So are you doing your part to save our mother Earth from any alien attack?
Other urls found in this thread:
what's so great about this game?
Sadly EDF5 doesn't have that song. It instead sounds like a funeral march instead of a inspirational one.
Room Name: eedf
Open Room
Mission 15
Everyone left me please join
Public pirate lobby, hard, 65, 3/4, Yea Forumsideogames
You remove frogs
Legit lobby here:
Room: Official RP Server
Password: button
Mission 34 on hard.
Sorry if you were in the room before. My Internet went out inexplicably. :(
so many dead pepe and wojaks
I never knew Japanese cranes were so different from western cranes
>get to 62 Sweeping monster balls
>ohh, those new monsters look cute as fuck
>clear them out, no problem
>suddenly 2 dropships
>suddenly it's vietnam out there
Gameplay is a typical co-op wave shooter with gradual upgrades, but it has a lot of charm and campy humor. Not for everyone.
How could you? They're just like us!
It's a civilian walks in front of your rocket cannon beacon, killing everyone episode
>Earth population was reduced to about 800 million after the (pyrrhic) victory over the Ayys
So EDF effective become the world's government?
I'm not entirely sure what Barga is supposed to be
Any lobbies for people who haven't played coop yet?
>campy humor
"They look like us! I can't do it!"
Taste my bullet, alien scum!
>800 million
>Literally not a single soldier to spare for the final mothership assault
It's for unpacking and carrying the titan and proteus into battle.
What is Iron Rain?
Should I just get 4.1 to see if I like it first?
EDF clearly has top authority, they conscripted everyone on the planet.
EDF was about to send these 800 million 'civilians' to fight the the boss of the Ayys until Storm 1 beat it.
>What is Iron Rain?
>Should I just get 4.1 to see if I like it first?
yes, remember, pirate first, buy it if you like it.
also, pirate 5, and you can play online with other pirates.
Gigantic construction equipment intended to construct superhighways across the oceans because pre-invasion EDF5 takes place in a united utopian society. Mothballed due to spiralling development costs and the overall impracticality of literally driving across an ocean to visit another country.
Which game does it actually play this song in? I’ve played EDF 2025 and the one that is basically the same but with no classes and I still have never heard whatever this song is.
>finish half the highway before you realize there's no gas stations in the ocean
never change, humanity.
Hard lobby up, mission 38.
Room: ayy lmao
Pass: rage
For buyfags
3/4 right now.
That's not exactly true, they activated and armed the civilian populace to fight the rest of the Primers and buy time while you fight the final boss
There's ten other full mothership fleets going OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT and making a beeline straight for you, remember
I got the fitgirl version, do I need to tweak files to enable the multiplayer? or it's supposed to work without doing anything post instalation?
also, controller, or m+kb?
Look at this penny pinching Peter, they can't even afford the fifty shmeckels. Sandlot deserves your sixty buckaroos, how dare you cheapskates renege on this eighty dollar deal. If you can't spare one hundred shillings, you're kaputz in my book.
It's like Ace Combat: it only has appeal if you're a fan of the series. For everyone else is not worth playing.
>Sarge is Storm 2
>and you... Storm 1
>Sarge dies in the final mission
>he will never get to take you to the safe place he was talking about
$1,000 sign-up commission has been added your account.
5 is my first EDF game and I absolutely love it.
I'm the guy they were telling to pirate
I only own a ps4 so I'm going to pay for it. I couch surf so obviously I don't own a desktop
>playing on easy
nothing wrong with playing on easy if you're farming armor
I'm supposed to start on hard? asking this as the game is installing, I've never touched an EDF game, maybe I'll ruin the game for everyone?
>The intelligence lady who gets 'assigned' to you halfway through the game
>She doesn't give you intelligence, all she does is yawn, state the obvious then go crazy
I'll take the Spritefall operator thank you very much EDF command
If you start on hard, you be getting the better weapons early on.
It doesn't ruin the game, it just wastes a ton of time for minimal progression.
Harder difficulty the better weapon and upgrade drops you get.
>Sarge dies in the final mission
If his NPC goes down does it trigger special dialogue? He and 2 railguns stayed alive the whole mission, assuming you mean the 2nd to last mission because I didn't see him in the last mission.
Normal is effectively Easy, Hard is effectively Normal, Easy is HELP HELP I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COMPUTER
Enemies in multiplayer do a minimum of 2x normal damage (based on number of players in the lobby) so don't worry if everything seems to be taking a worrying amount of time to kill at first
Don't play solo online either, it scales the enemies to the same difficulty as 4 player lobbies because fuck you stop doing that
Hardest and inferno don't back clear, so unless you want to play every mission as every class another four times each...
Pretty sure Spritefall lady has a god complex.
When does Intelligence Lady go crazy? Missed it.
The way to ruin the game is to run around stealing health kits when you're at full health, or do friendly fire shit. Underperforming during the first 20 or so missions isn't a big deal.
You get weapon drops to match the difficulty
He doesn't die. None of the important NPC squad leaders/Sarge & Co can permanently die, because they're Storm 3, 4 and Omega Team respectively.
Starts rambling about finding and killing god. Then you meet the final boss.
I'm pretty sure it's the intelligence lady who goes on about finding god and the Egg shaped ship and has a mental breakdown while raving about it over comms in some of the last missions.
>Starts rambling about finding and killing god
Are you talking about the Intelligence Lady going crazy or just typical Spritefall lady dialog?
The trick is to start out on normal, then try out hard on an easy/simple mission, get a good weapon, continue on normal, repeat again later on down the road to get a new, better weapon. Note you'll have to play the hard mission several times to upgrade that shiny new weapon too. And no, as long as you can aim and shoot, then that's good enough.
The aide you get assigned from the intel division starts losing her shit and babbling about eggs and god about 80% of the way through the game
That's why she's called Dumb Egg Girl
Can I take early game Inferno weapons into Hardest? I want to just farm one of the decent early missions for a fat gun.
>tfw holding out in a parking garage after all my AI teammates got killed
They did a great job making you underestimate them at first.
Spritefall lady is the satellite's AI, if I'm not mistaken.
