Enjoyed the new raid?
Enjoyed the new raid?
Other urls found in this thread:
Got carried hard (as a tank)on Titan, feeling really shitty.
yeah it was pretty fun. titan was fun as hell.
also, does anyone know what to meld as a WHM? Dhit or crit?
pretty fun but i got all my drops so its back in the titania mines to not have any fun because every good group instantly disbands after 1 clear
Heals can't direct hit, meld crit
meant it for
I only finished the MSQ and can't play for a few days, I hope I won't get too much retards this weekend.
I need to go back on that.
thanks user
>video game thread
Bros I'm not digging the new artifact shield.
What's the best alternative?
the one that comes with curtana
Can you face roll the Stormblood EX Primals now at 80?
Wasn’t subbed for most of that Expansion so only did Susano and Lakshmi.
DMC 1 and 2 music vibes in e3 and e4
if you mean solo probably not. with a party should be easy.
>baldur shield finally gets another reskin
>not dyeable
Why do people get assblasted over xiv so often?
Did paladins strap a fucking pillow to their shield.
I hit level 50 and now i'm 20 minutes into praetorium. 10 minutes of it has been cutscenes but now i'm at the final boss going super saiyan in an elevator so at least it will be over after this.
What's the best use for my Goetia tomes now? Still using the job armor and weapon, should I upgrade those?
Wait, all four floors drop chest piece tokens now? Why the fuck? There are going to be impatient faggots farming for them all week so they can rush a chest piece in week 1
Weapon first if you don't do EX, and then the pieces you won't immediately replace with the Eden gear.
There's FIVE fucking threads right now.
Which one are we using?
>clear party no dupes
>DNC already in the party
Can these people fuck off from DNC already?
>run through the new raid
>not enough tokens to buy anything
Where are the levequests in stormbringer?
You're supposed to focus on the tokens you want instead of needing everything.
I got a bangle so that's good.
>wanting to re-run content in the first week
I thought the new raid was pretty fantastic overall.
The mechanics showed off are definitely going to be interesting on Savage where things are much more lethal and complicated. The Spell-In-Waiting mechanic seems like it will be quite a fun time.
i just rolled on the pants for ever fight and got everything in one run. they drop like twice the tokens now so it's very easy to get what you want.
You must be new and not had to do any raids at all when they came out.
>I play multiplayer red light green light rotation mini games with other autistic NEETs in 2019
>mfw got boots but I didn't get anything from levi and titan so I have to run them again
I hate Titan
look user, i did the orange circle mechanic!
Some timer has appeared on my screen, how do I get rid of it?
I only had to re-run the second boss once. Felt good to get all 90+ rolls.
How hard is it to get duty finder parties for alexander and other 8 and 24 mans? I assume its not bad since its part of the roullettes, but I've never tried.
I'm the same but we have two weeks before Savage and I do have three chest tokens and a gauntlet token so next week I can try for a chest, gauntlet and either hat or boots
"Okay Warrior of Light, you need to envision Titan EXACTLY as you remember him. Surely you remember Titan? Big stocky rock thing, yeah? Please focus hard this time, we don't want anoth...oh for fuck's sake."
Just started Stormblood here, do i ever get to fuck Alphinaud
Good game headed by corner cutting soulless gook whose shit everyone slurps like a fucking milkshake
Bro you just posted smug
The shitters have invaded Ex Primals
>yfw the WoL was just misremembering the golem and the trolley in Amh Araeng
>WoL is just an autismo with the memory of a goldfish
They've been in EX Primals since a few days ago.
>"You remember Leviathan right?"
>Ok, water snake right?
>I remember fighting his head
>He also had another end, what's on the end of a snake again?
>oh yeah, another head!
>All these crazy additions are just things the WoL intentionally thinks about to make the fight more fun.
>There are going to be impatient faggots farming for them all week so they can rush a chest piece in week 1
And this is a problem, because?
Spamming the final fight all week long for a chest piece was absolutely unfun and you're retarded if you disagree.
>my opinion is right and yours is wrong
great post retard
should I play on aether or crystal
That's him
Shield of the Savage
I'd rather pay on bath salts than on crystal
>Gotta focus on Titan
>Hey, remember that Noctis guy, he was pretty cool, we fought not!Garuda together
>His car was pretty banging
>I wonder what Titan would look like in a car
i actually really love the Titania shield
You've yet to argue why all tokens dropping from all fights is a problem.
>boo hoo people are doing something other than the final fight in a tier after the second week, what horror
Ryne has thick thighs, what should Gaia have?
look, if more games had boss designs similar to it I'd play them. But very few have boss fights that are more complicated than "dodge to the left" or "Hitstun him so he can't do anything" in action games.
feel free to suggest some games If I'm missing something though
thick dick
>hey try to imagine garuda
>WoL remembers 1.0 garuda and how she wouldn't shut up about bahamut
>WoL also remembers 2.0 garuda and ultima weapon
>garuda is now a wind mecha dragon that drops moons in the field
Thin thighs.
Is WoL secretly autistic?
So are Geomancers goin to be the next job?
He's a hero so yeah.
>Practically went from 63 to 70 running shisui as GNB and the gunblade never dropped
>First and only hammer job
>No job that practices Geomancy yet
>Oracle is already an established job in the series
Could be a really neat melee healer.
>I will heal the only way I know how.
>With violence!
This happened to me with PLD
What the FUCK was his deal
Why were you not rolling on all the tank gear so you would be guaranteed to get the gunblade once you had everything else
Pretty sure the weapon is never an "end of dungeon" reward.
I hope her model doesn't have those nigger lips.
Oracle is more likely. Probably as a magic DPS. I remember them saying in an interview that they had made a concept for Oracle as a damage dealer back in SB.
Thancred is a real bro, not just a sycophant.
Let's be real, she's just going to look like a Midlander.
probably given they soft-replaced WHM's elemental skills
the tranny meme, i thought it was a joke
>melee healer.
That needs to be Medicus, the garlean job
start/join a PF group with a ilvl req of 440, it'll fill slower but it'll filter out shitters better
With any luck, she won't look anything like that.
With her being the Oracle of Darkness, and Ryne having a semi-unique job as Oracle of Light, I think it might end up being an Oracle job combining both dark and light magic.
You scrounged up a video from 5 years ago, why?
Edgy as fuck
>melee healer.
Probably never happening. There's just too much content in the game that relies on healers having their full kit available at range.
Urianger said the primals we fought were based on those who summoned them, so technically we don't really know what their true forms look like
this If you have everything, they wont give you any gear
Too bad there isn't an actual model ingame yet.
The fuck is THAT?
>hit 80 and trying to do ex fights finally
>people are so bad it makes me question if i even want to play this game anymore
>blms and sams doing less dps than dark knights
>dancers having to be told to dance with someone
>healers that don't touch a single dps ability once over the course of a multi minute fight
I don't have friends, and don't want to commit to a static schedule because I travel a lot for work so its hard.
fuck me in the ass the people who play this game are SO bad
based illiterate retard
E2 boss?
play the game
Should i go on Zodiark or Omega?
I'm gonna make every primal look like Ryne in skimpy Primal cosplay and make her watch me fight them and there's nothing she can do about it.
Janny on suicide watch.
based stupid as fuck retarded moron
Just means you have some ranged stuff as well. dancer is a ranged class that has to go into melee for some parts
Peak female performance, you may not like it.
