Every time I hear about people shitting on a game, it's either detractors getting upset over something lukewarm, or valid complaints. But when have the people complaining actually reversed their opinion when they were presented with the final product?
What are some instances of this scenario actually happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate womans
Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Mario & Rabbids
I completely forgot about that; you're absolutely right.
monster hunter World
Doom 2016
This is so funny because you're probably the faggot saying what's in the picture
doom 2016
metroid prime
Metroid prime. They were giving a beloved japanese platforming IP to some Texans who'd never made anything and were turning metroid into an FPS.
People were skeptical, to say the least.
REmake 2
RDR2 multiplayer
Deus Ex Human Revolution
God Hand
Deadly Premonition
yup. nintendo babies were furious and wanted it to tank so bad
>give texans an ip
>they turn it into a shooter
>its good
texas and guns go hand in hand
I can attest with NuDoom. I thought it was going to be a total shitshow but I ended up loving it.
I don't understand, which one are you accusing me of being?
I didn't make this thread with any game in mind, I just wanted to know if this image had any basis in reality, or if it were just made in response to the original to be contrarian.
ME3 multiplayer
Pokemon Black/White
Yeah based on the glory kills in the e3 trailer I thought it'd be dogshit
>texan liberals like guns
This is the only TRUE answer
I mean what the FUCK
It had no right to be that good
it was a REEEEE game, it's dogshit by definition.
Deus EX:HR
Miriam's game
Prey looked fine in previews, people just bitched about it because of the name
The developers unironically put their heart and soul into it, it was a true passion project
have you ever seen a game being improved from the e3 trailer?
Yep, everyone was so sure it would be shit until a playable build leaked.
Devil May Cry 5
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Unironically Fallout 3
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Who the fuck thought DMC5 was gonna be shit?
That game looked fun as fuck when revealed. People only thought it was shit before it was officially revealed.
Rent free
I only read magazines when metroid prime was about to be released, but I clearly remember the tone in those, even the more harsher NGC and EGM, to be rather positive about metroid prime 1.
Only true answer.
Wind Waker, a lot of people HATED the cel shaded look when it was announced.
I don't know if it counts but people shat on FE:3H when it was announced through its first two trailers or so.
Then we got the leaks calling the game miles above what Fates should have been and the confirmation of those leaks through the timeskip trailer confirmation stuff and now people seem to be hyping it more than they shit on Sword and Shield.
I guess it could still end up shitty once it actually comes out but I think that's a third scenario entirely.
apparently the same people that weren't excited for BoTW
I suppose you're right but it still mostly fits what op is asking for and the opinion change couldn't have been more drastic
I'm going to add unto to your post and also add Rabbids Go Home is a legitimately great collectathon during a time the genre was practically dead.
I want to say DMC. but it was "better than expected, but still not good"
if only the same could be said for this
>Game looked like it was going to be shit, then later people were beginning to think development was improving and going to be good just for it to be revealed to be shit once again
Metal Gear Solid V
Hitman (2016). Absolution was shit and the episodic release made everyone suspicious that it'd never be finished but it was great.
Freelancer's development suggested it was going to be terrible but again it was brilliant if not a sales success.
Maybe FF7R as it's new battle system lets you control every spell, item, and limit that your AI party members use and when.
The episodic release might kill it too.
For now it's looking more like a bronze ingot rather than gold.
Apex legends ish~
It didn't help they revealed the game with the absolute worst map in the whole game.
If they simply revealed the game with Sapienza I bet people would've been more accepting of it far more.
But it's not out yet, so it doesn't count at all.
People hated the goofy trailer. They also teased a realistic zelda game before announcing it.
People forget how abysmal the outlook on Prime was. Christ that reveal was pathetic.
