What's the capeshit of videogames?

What's the capeshit of videogames?

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Why is DC comics so based

Naughty Dog

Open World

Dark Souls

smash bros

Sony exclusives

Yea Forums

Why is DC better than Marvel?

JRPGs or Naughty Dog

Is it?

giving kids an art deco painting come to life in the 90s

giving the 2000s the only good blockbusters

half-assing their marvel feud in the 2010s and literally making a superman movie that is 50% punch fight

fuck DC is so good

More like cRPGs

Smash Bros

nintendo exclusives.


Most Playstation exclusives (The Last of Us, God of War 2018, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn). Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have those than Xbox's shitty "exclusives", but all these games are just pretty, very-zoomed in, movie games. They're "good no matter what"

Something that is okay to nice but Yea Forums hates because its popular and acts as if it is part of outsider culture despite being part of the insider culture not too long ago? Maybe Minecraft.

Anything Nintendo, particularly Smash Bros


Literally Fortnite. Game was dying back in March/April thanks to Apex (same shit, different color but whatever) and Endgame resurrected and skyrocketed interest in the game.
Whoever owns Watchmen is the superior comic thing. No comic has or will ever be superior to Watchmen; I am honestly baffled that people still right shit knowing they can't outdo something from the 80s.

That would be DC. But they've also gone full retard with some shitty prequels and tying Watchmen into the larger DC universe

Nice try Alan Moore, keep crying about the whole genre not just dying after you wrote some shitty comic.

>Alan Moore
Nope, I'm not some British fuck that looks like a doomsday coked out homeless man.
But honestly, no comic book will ever address the subject in such a poignant, culturally relevant or thought-provoking way.

They don't need to, I just want to read stuff about people using cool powers.


dc vs marvel is nintendo vs playstation

Ignorance is bliss, truly.
Here's a super power - motherfucker.
I can fuck all moms in the world, and my comic is about being cool and fucking your mom and OP's mom and every fucking mother on Earth.

This, Smash Bros is just an avengers ripoff for kids

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Sony and Microsoft

>shitty but successful movies
>all about that politically-correct shit
Wow, Playstation really is Marvel.

City of Heroes

isn't Avengers already for kids?

>cash grabby
>normies eat it up


I like how DCs impacted skull looks like Batman.

Ok, avengers for babies

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Shhh, don't spoil his fun.

Bethesda. All the way.

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>Avengers isn't for babies

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Ok, avengers for poopy babies

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God what a fucking whore. I wanna impregnate her.

same difference

>avengers isn’t for poopy babies

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Nintendo games, why is this even a question?

>Kisses someone on the cheek
>A "whore"

What am I missing here?

Military shooters
Final Fantasy
World of Warcraft
Nintendo games

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>Whoever owns Watchmen is the superior comic thing. No comic has or will ever be superior to Watchmen; I am honestly baffled that people still right shit knowing they can't outdo something from the 80s.
t. Zack Snyder

God I fucking hate that faggot.



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>Sony and Nintendo you mean

>le wojaks
reddit fag

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Yeah, this
*unzips dick*

fortnite, apex, overwatch, etc

*grabs cock*

uwu its so big! :3 can i PWEEZE wick it? ^^;

Dark souls
My bad

>*unzips dick*
God, I miss those days.