Games that aged like a fine wine
The Halloween stage was pretty hard, getting everything was quite the challenge.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
Anyhow do you think they'll ever remaster it? If Spongebob is getting one, I don't see why Simpsons couldn't.
Based & redpilled
Yea Forums needs to be nuked off of the face of the earth. What a god-awful fucking board.
This is Yea Forums, friendo. Are you lost?
PS: Sneed
>not the one that says "soon to be sneed's"
The entire series.
>'Sneed' has more results on the Yea Forums archive than 'The Simpson's'
Also: sneed
this implies this website no longer makes content
>no evidence, just text
>this implies this website no longer makes content
it doesn't though, certainly not Yea Forums at least
Metal Saga if anyone cares
it really doesn't
there's the rare meme here and there but for the most part it's just recycling old shit or taking it from twitter and reddit
the flow of content has completely reversed
No one ever liked the "Comfy" Simpsons threads except for redditors and tourists. They always devolved into the same faggotry and never deviated from that. Sneed is unironically the chemo needed to cure the cancer that's comfy Simpsons fags.
Can soneone give me a quick rundown on this sneed shit
Sneed's Seed and Feed
(Formerly Chuck's)
fuck and suck
Dumb forced meme. They barely even use the actual Sneed
c i r c l e j e r k
Simpsons was honestly never funny. I never laughed out loud once. It deserves a Sneed death.
Some people were tired of Comfy simpson theead in Yea Forums so the spammed sneed because it was subtle joke in the show: Sneed’ Seed and Feed Formerly Chuck (which means Fuck and Suck). They used as the anti-meme to stop Simpson comfy threads in Yea Forums. Try making one and you will see what happen. Probably the meme will die after reddit discover about it
sneed's sneed and sneed formerly sneed
formerly rectangle
have sneed
For a decade now Simpsons threads are one of the longest enduring topics on Yea Forums. It's something everyone knows and most largely have sentimentality for. It always is the same topic points though:
>Simpsons of the 90s were really good
>Modern Simpsons is shit
>Haha remember this Simpsons joke, really funny
>Simpsons Trivia
One of the enduring pieces of Simpsons Trivia is dirty jokes that got past censors. In this case Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's), the poster would always have to explain why the joke was funny and risque. So then suddenly people started over posting it, because nothing is funnier in Yea Forums culture then to run a joke into the ground. So now any Simpsons thread outside of Yea Forums turns into Sneedposting.
Stop believing conspiracyfag nonsense like
It's pretty dull and just has me wishing I was playing GTA instead
>Probably the meme will die after reddit discover about it
This is modern Yea Forums we're talking about here. Look at what happened to pepe after reddit and the rest of the internet discovered what /r9k/ was doing
sneed is bane-tier, it will never truly die and will forever make discussing the source impossible
literally pajeet zoomers
I've emulated this game recently and it's still fun as fuck to play, some of my crashes were giving me the giggles
El sneed blanco calvo
>S N E E D
God this was one of the best beatemups ever. My local arcade had one growing up and i beat it like 4 times.
>source: dude just trust me, i was totally one of them
>posted TODAY.
Pretty big cringe normy moment there, Dare I take it up to the Big S?
Too bad the show itself didn't.
Do people that hold these opinions have actually gone back and played the games again?
I swear every time I go back playing a dear childhood game or some other great game I played a while ago I find them really underwhelming and outright mediocre if not just plain bad.
Hit n Run is GTA done right.
GTA is always about a bunch of fucking hood niggers.
Playing as Homer or Bart is more fun and they have funny shit to say and exploring Springfield is more fun than exploring LA for the 100th time.
Super Mario Sunshine aged very well
I went back and played the PC version.
The game itself is objectively great and the gameplay is actually solid.
But my tastes have changed and I'm a hell of a lot more jaded now, so I didn't fully enjoy the experience past the first half hour of nostalgia.
Coincidentally I just played OP at a friend's house today and it holds up great. I'm not interested in arcadey handling anymore but there's no question that it feels good to play.
Formerly Chuck
To this I wonder how a shitty episode got a meme. But I suppose that's what to expect from zoomers
Mario Games (and games in general) still look the same as they did during the 6th generation.
Autism and stale shitposts.
why do people think this is funny? Is it Stockholm syndrome at this point or something?
Underages' and redditors' first forced meme
there's too many layers for you to comprehend it
Did anyone complete the mafia races?
Can we just ignore these Sneedshitters and talk about videogames? Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order:
Sly Cooper
Need for Sneed
Everquest II (formerly Everquest)
Simpsons Skateboarding
Farming Simulator
Earthworm Jim
Dark Souls
Neverwinter Nights
Demon Souls
Sim Cityslicker
Ed Edd N' Eddy Online
It's a single word, a very simple way to derail threads & kill the thread. If someone expresses genuine frustration even a bit, I win.
