wet noodles (lack of impact, sound, animations)
>might as well glue S button and push A and D sometimes
>one liners are shit and the voice actor clearly putting on a voice does not help
>backtracking for the secrets
>high scores, fucking really?
>the music, what a fucking joke
And worst of all - I like SS2 the most because cartoony graphics make it a bit more bearable somehow
Idea's guys are actually a good thing though perhaps overpaid for their "work". It's important to have someone on board who empathizes with the player and just wants to make a good game. Code monkeys are uncreative autists who make uncreative autistic games, even games generally labeled as "autistic" like grand strategy are too creative to be made by code monkeys. "Artists" are the same way, they're too focused on making every pube refract light at exactly the right angle to make something actually fun. Also the designer and writer should be the same person (I know there are multiple of these but there should never be a person who is JUST a 'writer' or 'narrative designer'). If code monkeys and artists want more of anything it should be money, i'm sure mr.cotick's new yacht doesn't make the game any better.
I struggle with RTS campaigns even on the easiest difficulty. I find it extremely difficult to manage several moving parts at the same time
I don't think any of these are that controversial but
1. Fallout New Vegas is my favorite video game of all time, but all other Obsidian games suck ass.
2. I've never beaten Dark Souls but I have beaten Bloodborne three times.
3. The only character I'm good with in Smash is Meta Knight.
4. I've never played a JRPG (apart from Soulsborne games and I don't know if they really count)
5. I have purchased every single Call of Duty title except for the last two. I pre-ordered Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
>Began making a vidya
>Going well, doing assets and other shit
>Start thinking of lewd shit with those characters
>Drop the game
>Expand lewd lore instead
>Imagine being my MC getting thoroughly fucked there and here
>Can't bother myself in making a lewd game
>Was raped as a kid and fucking hated it
>Except i imagine the rape going in ways that would satisfy me
Boy i sure wish my life wasn't fucked
Bloodborne is much easier than Dark Souls
Why would u feel guilty for having a hobby :/
I had really shitty taste back in 2006 and thought Sonic 06 was great.
Water is more liquid than fire.
i summoned for champion gundyr
I never played a Zelda game, and every time I look up gameplay I get discouraged from trying it. Not a single aspect appeals to me, except for maybe the music
Seek a therapist man
user there is no such thing as "wasting time" on what you love. You like vidya? Them play, goddamit, "wasting time" on vidya is something that a boomer would say. You can play Tetris if you want, i don't care, but time enjoyed is not time wasted, it's time that's been worth living for.
>I've never played a JRPG
Absolutely false, i've platinumed both, or at least I got the "Dark Soul" achievement on Dark Souls.
Hey Yea Forums if you ever feel a lump on your balls but it's not attached it's most likely a cyst full of cum so no need to worry about it.
I agree with all of this, as someone who loves other boomer shooters like Doom, Quake, Blood, Painkiller, etc. except I also hate the cartoony graphics
I've fapped to these bunny girls in Atelier Iris 3. I also thought this shit heap was good at one point.
The asriel "fight" song has been stuck in my head for the past 2 weeks
RE:operation raccoon city is the best RE game in the series. The infection mechanic was cool
>wasting time
thats impossible
I liked a videogame.
I havent played videogames in nearly a decade and just come here to funpost after watching no-commentary playthroughs.
I keep wishing there was a game to lure me back into the fray, but each generation passes with nothing interesting to offer.
At least the vidya porn's still good.
1. I fucking hate the Bayonetta fanbase or at least the faggot part of it.
2. I haven't touched too many RPGs and usually tend to find them, mostly the turn-based type, as tedious, slow and repetitive. Action-based games may help my situation a little bit, but HP and SP and all those numbers are something I'm not too fond of. At the same time, I want to keep an open mind to enjoy as many games and genres as possible. I've been suggested to try Chrono Trigger. Should I anons, and if so, which version, SNES or DS?
I am a complete and utter brainlet but I have incredible reaction time.
People think I'm this hardcore gamer or whatever and yeah I play it up "see this wall of Saturn games 1ccs all of em" but if I ever have to use my brain I am fucking toast. I cant even finish Final Fantasy XIII, a game where "all you do is walk forward".
Bloodborne is ridiculously forgiving, far more so than Dark Souls.
Dude i feel like you are creating these situations with the MC to get over this trauma. I'm not really a therapist, but i can only tell that you should seek one. You shouldn't suffer this kind of thing when creating something you like.
I pre ordered the power armor edition of fallout 76 and even bought an extra copy for a friend. Barely plugged in 50 hours and even then I realized it was garbage 3 hours in. But I still played in hopes the purchase would be worth it. It never was. Maybe if and when the modding scene gets better.
but thanks for sharing anyway, user
even though it's a good time-waster Monster Hunter is boring to play seriously
My first Zelda game was BotW. I didn't like it, but it got me to play the other Zeldas which I do like. Also TP is my favourite.
Rise of Nations>Age of Mythology>>>>>Age of Empires 2
I sometimes get my little sister to talk on mic to get free shit in games or on steam for our shared account.
It honestly never ceases to surprise me how thirsty people online can be.
I lie to my friends about having played the "latest hottest game" because this is the only thing they talk about, it's amazing what social pressure triggers my autism and i fear people only buy new games so they can have something to talk. I'm currently playing Glover, Mad World and San Andreas for the first time, i have no fucking idea on whatver Cyberpunk is about and this is the only thing they talk about. I have a pc and a bunch of old cosoles, i don't need new stuff to have fun, it's weird hearing "aaah nostalgia" when Secret of Mana is mentioned and i finished it by the first time last month
wasnt my favorite but i thought it was a fantastic expansion
I like video games
Should've used "hate the least" there. It's just somewhat unique due to that artstyle, that's all. Never gonna play it again either way
>a good time-waster
dear god
i keep procrastinating on actually playing video games. like, for the past week or two i've been getting so caught up with making sure i don't miss quality threads here and elsewhere that by the end of the day i only usually end up quickly logging in to star trek online to do the summer event daily. i miss being able to have fun.
I tell everyone that I don't play Splatoon because it's not for me but really it's because I used to play it and sucked at it. Also because I fucking hate chargers and get irrationally angry whenever I get killed by one.
I also tell people that I don't play Smash online because it sucks but really it's because I'm bad. I mostly just train my amiibo and make them fight in tournaments.
I want fighting games to be more popular and known better for their skill required, but I also like it being niche because I want to be a snowflake about it.
>He thinks Cyberpunk is new
Go read a book, you might have something to talk about with your friends
>mfw I just finished sorting like 2000 mixed screws and bolts I don't ever intend to use
Luigi fucking sucks, I have no idea why people seem to love him so much. He's an annoying spineless chode with an obnoxious voice and terrible movement mechanics. Mario, while being one-note and inoffensive, is not nearly as petulant as his sibling. The only reasonable explanation is Player 2 Syndrome. Younger players can also relate to being chronic under-achievers living in the shadow of the eldest sibling, and project their fantasies onto Luigi while giving shit towards the actual beloved and successful brother.
I have never played a Souls game
So many guys are incredibly thirsty for some reason. There's that image where an actual 1/10 woman made a dating site profile and got a decent number of matches from 5/10 dudes. Shit's crazy. Sometimes I wish I was female so I could breeze through life but then I remember periods and physical weakness and change my mind.
I just play Turf War on both the original and the Switch po- I mean, Splatoon 2. Ranked is too much of a ragefest to even bother. I've yet to fully grasp the abilities and chunks/whatever though. I usually just play the game like a brainlet.The same goes with Smash because I just don't see the worth of playing competitively. Sure it'd be great to know things here and there but I don't want to be a megaloautist like Scarflard or ESÓY that overanalyze anything and play the game at 1 frame per second. I just want to play the damn game, and perhaps that's why I'm not so good at it like you user.
How much time you played until you realized that you "sucked at it"?
How so? I admittedly haven't played in a while but I played bloodborne last and I've beaten DS1 13 times despite not being good at it or even liking it all that much. It just felt like you could make up a lot on your build, its easy to just stomp the game if you how to do a lot of damage, even on weirder runs like bow only, it also has much slower attacks and smaller pool of them for each enemy, which helps a lot if you have the reaction time of a geriatric as I do. Bloodborne in contrast is much more railroaded in how you play your character, which inherently you have to do the relatively difficult dodges you might skip by doing ludicrous damage or just having havel's , and you also have to dodge a wider variety of faster, more difficult to follow attacks.
Delete this shit right now!
that sounds cathartic as fuck
>known better for their skill required
>be more popular
Are you kidding me with this shit right now
The first time i played FNV: Honest Hearts I thought Follows Chalk was a White Legs so i shot him which failed the quest where you meet Graham. My marker then told me to go the other side of the map to get the Zion Map. I did this and was forced to execute all the people at the camp including Daniel. Once I got the map I headed back to the North Passage and went back to the Mojave. Did this all in like 20 minutes.
Take a break from games, it's the only way to cure it.
Shit user, I still haven't played through TP on Wii U. I should be doing that.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist is the best Splinter Cell game(specifically gameplay)
>as a kid
Yeah, the game is so new in fact it isn't even out yet. You aren't daft enough to think he was talking about the genre or the pnp are you?
I play grand strategy games like life simulators. Lot's of RP and "head cannon" (fuck that term), cheating, shit like that. I babysit AI so they follow my story just the way I want them to.
