Why did you stop playing League of Legends?
Why did you stop playing League of Legends?
balancing was shit, player base was a dumpster fire, most unfun and strict meta i've ever seen. Some of their characters were cool and i miss them but there doesn't seem to be any cohesion between characters rather than whatever they think is 'cool' that day.
it genuinely infuriates me when people say they like league for whatever reasons and refuse to try better mobas like dota because they think its too hard, which it is hard but its easy to learn.
Never did play, only chinks and third worlders play assfaggots.
The grind is too much to unlock characters unlike dota with all its chars unlocked which I played specifically because of that, also in dota I felt characters were much more able to do crazy shit and move around and do insane stuff all around unlike lol where they felt more restricted/all around so I stuck with it
I realized dota 2 is the superior game, that's all.
Stopped having fun at like season 4
because i'm shit and couldn't care enough to improve. every match feels like a slog, winning doesn't feel satisfying at all and losing is just infuriating.
because the worst player decides the game instead of the best player
I didn't. Played since season 1 with breaks here and there. Currently only playing Qiyana and actually having a lot of fun again thanks to her. Love the playstyle, finally a champ that fits my style perfectly. Faggot assassin with a huge boom boom ult. Perfect.
I used to have a lot of fun with it. Problem is if you and your friends have any sort of significant skill disparity, these games are always unfun for someone because of the matchmaking. Haven't found ranked truly competitive in a few years, and they reworked my favourite champion. No interest anymore.
I'm far better than my friends, and it makes playing together impossible
they have removed all enjoyment of the game in favor of making it a chink cafe gachashit game
good b8
Dota2 came out.
it was too easy and then some german on here gave me a dota key. decent game but the heroes should all be free and the artstyle is trash
I stopped when I realized I'd never acquire all champions unless I grinded it like a second job for years. Really turns me off how you can't just use everyone from the get go like a regular game.
I have every champ and trust me you aren't missing a fucking thing but not having wasted your time with this shitty game
> Implying it's bait
Its not bait you pathetic waifufag.
You retards are so stupidly loyal to riot its pathetic.
Dota is UNIRONICALLY superior in every aspect, you would know that if you actually tried to play the game.
But you loltards either refuse or drop it on the first match because "its hard".
I got a dota2 invite I was already getting bored of league because every game played out the same. Fell in love with it and never looked back. I talked with some friends and apparently the game has gotten better but I prefer dota for many reasons. I quit around the time shyvana was released
I started playing fightan. Friends were getting tired of it as well, but I wouldn't mind playing an occasional game with a full party
When the friends that introduced me to it played it less and less, my main man Aatrox was reworked, the ranked system is unfun to try and slog through, getting new characters is a pain in the ass, and even then you don't entirely know if it is worth it less you wanna waste a character token on a demo run, can't keep up with what's good and isn't, and winning doesn't give me a sense much joy but losing is a massive downer.
This, Dota is like this too now with memeback shit so mobas are effectively dead to me.
Because both Dota 2 and LoL are shit. Mobas in general are a terrible fucking genre to get into if you're actually looking for competitive multiplayer. Meta Item buying is all these games are, what the fuck. Play something that actually requires high reaction time and learning maps.
Because the game is a joke and was always a joke and Riot was a shitty company.
I only played it to fucking grief the games and make them shitty to play, then they started swinging the banhammer like crazy and hard enforcing their forced meta while also nerfing all the broken shit in the game like sunfire stacking, now the game is so fucking braindead and milk toast that unless I wanted to troll my own team I can't really stomp enemies.
Really though, the game was never good, everyone keeps going "Season 2 was the best! No, Season 3" But the game was never, ever good, and has been on the decline since DOTA 2 came out
And don't fucking post twitch viewers, you can spectate in the client in DOTA 2 and get your view botting rewards by doing so (i.e. compendium rewards) While LOL gives out blue essence for watching their streams
>Dota is UNIRONICALLY superior in every aspect
more depth, better balance, more item variety, WAY less restrictive meta. more modular skins/items, cute couriers, WAY more usable characters, better comeback mechanics IMO.
The only way that league is better is that it has more waifus and hentai drawn regarding it other than fap material league is pointless
Quality over Quantity
Lina and Rylai hatefucking >>>>> Anime waifu trash hentai
So many people say it's shit, but I dunno, I've had so much fun with it over the years. Years of genuine entertainment, the kind I've never gotten from any other game. Even though you lose because of team mates a lot, you never play perfectly. You could always improve, it was just a matter of finding out how.
I miss when I enjoyed League. By all accounts, it's in a pretty decent place right now. I just can't enjoy it like I used to. It's sad. There's a void for games that nothing seems to be able to fill quite like League did.
Got addicted, took up way too much of my time
Started losing games more often, shit made me mad which caused me to play worse and lose even more often
Uninstalled, never looked back
Played tanks and pushing heroes because people will never ever engage or push even when the ebemy team has 3 people down.
Got bored and every match looked the same.
Dota is a archaic MOBA that refuses to adapt to new things that make the genre more interesting....it still suffers by trying to keep that warcraft 3 feel.
Valve tried to make it "updated" with 7.00 but it backfired and the game is in a worse its ever been.
Also I prefer my games to be region lock from the 3rd worlder degenerates.
Also I can never forgive Valve for removing Skeleton King.
there's soft region lock
that's blizzard
>Dota turds still tryna push that game, even tho it's already in the fucking graveyard
>refuses to adapt to new things that make the genre more interesting
like what?
switched to dota after s5. It's really amazing how poorly designed and greedy league was in comparison
i got permabanned by the new order for saying nigger a couple times.
>Dota dies
>pops Aegis every time
>LoL dies
>stays dead
I only play for Jhin
Both are garbage nowadays.
I don't actually remember the exact reason (I must have stopped playing 7 years ago or so). I hadn't been enjoying the game itself although I still enjoyed playing with some people who only played it. Eventually they stopped playing so I stopped too.
Kind of hard to tell them apart nowadays.