If I had more simple means to derail things on Yea Forums I'm indifferent to or dislike from seeing too often without getting banned, i'd do it.
Guys, I'm sorry, but I made this post.
I was sent out by a right-wing Discord channel in order to create infighting in Sneed threads, breaking the cohesion of our fine board.
I'm sorry bros, I just can't keep up this facade anymore
Dubs used to be a beautiful thing.
How long until Futurama, Spongebob, and other cartoons get Sneed'd?
Well, Well, Look at the outlander pulling up in his fancy ashland silt strider
>sneedposting has completely removed the ability to even come close to discussing the simpsons
Don't give them ideas, one's annoying enough.
It's already happening
Start a thread about almost any western cartoon and Yea Forums and it will get filled with sneedposters
Good. I wish garbage like gachashit would get the sneed treatment too.
>I now remember Yea Forums exists
Don't even want to know what happens there these days.
The only reason is because it's a shit joke and it gets spammed to fuck with honest Simpsons threads
Untrue. Sneedposting started as a way to derail Simpsons threads on Yea Forums, which are considered off-topic spam due to being about a Yea Forums topic
what is this shit reddit meme, that wasn't even a memorable simpsons episode
you realize that was the entire point of sneed, right? The whole point was to ruin the simpson threads that were being spammed on Yea Forums
Maybe don't fucking make cartoon threads on Yea Forums you absolute mongoloid
There's nothing to fucking discuss
why Yea Forums hates the simpsons?
Because it's shit
hate sneed, but Tomacco episode is a classic
We don't, we hate the threads that were spammed here for years that consisted of nothing but talking about the same 9 seasons of a show non-stop.
You're probably new but Simpsons thread were starting to get really bad before sneedposting killed them off, the threads barely had any talking in them and people just posted pictures like pic related until the thread hit bump limit and than start another thread.
look at this city slicker in his fancy german car
It's a meme just for the sake of being a meme, garbage all the way through
I am inclined to believe this, given that some fag on /sci/ posted this shit.
>Some people were tired of Comfy simpson theead
Why aren't these people banned? That's what they do, they make a Simpsons thread, then spam it, and then falseflag about "comfy simpsons thread". Why don't the mods do something about this shit? It's a bunch of aggressive shitposters on the level of anontalk.
The mod of r/simpsonshitposting outed himself as a falseflagger years ago, he tried to kill sneed by spamming it on his subreddit so Yea Forums would think it's a reddit meme.
Honestly any variation of posting "comfy ___ thread" should result in a global instaban. Same shit we've had here on Yea Forums for a while with obvious marketing shit like "comfy switch thread"
Wrong. Its not a meme, its just aggressive spamming by some mentally ill faggot that m00t would have dealt with long ago. The worst part, is that retarded newfags join in, thinking its just a funny meme, and kinda reveals a problem with the site. Where newfags think the site is just to make aggressive horrible posts, and not to have a conversation.
This website redraws wokacks, pepes, and other reject memes from reddit and twitter.
That's not the point. There WERE no "comfy simpsons thread", it just something this faggot ass spammer made up. I mean, just look at how many of these OP immediately get spammed with sneed shit. They are the ones that are doing it.
It's disturbing, they have been going at it for 3 years.
>Sneedspoting was made from leftist discords to scare you into changing your political views for some reason and your stupid enough to fall for it so beware!
>Yeah, I don't give a fuck about politics cause im cool
Sneedposting originated on Yea Forums, in simpsons threads back in 2014 and was relatively contained to "I dont get the joke" threads. It then spread out to it's own thing, and now it's crossboarded because it makes idiots like this poster believe dumb shit and because other people hate it.
It's the exact same reason why Pepe and Wojak are still posted, because everyone fucking hates them and they are only liked by normies and redditors who latch onto the first joke they see on these boards and run with it.
>because everyone fucking hates them
The reddit cope
And how did these Sneed posters organize themselves like this? Did they have their own discord channel where they discussed the best way to take down the "comfy" simpson's threads?
How did they decide to just spam Sneed?
2bh, it feels like you're placing an answer after the fact rather than Sneed Posting originating as a deliberate and intentional derailing and killing of Simpsons threads.
Sneed is still shit and repetitive.
dumb phoneposter
>(which means Fuck and Suck).
ITT: american humor
Why are Sneedposters so fucking autistic?
Never managed to finish the last mission, but I was young and I was playing with pic related lol
>everything I don't like is normies and reddit
>not fuck and suck
>everything I don't like is leftist propaganda
>1 post 1 author
>3 posts 2 authors
>4 posts 4 authors
Thanks for proving that it's indeed not a reddit meme, and that almost no one gives a fuck about it over there.
ok sneed
I am a Sneed historian.
