What alignment did you get on your first playthrough?
What alignment did you get on your first playthrough?
I've tried to start this game multiple times now during my commute to work but I never get to gameplay.
The only good choice in this game.
king kenji
which one is that?
Originally aimed for Chaos, but then settled for Law. I didn't even know the game would allow that.
Law. Wanted Neutral but that's pretty hard to get if you don't know to balance your points.
Actually it was White, but that doesn't really count because I knew it was a dead end and saved in a separate slot before doing it.
Law and I never got this alignment in any game before
Law because it had the most "act like a reasonable normal person" choices.
Neutral. I have no idea how I did it. According to a friend who lives in japan that got the game on release almost nobody got Neutral on their day 1 playthroughs.
Is worth getting a 3DS to play this and Apocalypse/Strange Journey?
>Is worth getting a 3DS
No because you can just emulate them.
Depends on how much you give for the 3DS. If you're very interested in SMT then Soul Hackers and Devil Survivor might also be worth your time. And with all those games then it's starting to be worth it for sure.
Played it 3 times, always Chaos.
Law originally but went for Chaos because I hated where the Law ending was going.
>I never get to gameplay
huh? how? you unlock the save feature maybe 10-20 minutes after starting. the 3DS has a sleep function, not like you have to shut it off every single time you stop playing
Yes. A 3DS overall is worth getting because of Custom Firmware. Emulation is still very iffy and a New 3DS with Custom Firmware has a gorillion games available thanks to piracy.
Either get a 3DS because there's dozens of good games, including DS with backward compatibility, or don't get a 3DS because you can emulate all of them easily. MegaTen games are always a recommend (even Persona Q) but don't limit yourself. Hell, if you like Strange Journey then you may as well branch out into Etrian Odyssey since SJ was made on the same engine, and Persona Q since they're Etrian games with Persona mechanics. And by the time you get all the MegaTen and Etrian games for 3DS/DS that's like at least 15 games right there depending on what kind of RPGs you like. Might as well chuck in Radiant Historia and Trauma Center, I don't give a fuck.
the white
>buy 3ds
>get to play ANY 3ds or nds game you want
>emulate 3ds
>get janky graphics but it's 100% free
I purposefully went Law for my first few playthroughs because I'm superstitious and don't fuck with devil shit, but if I played it again today picking choices based on my current opinions, I would probably end up getting Chaos.
Depends on how much dosh you pay to get the 3DS. I'd say the games are good enough for the new price but there are far more good games on the system than just those 3 titles. It's a good investment.
hard to get? I got it without trying. Just don't be a faggot and you'll get it.
Just steal one and it's the same thing without janky graphics.
I could try to balance as best I could, but I wouldn't know what actions of mine gave few points and what gave many. If I alternate between Law and Chaos choices every time I see one then I'd most likely end up on one of the extremes. Not to mention the less obvious point generating events.
And Stella Glow
Which one did you have to do a million fucking things for at the end with Luci?
Neutral, felt like it was the best way to experience most of the game since I didn't intend on replaying.