I think we can all safely say that Shadowbringers is the greatest expansion in MMO history, yes? Eden is already shaping up to become one of the greatest raids with savage if we go by the current fights. It's only up from here.
>MMO history
>my world was changed from preferred to standard after maintenance
>got the 15 extra days playtime bonus two days ago
>guaranteed the EXP bonus for another 80 something days
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
>absolutely fuckall to do at end game
What other expansion has been so critically well received by both the media and player-base? Only TBC and WOTLK come to mind and SHB is already superior.
Shadowbringers is easily the best written story in any FF installment.
GNB bros, how are you liking the new sounds? I personally really like them, but the trannies on the official forum are seething
is blatant shilling the norm for Yea Forums now?
nah healers are still trash heavensward>shadowbringers
If you mean the past 10 years, yes.
Is it worth it to do the free world transfer to a preferred world? I don't have any friends on my server besides my old SB raid group that I don't talk to anymore.
Depends fully on whether Savage is good or not. And there's no way to tell with these fights since they are so barebones in normal except for Voidwalker, which will definitely be a good Savage fight.
it's more of the same shit, with a boring by-the-numbers endgame. but at least they got a competent writer now
prove me wrong
At what point did it stop being plausible for you that people like a video game? When did you stop coming to Yea Forums to discuss a common love for video games, and start coming here to hate on things for the purpose of taking a load off your own miserable existence?
Considering you can move freely to any server on a data center, the server you play on doesn't really matter. Depends if you want the perks that come with it and the chance to potentially get in on new FC's as they are made and make new friends. Also housing.
Essentially if you have no connections on your current server I'd say it's well worth it.
>tfw Nissan Titan
my party had no right winning that fight first attempt. our dancers died collectively 15+ times
There are no preferred NA worlds anymore.
Eden was wack after the first floor. 'Here's the primals, but weirder'.
>The cooler Titan
>died twice
>game crashed
>won the pet
felt kinda bad desu
>Over half the party dies to Eden Prime's corner AoE not even 2 mins into the fight
hard mechanic pls understand
>liking videogames? No! Not possible!
Stop being so far up your ass and remember what it was like to enjoy vidya
i fell for it when it happened immediately following the dance party
You are prepped with your penta melds for capped cp right?
You could say the new titan is under the weight.
I'm disappointed with leviathan but titan was dope
honestly i died because there was so much shit shoved in the corner, and the wall kills you
do people seriously like titans new theme?
i mean, its one step above the original theme, but that aint saying much since the original is complete shit
Fordola IS a CUTE wife! She IS a GOOD wife! (She is! She is!)
I knew right off the bat what the bitch was gonna do when I saw her warp to a corner
>Party successfully makes it to the corner
>They get demolished by the circle aoes
Stop it with this meme. It’s generic as all hell.
i dont play mmos for the story or life skills/rp cause it's gay. I just want to pvp, do dungeons, raid, and camp lowbies in starter zones. Would I like shadowniggers? I tried the early levels but it was so fucking boring and slow. People say it gets better later but i'm not sure
>Play WHM because it's the only job that throws rocks at people
>they lose their rocks for some faggot light shit
When is geomancer coming bros?
>can't get loot more than once per week
How the fuck am I supposed to gear up classes that aren't on the same loot table as my main class then?
PvP is shit and world PvP doesn't exist.
Dungeons and raids are pretty great though.
who cares
The quality of a story isn't judged on how original it is. Other FF games might have unique ideas, but their execution is absolute fucking garbage almost every time. Shadowbringers keeps it simple and focuses on the important things and does it super well.
I want to cum several times inside Fordola
have you tried tomes? its welfare gear for shitters that cant do ex trials
first time raiding in FF14?
for the right side you're right
Literally can't even notice a difference
I do NOT play BUT Fordola IS cute! I am wife scholar! I buy game AND fund game IF it DOES have cute wife! Fordola IS my [beautiful branch]!
Its day one you fucking retarded ape. There are lots of new people. Stop being a fucking cunt.
Pretty easy, 0 wipes, only died twice because I got tangled up during the AoE dancing and forgot about the massive ray gun and also ran into the insta-kill edge. Pretty easy fight.
1 wipe to delayed bomb, died once to the delay wipe. Very easy fight.
5 wipes to each new mechanic, only one that we weren't at fault for was the middle of the arena falling apart. Pretty easy when you've cleared it once and know what's coming.
FUCKING GO-KART BITCH. Hardest boss by far and hell with pubbies. I can tell it'll be the most painful fight for at least a couple of weeks.
I'll give you that since I haven't played it.
nah, this isnt the mmo for you, its extremely on rails, music and raids are good but if you want a more open world experience where you can pvp while questing or grief lowbies i suggest you look elsewhere
maybe osrs or tibia
>implying throwing pure light at people is gay
Don't ever do this shit again.
The fact that this MMO with a rocky history now almost rivals the best FF is an accomplishment in itself
>Do a trial
>It's basic bitch cape westwind
>Literally the only person in decent gear
>Everyone else is either wearing NQ store bought level 45 shit or a few pieces of ilvl50 gear
>Despite being level 50, and the job quests literally throw you basic ilvl90 gear
>Tanks have 3k hp
>I have 6.5k as the healer
>A critlo on the tank literally makes the shield bar go past 100%
>Shitty geared tank: "Don't worry this is easy."
>Absolutely everyone except the MT and I dies to the missiles, even with succ shielding
>Raise the other healer
>They die to the next missile
>Raise the BLM
>They die to the next missile
>Decide everyone is clinically retarded and just do it myself
>Takes literally 4 minutes to down it
I finally decided to install ACT, and wow, you guys weren't kidding when you said that most people are absolutely awful at the game. As a WHM, I've beaten actual DPS classes in damage dealt, while oGCDs and Regen do most of the healing.
First time i have ever done a raid on ff14 but is it usual that every boss is easier then previous one?
Fix healers
I always use ACT and I've never ran into a DPS that was THAT bad
>join a farm party for Titty EX
>nobody knows what the fuck they're doing
What is it with pugs and this trial? It's not even that hard yet every pug I join can't clear it.
Wow I never thought I'd ever read a Cape Westwind horror story.
How does anyone die at Cape Westwind what
>wants GEO to throw rocks in XIV
Never in my lifetime, I hope.