Back when you could still have Simpsons threads on Yea Forums, people would commonly post jokes from the show they never got and other people would explain it to them. Every time this happened, someone would post pic related, and a huge argument would break out over what it meant. Essentially, there were two camps: people who believed that the store was previously called "Chuck's Feed and Seed" and one who thought it was "Chuck's Fuck and Suck". These arguments would often derail threads. Ultimately, the "Fuck and Suck" camp were proven right by the episode's writer, but by then the damage was already done and Sneedposting was born. That's part 1.
Part 2 begins in the post-The Last Jedi Star Wars plague that infected Yea Forums in early 2018. A thread appeared on the board called /reylo/ - Reylo General, a shipping general referring to Rey and Kylo Ren from Star Wars. This thread was never deleted, despite the fact that A) it was bringing in the absolute worst kind of people (literal tumblr cross-posters), and B) general threads are not allowed on Yea Forums. Since the jannies were failing to do their jobs, people took matters into their own hands and started posting Sneed in the Reylo threads and basically trying to make it impossible for the thread to function. This worked because people got mad at Sneed 100% of the time. By mid-March, /reylo/ was gone. That is why Sneed is eternally based.
I miss the steamed hams shit, at least that had a hell of a lot more creativity put in it
Not really, sneed produced just as much edits
Just the sn**dshitters
All those edits and OC are low effort garbage
yeah whatever, reddit
Shitposting? At this time of year, at this time of night in this part of Yea Forums, localized entirely within your thread?
Show me a Sneed edit/video that has even a fraction of the effort that was put into this video.
Aww did I hurt your sneedfag little feelings?
stay pure, user.
I have many questions...
Even those dumb simpson shitposting comics have more thought put into them just by the virtue that they're stills arranged into a comic to make a joke. Time to face the facts, sneed is bottom of the barrel shit.
So is this the newfag containment thread
Nothing will ever beat it.
More like
>I am a Sneed historian
>it's not funny because I say so
ok reddit
ahhh The Simpsons Hit & Run. formerly my FAVORITE game.
>sneedposting doesn't exist in Yea Forums
How does Sneed spread to Yea Forums of all places? Fuck off back to Yea Forums you degenerates.
It does, the mods are just moefags and constantly delete/ban sneedposts and sneedposters.
>Yea Forums hates sneed
>Yea Forums is the most reddit and tumblr board
nah I unironically argued with the original comfy fags when sneedposting first started. I would post it every once in a while but they started telling me to fuck off. Once they became hostile I argued with them evey chance I got, while posting Sneed. its the easiest shit to post. For a while people would also drown the catalog with steamed reddit hams and sneedposting picked up a bit. It mestasized into board culture completely when the Tumblr colony reylo general was spammed to death by chad sneedposters.
sneeding in a formerly unbased board
I can't speak for everyone, but I used to hate Sneed for the first year or so, then I got some kind of epiphany and it just *clicked* with me. I suddenly found it hilarious and started posting it all the time.
I kind of got bored with it eventually but yeah, for me it was completely organic. I have never used discord and never will, seems like a homosexual furry tranny shit thing.
FORMERLY honestly sneed is just the worst fucking forced meme ever. Literally forced, to the point where newfags have to respond "based" for (you)'s like reddit upvotes. Speaking of reddit, remember when most anons would make fun of the group think mentality that followed on said shitty sight, and how they would run memes to the ground and spout in-jokes to save face/fit in. We're no different. Hell Wojak is just rage face comics to the t. and yet no one sees the parallel because 'anything from Yea Forums=based'. The horseshoe theory fits this site so well that most users don't even see it. I hope reddit adopts all the memes/buzzwords from here just so I can see faggots claim to have never used it/found it funny. CHUCK'S
unbased and bluepilled
>not triple ironic layered sneedposting regardless
Dumb zoomers, not everything is a meme. Do you just call everything you see a meme? Sneed isn't a "meme", its intentional malicious spamming done by a seriously autistic individual. Calling it a meme is like calling the anontalk spam a "meme", like calling putting CP into sinks a "meme". Problem is some retards see it, and because they see Yea Forums not as a place for discussion but just too vent, they join in the spamming.
There is also another discord spammer who keeps spamming this weird wojak variants trying to force a meme out of it. You've seen it, and you'll know its just him because these wojaks immediately die out after he stops spamming them.
moot would have put a stop to it a long time ago, at least the Yea Forums mods are able to stomp out those posters.