5k hours in CK2 and I have never even once finished a game.
Pic related, I'm pathetic.
I enjoy heavy self-insert games involving detailed customization and basically wish fulfillment type stuff to make up for my shit and depressing life.
Talking about it on the internet made me feel better. I also spoke about it with people in real life but it was way too fucking late for them to do anything about it. The people that did this to me are already on with their life, and the other is out of prison. I also saw that fucker discuss with my little cousin so she's on the same boat as me
In a way you are right. I'm currently trying to kick my ass into trying to take the project again but I've already made so much lewd scenarios with my stupid brain that i can't bother. On the bright side I'm finally almost done settling on a proper MC
You're damn right about that.
but... the problem is that i'm not playing games? how is taking a break meant to work?
What's the matter?
Yeah that's embarrassing alright
I think Megaman battle and chase is actually a quite good racing game after you get used to the initial jank.
I love Final Fantasy XII. It's close to my favorite in the series. I've never played Zodiac Age but I plan to.
I may have Obsessive-compulsive disorder, i waste a bunch of money on physical copies of rare games i like instead of emulating, just to pirate it and save in on hard drives while i keep the physical ones in plastic bags. I have huge amounts of copies of every type of media, from music, director-cut's and porn saved in infinite terabytes of memory
I have a ridiculous fear of any kinda of digital media i like being lost forever or locked away by some greedy copyright company
I unironically like Waluigi. I like how fucking dumb his character is. He's the single most meaningless character in the entire Mario franchise, existing only to serve as Wario's doubles partner in sports games. It's why I always play as him in Mario Party and such. It's funny to me to see him cheering for himself with the giant "YOU ARE THE SUPERSTAR" text while actual characters like Mario and Yoshi look utterly defeated.
I did play Turf War. I'm very bad. There is nothing that feels worse than constantly losing to actual 10-year-olds.
I think I grinded it out until I got to like level 30. I gave it a while so I could get good, but I never did.
I had to summon 2 Player Phantoms, 1 npc phantom & awaken all of the knights available to beat the burnt Ivory King. The knights kept on ganging up on me and making it frustrating to even get to the fucking fight.
I'm talking about the game, dipshit. Not the genre
It's really good. It's somewhat criticised for being grittier and more serious than other Zelda games but I liked the change of pace. It felt cool.
Because you are forcing yourself to try and play the games, even if you're not actually getting into them, they're still always on your mind. Also, get of this stupid website, that helps too.
chrono is a good place to start
im not even the biggest rpg guy but i was always averse because i was a young sperg who had no patience for random encounters and turn based mechanics.
I wish hiro would ban the redditor mods that mods Yea Forums.
Spec Ops The Line is an overrated and mediocre game that is not only edgy as fuck but also forces you to make bad decisions and them tries to act like "OOGA BOOGA LOOK AT HOW MANY LIVES YOU RUINED YOU MONSTER!" and when questioned the devs say you always had the option to "stop playing" and not see the stupid "shock" scenes that aren't shocking at all. Yeah, sure, it's easy to say that when you weren't the one that paid for the game, fucktards. Also gameplay is boring as fuck and almost made me sleep 1/4 into the game.
>but it was way too fucking late for them to do anything about it.
Diff guy here, but:
Theres not really a limitation on time for this sort of thing, user. You can always take someone to task for being a rapist, no matter when it happened.
I know it takes a fuckload of personal energy to pursue this type of shit in the real world, too. But I think its worth alerting someone about this crime. I've been gearing up to tell someone about my own abuse story, lately. It's draining, but I just want the pain to end.
That wasn't my criticism. The level designs are bad and make even BOTW dungeons look good in comparison.
It's fucked really. It's not unusually for us to bag $80+ deluxe editions and other overpriced shit reliably. I don't play a lot of recent games due to work and virtually nothing catching my interest, but my sister loves the shit out her weeb trash and JRPGs. It work of works out for us since money is tight.
Hey user, don't feel bad. I lose 90% of the time in matches. That's how stupid it is. It may be a case of not having other games to play on the Switch but I just have no idea what to think of. Games like Splatoon, ARMS, Mario Maker, Smash and Mario Kart are games you'd boot up when you're bored and have your backlog completed.
I see. I'd probably go get a ROM so I can play it through TWLMenu++.
I have a secret folder full of porn games, at this point I honestly play porn games more than actual games
Dark souls is a mediocre game that's constantly dick sucked by people who want to be "hardcore gamerz"
I got molested as a kid and it made me fixated on cocks despite not being gay.
It’s the only thing I can masturbate to. I hate my life.
I like Luigi better because he's tall and green.
Crystal Chronicles and Tactics are the best FF installments, the former being a fantastic diablo clone with SOUL
We have mods?
Randomly looted an BIS item for a friend i was playing with, but i sold it secretly on the auction house and for the gold i bought materials instead.
9 years ago and its still a secret, which still haunts me.
Ok faggot.
hahaha, well my brother has a family now. I said it way too late but it turns out that the other guy, my cousin was meant to be the godfather of his kids. So in a way i got them on time but it still says a lot about this shit. And he still live with his wife out there while the other guy is free
So it's fucking fucked, and my parents already forgave him despite all the shit I've been through. Plus it didn't help the two were on fucking drugs
Ah. I think the Wii U version should be fun since I can leave the inventory on the GamePad. It's ironic you say that since the majority were asking for a realistic Zelda game back then. Too bad it didn't age well graphically. I've also yet to fully play WW and Majora's Mask.
Yup, I've been told it's a good entry point.
Awakening is my favorite FE game & it wasn't my first game into the series. The GBA games are seriously overrated.
I killed Dwayne instead of Playboy x in gta iv
I really really want to fuck Toki. I'm also insanely autistically mad that atlus screwed the pooch writing her because her design and general demeanor early game hit nearly all of my fetishes.
I can use my brain until I actually need to
>spend an hour in training in tekken 7
>memorize a bunch of moves and learn combos
>start actually fighting
>haha mash button make guy hit
Clown 2B is cute
Awakening's gameplay is actually pretty good, i would even say that it's the best gameplay on the series to date. The plot still makes me bang my head in a wall though
Oh, I meant like jail-time for the crime. That fucking sucks that parents forgave him, knowing what he did. Its hard to find people how are willing to confront these types of things head-on. Most people dont understand it. I hope things go better for you. Stay strong.
I genuinely enjoy dark souls 2 the most out of the series.
Everytime there's a thread about it I read through to see people's reasons for hating it but I just don't understand them.
I do enjoy all of the souls games, but thematically, visually and majula-y ds2 is just always the one I go back to and have the best memories with
Breath of the Wild was a good game
that's a skill you have to develop in itself, performing under pressure
2016 I had some guys add me just because I was in the girl gamers group on steam, I got overwatch, EDF, Valhalla, and god eater just for talking to them, they never asked and I never said I was actually a girl.
I feel that way except about Fates, the massive variety of class progression and perks makes for excellent depth of customization and it still remains merciless on Extreme even with all those boons on you
>But the plot sucks!!
It's FE, the plot always sucks
>But the characters are walking tropes!
It's FE, the characters are always walking tropes
That's a level of dysfunctionality that is entirely new to me. I hope you get over it eventually, one way or the other.
Have this chubby dog figurine as a token of my empathy.
That's the thing. They started by giving me pleasure first so it would be hard to reveal what's going on at the time, but then they forced me to do shit i didn't want to. Sucking dicks is the worst shit
But it took a huge part of my life away from me because it made me a edgy kid that didn't want to do anything with anyone because of that. It didn't help i was the kind of happy go lucky kid that would lie just to make sure everything is okay, even through everything isn't
>be 8 years old
>have an overactive imagination
>imagine a war between sony, microsoft, and nintendo
>root for sony because i have a ps2
>had Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, so Harry Potter fought for sony
>imagine him whooshing around on his broom casting spells at microsoft characters on an xbox-shaped battleship
>snap back to reality and I'm in my third grade classroom
>im moving my fingers in a claw-shape and making "zzzzzschhhhhh" sounds
>teacher says, "user, are you alright?"
>entire class stares at me in silence
honestly really getting hit with all the shit shit my parents never taught me because "we wanted you to be a kid as long as possible" Homeschool also sucked
I'm pretty sure that most of the hate for DS2 comes from how the game's graphics and gameplay weren't what was advertised or described.
While most of the bugs were patched after launch, you can't patch the graphics (Unless you buy SOTFS) or undo the negative first impressions.
The only game I've managed to get to the end of in the last 2 years is Evenicle because every other game was just boring as fuck.
And I've bought like 30 games in that time span.
this is based
I feel very out of touch with all the new buzzwords and memes on Yea Forums these days, even though I'm a newfag from around 2011 myself.
huh? I don't think that's related
i don't think that mario rabbids kingdom battle is a very good game
better than expected? sure
disappointing after reading all the reviews from after it came out? absolutely
and how do you get turn based strategy from mario and rabbids?
Graphics can be fixed... On PC.
The issue is most companies don't spend the money after the fact a game has launched to get them to their advertised look. Also didn't help the consoles were super weak and hard to get performing at previously advertised levels (a PC)
Once i somehow clicked on a reddit post about some kid asking about what to do in Bloodborne after killing Vicar Amelia (i never played the game until then), he asked if there was any "shinning object" he should touch in order to progress in the plot
Some autistic guy in the comments went on a cringefeast of long text that was like "Shinning object? Ha Ha Ha! This is SOULS baby! The game will not tell you what to do next! You should stick to casual games like..."