After 7 eden blades you get the lightweight tomestone, where do you turn that in? i wanna see the weapons
based smooth brain
roaming npc that carries you off to the gm jail, its in the housing area because it caught some faggot erping in public
Screams Adel all over it.
Weapons haven't been added yet. They'll be added with Phantasmagoria in 2 weeks.
Having a static is really nice, but it's also such a massive time commitment if you guys want to actually clear everything. I did it for a few months during Alexander. I liked it, but I wouldn't do it again. Just try and find a massive FC that runs a lot of shit together. They'll be massive fags that can't take a lot of bantz, but they'll play the game well enough that if you play when most of them are on, you'll be able to run stuff.
Zodiark. Fuck the F*ench.
Those vendors aren't out yet.
I wish that was a thing.
figured, thanks anons
There's also this face option in the files.
>people are so bad it makes me question if i even want to play this game anymore
I had this issue myself for a while. When you're pugging and completely alone, you feel like the only person who isn't a complete smoothbrain mouthbreather.
hm..who could this be? the oracle of darkness?
>make new facetypes/customization options for existing races
>after all these retards fanta'd to hroth/viera
>the city of us having to remember primals we once fought to fix the landscape
>we already turned Leviathan into a two-headed serpent and Titan into Thanos Car-tier meme fight
>Ifrit will likely become huge beefy Anja-styled muscle fire wizard
>ramuh will end up riding Ixion as some majestic Nameless King-tier shitter stomp fight
>Garuda will go full Ixali shitpost
>Shiva becomes a full-on anthro dragoness titty monster
I can feel it in me bones.
This calofisteri remodel has a nice ass.
I'm joining parties with that item limit....it's not working
I finally got a good farm party though.
Thats the face for the special Sin Eater in the physical DPS rolequest.
>Butt sliders aviable soon for every race except hrotghar and viera pls understand
Even a bald catgirl has no trouble clearing innocence ex?
That solves the origin of that then.
I can't get over how it just holds her like an awkward baby
>Coils of Bahamut has Bahamut as the final boss
>Alexander has Alexander as the final boss
>Omega has Omega as the penultimate boss and Omega M/F as the final boss
>Eden as Eden as the very first boss
Well that was unexpected.
So, voidwalker confirmed for the savage cock blocker, right?
>reached 430 ilvl
>can't kill my Titania dummy, always run out of time when it's at 1-2%
At least I know I shouldn't even bother trying them, would end up wasting everyone's time.
we still dont know the end, maybe there will be a super eden prime or something
>yo whos the fucks bitch is this? i dont want it
>The Ramuh fight is just a giant beard, the entire arena is a beard, all adds are smaller beards.
dummies are overtuned, if you can hit that low then your actual dps is fine
its the rest of your party that will be the problem
I didn't really like urianger pre shb but now that I know he's kind of a smart retard I like him more.
He wanted to wash stinky Alphinaud.
>Everyone on the first is constantly surrounded by giant invisible dinosaurs
what the fuck
>yfw we fuck something up with our imagination and have to fight ardbert prime
Fucking this.
GNB is canon job for Eden, it seems.
Post screenshots or fuck off
Same. Urianger was always the most bland Scion whose only real distinguishing feature was his dialect. Now in ShB Urianger is my nigga.
>Ramuh is literally just Godbert Manderville
Do the 71-80 BTN/MIN quests
crystalline mean quests
I like the story but it seems a little off. imo should be:
>eden wakes up
>we climb on top
>fight whatever her name is
>bring her back to camp
>go back to eden and go inside
>fight eden prime
>ryne gets control
>fight levi
>oracle of darkness revalation
>girl wakes up
>fight titan
>face reveal after
it's insane to me that we didn't even get a face reveal of her sleeping atleast.
I guess if I get a couple of armor pieces with Goetia and meld some materia i'd be good enough then. I'm a DRK so hopefully I can get used to tanking this fast
The only reason we didn't see her is because her model does not exist yet.
Purizu luk fowad tu it
>Ramuh is a huge, bearded Sylph
As a summoner it unerves me deeply to see a lot of them using Garuda on bosses.
I didn't realize those had actual plot.
I've skipped every cutscene in that questline after listening to spergcat
>all the subsequent primal fights are the primal in question fused with moogles because some moogle fuck ends up inside Eden
>not the muscle wizard Rhalgr that he's based on in-lore
>dude what if we saved time by ripping all the last zone assets from Sastasha and Sirensong Sea lmaoo
This expansion cost $60
it costs 40
Giant dinosaurs called Samiels exists all around Norvrandt that can cloak and uncloak at will thanks to a glamour-prism like crystal substance in their skin. They're literally fucking everywhere and you find traces of them in every single zone except The Tempest.
interesting how every point of your statement is wrong
100%, retards are not gonna be able to handle the delayed mechanics.
Literally got a group that did not once handle the delayed stack properly, they just see the BAD THING indicator over their head and scatter.
I wish we actually got to explore eden, fuck off with this boss arena only shit they started with omega.
Holy shit even after i fucking explained it to them they still fucking run away
How can someone be so fucking braindead that they cant follow a simple mechanic after given simple instructions AND USING A FUCKING MACRO YELLING AT THEM TO STACK
>Urianger theorizes we based our Leviathan on other water creatures we encountered
When did we fight a water thing with two heads?
I think the WoL is just a dumbass who like to fight hard things for fun.
Seiryuu had a ton of snake heads.
>fight hard things for fun
what should i do if my legs become swollen like only any hour after sitting?
I don't understand how you people get in these parties. Had a full blind pug party. First pull we wiped in confusion, second pull we got it no problem. And it's not just this fight, I've had a fairly easy time bling pugging all of the shb content so far. Got Innocence EX in my first learning party by the third pull
Is it a data center thing?
Aw we never got to fight the emperor.
You just got lucky
He better fucking go full Vegeta in 5.X. Ediblus sends in his "Warrior of Light" to kill us only for a NOBODY KILLS KAKAROT WHILE I'M AROUND moment.
>he thinks Varis is actually dead
>Boss has an audio queue both for the ability being delayed and when it goes off
>Uses an ability prior to mechanics that spells out that it's going to delay spells
>Pretty sure it doesn't even do regular AOE attacks without the delay mechanic after the first set
In all four of the runs I've done I've had a melee DPS stand in the corner waiting for the timer to go off.
It's a disgusting mix of 60's and 70's shield, 70's had a quilted surface too. Shame because that sword is fucking phenomenal, in general Paladins got the best-looking of all the tank artifact sets this expac
Titan's especially reminded me of King Cerberus from DMC5
>dude what if the Ascians were Bioshock
ShB main quest took a dump in the last phase
Leviathan, dumby. WoL just decided to streamline it from one head and one tail into two heads because that's more fun to fight.
does square enix has a job position that works on designing the most fucking stupid wings ever?
Literally 100% retard user
>Use Arm's Length for Titan ATV
>Get asked if I'm hacking
The fucking state of pubbies.
It's a roll of the dice, I went into Innocence EX with a blind party and cleared in 3 pulls and also cleared Titania with 0 issues.
Then you get that one Leviathan party where the SAM refuses to do any mechanics and actively kills people by moving the knockback marker around.
The skillgap in the playerbase is insanely massive and you're bound to get both extremes at some point.
Bought this game. When it gets fun? I am level 33 and it's basically run here go there. Dungeons are fucking boring.
Due to skill pruning each expansion, most classes don't gen fun until 52 onward.
