Other urls found in this thread:
Shouldn't you be playing single-player mode if you're going to play that class, you retarded niggerfaggot?
>impotent rage all caps posting
Some people play Legendary for the the challenge and not to breeze through by using the objectively broken metagame build. Accept that and go back to playing single player. You're not doing anyone any favors by "helping" them to get through legendary.
Get fucked Elf-thing
butt-hurt elgi bitch needs an ability to do what my pick-axe does.
dumb slayer nigger who leaps into packs and dies spotted
you're the only thing making things challenging with your retardation
fuck elves
Is it worth getting the dlc maps?
You mad?
boergerhofen maps are fucking aids
why are people who play rogue classes always the biggest cucks?
why is water wet?
I enjoy playing mercenary!
Kruber's VA is fucking ace.
>not ripping and tearing with 1 health
Seriously. The voice acting is so fucking good I don't know how they did it
Objectively superior class.
Is there anything worse than an elf fag?
Thats how it was last year around this time. Shades still purple dranking backstabbing bosses in 3 seconds? Havent played since a few weeks before ubersreik came back.
what is it about elves that attract the mentally ill?
Saltzpyre's VA is an actual English Lord and Earl
Man I wish the drunk anniversary event was a constant thing. It was great.
Kerilian is for __________
>see CW
>hear shade use F
>leap over and 2 shot him b4 shade can reach him
is there a better feel?
teasing and being teased by
>doing A Quiet Drink
>Kerillian goes on about a horse she had
slayer dwarves are useless
ranger dwarves pop smoke and do fuck all
iron dwarves are only good as grimoire and tome carriers
remote electronically controlled around corners trajection of deadly touch tarantula spiders
shade saves everyone time and hassle
remember to thank your BH
how do i get the long cloak for witch hunter? is it just a random skin drop
>executioner sword with swift slaying
>attack speed buffs on sword and charm
>Beast in Black in the background
Peak Vermintide 2
What are the most based classes and why are they Ranger Veteran, Witchunter Captain, and Mercenary.
long cloak is collectors edition only
stay mad wutelgi
I miss the ranger trick audio bug
cant wait for WOM to ruin the game
>queue up
>boegenhofen map
>hunger in the dark
>boss monster spawns in darkness
>It's a stormfiend, I have strength pot + brace of pistols and burst him down like nothing
What would sex with a Warhammer elf be like?
it would be extremely painful
Depends on a variety of factors. The type of elf, if you are a human, how you got into her pants.
So does she wanna be dicked by Kruber or what?
High Elves, unless you're suicidal enough to sexually pursue one of the other two
Is it easy to sexually persue High Elves though?
>he needs coordination for backstabs
Absolute trash elf
Maybe Huntsman.
Will the drunk quests ever be back?
So does that mean she secretely wants to brush his Imperial staxlche as Kruber rails her?
will prolly be an annual event
you can also mod it back in
>my internet started dropping out whenever I try to play
>not just the games connection but my computer's connection
>have to reboot to fix it
I just wanted to stab some rats.
don't forget ironbreakers
t. ironbreaker
So why are the dark elves so sadistic, red pill me bois
thats not a iron breaker,thats just the the average intelligence of people who use hammers
They follow some god named Khaine. They also follow Malekith, the top dark elf.
>tfw knew about Francis E. Dec before that video was ever a thing
You'll cowards aren't part of the Slovene master race
10.000 years of grugd- I mean butthurt about which King was chosen by the Gods will make your mind go to funny places
Back when the elves where fighting the demons what would become the dark elves were always at the forefront against the enemy, after the civil war they never got any time to relax like the ulthuan elves because their new home is a harsh place. Their leaders have become very twisted and encourage extreme practices and the gods of the elven pantheon they have drifted towards love sadistic shit.
This is probs a dumb question but I can't join a friends game if we're the same character right? Or can there be 4 kreubers running around
You'll be able to join but it will force you to pick someone else.
you can join but you will be forced to pick another character, you can only play as the same on the modded realm
Aww fug
Extreme darwinism to root out the weak so that when Chaos comes, they’re ready to out-grimdark Chaos.
>mfw this stagger mechanic in the WoM beta literally killed my interest in the game
Good going fartshart.
>Vermintide is a fun as fuck game
>Fatshark makes Bethesda look like genius developers
How fucking bad are we talking about?
I promised myself I would only buy vermintide if we either get to fight dah boyz or get to play as one
WHFB orcs are boring though. Skaven are far more interesting and fun.
I haven't played in like 5 months, have they added anything new?
>live servers are probably the best they've been so far, far from perfect but it feels good to play
>plan to release an expansion loaded with content
>but it's actually not loaded with content because weaves are DoA, has terribly dull and unsatisfying weapons (except for axes arguably) and a billion new unwanted changes that no one except a dozen discord tranny speedrunners asked for
>fast-forwarding a month and a half, the expansion hits with little to no hype from beta testers and eventually terrible feedback from everyone because they decided to overhaul the entire game once again instead of just releasing a bunch of cool shit as advertised
thank you fatshark, very cool.
I hope you like legend missions taking 45+ missions because everything's a damage sponge and weapons don't do shit now.
