>join server
>you've been banned
>reason: hate speech
Why is every place like this now?
Join server
Their server, their rules.
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.
But ever since /pol/ brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
She looks like that food vampire guy if he went on HRT.
I'm not reading all this gay shit but feel free to post tranny tits/butt.
Stale as fuck.
Nice pasta. TLDR. Kill yourselves tranny, you’ll never pass and every one thinks you’re a freak.
You say pol ruins shit but you're still the one derailing the thread two replies in to talk about trans shit
>buy game
>say word
>money stolen
God I love making trannies kill themselves
because you're a mentally ill man who chopped off his dick to fulfill a sexual fetish.
Welcome to the future generations, where everyone can't take a hit, and everything is offensive because you're all pussies.
Piss off back to r3setera, freakshow.
If you support the systemic oppression of minorities you deserve to be banned from a video game. It’s far more merciful than what you would do to the people you hate if you had your way.
You can say anything you want on the Valve TF2 servers but honestly I miss being able to spray ebin memes.
>we love video games, that why we come here.
Well that's your mistake, user.
Removing sprays is the reason why I hate casual mode.
I support the systematic eradication of minorities. Why just oppress them when you can kill them?
Tell me more about how the right is moral.
Wow, that’s sure to win people over and change their minds to support you. /s
Just don't speech, they hate it.
>implying I care what faggots and subhumans think.
that doesn't answer the question
The question is stupid and irrelevant.
>systemic oppression of minorities
no such thing, but playing victim is fun
This cant be true because they don't make games with server browsers anymore
I didn't do anything though, you cut your dick of your own volition and cutting your dick off is not a moral issue, its a mental issue
I'm just pushing the course of your inevitable fate
every time someone makes a thread about this I just assume some random user decided to talk to people outside Yea Forums through a game and wouldn't stop saying nigger and trannies over and over and the regulars of that server don't have to put up with it and banned him again
>acting like a retard
Your fault
>go place
>be obnoxious edgemeister
>get kicked out
Faggots these day don't know how to hide their power levels. In fact, they revel in outing themselves as idiots.
I'm actually trans and you don't speak for me.
What does any of that have to do with economics?
shifting culture, op
either make your own server or play a different game
>make your own server
as if it was possible
>Acting like a fucking idiot when people want to play the game
>Gets banned
>Make a thread about it on Yea Forums because you literally have no friends online and off
How is private enterprise vs cooperative enterprise related to chopping your penis because you feel you should have a vagina?
rope yourself so we can make that 40 become 41
The 12/50 thing not edgy enough for you anymore?
>be stupid
>face slight repercussions
>complain to people who don't give a shit
Even a person pretending to be a dog may seem normal until it barks.
Go dilate and then kys, mentally ill faggot
People like you make me glad the 40% statistic is real
>clearly a psychopath
>calls others mentally ill
Go on, we're listening.
It’s like 13/52, how are crime stats edgy
I want Sarah "6 million? Give me another" Anderson to shove me in an oven and walk away laughing!
>Using in game chat ever
>Not saying whatever you want in voice chat with your frie-
Oh right
say double nigger literally invincible then
>be dumb misbehaving child
>get put in time out
You only hide your power level when you're off the internet. Games are still on the internet but all the Normans in them make it feel like it's not and turn every place on the web into a social media. Basically, you're just eating it all up and letting normalfags peer pressure you and run your life. You should be ashamed of yourself tbqwyf.
>Have no evidence others are psychopaths, call them psychopaths
>Chop dick off and pretend to be a woman while injecting hormones, not mentally ill
k then, guess who scares kids between me and you. Pro tip not me
Old Xbox live
>call people niggers, bean niggers, squinty eye nigger, and Jew niggers
>yell obscenities at little kids
>receive a warning one time
New Xbox live
>send a message saying “you suck” to bad teammates
>immediate 3 day ban from all voice communication, even party chat
>newfags falling for pasta thats a few years old now
Welcome to Yea Forums faggots, lurk more
Statistics can not be edgy. Forcing them into conversations to further your own political agenda is edgy as fuck, tho.