Pretty much every class is a highly active blast at max level, but goddamn did they go out of their way to make the early levels boring now.
Seeing a 75 blm not know how to aoe annoys me beyond all belief.
Alright Ill bite
Did anyone make an FFXIV oc using grug? just curious since I started this game fairly late and never really paid attention to threads
>Elidibus starts to meat puppet Varis' body
I hope so. I was happy about getting some decent AoE damage and it was gone when I went into a lower level dungeon.
im leveling a black mage, how does aoe rotation work on it anyway?
Freeze Enochian Thunder 4 Fire 3 Flare Flare Manafont Flare Foul when Proc Sharpcast when off CD repeat until everything explodes
so are the leviathan and titan fights reskins ? i saw a video on youtube, but their design looks different (from another FF game ?)
>Varis' bodyguards and personal doctors/scientists/whatever flee the palace and go to an underground facility with Varis' corpse
>inject him with pure ceruleum and Not!Jenova cells
>final fight of 6.0 is Varis as Not!Sephiroth
Kinda like how Yugiri was completely covered up in 2.X before Au Ra had their models complete.
No, they're totally new.
They aren't. They're completely new fights with mechanics based on the old primals.
I had a BLM who only used Fire 1 and Ice 1 in the lvevel 73 dungeon today.
Zenos will just kick his ass again.
The Allagan cloning techniques he was researching were exactly what were used by Amon to revive Xande.
>instead of a 20 ft sword he has a 20 ft gun
Good job. 5+ mobs and you can skip the Fire3 but otherwise correct.
They're the old primals in name only. New looks, new arena and new mechanics.
>skip the fire 3
Enjoy your fucking 30 hours of quests until you can even touch heavensward friendo :^)
Spam Fire 2 right?
i've officially finished 1 hour of gameplay. i am about level 6. only 199 more hours and 74 levels to go
By going T4 -> Flare instead of T4 -> F3 -> Flare.
It's not rocket science.
Just do Flare right after Freeze and don't bother entering Astral Fire first. But I think the DPS difference between both methods is negligible.
>199 hours
You shouldn't rush this game man.
Huh, i thought that would have dealt less damage cause you're casting from ice.
Only if there's less than 5 targets. After 5 it's comparable to standard aoe rotation.
Hence why you need 5+ mobs for it to be worth it.
>edengate robe of striking
>Casters get something akin to the Wiping City striking set.
>Striking gets a dress.
Can't make this up.
>drg acting like a faggot
>get told he's going to get reported
>report me pussy
>report him
what was his endgame?
Did Akademia today and it got me thinking, is it possible that we're not done with Lahabrea? They keep mentioning him and I find it suspicious desu.
lose weight fat ass
I mean, anything's possible but I wouldn't count on it.
The AF shields are always garbage. I'm using Byakko's shield, personally, along with the Diamond Sword died to match the shield.
get on keto diet. I used to have the same problem. Cutting carbs fixed it. I also lost a lot of weight but who cares about that. The goal is to comfortably play vidya all day.
Emet-Selch and Elidibus both said he was dead so he's probably dead. They just wanted us to have some backstory on him, and some context for his obsession with primals.
>light theme
you are the tranny here, user
I like Urianger, but I'm pissed off that he IMMEDIATELY went back to lying after explicitly saying he was going to stop.
So you can only get one piece per eden raid per entire character per week, right? I cant switch jobs and get more?
I bet this was a lizard before Viera released.
Light is masculine
Dark is feminine
jesus christ
There it is. The autist that is so used to streamlining and reused assets that an atypical weapon sprouts in his one brain cell the idea that we are randomly, just because there's a fucking hammer, getting a new job. This is the level we're on now
Aw fuck, son of a bitch. I was hoping SoD would be cute, but I forgot she was going to be this abomination.
Fairly certain that's just a face created for renda-rae
I wouldn't be mad if they just reused Ryne's model.
What the hell is the name of the song that plays when you're on the car on the way to Eden?
>black haired red eye ryne
Imagine the twincest.
>Can make character look like anything
>Still looks like a man-faced tranny
At least it's true to life
Why was Titan a boomer riding on his lawnmower?
>Urianger swears on his life that he'll stop keeping secrets from you
>A week later he's back to keikaku-ing
Because that's how you remembered him, this shit runs on Creation Magic logic which means any break in concentration can and will fuck it up.
>innocent accs already pointless
Depends on if you plan on running Savage when it drops. In two weeks you could certainly get enough tokens to fill out your right side but your left side is still more important, on top of that when exchanging for a ring you can only ever get one for some reason so you're boned if you lack a second one. Certainly more irrelevant than Titania at this point but not fully obsolete unless you intend solely on casual play.
>Innocence isn't hard
>his gear is usless
>trial mounts are the gay
Why did anyone bother farming him?
I'm hoping we get to fight Sin on-top of Eden
They aren't, who in their right mind would replace i450 to i450?
They didn't live under the sea nigger
>get matched into Titan
>parse to get an idea of where im at
>get this BLM
How does this exactly happen Yea Forums?
Did you press the mystery button
Why do they keep insisting on shitty ACC's for trails? Just gimmie flashy weapons. Was looking forward to angelic gear too and all I get is shitty fairy glass window stuff
to be fair, Titan on blm is a ballbuster of a fight, especially the first time. I assume they were dead most of the time
Because releasing two primals with weapons at once in HW created a situation where Bismarck was basically worthless since they were inferior in iLvl to Ravana's.
Accessories are also basically identical between versions so that means a lot less model work than unique weapon models for both.
If I wanted to learn a ex fight in a different role what should I do? Join a clear party?
Because if you stop moving to cast anything. You die.
You join a learning party.
>regular titan is already a fucking monster of a fight
>savage will have a second fucking phase
So Primals are just ideas giving shape and not there original forms? So if i think really hard and have a bunch of crystals, i could fuck both sky mommy and titan
I'm getting people wiping to the simplest shit in clear and farm parties. I don't want to be going through 2-4 hours just to realize it's the exact same.
How likely is it that the final fight would be to bring about Darkness to balance the remaining light and get Shadowbringers as the theme fight again?
Pretty sure they've said that they aren't doing Door fights again.
You only realized that now?
And yes.
>unf yeah oh yeah sex and porn man i fucking love sex and porn i literally can not stop thinking about it even when i'm playing video games
>oh hey there's a new thing in this game i wonder how i can get a boner out of it because i literally am incapable of enjoying something if i can't relate it to my fetishes
>thinking 2k excusable in any sense
I've seen Tanks and Healers dying that still managed to pull at least 5k. This is a DPS we're talking about, they should at least be hitting 6k even with deaths.
>Judge tank
>Centurion DPS
>Medicus healer
Garlean xpac when?
ShB theme song again as a final fight might be a bit overplayed.
A remix however....
>wanting to fuck titan
I've only taken a look at tank sets, but innoex right side has better secondary stats across the board save for maybe bracelets if you need more sks over det/tenacity without wasting a meld slot.
Don't be a brainlet, user.
Not if they stay dead on the ground nigga, if a bunch of people are dead healers arent going to prioritize the job that's probably going to go right back onto the floor in 20 seconds
How do we make Savage actually hard and not artificially difficult?
Would say 5k is acceptable if you keep dying especially on the launch day of the raid.
More than likely
How much spellspeed should I be aiming for on BLM? I'm sitting at 2200 right now and that gives me 2.59s Fire IV's.
