>RPG forces you to swap to the shitty non used characters
Why do the Japs love to do this shit?
>RPG forces you to swap to the shitty non used characters
Why do the Japs love to do this shit?
I want to fuck Relm
She is like 8 years old.
Yes, and?
Encourages grinding to pad out the game length.
So you learn to like them.
Kinda like during P.E, you really think I wanted the stinky nerds in my team?
Teacher forced them in my team to even thing out and it all worked out.
8 year olds in Final Fantasy games are like 25 year olds irl.
haha wacky post bro upvoted :)
Does 6 ever do that after the Narshe battle? After that you basically always get to use Terra, Locke, and Celes (who are your best characters). I guess the WoR forces you to use Setzer, who you can totally ignore until that point, but I think that's it.
Ah, a fellow man of culture
do you think she ever draws cute and funny pictures
6 is like 7 where occasionally it averages out low-leveled party members. If you aren't using them though they have no Esper boosts and probably suck. You should be doing no-Esper runs anyway.
I was playing this up til the part where I got to this town full of bandits. The giants and wizard enemies can wipe my party out and I have no idea what to do with this clock shit on the walls. I'm tired of random encounters. Does the game get better after this?
>tfw Relm is actually a doujin artist
Yes. That's one of the most tedious parts of the game. Once you complete the Opera House and get out of Vector it gets really great, although the gameplay peaks at Vector IMO.
IIRC you don't need to do the clock, it just gets you Edgar's chainsaw. It does heavy damage (might ignore defense) and has something like a 1/8 chance of doing an insta'kill.
>not being so overpowered that each of your main characters can carry every teams even if everyone else is dead
That part in FF7 where you only have Cait Sith and Tifa. Fuck Cait Sith. Thankfully it isn't very long.
It's a nice way of exploring more of the cast, and explaining what the rest are up to.
Phoenix cave forces you to use 8 characters and it's kinda annoying
>being this much of a casual
FF6 doesnt get good until World of Ruin. The World fo Light is kind of a slog imo.
I forgot about those parts. I actually love FF6's concept of an ensemble cast and the split-ups are a great way to get you to use everyone. I'm not an autistic fuck who only wants to use the same 4 people.
I used to think that, but every time I replay I tend to lose interest at WoR. Game just feels kinda over and almost everything is optional.
>forced to use only side characters in a level
>2 side characters are debatably the strongest characters in the game
>because of this levels where you use only the main character and main girls may be harder
Sometimes it's fun.
Not really. The plot shits the bed when you hit the WoR and the ending like almost every Final Fantasy game is hollow and underwhelming.
World of Light is about story and being a comfy RPG. World of Ruin is about exploration and growing strong enough to defeat the final boss, while having basically no plot. It's an interesting contrast.
Both have comfy overworld themes.
>almost everything is optional.
that's a large part of why i like it. once you get the airship; you can technically just go defeat Kefka if you wanted to. Or you can go find your friends in just about any order you want. It's very open world and I like that in old jrpgs.
>"""party member""" joins the """party""" just so they can sit on the sidelines for the rest of the game
Does Locke start being good at some point in the game? I only played to the point where you got Espers, but up until then he's just a Thief who sucks at stealing things, and Thieves who can't steal are useless.
Is it just me or are half the characters gimmicky trash? Gau, Umaro, Setzer, Gogo, and Relm feel unreliable to me. But everyone else says Cyan is the worst character in the game and I don't get it. Which fucking characters are good and bad?
Cute posts! Also funny
Yes. He's always the fastest character in the game, has good strength, and once you get busted gear in the second half of the game he's a monster. Also Esper growth can bring his average strength up even more. Even if you do a natural run he remains very good. Not as good as the Mage Knights, but still good.
I prefer this WoR theme:
Cyan is definitely not worse than those others you listed. Relm I don't even use because her ability can crash the game
FF6 is just a trash game. Feels like they tried to make something bigger and better than 5 but they couldn't pull it off. So instead they reverted back to 4's mechanics and just shoehorned a bunch of stuff in. Even the code is clearly unfinished
I don't get why people like 6 at all
Ragnar in Dragon Quest 4
maybe they’re bad because you don’t use them
Gau is gimmicky, but can be godly with a very specific set of equipment that only works in the SNES version.
Umaro is complete ass for everything but the arena.
Gogo is ok at everything, but crippled by not being able to equip magicite for stats.
Setzer's dice are game breaking and Relm's control ability with the mustache is basically mandatory if you want to get all the blue magic for Strago.
As for Cyan he isn't great early since his ability requires waiting in real time, but he's got decent stats and you can cover his weakness by teaching him Quick which stops the ATB timer for everyone else for 2 turns. I wouldn't call him the worst in the game, but since he has to compete with Sabin who is essentially a better version of him he gets a lot of hate.
>RPG forces you to swap to the characters you don't use
>thankfully its FF8 so you just equip them with your overpowered GFs and load them up with magic and they nuke everything
Fucking love FF8. Squall is so broken that even with the shittier GFs on his team I destroyed NORG in seconds
How the fuck were you supposed to know that you had to do shoryukens and 360s and shit to use Blitz as Sabin?
Relm has the highest base magic and pretty good equipment options. Not as good as Terra and Celes but pretty good.
Cyan is the worst because physical < magical. And he is one of the worst magical characters with bad physical abilities and shitty equipment options.
Gogo is the best for the coliseum cause you have perfect control over what he will do and can equip in it.
It tells you in the blitz menu.
Read nigga read.
the first swordtech that you don't have to wait for was pretty useful iirc
He can't be the worst if he's got an infinite.