6.0 no new healer class because they have to rebalance the healers again :^)
>2 down, 2 more to go
Second boss was fun, did it first pull. By the way, as someone that's still using his AF gear, what should I buy with my Goetias? Weapon first?
Yeah, seconding this user . Especially PvP is fucking garbage in XIV and it shouldn't even exist just like it shouldn't in any MMORPG. This game is played for the story and presentation. Dungeons and raids are fun enough, but they have pretty much the same exact mechanics every single time.
then get used to it.
yes unless you plan on doing the extreme trials
Give me a couple of hours, I don't need WT resets yet.
If you don't plan on doing EX then you might as well buy it.
WHMchad here, reminder that our class is already full we are not accepting SCH and AST refugees
WHM always had the biggest playerbase though
I'm catching up on Stormblood post-msq stuff right now, I'll post the next few raids I do. These are all normal, by the way.
I am fucking shocked too. I couldn't believe it, but based on the shit gear I knew it was gonna happen. I just wanted to watch it crash and burn.
The dragoon, for example, was in full 40/41 store-bought gear. Not a single green or blue item on him. Everyone else was much the same, although one of the BLM had some ilvl50 gear at least.
If you aren't a casual you'll be replacing the normal mode raid gear with savage gear soon, and then you can use your normal mode weeklies for secondary jobs.
Craft/buy crafted gear out in 2 weeks
AST refugee, don't worry, I got my RNG/paddingslut fix from DNC instead, you're safe
I'd like to try them but I've never run an Ex trial that's still fresh (got into XIV just recently) and I've heard that Titania is kinda hard/complicated?
I used to like using ACT as WAR and beating shit DPS players. Too bad they completely destroyed WAR now and I don't want to see myself on the worse side of the list.
if they are there,they have they required ilevel.
>cape westwind wipe
Fucking kek
I don't know much about the jobs I don't play but ACT immediately tells me who AoEs and who doesn't.
>alright WoL we need you to summon Titan
>summons a car
are we literally retarded?
>Join Titania Ex farm party
>Notice people keep dying on the big adds right after the knockback wtf is happening?
>Decide whatever it's probably not a big deal.
>PL puts party up
>One of the DPS starts asking "I'm a bit confused over the big adds knockback part"
>"Yeah sorry guys, I gotta go."
Fucking hell, join a clear or practice party if you don't know the mechanics.
Starting to realize why people roll alts in FF 'you can be every job in one character' XIV now?
jokes on you i was a WHM refugee on SCH for the last 2 expansions
I’m glad that SCH and AST got slight buffs this patch
I'm not done.
Crystal Chronicles.
Arguably 6.
9 (same ratio of actual substance to filler content).
Considering 1-5 had very simple writing and 8, 10, 12, and 15 had massive writing problems, it basically cleared the lowest possible hurdle.
>our dancers died collectively 15+ times
Sounds right, dancer players are even bigger retards than red mages
It was mixed up with memories of Grynewaht for some reason.
We're just evoking our Amaurotine creativity. It's kind of like how the Griffin was created, but with a car.
took words out of my mouth
>WoL was traumatized by landslides
>Because that was the core memory, the created primal ends up having massive amount of landslides
Creation magic is fucked up like that.
>BLM main
>pick WHM for my healer since it fits and I really just want to be a sage
>it's actually pretty good and even fun
Shame about RDM and BLU desu. I just wanted to go all in on color magic.
>people want to tank swap for Titan's Stonecrusher
>even though the phys vuln wears off by the next time Stonecrusher comes out, the only thing that can kill you
I mean, it's good practice, but I don't get why people keep doing it
user, there is no required ilvl for cape westwind. I can literally queue for it with nothing but a level 1 weapon.
I hope you're not parsing synced content with WHM on large pulls because HOLY usually fucks everyone up.
>camp lowbies in starter zones
You have no control in your life and aren't good enough to play fighting games to work out your aggression
I forgot cape westwind had a mechanic.
This is so stupid that I have no choice but to believe it.
>Titan, right, right, Titan.
>Isn't it my nameday soon?
>Who was it that said it was all of his namedays at once?
>Oh right, creating Titan.
oh I hope they bring up the creation magic angle in the raid series
Why is my eden queue time so massive.
>Crystal Chronicles
maybe, i havent finished it
>Arguably 6
>9 (same ratio of actual substance to filler content)
they're neck and neck. its hard to say which wins
brd and mnk are the only bro dps players prove me wrong
Embrace your Amaurotine heritage.
You said it, it’s good practice. If new baby tanks want to master tank swapping by all means I’m for it.
Lots of people queuing at once and only so many healers and tanks around.
>It's like all my Landslides came at once!
Is the savage last battle of each tier has an extra form what the fuck can we expect from titan????
I just started 14 Yea Forums.
How do I level up as fast as possible? What's the best healer?
Pic related is my 'thank you.'
oh really?... i didn know.. sorry
Naw, only trials and raids. Dungeons make tuning the encounter timer a pain.
found your problem
Not even the hard part of that fight yet.
mad af
Parallel parking QTE
White mage
And just do the main story quests
>WoL's is so absent that he remembers Primals being cooler and stronger than they actually were.
>"Nah man, Levi always had two heads!"
Conjurer then White Mage when you're level appropiate. Do MSQ and dungeons when level locked.
MSQ and dungeons for leveling, you have to beat the MSQ anyways to get to new areas. I hope you enjoy the literally 100 filler quests between ARR and HW. "Best" healer is currently WHM.
Is SSTool only showing a blank white interface for anyone else?
>thank you pic
>girl doesn't have a penis
I don't FFXIV is for you user
Asian bimbos best bimbos
Motorbike Titan
Reinstall it when that happens
Maybe he's just trying to one up the Minstrel.
It makes things easier on the healers and it's as simple as a button click. Granted I didn't bother asking the other tank to swap because they were getting hit by fucking everything.
White Mage.
Assuming you literally just started and your level is in the single digits, the fastest way you can level is by doing the main story, sidequests, maybe fates. I don't know when you can do leves but you can try those if you're really hurting for EXP.
You can keep your thanks, I'm only into 2D anime girls.
So I just did the last Eden fight. Are there tank swap mechanics there? The other guy was shirking me at random, but I had no idea what I was looking for in order to shirk him when the time came up.
>FUCKING GO-KART BITCH. Hardest boss by far and hell with pubbies. I can tell it'll be the most painful fight for at least a couple of weeks.
Anything where retards can fall off is to hard for normies. Fist Boss of Dun Scaith has proven this many times over.