>Pop potion
>Stormfiend climbs building and fucks off for 15 seconds
It's like they know..
Listen hear you knife-ear'd piece of shit-
Why the fuck would they do that? the speed of combat felt just right.
If you mean the beta, then dumpsterfire dead on arrival bad, the state it is in at least. It's not even necessarily about the content that's about to be added with it (excluding weaves which were advertisted to be THE endgame mode, while in reality they are the definition of a artifical korean mmo grind) but rather the changes to balance and mechanics that come with it. Pretty much all values in terms of hp were changed, combined with new stagger changes that force you to use stagger-heavy weapons to get a damage multiplier on enemies. Unsurprisingly everything feels like a sponge right now thanks to this, and every weapon like a wet noodle, Cata being the most unsatisfying gameplay i've had in a while, especially for hordes. Oh and yeah they reverted pretty much all dodge changes to the point where it plays like pre-BBB patch or rather a terribly clunky version of VT1. tldr, game plays and feels like shit now, and they're going through with these changes no matter what.
>virtually zero quality control
>constantly re introduce old bugs because they have concept of version history
>have no idea how to balance anything though admittedly they are getting better
>have no grasp on what makes their game enjoyable so they keep doubling down on grinding shit
>Vermintide 2 will have three DLCs by August and from how it's shaping up to look, the best DLC they have for Vermintide 2 is a map pack of Vermintide 1
First listened to some of his rants ~2005/6
So Warhammer's future is in vidya right? Between Total War and Vermintide the brand is too successful to just leave alone. When are we getting an RPG where I can be a Bretonian peasant throwing jars of piss?
A shitty attempt at appeasing mmocucks who try to "tank"
Probably, they're still hedonistic little faggots, they just try and hide it with their aura of arrogance. Fucking a lowly human once might be degenerate yet safe enough to interest some of them.
>You will never have Kerillian's voice actress spit on you
So what do I do after beating all the maps? just rerun everything until I get to 300 power, then hope for some good mods?
>they're still hedonistic little faggots
thought the high elves were the prudes, like the Craftworld Eldar
No. While Slaanesh prefers elf souls its not like 40k where she was created due to elves and auto-claims all their souls.
Stop getting hit by their aggro drop you fucking ELF NIGGER
Weave alone was enough to convince me that the expansion would be the kinda that I'd buy on a sale. Shit sounded lazy and I ain't paying full price for something that I might do on the side.
How badly did they fuck up my beloved executioner sword?
I tried going full tank as Ironbreaker Bardin once, switched back to Ranger immediately after.
When I host, I kick elf players until we get a party of four. Too many morons on elf, I win close to 9/10 games on legend now
>Have a completely optimized character than can completely clown on the game effortlessly on all three classes
>Retards flock to it and completely destroy its reputation
Doesn't help that the Kerellian is a cunt on her own time as well.
>Victory Dance
Playing Mercenary? Good, you'll have even more cleave than before, but you can't (at least there aren't any known breakpoints as of now) 1 shot Stormvermins anymore. It never was the go-to Weapon for the other Classes to begin with, but yeah now it's exclusively good for Mercenary. However, your biggest issue with heavy weapons will be the dodge changes. Heavy weapons were never heavily favored to begin with because it's all about mobility, so yeah while the weapon itself might remain unchanged, dodge changes could eventually cuck you on Cata.
>an old ranger trick
this game gave me a rat fetish
Why is this so hard for fatshark to understand?
We want
>new maps
>new heroes
>new careers
>new enemies
thats it
We dont want to regrind the same shit over and over again in differently coloured maps and have all our mechanics gutted.
Why is it so hard to understand?
The only good dwarf is a dead dwarf
when you say "tank" do you mean people who try to sword and board
Yes people who just hold block and think spamming shoves is fun.
>people still dont understand that if you shove a shield rat twice it breaks their guards
They're retarded. Look at EVERYTHING they should have learned during V1's development.
>handguns u
nothin personnel
I'd probably be able to make do and adapt to the dodge changes. Not being able to oneshot stormvermin sucks, it felt fucking good to home in on one and instantly cut his head off.
>mfw the Slayer 100 games hat
You re run them 100 times on legend with every career
You've encountered the problem with V2. Far less maps, and the maps they do have have significantly less replay-ability than 1.
I have no clue why, but something about the 1 maps (especially the DLC maps) is just so wonderfully replayable.
It's unreal how shit Bogenhafen is frankly
>doesnt even hit the gas rat
I'm shocked the same people who delivered the amazing DLCs of Drachenfels and Azgaraz produced the crap that has been the V2 "DLC"
The base maps for 2 are better then the V1 maps. Almost every map in 2 is unique in its setting and instantly distinguishable from another. v1 base game maps use the same city often and a few are hard to tell from eachother at a glance. The events in all the V2 levels are all different as well.
But with the DLC its opposite. The V1 DLC are all godly. Drachenfels is hard but cool. karak Azgaraz is simply the best. Even the last couple DLC are quite memorable with fights abaord river-boats or in the Tavern.