Well yeah this is kind of what I was wondering. If we are replacing all the missing elements: surely there's something for darkness? But what though? Ascians? Sounds like a bad idea to try to recreate something with a darkness element.
Maybe we won't end up doing darkness after all, maybe just the original 6 elements who knows.
Darkness isn't an element, it's the active polarity. We've already started to restore activity to the elements.
If you're not hitting orange parse at this late into the expansion you should consider a new mmo.
Next Expac, but the only one of those Jobs that'll be added is Judge as a Tank that dual wields blades which can be combined at the hilts, like Red Mage's sword and crystal combining to make a staff. There'll also be a Chemist Healer that manages three different vial gauges that can merge for different Mix effects, and a Blitzer DPS that uses a Blitzball.
If they still do door-fights then it'll probably be like how Hades was handled, still has huge phase-changes/multiple bosses in one instance but each boss is a checkpoint.
Devil May Cry series has pretty complex and fun boss fights. Particularly 3 4 and 5
The reason I hate parse trannies is that a clear is a clear. If you're just going to bitch about the weakest link, at least bitch at them instead of ranting about it on an annoymous Christian board. Also it's the first fucking day lol.
Primal summoning is creation magic, and they bleed the land dry because they need nigh-infinite aether to become what the summoner is generally thinking of, an omnipotent god. Hydaelyn's interesting because she's not drawing aether constantly into herself so she's a "completed" primal.
Pretty sure I still did like 8-9k on Titan even after being dead for a long time while the healers kept ressing the perma 30% sickness idiots.
>final boss
Oh nononono
Keep the door in the normal mode then because the SB normal modes were just stupidly designed.
>aimed for boots belt and ring
>ended up with 1 boot 1 glove because I missed on a 90 roll the first time I did Titan and said fuck it
So lazy, gotcha
Imagine not having any friends and unironically making posts like these
Geomancer will be a split from AST if anything, especially since they took away elements from WHM and time shit from AST
are ya sightseein' son?
I lagged so hard in leviathan that downward with the tidal wave instead of sideways.
eh you're still on track for max ilvl, just go boots, head, head, gloves next week.
Eden is just the place the fights are taking place
final boss will be Gaia possessed by an ancient Voidsent witch from the future, trying to stop the rebalancing of the first because it will lead to the void being fixed
I agree with you there user but theres being an average parse or even slightly below average and being pretty much AFK-tier like the posted 2k parse. At that point you're just being a hindrance and getting carried entirely, you wouldn't want a group of 4 DPS hitting 2k in any 80 content. If they did 6-7k then whatever, they're not the best but at least its somewhat close to the average parse for lvl 80.
Geomancers aren't a good split for any of the jobs on a lore front, thematic front or functional front. White Mage is the closest through control of the elements, but then it uses sacred-geometries and shields from Arcanist and Scholar, and deals with the drawing of aspected power from a celestial body like Astrologian. Typical Geomancy ability is context-sensitive for the terrain you're standing on as well.
>XIVonlyfags will complain about Eden's ultimate attack lenght
You could also be talking out of your ass without proving that he might have died 50 times throughout this fight. Because your dps eventually drops down to those kind of numbers if you die immediately after being revived. If he was alive throughout the whole fight or only died once/twice then yeah, this is pretty embarassing. However most blackmages i had on Titan so far were doing 6-8k, which is still piss poor but quite decent for first timers on a VERY blm unfriendly encounter. My guess is you've nitpicked one person that was dead literally 95% of the encounter and things like his thunder DoT decreased his dps by a retarded amount on paper, because the dps meter still thinks he's actively dpsing while dead.
It's a bit annoying that my buffs drop off and can't charge up shoha during it. but it's neat.
If he lost dps from deaths then that's still his fault for dying, fag.
Wow Gunbreaker skills sound like shit now. Why the fuck did they do this?
that was basically the only series I could think of myself. wish there were more. Furi kind of also
>My guess is you've nitpicked one person that was dead literally 95% of the encounter and things like his thunder DoT decreased his dps by a retarded amount on paper, because the dps meter still thinks he's actively dpsing while dead.
That's a good point, ACT and other parsers are pretty stupid as far as actual tracking.
>That's a good point, ACT and other parsers are pretty stupid as far as actual tracking.
No, because every moment that he's dead he's not providing damage. So it lowers his damage per second. Are you fucking stupid?
There's a small tent you can jump on to get on top of the first big tent. Then sprint and jump across the top of the tents, there's a black bar at the top, that's where you should be at, jump at the last moment.
I mean is kinda excessive for the little damage it does.
That shit should pulverize the party.
take it easy it's just a video game
Just say Ultimecia my dude.
Hopefully in Savage you will need Tank LB3/mitigation just to survive
Is this the definition of shoehorning?
It is kind of annoying having a supernova cutscene length attack.
I was amusing having the obviously ffviii themed boss use essentially a ffviii summon spell though.
It's very FF to get the universe thrown at you for middling damage though.
>asks how it comes to this particular situation where a blm is doing 2k dps
>which implies you had not even remotely enough awareness to realise that he was dead all the time to begin with
>all of a sudden throw a fit when it gets explained to you and you get called out on your bullshit, everyone but you is the shitter
You also didn't "parse to get an idea of where you're at", stop craving for attention this badly and turn off ACT for once, normal mode parse tranny.
>She's nude
>But with a dick
>Titan is the final boss
What the fuck, why?
This entire raid feels so anticlimactic.
Nothing happens in the story, the last two fights are dumb filler, we don't even get to see Gaia for another 7-8 months. I guess they focused all their resources on the main story and were just completely out of money and time when it comes to the raid, it's honestly disappointing as fuck
It will have to do.
Was Emet-Selch right? Should we've died to resurrect paradise?
Finally got 80 and finished msq. Should I rush right towards eden, or work on titania?
Finall cleared Innocence EX, Jesus Fuck I have never seen so many sub 1 percent enrages in my life. Are people legit worse at the game now? Every party I've joined has had at least one person dead almost at all times it seems like.
>"Oracle of Darkness"
>wearing literal Kingdoms Hearts armour
Don't you fucking dare Nomura
>Nothing happens in the story
Stupid cutscene skipper.
Also it's not a part of MSQ, you absolute retard.
No retard because you'd be fucking dead.
Imagine if someone said "hey the world would be a better place if you kill yourself" is basically what he's asking.
Also if "paradise" was so fucking good then exactly why did the catastrophe happen
You would of been resurrected though considering the WoL is an ascian.
No. The Ascians had their chance and they fucking blew it. They're dead, and they should stay that way. We can carry on their legacy, but no the rest of the world doesn't deserve to die so some long dead giganiggas can be revived. Hell, considering the demeanor of most of the shades you talk to I doubt they'd even WANT to be revived at the proposed cost to the rest of the world.
Nomura isn't writing the story.
Even though its this early will I get autists raging if I don't read the stats? I want to tank it all blind
>ansem is the final boss
>been trying to clear Titania all day
>people keep running away from stacker
>people keep stacking with AoE nuke
>people getting blown off edges
>DPS so bad they're below tanks and even on par with healers
Who the fuck are these people? What the fuck is going on. Did I really miss the boat that badly by not being 80 in the first day or so?
then tank it fucking blind, jesus christ
No. It's just a girl with a hammer.
I think that somewhere along the way we'll get hinted what caused the catastrophe that nuked the original Ascian world.
We're canonically 1/14th of a person though. Not even a real entity, if all things are considered.
