Have you ever taken it too far with a game?
Spent too much money on ingame shit?
Regret a special edition?
Merch getting out of hand?
Maybe it's time you accept it and let it all out.
Have you ever taken it too far with a game?
Spent too much money on ingame shit?
Regret a special edition?
Merch getting out of hand?
Maybe it's time you accept it and let it all out.
Yes, but only because I refused to spend money to bypass the energy system.
If that were me I would have created a sleeve that holds the phones in a row and slides the phones left or right to access the phone behind it so I wouldn't be obstructing my vision or needing to keep my arm up the whole time.
0% chance black people live in that neighborhood
i spent 5 dollars on elder scrolls blades in the initial excitement before i figured out it was shit.
i'm pirating every todd howard game ever now. yeah i'm salty. fuck todd howard.
Well its clearly japan and there are no blacks there
What is he even doing?
Riding his bike
I haven't done any of that shit, so nope.
I spent $800 buying keys and in game gold for RuneScape
Doesn't it just make you so upset that someone like that is totally and completely safe in Japan? An old man can ride around with plenty of smart phones and no one will bother or hurt him. If he did that in any major western city he would immediately be robbed and probably killed.
I wish where I lived was as safe as Japan.
Being an entrepreneur
How a man so old is not only tech savvy but knows and likes pokemon
This, I bet its his "parttime job"
but you user, you can by helping out your local community instead of sitting on your ass all day
I wish I lived anywhere but America.
Yes, let us educate the blacks.
with a burning cross right?
lmao have fun trying to educate niggers
look at any video of teachers in ghetto schools
he's building accounts to sell.. thought that would be pretty obvious
In game? Spinning Pokestops for items.
In person? Probably does that for money by selling his services or the accounts, there's no real value in having all that for yourself
Daily reminder that cops in Japan have literally nothing to do and just walk around picking up litter and garbage. At most they have to deal with a drunk guy or a retarded foreigner.
I'd kill to be able to live in a place like Japan. I live in Miami and I feel fear for my life multiples times a week. I have a concealed carry permit and literally carry a gun on me whenever I leave the house. My home has been broken into multiple times and I live in one of the "nice" areas of Miami that is expensive. I've even been mugged once (The mugging event is what prompted me to get a CC-Permit and start carrying). A good friend of mine and his wife were murdered in a home invasion 2 years ago by a couple of people who just wanted drug money.
People in Japan don't even have to lock their doors. They can let their kids walk to school and take subways. Old people don't need to be escorted everywhere. You don't have to watch all of your property 24/7 to make sure someone isn't stealing it. It is not fucking fair. I don't commit any crimes, why do I have to live in fear?
I think that's Taiwan, or at least a Chinese city. All of those signs are in Chinese
Catching 'em all.
Ah thank you user. I never bothered with the pokemon go bandwagon, had no idea what was going on
>I agree. The day of the rope has come
Turd worlder here
Only problems we get here in my city are just retards being retards and fighting thanks to the culture pushing people to be more confrontational
At worst a stray dog'll bark you when you are outside at 3am, never felt in danger desu
Why does murrica sound like an even worse shithole despite the avarage guy being much richer
can you imagine being this retarded? You spend all this time with all those pokemon go accounts and phones, why the fuck would you bother even going outside if you're just gonna sit in one place and spin stops? Just spoof, wtf?
lmaoing @ amerifats
even I, a europoor, can still leave the house without fear 99% of the time
>its clearly japan
it's clearly NOT japan
I don't know user, but the major american cities have crime rates on par with 3rd world countries. It is horrible. Every day I dread coming home from work because I am afraid that I'll be robbed. Maybe I am paranoid because I have been the victim of multiple crimes but most people I know have also been victims of either burglary, mugging, pick pocketing, or even just having their phone stolen. My sister was walking around in the middle of the day in the nice area of miami and some random guy just ran up, pushed her over, stole her purse and her phone and ran away. She told the cops and the guy never got arrested.
because the tribe of israel and their culture of demon worship is completely incompatable with the western world yet we not only tolerate their behavior but actively encourage and empower it because theyve some how used their demon magic to make people think being called a 'racist' or an 'antisemite' is the most horrible curse ever.