Will do, thank you user.
>camp lowbies in starter zones
Nope. This game is not for you. No open world pvp and the pvp that does exist is a meme.
He gets a physical vulnerability after Stonecrusher hits but tank swapping isn't necessary given that the only thing that can kill him there if he doesn't fuck up mechanics is another Stone Crusher and the vulnerability wears off by the time Titan does it again.
Gotta prepare a feast out of arbitrarily chosen rare ingredients.
Anything that doesn't let retards endlessly collect vuln debuffs is PF hell.
Nice screenshot, user.
Here's more dancer idiocy, the job never should have been added
how does dance partner work and why is everyone so salty about it all the time
>join Titan
>replace the music with some Initial D eurobeat
It works desu.
dnc should have been a pure support class, not ranged dps
So Hydaelyn: is she “dead” now along with Minfilia or can she get poofed back anytime since she’s a Primal?
So in the future it is something I don't really have to focus on, then? Good to know. Thanks user.
Dance Partner is, essentially, more damage. So like all buffs, its best used by classes with already high damage.
It's basically free damage buffs to the dance partner and it costs the DNC nothing at all to apply.
>Soken ruined Force Your Way with some bullshit opera shit
Fuck off you hack. All you do most of an expansion is write 6 to 8 new songs total then do nothing but remixes and 1.0 music.
why are there so many ffxiv shills?
the game has awful gameplay, so they can't be serious
what the fuck
Here's another one!
Probaby not. Hyd and Zodiark were made by the Amaurotine and they were basically demigods so the imperfect races likely wouldn't be able to replicate a summoning of that level.
I'd do that but I have the one character sub.
His Force Your Way was kino
You may need to get your brain checked tranny.
new server mang
Get better taste.
>It's day one!
Try rubbing two brain cells together
>6.0 has only one new job
>It's another physical ranged DPS
>They pull the "healer need to be rebalanced" trick again
I want this to happen just to see the OF explode.
but my items and my money
>woooowww it's still day one how was i supposed to know not to step in AoEs or walk off the edge? calm down bro
That BLM is fucking alpha. Imagine doing nothing and having other people just clear content for you.
I contributed to that, had to drag a pug kicking and screaming through a clear even after realizing he knew nothing about the fight and could barely play the game. I felt bad about unleashing that retard on Farm parties.
Which tank should I play?
Standard retards be happy you were removed from that group. You are better off.
you cant send gil to your alts
Imagine being Ryne, a healthy mid-teen girl. Camping out in the middle of nowhere with her not-daddy, weird nerdy uncle and weird kill Gods for breakfast uncle/aunt.
>can't solo bismark ex because I can't kill the adds before they gain the defense buff if they're too close
>notice his ultimate is survivable at 85k hp
>it reduces the island hp to 1 so i can't cheese his ultimate
i really enjoyed the second fight i excited bout that fight in savage
Shit was the BLM even playing?
there has been some advanced shittery going on lately. i cannot even kind of figure out what was going through that mchs(and whoever voted yes on votekick) head. is this the power of wowfugees?
NA parser trannies detected.
>Wow you dont know mechanics day one? So fucking shit bro!!!
That BLM is a disgrace to the job. One thing if it's some retarded girlfriend playing RDM but a BLM? I spit on him.
I once caused a dungeon run to fall apart because I tried to explain as nicely as possible to a BLM why just spamming Fire III into Ice III was completely wrong. I even suggested just to do the baby rotation where he just uses fire and not fire IV but then he and the tank just dropped group, I think they were playing together. This was in the sirensong sea. Bad black mages always mesmerise me because we legit have the simplest most logical rotation in the game and so many people just dont understand the fundamentals of it.
PLD is a safe bet right now. DRK is lower when it comes to DPS but has great mitigation. GNB's mitigation is awful but it does the most damage, and WAR currently has no real niche but is fine all around.
Please respect the 4 year old content :^)
>i need a mister happy guide to tell me not to step in AoEs wow stop being an elitist??
So that bitch had Junctioned that shit and that's why she can't remember stuff?
Faerie is on Aether user.
She IS cute!
It was the fight I liked the most because it was a completely new opponent and it's always fun to fight ontop of airships.
Only fight with one new mechanic total was Titan. The rest are old as fuck and seen used in dungeons
uhhh she's on the same powerlevel as us if not stronger i'm more worried for my character than anything else
as someone who has the ex primals on farm I think that's wrong because you can pair HOS with your other shit
>needing a guide
>Ah right okay the boss went into the corner that time. I got it now I'll remember that next run
God imagine actually being elitist on FFXIV of all things lol.
Buffs the partner, and finishes give lots of damage
Priority for partner is basically NIN > MNK > who cares as long as it's a dps > nigger why are you wasting it on a tank or healer > jesus fuck at least apply it to someone
That was my first thought too but when I looked again, the sineater-voidsent thing was just holding her, not Junctioned like Ultimecia was to Griever.
>utterly hate MMOs
>FF14 has the best FF content since 12
what do
>Ah right okay the boss went into the corner and it's facing me
>i think i'll just stand right here where it's looking
Imagine having the intelligence of a fucking vegetable.
Yeah but literally every other tank has a better version of HoS
>it's always fun to fight ontop of airships.
Except in FFX, fuck Penance.
It's a singleplayer game with MMO elements
I used to Shirk MTs randomly if I know OT didn't have to do anything just to top up their aggro. It's pointless with the braindead new tank stance though.
yeah like DRK? the only tank that uses resources to use a shield
Reminder tank meta is PLD/GNB. Other two are in the cuckshed.
She's too inexperienced to really be on our level.
Assume that the people youre playing with are Poorly Programmed AI.
Get to shadowbringers and play with actual AI that is probably better than most people.
>you can pair HOS with your other shit
Every tank has a 25 sec CD now, and HoS is probably the worst, since it is only 15% DR compared to Sheltron's scaling 20+%, RI's 20% and TBN's 25% HP shield.
its a final fantasy game before it is an mmo
>Put in search info {Hyur} w/a {Baby Behemoth}
>Have a literal Baby Behemoth minon follow me around as my default pet
>People come up to me and ask what my search info is slang for
>realise I've probably been reported for being "indecent"
Can I actually get fucking banned for having {Baby Behemoth} in my profile? It's a minion.