Those are humans retard
I was joking. Spritefall Lady goes on about killing god and having the power of the heavens every other time you use it.
downloading now
You should definitely start on hard and transition to hardest asap
EDF 4.1 Mothership > EDF 5 Mothership.
crack yet?
I would if it wasn't so expensive
Sarge is in the final mission, have some lines as he fights. Then when final boss goes into his final form EDF command said that there is no EDF soldier left except Storm 1
>he doesn't know
Pirate it, use steamworks v2 patch to use multiplayer
It's 40 bucks basically everywhere except steam.
Ace Combat 7 and EDF 5 are both the first games in the series I'd played and I love them both
but I want to support the developers, I just can't justify that kind of spending at the moment
Your butt has a crack!
>tfw got to mission 80 before getting patch and can't transfer my save profile
Hard lobby, mission 39.
Room: ayy lmao
Pass: rage
For buyfags
3/4, one slot left.
Here's the crack
cheat your way to where you were
Play it now, buy it later
>holding out in a parking garage
Yeah, I did it too. I wish AI would know how to enter buildings like that, but they hold their ground on the ground floor.
Its a well made coop horde game. Thats pretty much it, its a very niche as a genre. The next closest thing is probably Helldivers. Most of the time all you get is flavors of zombies, EDF at least has aliens.
Its well made, it has lots of different fun weapons, the classes are unique, the enemies are fairly varied.
It also has some super campy but amusing story and dialogue.
I really hope she voices this game's version of Rule of God desu
They say that multiple times throughout the game no matter who survives and everyone involved in that fight are recurring characters throughout the entire series because they're literally supposed to be 'you'
Storm 4 is you if you play Wing Diver, Storm 3 is you if you play Fencer, 'Storm 1' was the original name for 'Ranger' and Storm 2 is actually not you he's just the leader of an elite squad that all use experimental laser weaponry called Omega Team
Air Raider doesn't get to play.
They go onto the top floor as well. Maybe their models are just too big for the middle floors.
My power just went out but thanks for the games!
room: Yea Forumsdf deploys (search the entire string to find it)
pw: rage
mission 34, hard
buyfag lobby
kill baestid aliens
>Air raider does not get to a Storm callsign
What the fuck is this bullshit?
we're busy leveling cities, sorry.
>just cheat your way to mission 85
What the fuck is with everyone's power going out in Yea Forums lobbies? I swear I came across 5 people with this happening.
how much are the mission packs gonna cost they where the only good missions in 4.1
>Spitefall Operator and Intelligence Girl are sisters confirmed
>when you realize one of the alien types are alien babies
Well that got dark.
There are big, bad frogs and ships that need to be taken down. Me and this other guy can't do it alone. Well, we probably can, but EDF is all about teamwork.
>blow up the anchors fast enough before the NOC mechs even get there
>they help you shoot Arc instead
Nice. Gave them guard buffs so they all survived.
1 spot opened up
Now at mission 68 - Hard
It's a good game for blowing off stress at the end of a long day. Shooting giant bugs with cool weapons, robots of all sizes. Fucking Godzilla.
It's a genocidal war at the end of the day.
No mercy.
When do I get the YH7 for destroying shit
>Babbie Pepes can fly
>Once they mature they lose their flying abilities and instead holding weapons
Imagine Pepe Ayys using weapons and was able to keep their flight
It's a level 4 weapon, so around mission 1 to 10
Hard lobby, mission 39.
Room: ayy lmao (type the entire name into the search bar)
Pass: rage
For buyfags
Three open slots!
wtf my credit card got stolen?
Should have gotten that civilian to a safe place, rookie.
Mine really doesn't go very often or for very long, but there's a lightning storm right now so it'll probably happen again if I rejoin.
It's all pretty bizarre because they're supposed to be 'you', but they obviously couldn't have other players literally play those roles for you, so they have NPCs do it instead
Like I say it gets confusing because, according to some stuff, 2017/2025's 'Storm 1' was supposedly the ONLY original member of his team.
As in, it was supposed to be a full team of people but it was just chronically understaffed, and because the EDF is hilariously incompetent they still acted as though he was a full team of people. It's played up as a joke.
They even refer to him using plurals sometimes.
It gets even more confusing though because Sarge/Omega Team's leader in 4 mentions that he fought with 'the entire' Storm Team, but other people IN THAT GAME mention that there's only supposed to be one Storm team member who was 'the hero' - because it's always supposed to be you, no matter who you're actually playing.
EDF canon is intentionally just the siliest shit which is why it's pointless to get mad at them resetting it every five minutes.
Holy shit I'm on mission 27. I didn't know they had certain mission drop ranges, I actually thought it was completely random.
join lobbies
>oh this mission is easy as fuck
>Argalus has been spotted.
2/4 now, still waiting in lobby for one more.
>Ok, team this is a nighttime raid on the refinery, try to keep quiet and keep damage to a minimum
Single barrel cannon 150mm makes a nice meaty THUNK when it hits aliens.
>get a shotgun that can two-shot frogs on solo hard
I have never felt so powerful.
still open 3 slots
The Breacher? I fucking love that son of a bitch.
controller or mouse and keyboard?
Limpet sniper a3 fucking sucks. It's as sloe as a limpet gun.
My headcanon is that Storm 1 is a lone Air Raider, since Storm 2 is Sarge and a group of other Rangers.
Based on some of the dialogue lines she has, it comes off like Air Raider gets access to the launch codes of shit he shouldn't have access to because Spritefall Operator leaked them to him. She also wants his Depth Crawler in her cave.
Shotguns are fucking amazing in 5, I just wish they sounded a bit meatier
They still can't quite compare to Blastholes
M&K its better in all
God damn I love the Autocannons for Air Raiders
Super fast reload
Stunlocks single target for the entire duration
Able to save yourself with it safely when getting caught by red ants
It was the Slaughter around level 30 or so.
Too bad it isn't helping me with the mission with a shit-ton of Deroys.
>Several Limpet Snipers
>Range: 100~ meters
>Maxed out Range: still shit
>Other Limpets
>Range 400+ meters out of the box
What is this bullshit
Maybe controller for flying a helicopter?
just started, the fuck are mission packs? am I supposed to ignore those for a while?