It probably doubles as exercise for him and he can advertise his services when people ask what he's doing.
Damn user where the hell do you live? Your area sounds like a total dump
>phoneposter shitposters.webm
Pokemon Go. Is satan.
I pissed away about 70 Canadianos last October on Call of Duty:WWII lootboxes. I can;t remember what I was after specifically, but I know I didn't get it.
Like I said, expensive area of miami. The sort of place that all the movies that try to make miami looks cool film (instead of the 90% of the city that is a garbage dump). The worst part is that I have a good job and make good money but I still feel as if I live in the ghetto (mentally speaking). I wish I could leave but my job is here and I don't currently have a way to move and keep my job.
Diversity will help us user. The more immigrants we take in the more we learn from each other and grow as both a community and humans.
Race war when I want off this crazy train.
This 110%. So many people in the West got robbed/beat up by black people for playing Pokemon Go.
I used to not be racist and wished for a world of true peace, but black people are just hopeless man. Sure the mixed race ones can be good people but the raw, unfiltered, straight from Africa pure DNA are just utterly hopeless and it's not even racist at this point. The only thing keeping us going defending them is social media points and the fact there's literally nothing we can do to fix them.
I bought the digital deluxe edition of Call of Duty Black Ops 4. I got suckered in by the gameplay videos and peer pressure from my friends who used to regularly play Zombies. None of us have touched the game in at least 3 months.
every single push for more immigration from non-compatable countries has been led by literal jews. I'm sorry if you can't understand that cultures dont mix, they clash. One tries to usurp power and resources from the other and establish dominance, and this leads towards crime and racial tensions. Jews actively play both sides, having white skin while also being a minority group, so they advocate for more minorities and more minority rights in order to empower themselves at the cost of everyone else. Go ahead and pretend this isnt true, the fact is the only really peaceful countries in 2019 are the ones with 1 dominant racial/cultural group and that isn't some kind of quirky a coincidence. If you want to live in a country like japan... then you have to live in a country like japan. And the bare minimum for that is for there to be one language, one culture.
I spent like $250 on Black Desert Online before realizing the whole game is a dressed up cash dump. rip
Reminder that a lot of murders in Japan are caused by foreigners, mostly American soldiers dindu nuffin-ing when they leave their base
You mean like Moonman does?
Exactly. Japan is so crime free that it makes me so fucking jealous and mad at my own country.
Surely it would be more efficient to strap 3 phones to each of your forearms than have this giant set-up that would take 10 minutes to click and spin on all the Pokestops
and by american soldiers what you really mean are black soldiers.
man up, pussy
>Playing Pokemon Go
This old guy is probably dead by now
Or not considering he's Japanese and they live to like 150
Anyways I bought all the Little Big Planet DLC
All of it
>Live in the urban growing metropolis know as Seattle.
>Loads of fucking meth and crack heads.
>They become hostile and yell shit and beat off in public.
These fuckers dont get arrested anymore thanks to the city retards that want seattle police out so the police dont do jack shit anymore but give tickets to speeders and parking.You are considered crazy if you dont ignore these issues from other residents, "Its a seattle thing". Just last week a crazy fucker stabbed 3 in downtown, he had been arrested multiply times and released cause lol the city doesn't have funding to house these fucks in jail.Man I sure do love living in a large city in Seattle and defiantly not in the country side where its boring as fuck, its so nice to know the city of seattle cares more about homeless than its own residents.
I wish you did too, the average IQ would probably raise by a whole point with you gone.
Like some ameri white trash wouldn't be all over those phones too.
That's a fucking lie
There's a large population of Nigerian 'players' that try to sell you counterfeit goods in their shopping districts.
You had me until the murders.
No, they really wouldn't. "White Trash" (AKA poor white southerners) commit basically no crimes. The poorest area in the USA is the in West Virginia in the Appalachian mountains. It has a very low crime rate even though it is poorer than any inner city ghetto. It is also like 99% white.
>Yea Forumstards can't tell the difference between Japan and other Asian countries
As in you don't believe me? It happened. 3 or 4 guys broke into their house and ended up killing the two of them and taking any small valuables and cash they could find. 2 of them got arrested but the police suspected at least a 3rd or 4th person but they never got caught. They lived in an area worse off than me though that has actual gang activity.