The V2 DLC is horrible in comparison. Bogenhafen is another generic city and then they just remade 3 of V1 maps.
Bogenhafen honestly could have been great given the subject but holy fuck it's bad. I don't understand how this company has absolutely floundered on their content when this game sold far better than the first one did. It's fucking insane.
this game stinks. the boys and I picked it up and refunded it after 90 minutes. everything is just a bullet sponge, the combat feels completely floaty, and it has lootboxes in a co-operative pve full-priced licensed game. yikes
I can't agree. Each mission in 1 still had an identity, and being set within the same city helps it a lot more. The waystones do not have the same charm as the carriage, and I would have preferred the base came stick to Helmgart rather than have you romp across half of the Reikland with a teleporter. It lessens the finale of going to Norsca too.
Plus I feel as if each V2 map follows more or less the same pace, with more bland and less varied finales. None of the base V2 maps have the same fun value as Black Powder or Man the Ramparts to me. In fact I might go so far as to say that I dislike half of the base maps of V2, but can only truly hate Well Watch from V1.
The pit is even just ok I guess, but blightreaper is probably the worst map in either game. You've got the tedious dark section that's somehow worse than a boss spawning in the dark of hunger in the dark. Then the whole of the city section has nothing of note except for bosses+horde+patrols regularly spawning in the cramped alleys right before the gate to the church. The finale is obviously unfinished but a cool area I guess.
get out
Lootboxes which you can't pay for. Only grind and grind. Better then the first game where each mission gave you 1 random item.
Also, how does the combat feel floaty? For mthe high-mark of the game is its combat. Swinging a weapon feels like it has weight to it. Cutting a rat-man in half feels great with the sound and visual design.
>still no dedicated servers
>still no rework to shield weapons to make them useful
>weaves are utter shit
>fatshark rebalancing shit to make all enemies damage sponges, turning every run into a slog
>still no solution to the cosmetic RNG grind other than 'lol deal with it'
Can't wait for launch day to see the old double-special spawn kick in with the new beastmen mobs and watch whole parties get rattled to death by FOUR ALTERNATING KNOCKBACKS. WHOSE FUCKING IDEA WAS THIS STAGGER SHIT?
Also any vids of the minotaur boss yet? My gut says the fucks haven't shown it in action yet because whatever gimmick thats gonna make it different from the other monsters is borked to all hell.
I actually like Blightreaper but it could be made 100% better if they massively shortened the dark sectioned and revamped the finale. I honestly would take another copy pasted Bodvarr fight than the switch flipping shit.
you couldnt try harder if you tried
>still no rework to shield weapons to make them useful
So instead Fatshark completely revamps the combat to make shield weapons more viable.
I know you're baiting but i think you should learn what lootboxes actually are. The "lootboxes" as you like to call them, are just a glorified loot window in this game. Instead of getting the rewards right after the map, like in its prequel, you get to open them from a fancy box instead after a mission.
Bros, what do we do about WoM? I love playing the game right now but getting into the beta made me absolutely opposed to what's about to happen to the game. I just want to swing around my executioner sword and have it feel great, not like a pool noodle.
Just don't buy WoM and don't play the game if the retarded changes go live. Sucks but if they want to ruin the game then they won't get my money at least.
>Each mission in 1 still had an identity
Hardly. The only difference between Horn of Magnus and Supply and Demand was the end event. It's running through the same moon-lit streets with the same textures and props which Waterfront, Well watch and Black Powder all also use. Every mission in V2 is different even just in color. You can't confuse Fort Brachsenbruke with Athel Yenlui or Convocation of Decay or Righteous Stand. Hell even something like The Screaming Bell and Halescourge, two missions taking place in a very similar part of town are separated by having one take place at night and one during the day. Meanwhile all of the V1 city maps take place during night.
This isn't even really an opinion this is just plain fact. The maps in V2 are far more visually distinct then V1. Except for the DLC
Now to move on to gameplay. In V1 there are 5 missions (Wheat and Chaff, Engines of War, Black Powder, The Enemy Below and Supply and Demand) where the end-event is collect x barrels/sacks and bring them to this specific place. There's also 3 missions (Waterfront, Garden of Morr and Man the Ramparts) where the event is destroy x chains in this building. The final level has you both collect things and then destroy chains because it lacks an actual boss fight unlike V2 levels which give you 4 fully separate boss fights and where each level has a rather unique end event. Against the grain has you freeing prisoners. Convocation of Decay has you standing in a summoning circle to disrupt it with a pile of ooze to avoid. Athel Yenlui has you needing to match up lines requiring the person doing so to be protected.
That's a new one
I grinded all the steam acheivements and put the game down like a year ago. I got super butthurt that they worked on the console port that no one bought instead of adding content to the PC version and just haven't come back.
What are the retarded changes?
WoM changes pushes staggering as the top priority of combat. Everyone's Level 30 Talents basically revolve around staggering. It's even applied to hordes. You have to stagger things to do meaningful damage now. This sounds okay on paper but in actual gameplay it's very iffy. It takes forever to kill hordes now so by the time you're done killing one another one is spawning.