No like WAR's Raw and PLD's Sheltron and DRK's TBN. All stronger than HoS. And I won't mention Camo.
reminder to dilate so your hole does not get healed up
chains of promathia was a better expansion, why are FFXIVfags so fucking delusional?
>None of that cheek, or I'll take you across my knee
Are you literally retarded?
This has to be real, no one would ever decide to bullshit and then go on about how shitters wiped on Cape Fucking Westwind, they wouldn't believe their own story
>oh no a mechanic caught me off guard(which is what theyre supposed to do)
>Man I sure wish I was like autism-chan here who knoew everything right from the start, probably because he read up a quick guide on the balance discord or here.
Man I wish I was as cool as you, totally great.
Post your FFLogs if youre so great.
TBN more than makes up for the resource usage.
They're both top tier. Why come and try to start shit?
lol that game no one played that consisted of grinding mobs with auto attacks? epic
GNB defense is fine you can put HOS on anyone free of charge that 5% wont kill the job
I miss the SNES/PS1 days bros..
Can't be a good expansion when the core gameplay is unplayable shit.
>DNC dies to massive landslide on E4 6 times over 2 pulls
>shouts the entire time "where do I stand?"
I don't get these idiots, if you can't stand on the side, try the middle, or heaven forbid, follow the people who aren't fucking dying.
Are the trannies that kill themselves the ones that forget to dilate and end up smooth like a Ken doll
>boss goes into the corner and stares at you
>"oh man what could be happening?! i'll just stand here right in the path it's staring at! i really can not think of any possible solution to this mysterious mechanic!"
Get a fucking brain.
Never mind that, just needs a bit of echo.
World first bismark WHM solo clear?
>that 5% wont kill the job
But it will get it meme'd out of the meta.
>no 64-way Landslide in Neo Titan
Shit game.
Shit boss.
Shit raid.
Shit expansion.
Tumble with a savage?
How fucking bad is our memory?
yeah if it pops maybe its me but I dont like gambles and even if it does its damage neutral
You should mention how it's also casting while it's doing that.
god who knows but at end of the 45% they all die.
We were a creative mystery nigga
WoL is just as autistic as Zenos.
>could be anywhere in the arena maybe in some zone thats too far to get there in time
Thank you for helping us decide what to add alongside permadeath upon falling off the platform in Savage. Please look forward to it!
those who need meta jobs die to innocence "farm" parties on my server
>When he just fucking does several variations of Landslide like 10 times in a row
Fuck me. I just noticed the idiot that uploaded this left in a bunch of Discord sounds.
>auto attacks
lol, you realize almost everything in FF14 is taken from FF11 right? I'm guessing you don't realize anything
so now that eureka is dead, is there a way to level up and do clogs with people? or am i on my own
Evrae was fun at least.
>being this bad
Man people walk around advertising themselves as horny futas, do you really think they are going to care about a (baby behemoth)?
>start shit
OP literally started the thread by being delusional
>lol, you realize almost everything in FF14 is taken from FF11
But then 14 would be a bad game, like 11
I don't fucking know man. I'm sure people will report for literally any reason.
Yeah and they get fucking banned. I know several people who got temp bans for "suggestive" profiles.
Here you go.
>but I dont like gambles
>uses TBN on ex primals tank buster
>doesnt pop
>somehow my fault
but hey you do you
>pugged all 4 bosses and only wiped once on titan
today crystal was pretty cool
>Just thinking of what Titan Savage could be
Chaos or Light lads?
alright Yea Forums, what's the mount gonna be? Eden or the atv?
I did have ACT running. Also, turns out the other healer managed to survive too. I honestly didn't notice.
Newb here. Does road to 70 disappear forever if I reach lvl 70 or is it just for that class?
>load into E2 for the first time
>not even out of the cutscene
>Alice [weebname]@Gilgamesh: so u've all watched a video right
>finish cutscene a bit before everyone else because lolssd
>check party list
>they're a SCH
>literally everyone else but me and the SCH are still in the cutscene
>glance at their search info while I wait
Just once, just ONCE I wish Gilgatards weren't so fucking predictable.
>people actually dying to Cape Westwind
Holy fucking shit, and I thought wiping to Ifrit the other night, and not because of the nails, was crazy
Light. You don't want to play with the French.
>missing the point
even if it pops its still damage neutral no matter how much you green text
Just for that class.
user... wow... you really actually unironically are SO fucking dumb, holy shit.
EVERYONE gets this mechanic right blind, it's extremely easy to spot and the time window is absurdly huge, you can walk from the wrong edge of the arena to the proper spot while the cast is over 60% done for fucks sake.
How the fuck are you this retarded? How the fuck are you this shameless? Holy fuck dude.
>tfw I get to pop the level 3 limit break and kill the boss
Is it the sweetest feeling?
No idea, I wasn't playing while Eureka was a thing.
Also, here's another one, from a mostly competent group. BLMs rise up.
The ATV would require them to make a model. So they'll just scale Eden.
I detest them both but Krauts are slightly better than Frogs so Light.
>Landslides don't have aoe markers
>They also go out 2 times faster to match OG titan speed
>use plunge while the middle section is missing during EdenLeviathan
>just barely fall off to my death
I feel like I’m lagging when I hit solid barrel.
You never really beat Nidhogg unless you did it as a DRG with Dragonsong Dive.
>Want to get classes to 80
>Don't wanna keep dungeon grinding
If it didn’t pop it wasn’t a tankbuster. What kind of baby tankbuster deals less than 25% of your health.
Thanks user
>BLM that low
>BLM low at all
These level skipping, FOTM bandwagoning cocksucking double niggers need to get the fuck off my job.
slightly is an understatement. Germans aren't the best but I have had nothing but overwhelmingly negative experiences with the french
Did you think we were memeing about raidtrannies?
>wahh wahh you don't know mechanic?
>leaves when party gets back up
This is you.
No one likes you at all.
Everyone blacklists you.
God, people are so fucking retarded in old content
>half the alliance can't move to the fucking ice in Dun Scaith ahead of it landing
>first group who fucks up bad ragequits
>people fucking up the same goddamn mechanics
>tanks not positioning the bosses properly and tanks fighting over it, killing groups
>sprouts who think they are the experts of XIV, calling names, then get offended when others confront them
>minimum heals that don't heal you properly, you most likely die to the next unavoidable attack
>no esuna
And so on.
>chinks have to eat a boatload of KFC to get one black chocobo
So, how are BLM chads coping with the new titan?