While I adore the shotguns I haven't found one that reloads/fires fast enough while simultaneously having enough killing power to reliably squish up-close bugs. I will stick to ridiculously OP and incredibly dangerous grenades and then an AR secondary for when im surrounded/in a red ants mouth.
Assuming you're playing 4.1, do them last. They're hard as fuck.
The lvl 12 I was just using is way better. I hope this gets upgraded soon.
limpet snipers tend to do more damage per limpet than an entire magazine of limpets from the nonsnipers. They're very good at dealing with drones and frogs, but since you can just bring autocannons that reload so quickly I don't really see the point of limpet launchers anymore.
The monsoon series seem to have fast reloads compared to other shotguns.
Missions Pack DLCs
They drop level 100+ DLC weapons. Hard as fuck
Mission packs are inferno only post-game challenge stuff. You won't be doing them anytime soon.
I know it's just that this lvl 32 limpet sniper is worse than my lvl 12.
Ive been using the Limpet Sniper D, low level sniper with s++ accuracy at 1'200m/s, damage is 540 maxed out
Webm not related
Is the 32 not upgraded but the level 12 one is upgraded?
I found the best combo for those guys is a multi target missile launcher to knock out the leg segments fast and then a sniper rifle to get to the meat of 'em. Gets tricky when they come in with other enemies though.
Now post the one where you blew yourself up
? Almost all of the limpet snipers are super baller. Are you not upgrading your guns? I don't think a single limpet gun, at any level has a range of less than 800m once upgraded. Most of the snipers are even 1300m+
holy fuck now that's what i call a upgrade
Wait what the fuck I have to upgrade them????
I bet certain values are rounded down.
>If you remove the civilian, they cannot block your shots!
>this post again
Hoped you wouldnt remember
It's literally a loading screen tip, and a staple of EDF in all EDF games EXCEPT for 4.1. When you look at the stats of your guns like reload speed, damage, etc they have little 's to denote their level. A indicates max level in that attribute. Whenever you get a gun the stats are random, and if you get dupes it will replace the stats of your gun with which ever ones are better.
Does using a specific weapon give it a higher chance of getting upgrades via the drops, similar to how you get more of certain class weapons by playing them?
big bugs. big explosions
wtf since when does Yea Forums not support unicode hiro you slant eyed fuck. There are little stars, solid stars are max level. see
The great debate. Which was done better?
big disk >>>>>>>>>> big ball
>hiro you slant eyed fuck
"Upgrading" is just picking up boxes right?
Hard lobby, mission 40.
Room: ayy lmao
Pass: rage
For buyfags
3/4, one slot left.
opened room again still 3 slots
>Fencer still has all these missiles where sneezing while shooting them causes them to explode on you
>tfw could afford the game but pc is basically a potato.
Ps4 version for me I guess.
Yeah, anytime you pick up a weapon box it can drop a weapon. If you already have that weapon, it still rolls the stats for the new weapon. If any of the new weapon's stats are higher than your current weapon's stats, it will upgrade that specific stat. So you don't need to find a perfect weapon, you just need to find a weapon that has one max level stat for each stat.
Yes. Every time you pick up a box it randomly rolls for the level of the stats and maintains the highest of each for the gun that you're going to use. So you could, theoretically, pick up a weapon and have it fully upgraded immediately.
That's right. He's probably implying that guns sometimes give a bad first impression but get a lot better when they reload faster, do more damage, faster rate of fire, etc very noticably after they get upgraded
>these arent surviving dinosaurs are they?
That's the fun of having the big guns. Enemy dead bodies and flying enemies getting in my face have caused my to blow myself up, though
I would, if the PC version of 5 gets subtitles. It's nice they have the JP audio but there are no subtitles at all during missions so when NPCs say things including pertinent orders or info it's difficult. I imagine this is the case for anyone who is hard of hearing or doesn't understand either English or JP as well
>Hoped you wouldn't remember
He didn't have to
You're playing Air Raider
You blew yourself up
The subtitles would probably just be the american script, honestly
The upgrades seem pretty shizo honestly. Sometimes the difference between 0 star damage and 7star damage really isn't that much, and other times I've had AR's that basically triple their damage every 2 stars.
I really wish mechs/vehicles would upgrade instead of just making them cheaper/more durability. Most of the pre level 40 mechs/vehicles are basically worthless even on hard. It's kind of a bummer on air raider. I remember the BM03 Vegalta kicking major ass in 4.1 but the exosuits mostly just feel like a total bummer up until around level 30 and then you get like one or two that are servicable and don't immediately explode or cost absurd amounts. Most of their guns are real shit or they're hella slow though.
It's safe to assume that what sarge is referring to has nothing to do with 2017 and 2025/4.1 since sandlot has so far totally reset the canon every 2 games. 5 has a bunch of fanservice to previous titles in the series, though, like the silhouettes of EDF2 enemies on the playground equipment.
Until you try using vehicles, especially helis.
>host leaves after one mission
play with me instead
I can assure you helicopters are sloppy fucking garbage on controller as well.
I have no problems with the vehicles, at least for the moment since I still do not have any helicopters
Never understood this. I've never had a problem with helis in EDF. Are people just not capable of understanding what sandlot was going for with vehicle controls?
"Alien" attacks? This is no time for jokes!
I played 4.1 essentially by myself and with randoms online, but playing it with a friend and on mic is probably the most fun online experience I've had in a while.
They're just so cumbersome, most vehicles are. They don't feel satisfying at all to fly and basically have the same issue as bikes. Fixed guns just feel like shit 90% of the time unless you're shooting something that doesn't move. Couple that with the fact that they're typically 2nd weakest durability wise of all the vehicle types means they're really lackluster. Why bring a helicopter if you could just bring a mech? Why bring a helicopter if you could just bring a tank? etc. Their only saving grace is that ground units tend to have trouble hitting them but realistically that's only for the early game since past mission 40 they start dumping more enemy variety on you all the time.
Some of them have pretty good guns, and they're still okay for dealing with specific missions. They're just real lackluster and clunky.
