What are some good games where I can play as a Spellsword?
What are some good games where I can play as a Spellsword?
What is this mongrel class? Make up your fucking mind, faggot.
You can play muttsword in Souls games and DD.
>multispeccing instead of focusing on one discipline
Enjoy doing shit for damage the entire game
>Full Magic
Powerful and visually impressive magic, can do anything but take a hit
>Full Combat
Big armor and BIGGER weapons. Cathartic to play and won't go down easy.
>Half Magic/Half Combat
Light your dinky sword that you're barely strong enough to wield on fire. Spend 2 minutes pre-buffing before every fight and half of it running away to heal or reapply.
>just want to be a guy who casts spells into his weapon
>game assumes I want to be a fully armored megawizard kung fu master and demands I multiclass into five different classes and eat shit all the way to late game
Pathfinder Kingmaker has the magus class.
Kingdom of Amalur and Oblivion. Kotor 1 and 2 if you count jedi/sith as spellswords
the witcher
The Elder Scrolls
Dragon's Dogma
Dark Messiah
Infinity Engine games, Pillars of Eternity 1/2 , Souls games, Fable 2, Skyrim.
specializing is the way to go
The fuck have you been doing?
Tons of those kinds of games have been released for years.
I think good was the operative term.
It's pretty rarely satisfying to play. A fighter/mage or Blade Bard in Baldurs Gate seemed okay.
>using offhand instead of channeling magic through the sword
you can't even spellsword right in most games with them
You're also almost entirely useless after your rework, you poor man.
How many RPGs get hybrids right at all? Precious few I'm afraid.
Check out Nioh. I'm playing it right now and it's a pretty good game. You get Onmyo Magic that lets you do stuff like put an element on your weapon. There's also Ki attacks.
I don't really know. For a hybrid to work it feels like it would have to be an entirely separate class on it's own. Like a paladin, it's *kinda* like a spellsword but it still works nicely, usually. Some games just shit on them.
>good games
This post was pretty decent.
Get both Sanctum shield and Blue Flame in Dark Souls 2. Buff with Magic shield and the various magic weapon spells. Don't forget soul greatsword. Unfortunately dark greatsword can't be used on BF.
I mean if its balanced shittily sure
elder scrolls and witcher
Oblivion's spellswording is god tier.
>cast weakness to magic
>cast weakness to normal weapons
>cast paralyze
>hit them in the dick when they are down
Most of the TES heroes were canonically spellswords to some degree, if it helps.
>Spend 2 minutes pre-buffing before every fight and half of it running away to heal or reapply.
Lmao you are doing it wrong if you aren't killing things instantly