When i played Bloodborne, i discovered that after killing Vicar Amelia you need to touch the skull in the center of the church, and that the skull actually was shinning in order to tell the player to interact with it, the guy just never noticed.
Then i noticed that i used to act just like that guy with everyone i knew
Although I find Dark Souls 2 to still be a enjoyable game overall, I don't understand how you don't understand people's reasons for hating it. The flaws most people point out are flat out flaws, there's no way around it. You simply can't deny that they exist. The only difference is how much they impact your enjoyment of the game. It does have a pretty comfy atmosphere though, for whatever reason
I know exactly what you mean. To this day, it still frightens me to have close, personal relationships with people cause I think about the awful shit I've experienced before.
The person who abused me was/is in a position of power, so its hard to acuse him without people ignoring me. And like you, I am/was a person who was unwilling to upset the waters in social situations, because I liked it when people got along, rather than not. Those sick fucks target people like us, but I'm going to do something about it soon. I want to see justice done.
Thats why I was so persistent in replying to you. I didnt want anyone else to feel the same way I did.
Battlefield V is very good and the cosmetic complaints were listened to.
very redpilled, Conquest is my favorite FE because I like a good challenge
It's funny, because this game was in every plataform and every port had completely different problems that made all the versions barely playable in their own way
Got a mix of unpopular opinions and shameful confessions for ya
>Launch-year, unpatched switch owners that don't want to hack their switch because they're afraid it will break or they're too lazy to figure it out deserves their switch to be stolen by a pack of niggers
>People who like Bayo 2 over 1 probably prefer only because they saw their favorite YouTube e-celeb freaking out reacting to the first cutscene or they don't understand what made the first game amazing, either way they need to be taken out back and shot
>I sometimes play league but that chess thing is fucking retarded
>If you're one of those guys that say that their favorite silent hill is 2 because it's standalone and that they don't like 3 because the story centers around too much on the cult then just admit you never liked silent hill in the first place. Alessa and The Order have been integral to the Silent Hill ethos since the first game
> I couldn't defeat Roxas in KH2 critical mode and got so mad when I found out that it was a pointless fight they shoehorned in for Final Mix that I just watched the rest of the game on YouTube
>I watched a PeaceWalker walkthrough on YouTube instead of actually playing it because I lost my PSP and I couldn't be arsed to pay for the MGS collection on PS3 just for one game
idk I feel like that's a thing parents could help you with
I feel like there's actually more moderation on Yea Forums these days, compared to all the off-topic stuff that was on Yea Forums during the early 2010s.
I like BotW
What was the last game you played?
People misuse the word meme nearly constantly in normie circles, so thats normal. There are very few, genuine memes or jokes or pop culture.
I wouldnt worry too much about it.
I'm in a similar situation. I was the last child my workoholic parents had and they couldn't be assed to raise me properly, my siblings are a few years older. I had to learn basic shit like saying thanks and please or dinner etiquette from friends' families. They just didn't care how I behaved at home when they took the time to raise my orther and sister properly. Needless to say, my siblings despised me for supposedly getting away with more stuff than they ever did. Don't even get me started on "adult" skills like responsibility, punctuality and the like.
We have a saying in my native language: the things little Jonny doesn't learn, all-grown Jonathan will never learn. Having to learn basic social shit by yourself way too late sucks. Thank fuck homeschooling is verboten in my country, but my parents wouldn't have bothered anyway.
This. Shadow The Hedgehog was a fun game. Nobody's forcing you to play through all the stories. Although you should, the dialogue is pretty funny.
I used to jerk off to the thought of Lady Bow and Vivian giving me ghost blowjobs when I was younger.
Well I guess they could potentially, but nobody is good at something right away, like if you practice anything competitive and then fight a real person it's gonna be different. You can't really be "taught" how to perform at a baseball game for your first time. You have to experience it and build on that experience. Same with Tekken in a real match. You have to "teach" yourself in real matches through experience to actually do shit with another human opponent.
I want a FEAR 4 for the story
I have noticed that the word "meme" is overused a lot these days. Something else I remember is how Yea Forums used to look down upon the word "meme", with all the ironic shitposting like "could this be the birth of an epic new meme?" that was on Yea Forums around 2011 and 2012.
I went from Console to PC back to console. I just got tired of it. I was tired of constantly wondering if a game would come out on PC and if it would be a bad port. I still game on PC but I get new games on my PS4. I kinda let my rig get out dated and dont care anymore.
>Launch-year, unpatched switch owners that don't want to hack their switch because they're afraid it will break or they're too lazy to figure it out deserves their switch to be stolen by a pack of niggers
I'm guilty of this user. I'll be sure to tinker around hacking it when the Pro inevitably comes and I transfer my profile data to it.
>People who like Bayo 2 over 1 probably prefer only because they saw their favorite YouTube e-celeb freaking out reacting to the first cutscene or they don't understand what made the first game amazing, either way they need to be taken out back and shot
It's most likely because it's more casual-friendly and has actual colors while Bayo 1 has a piss filter all over it. Or rampant Smashfaggotry. Gameplay-wise, 1 is definitely the better game. I just fucking hate Joy man. People bitch about Grace and Glory but Joy is the true cancer.
I hope everything goes well for you. And don't try to get around the bucket of love and affection, they don't care about it. Just go straight for the target
I've wasted twenty five years of my life for this sort of bullshit. I've dated a guy but he was looking too much like the other rapist and that was a big turn off even through he was kind and paid me a ton of shit...I just wanted to be friend with him but i didn't want to upset him at all. Turns out it only made things worse in the end
Now I'm dating another guy and there's attraction between us, but i don't feel any love. Like shit I'm letting him do things but they're things that I'm alright with. Like the only thing i will never do again is suck dicks. I've been ghosting him because he also wants to fuck but I'm too afraid of getting a kid
Hell, it's not just a position of power. All it takes is just someone lapping in between your thighs and that's it. They own you. That's what people don't get, you feel good and you want more like a crack addict. And lots of people are suffering because they've got that happen to them, it's fucking bullshit man
Now you see, thats the weird thing: I've noticed a consistent slacking on off-topic threads that persist for an entire day. Even threads that would have rightfully been consigned to /vg/ in the past years.
I almost entered Channel Awesome as a AVGN clone
holy shit something really similar happened to me in first grade
>watch some Veggietales movie with my family because my mom liked us having a "movie night" with a movie my brother and I could enjoy
>only thing I remember is Larry the cucumber is a matador and keeps shouting "Toro! Toro! Ole!" at the bull
>don't recognize it because I don't speak Spanish, just think the phrase sounds funny
>next day in school, silent reading time
>still thinking about matador Larry for some reason
>start murmuring "toro, toro, ole!" to myself
>repeat it over and over while engrossed in my book, don't realize I'm talking at normal volume in an otherwise silent classroom
>suddenly notice the two girls sitting in front of me have turned around and are staring at me like I'm a retard
I'd completely forgotten about this until now
Your Silent Hill opinion isn't an opinion. It's just flat correct.
Not cool that you'd want someone harmed just because of buying a Nintendie though. Pic related
The worst part is that there seems to be a never ending stream of people like that. I just don't get the mentality of being so desperate for a little female attention that you part, more than willingly, with your money. My sister doesn't even put on a 'cute' voice or anything. If anything, she's typically somewhat rude and condescending to the guys who give her shit.
Do you make videos now?
You're giving me bad ideas
I regularly get stuck in zelda puzzles so instead of figuring them out I just google it because videogame puzzles aren't worth my time
I tell people i just got burned out on MOBAS and can't play them anymore when in reality i suck at them and utter loathe them
I'm terrible at finishing games. I've started maybe 8-9 games over the past few years and have yet to finish them.
I like Runescape 3 better than OSRS
I spent about $890 on a new PC, but my internet is so bad i can't even get any games without waiting several hours to over a day or two. So i've been primarily playing on console for the past 7 months while telling friends my PC is having issues on and off when they all get a new game they want me to play.
I suppose getting it on console guaranteed it is the worst version? Takes the guess work out of it. 100% low resolution and fps.
Also if your rig is dated, it always was shit. Mid level builds from 2014 still keep up to this day at 1080p/60+
>he [...]paid me a ton of shit
Love, isn't it beautiful?
I used the create a character in lost planet to make a Chinese Waifu with giant jungle chain tits and jacked to it in middle school
I would be too embarrassed to share that list as well, friend
user go buy a 2GB GPU like a 770 and tell me that a 2014 era rig would hold up.
I hate playing with my friends because they're the "we just play together to have fun" types and I'm the "I'm here to win" type.
Monster Hunter gets easier every iteration, with World being laughable. I'm really not sure if I even want to bother with Iceborne.
Not having all the Pokemon in SnS is going to be the LEAST of its problems.
Criticism is not toxic behavior. Multiplayer gaming has been ruined by every faggot looking to turn anything said into an insult against them.
Open world games are inherently shit. They're bad excuses for a dev to pad out game length without actually adding any content.
Day 1 DLC and DLC that isn't expansion content in general is proof that the majority of people are not sentient.
Precisely. Memes started out as oblique references to pop-media and persistent jokes about them, then got interpreted by normies as "a picture with some text on it".