Come to my open room
1 slot open mission 34
So I beat the game how do I change into the level 1-12 armor
Hey, fun fact: the pirated version of the game with the steamworks fix is save-compatible with a steam legit copy of the game. So you can play with piratebros and buyfags if you have both installed, and keep all progress.
>playing as Wing Diver
>get double lance
>haven't used anything else for 20+ missions
God its so good. I just wish I could remember the exact stage I got it so I could finish leveling it up, the spread sheets for this game aren't helpful at all.
It didn't even do any damage.
I like how the shops are more detailed this time.
As expected of the grape!
Reminder to destroy all buildings
>pertinent orders
It's only ever just "Get the red dots off of the radar" or "follow the NPC squad".
He seems to interact very strangely with vehicles. He bopped me in a heli once and sent me flying but I didn't actually take any damage aside from chipping myself on a building.
Room: Yea Forumsdf march
PW: Rage
Get in here buyfags.
what weapons are good for fencer?
I still like 2017's story best, it had fewer characters and fewer detours and fewer missions where nothing happened which made it flow along better. 4 and 5 definitely have the better gameplay but 2017 was the only one where the story actually got me excited beyond the camp.
Spears, jack hammer, mortars, cannons, and missle launchers. They are all pretty good. Shotguns, gatlings, and some of the lighter weapons are decent as your secondary side arm. I wish the hammer and swords were better, but they kind of suck. The shockwave of the hammer should affect air units, for one. It doesn't have to make sense physically, the whole game is already pretty crasy. Spear is so much more versatile that it is a better option for melee than them both.
do missions carry over between online/offline, I don't feel like doing the tutorial so can I just play mission 1 online then do 2 offline?
double lance is a level 11 weapon
so mission 15-37 on hard
39-72 on normal
47-82 on easy
have fun
offline/online progress is separate since they have slightly different mission lists. However any armor/weapons you get are usable in both.
Is it me, or has the Wing Diver gotten a bit thiccer this time around?
I tried bringing a Vulcan Hammer to crack ayy armor once and I've never been more disappointed. Literally no reason to run anything other than Jackhammer + Dexter against the greys, and even that kind of sucks.
Lifesaver dude. Thanks.
Physics are so fun in this game
>shot an ant into the air and then shoot it again midair
>blood splats everywhere
>mission 38
>a mission ~60 drop on hard is a mission 4 drop on hardest
Goddamn that jump is steep.
around what mission can I start finding pirate lobbies? I'm not sure if my steamworks thing is not working or I'm just too low and no one is going to waste time waiting for people to join a super lowbie mission.
>damage: PT 3410.0~341.0
What does this mean?
>new 165hz monitor came in today
>60fps lock
Oh. Dang.
Do you see any lobbies?
if no lobbies are showing up at all means you're using the old version.
Piercing and has damage falloff
Wait till 39, heh.
son of a bitch insects do exist in this world
Maybe that's why she can't fly as well.
PT is penetrating meaning it can go through multiple fleshy targets but gets stopped by armor
The range is damage fall off because of distance.
>tfw you die but still complete the mission.
Maybe they have bugs but not insects or arachnids?
Sounds pretty based.
I wonder what it stays in Japanese
NPC WDs are fucking cunts.
I had this happen once, and it was near after everyone called for the retreat.
how do i level up low level weapons? just play on hard?
>It's a "the Wing Divers all get slaughtered" mission
>all the screams and moans as they get damaged and downed en masse
>coop game that costs $60
none of my friends will go for it and i don't blame them buy god damn if it isn't worth it
you can play online with the pirate version, easy.
your friends are fucking gay and have shit taste
welp, fuck
where am I supposed to drop the files from the new version? the NoDvD folder? or just the main folder?
I'd be fine with them having subtitles that are mostly the English translation, if they had them in battle for the various call outs, radio, orders and whatnot. It's better than not having them at all.
Hell plenty of people with English as a first language play games with subtitles on not to miss anything , so it was unfortunate when 4.1 didn't have any subs on PC, no matter if you were playing ENG or JP audio.
what weapons do I use for ranger in coop when the armored ayylmaos show up
>the entirety of the human race owes its survival to storm 1 who single-handedly killed millions of aliens and even killed alien vishnu
I can't stand having Japanese audio with English subtitles when the subtitles are just the English dub instead of proper translations now that I've started learning Japanese.
Drives me up the wall when I hear blatantly wrong or even rewritten dialogue.
Pretty standard for a japanese coding. Often times the engines fuck up in weird when you mess with the frame limit, as well. The RE2 remake the knife did a lot more damage at high frame rate because damage was based on how many active frames the knife was touching the enemy (more frames for the same animation lead to higher damage). The Zone of the Enders 2 re-release on steam had a different issue. If you ran Zone of the Enders 2 on PC with vsync off you would get 60fps then the entire game would literally run at twice speed as what is was designed to run with vsync on.
I've just been jumping online with randoms. It's fine.
>getting walled by mission 30 as ranger
I feel like I must be doing something horribly wrong, no loadouts I've tried have been able to deal with the huge fuckoff spider swarms.
Is this some sort of steanworks fix or whatnot that lets you play with others using the same crack? How safe are these anyway, regarding Steam? Like do you need to get a throwaway Steam account to worry about getting banned or something?
Someone mentioned that for other games that work this way it could be safe and you don't need another account because it spoofs you playing something free and thus not an issue?
>the exoskeletons were squashed rike dirty chinese scum
I do know some context is changed. In the Sniper mission where english refers to Napoleon, the jap track's referring to Nobunaga instead.
Rifles and shotguns are good for focusing down a part for a quick kill
Nades and nade launchers are good for those times when they stack on top of another and for eating their legs.
In general you want to be able to engage as few at a time as possible so weapons that enable you to aggro one and quickly get rid of it are best. Always remember violence of action.
It's 40 bux on most grey market retailers. I don't think I've bought a game for 60 bux on steam in the last 6 years.
>Sarge: Let's go men, we gotta protect the ladies. :)
Well fine cunt, go die.