Being the opposite of a SJW doesn't make you any less insane than them.
Because you can't control your urge to call people ni- at their slightest mistake
Waaah my video gaaaaames
You don't have to make an announcement every time you join a server.
>he thinks left/right is about morality
Holy shit my sides
Keep going, you're proving my point.
>how are crime stats edgy
>intentionally being retarded in order to further a narrative
sad shit
>Why can't I be an annoying, disruptive dick without consequences?
It's actually 13/36
I'm gonna get a lot of milage from this one
nothin personnel, faggot
dandelions can't handle banter, like at all. Turn's their broken homo brains even gayer when they get called a nigger. Unfortunately, they'll never learn to stop acting like a nigger.
We could call them Team A and Team 2 if you want, doesn't change the fact that both claim moral superiority. Even if both ends of the spectrum are wrong, them believing to act morally makes it kind of the center point.
>you want men to be able to go to women's restrooms? think about the children!!
>not hiring black people to increase diversity? think about the minorities!!
I'm not the same guy, by the way.
Someone edit this pic to have a bar that says etika 100% above the tranny bar
this is a family-friendly board, please don't post nazis
Based weeb fag
>being surprised retards fall for pasta
you're the only one new here, most of those replies are probably well aware of it but also want (You)s
>by game
>money stolen
Lefty sòyboy authoritarians are impotent in real life so they purposely seek out mod positions so they can powertrip to compensate.
gb2 reddit faggot
this site itself is a proof of this
Stop trying to rile people up with your redditry.
How do the strings of the state feel, puppets?
>most of those replies are probably well aware of it but also want (You)s
lmao that cope
>wahhh I'm so oppressed
get over yourself
>says nigger
>gets appropriately banned
>creates this fucking thread and over exaggerates the narrative
shit maybe don't call everyone outside of Yea Forums a nigger and you might have better luck
I don't see anything wrong with just admitting that she's cute anons
for free
but muh 6 gorillion
The question is stupid and relevant because we all know why
>Play edf
>Say nigger
>Everyone says nice
This may blow your minds, but it's most likey nothing happened to OP and this is all just for shitposting.
try not being such an asshole
Shut up you faggot
>why am I hated so?
>Entire identity and life is based around deception propagated by mental illness
do you have to wear a dildo on your peehole 24/7 to prevent your fake vagina from closing?
>it's another resetranny astroturf thread
you could at least try to be subtle
No, the question is stupid and irrelevant because it's impossible to ever know the answer.
Different people run different servers. If you're always getting banned from different servers all the time, the common denominator is you.
The videogame is teaching you a valuable lesson about the real world. If you go around using hate speech in a real job you'll get fired and possibly blacklisted from future jobs. Be glad that you are learning this lesson in a risk free environment before you have to become a productive member of society.
>Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here.
One of my closest friends during my high school years was trans. Before we knew this person was trans we assumed she was a lesbian. I knew her family, frequented their home, and even attended her graduation in the town over to listen to her valedictorian speech. This was about 6 years ago.
In the time since that day, your ilk have been used as shock troops by elites who want to sow discontent as a way of fomenting chaos, disrupting society, and doing away with things like basic speech rights, science, and reason. You lot are useful idiots, nothing more. I don't have anything against you for this, you're mentally unstable cannon fodder for the people whose agenda you're helping along with all your hyper-emotional psychotic bullshit.
But when I see some tranny freak shitting up communities because they won't go out of their fucking way to appease it, I start to wish for you to be genocided. When my lack of action in your favor is painted as an offense to you, it actually makes me want to take direct action to wipe your kind off the face of the Earth.
Tl;Dr get help you fucking psychos, and stop showing up in every community under the sun and threatening everyone around you into enabling your delusion.
Based and redpilled
ow the edge, have sex
>being a cringy edgelord is "banter"
>Pol did it!
