What third person shooter feels the best/has the best mechanics?
What third person shooter feels the best/has the best mechanics?
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Vanquish, disregard this retard
>Max Payne 1, 2 and 3
wow that's basically it
also play a real Ghost Recon game (1 and Advanced Warfigher on PC, non that casualized console shit)
phantom pain
you are retarded
unironically warframe
it's a shit grindfest but it's fun to swing and bulletjump while killing space jews and arabs
Max Payne
gears of war and
Gears of war
Max payne
>jump around corner and slow mo shoot
What great mechanics!
>slow mo slide and shoot
How amazing!
I take full responsibility
Sure is summer in here
Yes it is a great mechanic!
I miss SOCOM
It doesnt feel good killing anything in that game.
This, 1 and 2 were great
Battlefield Modern Combat 2
Max Payne 3
>inspect element
>obviously editing pages
Yeah anyone can do that bucko. its even easier in photoshop if you know how to use it and you aren't retarded. OH WAIT!
Vanquish, EDF
imagine going through this much work to fake not being a samefag
no one cares about your shitty channel, fallout 4 shill
Besides it being a TPS, how does GRAW compare to the original Ghost Recon?
Something about Ubisoft TPS (Division, Watch Dogs 1 in particular,, Wildlands) always clicks really well with me. The most intense firefight I've had in a game was a random accidentally start in Watch Dogs.
What third person shooter has character creation?
Bloodborne using only guns?
It's alright to be gay bro, just quit flaunting it so much.
Honestly, Fallout 4 is up there. Very smooth movement, aiming feels close to perfect even on console, reloading looks cool.
Socom 2
John Woo Presents Stranglehold
The Division 2
Probably because it feels closer to XCOM than GoW
This game plays so great but the game itself is boring as SHIT
I can't believe I have to be the one to say Resident Evil 4 30+ posts in
Maybe that's because tank controls are fucking trash.
man, what the fuck are those crosshairs?
how did that make it into the finished product? it looks like trash
Anybody who complains about muh tank controls is legitimately low IQ.
Any game where you can't attack and move at the same time is garbage unless that is the literal gimmick like Superhot
playing it more, the game can be pretty fucking clunky and it mainly has to do with the animation system
Man I miss the momentum based movement, cover system, and dead zone aiming in this game
id should make a third person shooter
It's not a tps, only on consoles
Not really, it's just not fun to play. I get you're either nostalgic or trying to gain cool dude internet gamer cred points, but it's not a good game mechanically.
All of those games are obviously inferior versions os phantom pains gameplay. Especially wildlands.
Well if you really want to go ahead no one's stopping you
Not "the best" but TEW and TEW2 are good.
Division rips off xcom more than mgs
>but it's not a good game mechanically
Objectively wrong. You're just too much of a pathetic casual to enjoy real games.
Unironically...Grand Theft Auto V.
Uncharted 4
Killswitch was the shit back in the day
in the multiplayer you have some coop missions that can be played solo that are basically like the old ones, you can also play it in old school first person.
there is even the remakes of the originals
for some reason there are no videos of playing in first person and the splitscreen forces first person.
and here is the trailer of the levels
dead space definitely has better controls in comparison but RE4 did great based on what it had to work with
RE4 is one of the most casual games there is. The puzzles are piss easy, map is linear as shit, enemies drop ammo, inventory management is a joke. It's babbys first TPS/""""horror""""" game.
unbelievably generic
Rich Evans was right about tps's
I'm a sucker for actual limb based damage instead of generic pain states
>Dead Space games
>Red Dead games
Games like that.
me. i am the best fps with the best mechanics.
nice movie, now post some gameplay oh that's right you cant because unfarted 4 is literally a movie
Something to note is that multiplayer plays differently to the single player campaign tho
Multiplayer is basically just Ghost Recon 2 with new animations
>RE4 is one of the most casual games there is
It's an easy game thanks to the dynamic difficulty, but for someone to say the controls suck is to admit to being too casual to play an easy game.
Resident evil 6 is the best TPS
These guys don't know shit about vidya which is painfully obvious from any video. Note this video he can't articulate anything beyond "I don't like this thing".
Uncharted 4 is the only game ITT to feature a grapple hook and free climbing though :^)
I never said it was hard nor are the controls hard to play. I said they are not fun to play.
