what is rdr2 and realism
>over a full second of input lag and no dedicated defend button
Ape Escape 4
Its flaw being that it's not real
RDR2 not being on PC
DMC1. No mission select like DMC3.
fallout new vegas would be literally perfect if it wasn't coded on shoestrings and anal floss
Fallout 4 and bethesda
The Soulsborne franchise would be masterpieces if the controls weren't absolute shit.
no online multiplayer and only on 360
It was made by Japs.
witcher 3
combat, it really needed that something to improve the combat
I haven't played it but it seems like a really immersive western game. Why would that be a bad thing? I'd love to feel like I'm actually living one of those old westerns.
dark souls 2
soul memory
Thats not even the jeopardy font, kys
user you're not.... bad at video games, are you?
Quake Champions
Harmony of despair
Only flaw is the abysmal drop rate for some things from bosses especially their souls if you're playing Soma.
Doom 2016 with """humor"""
It isn't fucking finished
He's retarded. The realism thing is fine and not all that bad, and the game isn't even that realistic. It's like some weird blend of realism/arcadey/action western movie. The actual problem with RDR2 is that it's fantastic for like the first 4 chapters and then just slows right the fuck down and wrecks its momentum with the last few, although there are still some fantastic moments sprinkled in.
You kind of run into parts where the character feels awkward to control because of how realistic it's trying to move.
Perhaps the worst thing you can say about RDR2 is that it's immersive to a fault.
Fucking pictures.
God damn golf.
Stupid ass fish.
Being a J-RPG instead of a narrative adventure game
Since when did jeopardy have two fucking answers
What is Resident Evil 4 and the attache case?
guys im gonna say it he's baiting me to say it
"git gud"
look i said it
DQ4, can't directly control anyone other than the main character during the final chapter and the player A.I. is exceptionally stupid.
Attache case is great
>Conker Live and Reloaded
fuck you
where's heist, raptor and beach?
Wasn't it flawed in several ways?
I thought you'd only be able to narrow it down to "messy development"
What is Tropical Freeze and no soul
The combat isnt the greatest but its not like it ruined it completely. Still a 9/10 game
Also it needs to be designed exclusively for PC
Lost Planet 2
GFWL and being stuck on old consoles
>not liking inventory tetris
that shit is comfy
Season Passes
Ubisoft template
Single player with forced online
Walking Sims/cinematic games desguised as action games
Looter shooters
Live service
Forced surface level dialog choices and/or rpg elements.
Horse update
I'm sorry, user, you forgot to phrase your response in the form of a question
No it's not, it's functional at best. It hurts the horror aspect because you can pause at any time while simultaneously hurting the action aspect as you have to constantly pause to switch between weapons, even secondaries like grenades. Shuffling around 2x1 squares is barely a step up on item management compared to the originals.
what is Mewtwo being bad
Imagine RDR2 with Max Payne 3's gameplay. Would be divine
It works on PC still, I played it a couple months ago.
Mass Effect 2 and everything about it
What is Red Dead 2 and artstyle
What is Harvest Moon Magical Melody?
DMCV. Having to go through 3 loading screens to get to the action from boot up
You could just play the Playstation/DS version.
>Doom 2016: small animation plays
What is classic wow and sharding.
Inconsistency with which it is applied
>Yo Arthur shoot up this entire town and dozens of lawmen
>No problem, we'll just ride off past this cliff and no one will ever know what happened
Moments later
>Shoot a guy in the middle of nowhere
>Everyone knows who you are forever and there is no escaping the law unless you pay off a bounty
Game is full of shit like that where it tries to have a cake and eat it, and its grating.
Yes it works on PC and still plays pretty well but you have to jump a few hurdles to get it running properly because of GFWL stuff.
Totally worth the effort to get in running
What is overwatch and their greed boner for esports
Final Fantasy IX
Tifa is not in the game
FFXV but with like 20 crippling flaws
Combat isn't even the worst, just the way Geralt controls like he's on iceskates sucks balls, but all of the gameplay is dogshit.
What really kills it for me though is the abysmal writing. The characters are extremely inconsistent, Geralt is outright schizophrenic even if you really try not to be and he's not even the worst. The plot is dumb as hell and the things that happen in it are utterly absurd to the point of being completely ridiculous, Geralt is always roped into these grand affairs where no sensible person would invite a stranger, least of all someone like Geralt, to do what they need done.