Glitch or not Imp rage puts him above Umaro for sure.
Honestly just being able to do more than basic attacks makes him better than Umaro
Yeah ok I'll agree Umaro is worse. I forgot about him.
It's Cait Sith and Barret
Underrated gem
With a couple exceptions, all the characters have shit-tier abilities next to their magic, their baseline stat-growth doesn't matter because Espers can make even the worst magic-user god-tier thanks to level-up bonuses, and equipment doesn't matter because most of the characters use the OP-tier swords in the first place and any non-sword user can just be relegated to healslut anyway.
I like it when RPG's do this. I feel bad for my unused characters and it makes them useful for a little while.
Gau is one of the strongest characters in the game. Umaro is good for the Cultist Tower. Gogo is kind of shit because it's stats are trash. Relm is the best mage in the game but learns no magic by default, and doesn't have as much bulk or physical power as the mage knights.
Gau is the best character in the game by a humongous margin in the SNES version. Even without that though, he hard carries you through WoB as long as you take the time to get the gamebreaking rages.
Relm's stats are good but its already too easy to cap damage with magic on other characters.
Cyan is shit because ATB encourages DPS oriented play and his ability keeps you stuck in his menu.
Most of the other characters range from extremely strong to at least good enough. Sabin, Shadow, Terra (especially in the SNES version), and Edgar are some of the best, while characters like Celes, Locke (he's mainly a stealbot), and Strago are workable but fall behind compared to the above mentioned. Mog is pretty strong in WoB.
Relm's magic stat doesn't really matter when things like Terra's morph exists. The equipment options you mentioned is what really hurts her. She can essentially function as a second Terra for second/third parties though.
>all the characters have shit-tier abilities next to their magic
What fucking game are you talking about because its definitely not FFVI where blitz, throw, morph, rage, and tools steamroll the shit out of everything.
That shit is the best though.
>Final dungeon of Trails in the Sky the 3rd makes you split up your 16 selectable Party Members into 4 teams of 4 so you're using everyone at the end
Pure Kino.
Trails of Cold Steel did this well, IMO.
Yes, it makes you use various characters, but it gives you back your Quartz so the guys fucking off for a chapter don't take your best shit with them and you can stick it on the weak, scrub-tier party member you're now stuck with.
Are Espers too strong?
Umaro is OP and always has a permanent slot in my party no matter what
FF6 has too many characters.
Is he a famous mime, perhaps?
The game where all you need to know is Ultima and Life 3 when you can shove Economizers on everyone.
The game where Vanish+X-Zone can one-shot pretty much any enemy in the game unless they have a drop you want.
Vanish+X-Zone is more useful than any fucking character-specific ability.
All cold steel characters are strong anyway.
Except Macias, the glasses guy
What are some fun meme builds/parties?
I like setting Gau to Rage, Mog to Dance, Gogo to either of those and Umaro to do his thing and AFKing every battle.
Cyan can be substituted in to freely charge his SwdTechs if you're willing to concede a few button presses.
They allow characters who aren't Terra or Celes to learn magic and grant permanent stat bonuses on level up. Brings up shitter characters but also homogenizes the game.
FFVI is an extremely buggy and broken game even if you don't count that one in particular. If you don't like that, play a later version or grab the patch for the SNES version.
I generally ignore Umaro and Gogo since they're just extra. My parties are usually something like:
Terra / Locke / Cyan / Mog
Celes / Edgar / Shadow / Strago
Relm / Gau / Sabin / Setzer
Zozo? Never heard of it.
Learn the timing after using an echo screen and setzer can joker doom every single encounter in the game.
On second thought don't do that because it's anti fun to be able to cheese every fight like that.
>game forces the Blue Mage out of your party
>next section has enemies with spells you haven't learned yet
FFVI is actually like that by default you don't need to put any work into overpowering the characters several of them just get that way if you have a rudimentary understanding of the systems.
In the first half you're usually stuck with him in the party, so he usually has a good spell selection. The Hawkeye weapon also gets good crits (at a high rate vs flying enemies)
In the second half there's a brokenly powerful weapon that only he can use, and when combined with another weapon anyone can use lets him deal ridiculous amounts of damage in melee. Plus there are some extremely powerful items that can be stolen.
Based and cunnypilled
I'm at the Phoenix Cave right now and legit considering quitting the game. It's a complete chore to do, I have to split parties and every single enemy in the caves has a shitton of HP plus the necromancers with Gravity spam keep making me having to heal after every fight (and the game's encounter rate is retarded).
This, the only thing I ever grind is Gau rages and backtrack for Mog dances. Only a few characters really need spells and you don't have to go too out of your way for that.
I think might to do that next.
I like customization, but homogenity is boring.
Decent amount of customization through which party members I bring and the two accessory slots at least.
probaly won't be any time soon, thinking of starting a 4th fiesta run
Phoenix cave is literally the second worst part and you already passed the dreadful party separation arc. After it you are right for finishing the game so don't quit, you are already there
That's the best part of the game. The wizards aren't all that bad.
Even without the Vanish/X-Zone glitch, magic in FFVI is the most broken it is in the entire series.
That's not exclusive to magic. Just about every mechanic in SNES FFVI is broken/exploitable in some way. Its not by any means exclusive to magic.
Magic is still the first order optimal strategy.
Like yes, you can trick out Gau with the right stuff, make a psycho-Cyan, or do any of a bunch of things.
Or you can just mage-up and nuke the shit out of everything as an unkillable god.