Them being more visually distinct isn't necessarily better. Instead of giving the player a sense of location, it has you hopping all over the place. I think you place too much in the maps looking different than you do the overall aesthetic, which feels much more bland. Or perhaps it's simply because there's so much more on your screen that it detracts from the maps itself. Regardless, I found the unifying aesthetic of Ubersreik far more comfy than the hodge podge of two.
And you can say that Wheat and Chaff and Black Powder had the same objective, but the execution was different. W&C was very lateral and flat, making the trek itself the dangerous bit. Which led to experienced parties leaving all the sacks by the wagon until the very end. Not to mention, if you're hit, your sack doesn't explode. Black Powder however was almost all vertical, and was extremely replayable if for no other reason than it encouraged the players to platform around to bring the barrels back quickly and safely.
It's also disingenuous to say that Engines of War is the same sort of mission as the previous two. The barrel section is not the finale, and despite being one of the more difficult parts of the level, makes up a very small portion of it overall. The finale is a hold-out, similar to Horn of Magnus.
I appreciate the boss fights of 2, but most of the end objectives, despite being more different offer hardly the same satisfaction as running barrels to a boat. Heck, Screaming Bell's finale is just Man the Rampart's finale but made much easier (one swing cuts the supports, and they're all closer together) with a Rat Ogre in place of actual strategy.
You do have a point that the finale of 1 is weak, but I still found 1's core missions to be far more enjoyable than 2. I've been playing 2 for far less time, yet I've become burnt out so much quicker on those core maps. Even by the end of VT1's life cycle, I did not feel annoyance if we loaded up Horn of Magnus.
>all three of saltzpyres classes are fun
I like playing saltz
They have another map pack coming out in a few months.
It adds variety. It keeps things interesting by keeping them different.
Black Powder was also not a good mission. It's either insanely quick with a co-ordinated group or non-coordinated group results in one chucklefuck being downed on the other side of the platform as everybody else.
That's some fucking Lupin tier shit.
its like halo2
the neck has no hitbox
it has, if you look carefully, she misses all of her shots by a fucking pixel
Did the merc Kruber ability voicelines get ripped yet?
WoM isn't a map pack
get under empired man-thing
That's pretty neat
>can't even play a fucking warhammer l4d clone without some gay ERPing retards
so is WOM harder or easier than prepatch?
legendary actually use to be hard but too many scrubs complained so they made it way easier.
also, giving champletts access to reds was a huge mistake
>And Marcus Kruber, as himself
a fucking tiny map pack of a mere 3 exceptionally unremarkable maps
the beastmen are going to be so broken
does anyone have those meme gameplay edits that look like a terrible photoshop
I like the Pit just because it remembers the skaven submarines. Its a bit nice for theming to have actual civilization right across the drink. Like you could be happy and ignorant enjoying the celebration but its the actions of a few dedicated souls that save everyone from hell.
>played 60 hours
>all the dlcs are garbage
>selling first game maps as dlc, not even all of the map just a fraction of it
>"new" dlc content is only a new type of fooders after waiting a year
what the fuck is wrong with their management? You would think that after the first game they could learn from experience. Fucking stupid Swedes
As someone else said, I don't know how these fuckers caught lightning in a bottle or why they're so hellbent on unbottling it.
I've a mind to go down there and give them a talking to.
what, even slave rats?
Biggest issues I had with them is they're so fucking dark I couldn't really see any of their animations. That and getting the totem fuckers in a horde during a boss is a big pain in the ass.
Elves are perfect. Symbolically everything the mentally ill WISH they could be because in reality they're not even normal.
Which is the least useful class for each character?
>see trailer for Vermintide 2 at E3 teasing the pvp mode
>think it looks neat
>buy it
>it's Left 4 Dead with a medieval skin
I'd say it at least feels harder from my beta weekend experience. Hordes last much longer because of the combat changes so there's more continuous fighting through the maps plus the talent changes come off as flat nerfs to lots of things. I'd enjoy a harder game but not in the way FS did it
>it's Left 4 Dead with a medieval skin
how is that bad, apart from not having Versus for the next 2 years
>have the power of modern internet
>only use the trailer as purchasing information
A lot of artificial difficulty because of tweaking at the wrong places, overall it does feel harder now, but not in a satisfying way. The only good changes i like about Cata are how cc specials will now regularly spawn in hordes, the difference is actually huge, and the mixed hordes/horde sizes. However combined with the hp/stagger/dodge changes and tweaks to the gameplay/mechanics it doesn't feel great to play at all. I'd take live servers balance over WoM any day of the week.
>Mattering as boss damage in WoM
Lmao enjoy nerfs.
prolly WS as shes out classed by every other ranged class
huntsmen is objectively the worst class in the game
WHC, zealot is possibly the strongest class period and BH is the best ranged class
hard to say they all have obvious unique strengthens and weaknesses id say RV tho
its a tie between pyro and BM
What does buying WoM even give you? Is it just access to Weaves and the new weapons? Seems really not worth it, considering how horrifically grindy and repetitive Weaves were in the Beta.
I miss being able to whip out the super pistol and execute a filthy knife eared cunt.