What is BOTW's terrible dungeons
The fucking combat
What is the 3 day cycle in Majora's Mask?
They didn't ask "what made a great game perfect" though?
Oh... right. You're pretending to be retarded, got it.
What is clunky and tedious combat?
What is Breath of the Wild being secretly developed by Ubisoft?l
The weird combat
what is Yea Forums and politics
If the combat formula and the abilities in the game wasn't so painfully bland it'd be hands down the best rpg games in vidya history.
I wish there were alot more depth and alot more variation on weapons and force abilities. Maybe if the games had a higher XP rate (more character levels) with more options I'd be a lot more in love with the games.
Don't get me wrong, I reeeally liked KOTOR 1 and 2 but the only things stopping me from replaying a dozen times are the bugs and the combat.
>I'm sorry, user, you forgot to phrase your response in the form of a question
That shit don't matter. It's not like we're not going to win anything motherfucker!
Literally the only thing wrong with Echoes is the cutscene transition between light and dark you’ll see a gorillion times. I know it’s loading but it’s still really unfortunate.
I’ll defend everything else
> Can't climb literally every rocky surface
>BOTW being remotely close to being a masterpiece if not for these flaws
BOTWs flaws are too big to barely even make the game a 6/10.
The ONLY reason people pretend it's god's gift to humanity is the formula being shaken. There are minimal tutorials and Nintendo have introduced the player to the Zelda game in a very fresh way. This creates an illusion that everything else is good when it's not. You get so caught up on how "different" and "fresh" everything in the beginning is that the shitty combat, uninspired dungeons and very simplistic/generic story progression can be forgiven or even just plainly forgotten.
I usually hate the "soul vs soulless" comparisons but that's literally the case when you compare BOTW to OOC.
Music, atmosphere, adventure, side-characters, world-building are all but a select few examples of how simple BOTW is in comparison.
What is f-zero gx and not having a rerelease with online
What is Mirror's Edge and forced combat sections?
would have been a 10/10 if every stage was just you parkouring around military in creative setpieces with multiple lanes. Instead, the game bogs itself down and turns into a shit BF clone halfway through
Borderlands 2 and attempts at humor
Legend of Mana. It was too easy and every fight was just tank and spank.
I kinda liked Handsome Jack. Not every joke landed, but the fact that the villain was just a petty asshole the whole game was kind of entertaining.
And there were other moments that I enjoyed. But a lot of the humor did fall flat, especially stuff that was just references to other media.
New vegas
It's shit
DMC4 if it was fucking finished
Resident Evil 4 beta
>Handsome Jack
He is anything but petty
He spends the entire game doing little but taunting you. He literally pays you to go kill yourself just so he can enjoy watching you do it, even if he knows you'll come back five seconds later
PM:TTYD and all the backtracking.
Other than that, the game is actually perfect.
What is bloodborne and loadtimes
Dark Souls and the second half of the game.
disc 2. still my favorite game of all time regardless
Don't you mean adventure update?
I'll also accept combat update
I don't think I'd go as far as masterpiece because it's story is pretty stupid and simple, but FFV's encounter rate breaks my nuts.
What is Dishonored 1's lack of New Game Plus
Parasite Eve - awful chase scene at the end and awful escape the top of the building scene after the hospital boss
What is Titanfall 2 and being EA published with Origin exclusivity
Dark souls
Lost izalith (including bed of chaos)
Smash 4 if they just fucking buffed chars instead of nerfing for casuals feelings. Ultimate wouldn't have been necessary.
>Literally the only flag is that is too short
>have to manually modify individual bullets into special types one at a time with a two second animation for each
>all the guns are poorly modeled and animated, with the reloads in particular looking terrible
It's like they went for realism in all the wrong places. They have autistic attention to detail in pointless things like the looting animation but then other things are left as they are in other R* games. It just creates this weird atmosphere of immersive and immersion-destroying aspects being shown together that just makes you wonder what the fuck they were thinking when they designed some of the game's systems.
Being this new must be crippling. I pray for your caretakers.
What are MegaTen games and turn-based combat?