>ff9 keeps forcing Quina on you
>FF6 is just a trash game.
A bit hyperbolic but sure.
>Feels like they tried to make something bigger and better than 5 but they couldn't pull it off.
>I don't get why people like 6 at all
I do. The story part is mostly excellent and they got "close enough" with their premise of an open world with lots of characters that people just accepted it.
Exposing the games flaws (and there are a shit-ton) typically requires some analysis that the typical Final Fantasy pleb doesn't really have the patience for (or care about anyway).
>Gau, Umaro, Setzer, Gogo, and Relm feel unreliable to me.
- Gau is unreliable but has very high potential. Some rages are very powerful.
- Setzer's action ability sucks unless you're a speedrunner-tier autistic in which case it's the most powerful ability in the game by far. For normalfags, Setzer becomes worthwhile when he gets access to Fixed Dice. (Other than that, he has solid stats and is fine for teaching spells)
- Relm has a high starting magic stat so makes a good mage (although she'll probably be slightly behind Terra and Celes if you have been reliably esper-boosting since the beginning). Also, control is kind of fun and is great for being able to hold an enemy in-place indefinitely.
- Gogo has shit stats but can deal OK damage with Blitz and is extremely flexible.
- Umaro is mostly just useful for the Colosseum.
The only "bad" character in that roster is Strago, and that is only if you don't collect his lores.
Quina is great gameplay-wise, though
>spend days maybe even months writing all the code for a game
>some people never even utilize any of it and use the same characters the whole game.
Gee i wonder why.
Yeah but the problem with that is that the former takes like no work at all while the latter requires a bunch of grinding. At a bare minimum you can just grab a good magic user like Terra, kit her up, and just give her the best spells, which doesn't take much work. Getting every other character to Terra's level would take a bunch of grinding though, when you can just very quickly and easily take advantage of how broken the other character's non-magic mechanics are instead, for very little or no grinding at all.
There is only 1 bad party member in this pic. You can make 2 great groups with the rest
>The game where Vanish+X-Zone can one-shot pretty much any enemy in the game unless they have a drop you want.
What a fucking dumbass. Who told you this strat?
Vanish makes the next spell hit 100% regardless of what it is. If you want the drop just use Doom not X-Zone. The only reason you ever really need to use X-Zone is if the target is undead.
Neither quina nor zidane are useless.
Steal fails only makes zidane seem useless, but you don't have to steal.
>go through all that trouble to get endgame rages for Gau
>still use Stray Cat
Wouldn't be as good outside the SNES version, since you can't give him weapons, right?
Only for a game that still panders to casuals
>stray cat
Cat scratch was a broke ass ability
Yeah stray cat is exclusively for that bugged setup in WoR. Its fine though because most of the hard grinding you do for rages is in WoB anyway.
The problem with steals in FF9 is they are so god damn perfunctory. It's like, every boss has a good steal that lets you get a weapon or other piece of equipment sooner than you would otherwise. But stealing is kind of tedious.
It's so fucking weird how, on paper, FF9 looks like it should be a good game, but in practice almost fucking everything they did just made it more of a chore.
Is there a good way to play 6 or should i buy the psone version on my vita
Load times are not a huge issue to me
I was about to create this thread. Last dungeon is pretty shit.
>I don't get why people like 6 at all
Ameriboomer nostalgia.
Japs don't care about 6.
I had fun with ff9, thought it was great
Just wished the battles were faster.
Used zidane, vivi, eiko, and rat face the whole time though, wished i used steiner more. Liked him a lot.
>FF9 is a bad game
Shut the fuck up
>b-but it's slow
Fucking DDS2
Because it's enjoyable. It means that there are scenarios where we can get character development, events related to the characters and specific dialog, instead of just generic dialog any party member can say. And just generally gives you a chance to try out a character.
There are 14 characters and you use 12 at once at most, so you can bench Gau and Umaro; the rest are at least decent.
I always autistically level up all characters simultaneously.
I wish Octopath Traveller was good.
Zidane gets overpowered as shit with his steals with that ability which gets stronger and stronger per each successful steal you make.
FF9 is a pretty easy game. You can break the game in two if you grind the Grand Dragons.
You don't even need to get those boss steals if you don't want to but I kinda get you that you don't want to miss out on content. Usually stealing isn't that hard as long as you level your steal abilities but sometimes the RNG with the bosses can be stubborn and you might as well have to reset the game to get the item off of them.
FF9 really needs a remake because the PSX made that game suffer.
If the battle system wasn't that slow it would be a much better game.
>bench Gau
Yeah, it makes it hard to follow for retards
>bench Gau
>not maining the Struggle champion
How do I kit out my Terra to shit on everything?
>find a very cute wild boy
>bench him
Give her (elemental spell)3 of every element, give her the thing that lets her cast twice. When on a boss, use morph, then cast (spell)3 of whatever element they're weak to. You'll hit for 9999x2 and for less MP cost than Ultima. Save that for things with no weakness/when you need unblockable damage. Also give her cure and such for support.
Additionally if you're on the SNES version, you can give her (or Celes), a set of endgame equips that maxes out her MDEF, making her essentially invincible.
I think I went for atma+illumina and genji+offering for Tina
>FF9 is a pretty easy game
it's extremely easy
for the overwhelming majority of battles, if by some crazy chance you actually manage to lose on the first try, all you need to do is go look in your passive abilities to see which ones you need to equip to auto-win against this particular boss.
The problem with FF9 is that it's tedious as fuck and a chore to play.
