For anything Fallout related.
Fallout general thread
I'm enjoying fallout 76.
Hopefully they'll add some cool content someday.
it being online gives me a reason to play.
When I finished fallout 4 I was done with it, never started it up again.
Bethesda could literally make gangbusters if they simply remade Fallout 3. Maybe add in a few more bits of content here and there, but people would but that shit up in droves. The original Fallout 3 on PC runs like a bag of wank without mods so there's your justifiable reason for it. You know shit's bad when the definitive version of Fallout 3 is the backport on the Xbox One
They’ll never do it. The more people playing fallout 3 and NV the less pay piggies on 76. They’ll push MTX to the extreme
Reminder that the story of Fallout will never be continued and its world has passed.
Try some good Fallout like 3 or NV maybe ?
Whatever happened to those rumors of Collectors Edition of 3 and NV for current gen anyway ?
>the definitive version of Fallout 3 is the backport on the Xbox One
How exactly did you come to this conclusion? PC is best and will always be the best for any game ever. Having to tweak a few config files isn’t a big deal.
Does anyone feel the OG fallouts had something special in them? Not simply nostalgia, but I feel they had their own aesthetics and setting. BOS feels more like some kind of space rangers than "scavengers" like they did in the first one.
I've given up replaying Fallout New Vegas, I can't mentally RP because of wanting to tell the "intro" road to fuck off and make a rush to Vegas, but then knowing I incapacitate making the vegas bits easier by finding shit on Benny and getting rep, gear, money, levels, etc, etc.
I'd rather play Fallout 4 where I can build shit, craft guns and Power Armor, and just wander.
Sounds like a personal problem
Yeah, soul. Acute concentrating art direction, writing and style. Made by a small team of passionate developers who knew what kind of game it was and what kind of consumer it was for.
The "too many cooks spoil the broth" may be a cliche but it damn accurately sums up modern bethesda games. Too many people, too many ideas reached via committee. Oh, and fucking Emil.
fallout 3 came out 11 years ago and I still don't understand the FEV poison in the purifier plotline
>and what kind of consumer it was for.
bullshit.. tim cain has said multiple times he didn't know if anyone would like it, he (and the rest of the team) just wanted to make a game he'd like to play
This series is the biggest waste of potential ever.
NV is my favorite game but just imagine how much better it could've been on a proper dev cycle. FO3 could've been so much better as well, the concept art for that game was amazing. I like how 3 translated the franchise into 3D, VATS was good and I liked DC. Half of the fun for me in Fallout 3 was imagining what it could've been.
Bethesda is sitting on a goldmine of a franchise set in a world that is actually interesting, Fallout 4 could've been the best game ever made if they actually cared - but they chose to have a garbage story with laughable factions whilst retconning all of the previous games' lore as well as its own lore.
As far as I'm concerned, 76 does not exist.
Yes? I dont see your point
>I still don't understand the FEV poison in the purifier plotline
to kill everything mutated in the capital wasteland
>Fallout general thread
We have a board for general threads.
Back to rddit you faggot
1 and 2 aged like ass
/fog/ is just waifu central
its also full of tripfag drama
That's unfortunate, but I don't care.
Could mods plz not delete uwu? /VG/ is shit.
>looking for logic in the game where after 200 years people still haven't figured out how to clean their water without a giant machine to do it for them
It is, but I have no idea how to solve it. I haven't played for a while, come back with an idea "I wanna RP as a Mafioso!", but then I get out of Doc's house and realize "Oh fuck I'm doing to have to do all the shit intro shit to have decent leveling, rep gain based on what Faction I want to end the game with, etc.
New Vegas is only fun to me during the Mid-Game after you get the Chip back and choose your side and go with it to the end. Endgame sucks because everything worth doing I do is done, and all I can do is bum rush to the inevitable ending.