Is there any game as grimdark as edf 5?
raimi really went overboard with the chinese hatred in this installment
I too would prefer a totally rewritten proper setup, but I'll take an easy transition over nothing at all. If I can detect changes or subtle differences it makes me feel good about my growing proficiency with the language
The only mission I remember having issues with was 39 on Hard. That shit was bonkers. You might just need some new weapons user.
They probably like being pinned into the web. Dumb sluts
>was promised to be taken to a safe place
>there is no safe place left on Earth and got suckered into joining the EDF instead
>the only option left available is to kill all Ayys to make Earth a safe place again
I fucking hate bees.
>this is just like the battle of Austerlitz
Do they fucking think normal people just know napoleon at all outside of waterloo? Or is napoopan that well studied in yurop?
Interesting. I'll turn on "turbo" and see if I can break the thing.
"normal people" know of napoleon, user. At least past waterloo. Even my shitty public school/community college american education taught me about the napoleonic wars.
Yeah, a holdover from console days pretty much. They're getting better but it's still not perfect. I can remember Valkyria Chronicles was unplayable over 60fps as it meant the enemy interception fire would be much faster and also bork physics for the tank.
>That was just a single ayy with a single fleet
God help us if the rest show up
I remember when Vanquish came out on PC enemy damage was tied to frame rate, so being at 60 made you die almost the instant you were hit by a mook's bullets. Funny stuff.
>We don't accept immigrants on our planet!
I don't know why this line slipped through QA, but I'm glad it did.
>try out the Grit Shot on WD
>have a blast carpet bombing everything
This thing is great. I sure hope there are higher level versions.
Mine didn't. Wasn't until college that I saw any real focus on one of the great minds behind modern warfare. Unfortunately the professor was a frankaboo with, ironically, a napoleon complex.
I only see people
Ausfag here, we never studied Napoleon at any point, even in optional history in years 11 and 12.
After twenty something missions of everyone calling me a newbie, someone just called me a SUPER NEWBIE
I'm okay with this
>Illegal immigration and illicit work.. We must admit them!
just go to you'll find everything there, it's safe. You just appear as if you're playing spacewar which is used by devs to code their multiplayer.
because this is a game for fun and not for being a political vehicle like you maga faggots want them all to be
How do I unlock the giant mech??
So how am I supposed to get multiplayer working in the cracked version?
user, the primers were called immigrants in the Japanese version. The problem with the line is that they didn't properly adapt it for the localisation changes, thus resulting in the amusing political bend to it that they were clearly trying to scrape from the localisation by changing the name in the first place.
Japan doesn't want immigrants irl too. Liberals only infest the West and Asia cares so little that they are literally attempting to destroy African culture to behave more like Asians instead so that they can work for them better in mines and dig sites.
>pillbugs in the base
Jesus FUCKING Christ.
Pillbugs are cute! CUTE!
>pillbugs start coming at you
>and you are downhill
Basically the entirety of middle school/highschool social studies was European (and north african) history. Egypt/Greece/Rome/France/England/Germany in that order. American history was two terms, with one term for government studies i.e. learning about our rights/the constitution/judicial system yadda yadda. I think of all of it I retained Egyptian/Greek history the most.
The frogs are called "aliens" in english because their japanese translated name is "Immigrant".
They're listed as Colonists in the battle history.
Not him but theres little distinction between the two, and less so in Nipponese
Yeh I guess that was it, unlocked an AR with pierce and cleared it effortlessly.
The frogs are called uchujins and arean in Japanese.
Basically what this guy is saying. That's why this guy is retarded.
they were called immigrants in the earliest news
that's not wrong tho
put this in some folder and run steam while you run the cracked version of the game. you won't get banned, but having "spacewar" playtime is well known as a sign of piracy, so you might want to do it on a separate account.
Isn't there a similar tool or something that can be used to access the DLC content even for buyfags like myself?
when should I stop playing the ranger?
That's a direct translation from the Japanese before the localizers changed it. Considering that immigrant and colonists are similar enough, they probably wanted to avoid a shitstorm where faggots on either side of the spectrum create a nontroversy about a name.
When you feel like it. But Ranger is the best class ever, so why would you?
They actually changed Immigrant to Primer even in Japanese, check the japanese website
Ranger is both reliable and the most powerful class, I don't know why you wouldn't want to play them.
I got through with a penetrating (PT next to the damage number) shotgun and a Stork. Their webshoot animation is pretty long, and it's canceled by any damage, so you can avoid damage by hosing across the whole swarm, instead of focusing on kills.
nah, they straight up wrote Immigrant in katakana and romanji
When will we get an option to carry EDF banner to battle? Or bannermen NPC, at least.
>The beehive destruction level
you shouldn't stop until you unlock the 64-round Macross missile massacre launcher. Better yet, just don't stop at all.
Yea, I'm talking about the translation. Colonist and Immigrant are similar enough words to convey the same meaning while avoiding a shitstorm from faggoty journalists saying "EDF 5 supports militaristic fascism by portraying immigrants as giant frog people trying to exterminate humanity"
>tfw no EDF RTS
to be honest I don't know what your point was, or the other guy's for that matter, all I know is that I really won't call it a translation when it's just the usual japanese dev use an english term to sound cool thing happening
>mission 39
>doing well
They Are Billions but with giant insects and humanoid aliens?
download a ps2 emulator and download GDF tactics. It's probably the best we will ever get
Seriously fuck red drones. They are objectively one of if not THE worst enemy in the game. They do absurd amounts of damage and they actually have MORE life than dropships. Couple that with retarded drone movement and their super lightweight making them get knocked around a billion miles away only for them to buttrape you with those death lasers from 600m.
At least Imperial Drones aren't as bad as Red Flying Machines.
>It's probably the best we will ever get
It's still kind of shitty.
What mission is best for farming high level weapons?
Even worse in online where their health increases further. Good fucking luck if you aggro more than two of them.
What's your favorite line in the game.
they're not too hard to deal with if you throw a MR99 Fang/D35 Breacher in your Ranger loadout. The Breacher in particular is stupid good once it starts getting upgraded, it rips though anything that gets within 5 inches of your face.
>You’d think that their weakness is water... BUT IT ISNT!