Two Enhancers
Mystery Veil
Minerva Bustier
Genji Gauntlets
Gem Box
Done. Substitute in Ragnarok or Lumina for one of the enhancers. In general just use equipment that buffs magic and magic evade.
I prefer the snes version just cause it plays the best and has the best music.
Dafuq are you guys talking about?
Its not a bad game but it is slow
I remember when I first played FFVI and thought it was the best jrpg of all the time.
Then I played other jrpgs.
Now that you mention it, that's pretty much the opposite of ff15, which is probably why 15 sucks so bad.
It's the exact same setup for Celes as well btw. And you can swap in Offering (x-fight) & Atma Weapon/Lumina instead since she tends to be stronger physically than Terra. Both are essentially invincible once they have the Minerva Bustier and high enough magic evade/HP.
What's the best JRPG of all time?
There are relics specifically designed to enhance stealing and some of the most busted shit in the game can be stolen.
When I play 6, how should I be arranging the espers? I'm a bit sad that the game discourages grinding because of them, I actually enjoy grinding in these for some reason. Just mash A and watch the numbers get bigger.
I'm being serious too.
I'm not sure what you're asking or what you mean by discouraging grinding.
Bros...the floating continent is filtering me...
You don't need to worry about it, you can just grind and play, sure the levels will be less effective but you'll still get more hp and occasionally get good stats from your equipped magicite. Some people do runs without magicite.
Ideally though you'd wanna only level when you have one of the espers that give the best stat bonus.
Like +2 magic, +2 strength and +1 speed.
I don't know if there was a point to agility, and I think you ignore hp and mp.
That if you don't have the right espers, stat growths can be behind or really fucky or something.
Because they went to the trouble of designing and making them, they want you to try using them.
Also you'd just assblast the game if you used the same chars from start to finish
Don't worry about it at all.
The game is easy even if you don't abuse stat ups from espers. Level ups will improve your damage even without them and armor can handle any defense you would actually need. Just use espers for what spells you want. However if you insist on being OP just toss the +2 magic espers around since MAG is the god stat.
>high tier
>mid tier
>low tier
>I don't know if there was a point to agility
I meant vitality, not agility.
Or maybe it was called stamina.
Find a flaw.
Always thought Shadow was below average
I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about, because I have yet to play the game (it's next on my list after 4), but if the espers aren't really important for stats I guess it doesn't make much of a difference?
it's shit in so many ways I'd be here all night going into them.
It has some of the best music in the series and cool cutscenes, and if you can slog your way all the way to the end without killing yourself there's some decent character development payoff. But
- Battle system is shitslow with nothing that hasn't been done better elsewhere.
- Class mechanics are disappointing, fail to meet potential
- Half the main characters (Amarant, Eiko, Steiner, Quina) are annoying as fuck for most of the game.
- Kuja is a shit villain
- No real freedom to explore or go anywhere but the immediate area until 30+ hours into the game
- Stealing is a chore because it's too predictable and tedious, ruining the great potential of a thief MC.
- Getting upgrades isn't fun because combat is so infrequent you never really notice the improvement. Getting the new equipment is just the chore to complete before the next segment of the game. Fight enemy A in area 1. Reach town. Watch hour of cutscenes, then go synth shop and make a new weapon. Then watch another hour of cutscenes. Finally go into area 2 where you now fight enemy B with your new sword. Hopefully you remembered to equip it.
- Beatrix is a cute with great hair and tits but is a stupid character.
- Chocobo Hot & Cold is the stupidest minigame ever and anyone who likes it is a literal retard.
It actually only forces you to use two parties, they don’t need to have 4 members each
Then you can just grind more. You don't really need good stats to make your characters strong if you know what you're doing anyway.
Switch Sabin and Locke and I agree.
Throw is strong from start to finish. In WoR its free 9999's as long as you stock up on elemental blades properly.
They are important for stats, its just that the other mechanics/gear in the game are already really strong so you won't really cripple yourself. You can always grind more whenever you want if you really want to.
> but if the espers aren't really important for stats
I mean they are important for stats, but you don't need to have perfect characters to play through the game, you can just relax.
On level up though, a character gets a bonus to stats based on the equipped Magicite(that contains the esper).
Which range from +1 or +2 strength, vitality, or magic, or +1 speed, or various bonuses to hp or mp.
It can make a character a lot stronger if you make sure to get +2 strength each time or +2 magic each time.
But you don't need to do that.
Espers matter a lot if you want to minmax, but outside of the GBA bonus dungeons you really don't need to bother.
The game doesn't expect you to micromanage your espers with leveling so just try and have higher bonuses equipped before level ups, but don't get upset if you forget.
Protip: Stamina is a worthless stat so don't bother upgrading it.
Everything else has a use, but Agility is probably not great if not on GBA since you can't get +2s.
>grinding with espers in FF6
bro you just posted cringe
>- Battle system is shitslow with nothing that hasn't been done better elsewhere.
>- Stealing is a chore because it's too predictable and tedious, ruining the great potential of a thief MC.
Only decent points. The rest belongs in the garbage.
>top tier:
Terra, Celes, Strago, Setzer, Edgar
>high tier
Locke, Sabin, Shadow, Relm, Gogo
>mid tier
Cyan, Mog
>low tier
Gau, Umaro
the segment where tifa is captured right before you get the highwind
After the First Disc, when everyone's in Junon, you use Barret and Cait Sith to save Tifa
I don't know what I'm doing anyway! All I really know is that you buff yourself and try to exploit enemy weaknesses. The main other one I've played is 5 and if you look up weaknesses you can all sorts of fun with statuses in it.
