Why was this game slept on so hard? Nobody seems to even bring it up
Why was this game slept on so hard? Nobody seems to even bring it up
Incels spammed threads whining about the devs localizing some scenes and removing some actual pedo stuff for weeks, where were you?
are you kidding, it was brought up all day everyday for a while because MUH CENSORSHIP
it was yet another dungeon crawler with even dumber mechanics attached to it
Because it's shit. Grid-based real time battle is garbage.
Because it was censored dogshit that deserved to fail.
>obviously shitty game
>Nobody in Japan bought it
>Bring it over to west anyway
>censor it
>Only audience, pedo weebs, now wants nothing to do with it
because it got censored (mostly pedo shit) and faggots shat on it to death complaining about the deleted content, which is true but not gamebreaking at all. Despite this the game is still full of questionable shit and it's actually pretty fun
I'm ashamed to have finished it really. Shit "gameplay" all around, terrible ending, subpar writing.
It looks like a Vita dungeon crawler, and I've played enough of those; Danganronpa was a cheap series but it accounted for that in it's style.
Plus lots of people don't like survival mechanics
it's just alright to be honest.
Couldn't get into it. it just sucks ass.
>Cartoons have ages
wew there lad.
Yes..? fictional characters can have ages and still represent kids and if you sexualise it's no doubt pedoish.
it'd be troublesome by Burger standards, really
>butthurt pedo rushes in to seethe
like clockwork
are they still charging $60 for a $20 game at best?
Kinda disappointing.
Story was just all over the place.
I like the characters and the gimmicks.
Pirated it, loved it until the second to last dungeon, where I turned it to minimum difficulty just to see the story. The absolute last dungeon was so awful I just watched the ending on Youtube.
Censored, only came out way later on PS4 and PC, and honestly, both platforms have few players that give a shit.