Its a complete 180 from how we used and later shunned it in ancient times. By rights, "meme" culture should be long-dead by now.
Goddamn social media is cancer.
Fortnite is fun
No, only video editing for commercials in my third world country and i feel proud of it. I deleted everything from my past life and never gained enough traction to get archived by LOLCOW hunters.
My persona was a edgy pichu with the hat from the anime Hellsing
I still think that Yea Forums is more on-topic now than it was in the 2012 times of
>plus tip
>Mom said it's my turn to play
>>mfw Americans clap
I think that Yea Forums is less fun these days, though.
Ah how I remember the "That isn't a meme that's just an image macro" days on Yea Forums. It was truly the beginning of the end.
The weirdest thing to me is that memes now have political connotations to them, and how politicalfags now try to "out-meme" each other.
Think about it, newfag.
Forgive me father for I have sinned.
I reserved the collectors edition of borderlands 3
For xbox
He was the one to date me and getting me to places like the cinema, restaurant and whatever. I couldn't just say no to that. I couldn't look at him straight in the face but i didn't want to tell him all that shit. I'm way too kind until I'm pressed on the last moment
What doesn't have a political connection to it these days? Things have been forced so far into "us or them" territory it feels like everything is political.
Actually let's quit calling it political, because that isn't. It's tribal.
Before I understood how furries worked I both created an Original the Character on a Sonic fan forum and played Furcadia. I just really liked sprites, man.
I actually watched Nostalgia Critic videos back around 2009 and 2010.
>Never gained enough traction
>My persona was a edgy pichu with the hat from the anime Hellsing
I know CW standarts were low, but they really considered hiring you?
Have sex
Anyone who actually likes 2 better than mythology and 3 never played the singleplayer
Remember lolcats? Remember meme generators? Remember Chanology and the highjacking of Anonymous?
Everything we came up with, which has already been stolen from SA or 2ch if we're honest, has been bastardized by people, almost since day 1.
Furcadia is where I learned what furries where. I was playing Ragnarok Online when a friend from there invited me to play Furcadia with him.
So I create my character, then ask him what we do to quest or level up in this game.
>Oh user, that's not what we do here.
Fucking traumatizing experience that was.
It feels weird that even though I'm still a newfag, I remember the times when stuff like cartoon horses and Reddit rage comics were the main things that Yea Forums was mad about, instead of politics.
>last semester of college
>brain fried from absolute lack of any excitement and lots of stress to pass teaching license exam
>In "technology learning" class with tons of sorority moms who don't know how to do anything involving a computer
>Final exam is to build a teaching tool in Minecraft
>Memories of late night high school summers playing with the boys
>Open console, spawn diamond gear, and start to kill the sorority moms who don't know how to play
>Accidentally let out audible held back laughter
>Get awful stares from class
>That causes me to laugh even more for some reason
God I want to die every time I think of that.
None of these are unpopular opinions, at least not on here.
these are just Yea Forumss opinions embodied.
Thank you, dude. I know it sounds cheesy, but it helps just typing this stuff out and talking to someone else who understands.
It can feel so lonely even with other people, and I just abstained from having relationships altogether to get away from that feeling.
I know people talk shit about therapy, but I'm going to find a counselor nearby to help me while I take care of this guy with legal action. Talk-therapy has gotten so much cheaper these days with sliding-scale rates that I think I may be able to afford it finally.
I just wanted you know that youre not alone. I have to believe things can get better. Were both gonna make it.
Trump is a meme president, literally, somehow summoned into office by a series of synchronous events which in turn reached back to revitalize a once "dead" pantheon of deities who serendipitously appeared in a sense amidst all the faggotry.
The fact that memes are both politicized and to a degree militarized should not really be a surprise.
Even then if you disregard my opening statement, Trump still rode to presidency welding pop culture with /Pol/ propegating his eternal reign.
Fun times tho right?
Morrowind is dogshit. Oblivion is peak Elder Scrolls.
smash bros is the most overrated game of all time and the only reason people like it is nostalgiafagging.
Being raped as a man and admitting it is just going to emasculate you and make people hate you in any situation, the best you can do is take the rapist with you for being a degenerate fag, no one will actually care about your feelings, and if it was the “right” kind male on male rape, where it was done purely to punish you for being weak, then it will even be tacitly encouraged, as with prison rape. The fact is the world is run by women and masculine men, and they, particularly the women, don’t like unmasculine men. Think about the catholic rape priests, no one really cared about their victims, they just had a convenient reason to shit on the church. All any one cared about was them BEING degenerates, not DOING terrible, harmful things. You are implicitly supposed to kill yourself if you are male you is sexually dominated by another man, even something like being secretly fed cum or ball sweat is supposed to make you consider suicide.
Oh shit son, dodged a bullet there. What's the deal with all the AVGN clones back then anyway? Not a single one seemed to understand why people watched James's shit.
Give us some insight, please.
>Multiplayer gaming has been ruined by every faggot looking to turn anything said into an insult against them.
user may be in pain, but you are miserable by nature as well as circumstance.
I'm 28 and have never played a single one of the big Nintendo franchises, other than an hour of Metroid Fusion.
I'm kinda missing the "clap" era of Yea Forums now, user. Man thats weird.
I know what you mean about the fun-factor.
is m'aiq a god or deadric prince? How is he still alive?
Demon souls>dark souls
GTA5 is god-tier
open world RPGs are just FIFA for nerds, everyone pretends like it's some intellectual's genre when it's all vapid sandbox shit for people who don't have anything better to do than crunch numbers.
I'm just fucking with you, buddy. Now you make me feel bad for joking around on an anonymous image board for VIDEO GAMES.
When we were kids I deleted the save of Legend of Dragoon in order to make room on my memory card for other stuff. When my sister found out she broke down crying. She was too young to really play it at the time, but she always watched me play. She say it as 'our save', and she was heartbroken by me just getting rid of it.
She made me sit down and play the whole thing again while she watched.
It fucked me up to see she so upset about it.
I think they needed the trope "pokemon youtube guy", it was in their early years and they were hiring practially anyone. My editing was very good for the time and I had some friends in the forums and they wanted to pull some strings, the novelty of youtube cartoon personas was kinda of new i guess
I remenber they hiring a ugly girl (which was the one i contacted once to get my channel featured) which the only gimmick is that she and her boyfriend used blackmetal makeup all the time like Juggalus (and it was not just her persona, she really used blackmetal makeup in her daily life), and she would talk about how she hated My Little Pony with a forced Joker voice.
The most scary is that i think the only reason i never got in there is because i was too lazy to make new videos and got tired of it when i finished high school, i was just a fucking kid (i don't think they knew that) and was already discussings shit i barely understood like legal contracts and distribution rights without the consent of my parents
That, is a memorable opinion.
user mentioned being afraid of having a kid in a relationship with a man, pretty sure it's a she
In the last guy, unlike the other two I don’t actually like the current affairs, in fact it should be clear I am disgusted by them, I am just telling the truth because without it you can’t do anything, you can’t fight something you don’t believe exists. It’s the same way police brutality videos are shown to inspire outrage not for, but against abuses of power.
>could easily be fixed
>would have to either remove or completely rework cancer stunlock characters
I mean technically it would be easy, but it would be extremely drastic and I can hardly remember a game changing its very systems so drastically.
Yeah, it was okay. Shame about the physics which are, just like Heroes, ruined compared to the Adventure games. Bosses were pretty neat.
2hu, loads of classic fighting games, JRPGs, the list goes on of times you were proven wrong.
Good luck man, you really need it. I can really only get help online and i guess I've been tackling that problem lately but there's no turning back time for me. I just wish i had a better life, and wish people like us wouldn't have to go through that shit
Nigger please the world isn't all about being shit. Sure there are people taking advantage of others but god damn you can't just act like a bitch and say deal with it. You'll never be in the wrong for being taken advantage, the other is. You're just riding on the cock of those who say that bullshit is fine
Did it ever occur to you that he was probably way older than you and also a pedophile?
That’s sad user, you are good brother
>bowing to female sibling tears
Boy your reprogramming started early
I don't care for a majority of games coming out and I mostly just stick with old shit thats been out for ages, its not even a "new thing bad" sort of thing, I like new music and all sorts of new tech but I don't feel like getting a PS4 or Switch or new PC is really worth my time or money
The PS2 is my main platform other than my PC
I don't play games with some of my irl friends because theyre insufferable tryhard faggots even playing casual game lobbies
I wasted 30 fucking dollars on Siege and uninstalled after like 15 hours because all they do is bitch and moan it fucking sucks, I want to learn the game and shit but them constantly screaming all variations of "what are you doing user?" and them screaming about "bullshit" shots and players gets on my fucking nerves
I own a ton of physical games but I'm not a collectorfag because I actually play my games I own very often
>>Oh user, that's not what we do here.
Deus Ex aged like milk
Jontron did nothing wrong
GOG is the only decent PC games store.
If the Gamecube controller had another shoulder button it would be the best controller to ever exist.
Games like Uncharted, the newer Tomb Raiders, and The Last of Us are barely video games due to a near complete lack of player agency.
Destiny 1+2 are great games, gameplay wise.
Souls style combat is not good. I cringe every time I see someone say shit like "Zelda but with Souls combat!" It's all just manipulating AT to kill itself and poking at openings.