They're not really that gimmicky. They're essentially classes of varying degrees of strength.
here's your reply
thinking of doing another run
>bragging about the fact that the characters in your preferred game lack identity except for the one that's broken
Maybe you just like easy games.
what this
does anyone else get really sad when they hear these songs? Like almost at the point of crying? I played these games when I was a kid, like 7 years old. Some Chrono Trigger music does it for me too. No other games do it though.
Yes. I recall hearing the Morrowind theme and breaking down into tears realizing the world will NEVER have as much mystery or magic as that one.
Instead I get to sit now in my office making the same arguments again and again and again.
Sure, I am the crazy one for preferring the fantasy to the reality.
the multi-party portions like phoenix cave and kefka's tower were always my favorite desu
>top: Strago
>low: Gau
What the fuck am I reading?
I've been lazy on mine cause I have Thief, Berserker, Geomancer, and Samurai. Easily my worst fucking run yet
June to august each summer there's a site and a twitterbot that randomizes jobs that you have to play with according to a ruleset.
Some guy started it in like 2011.
My first run this summer was a Normal+BerserkerRisk run.
So when I got to the wind crystal I had to change all my characters to thief.
When I got to the water crystal I unlocked my water job and I had to have 1 thief and 1 berserker. The other two could be either.
Then after fire I needed 1 beastmaster, then earth I needed 1 of each.
Could switch them around and have !Dance on my Thief for example.
My last run was a random run, so my water crystal job could've been from any of the jobs I had available to me at the time, and I got black mage(which is a wind crystal job)
>"shit-tier abilities"
>grinding stats with espers
what an absolute subhuman you are
Buy 4 gaia gears, get Gau the chickenlip rage, congrats not even Atma can kill you.
God everyone's design in this game looks so awful. It almost seems like a parody.
>no Relm
I'm a huge fan of 7, so I'm a little ashamed to have forgotten that part, but to be fair, it's still very easy and very fleeting.
>likes Chocobo Hot&Cold
What is wrong with you?
I think that was my team
Yeah, you heard me. Fuck berserkers. No control = no fun.
good ol Gerad
This. You can make anyone hit for 9999 with fists if you use esper stat bonuses on level up.
I actually just finished replaying FFVI for the second time a couple days ago. Played the snes version since I played the gba version first and I wanted the original experience. I think the party splitting up thing was fine, although I got fucked in kefka's tower since I happened to put my weakest party on the most difficult route. I also personally like how broken magic is in this game, in pretty much every other final fantasy physical attacks trump everything else. Still, it's not a big deal that some characters aren't that great, the game isn't very difficult so you can make any party work, some just require more effort than others.
On a side note man, it's crazy how good the ost is, it's probably the best in that regard.
One of the characters is Cum Guardian?
You guys DID get the Paladin Shield, right?
>No control = no fun.
This even annoyed me about the decision to trade-off powerful attacks for "can't choose target" with Sabin and Cyan's abilities.
Paladin's Ring too ;)
yeah. I dont know if it's that i miss my childhood or what. My parents were getting divorced at the time and I think these songs make me remember a time when I was innocent and everything was good. I've played a shit ton of rpgs, on psx and ps2 and those songs don't really affect me, but chrono trigger and ff6 immediately make me depressed. I also consider them my two favorite games.
side characters are debatably the strongest characters in the game
Who was the other one? I basically had titty ninja solo that map.
>equipment doesn't matter
equipment doesn't do a good job of differentiation characters, but equipment in the WoR is unbalanced as fuck before you even get to weapons or the paladin shield:
- Fire shield
- Ice Shield
- Thunder Shield
- Tortoise Shield
- Snow Muffler
- Behemoth Suit
- Force Armor
- Red Jacket
- Hero Ring/Earrings
- Ribbons (several not hard to get)
- Gaia Gear (not WoR but still powerful)
wasn't she like the hands-down best character in the gba version
I'm on my third right now. Chaos/no 750/risk. Dragoon/Zerk/monk/samurai in that order so I had to quadzerker liquid flame which sucked but after I got monk it was dumb. Monk/zerker crushes world 1.
I've been able to triple crown every run and I'm pretty sure I can with this team
Since this is basically a FF thread i'm gonna ask
Where's the best place to grind in FFV? (Both EXP and ABP)
Third World btw
If you're on gba, the best place for abp is any room of the interdimensional rift with Movers. Quicksave and they'll always be the second encounter
I wish more games were like ff6 in this regard; everyone thinks of some ultimate weapon as the game changer, but I also enjoy some ultimate armor, especially if each character gets some matching, highly exclusive armor like the snow scarf or the equipment that only Sabin and Edgar can equip since they're brothers.
Mario RPG
This depends a lot on early vs end game.
>High tier all the way
Celes (healing early game, magic late game, access to female equips like minerva)
>High tier all the way but can be annoying to use
>High Tier Late Game
Locke (with ValiantKnife + Atma Sword, or offering)
Setzer (with Fixed Dice + Offering)
>High Tier Early Game
Edgar (tools)
Cyan (dispatch)
>Mid tier
everyone else
>low tier
No one. Everyone is easily overpowered and everyone has good abilities and equipment.
thought I could take omega when I got black mage, but even avoiding the counters I eventually get hit by maelstrom while on hp leak and it's gg.
Maybe if I had grinded a shit ton of levels to the point where I only needed a few cycles of damage to beat him, instead of like 30, it could take few enough tries that I'd eventually get lucky and not get hp leak maelstromed, but I didn't wanna do that
I like this list and agree with it. I assume with Gau you mean backtracking to get rages, though in WoR you don't need to do that nearly as much, its mostly a WoB thing. Very worth it though if you want to totally shit all over WoB.