>last 2 missions
absolute kino and genuinely fun boss fights
>that operator that shows up in the first wasp mission
>20%? Well, that's not too bad...
French is not the language of science !
At least remember the line properly user, It's "They look like they're weak to water... But they aren't."
Nameless wouldn't have given me half as much trouble if not for summoning the beam cannon Greys, seriously it's the only hard part of the fight.
Yo check this out
Just listen to this
Green drones
is ther a lobby on hard doing missions in the 30s
Storm platoon after saving earth from the immigrants Circa 2022
Hitting the normal ones is trouble enough thanks.
I've got a ryzen 1200, a gtx 1060, 16gb of ddr4 ram and a SSD. Will the game run ok? I don't see a demo on Steam.
Ok how about green shield carriers?
Wait til you face the red drones
100, easy wing diver solo with sky high
in 4.1 they kinda were sanic though, they just stuck around slower units
How about you stop. Don't give them any ideas! There are humanoid aliens in this thread RIGHT NOW
Yeah. well fuck you buddy. We don't like you either.
God 4.1 shield bearers were the fucking worst.
Who wanna try unlocked Inferno difficulty?
Honestly 5 makes pitifully little use of shield bearers, making air raider op af
My rig is an AMD FX6300, 8GB single-threaded RAM and a GTX 1060 3GB. The game runs at 60 fps with some drops here and there.
There are no immigrants in Storm Teams universe
>no big dragons
>no earth eaters
>no argo
When's 5.1?
Hey man, no need to put us down. We gotta spread the knowledge.
I wonder if there is a xcom mod for the game.
jp version there is
Got pretty disappointed when trying the titan for the first time my dudes. I just want to run over hundreds of bugs with a big fuckoff tank.
earth eaters are absolutely no fun to fight
Also shield Greys.
Upgrade it or get a higher lvl titan
Sweet, thanks man.
I'm glad. They're already tanky enough and dodge roll every second if you don't stunlock them
Even if there was (there isnt), the ravagers were beaten in 2018. And EDF 4.1 starts in 2025. Nothing happens in 2022
Mission 12 on Hard
Cant beat 3rd wave of fuckin spiders!!!!11111
After thinking about it, I'm kinda surprised there isn't a "run/fly into you and explode" sort of enemy.
Heavy greys already serve that purpose desu, they just happen have garbage weapons besides the rocket launcher.
>Limpet sniper A3 lvl 35 or so
>shot speed is fucking 300/s
What the fuck.
edf 5 is set in 2022. it's a reboot
is it me or this game is kinda fun?
It's never going to happen, but I wish they kept boost jump and dash for Fencers no matter what loadout you take. I don't dislike taking a mortar along with a melee weapon, but part of me want to roll around with a shield and a blasthole spear for the genuine Fencer experience without having to gut my mobility.
And Storm Team isn't a thing in EDF5
>That difficulty spike on missions 38 and 39
Does it getter a little better?
You obviously aren't far enough in the game then
enjoy mission 40 bro
>laser ayy targets you out in the open
What do you do?
Your options are
[ ] Die
[ ] Die
[ ] Die
blow his arm off with my eagle g2
You're not done yet. That is a fun stretch of the game.
Shoot him in the face with a Lysander.
Shit son, wing divers get one that literally shoots 100 bullets at once and one shots frogs on hard. Usually 3 for ayyy
Stardust cannon? That's like a crazy shotgun wing divers get that can take down a Deroy in 2-3 shots.
There are, enjoy the fight with Mr. Long Legs
How do you use a shield without sucking? Is it only for tunnels and shotgunning corridors?
Zoning, teamwork
Play 4.1
unfortunately upgrading vehicles/mechs doesn't make them stronger, it only makes them cheaper/more durable.
PC player detected
Use a spear and kill shit at midrange. Know when to backdash to keep a distance.
>be me
>EDF grunt
>killing "dinosaurs" and shit
>fucking spaceships keep dropping more dinosaurs
>"where the fuck is the airforce?"
>airforce finally comes in after an ant shot acidic nut at my squad and I
>airforce finally comes flying in
>thank god, we can't take much more
>airforce does two pathetic ass bombing runs, not even with weapons capable of cooking popcorn
>spaceships continue flying straight into the city, but we're ordered to stay and kill dinosaurs
>in the meantime, retarded civilian keeps singing the EDF chant and rolling all over the vicinity while giant ants are thorax fucking the squad
>civilian pulls out a fucking laser and points it into the distance
>a couple minutes later, several cruise missiles obliterate a fucking tree
Ahhhhh I'm constantly out of energy now that all my super weapons eat the whole bar in one shot.
Now that dash cancelling has been removed completely, is there any reason to ever bring a shield instead of a melee weapon/autocannon combo for mixing dashes and jumps? The fact that you can't choose to have jumps instead of the shield reflect or weapon zoom is pretty criminal.
>didn't even get a signing bonus
It's not fair bros.
Funny you should say that. While they don't explode, it sure feels like it.
the dialog
>but Earth still wasn't safe
>Storm 1's human kill record begins here
unlike these fuckers who dont even qualify as humanoids apparently
They're just humanoid robots!
they don't look anything like humans
I've fucking had it. I can't stand the fact that this game keeps dropping lmb inputs when I'm charging a fucking weapon.
I've killed myself about 70 god damn times now purely because the weapon goes off early before I've actually let go of the fucking button. Wind Diver? Try Suicide Diver, fitting for a game by dirty japs.
This shit even affects Ranger too. Wanna throw a meme grenade? Too bad, get memed on faggot, you're throwing that shit about 2 seconds before you wanted to. Ayys are absolutely lmaoing at your fucking spectacular failure now.
God, Jesus, I swear to fuck, Wind Diver can suck my shit, blow that Stardust up her ass, eat my Monster dong, and Mag Blast back to fucking Gook Town, because until this fucking game behaves with holding down the fucking left, mouse, button, I am ending all ties with the fucking Wing Diver. EDF has 4 classes? Fuck you dude, try 3 and one lia-fucking-bility.
Jesus fuck, I hate this fucking bug.
>mission called Monster Balls
>that fucking intro
Holy shit my sides.
