>You were banned from my board for a specific post. What was it?
You were banned from my board for a specific post. What was it?
>Video games, sir
i thought the thumbnail was a butt in pantyhose
i need help
I posted in the comfy math thread earlier last week and got banned for it. I'd argue that thread was more benign than most of the other offtopic shit that gets posted
I said "Lord Janny is not the arbiter of my will."
>Talking about a videogame, one with newly released content in the last 24 hours, on a videogame board
*autosage your thread*
H-h-h-hey mods
G-g-g-get a load of this...
>5 wipes in after explaining mechanics
>retards still run away from the stack before the timer is up
making fun of nincels, and thus triggering the nincel zoomer mod
Someone replied to my post with an off topic post
reminder that owning a nintendo console and having sex are mutually exclusive
every single switch owner I know is an incel
one's a femcel, even
I'm going in as a tank, anything I should know beforehand? First time running current content like this.
Say something nice about your raid gear for the next 5 months
>tfw trapped by some obese fuck
Would Emet-Selch have proven more popular if he had his original "GET OFF MY LAWN" design from 2.0?
my wife
Ay what do I meld onto Samurai?
I started a cunnythread on /int/
i get 5 minute vacations instead
me too
that was obviously the point of this thread
>responding to off-topic garbage
Ummm.... no.
She's mine.
So could you play mix and match and still get through content or not? Is it still possible to clear content with non-optimal job pairings? Could you get some really neat effects from subbing an unexpected Job? And Blue Mages, just how did they work in an MMO? How early do certain Jobs become unlockable to play around with, are you just stuck with a couple for the first 10 levels or so, and do they all start at level 1?
As someone who loved fucking around in FFV this sounds so bloody interesting.
Was there anything equivalent to Glamours?
I said that WoW looks much better than XIV and actually have nice zones
>Emet says in 4.x that he appreciates the nice, new young body.
>In 5.0 he says he just takes the young form all the time no matter how long the job takes because it's pleasant.
Mods? Help me
Tank and DRG looks nice. Caster seems alright. I feel sorry for healers. The rest I don't care about.
Nah, it's all basic shit. E2 boss can use delayed versions of it's moves, but they have really obvious countdowns to when the move will go off anyway.
I was teasing Snoys.
It's only funny when you use actual ingame quotes, user.
So I'm a shitty AST but what's the point of Sleeve Draw past your opener since you will easily have the seals by your next divination? Just to throw out as many buffs as you can in that window?
>Unironically looks worse than leveling girl
who cares your job sucks roll another healer
Why are Yea Forums xiv threads so angry all the time? It's constant bickering and whining.
People don't give enough credit to 2.0 zones. After walking for some time in first person mode, almost everything in ARR looks better than whatever shit WoW artists design.
I already have an 80 WHM and I have more fun on AST so I figured I'd ask.
Are we past the point of talking about XIV now and it's just getting mad at thread migrations and thinly veiled /xivg/ posters not being subtle?
Change them all to lords/ladies and go nuts. It's a lot of button presses though.
I got banned from pol because I asked "hey if you guys are nazis does that mean you believe in some of the same dumb bullshit they did like the convex earth?"
Frankly I wasn't even trying to get banned that time, it was a genuine question
That's what I figured.
30-day ban for breaking off-topic on Yea Forums. Not even ban evasion or anything. Just off-topic.
>MNK/SAM stuck in a dress
>Melee is just a recolored healer dress
What did we ever do to you Yoship
WoW zones look good. That is, the graphics. The actual layout is infuriating most of the time. It's like they're trying their best to piss you off and make you wish you had flying.
If you want genuine advice, here may not be the place. Maybe try reddit.
>Everything after HW looks like a desert
>even doma is souless
yukes, xiv needs a cataclysm like right now
I've never been banned, I'm a good girl who eats her meol
Yea Forums is for postting twitter /pol/shit screecaps and nintendo games retard.
Looks like an asset flip game with shitty lighting
Yoshi-p hates melee. There's a reason he said ShB MNK was his favorite job to work on.
It's obviously an error from them, they will surely change later haha.
Job balance changes will come in 2 weeks, expect some big stuff for AST. If not ability overhaul, it'll be numbers.
Holy fucking shit. Setting up positions in Titania is giving me an aneurysm
Just cleared Eden and I'm retarded, how do those drops work?
>Not wheres my HOT MEOL
Its fucking simple you nigger
>Relic armor from SB is recolored bard dress
>Raid gear is now grandmother's pajamas
Just use the macro
How rare is the minion from Titan?
>Tell party to set positions at waymarks.
>There's always two retards that stick in the same position.
>They fuck it up
A bunch of pieces drop at the end of each raid, you can only receive four total, one from each raid, until it resets after a week. The bangles you trade for accessories, and the belts for belts. You trade two helms for a piece of headgear, same for the boots and gauntlets or whatever. For leg and chest gear you need four each of the corresponding drop.
You get a blade drop at the end of clearing all of them each week and seven of those can be traded for your weapon.
I've seen it drop twice in two runs. You'll have better luck in a few weeks once everyone already has it
100% drop
Just curious, whew fucking boy that fight was brutal
I posted the c word
Calm down Zenos, you aren't gonna do anything for a while
>trying to kill titania ex all day
>people are either capable of dps check but not brambles, or vice versa
>keep seeing parties with shit like 2 DNCs and 2 RDMs
Get ready to tank swap in e4
Thanks mate. I'm still in my artifact gear so I guess I should be picking up armor pieces.
He probably had two bodies. The old one to show in public and his younger one
>need to farm weapon
>so utterly bored of the fight im only on 2 totems
Yeah, I wouldn't bother with accessories minus one ring if you think you're up for running Innocence EX, since those accessories are the same Ilevel.
why is she so FUCKING cute bros
>trial roulette
>get Titan hard
>wipe 2 times and end up finishing the last 20% with me as a MT and 3 DPS, all the others were dead
How? HOW???
>doing roulette to level
>of course
>multiple dps lower than the dark knight
>one of the healers must have had a stroke or something or had diminished brain capacity because he ate aoe constantly, and would run onto people with the purple marker or AWAY from them with the stack marker
>tanks kept dying because they werent being healed at all despite nobody eating aoe
>despite no healing going out neither healer was dpsing
>vote abandon fails
>drg that is doing 2k dps says "lets just get a gameplan together we can do this"
Is that supposed to be Trump, ffxiv is woke as fuck afterall.
>one of the healers must have had a stroke or something or had diminished brain capacity because he ate aoe constantly, and would run onto people with the purple marker or AWAY from them with the stack marker
I had a fucking healer die to Hades' Active Event, still don't get it.
>can only get loot from bosses once per week per character
>not even per class
What's the fucking point of allowing you to play any class on one character if you're going to put restrictions on like that? I'd be better off making a new character at least then I could actually play an alt class.
You're not far off