Let me guess Miami Gardens?
Get the fuck outta there it's literally just Opa-Locka 2
>white person is a hopeless idiot
>wow what a fucking dumbass
>black person is a hopeless idiot
>god I fucking hate black people, they're all so stupid
People on Yea Forums are race retarded. It's not just Yea Forums. Just take a look at all the people that comment on Flash from the MCU spider-man movies and call him an Indian.
I don't even live in the us and even I scores of white crackheads there.
And 'Murica labelled as "First World".
Excuse me for not believing everything I read on fucking Yea Forums.
Hey man it used to be
>Implying that's Japan
LMAO Ya'll crackers are retarded.
And /int/ kiddies showing they haven't the first clue about what the words they say mean.
No, American soldiers, meaning both white and black but primarily white.
>weebs on Yea Forums thinking theyre somehow smarter, or that anybody cares about any minor differences between insectoid cultures
even I saw scores*
America pretty much whites and asians being held hostage by blacks and hispanics with our politicians telling us we're racist for literally looking at our own government's statistics showing that approximately 6-7% of our population commits nearly 50% of murders, robberies, burglaries, assaults and other violent crimes.
You definitely shouldn't believe most things you read on Yea Forums and I am not blaming you for not believing me (the header on Yea Forums is there for a reason). I am just saying that whether or not you choose to believe me it is most definitely true.
>I'm PROUD that I don't know anything! Take that idiot!
Wanna know how I can tell you're still in high school?
>Roughly 28 phones
>It takes him about ~3 seconds to click on Pokestop, spin it, then move to the next one
>Would take him 1 minute and 24 seconds to go through one Pokestop
No thanks
so it's a japanese man in china
Never said so.
Are you alex jones? I don't know anyone else who goes on conspiracy theory's that involve demons and magic
And whether you choose to believe me or not, I'm definitely Santa.
What continent do you live in?
>Implying muhhh /int/ fag
You fag, don't know nothing about your shithole
>theyve some how used their demon magic to make people think being called a 'racist' or an 'antisemite' is the most horrible curse ever.
The Jews didn't do that, the people did. The threat of losing your job is pretty powerful, isn't it?
Wanna know how I can tell you dont have friends?
Great image.
the fact that you had to spend $5 should have been a tip off
>one city in America represents the whole country
asia+%1 europe :^)
>They can let their kids walk to school and take subways
This is true in most of the world. Americans are jus too stupid to walk or use public transport. And fearmongering has got them hysterical.
Surprisingly though, foreign tourists are better people than local tourists. A particular ramen shop instituted a "no Japanese" policy because year after year Japanese tourists were causing nothing but grief for them to the point where staff were too stressed out and quitting.
How so?
Can you bring me something nice for Christmas please?
I've seen Istanbul. You're severely misrepresenting the worst case scenario
Mmm, mugger bait.
if this was anywhere else in the world he would get robbed
>Surrounded by violence and drug addicts and homeless
>Work for pennies 9 to 5 M-F
>Constantly have to put it in overtime
>Work a year to get a week off
>Lucky if you get benefits like dental and health
>If you call out sick more than 3 times a year you get fired
>No paid time off for funerals or anything
>Medicine costs ridiculous amounts of money even with insurance
>Heart disease, cancer, and medical malpractice are the top 3 killers in the US ('but muh socialized medicine bad' says the amerilard literally killed by his incompetent retarded doctor)
>Live in constant fear
>Police will kill you for no reason and a majority of Americans think this is not only great but lick their boots happily
>Government spies on you
>School shootings and mass shootings happen every other month and nobody cares
>9% of adults can't read
>50% of adults can't read a book at an eighth-grade level
>13% of Americans are starving and malnourished
>The rest of Americans are disgustingly obese
>Can't find fresh food anywhere that isn't doused in cancerous chemicals, only cheap fast food garbage
>Half of Americans don't vote ('m-muh freedumb')
But some states let you own a gun so I guess you guys win
Not really. In my area no one would rob a person like that. But the real problem at the root is drugs. No one robs someone for weed money, yet most of the resources are spent going after nonviolent drug offenders. If they got that shit on lock and started shooting drug robbers on sight the problem would go away really fast.
