What are some enigmatic vidya characters?
What are some enigmatic vidya characters?
>That alien text around the ring
God I used to get so giddy speculating over what the fuck these things were, but now I just get fucking pissed off.
What. A. Fucking. Waste. Stupid amount of potential, and they just fucked it all up.
space bean
How so?
Shit fight but the lore and setting are fascinating. Jumping in to the lake and ending up in this endless span of water with a dick shaped whale spider standing ominously in the distance really gets me hyped.
What do you mean how so, idiot? You seen any fucking half-life games as of Ano Domini 2019? Me neither. In other words, the origins of these bastards will never be given an explanation.
They didn't think about THE WHOLE STORY when they began developing the game. It hurt my feelings :(
Have you read Breengrub?
At least he was until 343 fucked everything up
Yeah, it was too hard for me to understand though.
Never even noticed the text. Knowing Valve, it actually does mean something.
Because Valve put an unusual amount of talent to work developing these games, and then up and stopped making them directly following a massive cliffhanger. Stop being obtuse.
Me again, I also wanted to add that any speculation about half life lore is basically like Valve giving us blue balls. Back in 2007-10 it was fun to look at what things like the advisors potentially are, shit it was fair to expect some concrete information in future games. Then without warning, the whole franchise is shut the fuck down. Pages of lore, speculation, all MEANINGLESS, because it all heils from an unfinished franchise: one that has every right to press on, but never will.
>im not getting endless rehashes and carbon copies of the games i played back in the late 2000's, so they can't make up a shitty explanation for these characters even though the explanation could never beat the mystery of not knowing
>knowing Valve, it actually does mean something.
No it doesn't. The story has always taken second fiddle, but that doesn't mean they never put any thought into it. The gylphs are just a nice detail to let you know that the Advisors have their own language
Tell me, what did 343 do to my boy?
Stopped playing Halo after 3.
Nothing. One of the books just made it so the last Precursor was the first Gravemind, the one that bamboozled Medicant Bias.
God, half life series has such good designs
iirc it’s not confirmed that these are the actual combine. Remember reading notes suggesting they’re synths to transfer your consciousness into until a more suitable host is found. In one draft for episode three you would encounter breen within an advisor body begging for death
Also reading into the half life beta, feels like we got gyped
I meant aside from the obvious, numb nuts. I thought you had found something and thought that their lore was wasted or something. But yes, I'm angry, too.
I'm still not okay with it either. I just assumed that people were mad about how they are now, and not about what they could've been. I mean...it's obvious nothing's going to happen. And I hate Valve for it.
The only sad thing about this isn't the lack of games, but the endless waves of cocksucking faggots who moan over the beta files like they've just been found. The people who actually dug through those files got over it, you can do it too.
This spooky bois.
So enigmatic, it might as well be a character.
I am, because I know they'll come back to it some day. You don't need a new Half-Life or a new Fallout game every year. For people who are supposed to have been around video games for the better part of their lives, you people seem to forget how stale franchises get when they are over-worked.
Why the fuck have I never noticed this before?
I mean, I've pretty much given up on expecting a third entry at this point long before. Right now, it probably deserves to be buried. Whatever Valve is now, they don't deserve to touch it.
It's been 12 years since the last Half-Life installment, and 8 years since the last game with any connection to that universe (Portal 2). The Half-Life franchise is nowhere near "over-worked..." more like "underdone."
Those are just trees, though.
Who the fuck said anything about a carbon copy? No one said they had to release a Half-Life game every 6 months to fulfill the fan's desires. Shit, I would've been perfectly fine if Half Life 3, or Episode 3, or Half-Life: Reloaded, or what the fuck EVER came out ten years after Episode 2.
But that hasn't been the case. Instead, all we get is absolute silence. Not even so much as a peep. Valve doesn't even have the slightest IDEA how to talk to fans. They don't give a shit about us. I mean, 12 god damn years since the previous Half-Life entry? And they can't even flat out tell us they aren't making anymore Half Life Games? Fucking idiots. Fucking DISGRACEFUL.
It's just missing an ending, which can be whipped out in a second if Valve wanted to crap out yet another Half-Life 2 with one or two new enemies and another 4 hour campaign. They did the right thing in pulling the plug on all of those Half-Life 2 episodes they had in the works because they were running out of ideas, look at Return to Ravenholme. You people need to grow up and accept that it'll come in time. Have your hearts broken by women, and not video game companies, fellas.
Just gave the flood and forerunners a concrete backstory. All mystery in halo lore is bascially removed and with the amount of books theyve got out now, it's basically the star wars EU. The Flood is intelligent space dust formed from the precursors after the Forerunners genocided them because humanity was chosen to be the precursor's successor. It wants to annihilate all its creations because the forerunners rose up against them.
How so? Trees with eyes, arms and without leaves?
It's literally his name, so do I win?
It's good to leave some mystery for the players to guess and speculate at, and besides from everything in the games, Portal, and Breengrub we already know plenty, that Advisors are hosts used by the Combine, members of a species of telepathic/telekinetic slugs capable of creating their own interlinked mental dreamscapes or realities who were enslaved by them, we even know how and that somewhere out there remnants of the original slugs/whatever survived by escaping the Combine. If we ever get another HL I would be upset if it all got explained in great detail, where's the fun in that.