I can't remember if they cut the "expansion" up in more pieces but I believe you gotta buy it to get the new difficulty, beastmen, weaves, weapons, basically all of it except perhaps Versus.
Should I get the Bogenhafen or Ubersreik DLCs?
>implying that COOL WAR DUDES FIGHTING MONSTERS doesn't already appeal to children
I hate this belittling shit so much. I would have much rather collected army books than twenty-page storybooks as a kid.
Bogenhafen maps are trash, and I will kick you from my lobby for forcing us the play them.
I got both and I avoid playing the Bögenhafen ones because they suck after the novelty wears off. The finales are also very underwhelming plus purple skins are ugly.
The other one has far better maps but if you played VT1 to death you might find it kinda meh anyway.
>No truly new maps since bögen dlc
>No truly new AND good maps since release
>WoM are decorating pieces of release maps, runs them backwards and adds some modifier(s)
you can refund games on steam if you play under 2 hours
It just hurts to see the grim direction the game is going, it reminds me of the slight sorrow that begins to show up when you feel a very slight and subtle need to cry out of genuine sadness.
Sienna's classes and weapons all feel like shit to play. What am I supposed to be doing? I've played all other characters but I can't get into her.
i never had an urge to burn books before
Step aside. Behold the power of a REAL weapon
How is Vermintide 2 anyway?
>group of friends have played since VT1
>everyone has 300+ hours in VT2
>excited as hell when expansion announced
>all apply for beta, everyone gets in IT too
>play a few matches of the beta, it's fucking terrible
>no one bothers to play again throughout the entire IT
>can't even think of playing the live version, since it reminds us that the game will soon be butchered
>try again during 2nd beta, it's still fucking terrible
>we buy deep rock galactic instead
At least in the current state (don't know about WoM), you'll find plenty of use for almost every career so it's hard to say. Even if I picked a career as least useful, it wouldn't be by much, acknowledging they're still viable if you worked hard enough. is accurate if we're talking about a year ago. Instead I would say:
Handmaiden. She's a good front liner but it means giving up Shade or WS's ridiculous murder potential.
FK. His kit brings nothing particularly useful to the table outside of his def up aura, which isn't much. Merc outclasses him in survivability, support, and murder potential, and Huntsman has almost Shade levels of murder potential if you're good enough.
BH. He was hit pretty hard by having Blessed Shots nerfed and Scrounger reworked. Conversely, WHC being buffed made him into the most versatile and useful career in the game bar none, and Zealot is essentially playing easy mode.
Strong case of apples and oranges. RV if the player is bad. Otherwise IB.
Same as above. BW if the player isn't good. Otherwise Pyro.
Any good? My group's also burned out on VT2.
They're not good. Only buy if sale and if you really like the game. Only saving grace for Bogenhafen are some neat cosmetics for your characters. For the VT1 maps, you can get some new weapons which just powercreep the others.
Unchained in the coolest class in the game, you cannot prove me wrong. Sucks that out of all the characters personalities, Sienna is the weakest. Not bad, not by a long shot, but weakest still.
The only thing cooler than Unchained is Zealot or Witch Hunter depending on how you like your Saltz.
It's fun as shit my dude.
We've had some good fun so far, yeah. Classes are pretty distinct from each other, and each one has unique mobility tools that are real fun to use. We're only a couple of hours in, so we're not playing on the highest difficulty yet, but it still gets hectic and exciting. I'd definitely give it a shot if you want a break from killing rats to kill some bugs instead.
Cooler? Dunno about that. But around the same stratosphere of cool? Yeah, I can see that.
Thanks. We'll check it out.
post more slutty kerillian
Not who you're quoting, but I have 670 hours in VT2 and 130 in DRG.
I found DRG to be entertaining in an entirely different way. Shooting bugs is only half the fun, the rest is coming up with ways to navigate the crazy random maps and to get all the minerals in stupid places.
No loot RNG, just a bit of a grind to mine materials for weapon upgrades... and the absolute shit ton of cosmetics.
Sauce thanks
>stop playing so I can have my way
Sienna is very unconventional compared to everyone else so it's to be expected.
>What am I supposed to be doing?
Steer away from bolt staff and mace at all costs.
If playing BW, focus on crowd control. Lingering Flames can net you really cheesy kills as setting anything on fire short of a cw essentially puts it on a timer. Fire Walk lets you kite, cover huge distances, stagger monsters, and just gives you a shit ton of utility. You can build into venting speed for staff spam or charge time reduction for those clutch moments. Flamestorm or Conflag go really well with it.
If Pyro, focus on special removal and dps. Your passives increase your crit rate to ridiculous levels, so capitalize on it with Swift Slaying and Resourceful C/S. You can build into attack speed or overheat reduction, depending on whether you'd rather be using melee or ranged more, respectively. Burning Head hits hard as hell and has crazy stagger on it, making it great for out of reach specials or those cws that can shrug off almost anything else in Sienna's arsenal. Best staff for it would be Beam. Bolt could be good in theory but I've yet to make it work.