>air raider drops danger close fire mission on top of civilians
works on my machine :^)
i've not had any bugs like that, so i'm guessing your mouse might be acting up
Your mouse might be fucked. Minecraft and Starmade killed a few of my mice back in the day.
Hideous! They don't look anything like us!
I'm right and you know it. These guys
are very rare exceptions, assuming they're telling the truth.
EDF is the kind of game that you simply can't recommend to anybody, doesn't matter how good or fun it is.
But it's only happening here, it's had its issues before but not as of late at all, nor outside of EDF.
My fucking Game Theory
is that somewhere in the game's fps drops, occasionally it reads the LMB as not being held down
and thus, registers that you're a fucking colossal moron and want to fire/throw that shit immediately.
Whos playing MP?
Surely you can't be serious
Man this is the first game I've so genuinely enjoyed for a long time, probly since the last edf.
I think I'll actually try playing some online.
People arent uptight about the meta are they?
can I play multiplayer whenever or should I do a lot of missions first? just finished 12.
i exclusively play online. most people dont give a shit and just enjoy the company
My nigga
Shit's pretty tight, but
of course there's the occasional meta-fag.
However, most of the folks'll just give you suggestions,
and as long as good fun's had nobody should give you shit.
Just do multiplayer.
you should always play multiplayer. people can carry you through hard missions and it makes collecting boxes so much easier
I'll play with you if you have plus.
Nah, it's not till Inferno you see that stuff, even then I don't recall it being that bad unless you just keeping dying
Whats the meta for EDF even like
well on Single player at least
Nah. Feels great blasting shit when you get rumble feedback.
Don't die.
>taunting with barga then doing LMB does a spin punch, RMB does a overhead two handed smash
incase any of you guys didnt know, was pretty cool to find out
How is the Ranger? Any improvements? I haven't played any other class cause they're fun
I want to get off Mr. Base's wild ride
that was real fun
Shotguns are armour piercing
Off-topic but I've never had a bad experience playing co-op games with randoms (besides the usual "kicked out due to dying too much / not being one of their friends" or bad players all around.
Meanwhile I've had nothing but miserable experiences with organized groups and teams. They just take the game way too seriously, get genuinely angry when things don't go right and their slavery of the meta makes playing the game an unfun experience.
From my experience so far, people only start caring when finally stuck in a particular mission. Mission 38/9 was hilarious on that regard. Each of us decided to attack four separate teleportation ships at once, resulting in the entire map firing upon us. We got our shit together and approached it methodically the next game after. The fact that all this occurred without any talking only makes it better.
cute pic
Is there more?
>has to equip a melee weapon in each sloth to have access to the dash at all times
>still has weapons that depend entirely on another player bringing a lock-on device
Poor Fencer.
When do those green ants I've heard show up?
around the 100's
Very late in the game. They will fuck your shit up then as you're caught by surprise and they will fuck your shit up on two more missions afterwards right when you're about to win them. You will learn to hate them.
I wonder what was the JP version.
Any time I host a room, I try to indicate that it's a error/newbie friendly room. Hopefully you seen it whenever I host. I try to be the few who are cool with teaching or having fun over the try hard stuff. It makes even less sense since you actually get some gear now with some difficulties after a retreat rather than nothing.
Any rooms up for early missions (
>tfw no guitar riffs in 5
Am I the only one who thinks 4.1's OST was better than 5's?
>dlc is pointless and outclassed, yet numerous
Does any game do this? It's not even skins or anything which I would consider depending on execution or price
I wanna fuck that decoy!
Any room hard around 20-27?
The efficiency of energy charge to flight consumption is 40%, this never changes outside of some outliers like Big Core models. Even the two Bird Cores and the final Mighty Core have roughly the same efficiency with their speed modifier taken into account. It appears that they used the 40% formula to calculate all of them and rounded to the nearest 1st decimal.
Really really poor. I really hate what they did for her sustainability. If it was 50% there would probably be a net positive energy income but just barely. 55 to 60% would be 4.1 tier.
>Playing WIng Diver
>Use 9 way Plasma rifle.
>standing on the plains and Holding back the swarm alone
>random civilian/EDF soldier walks in front of me
>fuck this shit
>The gameplay core is similar to EDF, random weapon drops and everything, and the characters play like Ranger but also have an unique melee attack
>Then they did nothing with it by having a short game with 30-something missions, very small levels and, worst of all, half of them being missions where the enemies respawn indefinitely so fast that the only thing you can do to finish the map is just rolling towards the goal without killing anything
Goddamn if I was bitterly disappointed.
tags: stuck_in_wall
Phalanx U1 is like a laser chainsaw.
>join a room and play a mission
>carry the team as a fencer
>mission completed
>room disconnected
Such ungrateful bunch
>tfw I almost bought this because of the similar EDF concept
I didn't even know it was that short, thank god I got stopped from deciding to buy it.
The shame of sitting on their ass all mission while a fencer chad carried was too much
The brass though
>join a game
>no one picks up a map full of loot
>try new weapons
>barely drag my ass through next mission because they suck most of the time
Well fug. Guess i should either learn to keep one trustworthy on me or just restart, this can be painfull sometimes.
>carry my friend as fencer as he is just running a lowly ranger having to spend more time rolling instead of shooting
I wish he'd just give up on the idea of running ranger when the other classes have such a better feeling to them
For me, it's jackhammer + heavy cannon.
Honestly way I see it, 5 being a reboot means the brass focus is more fitting because this is straight up a more standard b-movie alien invasion. You save the guitars for when enough shit's hit the fan and it's time for some vengeance, and by 2025/4.1, that fits a lot more.
>no argo equivalent
>no walking fortress equivalent
What's the fucking point?
>get the Plasma Heavy Cannon
>still need a bigger core for it
A single playthrough on normal + all the optional missions (on normal difficulty too) took me 12 hours according to Steam.
It's incredibly how inept level and overall game design can bring a fun concept down.
I wish I liked more video games the way I like EDF.
EDF is a dumb game with plenty of jank, done well enough to still be playable and charming. The shit you're posting is a dumb game done with no real love or actual effort.