The trade-off would be literally resurrecting a world with mortals who live near-infinite lifespans and want for nothing. The worst part would be living in a bureaucratic nightmare, apparently.
you will, so just make your own party
WoW refugees. If they don't have an addon that tells them how to breathe they get confused.
They've said many times there will be no more door fights and checkpoints.
Which is good, because they honestly were extremely annoying during Omega.
You discover Eden, figure out it's a biomachine with extraordinary capabilities when it comes to manipulating aether, and randomly have a Voidsent pop up that turns out to maybe be the Oracle of Darkness, whatever that may or may not entail.
Compared to any of the other first tier raid stories there really isn't much there, it's a very short and concise prelude with no real agency or build up yet.
the fuck are you on about
Fuck off Emet. Also we're actually 9/14ths of a person.
This is how I expect every thread that's not a Smash thread to play out. Jannies fucking delete anything fun and go to circlejerk in Smash threads.
>it's another 1 dps in a 8-man trial that doesn't click commence episode
take the walkway above the tent and jump off
Emet did nothing wrong
Define "worse at the game now". There were always bad groups no matter how easy the Trial. As long as you aren't joining farm groups then it'll always be like this. And farm groups don't guarantee good players by any means, they're just slightly more experienced but will still die to the most obvious shit occasionally.
To be fair the first tier of a raid has never, ever had a particularly gripping story.
What tactical advantage does machinist gain from doing a flip when they shoot their gun?
>you're fighting in open air
>bow down overdwellers
>he isn't underground
It spins the bullet around so it penetrates better.
Mixture of WoWfugees and mouthbreathers who legitimately need an entire expansion to figure out what their new rotation should be.
It confuses his enemies.
I don't wanna skip cutscenes
What was that? There's no thread but smash. No thread but WoW. THIS. IS MY BOARD.
unsub and only play for story content user
will save you a couple IQ digits a few years of life before having a stroke
>dying so much that you do 2k DPS
>not being detrimental or shit at this game
Why are you so adamant at protecting this shitter? If they were alive doing this damage they are shit, if they kept died over and over when the Normal modes repeat basic mechanics they are shit. Either case this BLM just sucks.
If you accept it just takes you from before the cutscene happens.
It should have been longer
I though bad tanks were a meme until I got queued up back to back with tanks that didn't even turn on tank stance and aggro was all over the place.
Binding Coil and Gordias had a lot more going on right from the start. I guess Deltascape didn't really do much plot and lore either, but you still at least had actual agency, a clear goal, a villain you were up against.
Hey thanks bro.
I mean PF was never super reliable but I've never been so thoroughly cucked by shitty DPS as I have been with this fight. It's never taken me over a week to pug an EX Primal before (not counting Thordan and Shinryu), but holy shit people just cannot seem to avoid getting hit in Innocence. The thing that's especially frustrating is that there's barely even any "real" mechanics in the fight aside from the tethers. it's literally just "don't stand in the bad" and yet even that seems to be beyond the majority of PF DPS players.
if you try to "tank swap" with me (whatever the fuck that means lol sounds like parsetranny shit) i will provoke titan right back
I'M the mt and I make the rules
>WoW Refugees
user I hate to break it to you but thats your average FFXIV player. As much as people like to call others Cutscene Skippers a retarded insult at that and/or WoWfugees the thing you need to learn is most of the playerbase is pants on head retarded. Why do you think we have gone 2 expansions now with culling and further attempts at casualizing the jobs?
Don't forget we're RESTORING THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD the light destroyed. Or that's the plan.
Now that I think about it I've came up with a scenario in my head where it was Zodiark who orchestrated the Amaurotian Apocalypse. I can imagine one of the Ascian with his creation powers making an imp or some small and powerless version of Zodiark which manipulates him into initiating the catastrophe snowball-style and then implying that "only if I had a powerful body and half of this worlds souls/aether I could save everything".
Then after time someone catching wind of what really happen and creating a cult of Hydaelin to try and stop the fucker.
me watching the tank eat a 200k tankbuster because he REFUSES to not be a big boy for 5 minutes and not tank
Ryne does not have thick thighs.
Sup bro. I'm sick of all these OT's provoking off me in the Titan fight. Where the fuck are people telling them to tank swap when it's not needed?
i mean you don't actually need to do it i just don't want the healers to freak out about me getting fucking pummeled by huge autoattacks
>t. Akia X'ela
It is still going to hurt a lot regardless. A tank swap is just not needed.
Unless you're trying to clear it for """fun""", don't bother at this point. Innocence already became obsolete and Titania is about to be in 2 weeks. And there's hardly any point in clearing it for the experience, when at the end of the day you have to force yourself through a dozen casual random groups that cost you a fair amount of brain cells, instead of clearing it in comfy mode with your friends.
so is mch the safest dps option now? after 2 weeks of smn/nin bitching now blm became top overdweller, and i can't imagine the melees got it any easier with aoe spams either
>tanking Titan as DRK
>eat a stonecrusher with 50+% of my health with TBN and maybe a healer shield up
>other tank decides to take him from me
>he takes a stonecrusher
>is down to 10-20% of his health
Are people smart enough to tank swap but not smart enough to use mitigation, or does it just hit other tanks that hard
Bard is safer than mch since their dps is almost exactly the same but bard still has a damage buff for the party.
MCH or BRD probably. BRD is still in a lot of the top parses over even MCH, and that surprised me considering they got a light nerf.
GNB is the safest DPS option, bro. I don't dodge anything.
probably yeah, i can see mch getting top dps on some fights just because it doesn't really give a shit about anything
Is the Pushback Brambles during the add phase of Titania really that hard? I think after missing it once through tunnel visioning I never missed it again. But I always see at least 1 person die to it, and if not that than the AOE and Stack markers right after it.
As a WHM should I be burning lilies just to use misery? I'm only using them as needed
>Not sure what glamour I should choose for BLM to start Shb
Rakshasa Dogi of Casting looks nice but I don't want to go to shb looking like a weeb
What is the optimal order for bard songs?
Id burn 1 if you are at max, because then you're just wasting what could be more Miserys. Try to hover around 2 lillies but use them if necessary.
>wowfugee plays the game non-stop for the past several months
>does Eden nm
>wtf guys this is totally unsatisfying where is the content
>chooses to ignore literally everything else to do in the game, extreme primals, or that he hasn't done the actual raid yet because it's not out
What a fall from grace, because four filler tank and spank bosses and autistic daily world quests would totally be better.
You're missing the point. I've even mentioned that it is indeed embarassing to hit those kind of numbers when he would've been alive throughout the whole fight. However i was just calling him out on """how""" it comes to these kind of scenarios in the first place, it was just a call for attention from him honestly. Playing dumb to get a lot of "dae wowfugee bad?" replies, circlejerking about how bad casuals are, is just plain annoying.
I disagree.
Just finished MSQ
>What, by myself?
>that guitar kicking in
>I challenge you, Emet-Selch.
My body wasn't fucking ready
Did you at least throw your MT some shields?
Who now?
What should I be melding as SAM?
More speed to go fast? or crit or direct hit for big dick damage from Midare?
>200 hours
I had over 300 by the time I finished the whole arr msq.
I don't even know how.
What's the biggest mount?
I heard that retainers don't really recognize materia so there's no point in melding gear that you're going to equip on a retainer. Do they differentiate from HQ to NQ though? Is there a point in equipping my retainer with HQ versions or is that entirely a waste?
