Why did you stop playing maplestory?
Why did you stop playing maplestory?
I come back every now and then. It's pretty fun some classes really are just dumb fun to play and if you have someone to sperg out with it's that much better.
why not
>implying I stopped
I'm the only faggot left in the last guild Yea Forums made, you faggots keep giving up when you get to lvl120+
official server or no?
When it became a shell of what it used to think it was.
v0.83 private server
Because progression in Reboot is cancer and progression in mainline servers is kike-tier. I heard they made progression even harder recently for no discernable reason.
Big Bang
monster carnival was cancelled
It's a boring endless grind.
i recently went back to reboot after not playing for like 10 years, and i was surprised by just how much this game changed. it doesn't feel like the game i am familiar with. like drained of soul. everything changed, and the world is so chaotic and nonsensically arranged. everything is so flashy but without substance. the damage number obscures the entire screen that you can;t even see what is going on. everywhere is devoid of people and the rare occasion you see someone, they just run off the map without acknowledging you. FM is empty, kerning PQ is empty, ludi PQ is empty. Where is everyone? Is no one playing it anymore?
I started asking myself why I was playing a game with no pvp, why I was playing a game distributed by Nexon and why they didn't wanted to put any effort in balancing so I stopped playing.
Wonderking online had a very good pvp environment and way better graphic design. (Even better than MP revamp).
Hayato and phantom main for years here btw.
PQs are all shit, grinding is better in every way
Cause I started playing WoW.
idk if it was just a windia thing but the henesys potion shop was always full
I quit around the time Big Bang came out and Aran as well. But then I got back in for a bit when Evan came in. But then that kinda bottomed out and stopped playing. Every so often I'll load up Maple Legends and fuck around. Rinse and repeat.
Sorry kid, the big bois were playing Ragnarok Online.
my computer cant handle playing it anymore
oh boy. I started in beta, quit 2012 when cubes made every effort worthless. Continued playing in private servers 2014-2018 (Royals, Legends, Croosade, Saga, Old school maple). Tried gMS version again with reboot, it still feels like shit getting lv120 in a day etc. Played MS2 for 4-5 months until every available raid was cleared and pretty much had the best gear, quit that too.
Played on and off in Old School maple, now I quit because I dont want MS to be my time sink game anymore. im refusing to play anymore because of that
Last old picture I have from 2010. great game, I feel like it has consumed most of my life
thanks for reading my blog post
I spent thousands of hours on reboot, was super endgame and all, but stuff like 275 and arcane drops + 25 stars increased the amount of grinding necessary by tenfold, it got too retarded for me.
Pservers are complete shit and I refuse to play those.
Why'd they fuck Maplestory 2 up so hard?
What was the peak of maplestory for you?
thanks for sharing!
Pirates were ok, though not amazing, and basically everything that came after them was a step down imo
Got to level 120, and before I knew it all my friends/guildmates had quit. I had no one to play with, so I did too.
I never got super far, so peak Maple for me was just the first island and the quests on it. Ellinia, Henesys, Sleepywood, Perion, Lith Harbor, tutorial land... All of the aesthetics and music were 10/10.
I just want to go back, bros.
I quit to play MS2, the only thing I miss is the f5 face
you're super OG. orbis, ludi and aqua were great too. you'd probably enjoy em.
My girlfriend from the game moved to my place. Then life happened. Work, college, et cetera. Married with a toddler now though.
Peak for me was the comfy Halloween events in Sleepywood (killing monsters for candy) and hanging around that area. It was a pretty diverse area with high level monsters in the caves and the forest.
Maplestory is chock-full of asians and trannies
I quit GMS because of the dailies you gotta do that's halting you to get stronger like bossing. (I played reboot)
Now I'm on MapleRoyals, lvl 53 bucc in training and enjoying it though I'd probably enjoy it more if I joined an active guild with people around my level. It's not so bad as others say when you avoid the shit people in it.
I didn't stop.
because i reached lvl 51 or something with ludibrum and there were no more PQs during that point
>you will never experience peak PQs ever again
bro you missed out on lmpq forever
How is it fucked up? I'm downloading it right now
I saw a thread about folks playing MapleMS, is it any good?
Progression at end game is similar to how they handled Vindictus end game content.
You're praying for gear score drops, but are limited to how many dungeons/raids you can do.
All latest game bosses are blocked off by gear score requirements rather than level.
because I went to college
It's alright. There's item leveling so it's easier to go dexless, the exp rates increase as you progress so the grind is not so ridiculous, and every monster has a (really small) chance to drop WS or CS.
The guild's dead tho.
my best friend in the game got hacked and lost his account. I didn't want to play without them, so I ended up leaving when he did.
I will forever regret not getting their contact info before leaving. I miss you bobo and aylina :(
Thanks for the headsup. Would you recommend I give it a shot?
I guess it's worth a try if you wanna play v0.83 but don't want pooyals
What's wrong with royals? I haven't had any problems with it myself and I'm enjoying it.