>According to Tokyo Reporter, ramen restaurant Menya Yaeyama Style has instituted a no-Japanese customer policy starting this month, until the fall. The restaurant is located on Ishigaki Island, which is popular among Japanese tourists for its beaches.
>“Year after year, the manners of Japanese tourists have steadily become poor,” reads a sign outside the restaurant. Arima told J-Cast News (via Tokyo Reporter) that Japanese customers were ordering only one bowl of ramen and sharing it as well as bringing outside food into the restaurant to eat. Foreign customers, it seems, were not doing this.
>Staffers have quit due to the stress of dealing with Japanese customers. In Japan, there is a saying that the customer is god. But Arima thinks that needs to change. “I must apologize to my regular customers,” he tells Yaeyama Mainichi. “Business is down, but I’ve reached my mental and physical limit.”
Why is he doing this manually? Aren't there ways to cheat?
To be fair, it's doubtful that the inverse exists. Short of towns with probably only 3 people (they exist, look it up) I can't think of anywhere in America where people don't lock their doors.
reminder that cops in japan don't care if you did the crime, if they bring you in, you're being held until to say you did it
their conviction rate is so absurdly & incredibly high, there's pretty much no chance you'll be let go
then any employer will pass over you regardless of whether you actually did it or not
>live in Florida
>live in fucking Miami, Florida
>be surprised it's a hellhole
Move, retard. Move to Vermont or Maine or Wyoming or something. Even if you have to change careers, leave Florida. And if it has to be a city, literally any metropolitan area is better than Miami, even fucking Detroit is preferable.
>work 12 hours a day 6 days a week
Wow hat a gr8 life
I already work 9.5
Fuck that
Where should I live instead?
have you tried moving out of fucking miami?
Look at how mad you are. Do you just sit in your muddy, run-down country and just think about America all day long?
Quick reminder that the top five best and most advanced medical facilities in the world are all located within the USA, and people from all over the world regularly fly in to go to them, Mayo and Cleveland being the most well-known, with Mayo having multiple #1 fields and Cleveland having the coveted #1 heart field.
You'll get your lolis this year if you're not naughty. I promise.
Remind yourself how much it costs to use them and how many americans can afford it you fucking retard.
Nah, istanbul is a ''multi-cultural''unique shithole with 15 fucking million inhabitants, I'm on a different coastal city.Really night and day difference.
The funniest thing is that they think their healthcare is better because they have to sell their house to get it.
American doctors are so conditioned to use every single lab and test there is out of fear of being sued that the clinical side of their medicine is in shambles, they literally don't have any idea of whats happening until the results come in.
>But everyone comes here!!
Yeah fag to the ultra rich get treated on the same 5 big medical centers where everything is top of the line, not your average shitty hospital.
Back when I was in high school, my history teacher would talk about how the great thing America has over other countries is the work ethic. "No one works harder than Americans" he said. Then you come along and bitch about not being willing to do another 2 1/2 hours of work (with a nap time in the schedule because apparently taking naps during work is a thing in Japan). I'm starting to think my history teacher was full of shit.
Amerifats literally are unable to refute this.
Ironic considering the left hates the Jews now as much as /pol/.
Then again turkey is also seen as advanced in the medical field with substantial health tourism
You see where I'm going with this, right?
Yeah and 0.1% of Americans get to use those facilities, faggot.
Imagine being unable to refute anything I said, and instead just parrot the same response every Americlap says like a robot.
>h-haha you mad
>all do you do is think about merica
>we are so great
He's fetching 20 different pails of water.
Got the Duke Nukem Forever Balls Of Steel edition. That game flopped harder than hell, but I still though it was funny.
0.1% is a gross overestimation probably
With a population of ~350mil, that would still be 350k people being able to afford it
And by afford it, I mean being able to pay for it without getting crippling debt
Up here in Canada we joke about American crime rates all the time. Mostly we're grateful to be able to walk around anywhere from 6pm-6am and everyone you encounter just minds their own business. Is it the gun control? The healthcare situation? The education system? We're not that different from America and yet we're so much better. Fix yourselves.