>why can't we have aetherflow on pull
>AoW is worse than miasma II
>AoW feels worse than miasma II
>let us burn aetherflow stacks with ED
>why is WHM outdpsing us
Can we just gas every SCH main on the planet? Fucking whining for 2 months already.
>he picked the worse options
Sup bro, I'm not complaining but I do miss my DPS options.
Ok, have fun with yours queues
they're legitimate complaints
there's 1 aetherflow usually left over now with nothing to burn it on
you can use it at the start of the fight so why not let you aetherflow out of combat?
art of war is hot garbage, but slightly less so with the nerf to the cost today
don't care if I don't outdps whm, they're finally good at something
I mean, having 6 years of content to slowly work through however fast or slow you yourself want to go at it, and then actually being caught up and waiting for new fights with the rest of us is a pretty big difference.
It's 100% true that 4 fights is just way too little for a raid tier. WoW isn't really any better at it, but they at least have systems in place that make you do content other than the raids to improve your character. XIV just doesn't have that at all. The next 7-8 months you will simply reclear the same 4 fights over and over while you occassionally do a handful of dungeon runs to cap your weekly currency again and again. There isn't really much, if any, incentive to consistenly put time into this game and you really only come to that realization when you are finally caught up with the current progression.
What's the best way to go from 70 to 71 as a tank? Ghimlyt has been giving very little exp.
Seriously what the fuck was the WoL thinking of to think of Titan?
>and maybe a healer shield up
Nice fairy bro!
>you can use it at the start of the fight so why not let you aetherflow out of combat?
Because you can get the worth of 6 stacks in the first 30 seconds.
What do you mean? It looks just how i remember him
He's right though. Eden NM was unsatisfying as fuck.
Mostly because it just has no "final" boss and the last two fights feel like complete filler.
Memories of the cheese wheels you were forced to fetch in order to face Titan got mixed in with the creation process
Goblin cheese wheel.
The only thing that matters is ilvl.
will we ever go back to dungeon crawling kino raids like coils I'm tired of this parsetranny instant boss fight 1 room arena "raids"
So wear a condom?
Did they get mad at people pressuring others to skip cutscenes that they made it unskippable? I swear I skipped them back when HW came out.
What's the edgiest gunblade they've got?
The lv69 dungeon. The 50/60/70 dungeons have never been any good exp.
wanderer's -> mage's -> army's
cut army's early when wanderer's/raging comes back up
aoe stuff is mage's first then either wanderer's for small groups or army's for big groups
Castrum abania or roulettes, level cap dungeons (50,60,70) were designed to not give much if any exp at all since you're supposed to be capped when you do them
Probably not unless they go full WoW pandering.
With a healer shield up I stay in 80-90%
it was pretty neat-o
I can't even find a use for 3 stacks every 60 seconds, what the FUCK do I need 6 for?
but that doesn't matter anymore since there's no dps skills to spend it on and only two aetherflow skills you wanna open with
Wonderful smile bro, let's pair up.
Goddammit WoL.
I'm absolutely terrified that we might have to think of Good King Moogle Mog, may his wings ever carry us to harmony. I don't want a 50 foot tall moogle that calls in his own 24 man moogle raid.
>two of gloves, boots or hat
is this the right way to do normal eden up to first week savage? what if trannycraft gear immediately invalidates some of them......
DH>Det seems to be the current go to since SkS scales like absolute shit currently and crit has no real viable sets to build it up as far as I could tell atm
>level FSH because I want to be able to make the food that need FSH ingreadients
>get 80, check what baits and region and go after the oysters
>been here for like an hour and I got 20 so far, the recipe needs 3
Fuck this class. I guess the only point of having FSH is so you can then assign it to a retainer and have him pick up stuff for you. Worst class in the game.
has someone datamined the new tome gear yet?
there wasn't any pressure before, people just simply left the cutscene viewers behind and did the rest of the dungeon (as they were synced down to 130 and the dungeons were designed with level 40-50 gear in mind)
What the flying fuck is a trannycraft? Why the hell are you people literally obsessed with trannies to the point your sentences don't even make sense anymore?
more or less yeah, the retainer has always been a better fisher than you are and even then they kinda suck
You get extra fairy gauge since you can do prepull aetherflow > pull > excog > burn stacks for gauge > aetherflow compared to pull > aetherflow > excog > whatever stacks are needed for.
gloves and boots, then chest, then pants, then hat and belt and ring
>got 3 of the pants and 1 helm
dope as hell, hopefully I'll get the last pants, helm, and then boots next week
Don't worry. He's not associated with an element
Unless he gets bundled with Ramuh somehow
>t. gunbreaker main
>ironic weeb fat fetishist posting an image with completely average thighs
>but they at least have systems in place that make you do content other than the raids to improve your character. XIV just doesn't have that at all.
And those systems are autistic M+ and WQ grinds. WoW feels like a job with no payoff. XIV's systems to keep you playing are just content you can choose to participate in or not, like primals, deep dungeons, eurekas and all that other bullshit you do in your spare time. Nobody actually wants to "consistently put time into the game" anymore other than NEETs and streamers.
Then why did they make them unskippable? I did it again last night and what was 7 or so minutes on the timer was like half an hour real time.
Sounds like this luck m8
I usually have hundreds by the time i finish watching a movie, literally flooding the mb with food
Would a party of Ilbreds work well together or would they all just betray each other?
we will get him and King Thordan mixed up and have to fight the Knights of the Kupo Table.
it'd be very sloppy
Let's find out. We going to queue for Ala Mhigo Hard. Wish us luck.
Based "pops superbollide and all cds immediately after benediction" gunbro
because it's not a good player experience to go from one cutscene directly to another and not actually getting to fight any mobs in the dungeon
I'm just clarifying that no players were yelling at other ones to skip cutscenes
A conga line of betrayals for not being patriotic enough for MUH ALA MHIGO
People complained all the time about it, but when people stopped complaining about it they ended up making it unskippable. Everyone refused to do it, so they had to super buff the rewards in there to make it worth the time.
>pay attention to what the tokens would get me
>only items for aiming that don't give SkS (worst stat for all 3 jobs) is the ring, earrings, and gloves
>got all 3 in the first week
>plan to get pieces for other jobs because my MCH is 441 and the only good shit I would like to get is the titania weapon
>realize long ago that I never fucking do savage so why do I need 450ilvl when i can just get all jobs to around 440 and swap it up for fun
We real nigga hours here. GNB is at 76, DNC is at 70, and I'm trying to finally get RDM and SAM out of the 50 zone.
is BLM really as fun as everyone says at high level or is it all just a meme?
Crafted will be beter than NM gear unless the NM gear has a better primary substat compared to the crafted
i don't think it's coincidental that the only good tank on my eden run this morning was a paladin
also i guess one of the gnb used heart of stone on me but he also pulled immediately then died to the first mechanic so i'm counting that as a wash
Of sweetflesh oysters? Surely you wouldn't lie on the internet would you? My gear is all HQ crafted 340 fully melded and some overmelded. I'm using Identical Cast ever time I get one so I can grantee the next. The spot seems right according to every source I check and the same can be said for the bait.
There's no way you're getting hundreds in 2 hours when I'm approaching 1:30 and I barely have 30 of them.
Praetorium on roulette is fantastic. 30 minutes of just watching youtube and finish up with like 80% of my level. Not a bad haul.
There's 2 threads up! The other thread was made before this one and is dying! Admit it, incels. XIV is dying!