>I said they are not fun to play
Fun is just a buzzword. Absolutely meaningless.
This was my shit back in the day. Where have all the good Tom Clancy games gone?
Max Payne 3
>can only grapple set points
>"""free""" climbing
Uncharted is a joke.
>"3rd person fo4 is so good!"
>hits himself with a grenade
i always prefered socom to ghost recon
shame both are dead
Hidden and dangerous 2
grade-A cringe right there
warframe is shit
??? It's a linear game, do you expect BotW style "climb on literally any surface" climbing? Where you can climb is part of the level design and it's always telegraphed what surfaces you can climb on and it's most of them outside of the arena boundaries.
You really don't understand shootan, dude.
Except that's two grenades colliding mid-air because of the heat-seeking grenades that the A.I throws. dumb frogposter
Graw 2
Fight me
My guy. BTW the online is still active if you still want to play on 360. Everyone usually has mics and its very comfy. Its like 12 years old so you can't play all the time, but if I stick to weekday afternoons and weekends I still find a handful of full servers
also very based. Predicted Border Wall 9 years before it was announced
>Where you can climb is part of the level design and it's always telegraphed what surfaces you can climb on
Dogshit level design right there. You pretty much can't fail the """platforming""" in Uncharted unless you're actually retarded and can't press X while holding up on the control stick.
Max Payne 1 and 2 (and somewhat 3)
The Last of Us
Uncharted 2
this video does a bad job of showing why F4 is actually pretty good. The real strength of 4 is going throughout a building or area like a factory and clearing out enemies with guns like a pistol while moving around cover, not just assaulting everything up front
army of two if u have a buddy for coop, the AI ruins the fucking game entirely
Yeah bro all hames suck cause you can't fail the "walking"
Kys retard
The perspective on this is so shit, doesn't even look like your aiming at the crosshair.
>comparing the non platforming in Uncharted to walking
I guess that's an apt analogy, it's a walking simulator pretending to be a platformer.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier was buttery smooth when it came to character movement, too bad the multiplayer netcode was ass.
bro uncharted is normie cinematic dogshit, just give up homes
Never played it. How does it compare to GRAW 2?
>>comparing the non platforming in Uncharted to walking
Yes cause its the same thing, only made to move around the environment
Nice buzzword meme post, very convincing argument
>Yes cause its the same thing
That's just garbage gameplay.
Dragons Dogma, everything just feels good, especially latching onto a giant with your daggers, then getting flung up in the air, pulling out a longbow, firing it and then grabbing onto a ledge not to get fucked by the fall
Me too senpai
We are talking about tps
>puzzles easy
Most tps has none
>map is linear
Less linear than 90% of tps out there, most of others are empty openworld puke
>enemies drop ammo
Yeah and you go around as a shoulder cam of some dude and shoot things, what were you trying to say?
>inventory management is a joke
Most tps have no inventory management, or inventory at all.
>babbys first
That would be some nu-re or one of that ps4 trash games. Re4 is by no means that. It is in fact one of the most refined members of third person horror shooter genre, and while it is not particularly scary, its a joy to play because of its shooting mechanics, simple but welldone level design, great pacing and plot progression, excellent postgame content, minimalistic but very relevant upgrade system, secrets, etc. etc. It is not as impressive nowadays as back then but we have deadspace for it which is mostly the same stuff but a bit more dumbed down and in a different setting, though much more modern and very polished. Though its dead now too. Re4 is probably the most fun horror tps there is. Its not particularly obscure, its plot doesnt deal with some overly deep themes, its not a winner of some artsy pantsy contest, its just a very fun fucking game and thats a rare thing, let alone in that genre. If your zoomer brain cant spend 10 minutes to adapt to tank controls, well, no one is going to miss you.
Wow compelling argument, very well written and thought provoking!
TLDR but I just wanna say RE4 has shit tank controls. Dead Space is the only game to do tank controls well. Dead Space is fun to play. RE4 is not.
Fine,uncharted is dogshit by the way its designed. From the very beginning it is a claustrophobic linear romp fighting the same recycled enemies with the same tatics over and over again. There is no real replay value here. My problem with it is that it is all spectacle and no substance. If you enjoy that, thats fine many people do, but don't act like the actual gameplay mechanics aren't limited and shallow. A game can still be a great time even if its repetitive, but the mechanics just aren't there. I'm not saying they are not polished in responsive, I'm saying they are brain dead and shallow.