Are there even guides out yet? It's day fucking 1
I don't know which you're talking about exactly, but Divination Rune, Fae Light and Righteous Bolt will always pop TBN.
Meanwhile Europe doesn't get shit. Ever
Eden Prime should have been E4
>Oh shit I got BTFO
>I know, I'll fantasize about that other poster, that'll make me feel better about myself!
Honestly lad, that's pretty pathetic.
I don't get mad at learning parties. It's when you're on week 7 of an encounter being out and there's not a single new person yet they still die to the dumbest shit, proving that they haven't learnt a single thing for 7 weeks and have just been carried every single time.
Check out this thread if you want to see other MMO players be salty about FFXIV's success.
How do you get a parse that low as blackmage on fucking exdeath? That fight is like 95% uptime for ranged characters. Just don't stand by the boss and next to other players and you are literally golden
BLM has so many safety nets at this point it really isn't that much of an issue once you've cleared once or twice.
Savage might be messy though.
Can't wait to have to subscribe to some French internet magazine for a month to get a code.
>feel like tanking something for a change
>do leveling roulette on PLD
>get a healer that just stands behind me the entire dungeon, only healing when necessary and never throwing a single damage spell, doesn't respond to chat or change anything
>get a SMN that doesn't dot anything except bosses
>only the DRG is somewhat decent
I remember why I don't tank now
Im in there now its fucking gr8
>ffxiv is not a mmo
posts are so fucking enjoyable.
Proof she's into mommyposting.
Overall, between this, how savage she is about Thancred's bullshit, and how she's the only DPS with a noticeable burst, I feel Y'shtola was the most improved existing NPC of the whole expansion. She may have been the face of the game before, but she was a nothingburger until then.
Why? For once they don't pull the EXACT same formula and you feel uncomfortable?
yfw living it up on elemental
Dang, nice
I dunno man, it definitely felt like a fourth fight with the huge-ass limit break.
Just stick to the few jobs you like the most. FFXIV is good but ultimately you're gonna be glad you didn't spend more time on it than you "needed" to
None of the fights were that bad honestly. Just a matter of optimizing them now.
>All these pushes
>Im the only one using arm's length
E12 will be Eden Prime Prime
If you are on a current EX and you don't have literally like all your defensive cooldowns active, either TBN will break or else you aren't blocking a tank buster.
Just remember, everyone but you is retarded until proven otherwise. That's why it's so great to be a healer; damage is so low that unless the tank dies outright, chances are you can pump resources into keeping them alive.
Cause it’s the coolest visually and ending with it instead of nu-Titan would’ve been more satisfying.
>luck out on a house
>no idea what to do with it or how to decorate
i am sorry to the other 20 people who were after this plot
Just do it over the 2 years worth of 5.X
From the leak I saw, E12 is an enemy called apocalypse.
Which I'm pretty sure is just gonna be ultimecia
Sin Eaters feel oddly rushed and pushed aside despite being the focus of all the trailers.
>you're a tranny if you complain about players fucking up the bare minimum
Yes. Makes perfect sense.
I love go kart titan.
In your defense
>Buy medium
>Check houses around for inspiration.
>Most of them are empty
Truly. If you're not using it as a BLM to get more casts off then you should just switch job. Same as a tank and you're doing large dungeon pulls.
Titan was the more fun and intense fight. Eden Prime was cool looking, but pretty simple.
Don't respond to tranny obsessed posters. They are just trying to be as obnoxious as possible
>E12 is defeated
>ryne controls eden
>we now have the space ship to take us to the moon
I’m so used to the Knockbacks with the “arrows” indicator going through Arm’s Length I didn’t even try.
Most people dont
decorating is expensive and time consuming
Not bad so long as you know what he's doing. I like to use my Ley Lines over one of the bombs that'll detonate first so when it does I warp over to it and don't have to deal with running from any. Savage is probably going to tear me a new asshole though.
It's an MMO tailored towards wagies, unfortunately. Phone game dailies are all the content they can really offer.
Pretty sure that's a fake leak, there's no way devs are already working on E12.
why take us to the moon when we can just IMAGINE it into existence
I really dont get it, if you love mmos then wouldnt you want to check out the mmo a lot of people are praising? Instead they get angry, tell you to dilate and stew in their filth.
Are there any Yea Forums guilds on Aether or, allah forgive me for uttering this name, Crystal?
First time is always a nightmare but after two or three your galaxy brain starts ticking and you optimize. By that point it's not really a problem.
I mean Surecast in the case of BLM, of course.
>mfw he sprouted those retarded little wings and flew away
A rainbow road to the moon. Imagine.
I joined late, where can I read the dialogue for this event?
We need to go to the real moon to kick elidibus ass.
How long does it take to level an alt job from 71-80 with just dungeons?
So many tanks don't fucking realize Arm's Length is a trash pull CD now, which is a shame because it's a really fucking good one. It's like Eye for an Eye except it always procs on everything that hits you 100% of the time.
ultros and v guilds are always filled with cunts
the only aether Yea Forums guild is an Yea Forums guild afaik
If I had to guess, maybe 8-10 hours
When is the next Eden raid?
How do you even sell a house to someone? I see people selling houses but they go on timers, no? So you either need to hope they have a house to transfer to yours, or own a FC and transfer ownership.
lol i said guild. habits never die
Healers and tanks would be way faster since their queue times are basically instant. DPS would be waiting around a lot
If you didn't do the raids in first person you're a casual faggot.
Don't play with anyone from Yea Forums, retard.
bout half a year.
In 5.2 so ~6 months.
It's basically a /r/MMORPG circlejerk thread. They hate all MMOs there except the one they played as a kid.
It's around 700 HPS to the MT at no cost.
It makes runs far smoother and increases healer DPS.
Savage in a few weeks
The next tier is in like 6 months I think?
>missed my chance and now there are no preferred servers in NA
>WoL flies off into the Moon with the Scions for the final battle against Zodiark
>finds Alpha and Omega playing Triple Triad immediately upon landing
Wish me luck!
>Was disappointed at first over the idea of refighting primals
>That Titan reimagining
Never mind this is pretty cool
guess I'm gonna level AST next
the job being a trash fire aside, is nocturnal sect actually okay now?
>We have to wait half a year to see Goth Rynefilia
God dammit.
hahahahahahahaha no. More like three times that, assuming you have only decent groups and not terrible retards that end up making a run take 45 minutes.