If UC, focus on frontlining. You take half damage but the other half goes to your overcharge which can boost your melee damage by up to 60%. Save your ult for when things get dicey or when your overcharge maxes out; you can safely pop it right before you explode. It's not very useful otherwise. You can run something like crowbill and hit insanely hard while using a horde clearing staff or just use something like sword to cover all your needs. Fireball is a good all rounder if you don't mind racking up FF, otherwise Conflag or Flamestorm will do well too.
>Not using rapier on WHC
Well she is a ranged character in a game designed almost entirely for melee combat, I think that's why she is fucking boring to play.
Fuck new maps they are focused on gameplay. Stagger system is getting there and adds much needed complexity. What would a map offer? A slightly different court yard battle? Another hallway fight but with slightly new textures? An area with three things to collect before you procced? Who gives a shit.
havent played since some time around launch
i dont care much for legendary shit, is the game still fun?
>let's fill our product with sassy black women
do they buy the overpriced figurines?
do they buy the games?
do the white neckbeards that do want sassy black womyn in our products?
great idea, we will really open up who purchases our products after this move and make a killing!
What does this have to do with vermintide?
Is the versus mode going to be in the expansion?
Oh how mighty can fall.
Which has what to do with Vermintide, exactly?
>collector's edition
>doesn't include dlc
wood elves are less of a suicidal option then the dark ones if you pretend to look for the lady of the lake.
Huntsman is an A+ tier beast if you know how to use him, it's just that you can't crutch with it like you can most other top tier careers
A pox upon Sweden and swedish developers.
Is there any point to playing huntsman?
It's like that one gangbang webm
Hearing Salt shout out their foul existence as he executes rats with the bounty hunter ult was great
>WoM beta
>new row of stagger talents
>you can choose more stagger dmg for melee, stagger on first melee hit or 15% power upgrade
>power upgrade is the best because it works for melee and ranged weapons at the same time and some beta testers say it similar to 50% more dmg from stagger because of base increase in dmg and base stagger dmg bonus
>power upgrade talent didn't work in beta unless you were hosting, just like all other power related talents at the release of vermintide 2 back in the day
I just want to give up.
what the fuck
how many times are they going to reintroduce old bugs they already fucking fixed?
Delete specials, delete elites, delete bosses, still have Kruber melee weapons to clear hordes
Basically his only weakness is a reliance on hard-to-reach (without red weapons) breakpoints and taking away your Merc slot
sure if you can laser beam 7 charged career shots into a bosses head he is useful, but he cant one shot sterminvermin or even career one shot CW's anymore
hes fucking dead dude, just play merc or footdaddy
They literally worship the elven god of murder
this guy plays on recruit
>but he cant one shot sterminvermin
Longbow can bodyshot OHK with +20% outside of Prowl and can 2 HS shot CWs with Prowl
He probably can't match up to the free win potential of Merc but I'd take a good Hunstman over a good FK any day
>Of course I love playing 35+ min matches in Vermintide 2 and I do love Bogenhafen dlc maps, how did you know?
I need more SKAVEN memes
Nice lootbox game.
They are pretty cruel, but full on grimderp is from the later warhammer fantasy material. Warhammer was always just a dark fantasy setting, with a few grimdark elements here and there. Then it went full grimderp.
Will verses give us rpg mechanics for the rats?
My expectations are
>everything plays the same except a few dudes can take control of the random spawn rat elites
fucking hookrats
Queen Kerillian the First!
>these two are dead because of jewish greed
>no yandex
>no iqdb
>no saucenao
>no google
>no tineye
Sauce me senpai, I've run outta options
love this shit
Haven't played since around this time last year please tell me they havent fucked shotty ranger
He's fine though you get less ammo back with bash.
He's still great, and just looking at his talents it looks like he's getting buffed in WoM
I finally got it
Fatshark are actually fucking Skaven themselves
That is why the game runs like a fucking contraption powered by warpstones
didn't this turn out to have been blown way out of proportion?
how will we stop the skaven now
I like how the file size of this game is almost the same as Elder Scrolls Online
>WoM Beta with huntsman
>repeater gun and ammo recovery when you kill specials
>you can't fucking run out of ammo even if you want to because amount of specials that spawn on cata is massive
Ranged is back baby.
People who play IB as a tank utterly miss the point of the class.
I haven’t played for a while, but the main advantage when I did was that he could afford to be significantly more aggressive due to his get out of fuck up free card. You might not do as much damage in general, but with the 2h/1h hammer you could scatter enemies incredibly effectively, and the 2h axe let you do a fair bit of killing when necessary. The brap gun was a meme, but the raker served as a good rescue weapon, and the pistols could clear chaff if nobody was a particularly killy class.
This was prior to the ranged nerf patch, for the record. Not sure how much still applies.
l cancel
I play dark elf because if I dont, randos playing wood elf will just fuck everything up
Wood elves are for beastmen breeding cumdumps!
>new heroes
Fuck that. They struck solid gold with the current ones, and it would be a miracle if they captured the magic again. Just give them more careers.