Like I said, once redditors uses this in their favorite twitch streams you won't be basado y rojopilled anymore. Being a meme spouting sheep is the most normie, roastie shit you could do. No matter how many layers of irony, infact the more layers you add the more autsitic it is. Being ironic in itself is a big sign of boredom.
A meme is an idea that's spread throughout society. Anything and everything is a meme. And like a meme, knowing all the 'based' memes to spam in the echo chamber is wasting brain space to save face.
I don't care what people say on ribbit or twitch because I don't use those sites. You're shit, stop posting.
>actually using those sites
I forgot I'm posting on Yea Forums, the second most normie roastie board in this site after /pol/
Well la di da
>horseshoe theory
Uh, user, you're supposed to say 'cringe' like the good little smooth brain that you are. Or 'crinfe like this little nig nug
the redditor got found out lol
please go back
based (this means upvote in Yea Forums speak)
Modern Simpsons is literal cancer. And sneed is the chemo.
dae le smart bacon narwhal xD
I know you are :)
>If I told old fags in 2006 that xD would be used ironically or that 'trollface' was gonna turn from cancer to the ancestor of the ultimate cancer, they'd call me a roodypoo.
>fast forward and sneed is a twitch emote on the new Fortnite MOBA streams, wojaks are filtered through so many affects, zoomers will act like boomers, people will be behind so many layers of irony that text will be reduced to one letter and discussion will be frowned upon
gta has been about a black person 1 1/3 times out of a possible fifteen times.
Not really
Runescape 2 is an online game. You can't age well if you don't exist anymore. Private servers don't really count.
Not really
almost got me
How is anyone so dense that they can't get subtlety of the name originally being "fuck and suck"?
You're forgetting Vice City Stories
>muh leftists
kys simpsonfag
So did everybody else.
>because it makes idiots like this poster believe dumb shit
I can't speak for the sneed bullshit, but he's not lying. You'd be surprised how retarded political reddit/discords get when it comes to trying to piss off online communities they hate..
Like that one who tried invading Yea Forums by posting porn a while back because they thought a majority of the people here took that 3DPD shit seriously. It took a solid week for them to figure out nobody really gave a shit.
It's clearly not 'fuck & suck'. The Simpsons is a family show and simply wouldn't make such a vulgar joke.
teamed hams
do I win the game?
>sneed is a twitch emote on the new Fortnite MOBA streams
Lmao is this true? Proof? I love it when a minor meme I help raise becomes mainstream and popular (has happened several times and I always feel proud).
Can we just ignore these Sneed shitters and try to actually have a comfy Simpsons thread? Post your favorite characters I'll start. In no particular order:
Eddie Muntz
Fat Tony
Eckhardt Simpson
Eliza Simpson
Nikki McKenna
Don Brodka
Evelyn Graycomb
Yves Bouvier
Uma Nahasapeemapetilon
Chuck Muntz
Skinner (formerly Armin Tamzarian)
wow are you really an old fag from 2006?
thats so freaking based bro
Animaniacs (a show that actually ran on a children's block) had a joke about fingering Prince.
My favorite character is Farmer #2, maybe Farmer #1.
don't. just don't.
Did you not read the rest of the post, I'm implying you fags will adopt new injoke shit to spout and giggle at until it's adopted to (boogeyman site). Then you all will claim to have never liked it, "it was always reddit". Then you all will create another, rinse and repeat because appeasing your autistic appetites to fit in on an anonymous bankok internet cafe is appalling.
It was an unironically 'epic' time. You could say it was even 'genuine'.
Thisneeds a remake more than BfBBottom desu
Fucking Epic, a winrar is you! +1 internets!
shit definitely TV really melts your brain...
For the last time, it's Chucks Feed and Seed. Like Throws Feed and Seed.
he based
This, and without a hint of sarcasm or irony.
Oh I get it. Still, I'll keep saying Sneed and spreading the Sneed gospel until he actually does become a twitch emote. You can count on that.
shit definitely Sneed really feeds your seed...
>until he actually does become a twitch emote
why stop then? why not keep using it user? don't tell me you're a faggot hipster.
do you really think that? i thought it was unplayable about 6 months ago
Remember, captchas exist on Yea Forums because some losers with some pretty good bots went on a tirade against the site a bunch of years ago and multiple boards were spammed to the point nobody could use them.
It stills happens every now and then. The /gw2g/ bot and the autist that occasionally wipes /news/ clean with his spam
what causes the bot to trigger there?
because then he can pretend he started a meme and his epic twitch puppets will spam the meme he made for him
Do you have loyal followers twerp?
Why do those metal gears have fishnets why
based and homerdaypilled
Thank you Sneedposters for completely destroying any semblance of discussion involving anything related to The Simpson’s on this shit website. You’re making the world a better place.