I spent like $500 on Puzzle and Dragons. Only reason I spent so much though was because I found an unethical exploit that essentially made them free. Parents found out and basically kept me from getting the last $150 worth of stones for free as punishment (so I was essentially only $150 in the hole)
I love Trudeau. No homo.
And there's not free Heath Care.
Long live the Kingdom of Denmark
I'm a leaf but fuck you for posting that jackass thinking it's any better.
all of western europe is becoming like this thanks to immigration
I spent around $100 on Fortnite skins.
look at how thirsty this old guy is haha
it's the blind patriotism probably
imagine, every morning in school, standing up to pledge allegiance to a country just because you live in it
sounds fucking dystopian
lol are you implying that everyone in Canada isn't a Nancy queer? LMFAO
>Murricans are proud the to be the health center of the billionaires of the world while they can't get access to said service in their lifetime
>Murricans tend to go to either Canada or Mexico for meds and mayor procedures
>On top of having to go to another country for healthcare their retarded anti-vaccines ass spread diseases like measles and tuberculosis in said countries
Just try to imagine for a moment, being proud of the rich being able to afford healthcare but not you, that you have to leave your home to an inferior country to get treated and on top of that you are a health hazard to a fucking shithole like Mexico.
Just try to imagine.
>we're not so different
You do realize blacks are 13%+ of the US population right? and 90% of them live in cities?
>there are african and south american countries with universal healthcare and america doesnt
I'd rather be a nancy queer than shot dead in my high school english class
I spent like $140 on Fortnite Save the world Collectors edition because I got my Tax refund. It went on sale for 50% 2 days later. Support told me tough shit and to keep my eyes open for sales.
I didn't know how shit the game actually was until I was in Canny valley and started to see it.
I still play it maybe once a day but its be consistently getting worse and worse now. I regret how much money i spent on it, even if I did make it all back in free Vbucks.
ouch that hurt user
im gonna go get my feelings checked for free
wait what really lmao
>Bragging about shit you don't have access to
I bet it feels good to wageslave your way through life, dish out thousands in taxes and have all the good shit in your nation reserved for the elite.
Maybe you should go live in North Korea then, if you actually think thanking your country and God for your freedom and pledging your allegiance to them is "dystopian". Wow
Many countries have the children pledge allegiance or sing their national anthem though
i spent about $500 total on SWTOR
That list is missing quite a few countries, actually
t. someone from one of the said countries
I mean, he's not wrong. Where I used to live we only pledged allegiance every Monday morning in flag assembly. It's just kinda understood to be patriotic without needing to keep saying it every day like we'd somehow forget.
Burkina Faso
South Africa
It's literal brainwashing nerd
national anthems are bit different to standing up every morning, hand over heart and pledging to die for a country that doesn't care for most of its citizens
>see asian man with a lot of phones
>immediately think of black people
The difference is every non-mix raced black is hopeless. They're violent, loud, and obnoxious 100% of the time. Meanwhile a pure blooded Hispanic, White, Asian, Indian, Arab, etc. behaves like a regular human being more often than not. I have never met a pure blooded African black behave decently.
On sport events or other events.
You niggers do it every single day for no reason.
Can't name a single one other than america that does it every single morning. Maybe N-Korea?
Also national anthem is a totally different thing than pledge of dying for a fucking flag.
to dirty. its either hong kong or tiwan.
Why are boomer gamers so much more creative and hardcore than zoomers?
I've never played it so don't get too detailed with your response, but what do you spend money on in that game? Was it items or all subscription time or something like that? Was it worth it?
Fucking this. I live in a comfy leaf suburb and you can walk outside in the middle of the night without ever feeling in danger. Shits cash.
>all these unironic weeaboos
top lmao
>I live in a comfy leaf suburb and you can walk outside in the middle of the night without ever feeling in danger.