My favorite of all time now
No, cockring 4 was pretty much shit all the way through.
there was a brief period where everyone was entirely put off by the new character models and didn't trust capcom after what happened with DmC
You didn’t even give DmC a chance
>id software created the FPS genre
>id is based in Texas
yeah this one looked like garbage bullshit action FPS and then it absolutely surprised the hell out of me
shit i never played the DLC maybe i should fire it up again
that image is misleading. Since humans are completely incapable of shitting out a gold bar.
this always and forever
sometimes i get really baked and play ground zeroes and cry
a friend just told me about how he loved it so much he bought a bunch of microtransactions
I watched Pat & Woolie's playthrough of DmC, and while it butchers the DMC universe to hell and back, it seems like it's an alright game, maybe a 6/10. It just looks so tedious in so many places, the platforming sections lasting too long, the downgrade to the style system, the forced weapon counters - which while it was patched out completely could've instead been implemented better.
When they played the Virgin DLC at the end, it made me realize how much they must have overhauled the main game for me to think that it didn't look that bad.
at this point it's an accurate analogy since modern devs are just as unlikely to produce a bar of gold
Austin is the biggest center of faggotry not on the coasts and Texas is rapidly becoming California-lite.
Stop LARP as old-fashioned rough and ready salt-of-the-earth cowboys because it stopped being true 20 years ago.
Oh god, usenet and some vidya forums I visited were full of dudes shitting all over that trailer.
Unless the guy shoved the gold bar up his rectum moments before getting on the table.
Megaman Starforce
Kid Icarus Uprising
Mario 3D Land & World
Fantasy Life
I thought these games look really generic or shit before I played them, but I really love them
It was SFV for me :c
>Street Fighter 5? But Omega just came out!
>Server disconnects
>watching someone else play a video game and not playing it yourself
DmC is shit but you’re a faggot zoomer.
that's why i said
>if only
i know this game blows
>>DmC is shit
>w-why didn't you waste $30 on a shitty game like I did? z-zoomer!
source on that gif? lmao at that guy's reaction
the Cinderella story of gaming
Shadows of Mordor.
Shitty Ubisoft towers and combat, but the nemesis system gave the game so much charm that it was a surprisingly entertaining experience despite otherwise being a shallow game.
yeah sure whatever man
Remember never to trust Capcom with fighting games anymore, FEXL and T7 were better all along
>the best in show at e3
>highest pre-ordered game from E3
>poor pre release reception
He's probably one of the morons who freaked out over a mistranslated dev statement.
Too bad it wasn't a popular golden turd, so Bethesda went back at making shitty Elderout Fallscrolls games with and without guns of shitty quality.
thanks dude
Overwatch for me looked like a shitty TF2 clone but then a friend kept bugging me to give it a try and I really like it at launch. Its shit again now but I liked it a lot for about a year and a half.
yeah, cities are gay everywhere. what else is new?
Hitman 2016
Terraria, it was a 2d minecraft clone using totally not Final Fantasy sprites for its characters. It should have been hot garbage by all rights.
One can only hope.
I didn't realize they changed the design of the imps. They used to be more like mini Hell Knights.
You would be amazed how many gun-owning Texans also love faggots, wetbacks, and niggers. And trucks and vidya.
>t. Austinfag
Fuck off the game was horrible.
Doom 2016
I predict with hope I'm wrong that eternal will be the opposite
It's almost as if opinions aren't nearly as black and white as Republicans or Democrats try to paint it out to be and people can have very multifaceted beliefs.
Austin isn't Texas and it will be glassed when the second civil war happens
It wasn’t anything to write home about for a long time. On release if really was a boring shallow Minecraft clone. It was only after years of free updates that it became the incredible game it is today.
Capcom said they where going to take some inspiration from DmC despite it going back to the old continuity and the characters where real models instead of being somewhat stylized which was worrying to some.
Doom 2016.
I stopped listening to Yea Forums after this fucking masterpiece.
Ya you do that and I'll laugh when all of Texas is irradiated as a direct result
What's a nice and balanced US city actually?
I hate the faggotry of California and hate the degeneracy of Alabama.
Any burgers got some good recommendations?