>get the Nix with revolver cannons from one of the earlier hangars
>wait for pillbugs to spawn
Nah anyone sufficiently good enough at the game will be able to solo the mission anyway
From what I've seen people do not get mad, just disappointed
You can start charging it, run out of energy and then continue charging once you're replenished so long as you keep the button held down.
Post what you want for DLC and/or EDF 6
Do enemies gain more health as the levels go on or do they have a fixed amount? It does seem like more advanced weapons kill monsters faster than those from the beginning of the game, but I'm too busy PTing hordes to notice.
Yes, they absolutely do.
Time to keep farming until a level relevant Dexter drops then. I'm getting real tired of sitting in this rocky cubbyhole while the pillbugs are too fat to get in.
Maybe its Cheat Engine time. Is there a table for it already? 10x boxes per pickup would be nice.
ya there's cheat tables. One of them lets you change your pick up radius so you can just kill all the bugs and then set your radius to infinite to pick everything up at once.
Got a link to it, pastebin?
Pirate Lobby up, starting from the beginning, one of us is new.
Mission 2 (3) Hard
Name: poopsack
pw: pee
Oh, that. I dismissed it at first but I guess the name of the CE community site is Fearless Revolution now.
I really don't recall this during 4.1.
Someone is working on a mod to make frogs playable.
There doesn't seem to be any crate boosting in there. I may just have to do it the old fashioned way by hunting for the value. Thanks anyway.
Im going to make spritefall operator my wife
How do I into wing diver? I can play every class just fine but fumble with WD everytime
Have you tried lightning bow?
do NPCs scale up with the difficulty? I want to have the Reapers farm stage 40 for me for inferno
PT uniform wingdiver
I think they do but they die so easily it doesn't matter.
Just like in 4.1 I have no idea what WD weapons are actually good
Even if they do, its still not enough
Lightning bow is good for crowds because the electricity jumps from enemy to enemy and also stuns them. Kind of a good mid ranged area attack. If you are high up there, there's also Stardust Cannon which is basically a cannon with the spread of a shotgun.
Also in general I recommend your two weapons be one that charges then fires and one the fires then charges to reload. Lets you switch between the two without energy recharge downtime.
Is it worth it to keep leveling the air raider? The slow movement is annoying and when I have no air strikes reloaded I feel useless. Do I get good vehicles before mission 40?
didn't know what i was getting into here got bullied
I use them, but the auto cannon only has a small area and long reloads
>they just added trading cards
>they're all in japanese
thank you sandlot
got fencer first my boi
Can you share the wing diver pic? I'll share a frog.
>tfw mission 100
Holy molasses they're going all out.
All the cards just have ????????? on them because of the language code
Bless this stupid ass game
Extra thicc thighs
>Big dragons
>hey bro here's a mission simulating godzilla where you're just a ground soldier desperately attempting to stop him
That's cool and all, game but how about I TAKE A HAMMER TO HIS STUPID KAIJU FACE INSTEAD?
She's perfect
Use autocannon/minigun to deal high single target damage, doesnt hurt to lob it at a group of monsters either
Spritefall is always decent, fires almost immediately has a long duration and is really cheap, the damage isnt bad either.
Use your other slot for anything you deem necessary be it more fuck huge air strikes or limpets in case of transports
Your best vehicle are Nyxes with heavy revolver cannons, but theyre pretty slow if you wanna go fast I'd take a tank
I heard someone say you could call tanks in the base missions as an Air Raider/Ranger. Does it work? I tried with a mech and nothing happened.
The laser melts you to death in five seconds and has perfect aim.
>Entire screen is purple so you can't even see where he is
There's a mech and a tank sitting around that you can grab.
I wish each of the two packs wasn't half good girls and half shit girls. And I wish it wasn't so overpriced too.
What are the best Fencer weapons? What loadouts should I use?
How can she even get off the ground with thighs like that?
>Me: EDF deploys is a better song
Dual spear in left hand
Shotgun in the right
Whatever else is fitting for the mission at hand for your last two slots
Spears and heavy cannons. All melee weapons that aren't spears are garbage.
>shields are for pussies
>shields ain't actually for pussies
Keep grinding for upgrades. The autocannon / minigun series can be as low as a second and a half after the firing is completed.
Triple gunship beacon is a powerful AR loadout who only gets cockblocked by aerial enemies and monster dropships.
Mister Lister is also good
kicked my fucking ethernet cable out, server is back up if you want to rejoin
On mission 8. Pirate lobby
How/when do you get this Wing Diver outfit? I'm sick of the retro bullshit. I just got the game.
>use autocannon on deroy
>pushes it into the fucking ground from the force of it
After five months.
Mission 12ish
Like mission 13, play the fucking game nigger.
Thanks guys!
What's so bad about Iron Rain?
Shit like this is why I love the game
>It took five months for someone to think of just shoot them
>20% of the earth died
How to deal with those shield domes as Air Rader?
>See lowbies struggling on mission 39
>Instruct them to stay by the Reapers and kite the drones and destroy the drop ship after while I kite the queens
>Fencer FAST
>They finally pass the mission after like 15+ tries on my arrival
>They praise me and send adds on Steam
Feels fucking good man
>People dying to missions that I soloed while waiting for players to join my lobby
Feels good to dominate through adversity
Considering I'm only on mission 89, I may have grinded a bit too much.
>Lv30 weapons
Are you on normal?
The world has been destroyed 4 over already, it might have bit of a downer impact on people.
This nigga playing in normal mode, everyone LMAO @ him
I'm playing on Hard. What the fuck does weapon level have to do with difficulty?
>that final fight
I wonder how they're going to one up this for the next game.
the ayys are going to clone him aren't they?
Higher difficulty drop higher weapons.
>you will never be kidnapped and forcibly conscripted into the EDF because there aren't enough soldiers
But user... we are all EDF soldiers!
>The Ayys clone him and come back
>But the humans cloned Storm 1
Have armor. Don't kill teammates/yourself with fuckoff huge explosive weapons like danger nades. That's basically it.
The brain fight in 4.1 felt more hype and waay more chaotic. The gradual hope buildup through the whole mission as you steadily murder the brain was incredible.