This is normal in every first world country.
first off, i didnt really want to pay a subscription and thought instead i'd pay small amounts for account stuff as i needed it. things like crew skills (crafting), character slots, things like that which you get for subbing anyway
in the end it turned out to be far, far more expensive to do it that way, and i wasn't keeping track of spending because what's $5? i wont get caught out by that trap again so it was a learning experience at least
yeah but they have tacos so uhhhh brown people good i own funko pops
>be american
>want some food
>leave front door after making sure all doors and windows are locked and secured and bolted and my baby has a home defense ar15 in his crib in case a methhead breaks in
>start up my 5 mile to the gallon truck that is almost as wide as myself
>reach the end of the driveway and realize i forgot to lock the second story window
>rev the engine and throw my baby in reverse sending 5 ppm's of CO2 into the atmosphere
>run out of gas by the time my car rolls back to the front of my house
>there is already a small tribe of methheads crawling over my house
>roll out of my car wheezing and start unloading on them
>miss every shot because i dont actually know how to use a gun despite owning 30
>they are scared away by the loud noise
>but they will be back
>once the adrenaline wears off the pain in my chest is worse than usual
>call the police and an ambulance
>police arrive first to pre-emptively shoot me in the center of mass before i resist arrest
>its okay, my svelte 500 pound frame takes most of the damage
>ambu-forklift arrives to lift me into the back of the ambulance
>swipe my credit card to pay the $23k forklift fee before they start my IV
>it bounces
>they dump me back into my driveway and run off
>stagger into my house after busting through the wall like the kool-aid man
>shot by my own child in the head
>land of the free and the home of the brave
healthcare isn't a human right
Left typically hates Isreal, not Jews in general.
>defensive kneejerk patriotism
Genuine question, why do people hate Americans?
>cyberpunk 2077
>be american
>get shot
that's it
This smells like bullshit. If it's expensive to live there, yet you also fear for your life, why the fuck would you stay?
You should be able to figure it out from this thread alone.
>Article 25.
>(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
UN disagrees
I personally don't hate them, I just can't imagine how they can even think that the insane shit like constant crime, zero drug control, school shootings, no vacations or sick days and most importantly NO FUCKING HEALTH CARE they have is better than the facilities most of EU or other developed countries provides. That's why I ridicule them to try and remind them how fucking shit their lives are and to try and make it better.
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
>unalienable rights
wtf was thomas jefferson a communist????
Is not hate, it's amusement.
It's obvious bullshit. Fools fall for it anyway.
>pursuit of Happiness.
The three actual inalienable rights are Life, Liberty, and Property.
>ever spending money on ingame items
woah buddy I'm no zoomer
>zero drug control
*zero gun control
Appalachian poors are practically incomparable to actually trashy white people in the deep south, the culture isn't remotely similar.
they're jelly
UN is a bunch of globalist retards
if someone is willing to sell you healthcare and you can afford it then nobody is allowed to come between you two and prevent that
>Be black
>Everyone is obsessed with you no matter what
They don't commit crime because there is no crime to commit. Why rob/kill your neighbor when they are just as poor as you?
If you actually think guns are a bigger problem than drugs in America you have serious brain problems
That's how it is in California as well. Unless you're fucking rich, have fun paying high rents in shit apartments while having to worry about roving gangs of niggers and spics on the streets.
Yea, I fucking hate being American, every major city is a fucking shithole, everyone acts like a fucking sociopath, that zoomer e-thot that got killed and was posting nudes on the internet at fucking fourteen is a pretty decent amalgamation of 30% of the population thanks to how shitty American culture is.
Makes me sick, wish this country would fuck off and die.
Who are you replying to fag
A combination of their insufferable attempts at "smugness" when they have no reason for it. As well as their terrible foreign policy which is responsible for most, if not all, unrest in the world - what's more is that they don't even get the consequences of it.
And their complete ignorance of being literal slaves of israel.
The mutt is a pathetic creature, it has both my sympathies and my disdain.
what about international bankers?
>Men are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
>And by life I mean being able to buy healthcare from a doctor, which won't exist for another few hundred years.
That's what happens when your government takes billions in bribes from the medical board so they can keep ripping off the citizens with secret list and overpriced medicine
what the fuck this isnt video games
I take IRL too seriously and end up not gaming enough
You expect me to mass reply everyone that were talking about BLACK BVLLS and our immense internal power?