>women on Yea Forums
That’s just delusion, anyway at least one of them is a man
I can kind of see what this comment means even if it's misdirected a bit. I really hate people that have minds that are just solely controlled by porn, they buy games because of hot characters, etc. It's lead to so many shit games that are excused cause of le cute anime grill or some shit. It also just kills discussion. I really fucking hate horny fags. Get a grip on something other than your dick.
Just like my japanse hentais
that is pretty impressive, ps1 kid?
Setting up an emulator sometime and giving mario 64 a go wouldn't hurt.
Stop pretending your MGTOW bullshit is the normal way of thinking. YOU are the one who was reprogrammed.
>paying for higher education
>final exam is Minecraft
You're fucking with us, right?
Or just family.
Women suck but they don't really become the horrible foids until around ~10 years old
>Making things neat and accessible is a sign of autism
this is why I just can't give Nier: automato a go.
I know they just want to fuck 2b, I'm sure the game is alright but 2b's bum has to be adding on at least 2-3 points to the out of 10 rating for them.
this game is honestly a big fucking meme, the combat system IS great but you barely get to play the game inbetween all the cutscenes and QTEs. Bayonetta is like 20% the bit you want to do and 80% bullshit.
Its insane how much Yea Forums has mutated and spread outside its boundaries, for better or worse.
And even crazier realizing how much we've watched and participated in it all.
But you are very correct- Yea Forums has always been this fetishized hive of villainy that people like to pilfer humor from- like autistic Prometheus stealing fire from Olympus.
When Moot collapsed /news/ I dont think he knew what evil he was unleashing on the world.
Yeah, PS1-2. In my defense, I also haven't seen an N64 or Gamecube till I was like 16. They just weren't available in my country or were exceedingly hard to find. Same for Sega stuff.
There's tons of games I'd like to at least try, but I've a huge backlog even on platforms I already own.
You're missing the point. If you're doing it for a comprehensible reason, you're good. If you're doing it just to received some kind of satisfaction, you're probably on the spectrum.
I used to review iphone games
Ouch sorry man, sounds like I hit a sore spot. She took the house, didn't she?
>nah rattlesnakes are fine to hug, they only become a problem when they grow up
Man have some basic self-preservation drive
My sister fucking means the world to me since we're the only decent family each other have. We're largely incapable of trusting anyone outside of each other due to childhood abuse, but I know for a fact we're less fucking broken than someone who thinks caring about their own family is indoctrination.
He oughta. Penis inspection day was the same week, most likely.
Embarrassing is right.
I want to do things to a lot of the characters in that game but I never have that feeling while playing it. It's my favorite video game.
What was the best iphone game you ever played?
Ooh, feisty. You're truly an independent man who don't need no woman! You go, guy!
Still gets points docked for having OoT at number 1.
I wish I was. The education system is a mess and it will take a lot of work to fix. But hey, I'm just a want to be normie who let his autistic side out in front of a bunch of women, so what do I know?
Tbh I just deleted my OTHER rant because 90% of my issue is that I'm getting older and want to focus more on learning life lessons, not how a game works every time they make a patch, because no modern game is FUCKING DONE upon release.
Tarkov was cool, but suddenly they may completely rework fire rates and how useful weapons are so all your knowledge is trash, it's happened before, which I get, it's Early Access, but continues my point.
Any game dev that is actually ballsy enough to make a new/innovative concept for a game, they are some small fucker that takes forever.
Or a game going a complete different direction from where it appeared to be going upon release, like Rust. That went pretty sideways.
Also, MOBA's are fun, but they introduce new characters without balancing them properly, and nerf/buff champions, while completely reworking some of them + items.
I literally would rather invest my time in studying more valuable things than the changes to a fuckin item in League.
I stick to Runescape and VR games like Pavlov/Blade & Sorcery anymore.
I'd maybe understand if you had kids that need raising, but not if you're just regular old user.
Only thing i disliked is there was no pure Sonic boss fight
>mfw i never even realized MGTOWfags use the same rhetoric as recently divorced lesbians
I'm sorry user, I just can't trust you.
>tfw failed penis inspection
>had to repeat it twice
I'm a Palutena main in smash
Sounds kinda nice as a side gig
I play most FPS games on normal difficulty and rarely play them on hard unless I feel like legit challenging myself.
Really the only games I played on the hardest difficulty was STALKER, MGS and Knights of the Temple.
Hard to say. Rayark games are consistently good, but Cytus probably stands out more due to rose-tinted glasses of a less cancerous app store. Infinity Blade 2 definitely stands out as well. Real shame that 3 sucked ass.
One of my final exams in college involved writing an essay about alcohol and date rape using Ron and Hermione as the examples.
Our professor was a Harry Potter fan, and specifically asked us to use those characters in our responses.
I wish I was making that up.
All the Infinity Blade shit in Fortnite got me hopeful for a while, fuckin Epic. Also Deemo is the best Rayark game
My experiences in there were very interesting including getting some tits sent to me from an e-gf who didn't know how young I was and how illegal that was but I always viewed the personality behind the avatars first when interacting and never correlated it with liking the anthromorphs on screen. Really dodged a bullet there especially since my young mind thought calling my Sonic OC 'Rainbow the Hedgehog' was a cool idea and now I'm a red-blooded, furry-hating hetero cis white male for life.
>I've completed EO4 up to the post game stratum, did all 3 floors and figured out the Pupa gas codes to fight the boss
>too lazy to remember how to play the game/ make a good team to defeat it
>haven't touched it since
Only God's forgiveness is eternal. It's time they paid the piper.
I keep spending way too much time on Yea Forums, mainly because I'm a NEET.
>Infinity Blade
Oh man, I remember the hype around that game. Good times.
I didnt play Cytus, because I had sort of drifted away from gaming around that year.
>Final exam is Harry Potter date rape fanfic
escape from butcher bay has good finishers
Glad to have you on our side.
That is the ugliest fucking dog I have ever seen.
same, I still regret it
I miss when memes were jut silly stuff like Costanza and Kornheiser.
We all are, m8
I usually pick medium difficulty and never change, even when I realize the game is too easy for me this way. Then I complain about it on the internet.
Steam is a horrible platform run by incompetent money grabbers.
Germans and Russians tend to be absolute bros online.
I believe Australians should be considered Asians for simplicity's sake.
I mean, Trump getting into office has been a pretty fun time so yea
it is embarassing to have a functioning brain
>Germans and Russians tend to be absolute bros online.
I'm a wageslave who spends too much time here. I think either way it's a bad deal
Im not gonna lie, I did laugh while writing about it. "Dont drink and do drugs to avoid wizard sex" was easiest A-grade I've ever made.
If our professor was a Berserk fan, it would have been much weirder.
I was 14 and he was 20 at the time. I didn't learn this until way later. When in 2016 I heard down the grapevine that he was arrested for DMing and trying to fuck underage girls via his Twitter account that used his real name.
Germans are not bros with anyone, least of all Vak'banskiy.
>Germans and Russians tend to be absolute bros online.
Opposite problem for me.
What bullshit major were you taking lmao
Stop making it so obvious you play shit games with shit communities.
^ loving to play light-hearted games is the only thing i could think of that might embarrass me, but, i has nu shame doe :3
ever play Dark Messiah?
wew hecking lad
Hide better, Vanya
Not for my major, but It was our final exam for Creative Writing for English credits.
i think half life and zelda OOT are overrated borderlands 1 is complete shit with awful guns and powers TPS is better then 2 for gameplay and sonic 06 is only considered so bad in part because most games at least worked back then also heroes is worse then 06 both are bad but 06 could be a good game if it had time heroes had time and was shit anyway
Portuguese and Spaniard are the worst.
Fuck the Grand Exchange, fuck polls, and fuck minmaxing niggers.
BR fags yeah, those are bad. Can't vouch for other Portuguesefags tho because I rarely met them.
Spaniards I have had mixed experiences with.
You either get the commies who are insufferable.
Or the ones that lean to the right and are far more chill.
Nier A is kinda shit honestly far too easy and has too much running around and god forbid you do side quests
Just play IronMeng and prove your genetic superiority m'dude
One of the best Melee combat systems to date imo, shame it didn't take off.
I have a massive backlog of games and stuff, so I feel like I really should spend less time here. I feel like I keep coming here just because I suck at self-control and time management, and it's become a bad habit to me.
I enjoyed Billy Hatcher. All metal gear games are overrated. For as much as I love it, 3D Sonic games shouldn't exist and Sonic should have stayed in the late 90s.
I suck ass at platformers and want to like Mega Man games but they make me mad as fuck.
My backlog keeps getting bigger and bigger. I have so many games I've been meaning to get to or have started but haven't finished but I keep going back to play Smash 90% of the time.
Like the above, it's a bit of a cliche, but I legitimately spend more time talking about video games than actually playing them. It's not even a depression thing, I just can't get motivated to just sit down and play and it effects my other hobbies too.
Dialogue, even if its only written, is a waste of time in openworld/sandbox games and only serves to complicate the design process, Fable, San Andreas, and to a lesser extent RDR2 have the right idea in just letting NPC interactions stay at a generalized or symbolic(fable emotes) level. If a game must need dialogue of any sort then let it only ever be in the story, no one ever actually reads or pays attention to what generic NPCs have to say anyways.