Compare to a good 3rd person shooter like Graw 2. Which provides open ended levels (usually a positive, but not necessary if the mechanics are engaging and dynamic, which uncharted is not) You are able to tackle objectives in diverse ways and can design your own tool box to play the way you want, IN MEANINGFULL WAYS!!!
this is exactly why the old uncharted games have aged like milk. They are no longer impressive technical feats like they were back when they released, and the core gameplay isn't enough to hold it up.
Not really, re4 has a bunch of extra mechanics in exchange for ds a bit more smootheness and control. Say, all the environmental stuff like ladders and barricades which coupled with your inability to move effectively while shooting make kiting a mechanic, whereas in ds you kill almost everything as soon as you see it, with no reason to let it out of your sights and stop shooting. Its pretty much as i said, its a dumbed down re4, its still very good but it doesnt live up to the legendary status of its predecessor, maybe you will understand why one day, maybe not, doesn't change the fact that water is wet.
Metal Arms Glitch in the System
Max Payne and Gears of War. I fucking hate that people are bitching that Gears needs to drastically change. Gears is the only multiplayer tps that feels and acts the way it does.
My nigger, right up there with Stubbs and Voodoo Vince imo in terms of games who deserve more credit.
I did appreciate CliffyB's forward in the manual, "my buddy took me paintballing and that shit was intense so I wanted to make a shooter that felt that way"
>I have lived to see Yea Forums shit on Re4
is free aim viable in max payne 3?
Still has one of my favorite guns in vidya: the ripper. What better way to disassemble milbots than a gun that shoots BUZZSAW BLADES
You've aged a lot, the people shitting on it are probably like 10 years younger than you.
>free aim
that's literally the entire game. What are you talking about?
>nobody has posted this yet
Guess I'm gonna have to be a fag and say Fortnite. It undeniably has extremely well made and innovative mechanics. Shame it got polluted with normie trash and niggers when it skyrocketed to popularity around season 3
>deviating outside the otherwise completely stale formula is bad
I don't think they should change a single thing about the animations or movement in single player, but in multiplayer they need to revamp that shit bad. It's nearly unplayable.
well i havent played it. i was wondering if it was like other rockstar games with lock on shooting, or if free aiming felt pretty good even with a controller
I'd agree with you if you weren't able to run away and eat a bunch of healing
i respect your honesty faggot user
This, honestly. Lotta other 3rd person shooters can feel more crisp or have better physics, but F04 unironically has alot of adrenaline and organic gameplay in it's encounters, especially in closed spaces where most other TPS' suffer
The game was incredibly fun before it went competitive and people realized how fucking retarded building is. You shoot some dude in the back and he's got a tower to the moon erected in half a second.
Gears, it's not even a debate.
Water isn't wet
Metal Gear Online 2
>fast running movement
>aim instantly but moving while aiming ruins your accuracy so you have to stand still
>bodyshots do tiny damage, headshots usually instant kill
>fights turn into sprinting back and forth to dodge while snapping shots at the other guy aiming for the head
>also has stealth game modes and shit
>also has cqc
fallout 4 has very smooth turning around when not aiming, which makes it feel really good.
Max payne 3. Fact.
hasn't been replicated and everything feels worse.
>finished product
Saints Row 3/4
>also has cqc+
aand it's shit
gonna buy this game, do you have to use the jump and bullet time thing? im more of the straight shooter type who doesnt like to use gimmicks.
and fuck i probably missed the steam sale
This is the only TPS that matters.
vanquish is okay
>wahhh linear
Stopped reading there
But both those games are stale and formulaic
they already did. its called fallout 4
shootdodge and bullet time are useful but no, you can use cover instead though imo its less fun
The best third person shooters are the ones that toss out all the cover and health regen crap and focus strictly on nice, solid shooting. Or, barring that, are basically arcadey experiences of pure carnage, like EDF. Shit like The Club may have been jank but they don't fuck around in doing what they intend to do for pure game design.