Your lifes work goes to shitter because you were not badass enough apparently, you are betrayed by everyone around just because you wanted to make the whole planet bandit free. Your face is ruined, your daughter hates you, you get cucked at everything by some faggots. I'd be pretty fucking pissed myself.
>Everything you want in an action game
>Guns and animations
>Skill ceiling
>Perfect controls
>Giant mechs and infantry working together in a cohesive and tight gameplay mode with actual strategies
>EA Origin
You can be a petty jerk and still have depth you know.
Valkyria Chronicles and its rating system.
Luigi's mansion
Doom 2016 and upgrades being hidden in nooks and crannies everywhere.
I don't mind them having secrets to search out, but I don't want to feel obligated to pull up the map every 10 seconds to find some niche that'll let me upgrade my gun. I hope the upcoming one makes upgrades gained solely from combat.
What is Gunvolt and ((((((((Inafunefield))))))))
>muv luv alternative
>no perfect run ending
This mainly pertains to me, but after that long ass journey I wanted Takeru be the perfect hero and save everyone damnit.
The space between FUCKING INVINCIBLE and Jetstream is too long. The game's momentum is lost due to how long it takes
what is everything after titanic monarch
That's what's holding it back? Not the wonky as hell camera?
the real problem is having to fucking tap X on the horse twice a second
it doesn't have the support it deserves
What is Fallout: New Vegas and the Battle of Hoover Dam?
The metroidvania format in the second act. The new levels and revisiting areas with new routes is fantastic, but there's SO much shitty backtracking because the quicktravel system is fucking awful and a bunch of the levels aren't suited for running through like a MV in the first place.
What is V?
Chance-based drops
Why do you have to use "what is ___ ?" to answer in this gameshow? I'm not American, I had to learn English and I never understood this. I remember my first time seeing this and being confused as fuck.
This game sucks, it is like they overlenghted the stages just so you wouldn't finish so fast you could refund it. Whenever I try to remember it, the image that goes through my head is just running forward. It is also so absurdly piss easy compared to the game it was obviously inspired in, it almost passes as braindead.
Imagine being worse and less fun than a 31 yo game.
Not that user, but I like the fact that he pretty much has this facade that crumbles as the game goes on. Like at first he’s being a sarcastic asshole and pretends to be above all of you and all that but as the game goes on he shows that he’s as angry and as much of a psycho as the idiots on Pandora, if not worse. What I noticed is they don’t play his threats for laughs near the end of the game usually. Like a bandit tells you hell make you into a meat sandwich and eat your babies, you just shrug it off and shoot him. But when jack threatens you after you’ve killed angel, it’s feels genuine and not played for laughs at all. The voice actor really killed it.
The gimmick is they give you the answer and the player has to answer with the question.
Just a gimmick of the show. The idea is that you are given the answer, so you provide a question instead.
but titanic monarch is the final zone, unless you mean egg reverie?
Oh, it's so simple. I feel retarded now.
Final boss is one of the worst I've ever seen.
Voice prottag
>Mass Effect 3
>made by Bioware
>they purposefully made the game long so you couldn't finish it in 3 hours and refund it
nigga what?
Not just that though, railroad missions where if you step out of line even a little of what Rockstar wants the player to do, you get a big "MISSION FAILED" and have to do it again.
It wouldn't be a masterpiece, though.
>game all about parallel universes with actions in the first part affecting the second, actions in the second affecting the third, etc.
>one ending
This was pretty fucking annoying.
Personally I would've absolutely fucking loved an ending where Takeru gets to complete his conversation with the Superior, and convince him that humans are living beings and therefore should be referred to the BETA's creators. I know it was later written that this would be a shitty move because it would move the BETA from "construction force" to "genocide force", but that's pretty fucking lame, to overcome one alien race only to be told "hey, go fight a stronger one now!", it would have been absolute pottery in my mind if the very peacefulness and tranquility that Takeru experienced in his original timeline was what gave him the mindset to be able to communicate with and convince the BETA, because he could see them as something other than complete monsters.
Anyway, yeah, the actual ending wasn't perfect. It's actually made me kinda want to write a sci-fi though.
>dat spoiler
That did honestly perturb me, one of the most interesting parts of the 100+ hour ride only lasted a few minutes and was cut short due to a hot headed woman who got herself killed.
and the open world of San Andreas