>almost immediately throw out the entire fucking roadmap right after release
>sanctioned mods crash the fucking game
>sanctioned mods that unlock incomplete features arent sanctioned
>those features are still not in a fucking year later
>still no dedicated servers
>spent their time porting Vermintide2 to consoles instead
>one of the two DLCs were re-used VT1 maps, not even including the wizard's tower or any of the excellent DLC maps
>instead of just adding more fucking campaigns, they cut up the original maps into smaller bits but now with twice the grind
>completely butcher the combat system in a desperate attempt to make shields relevant
>contracts are still a complete fucking mess
>instead apply predictable mutators to the new game mode
>force players to start the grind all over
>instead of padding the time between the expansions with campaigns, do nothing
>completely embarrass themselves on reddit and flat out lie about their QA
can Fatshark fuck up any worse?
no, what, did they actually say they do any QA? who the fuck would buy that
they said they didnt want to enable some unfinished feature because QA hadnt even seen it.
1. why are they making people download code QA hasnt even fucking seen yet
and 2. why was there an ad on their site recruiting someone for QA, specifically stating this was the first time they were hiring anyone for QA and the QA department was being founded with it.
>tfw no Deep Rock Galactic/Warhammer crossover
>why was there an ad on their site recruiting someone for QA, specifically stating this was the first time they were hiring anyone for QA and the QA department was being founded with it.
I fucking knew it.
Sven needs to take a vacation and can't fix the game
holy fuck lmao
no wonder this game is a pile of bugs and glitches
fuck these cunts
40K Vermintide when? Space Rats when?
We already got 40k Vermintide and it sucks ass.
>forces you
nigga all you need now is 1 or 2 guy on your team with a shield to help mitigate the hordes and stagger them. yall piss baby and just want to be that 1 faggot going for dem green circles instead of helping.
that would require a level of competence you can't expect from GW. Forgeworld however, maybe.
not really comparable, though it's true is vastly inferior gamplay wise.
Deathwing has a fuckton of problems, but I will be damned if they didn't fucking nail the atmosphere of the space hulks.
It's basically for girls. Effeminate buys are basically girls after all.
I expected the game to be busted for months with the release of the DLC but that sounds even worse. Good thing I'm long burnt out on the game anyway
Learn to shoot your arrows in something else that your own allies, ElfTard
friendly reminder to not have faith in fatshark
they havent learned jack shit since well before vermintide 1
Yes it does. On console, at least. The basic collectors isn't worth it at all though; all you get is a basic skin for each starting class and a portrait frame.
this is not the case on Steam
>Note: The DLCs Shadows Over Bögenhafen and Back to Ubersreik are not included in the Collector's Edition Upgrade
is that a bug or something?
>Bardin actor also played king Aerys.
>its all so tiresome.jpg
>proceeds to FF the team with the drake gun
Poetry in motion
On steam? ESO is 100 gigs+ on PS4, with VT2 being 47 gigs with all dlc.
He's the best Elite killer in the game. He does good boss damage if you abuse the reload bug on Repeater Pistol
Yes, old huntsman ability could stack with itself giving you instant reloads. It's patched now.
Is the AI director in this game still as unrelenting as it was shortly after release? Games could sometimes be fucking impossible to win because the director would just relentlessly throw hordes and monstrous creatures at you with no pause to recuperate.
Nah, it's tame as fuck. If you want challenge, you need to go into deeds or Twitch mode.
dont get the burgerhuffing one, but i like the DLC weapons from the return one. Saltz's axe and falchion is fun as shit, good in any situation
the maps are solid too
Extremely tight. She'd have complete control over her muscles and would just be able to milk you
Hazard 5 is actual horseshit, on purpose
Hazard 3/4 are a lot more manageable
I find the game to be very comfy on the 2nd difficulty level and reasonably challenging on the 3rd. I've only done the highest one once and we all died pretty much immediately, think you probably need a solid team or at least not just randos for that.
I haven't noticed any problems with the AI director, it seems really solid. The gameplay slows down, you progress through the level killing random mobs or a special, then a horde hits, rinse and repeat.
man I've been dumping my time into DRG nonstop for the last week. It's fun as shit. I don't even play with friends.
It's 75GB on Steam.
The bug eyes need to fuck off. It's a dumb meme that was never canon
Still no dedicated servers
>it's 2019
>enemies, specials, bosses, and hordes still directly behind you or even sometimes directly in front of you
>Rat ogre spawns during the horde
>Another horde spawns just as you kill the last rat of the first horde (ogre still alive)
>Wade through the horde and kill the ogre
>Chaos spawn behind the next bend
>[Horde sound intensifies]
Kerillian has them because she’s cursed.
None of them except possibly Lohner and Saltzpyre have actually met a normal elf before.
Bug eyes?
>Vermintide 2 thread with 336 replies
I'm impressed
I bet Sienna knew elves from Altdorf.
Isn't Kerillian cursed, which causes the pitch black eyes? And the almond shape of them is explained by her being a wood elf, rather than a high elf.
If that's the case then sure. But a lot of the old art uses it and it's disgusting and needs to die off
344th for Swedes are fucking incompetent devs
most of the replies are in anger
Fuck off with the console port excuse. Those ports are easy quick work with the current ps4 and xbox architecture, especially considering they already had the first game as a base; the truth is that they're just bad at supporting games after release.
