>Hey user, you got a mic? Let us hear your voice
Hey user, you got a mic? Let us hear your voice
I sound like a 7 years old amoeba level intellect spaghetti. That's why I use my mic to shout.
>I'm mute
Its that simple
I sound like spongebob
I love talking. The bigger the audience the better. I fucking love all the attention being directed right at me like a laser.
haha cool bro thats sick. can you laugh like spongebob bro? come on do it
>that average schmuck who thinks he has a radio voice and won't shut the fuck up
I'll take autistic mutes over these faggots any day
reminds me of the groundhogs day loop that was 2012-2013 Yea Forums
This shit's a staple, newfag. We've had this thread since 2004.
Post vocaroo, me boy.
>uwu im gay and shy but also a slut animegirl.jpg
>i hate it when people say my voice is amazing btw here's 10 vocaroos of my voice
This is every single one of these threads.
>being an autistic teenager on Yea Forums in the year 2019
This isnt for you
I sound like a chipmunk and look like a highly deformed Lil’ Gideon
>that nasally faggot who thinks his vocal fry makes him sound like a cute girl
I love this dumb sad cat. Post more depressed cats!
this cat makes me sad poor kitty
I wish I could delete this image from existence.
No one has ever said 'let me hear your voice'. I've had people ask if I have a mic before so that communication could be quicker, but that's it.
I don't generally talk in games because there's rarely anything to be said that can't be quickly typed anyway.
post more i love these cat crying images
>have social anxiety and a slight slur to my voice i'm barassed about
>never use a mic as a result
>Start playing TF2 on one server very often because people are nice and the maps are good and the mods ban assholes quickly
>people start to 'know' me, get invites to the community and friends, take a while but gradually start to open up to it
>only ever communicate through text, when pushed on it claim i'm mute due to a birth defect because admitting i'm a pussy seems worse
>people accept this and stop pestering me
>after a couple months start to feel truly comfortable with them, get tired of always missing out on bants in the server because everybody focuses on voice coms during them
>buy a mic, work up my courage, and one day announce as a surprise i got a corrective surgery and can talk now
>met with total silence
>"user...we googled that birth defect you talked about and saw it had nothing to do with being mute. We just didn't bring it up because it doesn't matter too much why you stay quiet."
>Start to panic, try to lie and say it's true
>"Dude nobody is fucking retarded enough to fall for this, you didn't just learn to talk overnight. It's okay if you're shy but this is just weird man."
>log off, delete all of them and block them, uninstall tf2 and hide it in my library while having a panic attack over how I've fucked it all up
>six years later just typing this makes me want to cringe until I die
post more
why is noone posting vocaroos?
I wanna hear how whiny you guys sound irl
lmao at least you made me laugh
You're a massive faggot
>playing retail cata wow on rp server
>get into zombie guild with my zomboman, shocking amount of IRL girls
>have a rich baritone voice, the ladies are loving it
>work my way around the roster getting nudes and orgasms over voice chat
>one girl wanted to chat with me privately seemingly about some inane stuff but just started jilling herself as I responded
>eventually laptop breaks, I decide to take my time repairing it to take a break from internet bullshit, and the guild falls apart the months I'm away
Good times, remember Forsaken are always the best
>you guys
>muh whiny
back to redddit
Please, your killing me
Have mercy
I'm cringing right alongside you bro, that's a big hole you dug yourself, but that's alright, we all make mistakes.
what's this bodytype called
Reddit incarnate
Pregnant imposter
Why didn't you just admit they were right, man... You could have had a great friendship and laughed about your dumb excuse later.
Good, die pathetic worm
the american
>31 years old
>people tell me over discord I sound 14 at most
No one ever believes I'm not a teenager.
>TFW only person I've seen that looks like this is a cross dressing pedo and he tried to abduct me almost 17 years ago
>still see him staring down kids from his window during the day
Are you round?
Yikes! Wow, you really fucked up there, champ!
I believe (you).
>hahah user you sound like a 40 year old pedo! xD!
Cheeky fuckers im only 26
"Congratulations, It's a Söy"
>this thread again
>know english pretty well
>almost never spoke it
>invited to party once
>some american dude makes fun of mt accent
>everyone laughs
>never joint parties or talk to people again
That was 5 years ago
crying cat memes are fucking shit but these two are alright
>open bathroom door
>see this
What do?
so you're a 26yo pedo
calling the police
its been six years and you still cant look back on it without laughing? it's not the end of the fucking world you little girl
Take up voice acting if it's not already the case, lad
fuck it
Why didn't you just punch him in the face Yea Forumsro?
these two are fucking cringy as fuck
>Be black
>Have the blackest niggest voice
>Get called nigger across all the lands in different languages
>Still use voice mic because I don't care
>See this thread
Oh come on, it ain't THAT bad
>I don't like talking on mic
>ok that's fine user
funny how the poster who might actually be a frog isn't a frogposter
that's why they're good you fucking retard
don't reply to me again
It's a confirmed tranny from a previous thread. Sorry anons.
>that edgy fag that has a mic but only ever talks in it to complain
I'll take average schmucks over these faggots any day
this is how all anime posters sound
do you look young too? if so at that point you should take it as a compliment
I want to pet that cat and let her finish showing whatever she's trying to.
no they aren't good
in my many years of being either the leader or officer of guilds, clans and fuck knows what else. i've seen ten people made fun of for "not having a mic" for every single one making a comment on someone who has a speech issue, bad english, or a high pitched voice
i see this as an absolute win
put it out of the bathroom
And you’ve done nothing about it? Fucking neck yourself you sad excuse for a man. Some child will lose their life to this man and you’ll have done nothing.
Cats can't talk, retard.
If Tuxedo Pepe had a voice this would be it.
Am I ever gonna fucking specialize or am I stuck doing this generalist shit?
If not, will I at least die before 40 to minimize the pain of working everyday?
You sound like a white urkel.
Can you read the OP image with this voice?
Watch sailor moon, dumbass
>Let us hear your voice
You're welcome.
did i do that?
he hasnt committed a crime to my knowledge yet you fucking faggot trust me i would if i knew he did i dont think theyll arrest the dude cause im 70% sure he tried to abduct me when i was 5 i would beat him to death if i knew he ever touched a kid
Console the kot
wait a minute is this thread literally 2 autists too self-concious about their voice to ever use a mic. and then 20 other autists jerking themselves off to how good their voice is, who wont stop using a mic?
Are people actually scared to use their mics? Maybe when it's your first time ever talking in an online game, but otherwise who cares
Pic is u?