>not a fighting game
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It's a mash-up.
Anyone who thinks Smash isn't a fighting game is intellectually disabled.
It's like saying Final Fantasy isn't an RPG.
FF games are turn based action games with arbitrary stats. They're not actually RPGs
it's a platform fighter, which IS a type of fighting game, just a different type than the more typical arcade fighter
it's a platforming brawler
It's a competitive platformer, or "platform fighter" if you like. It was the first of it's genre when it came out.
Yes it has fighting in it, but that doesn't make it consistent with the rest of the "fighting game" genre any more than all the characters with guns make it a shooter.
Why are they dressed like concentration camp prisoners?
It's unironically just a party game and people are autistic for playing it as anything but casual
smash isn't a fighting game
t. brainlets
Why do people who play smash competitively get so mad when you say Smash isn't a fighting game? As if "Fighting game" is some important title it needs to have in order to be taken seriously.
Because it's wrong. People get mad when people say things that aren't true.
It's why people hate it when idiots call Link Zelda.
Smash is one of the few fighting games that isn't a clone of Street Fighter 2.
Autistic fighting fans can't handle anything outside what they're used to, so in their eyes Smash is not a real fighting game.
That's because trying to cram everything into preexisting genres rather than let new genres develop on their own is awful for video games as a medium.
It's NOT a real fighting game.
It's not a fake fighting game either. It stands on it's own as it's own thing.
Why do you think it's a fighting game?
Because that's its genre. It's a multiplayer game where friends pick characters and fight each other. There are special moves, combos, and final smashes. It's a fighting game in every sense of the phrase.
It's not a fighting game. It is very competitive. It's complex. It has a high skill ceiling. It is a good game. But it is not a fighting game. When a game is created that's very unique, it gets its own genre. For example, a roguelike is a game that gets its concept from the game Rogue because it was different from everything else.
I mean, that's how I see it. It's a 2D game where you pick a character and fight 1v1 and each character gets their own moves and strengths and weaknesses. So you could call it a fighting game. But I just see it as Smash.
Smash is to SF what sumo is to boxing
>Retard that thinks Smash is a fighting game also thinks FF is an RPG.
It's a fighting game and only a fighting game.
A fighting game as the genre has been come to be known, is two characters at a time, performing attacks until their opponent runs out of health. You win by lowering your opponent's health to 0, and you lose by running out of health.
Smash has attacks, yes, but it's a game about 2-8 players all trying to avoid obstacles and each other in order to stay on a platform. You lose by falling off the platform, and to win by being the only person left on the platform.
Honestly you could call it "Smashlike" and I'd be totally fine with that.
Rivals of aether, slap city, PS all stars, they all pretty much copied the Smash formula and did their own little thing to it. SMASHLIKE
Imagine being so stupid you think Final Fantasy isn't an RPG.
Oh wait, you don't have to imagine.
What makes it not a fighting game?
Smash can be played 1v1
Items and obstacles can be turned off
The health is non traditional but it serves the same general purpose
Yet those games never get called party games, just Smash
fighting game is too loose of a term
traditional fighters should be the 1v1 side scroller fighters. These can have sub catagories like ones with assists like MvC or skullgirls.
3d traditional fighters are like the 1v1 but let you traverse on a 3d plane and pivot, think tekken
everything else falls under "party fighter" or "arcade fighter"
this includes dissidia, smash, all the smash clones, ultimate ninja, and the typical dbz games
It is law
It's really annoying. Discrimination against Super Smash Bros. is a serious issue that isn't addressed enough.
The difference in procedure, resources, rules, win condition, and lose condition.
You know, those things that make up a game?
>hurr it’s not a fighting game it’s le party game
Name 1 (ONE) fighting game that is not a party game
>but it's a game about 2-8 players all trying to avoid obstacles and each other in order to stay on a platform
I hope I never play you in smash you evading faggot
So it's genre should be based on what it is when you turn off 2/3rds of the game?
They are just mad and jealous that smash has the highest tournament turnout
I've never heard those games referred to as anything other than "Smash clones"
According to this thread Mario Party and Smash Bros are in the same genre
Ah, I see. Anything that varies from Street Fighter 2 isn't a fighting game. Gotcha
And Mario Maker 2 lol
It's a fighting game but you use the label "fighting game" for traditional fighters
No uses that label for the Naruto Ninja Storm games, people just call it an arena fighter
This is and always has been a retarded argument. It's like saying Super Meat Boy isn't a platformer. Smash is a fighting game. Why would you try to argue otherwise? What reason would you have to insist over and over on the internet that a game that has all the qualities of a fighting game, isn't one, just because it doesn't have muh donut steel big tiddy OCs as characters? Do you somehow believe that doubling down on that particular opinion will get people to stop playing Smash, or something?