You're the tiny fucking fraction of society that's rotting everything you faggot, not pol. Those guys are there because they've been banned off of every fucking platform. They have no voice in the mainstream. Your bullshit gets shoved into everyone's fucking face and anyone who speaks up against you deviant freaks for whatever fucking reason on mainstream platforms gets destroyed and doxxed. A tranny who rapes children will not be denounced by social media. Meanwhile, a guy who saved 8 people from Islamic terrorists on the London bridge and almost died doing it is charged with a hate crime for some shit he said and barred from receiving compensation for his sacrifice. The powers that be are using you fucking lunatics to ruin our lives and when you faggots act entitled on top of that, it gets on everyone's nerves like nothing else.
nobody would dare talk in this manner of speech irl you would sound like the biggest chode in the world
I'm not clicking that shit
I've seen discord admins ban people because they dare to talk shit about their favorite franchise.
wtf dont click this it explodes ur pc and give you aids
>illegal twerk
Fuck is this
>It's a boogeyman-of-the-week episode
Sounds like a shitty admin. What's your point?
To give a serious answer, it's because trannies weren't as big of a problem before. They were a rare sight akin to a disabled person. We'd have our laugh and move on. But lately, trannies have been everywhere and very in your face and like furries, it's become very irritating.
Why is even acknowledging the existence of racism a problem? Like someone can call someone "hateful" but never "racist".
Implying everyone isn't being played like a damn fiddle by powers greater than the ones that be
Why do you join random public discord servers, do you not have friends?
russle get
rolling for cassie
Because apparently you're too much of a caveman brainlet to stop yelling nigger for even a fucking second like an ADHD riddled 5 year old who has just learned that people react to a swear word.
there is literally nothing wrong with trannies
first time i ever wanted to do a roll
rolling. hope i get a cute one
Roll for Cassie or Lil alien
>Gabrielle has an 8mil bond
dude wtf
>Why is every place like this now?
because nobody wants the /pol/fag cancer.
it's the same thing with furfags, they can't hide their powerlevel and always attract more of their kind through virtue signalling.
>statutory rape
>everything I don't like is resettranny
Sorry you're an edgy faggot
a lot of the time the rules are bullshit because an admin has their fist up their ass.
i do, but not any that share my taste in vidya.
Jillian get. I want that Mommy
She's so ugly
Discord admins have targeted and banned entire discord channels that have facilitate "hate speech", aka /pol/ memes. You can only get away with it now because they don't have the manpower to monitor everyone's activity. Only a matter of time until all online activity is filtered by an AI waiting to autoban you for having the wrong opinions.
>18years old
Dude who did she fuck I need to know
I for one welcome our AI overlords
>a lot of the time the rules are bullshit because an admin has their fist up their ass.
So what's the solution? You wear the crown and decide the rules for all the servers?
Their server, their rules.
jillian please
Rollo banno
Because what's defined as being "hate speech" has been shifting to a point where it's more emotion based rather than logic-based and it's large part due to how quickly global society is becoming more interconnected via technology.
So are GD-afflicted or not?
It's not just wrong opinions, those /pol/ discords actively try to make people miserable. They have misinfo, disinfo, and other psyop projects that hides under the guise of just trolling and having fun if anyone asks. To say that it's just opinions is to be dishonest.
Hahaha fucking die
>W-we're just like you...!
Loool fuck off freak. Die.
>illegal twerk
>soul reaping
>selling souls
>unauthorized necromancy
based Russell
also rolling for 99
when it kills off an otherwise good general by creating the server just so they can kill the general as a whole, i won't hold respect for them.
It happens too often, if you're going to lead a group, be a good leader.
shoo shoo back to your discord
r u an bot
I agree with all of that.
Ten bucks says a majority of those morons aren't afflicted with gender dysphoria.
000 get
Sounds like some kind of plant.
You tell me, marionette
Because somehow you've forgotten how to behave properly.
post limit when? roll you fucking mindless drones
I'm an idiot but
Do people find copypastas online and edit them on the fly or do people actually save a bunch of copypastas on their computers and wait for when they can post them?
Is she somehow related to Count Dankula? maybe it's the bulging eyes
millenial ben franklin always kills me