I'd add Mog to the early game list too, if you get his dances he's almost like a mini Gau in WoB.
>Protip: Stamina is a worthless stat so don't bother upgrading it.
>Everything else has a use
real protip:
Magic easily the most important stat to raise for everyone (especially Sabin).
Improving Vigor does improve damage, but not by very much, while improving magic improves your output dramatically. Also Sabin's best blitzes use magic stat to calculate damage. So if you boost Magic on Sabin his Bum Rushes will probably max 9999 in his mid-30s.
>I assume with Gau you mean backtracking to get rages
yeah also losing control of him during battle.
But he can also wear snow muffler which is extremely strong armor (Mog only other one who can use it).
Force shield was dope because the game was bugged where physical and magic evasion were both based on your magic block.
Something I learned watching speed runs:
Atlas Armlet (Gigas Glove) and Earrings increase the damage of special abilities that use strength and magic stats. Edgar's autocrossbow with two Gigas Gloves or Flash with two Earrings is really powerful early on.
>Magic easily the most important stat to raise for everyone (especially Sabin).
Shadow and Edgar? Tools and Throw don't base their power off of stats do they? Technically there's also Gau, he would technically benefit from it but the way he's actually used he won't end up needing it. Maybe in WoR if you're not playing SNES version.
>yeah also losing control of him during battle.
Really never understood this complaint, using a rage just makes him spam attacks, which is exactly what I'd make him do in a given fight anyway.
yeah I usually play now with the evade patch and forget about that. Also Aegis shield.
Any rpg with more than 4 playable characters is trash
How do I make Phoenix cave more palatable? I really want to have Locke back to go steal some nice shit but god damn is it a chore to do.
Here's what I want in a definitive version of FFVI:
- Uses SNES version as a base
- SNES sound and music
- All new content and bug fixes added in GBA version
- Cyan improvement from the mobile/Steam version
- Enemy sprites from the mobile/Steam version
- Make it so Gau learns the rages of all enemies you fight on the Veldt BETWEEN the battle where he leaps and the battle where he returns
- Add some way to organize Gau's rages (there's like 280 of them)
- Add more enemies with lores immediately after you first get Strago, so he's more useful for the Floating Continent
- Add some sort of animation when enemies use lores, so you know which enemies to fight to gain them; otherwise, you have to either read a guide or guess which are regular enemy abilities and which are lores
What would you change about the game?
I too, am a ironic pedophile. I too, like to make posts to troll Yea Forumsirgins and get free (You)s
You'll love being here at the age of 50 to see these posts again in the archives.
Hm, black with hp30% so you dont have to worry about flame thrower (youd need about 2300+ health). lamias tiara/sages surplice/reflect ring w/float MIGHT be able to. kill off the rest of your party. slow the battle system down to lowest. pop hi potions/elixirs as IMMEDIATELY he starts up any attack. elixirs for sure when hes about to double up spells, your character would use the item after the maelstrom and before the leak kills.
if you had any way of hasting like a time or samurai with masamune im 100% sure this could solo omega
>add seigfried as a playable character
>add a dungeon after phantom forest for wob to follow him.
>add a dungeon for wor to get him back into your party.
>add an underwater area in wor so I don't have to fucking take the serpent trench twice in wob to get Moogle's final dance.
>add more fucking characters
>Shadow and Edgar?
Throw is a double-power defense-ignoring attack so maybe that might be worth it. (just tested, at level 42, going from 44->66 vigor with the hyper wrist improved Shuriken damage from ~4300 to ~5300). You could probably get some good number pumping up Shadow's vigor. But then again you could raise magic and just throw Ninja stars.
I don't know about autocrossbow, drill, and chainsaw but Flash definitely bases off magic. Mid-game you get great returns boosting magic on Edgar.
>not liking and training every character in VI
Live-action version FF battle system
Because it's good
All 4 of the game's actually good characters
They did add a way to get the water dance in the WOR in the GBA version, but it's a one time boss battle.
I was always confused by shadow's sprite and thought the brown forehead part was his face and that he was a dark skinned guy with a big pointy nose.
>Atlas Armlet (Gigas Glove)
This shit is why I hate the retranslations.
I give less than zero shits whether "Atlas Armlet" or "Gigas Glove" is more accurate I just hate that there are two fucking names that everyone has to keep track of now.
see this is where I made a mistake, because I wanted all the guys I had worked on leveling and more or less used exclusively together my other parties sucked shit. My party looked something like this
> Sabin / Edgar / Cyan / Locke (really good party)
> Terra / Celes / Setzer / Shadow (okay party)
> Relm / Strago / Gau / Gogo (shit party)
Play the Brave New World romhack if you want a version of FF6 that's actually balanced.
Because you're supposed to be balancing your teams. The earlier bits where you do this in ff6 are mostly to give you a proper show of all the character's abilities since most people never used all of them to any major degree. The final dungeon is supposed to be testing you, seeing if you explored the wor or just ran straight there.
>a version of FF6 that's actually balanced.
more like ruined
>a version of FF6
It's not really a "version of FF6" it's just a good mod.
The modder is very opinionated has made many arbitrary design changes. While it's understandable given how broken and unbalanced FF6 is, it's far too different to be considered anything close to the original vision.
Are there any other good rom hacks? I heard about one called T Edition or something, but I think it's Japanese only.