Hard mode: A good state on a coastline
Gonna save this as "MGSV.png"
Bloodstained, MHW, Prey, REmake 2, and probably Mordhau
nobody thought MGSV was going to be bad pre release, the hype was maximum
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Everyone thought that was going to be fantastic.
KCD unironically
>Expect historically inaccurate pop-history etarded pseudo-nationalist game that's actually trying to appeal to bongs and doesn't appeal to my country of origin (and where the game is set) with probably extremely shitty lite-RPG mechanics and no actual choices or decisions.
>Surprised to get a game that's actually about Bohemia's literal "the calm before the storm" moment
>Surprised to see it actually have RPG mechanics that I've missed for years and not just Ubishit RPG-lite mechanics
>Surprised to have combat that is janky but fun once you get around it and actual fun Alchemy mechanics
>Surprised to get some kino quest lines and a kino early game villain (Runt), even if he was 1-dimensional as shit.
>Surprised to see some very neat historical references to future events like the Hussite wars
>Surprised to see the game's story leading up too the actual Hussite Wars
>Surprised to see the dev act like a true hot blooded Czech patriot and insult Commies and Nazis on twitter for being retards as well as him cosplaying as Jan Zizka for shits and giggles and mocking every single person that calls Hussites commies.
>Surprised to see the protagonist look and act like a Czech teenager
>Surprised to see the medieval manuscript aesthetic for the menus and intro that I was desperate to actually see in vidya only to see it finally implemented.
That game legit exceeded my expectations so much that I think I am biased for it, unironically.
When GZ was released everyone expected it to be bad.
Then the Nuclear trailer came out and everyone was back on the hype train
E3 2015 made the hype train go even faster
Then it crashed when the game got released.
Forgot to mention that my one complaint about the game despite all its strengths, was the lack of Czech dub and the dumb British accents in the English dub, and I am still angry about that.
I dropped saga thanks to 1 hour cutscenes with no pause bullshit but I got completely hooked by Xenoblade just from the music and the first map alone.
It's funny but at least from my experience, deadly premonition got either look warm seems interestings or wtfisthatlolmoveson from everyone. no one was really shitting on it or hyping it until after it came out.
the reveal trailer for xenoblade was awful, glad they fixed fiora
In the coast? Nowhere.
But what about fuck off, we're full?
Haven't played it but Crackdown is apparently surprisingly good for what most people bought just for the Halo demo on it
DOOM 2016
Pretty much anything Nintendo puts out.
for me it was dmc5. I'm a casual fan of the series and only played 3 and 4. I didnt like the realistic look the series got when it was announced at e3, I thought it was similar to DmC as well with Nero's hair cut, I also wasnt a fan of the more modern upbeat music instead of the usual darker music in dmc3 and 4. Then I heard there were MTX, and knowing capcom I really thought it was going to ruin the game. I just bought it during the steam sale and man its so fucking fun.
This was DmC for me. I just wanted a new dmc game to play and while I thought it looked bad and too edgy from the trailers I wanted to give it a shot. It was ok in the first few levels but the story made me not want to keep playing, the platforming was monotonous just hookshot and pull again and again, and the color coded enemies made fighting so boring, limiting my weapons to only using a certain mode.
This always was shit though. Literally baby's first x-com.
Spaceworld was a tech demo, not a game teaser.
>what about fuck off we're full.
Actually, I got a reserved placement there. So, yeah, you guys are full. But that empty seat there was reserved for me. I'd just like to be moved in a place where no one is obnoxious, dear waiter.
wind waker is the second shittiest 3D zelda next to SS, it's no gold bar
There's nothing wrong with that.
That period barely lasted a day, man. What followed after were daily DMC5 hype threads and million billion memes off of a single trailer.
You have to admit though user
>Ubisoft crossover between not-minions and Mario, using xcom style gameplay
>Game is actually good with Grant Kirkhope OST
No one would have expected it with the preE3 leaks
The character models in DMC5 did wind up being shitty though, and they would have been better off sticking with stylized character models instead.