This shit right here is why it's just better to not do the swap in a random group and be the chaddest tank you can be
people either love or hate playing blm, there's not really a middle ground
>"right i can just do trusts now do level DPS"
>takes almost 30 minutes with these single target motherfuckers
Might as well queue
Outside of roulettes, always the leveling dungeons.
The 50/60/70 dungeons give shit for exp since they weren't meant for leveling in the first place.
Not that I think that's a good reason since what the fuck else are you going to go into them for, but that's squeenix's reason.
Not a meme, blm at lvl72 becomes great and it only gets better from there.
Having an absolute blast but friends that can't into AM don't like it so much, also because they keep losing enochian.
Head, Gloves, Feet, Belt, and Ring in these two weeks before Savage is optimal for ilvl and overall stat gains.
You can then get the Body or Legs the week of Savage if you have time to fit normal mode runs somewhere inbetween your Savage attempts.
Of course there'll also be crafted gear, so you could just get that if you know people or have the money to spare.
Meant 430.
>takes even longer to queue
>would have done a 2nd trust dungeon within that time
Oh shit bros, I don't think Samberd can stop Ascianberd.
You might think that but you are wrong
Am I literally the only WAR main on my server? Not a single fc member leveled it and I can't even remember when i last saw another WAR in DF.
It's all fucking GUN and PLD, DRK seems to die down a bit since people begin to realize how boring/braindead it is(?)
how do i stop being a shitter? i've only played healer but i'm trying SSS and can't fucking pass alexander or zurvan savage. level 60 rdm in shire gear btw
Man why are trusts so fucking useless. Even in the worst case that would be a >30min queue i'd still take it over a dungeon run with trusts. I'll take a retarded long queue for a run with other people at a steady or even good pace any day over the disgusting slog that is the trust system.
>DRK wants to fit in as many Bloodspillers as possible into Delirium
>PLD has like 5 different things to fit into FoF
...should I be melding SkS as a tank?
They'll be crawling back when WAR gets everything buffed to the moon like it always does during the first class balance patch.
All the braindead WAR switched to the other 3 for some reason.
No reason to have a WAR anymore
GNB stole WAR's identity as big dick DPS and PLD and DRK have better mitigation than WAR
>Generic "this ends today"
>Worse option
BLM had almost no changes other than the new ShB skills/spells/traits, and half of them are just QoL things cause after a point that's all that's left.
It's my main and have no regrets.
how the hell can you not play RDM? I swear to christ you better not hardcast verthunder/veraero
I see WAR's occasionally, what i haven't seen is AST's. I think i've seen 1 and that was in a SB leveling dungeon. I haven't seen anyone do sh content with it
Pretty sure you can only fit 5 Bloodspillers in Delirium. If you have all eureka gear pieces that give the haste buff and maybe even a haste logogram then you might be able to fit in a 6th.
(it was like this for Inner Release which is basically the same)
Some user said that it was what arberdt said to you back in heavensward
SkS to comfort only. Need way too much investment to get a minuscule result
WAR stopped being fun when Inner Release made every fell cleave/decimate direct/crit, I honestly feel nothing for it, massive fell cleaves used to be exciting, now its just dull
don't worry, DRK is the same, the delirium change was fucking shit, its inner release but even less fucking fun
Not thta guy but I picked up RDM about half an hour ago. I almost missed how verthunder/areo 2 is an aoe with only 100 potency, and jolt is just 1 less element but 80 more potency. Really makes it east to understand what you should be casting into.
Is MCH fun now? All i know is they summon some dumb mech now which whatever i don't care for some pet you just summon and it does its own thing.
If you can get your gcd to 2 then go ahead.
Can you solo Zonureskin maps?
You can fit more than 5 Bloodspillers/Quietuses in a Delirium window, so you really only need it if you feel like you're having trouble doing it already
I see them often in shb lvling dungeons and they let me die 9/10 times when I pull more than 1 pack.
MCH is god-tier and you don't deserve to play it if you think the robo-waifu is dumb.
The only good thing about Trusts is doing a dungeon for the first time with them is good practice to see mechanics and you don't have to worry about other people judging you if you screw up.
When i see an ast i know immediately it's going to have to be a slow run
I've ran into at least 3 ASTs in the Twinning, and one of them got mad at me because I died during a double pull even though they were only using Benefic 1
MCH is one of the most active and fun dps, I'm honestly impressed by how much fun I'm having with it now
still miss HW MCH but the sooner I let go, the happier I will be
>dumb mech
fuck you, Queen is based
>dungeon crawling kino raids like coils
Meme, there was barely any dungeon crawling in the coils.
T1 had dungeon crawling
T2 is one big arena (the fight enrage timer starts from the first pull)
T3 was just sprint past everything because it's pointless to do anything here
T4 was a single room with no crawling
T5 was a single room with no crawling.
T6 had very light dungeon crawling especially when compared to T1.
T7 was two rooms, one was an elevator and one was the boss arena.
T8 was just two rooms and you only had to do like two pulls if you knew how to get to the boss, but I'll, be generous and count it in the same tier as T6
T9 was just an arena.
T10 had simlar crawling to T6
T11 had similar crawling to T6
T12 was just an arena
T13 was just an arena
So of the 13 zones we have
>1 with an actual dungeon worth of content
>1 with a dungeon but no boss
>4 with a mini-dungeon with trash mobs
>1 "dungeon" that was just a trash elevator leading up to the boss
>6 arenas without a dungeon preceding it
If you were to eliminate T3 because it's a pointless room with no gear drops and everyone would skip all the pulls even back in 2.0 / 2.1 then half of the fights in the coils were pure arenas and only one T1 was the only turn that even resembled a "raid" in the traditional sense.
It's what Ardbert says to you in HW, so you echo it back.
>doing Eden Titan as a RDM
>spend half the fight rezzing everyone, especially healers
>end of the duty
>"commend your healers
I have never, in my life, commended a red mage. Not a single time.
>"commend your healers
I'm thinking it is, but it's gonna be a ranged DPS job. It'll play like the antithesis to black mage, highly mobile caster that uses the other side of the elemental wheel, wind, water, and earth vs ice, fire, and lightning. Their big gimmick will focus on conjuring up various tiles on the ground sort of like laylines that they have to stand on to use some of their abilities to full effect, such as removing cast timers from their attack spells or adding status effects to certain actions.
Chemist will become the fourth healer in its place, BLU will remain at level 50 for the rest of the game. Corsair will be the 4th and final ranged DPS, it will use a pistol like the admiral has and focus on buffs and debuffs.
Sorry bro, I had to commend Fshberd.
You get my point though retard, coil and alex had some sort of dungeon crawling, fuck even omega had it even if it was instanced story shit with NPCs. Eden has fucking nothing.
A pld threw me an Intervention todsy so there's that.
>Could be a really neat melee healer.
It's called dungeon SCH
fuck my ass and call me a bitch thank you that was it
>giving a shit about commends ever
They're just something I throw on random people to get my free exp
WAR has a hammer now
I expected green mage since they are a melee caster with hammers but geomancer or oracle is more likely. That said while I am giving up hope on mystic knight I am starting to dig the idea of a judge as a DPS that shares gear with DRG and uses a double-headed staff weapon (think darth maul) which splits into two separate weapons, as evidently was the case for FF12 judges.
I'd love a melee healer and would roll one instantly. Dressing up healing in doing damage with some standard healing too would be great. I've wanted a D&D style cleric or WOW style holy paladin forever.