I played "Return of the Dark Sorcerer" and it's like some weird fanfiction. Nice music remixes, though.
>I'd add Mog to the early game list too
Come to think of it, with Snow Muffler and a good shield, backrow Mog is OP in the endgame, too.
Too british for me. too many uses of colour armour and all that bullshit.
Also, it is very hard. way harder than I'm willing to put work into.
FF5 is the best FF
How do I make Relm remotely usable?
She has the highest natural magic stat in the game. Just load her up with strong spells and nuke everything.
give her spells
>10 billion characters to play as, only 1 or 2 are fun to play with
>Hate half the cast, the other half are forgettable, only 1 or 2 characters you like, barely any focus to them if at all
>Magic does the same damage as a dude swinging a sword, except when the enemy has a magic weakness, in that case it does 10% more damage than usual
>Status effects are absolutely useless on bosses and random enemies
>Physical classes blend to the point where they are indistinguishable with eachother to the point that there's no point in classes besides that one skill that makes it not worthless, most of them are still worthless
>Magical classes's best spells requires 99% of your MP to cast it once, does a bit more damage than a physical class best skill, and now you have to chug a magic potion so you can cast it again and chug another magic potion
What did japan meant by this?
I don't like Kururus tiny sprite
Use her like a Terra with worse gear.
just personally tested this, i think its too slow to be reliable. even as krile and with chicken knife for extra agility. i got a little lucky and was about to do about 25000 damage.
>just played dq3
>it allows you swap out party members for new ones that are different classes at any point
>they do not level while "boxed"
>if you made a level 1 character, they will still be level 1 after your party is leveled out
>any new character you make at that point will be level 1
What's the point? This system is only useful at the very beginning of the game and if you picked a bad comp you'll be stuck with a shitty team.
is it a good idea to make Edgar into a Dragoon? Jump hits like a fucking truck but it does take a while to hit.
Wistful is the term I would use
Make Mog your dragoon, Edgar has his tools.
What are the best rages for Gau? He has like a billion?
When can I recruit Mog? Im starting to get the feeling I skipped him, I'm currently in WoR.
Stray Cat can be acquired early and is good for most of the entire game.
>Physical classes blend to the point where they are indistinguishable with eachother to the point that there's no point in classes besides that one skill that makes it not worthless, most of them are still worthless
FFVIII had the right idea about this but the execution needed some improving.
stray cat early is buttfuckingly destructive. srbehemoth is good for fire 3. woolly absorbs everything but fire and pearl so it's great for tanking, magic urn has cure 3, blocks all status and absorbs all ele, karkass has instadeath protection but is undead (so that can fuck with you), punisher has haste built in. tyranosaur for meteor. mostly depends on what you want to do.
I love how this entire site is becoming a /pol/ and Yea Forums blend. I mostly go on Yea Forums because Yea Forums has become an underage cringefest, and sometimes I wonder if I'm on /pol/ there and it's hilarious. Yea Forums is starting to be that way for me so I may start browsing here again.
based and redpilled
You did, I don't remember if he's still obtainable in WoR or not.
In WoB:
>Marshal as soon as you get him so you can one shot aoe everything for a while
>Anguiform, Aspik, and Rhodox after the Battle of Narshe for more one shot AOE spam as well as one/two shotting several WoB bosses
>ChickenLip after you get the airship to make Floating Continent trivial
I've only played the SNES version and on that version for WoR you only need Stray Cat to make him broken. I don't know what the good rages are for him in WoR without that bug.
you also need merit award to give gau stronger gear, his own gear is total trash and negates the benefits of stray cat in most of wor.
please don't come back if you post like this
there nothing wacky about it
Fuck off lol. I've been on Yea Forums longer than you have been on this site.
>japanese singleplayer CCG
>the game forces the premade unplayable shitty deck for an entire chapter on you
That's what I mean when I say SNES version, yeah.
Any party is viable at any point in the game as long as you manage your GFs and magic.
It's like that on all the versions. Stray cat is good early but later on it becomes trash, on all versions, unless you're using merit award. And it's not a bug to use it, it's an item you get.
No I mean Merit Award, Gau can only use it in the SNES version. In later versions that's fixed.
I just beat FFVII. Sephiorth is so weak. 4 turns of basic attacks and he was done. Why do they make these games so easy?
The other dagger, Rusty. Daggers are just too op because how good agility is.
Probably not. The thing about Relm's sketches is that they have a tendency to fuck around with the game's co
If you get to lv99 first he gets upgraded to a stronger version, also, Ruby and Emerald Weapon are the real challenge.
Going to play an FF game. V or VIII?
V first, VIII after, wait for the HD re-release
Can't I just mod it instead?
I'm sure there's an HD texture pack somewhere out there.
GBA emulator, SNES emulator, or mobile port
>max out final attack and phoenix materia
>huff dat ether, chug those elixirs
>you are now immortal
would be a power move if you went with II despite the suggestions of going with V
For sephiroth I just did Tifa+Cursed ring/powersoul and she soloed him with 4xCut.
Emerald and Ruby were easy with Kotor/HP/mpabsorbs and mime. So easy.
I was actually planning on III...
i prefer the gba but snes is fine. i dont like any of the mechanics changes that ive read of the mobile version
>SNES emulator,
Everyone loves Cyan storywise at least.