This is actually the truth. The highest crime rates appear where the wealth gap is greatest in a single area. Poor rob rich, not poor.
>if someone is willing to sell you healthcare and you can afford it then nobody is allowed to come between you two and prevent that
imagine being this retarded that you typed this sentence out and actually believe it
you expect me to scroll back at how hard you get over bait posts on this basket weaving forum? Don’t delude yourself bro
>jannies STILL havent baleeted this thread
Canadian govt. healthcare doesn't cover the cost of drugs, and people absolutely go bankrupt paying for them, so I can safely assume whoever made this has no clue what they're talking about.
Not that guy and just geniunely asking, how in-your-face is the drug problem?Any stories?
I bought cosmetic bullshit in Planetside 2, even did a little P2W, buying shit I could unlock by spending time instead.
Do not do this.
Sheltered white people like this always blow my mind.
Probably some upstate New York faggots, likely near Syracuse, or god forbid some druggie-infested shithole like Utica.
I don't, but the notion of a well-equipped millitia consisting of below 80 IQ drugged up minorities being consider a god's given right is too scary for me. I don't fear our criminals because the worst they can do is try and beat me up or bring up a knife, I still have a fighting chance against that, but you can't do shit about some nigger just pushing the trigger on his boom boom make money stick.
they had doctors and surgeons back in colonial times
Nah, I'm leftist and I hate Jews too.
But I'm not white, so I don't need to suck Jew dick.
have sex
Maybe they choose to stay sheltered at home because spooks like you can’t be trusted to suddenly jump someone since your genes make you more animal than human
And yet they probably vote to bring in more spooks like me, like all sheltered white retards do.
>basket weaving forum
This is a book club, faggot.
Yah fuck myself for playing gacha shit and fuck fate grand order. Ive spent so much on that game that im.just bitter/bored to even bother playing everyday.
>moving the stairs burger
True fucking evil, kristallnacht 2.0 when?
>Buy arcade sticks, hitbox and so many fighting games
>Thinking I'll be good enough to win a tourney if I put a lot of my time in it
>No locals and the people who sometimes play are mostly casuals who don't care about getting good
>Netplay sucks and most games have shit netcode bar for KI and SG
>Spend my time just practicing, reading for advice from FGC whether it's tier lists or match ups or advice on how to git gud in general
>Had enough and realized fighting games are boring if I'm alone
No one is a bigger fool then me. I'd rather get a job then bothering with this shit anymore
Do Canada really hate non-whites that much?
I wanna move there within 10 years, cause I've always loved snow and Canada
I was born in Canada
It's cataclysmic.
Sorry but niggers will always have access to guns in any country (especially the drugged up ones you mention) due to the black market, your concern isn't in niggers
I've gotten incredibly angry at multiple games throughout my life. Just last week, I bent my Dying Light disc in half, then bent that in half. What led to this amount of anger? The game forced me to do a quest with a time limit that I didn't want to do at the time. Failing the quest just made it start again. Loading a save from earlier made me go too far back. When I tried to access the most recent save, it was completely gone, meaning I'd have to do an obnoxious mission again.
>tfw game kills itself only 20% in, depriving me of a full playthrough due to horrible game design
Not him, but my uncle just recently died of a heroin overdose.
I've also had multiple homeless, toothless hookers offer me blowjobs, one of whom grabbed my ass even worse is that I was 14 at the time.
And even that was almost a decade ago, shit's gotten even worse over the years.
Granted, I live in Massachusetts and our drug problem is particularly bad.
No of course not. Canada is a progressive country full of diversity. Of course there are tons of racists, but they're almost all closeted. Anti Islam protests here (for example) are always like 12 people. As long as you're going to get a job, pay your taxes and not shit up the place with your pedophile/homophobic/violent culture come on in dude.
