nobody wanted this character
nobody likes this character
Nobody wanted this character
Hey remember when Mercy had the ability to completely negate an enemies ult or the enemy teams skillful play?
Lets bring that back as an ability
There's still people that play Overtumble posting here?
He is there, along with Doomfist, to black people like Mercy. It's pretty based, I am looking forward to the SFMs.
Overwatch was kind of on my radar. Then they added an old grandma cowgirl. Lost interest, then....
>random negroid added in as a last ditch effort to get internet brownie points
dropped ;)
>Let's combine autism gameplay with fast reflex participation gameplay!
Moba is trash, skill ceiling games need to return.
I haven't played Overwatch in a long time, but what's the community's thoughts on this dude? Is he a good support/healing character to play as or is Mercy still the goto healing character?
>old grandma cowgirl
The 28 year old?
Why are black people so ugly? In a game famed for its hot characters, they sure dropped the ball.
what does he even do?
He is way more attractive than any of the white guys in the game.
t. niggerlover
Lol is that your only defense?
>that nig
>more attractive than McChad
I completely forgot about this guy. Whatever happened with that Ganondorf looking guy they showed off a while back? Anything come out of him?
this guys design is complete garbage, what is it even meant to be? gay demoman?
niggers smell like fucked trash
>not a high skill ceiling
His gimmick is situationally useufl but only works with good team work. I.e. if he's ever dominant in ranked it's because of blind luck.
thank you baptiste!
oh, you're welcome!
literally a step behind in evolution
>High skill
>When characters like Hanzo and Junkrat exist
Is that a new skin for Demoman?
Heals like Pip from Paladins and literally has an ability where he creates an AOE where you don't take damage
For some reason Blizzard thought that could be balanced.
The guy looks so incredibly bland and boring, I don't know how this passed
More so with Overwatch being highly praised for its character art.
Is there any fun multiplayer fps game anymore?
Overwatch isn't a moba, but yeah, I agree.
Generic Tyrone and his gun and his generic soldier getup could belong to literally any game
This game is trash and you're a fag with shit taste and even worse skill
Fuck niggers
And fuck cunny
Damn I need an switch
by definition it is. "multiplayer online battle arena"
you're confusing assfaggots with moba
The plan is to suck all the fun out of video games.
How long ago did he come out? Shouldn't there be a new one by now? Is Overwatch finally dead?
Chocolate cunny is best cunny, prove me wrong incels
stop playing Overwatch
stop reading about Overwatch
no one asked for any of the dlc characters, all the straight white characters are now gay or retarded or something that fits the lgbt abc's and all the dlc characters are diversity adds
only cool original concept was the hamster that rolls around in his wrecking ball but even so game is shit and that was only enough to bring me back for 1 game in the arcade mode
Start posting cunny
assfaggots is moba, newfriend.
all assfaggots are mobas but not all mobas are assfaggots
almost any online game with weapons is a MOBA by that loose definition
the """"fun"""" in games now is buying skins and loot boxes and spending money not the game itself
No he really isn't
isn't he just like the black guy who takes over for Captain America instead of sticking with his own character and cool costume?
You mean zen ult? Or lucio ult?
I think he means Fornite Guy's Immortality Field. Press E and for like 10 seconds anyone standing in the circle he makes can't be killed.
>he can't aim up.
seriously, it's got slightly more health then genji.
>being able to revive dead allies is the same as preventing allies from dying
You're retarded, and the field is detructable unlike Mercy's old res ult where once it was popped the team was back up.
funny thing is, I never once saw Demoman and thought "nigger"
I wonder why that is, and it isn't because I wasn't racist back then I can tell you that
>Demoman laughs at his fruity distant relative, telling him that he will either get grenades that actually explode instead of heal, or he's not part of the family
Because demoman has a great personality as a wisecracking scotsman
It's almost as if a well made character doesn't have to be carried by social politics.
Because the Demoman isn't forced diversity. He's a character with soul, not a shoehorned black man added to appeal to SJWs.
I guarantee if TF2 came out today exactly as it did back then Yea Forums would be filled with spergs like you going WE WUZ BRAVEHEART and throwing tantrums over SJWs and trying to use 'soul' as an argument
Valve never had the intention of appealing to social politics, whereas Blizzard has always been bootlickers for that sort of shit.
It's not just the implementation of characters, it's the intention behind them.
maybe, but TF2 is filled with that sort of weird stuff. Demoman being scottish, yet also being black is part of the joke. Blacks aren't scottish, yet there he is acting like the most stereotypical drunk scottish guy you can imagine. By itself, that's pretty funny. Combine it with the rest of the crew, and it's funny.
Imagine a japanese cowboy character going "Howdy partner" in the most western voice a chinese guy could do. The ridiculousness of it would make it work, the ridiculousness being a minority acting like some white caricature and everyone going along with it.
He's okay I guess
Rising storm 2.
>maps are typically sections off so that the main objectives have three paths to get to them
>all of the characters have four abilities, all of which are used by a button press, with an "ultimate" ability
Sounds like ASSFAGGOTS to me.
msercy players are to retarded to aim or breath kys
Oh god so much this
Demo is a true drunkbro
Thanks doc
I like him. I only use him with his new medic skin though with the visor shit & Death Stranding clicker.
I wanted his gun
Ultimates are bad game design.
Prove me wrong.
I dont like his gun, its damage output is too slow compared to shit like Tracer or Roadhog etc instant burst damage
>Oh god so much this
>When the concept art is eons more fun to look at than playing the game
Holy shit who fucking thought the Immortality Field was a good idea. I hate playing against Negro Mcfuckface even more than Widowmaker.
Innacurate, the ultimates in OW are badly designed.
Baptiste character design is trash, and demo is way better. I do like the way his mechanics feel but they need to be tweaked.
>it's an Immortality field over a Bastion with a shield episode
The concept of building ultimates is bad. Imagine if every ability was that way. The more you damage the faster your abilities go on cooldown. This is bad design and why most games don't allow for this other than very long abilities.
always used to think he was a reference to pic related
Ahhh the the old reactive Meta-Jew triple bait.
...Is that it? Jesus. I knew waifu-fags were a lost cause, but not THIS bad.
another shitty event by blizzard
Demoman is not a progressive filtered black person, his eyes have personality and male bravado. Just pay attention to this:
This is how a man with determination look and total heterossexuality, a character that can easily range from angry to fun easily. Would drink with him and we would both curse outloud.
This is a gayboy nigger, made by libs to look non-threatening as much as they can. I wouldn't share a beer with a guy who looks like this, out of fear he would try to suck my dick.