>download the MM11 demo after hearing good things
>immediately start to dislike the game because of how hard it is
Idk, I liked MM9 but I feel like I'll never get into the franchise because it's so hard and also, not being able to aim while shooting sucks too. I've played tons of other difficult games and enjoyed them too, I think it's just a matter of design.
Every time i open up about who i am in a game it goes to shit and i feel like shit for continuing playing the game the way i do because socializing isn't the same with people who know who i am
I never figured out if Akatsuki was a clone of Murakumo in Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Megaman and Bass is the only classic Mega Man game I played that I really enjoyed. I did play the one on game boy that had Enker in it though. That dude was annoying.
>Like the above, it's a bit of a cliche, but I legitimately spend more time talking about video games than actually playing them. It's not even a depression thing, I just can't get motivated to just sit down and play and it effects my other hobbies too.
I'm guessing you keep messing around on here instead of playing games? I do to, I want to get off this wild ride.
Same dude, she's great.
I'm iffy on MM games. I really liked MM9 a lot but I haven't played much of the other classic games. I played a bit of MMX1 back in the day and liked what little I played of that. I liked MMZ1 a lot but tried going back to it and couldn't get into it for whatever reason. I kinda want to pick up the collections and see if I can get into it.
>I'm guessing you keep messing around on here instead of playing games? I do to, I want to get off this wild ride.
Yup. This shit seriously fucks up my productivity. What's stupid is that when I do play a game, I end up enjoying my time a lot and playing it for at least a couple of hours.
I have so many ambitions but I don't realize them because I get caught up in this trap of just shitposting here all day because it's kinda amusing.
gen 2 had the worst waifus
Honestly, Palutena isn't even THAT bad. I'd hate you much more if you were a Wolf/Snake/Pichu/Pikachu/Link/Y.Link main and especially if you were the type to bitch about how they're "not that good bro lol".
I still cry at the ending of Halo 3.
>I have so many ambitions but I don't realize them because I get caught up in this trap of just shitposting here all day because it's kinda amusing.
I don't even really post that much these days, relative to the amount of time I spend here. I just lurk a lot.
I have never played a Zelda game
>I don't even really post that much these days, relative to the amount of time I spend here. I just lurk a lot.
I alternate between posting a fair bit and just lurking as well.
I REALLY need to just sit down and realize my ambitions. My ADD just permits me to just sit here and do nothing most of the time. Maybe I need a therapist and try out Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
I probably should just force myself to get some self-control and quit Yea Forums. I also feel like I'm getting too old for this board, anyway. I remember being here when I was 19, when stuff like SOPA and the /vg/ split were going on, but now I'm 27.
same here, i bought some shit, but for some reason it's way easier to pass the hours on this goddamn site than actually doing something i enjoy. I feel guilty for playing games, but not for wasting time here. What the fuck
your Uncharted and TLOU opinions aren't exactly unpopular on Yea Forums. Have you seen all the posts calling them movie games?
Totally agree on Souls combat. DS is boring as hell
DO IT FUCKER, start with any zelda games you want. Preferably A link to the past/Ocarina of time/Link's awakening
I think all the male player characters in pokemon have good designs.
>I feel guilty for playing games, but not for wasting time here.
For me it's the opposite. I feel like Yea Forums is a bad habit I should have stopped years ago, but I still have fun with video games.
Infinity Blade was one of the only good mobile games in existence. God I loved those games
try Cuphead. It does everything Mega Man does but better
I've basically quit other vidya-related boards I used to frequent. This is pretty much the last one. I fucking hate all the politics and trolling culture here honestly, and the general ignorance. But more than anything, I just want to quit the internet, focus on myself and my life, and just self-improve a lot.
I play Destiny 2 and love it. Very happy with the direction its been going in, but still has the permanent stigma that it's shit because of its garbage launch and that bungie lost their magic.
>tfw really decent at either but not good enough to become legitimately great at either
It's a mixed feel. I feel like I could truly git gud if I put in the time and practice but I procrastinate a lot when it comes to vidya and I don't want to put in the time anyway when I feel like I could put that time to better use. It's not even that I'm ashamed to be good at vidya, it's just that you can only git gud at so many things in life sadly.
I also haven't played Splatoon 2 in like, a month and a half and I haven't even picked a team for the Splatocalypse yet.
I erp some really weird shit like mating pressing a chubby lizard girl as a short stack bunnyboy inside of a giantess' womb
I like Quiet and think she's a good addition to metal gear.
I still enjoy lol and got to grandmaster this season.
Ive never played dota or the original 3 warcraft games.
In games where I have to voice chat i pretend to be a trap for attention
Destiny 2 is a quality game
>I fucking hate all the politics and trolling culture here honestly, and the general ignorance.
What feels weird is that I remember a time when there was almost no politics on Yea Forums, and most of the shitposting was "Yea Forums-tier" off-topic threads, like pizza tipping. All the politics on Yea Forums now makes me miss how things used to be.
>But more than anything, I just want to quit the internet, focus on myself and my life, and just self-improve a lot.
Same here. I feel like I need to do stuff like lose weight and learn stuff like programming.
As a kid I would let myself get licked by Venom in Spiderman for the Playstation. I didn't know why at the time
Are you a guy or girl user?
Unironically same
>Ive never played dota or the original 3 warcraft games.
I've never played any Blizzard games at all.
I did the same thing, honestly I don't think that it's too uncommon
Why do you pretend to be a trap?
>first they ruined healslut meme
>now they're out for our traps
Is there a single thing that they will not corrupt?
as a girl im a 5/10 at best but as a "trap" im at least a 7
I have and I like it but Cuphead reminds me more of Gunstar Heroes than Mega Man. I need to finish it, King Dice sucks, they took the shittiest level in Gunstar Heroes and turned it into a boss fight.
Just play the lost vikings, it's not popular enough to be ruined
post pic
>What feels weird is that I remember a time when there was almost no politics on Yea Forums, and most of the shitposting was "Yea Forums-tier" off-topic threads, like pizza tipping. All the politics on Yea Forums now makes me miss how things used to be.
It's not even just here, it's how things are all across any vidya-centered internet space, like Gamefaqs. It's probably way worse here though.
>Same here. I feel like I need to do stuff like lose weight and learn stuff like programming.
Damn, are you me? Except I want to gain weight and build muscle. But I've been meaning to get back into learning programming because I have serious ambitions of becoming a famous vidya designer one day.
>God hand F tier
literal fucking retard
I got bored halfway through Diablo 2 and never finished it.
I savescummed Fallout.
I quit out if a game is lagging.
Not really
It's just the idea of a penis that adds the 2 points
The first time I played Spyro 3 as a kid, I got stuck for ages because I couldn't figure out where the portal for Bentley's Outpost was.
True but bayonetta is actually a very good action game.
No it doesn't because most people aren't desperately schizophrenic contrarians like you
>because I have serious ambitions of becoming a famous vidya designer one day.
I used to have that ambition when I was younger, now I just want to get a regular job, and make games as a side thing. I should get my shit together first.
> Popular Bad
> Niche Good
Honestly King Dice is worse than the Devil. The invincibility super helps but beyond that it's all about practice through repetition
>quit if a game is lagging
Do people play games with low fps?
I find it physically uncomfortable to play a game at 30 fps let alone below that
no bully pls
Should have picked a different slut to LARP as because this one looks 200% axewound femoid and -100% trap.
unironically would wife you user.
This. I'm also not at all bothered by attractive women in vidya but waifu pandering shit is fucking garbage and I genuinely find the sort of weebs who eat that shit up to be pathetic.
>I used to have that ambition when I was younger, now I just want to get a regular job, and make games as a side thing. I should get my shit together first.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm being immature by wanting to go into the vidya industry or if it's even worth it but fuck, I just really want to make my own games.
Wanna exchange discords?
>green hair
would literally be 8/10 without all those blaring red flags, nice tits though
You're a qt
>thirsty beta immediately wants to "wife" a random internet slut
This is why you'll stay a virgin.
If real, would do shrooms with
natural hair would be better
I feel you user, the feeling that what your doing is ultimately pointless. With many other hobbies, you often have some real skill to associate with, but generally speaking this doesn't apply much to video games. That and video games ultimately aren't real, your just sitting alone in a corner for hours on end, consuming media.
Now I don't have problems with enjoying a good video game, but moderation of it seems to be pretty key. I don't see how one could live a fulfilling life just playing video games for hours on end when you could be doing something real.
I don't use Discord. I also like keeping to myself a lot, so I only make posts on here these days.
Please be my gf!
Solid 7/10 would fuck if you lost the cringe piercing and tattoos.
>I don't use Discord. I also like keeping to myself a lot, so I only make posts on here these days.
Damn, that sucks, user. I've been trying to make a legitimate effort to befriend people and stuff.
Good luck on all your ventures, dude.
I don't play games anymore, I just come here because jannies have torn this place apart and I want to see it die
I think dingodile is cute
holy shit bros it's a real girl
>Good luck on all your ventures, dude.
Thanks, you to.
Rainbow Six Siege is a Hero shooter.
>Urge to PvP died out after BF4
>never really like hero shooters or smaller scale PvP anyway
>friends try to get me into it
>tell them I don't want to pay a PvP hero shooter
>they get offended and try to tell me RSS isn't a hero shooter
>this has happened with three different circles of friends
>mfw all of them are fucking delusional
I don't care that you can customize your loadout unlike in overwatch, you choose a distinguishable character each game that have their own unique characteristics and abilities capable of countering or being countered by other character's unique abilities.