Kerillian is UGLEH
>it's disgusting
Typical CA autoresolve at its finest
user where are her tiddies?
Nice self portrait
Make friends and play games.
I don't know why but when actors also voice act it just makes me happy.
Skinks are cute, CUTE!
stop leaping into doom patrols and insta die you dwarf cunt
I'd rather die too than be around a fucking knife ear.
Wood elves don't have tits.
ur gay
Hey bud, I'd appreciate it if you stopped being mean to my wife
But she actually is ugleh just look at her dead bug eyes.
Also if she wasn't ugly she wouldn't be wearing that mask.
Check and mate.
I want a RTS with base building
cope GW can do what ever they want.
>tfw you played lead and gold and war of the roses too
>tfw they just killed the servers because letting games die is for cool kids
the ones with flamethrowers can literally delete hordes though
I remember seeing eldar depictions with the solid black eyes, Im pretty sure it was just wildly inconsistent in early warham lore, and they ended up settling on normal eyes
I haven't played since november of last year
what has changed since then?
those are the best fights
>contract that upgrades all the mobs
>this includes turning slaverats into clanrats
>destroy the skaven bell
>endless waves of tougher enemies
>on legend
best fun I've had in the entire game and I never got a fucking contract for those conditions again. Just give us the option to add mutators to make missions harder for additional rewards Fatshark you fucks.
Slayer can delete hordes thanks to Leap's stumble and "stacks reduce cool down" Talent
just cause it should be easy doesnt mean Fatshark can pull it off. they are painfully incompetent. Or are you suggesting they took all this time to produce 2 bögenhafen maps and recycle 4 maps from VT1?
Why not, how do they give babies milkies if they don't have any?
I'm suggesting they didn't do anything. The games are so good, but they're just so lazy. Maybe their design philosophy is just different and they aren't suited to handling the support that multiplayer games need.
>all the fanart for a female character turns her into a dumb bimbo when she's actually pretty nuanced and deep
Every single time.
>nuanced and deep
They use freshly milked dwarven maidens instead.
>ywn be a big smelly muscular beastman mating pressing a petite wood elf
ywn be the elf either
Ill put my fanart deep into her nuances, if you know what i mean
that must be a hell of a buff fucking mouse
Why the fuck are female Dwarves not in fucking anything?
I miss elf's balaclava. Why did fatshark fuck up hats so much ? All they had to do is copy the existing ones.
Because they have beards but lower down their body
I came up with a bit of Headcanon that Eldar/elves can Dilate their pupils fully to get Eagle like vision
They are make up about 10-20% of the population and live in a deeply patriarchal society.
They spend almost their entire life popping out babies and tending the home and are literally worth their weight in gold when looking to marry them off.
It's very rare to ever see them leave the Karak they are born in and when they do it is under heavily armed guard.
He's determined to get his waifu.
Is she consenting tho? I hope not.
Imagine a complete shaven female dwarf, head to toe.
>have a decent-seeming group
>run some deeds
>everything's great
>put in an endless horde one
>map takes three weeks to complete because everyone's trained to plant their ass and not move an inch while there are live mobs around
This leads to other funny things. Plump women are highly prized in Dwarfen society, and generally only the older and more successful longbeards can manage to have a wife.
As stated you generally pay a dowry worth her weight in gold, and it is also tradition to be able to wrap your beard around your wife-to-be.
So heavy women are prized both for the wealth marrying off your clan daughters brings, and showing off your own wealth and the magnificence of your beard.
Longbeards have beards that reach down to or well past the ground and take great care grooming, braiding and tucking it away, so it can be hard to really show it off unless you can hire full time beard-bearers, and even then impractical. Also it can be difficult to adorn yourself in enough gold and gems to stand out from the other longbeards and move around much.
However everyone can see and know about your giant wife that you can both afford to part with the gold for easily, and wrap your beard all the way around.
So generally, Dwarf women don't really move around too much to begin with.
It would like an midget skaven
it doesn't help that 90% of the time that they're actually doing something, it's to fix a bug they somehow reintroduced after having fixed in a previous game, or one they already fixed in the same fucking game, or both.
So pretty much the opposite of here.
Dwarfs, the original thicc posters
Reminder that Elves are for elves
shut up
I did. For six hours, you fucking idiot.
don't be a nigger
Now that's just boring. Where's the rape?
fighting endless mobs while moving as a unit is the best experience
>People want Tomb Kings or Vampires to become involved in VT in some way
>Tfw either of them getting in means HE would probably come too
did he get involved in the WAR tomb kings content? they just did some small scale expedition stuff. You could write some shit about them going to an expedition to persue some clues on schemes or powerful artefacts the skaven/chaos are after.
Spent a fortune point
I wish I could.
Arkhan pre-Nagash summoning was roaming around getting as many Books of Nagash as he could, and those are the macguffins the group would most likely be sent after if the Undead got involved.
And unless they change the entirety of the End Times and massively nerf Arkhan's strength, there's no way they'll beat him to one.
I get that there's no way for them to actually beat Arkhan, but what's stopping them from finding one of the books before Akhan does?
I have a separate account just to play a scummy elf.