Instead most third person shooters nowadays are the exact same copy-and-paste cover shooter crap because it's mainstream and sells triple-A shit, with the occasional exceptions usually being games that probably tend to not be intended for that sort of experience (ie. Fallout 4, which was built as a janky FPS and the thirdperson camera shooting is just a side effect of a player vanity cam).
>im more of the straight shooter type who doesnt like to use gimmicks.
How boring do you have to be to hate shootdodging? I think Arma III is more your speed.
meant for these instead
I like them both, but RE4 is balanced around the tank controls and inability to move while shooting, and DS is balanced around being able to move and sprint. They’re both fine.
Max Payne 3 is pure gameplay. Enjoy it.
oh yeah if you want you can use this mod to skip the cutscenes, since there are a lot of them, only a couple cutscenes won't work though but they're short anyways
>It's pure gameplay!!
>It's FULL of TRASH!
Who do I believe?
the reticle just isnt clear enough for me.
Arma 3 is a good game.
freedom fighters
Highly depends on who you're playing with. A good server can be extremely fun though.
Apart from the game being 60% cutscenes and loading screens, sure
wow very well thought out provoking response you fucking faggot.
f you kept reading i said a game could be linear, repetitive, and still great,but not if its brain dead and shallow. If you disagree by all means make your case, if not then your just a tasteless retard and shouldn't even bother responding. (but you probably will though)
I thought the online for GRAW was shit even back when it was new. It was jank as fuck compared to the single player. Operation Flashpoint on the 360 was way better for that genre.
great concept. but i thought the games werent too polished
PC release please. Bought this for my 360 and the fps is absolute ass
I dont feel like The Club was jank, just very low content to justify full price. Barely any story, with that alone it should have a lot more characters (and much more gameplay variety from each character, not just minimal stat change), and the freedom of not having any real story should have a lot more variety in places, because at the end of the day the gameplay doesnt change much from the first few minutes. Its very tight gameplay, but it should have been like 30$ (but back then everything was either 15$ or 60$)
M8 it’s 2019 you should be able to load those fast enough to skip.
it took a while but actually doing somewhat challenging missions later on is extremely fun especially on the new corpus tileset
It's not on Xbone's BC?
MGSV. Putting everything else aside, it feels extremely good to play.
>as a product of its time
Probably SOCOM 2. Honorable mention to freedom fighters, loved that game.
really? I'd have to disagree. Its true that the multiplayer is not quite as polished and shiny as the single player, but it controls just the same. (this is because the multiplayer was made by a different company)
The map design on the other hand is absolutely outstanding, revolving around map control, coverage, vantage and choke points. Even if your a mediocre shooter player like me, you can still dominate the other team if you have a firm grasp on the map design (being spawn points, branching paths, aforementioned choke points and vantage points, maximizing possible lines of sight while minimizing the angles from which the enemy could see you ect)
It is definitely a more cerebral 3rd person shooter. A good middle ground between games like battlefield and cod, and arma.
>turd person
Dead Space 2. I know, "not a shooter", but still you do shoot at stuff in third person. Shooting is visceral and satisfying, guns have a nice kick to 'em (assault rifle forever nigga), plus stomping the everloving fuck out of necromorphs and hearing Isaac swear like a turk will never get old
fallout 4 is unironically the best in terms of "go to this place and clear out the area" gameplay.
>Boxed view
This answer right here.
edf is the most weightless, uninteresting, unsatisfying gunplay to ever grace the tps scene
if you havent played any kuma games you are confired fag
Not the user, but I agree. Uncharted has aged really badly. It's gameplay is mind-numbning. There's little replay value. It was designed to be a one-time consumable product.
it's a damn shame about the horrible pacing and unskippable cutscenes - a pure gameplay run of max payne 3 would be really fun
I miss socom :(
>what is fov
>Not a single mention of either GunZ or S4 League
Movement based TPS games are never coming back, are they?
The True Crime series was pretty fun.
The game is mindless fun sure but the shooting mechanics are fucking bad. There's no weight to it at all.
That's because it's an arcade game more akin to Robotron in 3D than trying to be a meaty and in-depth shooter on feel. And even then that's where the weapons and slaughter make up for it.
it's a good game if you want to fall asleep
came here to post this
although i true ghosted the game with all alerts turned off
Only correct person in the thread.