Siege would be better if everyone was forced to be recruit
the first time i played doom was on my ipod touch back in 2009. i'm not even sure i beat the whole game, but i put at least 6 hours total into it.
i felt this gave me the credibility i needed back when 30y old boomer threads were popular a few months ago
>cleaning job actually done
Man found a little bit of hope he didn't know he actually had left.
Agreed. I'd spend hours playing the South America mission just seeing how many ways I could eliminate enemies.
that's bullshit reasoning on their part, a massive part of moba's and even some hero shooters like paladins is buying items to change your characters stats that fit into a limited loadout style inventory
I recreate the Gran Turismo license tests in this huge abandoned lot behind my house. with only a Camry
I really like WoW and Skyrim and I constantly go back to play them. Being able to wander their worlds, exploring and understanding them is wonderful. It makes me feel like I can do anything as I also explore what my character is capable of as well.
They are also sad video games because they are shells of what they could have been. Both WoW and TES at their peaks were very great and unique in their mechanics, detail, design, gameplay, and vision. Now it seems all they have going for them in terms of quality is their art.
I'm not mad at them for being bad video games, they didn't do anything wrong. It's their creators and caretakers that have let them down as they chased after popularity rather than the ideas of the game itself.
I will still play them because they are worth it. They still have a few grams of novelty left that I cannot find anywhere else.
Battleborn is my favorite hero shooter, it had the fun and unique character and differing playstyles with the loot and helix system, I wish it didn't bomb so hard from gearbox being pants on head retarded with literally everything else
I got drunk the other day and played WoW again the after a 13 year break. Jesus christ what a piece of shit. I fired up a worgen druid character and the quests were mindnumbing and retarded. "Kill 8 enemies for this quest" like 5 quests in a row like that. The writing was godawful as well.
The graphics were pure shit. I can see why people refer to their characters as "toons". God damn it looked like shit. I was super drunk and I still didnt enjoy it. The mechanics felt shitty and half assed.
I remember WoW as being fun in 2006. Either my standards got better or the game got worse.
I enjoyed Deus Ex Invisible War. It was a fun game. The posthumanism stuff was some of the best writing in any Deus Ex game. The powers were cool, the writing and voice acting were cool. The AI helicopter was also cool. I still remember pequads vs quequaigs. That AI popmusic personality that was the most real person in the game to you, and she wasnt even a real person and even admitted it. That was a cool game.
Everyone considered it the worst in the series. They are wrong. Human revolution was the worst in the series. The writing was godawful and didnt even make sense a lot of the time. Women connected to a computer in the ocean somehow make the computer better? And keep the ocean from eating the facility? Wtf? Every log in the entire game referenced augmentations in some way. That is not the case in any other game. Farrah the pilot was the only good character.
I fucking hate anime and Geralt feels like an anime protagonist.
My favourite arena fps was Shootmania Storm
- I do a lot of gaming on my cellphone, even bought a phone dedicated to phone games. Despite there being so many bad to mediocre games, I often find myself relaxing much more when playing them than I do bigger and more polished games on PC. No one's going to whine about how good one should be at a phone game, so I just going with the flow, and I end up enjoying them a lot even if they're objectively lower quality than PC and console games.
- I don't like waifu-obsessed anons, and porn addicts are one of the worst things to happen to this board. But my dislike of them is significantly driven by the fact that I have similar drives and fantasies as them, I just choose not to post them online. I can't count how many times I've fantasized about some video game girl, but I hate the idea of flaunting it as some kind of badge of pride.
- I think Yea Forums's attempts at elistism concerning game discussionis its greatest weakness, and is what spawns all the off-topic cruft the board suffers from. People would have a lot more to talk about regarding games if they could actually describe their experience beyond "good", "bad/shit", and vague terms that are supposed to describe game mechanics, but only serve to muddy the water. They way Yea Forums talks about games now, anyone can jump in and have an opinion, even when they've never touched the game in question. They just have to say "it's shit, has shit gameplay n graphics, no soul, zoomers love it", and they'd be no different from the people who actually played the game but don't know how to use their words to describe it.
internet addiction
I unironically enjoy playing TOR.
I wanna marry Bowser
What phone user? I didnt know there was a gaming phone since the N-gauge
I've never played it, but isn't mixmaxing kinda the point?
>Some real skill to associate with
People try to say this for hobbies, but in the end it's only a few specific hobbies that really teach you fucking anything useful. You're not going to get any use out of hunting unless the government fucking collapses and it becomes Mad Max world. You're not going to go from playing with fucking plastic models to building anything of value, or reading books to being an intellectual with anything fucking important to say. If you do woodworking or metalworking, then maybe, MAYBE you'll get skills you can actually use in your fucking job, but trying to pretend any hobby besides video games has more value is just succumbing to the fucking stigma that video games have solely because Americans have some retarded "Grow up" culture.
Jesus Christ user the game looks like S H I T, anything else about the game i can just be like "well hmm okay if you wanna have that opinion" but how in tf can the visual aspect be any better then the other games?
>What phone user? I didnt know there was a gaming phone since the N-gauge
A used LG V20 with a telescopic controller. There are phones specifically designed for high end games, with built in heat sinks and water cooling even, but those are WAY too much money for me. Besides, Android is flexible enough that you can use any reasonably powerful phone for dedicated game use.
It makes for a nice and pleasant pseudo handheld when I want to do some gaming in bed.
When I play WoW I don't play the game in the way it's designed. I just find a few things I enjoy and stick to that for a bit. I leveled two comfy hunters until level 98 because the game just felt worse as I leveled up.
I basically built them like a twink at every level. I didn't quest outside of the quest items I wanted. I also focused on dungeon dps, pulling, ccing, bgs, arena, etc. I tried to get in depth with it to git gud. I also wandered the world to world pvp in different zones as I leveled.
I started to get good at the class toward the end of my second hunter but it got boring because now I can see all of my limitations and nerfs because blizz is anti game knowledge.
They really do not want you to 1v1 healers or 1v3 bg/arena or do 70% of the damage in a dungeon and solo them etc because you put time and care into your RPG character. You see how the game changes as you level until it plays itself; you can't effect anything and you feel afk most of the time, besides the odd cc chain or whatever, and even that feels like waiting.
>tfw just finished a third class story
I kinda want to do Agent cause everyone says it's good, but fuck if I'm not getting a bit burnt out. Also, playing non Jedi/Sith in a Star Wars setting feels weird.
found the nigger
You must return from whence you came, tourist.
i jerked off to the end of farcry 3
Senran Kaguras gameplay is fine though
I still haven't gotten around to playing Human Revolution, but I remember listening to its soundtrack a lot around 2011 and 2012. I also remember Deus Ex being a huge thing on Yea Forums around that time, while I rarely see the Deus Ex games posted about on Yea Forums these days.
I still find some of the TOR shitposting amusing, like "END OF LINE" and "DING DONG BANNU".
what makes me feel guilty is spending hours on a site like this INSTEAD of playing video games. that's the mindset you should have, because shit like this really is a waste of time, not playing video games.
Rare Nasubi gif
i've never owned any console in my life and i'm 36
I’ve finally hit the point in which I can longer have fun in video games, yet I keep playing them because every other hobby I try somehow feels worse. This will probably come across as really edgy, but I swear I’m getting more and more emotionless by the day. It’s like living in a world of only grey.
no fuck retards like you.
t. basement dwelling neckbeard
>but I swear I’m getting more and more emotionless by the day. It’s like living in a world of only grey.
I feel the same way. I remember having more of both anger and laughter in the past. Now I just feel tired.
I like to stream on Twitch, but I only play games that I've played before and know well because it's embarrassing to play a game blind and show off my low IQ as I struggle to figure things out for the first time.
I like it.
I masturbated to the dancers in Duke Nukem on the Xbox 360 port.
Yea Forums hates mobas because they lack the time/patience to get good or even decent on them since they waste their time with streams or chink cartoons
Or maybe it's because they're boring as shit? Most people just like them because they can't run anything else on their toaster-PCs
I think infinite was the best biosock game in every way but gameplay
If you were born in the first world, you have no excuse to play that bullshit.
I think the Witcher 3 and Amy Dark souls game have the worst movement animations and movement ‘weight’ of any game I’ve ever played. Totally unplayable
Also Nintendo make children’s games, I can’t believe there are so many babies on this board who still get excited for anything Mario and all its guady ugliness.
I kinda agree. Liking games solely because of waifus is actually retarded. Some of the biggest magnets for horny NEETs actually have good gameplay but I can't even give an example, because the communities that form around them make me avoid that shit like the plague.
Waifufaggots should be shot, simple as that. Get a real girlfriend and unironically have sex if you care about it that much.
Okay, don't unspoil with others around
nintendo gave me a fetish I still have. I remember fapping to the redeads in melee biting peach and zelda all the time. Then again when the bucculus was in brawl. Fapping to that evolved into current day, where i fantasize girls i know irl being vored, tentacle raped, raped by voldo from soul calibur, all in an imaginary, massive sized Underground Maze (from melees adventure mode). Also I loved seeing peach zelda jigglypuff and zss get kissed by bucculus. I'm a freak of nature who grew up wrong. I may as well attempt breaking into Area 51
We aren't muslims, newnigger.
forgot to quote too.