>Party 1 with your four best characters
>Party 2 is Mog solo with the Moogle Charm
You're welcome.
get off of Yea Forums Edgar
His theme is so fucking good too. Loved hearing it again in XIV.
in ff5 as a freelancer you should be able to use the sprite of your mastered jobs
she's a cute little ninja ball
how could you not like
vanish is your friend
Because you're supposed to not be grinding at any point and should be proceeding with the story as soon as the last event ended, because that's what it's balanced around to still be a casual rather painless experience. In that case Safer Sephiroth won't die in four hits. He will still be easy though. You should be around early level 40s when you fight Jenova Synthesis.
These games desperately need a no exp setting, so you don't have to run away and can just have fun with the fights.
who should i take to the phoenix cave in brave new world
I'm replaying 7 and I really wished I could have party chat or cutscenes or whatever you call em involved the whole party. It really feels like I missed out on Yuffie's buildup to her subquest in her hometown. Always feels like you wanna stick the party size to the number of party members to avoid this big problem.
Was there ever a 3D FFVI? The FFIII one was great.
You get so much experience in the middle of the game that it is not a huge deal to start over, but if you get to dharma you can switch jobs which is the best way to go about any class changes
Steals just give you gear before you'd get it normally, there's no gear you miss out on except for stealing an extra Robe of Lords from Hades.
I think FF9 gets a lot better when you know what the steals are and you realize that most of them are better left for later. Money's almost next an issue on top of that.
There is no missable build up to that unless she's in your party. Everything that hints at it happens in her recruitment and town stops. There are a lot of towns where characters talk to you and each other, so I don't think there's a distinct lack of what you want, since those conversations add up. But yes, the whole party get togethers are rare. They're in Midgar, Kalm, boat, Gold Saucer, Corel prison, Gold Saucer, Holzoff's cabin and the Highwind multiple times, Midgar and Northern Crater twice.
0/10 thread turned into 10/10 very quickly
This is as close as we've gotten (officially):
now that's what I call an unethical character design
It feels like this is one thing the fucking remake could improve on, though, right? But given the format of episodic content, I feel like this is gonna be something I want that's just gonna slip through the cracks...
It's closer to Terra's original attire than anything after, yes. It's nice.
I'm thinking we'll just get fixed parties and switch between groups.
>in the JP version Relm just calls him horny before he even asks her
based Relm
You can literally beat the game with only having three members total. Celes, Edgar, and seltzer are the only three required. Every other character is optional. This is why Terra can never be the main character
And you're proud of that? What a fag.
Replayed Ff6 on snes last month. Hadn't played it in years. Holy fuck it really is a masterpiece. It's way better than chrono trigger or any other snes. It still holds up brilliantly and feels complete. Best rpg I've ever played
>creators wanted to push an ensemble cast
>Autistic players could not and still cannot comprehend this and still try to jam through with a small team of preferred characters
Lol sad for all the hope we had, but not that sad
Square can shove their ensemble cast up their ass. Gogo, Umaro, Strago, and Relm are never coming off my bench.
save the game at the start and never save again.
each time you party wipe you'll restart at last save
at the last levels you had
fixed your problem
but can't you have him learn "entangler " ? the strongest encounter in the game that isnt a boss battle?
I find it funny how broken the auto crossbow is at the start
this shit one shots entire mobs what the fuck were they thinking
blessed reply chain
>People insist that Terra is the main character
The only ensemble cast Square-Enix has ever been successful with is Before Crisis and that's because you can choose your protagonist at the start, making them the most important party member. Otherwise someone will always rise above the rest.
And yes, it's Terra.
Kefka is the main character
anyone ever tried the return of the dark sorcerer mod? thoughts on it? seems like a very large overhaul that fits the bill of what a fan romhack could be if it went full on fanservice
>muh ensemble cast
>half of the cast has one line at best and most "important" ones become literally whos
Fuck off.
moogle charm was the best item, it was the one thing to completely stop random battles if you don't want them.
I was just playing this on my phone.
Though I'm playing some shit fan translation that still manages to fuck everything up.
Is there a translation out there that fixes wonky translation bullshit, and doesn't change proper nouns from the US versions?
>I'm thinking we'll just get fixed parties and switch between groups.
Jesus Christ, I don't wanna use the word lazy here, but that would actually really irritate me
The final area literally makes you form 3 teams, each one has to fight a triad. Don't know why people forget this
If you think that's broken you'll love Gau.
I know how broken he is I beat the game a long time ago I just forgot they gave you a literal auto win button in the first hour
if you want a powerful healing esper yes.
Why is magic so stupid in Final Fantasy games? Even at the lowest levels there's no reason not to just spam aoe black magic over and over
preese ruse.
One time I decided to see just how OP I could make Gau and wound up with him having 120 vigor, equipped with a Merit Award and Genji Glove so he could dual wield the Illumina and Pearl Lance then had him do Catscratch and the Pearl procs overflowed the damage variable and was only doing a few thousand damage
There was an article about how the creator wanted, to make the game in modern times allegedly. Something about detectives in a new york like setting
I'd say in IV it actually doesn't work that well. In VI WoB its not that great either. Magic doesn't really start to shine in VI until later on in WoR.
I meant WoB specifically. I always liked it more than WoR because so much of WoR is just doing things to set your characters up for endgame, whereas WoB was more knowing whats broken to easily cheese through each part of it one shotting all mobs/two shotting every boss.
leave after and grind brauntosaurs for 10 magic point exp
It's not just the Japs. I remember KOTOR 2 did it fairly often.
I'm playing FF9 for the first time and this literally just happened to me. I'm in Kuja's palace and I sent my 4 best dudes off to get the item for him, and now i'm stuck with the 4 losers and I'm getting destroyed. I should have seen it coming, I guess.
That's the best part of any RPG though.