Apparently the economy is fucked up due to GMs ignoring hackers and duping items for their non-GM chararacters, but I never got too far myself so I can't confirm it.
fuck man. I know that feel. I wish I kept in contact with all of my old MMO friends. great people
I graduated middle school.
It's a private server though user and with only 1k or so players, the economy will be shit. It's not so bad aside from that and actually fun. Now if it was fucking full blown bad then yeah, I'd quit too but it's alright.
Find the right people to play with it becomes better.
I stopped playing when they fucked up all the PQs
Whoever thought that was a good idea should be shot
Is there any server (not official servers lol that shit is trash) that has an active Yea Forums guild?
MapleRoyals was one but then it died. Nothing other than. Can just rebuild one.
I'm currently level 53 on MRoyals and not in a guild. We could start anew if anyone else wants in.
come to helios friend
>all those friendships made on random MMOs back in the 00s
>all those dumb adventures and fun moments
>tfw most of those games are either dead or unrecognizable now
>ywn see your friends again
>all your memories of them will slowly fade as you grow older
>all those moments will be lost in time
>like tears in the rain
>[old content] is empty
what is it about maplestory that makes people seem to think that the earliest content in the game ever made should still be alive and popping like 15 years later?
i would be gravely concerned if ludi pq or kerning pq were still relevant this far along.
someone else here, what server?
check out maplehelios.
Does anyone here know Kafro or Foggy please respond I miss you kevin
I got a cannoneer to 200 and then got tired of trying to grind sweetwater gears
Because my friends stopped.
The fun part of Maplestory was that it was a chatroom with anime avatars you could move around. No one actually liked the gameplay. No point in playing if there isn't anyone to talk to.
Is it good? Is there an active Yea Forums guild?
>game is in maintenance mode
>they removed the only good meso farming areas anyway instead of actually just banning hackers/etc
Glad I gave up the Reboot server grind and moved on to greener pastures.
>0 Players online.
Eh, I like a more active server buddy but thanks.
because osrs is a thing
Because Maplestory has always been on of Nexon's weakest games.
Because after 120 it gets gay.
bumping this because im interested too
Im gonna hop on mapleroyals in a bit, the market aint that bad as people say.
I'm gonna do some carnival PQ 2 to see how good the exp is there vs training at magatia.
Why would you leave the moment it gets good?
I would probably enjoy private maplestory servers if it weren't for hp washing. It seems like an annoying/unfun thing to deal with so I just don't bother.
>playing private servers
>unironically letting your private information get stolen just because you're too much of a baby to play the game post-bb
god this board is full of fucking clowns
Almost all p servers don't do washing anymore user
It's only mandatory if you play the squishy type classes and even then, a dark knight is a must in each party which is not a bad thing and lots of dark knights are on and about if not ones in training.
Hyper body will make you survive.
What do you fags even liked in MapleStory 2 other than the porn? It feels like a shitty 2000's chatroom game made by disney but too grounded and messy for shitposting
Also wanted and forgot to add in, it's for bossing only. But again, dark knights exist for hyper body.
Because KMMO grind is a bit too much for me unless it's ArcheAge. Literally 0.001% xp per enemy killed is ridiculous, even for NEETs.
You play private servers on a virtual machine, retard
When the game dialed up 1000 times on the pay to win crap, destroying any semblance of balance and making it absolutely mandatory to be able to do anything in the game. Cubes, star force, potential, etc. The money you sink into upgrading equipment is the only thing that matters at all. Spend enough and you can 9999999999 instagib every boss except the most recent hyperboss designed to be a challenge for the 0.001% of whales who are willing to pay that much money. Either the game is mindlessly easy or irritatingly tedious, there is no middle ground.
Because Nexon is the EA of korea and they deleted my 20 characters after i didn't play for 2 or 3 years. The highest i got to was lvl 176 so whatever.
I played since beta
>paywall cubes
>realisation that clothes are temporary and not permanent and its really jewish
>paywall cubes
>that ~120-150+ end game crocodile etc areas for high hp monsters areas were quite cringe and put me off (requiring party too)
>I grew up, I didnt mind big bang otherwise
MMOs are too confusing
>I grew up
Shit got too easy and less rewarding imo, back in my time people would congratulate you for leveling up, today you level up so fast you would be congratulated every 5 minutes, that is if the game was still as social as it used to be, MapleStory became a single-player MMO now.
Also they removed my favorite skills in the game and that made me pissed.
Inflated economy.
Map and world seemed to be simplified over time.
Attacks seemed to focus on what made the biggest number.
There was no Maple Story, only Grind and a waste of time.
you got hacked
horrific pay to win. Servers run like dog shit. 14 years and they can't get that right
Couldn't get into those raids or whatever it was except like once every week.
Was playing Guild Wars and Runescape.
Bad grades because No Child Left Behind in schools allowed me to go forward in grades without actually doing anything so I rarely got to play games.