I played WoW with people from Yea Forums and /vg/ and they were always fun.
FFXIV does have the habit of turning normal people into spergs though.
I wish they would make raids required to progress the story at this point. Eden seems like a cool idea so far, but it's going to be shuffled off to side after it's done
>Nomura's KH clone turns up
>Won't even actually see her for half a year
What the fuck
>reach ilvl 430
>suddenly all groups require 435 or 440
So apparently the trials got harder this patch?
nomura didnt finish her design yet kek
No decent rewards anyways.
I mean Alexander and Omega are referenced in the plot so
I hate all these trash players whos brain can't handle a literal timer above somones head
>Fuck this shit I'm out.wav
Eden Prime could have been a dungeon boss she was so easy.
Does gear drop in NPC Trust-Party runs, or only if you group with players?
you might be the shitter in the equation here since I have never seen a 71+ dungeon last more than 25 minutes and that was long
They didn't, people are just shitters that always want the easiest ride possible
her hammer isnt done being modeled
Like the crystal tower, alexander and omega?
They drop in trusts also
>reach ilvl 430
Wow you literally ran two dungeons for accessories
None of the fights are as hard as the ex 'primals'. Normal raid fights never are, they're like a tier below
but user... you don't have to wait
Get fucked, user!
>Both healers keep getting gibbed by Pure Light
Come on you should have known what it was up to the moment it dashed into a corner.
Yeah but everything referencing Alexander and Omega and CT is from a Future alt timeline. Unless they pull that shit again, I don't really see how they're going to fit Eden in for people who may have never done it.
they're wow players, no wonder they're obsessed with trannies
All up to the dps bro, and fast dungeons at that level take at least 20-25 minutes so we both know you're full of shit.
I'm bringing her with us whether she wills it or not.
No she's below that, she was legit dungeon boss tier
Did you read the text? Urianger makes the statement that the primals we know were based on whichever beast tribe summoned them, like the Sahagin and Leviathan, so there are bound to be differences
Yeah, it even drops minions if the dungeon has them. I got that sin eater cube thing from Mt Gulg
Have they added anything new to the achievement guy for Shadowbringers?
Seems better for farming appearances then.
No, I literally ran 20 dungeons because all I ever drop is tank and healer gear. Still haven't dropped a single ring.
>When you feel forced to play RDM because healers are trash and keep fucking dying on Titan
Hey anons, Ive been playing since 1.0 launch, but have never did an 8man raid before (Coils, Alexander, Omega) but I just ran the first part of Eden and can someone give me a rundown on proper protocol for rolling for loot in them and also how does the loot restrictions work?
Nah, people are just pussies that are probably minimum ilvl if not less and want a carry while blaming everyone who isn't themselves for wiping.
>kills Lightwardens
>sad, stoic
>kills primals
>happy, laughing
Maybe we're just remembering happier times?
>we both know you're full of shit
I have fucking 4 80s at this point. I have not seen ONE run last beyond 25 minutes you absolute shitter.
Yes. Ribbon but it looks like shit.
Leviathan has two heads because in the original fight his tail is almost like a second head and you have to fight both at once.
>Kholusia is a hub not a zone
>FFXIV is not a MMO, it's a single player game with a sub fee, there's not a single persistent world
>It's only popular because it's Final Fantasy *ignores 1.0*
>feel like I should run SMN on Titan just because people keep dying
>don't want another person to fuck up tanking it somehow
I just want my fucking pet already
t. The Man with No Taste
Ok now do this except from behind
You can do it in a day with just trusts.
>Leviathan looked like Midgardsomr.
Garuda finna have fat ass titties bros
Savage is in two weeks newfag
you get 1 token per floor each week
you're right, it's overhyped, the story is good but the game is almost irredeemably bad, to say it's the greatest expansion to an MMO ever is a bold statement considering it adds nothing new or interesting to the actual game and is just following the same cookie cutter content schedule as their last two.
>Shit I got called out on my bullshit
>Better double down on the lies
Cool story faggot.
>Queue blind for each fight
>Clear each one first pull
I swear you fucks always complaining about "not getting a good party" are the actual shitters
So you earned at minimum 1600 tomestones and you decided to spend none of it on 440 gear.
It's pretty worthless on ranged DPS maybe excluding DNC that have to stay in melee range for some of their spells
Does everyone just greed on everything or only need?
>uses TBN on ex primals tank buster
>doesnt pop
>somehow my fault
>but hey you do you
Patch notes make it clear
There's no real protocol. Just need roll on whichever gear you're gunning for each week. Just keep in mind that you can only get ONE per boss each week, so need on whichever it is you want and pass on the rest. There's every chance you'll fail to get it though in which case you'll have to do the right again to get your reward.
What should I level next?
probably because wardens used to be people its a nice touch
Levathans new theme reminds me of dmc2s ost (and thats a good thing)
I cleared all my fights on the first pull, too.
Going back in to Titan to try to get the pet, however, has been a nightmare with at least 1 wipe per fight
1.0 was so Kino
did we just get cucked
> Finally get to take a day to rest adventures
> About to knock on Y'shtola's door
> She opens it without needing to hear the knock first; because she sees our aether
> WoL-kun, I've been waiting for this
> Purring in anticipation, Y'shtola drops her robes on the floor
> About to give her the D
> Suddenly, a bitchy voice starts ringing.
> Odious sapling, I told you didn't I, anytime you need me just call! But no, you keep it to yourself, well last time was the last time, now we have fun!
> Before a canned animation fires, Y'shtola and Feo Ul start to double-team and peg me right in the 13th shard
Anyway, how are tanks these days? Haven't noticed any single warrior, is it that bad?
>we're finally touching more on the 13th/Void
fucking finally??? it's been a factor since day one and everyone is just OK with stuff tearing through the rift and running around the Source
careful with that word, you'll summon the cuck autist
>main tank gets 4 stacks of vuln against titan
>lol no we dont need to bother with tank swaps
If you aren't going to do it by choice Titan is going to force you to fucking do it.
Thank you user.
>no static
>no fc
>savage in duty finder will be hell
>6 months for the next raid
A-At least I might get a group by then.
Whoever designed these needs to be fired
>When you dress more girly than your waifu
Lad... if you're getting cucked you know why.
It's pretty boring to play now, DRK is basically just WAR with extra OGCD's.
Warrior DPS is so bad I unsubbed after clearing MSQ.