RDR2 is a flawed, yet great game.
only reason I play video games is to forget about my life after work
>found the nigger
>Kingdoms Hearts in F tier
That's not very accurate.
I never beat any 2D platformer because I find them too difficult.
i program vidya cheats as a hobby
I pretend that masturbating is like vidya and when I cum I picture myself earning exp
Not rly surprised.
I binged Ark for about 20 days straight to become the alpha. It was not worth it.
>he is amazed
I know this one furry mecha artist who I became semi pals with and that nigga, even while claiming to be in a relationship with his bf, hit on every single person who gave him attention on our hangout. I came in to ask to my pal what the fuck he was on about and he told me like 5 other dudes also said he hit on em, lmao.
He only ever saw a single sliver of my face too, so at most he was thirsty over the fact I exist and a blurry as shit pic of a dude with wavy-ish hair. Ended up changing his furry steam pic into a non furry one just to add me on steam and gifting me katano zero. Fun two hours, atleast.
I liked FF13 enough to platinum it. I genuinely think it's a good game that people fail to appreciate because they go in with too many preconceived notions about what JRPGs are "supposed" to be instead of just letting it do its thing.
spec ops: the line is everything that it's fans say it is, every message people say it sends is absolutely true. what? maybe it's worthy of applause for being greater than is usually done in games but it's hardly sending some amazing new message or selling a story we haven't seen before in other media but better?
Can't we aim higher than this?
I wish you the best user. Hope you can get past it all and live a good life. We are all gonna make it brah. We are all gonna make it.
I like The legend of Dragoon. Also i think Undertale is a shitty game. Also i liked FF spirits within, but i dont like FF series as a hole. I play porn games a lot.
Life is strange is a terrible game and i hate everyone that thinks otherwise
i like him cuz i can relate
This is the opposite of embarrassing. You should be proud you're not a shiteater.
Sadly, I think it was Guild Wars 2.
Thats the way it starts. I'd say use that time for self-reflection and vidya- but I'm in the same boat.
In truth, it might be better to become un-NEET
I have thoroughly enjoyed many CoD games. I specfically loved CoD4, WaW, MW2, BO1, BO2. Ever since BO2, the games have been on a downward trend for me personally.
I have 908 hours on CS:GO, and I still feel like I'm not that good at the game. Weird part is, it feels like I used to be way better back in 2015. Maybe everyone else was just worse back then. Currently can't get out of high silver. And it definitely feels like a huge waste of time when I don't do well in games. I always think I could've played a different game, but I still want to get better for some dumb reason.
Maybe not an unpopular opinion on here, but battle royale games are mostly just an RNG annoyance. They have their moments and can be fun, but they don't hold that much longevity to me because it's not really fun getting in and out of dozens of games in a minute flat because you picked up a shitty gun and another guy picked up a way better gun. I don't understand how people consistently play them.
Card games are boring and I suck at them.
I've never once played an MMO beyond the first time I ever tried it. For some reason, zero of them have been appealing to me.
I often write out my thoughts on certain games, but only for myself. Sometimes I'll do a traditional review, other times I'll write down improvements I'd like to see. I also often think about making my own concept of a video game down to all the little details in like a google doc or something. I have zero programming knowledge, and am a novice artist at best. I just think it'd be fun to write something out and make mock-ups and shit.
The only time Smash Ultimate is fun to play is when you have friends over. But even then, I'm kind of tired of it after like 10-15 matches. The singleplayer content is so lame in Ultimate (was lame in 4, too) that the game is just reduced to being this kind of soulless-feeling party game or something. Online doesn't seem like it'd be fun at all either.
Melee still got down the formula the best so far. Best music, best sound, best trophies, and best singleplayer content by a fucking long shot. And I'm not a tourneyfag either, so I don't care about how it has wavedashing, etc etc.
I swapped to fighting games once I got bored with FPS.
You have a similar "path to greatness" and extremely high skill ceiling but for me it's a lot more strategic and requires less pure muscle memory than FPS. In FPS I feel like my main barrier is consistently just pure aim issues that I don't know how to overcome while fighting games always feel more strategic in issue.
agree on the destiny point even using a controller it felt great its just everything else apart from visual design that brings it down. Heres hoping bungie do something actually good now their free of activision
F.E.A.R. is boring and the levels are repetitive
>weeb shit
i think Infinite is the best Bioshock game in every way including gameplay. Bioshock 1 and 2 had awful gameplay.
I think Invisible War > original Deus Ex
1 never played a JRPG, and don't plan to
2 never played a Zelda game, and don't plan to
3 RE4 is extremely overrated and exacerbated the shitty over-the-shoulder perspective plaguing a lot of games today
4 all Bethesda RPGs, even Morrowind, suck ass
5 Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is the best stealth game ever created on God's green earth and shits on everything in the genre
6 Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are the only good souls games FROM has made (Sekiro isn't a souls game though)
7 Pokemon has no hope of ever improving and is creatively bankrupt
8 none of the Witcher games are true RPGs
9 Smash isn't a fightan game, it's a party game
10 Fuck niggers
Me too, and to add another, Shrine of Amarna is my favourite area. The singing gives me goosebumps it’s so beautiful.
>none of the Witcher games are true RPGs
The only turn-based game I've ever been able to bring myself to beat is Undertale and that's only because it has real time bullet hell gameplay during the turns.
i don´t enjoy video games anymore
>That whole list
That's a big, autistic YIKES for me!
I play otome games on a macbook during the week and Doom on the weekend
Not alone there me and my friends constantly play Aoe2 despite the fact that I suck ass at it, I can barely get past the beginning ages before basically giving up because it seems like whatever I do isn't enough
>focus on defense
Too bad the enemy army consists of only one unit and eventually fucks you over even if you had the best defense ever
>focus on army
Good job now you have no defense and the enemy blindsides you destroying your town and your army because it still was absolute shit compared to the enemy
>focus on economy
Now you have no defense or army and get fucked
Nier Automata is a shit game. Besides its kinda cool combat it has nothing.
I caught my 10 year old brother searching for maxed out pawns in Dragons Dogma then friend requesting the player to get them for free. I'm 23, why hadn't I thought of this. I just rebought it for the 3rd time.
Singleplayer games are for children with ADHD, once you played multiplayer it should be impossible to get into singleplayer games again
Borderlands and Borderlands 2 are both my favorite games.
Would this not be the other way around or am I a retard?
He's the retard
Single player games are for autists, multi for ADHD.
I think that, even though I like it a lot more, FFVII is only going to suffer from the transition to HD and FFVIII is the one that deserves a full remake. So much about that game that could be fixed with simple tweaks to the junction mechanics and fleshing out the plot/characters more, it is crying for an actual remake.
I never finished a single souls game without using cheats. I never finished bloodborne because I can't cheat. I got bored of Sekiro because it's too hard for me.
I enjoy mobile games.
I like Coraline game on PS2
I only play video games for one hour every week.
My nigga!
- going PRO in a specific MOBA didnt work so im kinda frustrated about that and ill probably carry this through my whole life
- i always wanted to learn to play JRPGS, i recently played octopath and i loved it and idk if i should start chrono trigger or FF
I haven't played that game, but the film was nice.
I have never played a videogame.
I play MMOs despite being extremely shy and anti social. I just hope to meet someone who I enjoy talking to on them.
God of square square triangle above ninja gaiden black.
Kys as slowly and as painfully as possible
Ratchet and clank 3 > Ratchet and clank 2
From what Top 100 list did you copy paste this from, normalfag?
When sephiroth did me a TPK after that long cutscene I trashed the game and saw the ending on youtube
I kind of liked Dear Esther because it left me with a what the fuck was that? feeling.
Who are you then?
I think most JRPGs, and even western RPGs, from the past 15 or so years, are shit.
Game Development can be used to create a perfect game world, so why is it that every game since my childhood has failed me. Last good JRPG I played and loved was ToS, and that game was still pretty bad.
I like mobile games. Design wise they are much closer to the games I grew up with than most modern stuff.
An attention whore
Video games are for kids. I'm not saying older people shouldn't play them, just that they're ment for people with a lot of spare time.
I want to play games, but I never have enough time to do it. I have too much other stuff to do and when I finally do get to play, it's for a short time.
I've been playing games since the NES but I've never beaten a Zelda game.
I play Mario Kart and Smash with no items.
How many have you played?
7 maybe? There's also cases like with Wind Waker HD, which I own, but have never even started.
Mostly true. I could still play them if I stopped shitposting on Yea Forums, cut down the amount of sport a bit and spent less time on watching shows.
But who wants to ditch all their hobbies to focus on only one of them?
Based and therapilled
Why do you keep starting Zelda games? You just get tired of playing them?
Not him but for me personally I always felt it was pretty easy to talk about that stuff.
It's just that no one would care to hear it and the only way to make someone pretend to give a shit is if I paid them a lot of money for it, i.e. a therapist.
I bought dead or alive xtreme 3 scarlet for 80 euros and don’t play it.
>1. I fucking hate the Bayonetta fanbase or at least the faggot part of it.
>Never played Bayo 1 or 2
>Fap to Bayonetta sfm and doujins
I had no idea there was a faggot part to it, lmao
Ditto, I just wanted to see what the ‘Master’ actually looked like, but before I knew it, we killed the boss.
I am a minmaxer. I suck the fun out of games with math.
I like it. I understand why people hate graveyard keeper but I think its charms outweight the bad