God forbid a fighting game has mechanics and conditions that aren't copied from Street Fighter.
Eh, it's by extension really. Also the fact that smash was MADE to be a party game meleefag here, hurts to type it tbqh and the games spawned from it were mostly meant to be competitive.
I think ultimate has gotten a couple bones thrown to the comp players, but just look at what they did to brawl after witnessing the autists clutching onto melee.
>Darkest Dungeon
>not a rougelite
>that has all the qualities of a fighting game
This isn't true though. See Tekken 3 has a volleyball mode. Does that make it a sports game? Smash has stamina mode, doesn't make it a fighting game.
take a shower
There are many games that don't play like street fighter and are fighting games
I like how you quote your own post as if your opinion means shit. Smash is a fighting game. Smash is the most popular and best selling and highest rated fighting series. Fucking deal with it weeb
shit man i love call of duty my favorite fighting game where you fight terrorists
>A fighting game is a video game genre based around close combat between a limited amount of characters, in a stage in which the boundaries are fixed. The characters fight each others until they defeat their opponents or the time expires. The matches typically consist of several rounds, in a arena, with each character having different abilities but each is relatively viable to choose. Players must master techniques such as blocking, counter-attacking, and chaining attacks together into "combos". Starting in the early 1990s, most fighting games allowed the player to execute special attacks by performing specific input combinations. The fighting game genre is related to but distinct from beat 'em ups, which involve large numbers of enemies against the human player
The only reason you insist that fighting games have to be health based is because fighting games were only ever health-based before Smash came out. Smash fits all of the criteria above, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't a fighting game.
It's not a fighting game. It's an smacky ouchie game.
>I like how you quote your own post as if your opinion means shit
Also not true! I am among one or two more
I play melee on average 5 or 6 hours a week, I am autistic, and yet you're the one coming across as a bitter dumbass.
Good job really. Also I like how there's zero argument in your post I quoted.
Because the majority of Smash Bros fans are autistic
>just because I don't like it.
Nigga my favorite game is Melee, I play it tons. I just disagree with the notion that it's a fighting game. Very cheap of you to go that way man
>I am autistic
Sorry, not going to argue with a retard
>why do people get mad when I say 1+1=3
Underrated post
>Nigga my favorite game is Melee, I play it tons
Same. It is a fighting game.
Can someone make an edit of the gnu/Linux pasta with smash and fighting games
True, you'd lose.
I would say that Smash games are party brawlers and Ultimate Ninja games (and maybe typical dbz games) are arena fighters
It's a game where you fight, so it's a fighting game.
Just because you have your own headcanon on what a fighting game doesn't make Smash not a fighting game.
The only reason this is even an argument is because smash is much bigger in scope than the average fighting game. Smash is an evolution of classic fighting games in many ways. It's a fighting game with shooting game levels of options. If the fps/tps community was like the fgc then only deathmatch focused. games would be considered "real" shooters
i shoulda clarified, but i think that too.
the moment a fighter goes beyond 1v1 is when its typically classified as a party fighter. Its more light hearted than serious. I wouldn't say smash is as complicated as other fighters.
Yeah probably. I don't know what any of the items do
It has nothing to do with "smash not being taken seriously" or being a fanatic. I'd still rant about this if people began saying shit like "mario kart isn't a racing game because it has items!". Smash IS a fighting game, just more specifically a platforming fighter. Just like SF is a sidescrolling fighter. There are subcategories to the fighting genre. Imagine if a friend who's never played smash asked you what kind of game it was. Obviously you would call it a fighting game. You could even call it a "casual" fighting game. But you definitely wouldn't call it a "party game" BECAUSE THIS SHIT AIN'T MARIO PARTY.
I think the point is that Smash can be played like a versatile fighting game. I mean, fuck dude; balance patches happen every so often to tweak individual characters.
FUCKING THIS. It isn’t a fighting game, but it is still kino
No one. Fighting game are competitive games. You mostly play it seriously, unlike smash which you use items all the times
>But some people do No Items Fox only Final destination XD
Yeah and some people play high. That doesn’t mean everybody does it. They were created as a party game. And there is nothing wrong with that. The fact that you faggots care so much about a useless title that is denied by some autistic fags is the reason why the smash comunitty is a bunch of insecure fuckos that want to fit in everything.
Have sex
lots of mental gymnastics in this thread
Truth hurts.
>You mostly play it seriously, unlike smash
Stopped reading
More of a fighter than Smash