I don't expect another tank after already adding a tank. We got 4 tanks, 3 healers, 4 melee dps, 3 ranged magic dps and 3 ranged physical dps. A new healer is almost certain (Chemist?), but I expect another DPS rather than another tank. And since we already got dancer (ranged physical) it'd be magic ranged or melee DPS (which would be 5, admittedly).
Geomancy on principle in-lore is just White Magic. This is a minor plot point brought up in stormblood
were you really casting the aoe instead of the single target? why not read your tooltops?
you mean astrology
So is the savage mount going to be Titan car or Voidwalker?
>Try rogue bandana on my viera
>It works
>glamour it
>it doesn't actually show for some reason even though it works when I try it
>robo waifu
>no robo tits
It sucks.
>98 roll on Eden minion on Eden Titan
>the shitter RDM gets it with a 99
this really is bringing back awful memories of Titan
So does DRK and GNB
poor PLD don't have a mace yet as far as I know.
Since when did astrology include deal with the balance of nature?
Don't worry it looks stupid
I want it to be a rideable Eden.
Eh, I don't think that would stop a hammer job. PLD has that gunblade Lightning uses
I comm the worse player.
My power just went out.
So much for that. Fuck everything.
It has that weird Aztec club thing at least
>PLD has Blazefire Saber
>GNB has Lightning's pose but no Blazefire Saber
What in the fuck
i scanned over the changes and the 7 white/black mana jumped out at me first and i just assumed that was the new rotation. didn't even realize they were aoe or less potency
you literally hang out with a "Geomancer" in the AST SB quests and he's just a weeb AST.
>Keep thinking the MCH Queen is a player in of the corner of my vision
>Oh no he's about to get hit by the AoE I better resc- oh goddamnit its the stupid robot, not a player
When will my eyes adjust
>run Orbonne as a WHM
>NIN in party won't stop getting himself killed
>dies several times per fight to stupid shit
>raise him purely to see how he dies next
>dies a total of 24 times
>comm him for making me laugh
Hello friends? Anyone want to join me in a raid to liberate Ala Mhigo? You definitely won't die and be sacrificed to summon a Primal! No way!
It's obvioualy going to be the aether slipper they zoomed in on and made a big deal about.
I do the same thing, when multiple people die I always raise the one who died the funniest way first.
...and you both literally talk about how different the two are.
go back to playing drg man
Can we put fatty back in Eulmore? The music was better with him around
I'm in!
Sure bro, I trust you.
I can trust this upstanding citizen of Ala Mhigo. Count me in.
I just joined a farm party going from GNB to BLM. I already knew when I needed to move and when not to, so it wasn't really much of a challenge.
That's how I am with my own Fray. Gave me a headache during Titania EX because I thought it was someone about to cause a wipe again
That'd be fun, to see that we are able to reverse the rejoinings. It would put terror into Edilibus' heart and motivate him (or Zodiark, if he's conscious) into some major actions in 6.0.
As much as limited jobs suck, I could see Geomancer being one in that you can't take it on dungeons, you can only take it to zones. And the abilities you possess would change depending on what ambient aether (checked by what aether crystals are in mineral nodes) the area is. Annoyingly this would be easy to fix for omitting them from dungeons - just tag every dungeon with a aether elemental tag.
No because Emet-Selch is dealing with a primal and their promises are liable to be monkey's paws. He will get all his loved ones back - and they will be vacant husks like the Lamia resurrected by Lakshmi. If I have to I'll dig up the damn dialogue for that quest but I am pretty certain once your soul and sense of self dissolves into the aetherstream nothing short of going back in time is going to be able to reclaim your soul. Thancred and Yshtola were safe because of how quickly (relative) you reclaimed them.
I follow a different thesis but you just gave me a terrifying thought. Primals are highly influenced/defined by what the summoner is thinking. We're seeing that with the primals in Eden. What were the Ancients thinking when they made Zodiark? Sacrifice. What is Zodiark's entire schtick? Sacrifice. Nobody has required the level of life sacrifice as he does. Other primals we meet want prayers, Zodiark has constantly wanted/needed living sacrifice over and over. The Ascians might well have damned themselves by what they were thinking.
It's even worse with DRK's pocket Fray since every other edgelord has full black glam myself included
He's in.
>implying that thing won't be a cash shop mount that plays the FFVIII airship theme or better yet Soken's version of Movin'
>Leave my old FC a while back
>Join new one today
>"Hey welcome user! Wanna do roulettes with us?"
>Play as SCH and PLD, fast queues
>they are average at best, awful at worst
>"user we're gonna try out the new raids join us! We could use another healer or tank ;)"
>tag along, having a blast until Leviathan and Titan
>the Sea Quakes platform breaking in the middle ALWAYS wipes them over and over
>takes 7 tries
>Titan in general leaves them in despair, they voted to abandon and can't learn mechanics for shit
>they got to a point of blaming each other, getting frustrated, fighting and yelling a lot, and just quit talking to each other
>FC disbanded an hour ago
Christ that is just sad on so many levels and not even Savage or EX, what the fucking fuck man
Why does the tornado kick ability even still exist?
You could have prevented this, user.
>yfw they take the Rinoa theory as canon and Gaia actually is possessed by herself
The same reason why Flamethrower still exists. Square is full of retards.
playing dancer is super easy but it hurts my brain
too many colorful buttons lighting up all the time that I have to keep my eyes on
It should never have existed to begin with.
>XIV babies can't take more than 10 wipes
Do I want crit or spell speed as a BLM? I know traditionally crit only edged out SS by .6%, but the ease of use of spell speed made it popular anyway, but now with the longer AF/UI durations, is spell speed that important?
Most of the people that play this game should be gassed, we need Garlean camps ASAP.
>Capable of effortlessly doing higher DPS on my DRG than my MNK, with better party buffs
>SAM is absolute dog shit still
>NIN is so bad even trick doesn't really make up for it
On one hand I love playing DRG as it is and wouldn't mind maining it and don't want it to be bad.
On the other hand as a MNK and SAM main I feel like a mediocre "I guess we'll take another melee" choice in some cases where otherwise MCH would replace them.
So are they nerfing goon or buffing other melees?
Or are the pulling a Stormblood and making no changes even though they add/subtract 10 potency on 2 abilities?
>it's another Dancer partner's their shitter friend and both of them combined do less DPS than the top DPS
Dancer was the biggest mistake ever made in this game.
Spell Speed then Crit iirc
>dancer doesn't pick a partner
>dancer doesn't use buffs
>there's 3 of them
those eyes weren't so freaky in the thumbnail
>2 dancers in the party
>they partner each other
every fucking time
spell speed is still good for finishing your cast/slidecasting
i thought dh > crit on expansion launch
Is SpS really even that valuable anymore for BLM? with the MP changes and 15 second AF/UI it doesn't feel nearly as valuable as it used to be.
It's starting to feel like SAM gets fucked harder than BLM when it comes to boss movement tanking your DPS.
>running E4
>wipe multiple times for various reasons
>never partners anyone
display hats
if sam does then so does any melee, no?
I blame the job quest for that.
I spent 8 hours fighting Titania EX because DPShitters can't stop her from enraging and I finally got through because one guy from an Inno EX party said he would throw us up into a duty completion PF and we did it 2nd try. I was entertained by learning Titania with everyone but by the 5th hour I became jaded as fuck and once I saw Tit's bar meter go to 42 before big ads showed up, I knew we weren't going to make it.