I dont know why we cant do the same thing as the first and have time travel cat go back in time in the 13th to when it was not dead yet and have us fight dark wardens
It's such a long cooldown you're better off just learning the mechanics and doing it right anyway, just use it as an oh fuck I messed up button instead.
Of course I did, I just refused to buy right side stuff first so the average ilvl didn't increase much when I upgraded left side from 430 to 440.
need at everything, is not like you can get more than 1 piece per floor, but keep in mind to pass for peices you dont need anymore.
Called out for what? You being so bad you actually think any of the dungeons could possibly take 45 minutes to clear even with the worst mouth breathing pugs? I can't even see how you can go over 25 minutes unless you have a tank/healer causing you to wipe multiple times. It hasn't happened to me. Maybe I'm just not a grey parser literally struggling with leveling content of all things.
Roll need on what you want. If you want something specific, roll on only that, but you might need to do more than one run in that case.
what were they thinkin
they look good though
They wanted to use her to foreshadow a new job, but then realised that meant they had to make the animations for it first.
I still can't tell if Feo Ul is male or female. I play on the English dub because I'm not a faggot.
if you have the option for need you always use it, I personally skip on the accessories though.
I made a decent amount of buddies and would eventually make friends with the poeple I cleared O3S and O4S with during my PF days in 4.05.
shes gonna clap her asscheeks together to make windstorms
Pixies are genderless
tank is fucking ugly
the rest are okayish
>melee is black version of healer
Fucking doubt that buddy, that's definitely caster
what's ifrit gonna look like
Everyone knows only retards and faggots play melee dps so you're finally getting fitting apparel.
no ixal in this world, no garuda. it'll be pandora from 8
Wrong retard
We won't see her model until 5.2, and we won't see her using her hammer until 5.4.
I think you mean you are indeed a massive faggot.
its its own model but yeah it looks like caster shit
t. Speedreader
you can literally check that you’re wrong in game cunt
warrior is the best class of all, and very high IQ.. you dont see many of them because people are afraid of the class.
Anyone got the link to the MEGA with the OST from the early access dataminer, or another?
I only play DRK and GNB, GNB feels more like a DPS meaning it's actually kinda fun to play. DRK is too fucking simple, it's only fun ability being TBN. I wish they'd just delete DRK and give TBN mechanics to GNB's heart of stone.
Thank you.
Thancred did.
>pandora from 8
you mean the giant pillar is going to be a boss?
haha nigger
Oh ho you poor naive bitch
>You being so bad you actually think any of the dungeons could possibly take 45 minutes to clear
See, the fact that you immediately resort to "n-no y-you must b-be b-bad" already proves you're full of shit. Even if I was the best tank in the world it would do nothing to stop the DPS doing less damage than me and everyone chain dying on boss mechanics.
>B-but I've never seen s-such a r-run
See this is how people know you don't even actually play the game and just shitpost on here for the lulz or some shit.
Pixies dont have gender they are immortal beings thus have no need to reproduce.
>this time next week the video guides will be up and everyone will know the fight like the back of their hands
>won't get to laugh at entire groups of shitters failing mechanics relentlessly
It's good while it lasts lads.
Well its a good thing theyre not the ones doing the summoning via Eden now are they
When will we finally get stronger than Thancred?
Titan's Savage theme just leaked
sorry, pandemona.
>The Oracle of Darkness
oh dear
It's cute
Pixies are made from the souls of dead children
Children have genders, so pixies have genders
Feo Ul is female
Dang, was just about to ask what world I could go to to get the snazzy bonuses. Oh well.
Provided equal skill, a player with higher ilvl is more likely to survive fuck ups (pugs will fuck up) and will also deal more damage. Faster runs mean more chances at loot per hour, obviously. I was i444 up to yesterday and my damage varies between 93% to 99%. Most of the variation is due to rng of group comp and if the DNC will decide to partner or not, though I've had orange with no partner.
Now why would I bring a 430 player who is, in all likelihood, not only lower geared but also worse skilled than I am? I want to farm, not carry.
>She's gonna end up being Ryne's fragment from the 13th
You can thank me for spoiling it
>Be a faggot
>Get a dress
What's the problem now faggot?
>The landslides... the landslides
how bad do you have to be to actually think like this?
inb4 “lol baited”
fucking kill yourself user
She should have good thighs to match Ryne.
>we have a chance of getting shortstack ifrit from woff as a boss next raid tier
>Crystal Chronicles
The story in that game is near non-existent and exists solely as window dressing to justify the gameplay, the fuck?
I hate the fact you're probably right. She'll merge with Ryne near the end of the raid.
No, you HAVE to let me in or you're a tranny
>people unironically make video guides for normal raids
I fucking hate sharing gear with SAM. Nobody wants to wear your faggy fucking weeaboo dresses SAMtards
wrong she will have a nice bubble butt with black toenail polish
what went so horribly wrong?
>S-shit I-I got t-totally b-btfo....
>B-better j-just r-repeat my initial r-random b-bullshit that h-he's b-bad
Jesus dude, you're not even pretending to be this retarded, this is actually you isn't it?
This would look so good on BLM. They probably had too many caster designs and just decide to reassign them.
WoW focused more on streamers than the integrity of their game
Thank god I play ffxiv tho
Play the game instead of watching it you drone
Fuck you leatherman. That's some kind of angelic greek dress and has nothing to do with Monks or Samurai.
>don't have cancerous ecelebs ruining out game
it's more like what went so right?
Yea, WoW got so bad people would rather WATCH it than play. How the mighty have fallen...
XIV players are actually playing the game instead of watching someone else play it.
Garbage PvP
>bigger game is bigger
Watching people play fps or mobas is one thing but who the fuck enjoy watching other people play MMOs?
I'm fine with the "caster" set though that circlet is retarded.
alright, so now that we have 2 headed Levi and BerserCar whats next? clean shaven Ramuh Shiva with 6 dicks?
Because you're a sad individual who has caught the modern gamer MMO bug and can no longer see other players as people, but numbers. Your entire world revolves around numbers and you generally assume everyone who has a number lower than yours is an inferior being because numbers are law. You ignore the fact that people may simply have not played as much as you, had worse luck, or simply chose a slightly different gearing path and worst of all you label everyone by their number assuming that it somehow correlates to their skill.
Stepping out of circles on the ground is not hard my dude, you're not special, numbers mean shit.
holy shit that farmed (You)s fast
inferiority complex is real
How I wish the healer coat was just a recolored caster coat.