>that fucking tutorial where you had to test your voice commands
>it hardly fucking worked but you needed to do it to continue
>yelling commands at my screen for 15 minutes
Max Payne 3, its fucking perfect
You probably think mac payne is good so youre opinion is invalid
>shaky cam and reticule bloom
it's shit
M8, I'm . I stated I wasn't the user you were responding to. I haven't even played any of the Max payne games.
>cutscenes ruin any replayability
Probably not the best, but I like Mafia 1 for how stripped down it is.
>reloading looks cool
Anyone have the /k/ triggering webm of the hunting rifle?
Console? Lost Planet.
PC? Tribes: Vengeance.
Responsiveness, pacing, movement and combat mechanics, visual feedback. Brilliant gems of execution in videogame development - if somewhat betrayed by core material (or core user ase) in terms of plot and hype.
In either game you can do just about anything combat appropriate (for the equipment featured in their respective universe) with extraordinary finesse and precision after some practice. Both highly competitive online, with a massive weight on skill and experience. Mostly of all, they are godlike fun to play.
bump for interest
>a good developer
No, that would be that looks like it plays itself shit you posted
EDF is at least hyper responsive and feels real fucking nice to play. I've fallen asleep playing games before, you know what they all had in common?
>Too much downtime
>Treats me like a retarded child who can't push buttons
>A whole lotta not gameplay but you need to push forward to walk super slowly. No you don't get to run we need to talk at you now.
EDF is pure unadulterated gameplay, the shit you posted was not.
Gears by far. Still the king of TPS.
Max Payne 1 and 2, 3 can fuck itself
Dead Space 1, 2 and 3 can fuck themselves
it isn't a shooter, it's a movie game deal with it
why would you play a boring movie game when you can play actual shooters
Max Payne 3 was the best solo tps I've played, but Gears beats out everything online. I know everyone loves to hate on 4 and now 5 coming up but they're infinitely smoother than their predecessors
if RE4 isn't fun then why have I beaten it more than any other game? I play games to have fun nigger
I really wish Naughty Dog would just get over the moviegame shit and just make a game that's fun because I really love the way UC4 plays but it's trapped in a game that's crushingly linear.
>makes no logical points defending his stance on the game. no counter arguments, no rebuttals, nothing
>spouts meaningless ad hominems and personnel insults like a child
Low tier trash tatics user. Get fucked
Reminder that casuals killed the genre. The Conflict Desertstorm games were also good.
>using linux
>dumb fucking frogposter
>Gears of War
Based ready to wall bounce fags in gears 5 soon bros
This shit is unbelievably fun
I post this every single time I see someone lamenting the MP3 cutscenes. It lets you skip all cutscenes (immediately not after 3 minutes like normal). You can also spawn in enemies and give yourself whatever gun and infinite bullet time/health whatever you want
Fortnite would legitimately be a great game without the bloom.
Posted before I read these but seriously check out the scripthook It's fairly new so most people aren't aware of it but it works perfectly. reinstall and do a run with zero cutscenes, it's so much fun
MGSV is the only correct answer, those controls and that camera are so fucking tight it even made the mediocre as fuck MGS Survive stupidly enjoyable.
Absolutely shit taste
OP you and me remember.
Socom Confrontation was one of the comfiest games ever.
Death Match all you do is sleep on the ground and wait for a guy to come walking into your line of sight and then pop a few rounds with your silenced gun.
Oh man and elimination was so good. I remember jumping around trying to avoid bullets and finding people in the back rooms trying to hide.
Rainbow Six Vegas, Socom Confrontation, COD4, MW2 golden age of semi-tactical shooters.
I would say that PUBG took things from all of those games and made it even better.
Man if they brought back Socom Confrontation. God it was such a great fucking game and so well made. its way too bad they had so many fuck ups on the first day of the game.
Resident Evil 4
>anything tactial about cod
...you have to be joking user
Armed and Dangerous. Made by some of the original MDK people, so if you liked that one, definitely play this
syphon filter combat ops for psp obviously, what a silly question
>the same thing
had so much potential to be great
It does look kind of cool when you play, but I don't know what is it about fallout 4 that bores the hell out of me. It's technically more fun as a shooter, but everything seems so easy, super mutants barely look like a menace anymore, that sucks.
When it comes to pure mechanics, MGS4. MGO2 was the shit.