>when the healer actually saves the run with his LB3 cause we almost wiped on Levi
I'm a shitter for getting tunnel vision.
We do have Pat being a fucking moron about Shadowbringers right now.
Garuda with an anal vore attack since all my WoL remembers is her massive ass.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Off you fuck then lad.
People are just so fucking tired of hearing about reviews and twitch as a metric for good.
Just pretending etc
>Ramuh is based off of Rhalgr
>Ramuh, the muscle wizard for Eden 5-8
Im more interesting in how we envision shiva. Will we take Hraesvalgr's truth to heart and imagine a woman being vored by a dragon
>but who the fuck enjoy watching other people play MMOs?
1. It's a streamer someone was already watching
2. It's an MMO they don't know if they want to bother with
3. They want a different perspective on the game
4. It's content they haven't done and want to see
t. 26 year old zoomer that watches twitch on my other monitor a lot
>black toenail polish
Not with unmodded ugly feet.
>hehe you replied I win
What's he saying? I've been playing the game instead of watching him play it
what if I told you I didn't post that
>Oracle of Darkness barges in while we are trying to summon a primal
>we get distracted and summon some fucked-up version of one of the remaining primals
gonna happen 100%
Start thinking about Suzaku while trying to make Ifrit?
>Not even pretending anymore
Sure, why not
i went in today and cleared all fights blind first try
what data center are you on?
Who the fuck wants to watch an MMO?
can't wait to get the savage version to dye it
The concept of a delayed stack is too much for people
Give me ramewl instead.
what do you even mean pretending
can you converse without buzzwords or are you just retarded?
96k people for one and 7.7k for another apparently
>Think of threesome with Alisaie and Ryne when creating the next encounter.
So Eden seem to be some kind of Amaurot tech since it is essentially creation magic. Maybe it'll tie in somehow to the noise distracting our WoL.
mo thanks
Is WoFF good?
>I got carried
Cool story bob
>96k people for one and 7.7k for another apparently
meant for
Good lord man.
This but with Alphinaud.
People watch personalities on Twitch, not games.
>can you converse without buzzwords or are you just retarded?
Oh buddy, you're so moronic you don't even realize the irony in this drivel? Good lord that is some prime smallbrain shit right there.
Alisaie and Alphie Meltigemini?
my dps was fine so i contributed enough
sad that you can only think in metrics of carrying vs carried
>Of course I did, I just refused to buy right side stuff first
Probably should have looked at the stats niggy; the stat increase from AF 430 to Ronkan 440 is hilariously small (to discourage people from having to farm full tome gear before attempting EX primals), so you would've been better off replacing any leveling accs you still had.
I do wonder what will happen with Shiva since we'll probably be remembering Ysayle and some dragon shit along the way, maybe even the Garleans that shot her down or Ravana who BTFO her shit.
Also who or what the fuck is the dark primal going to be?
you could have just said no
for sure, but only to a point
someone like asmon is more of a personality streamer despite only playing WoW, but WoW has a ton of streams focused far more on gameplay
Yes, story is good and it's pokemon with FF monsters.
>So Eden seem to be some kind of Amaurot tech since it is essentially creation magic.
I highly doubt that. It's not like they have a coherent canon as to what "muh aether" can and can not do.
>sad that you can only think in metrics of carrying vs carried
No, what's sad is that you need to resort to escapism like this to cope with being called out.
>my dps was fine so i contributed enough
Cool story bob.
What server are you on currently?
Feo Ul literally refers to herself as "She", she even does it every single time you access your retainer.
probably bahamut
even if you've never done coil your character is more than aware of the 7th umbral calamity
Most of those people have like 15x less viewers than Asmon and he bloats the directory, same with other big streamers.
Oh fuck nightmare fuel
Diabolos/Cloud of Darkness.
>rehashed primal fights
>you could have just said no
I could have said a lot of things, but calling you out on your retarded bullshit was obviously the better choice.
Nice comeback though bro, really demonstrating who was right all along.
Exarch refers to Feo Ul as He
Frogposter is dumb as usual.
>What someone else refers to Feo Ul as is more important than what Feo Ul refers to herself as
>rehashed frognigger
I know it would have been better, but I kept thinking "I will drop the 430 ring as soon as I spend tomestones on it" so I kept running dungeons because I'm stubborn. It doesn't matter anyway, I'm basically at 435 anyway now and I guarantee you the groups that require 440 are worse than the others.
Are you saying the Exarch is a bigot who does not use Feo Ul's preferred pronouns?
aside from shitting on each other in these dumpster fire threads, what fo you anons do for fun? whats your favorite class and why is it shit
Yes. Exarch is very based and, indeed, Redpilled
>is dumb
checks out
Any SAM not using the FFXI glamour is hardly a SAM at all anyway
Post it then.
I play video games and fap to Alisaie. My favorite job is DRK and its gameplay is braindead.
Asmon bloats the directory and I can see the argument that he's still a personality streamer but he still streams WoW pretty much exclusively, he's still definitely just a WoW streamer
Him aside there's really no one else you could even try to make that argument for
reddit spacing
ah, now I understand
Hilarious you defend this shit. Oh well, xiv borrows from every final fantasy now, including itself.
Dark = Astral
Biggest astral primal = Bahamut
Coil and Crystal Tower were referenced in the main story (if you had completed them) before Shadowbringers as well, and Alisaie and Nero both make no sense as characters without them.
Are we going to get stuff for the Light and Dark elements? I thought it was just going to be the basic ones
I don't even know what you are arguing honestly.
Gathering Orchestrions and doing all the side quests and shit. Playing Scholar and it's basically just spamming broil on trials and spamming art of war on dungeons, like 80-90% of my casts end up being either of those spells.
rehashed frog nigger not new frog oc
Any user mind spoonfeeding me what this is? Is it ACT? Why doesn't mine look that nice if so?
>Titan pulls out his stupid fucking kart
Post your favorite job user.
the only thing they have in common are the names, models and mechanics are completely different.
>mobile spacing
Ah, now I understand.
>Guy bitching about buzzwords brings up Reddit spacing
>Doesn't even know what Reddit spacing is or how it works
Good job continuously outing yourself as a retard bro, makes it rather easy for me.
Don't post frogshit.
Best part
>does that mechanic three fucking times in a row
Rip power slash animation.
then stop posting anytime
reddit spacing