>Jews don't control the world and if you keep saying that, Jews will have you fired
Not in my EU country they don't, we literally haven't had armed robbery or anything of that sort with a gun in decades, people at most try to go to banks or shops with a banana hidden under their jackets and pretend they have a gun, at most you hear about somebody getting shot by some psychotic gun hobbyist or a friend of theirs. Literally no criminals here except for some highly organized groups has a gun here. I've never heard about anyone being held at gun point in my life, around the whole country. And yes, we have niggers too.
how do you get so angry that you turn off your console, eject the disc, and then bend it in half twice without calming down? I got really frustrated a few days ago because I was stuck at the part in Wind Waker where you have to hit the guy 500 times and was so drunk I couldn't do it but breaking the game didn't even occur to me
>we literally haven't had armed robbery or anything of that sort with a gun in decades
Yea, instead they do so with knives and acid.
They're making a big deal of opioids, but this seems to show that people are simply offing themselves because they're miserable... Or that drugs are much more easy to come by in general.
tfw briggs is now dead and only has tards playing ever since transfers to connery opened up
kill me
>that zoomer e-thot that got killed
That shit was insane when I heard about that, apparently her dad lives in Florida and is going around fucking other women while her mom takes care of 6 other kids at home.
White Americans LITERALLY live like niggers nowadays, which blows my mind.
>Tfw I've spent so much time on Yea Forums and /pol/ that I honestly can't tell if you're being ironic, or you're actually just really nice.
>there are no blacks there
always funny the people that have never been there trying to tell other people what it's like. there are black people all over involved in human trafficking.
Yup, but the body count or I should specify wound count is dramatically smaller, even after adjustment to population differences. As far as I know in most of european countries you're perfectly fine to get a concealed carry if you manage to complete all the psychological tests, gun trainings etc. but the costs of the actual guns and these licences bar anyone except the ones who are in it literally just for the fun of guns from getting them. You simply can't justify giving everybody the right for an AR-15 bought in your local supermarket without any sort of advanced screening.
I mean who else would be the type to knock someone out for their phones
Ay fuck you nigga, Utica is fucking fine.
You should stop browsing /pol/ at least to get detoxed. There's literally no quality debate or value in that echo chamber.
Homeless people are a fucking plague everywhere. Sure some are there only by unfortunate circumstance but most of them are brain melted drug addicted trash dumped there to rot. It would be easily to round them up and shove them into an "institution" or put these fuckers down like stray dogs but obviously we can't do that.
There's a reason Canadians are stereotyped as nice people user
>You simply can't justify giving everybody the right for an AR-15 bought in your local supermarket without any sort of advanced screening.
If you're going to talk about US gun laws you could at least do some barebones research dude.
Utica is a fucking shithole, the only reason anyone knows about that turd is because it's where their dealer is from (or more recently, because some zoomer thot got her throat slit by some dude she wouldn't fuck).
>mixed race ones are okay
Close, rural South.
I know that cities have crime problems, but if you're actually terrified to walk around your house and you make a fuckton of money, literally just move 15 miles away from the city center. It's not that hard.
I don't see why ARs always come into mention when handguns have, and always will, outweigh any other gun in violent crimes by a gigantic margin. Also it's many times harder to get a permit for something like an AR.
I'm just some anonymous faggot browsing through Yea Forums while drunk and I want you to know how 110% correct you are. I swear to fuck. I won't go into it all right now but you are 110% fucking right. That place IS an echo chamber of the absolute worst kind and time spent away from it reveals just how much bullshit there is going on there.
>video of a man in hong kong playing pokemon go
>somehow the thread devolves into sucking japan's dick and hating niggers
I know that, but it's simply fucking hilarious that you people can actually buy that sort of stuff like it's beer
I no-lifed Aion for a while and wound up in the top legion on my server with a full set of PVP gear. Played that game like it was my fucking job with a static, and looking back it was mostly wasted time. The political drama on the server and sieges with a well-coordinated legion sucked me in and I was hooked though. I haven't touched an MMO since it all fell apart, so lesson learned.
RIP Azphel.
If there's 2 things Yea Forums is good at it's those two things. And I wouldn't have it any other way
Just some of us Americans lamenting how awful literally all of our major cities (more than 200k people) are fucking shitholes full of awful people.
But pops.
that didnt happen in the webm and nothing at all was mentioned about it
you just instantly thought about black people because you're obsessed
Their worldview is twisted to say the least, most of them could really use some travel to actually get to know some of the people they've sworn to genocide, might twist the old smooth-brain a bit.
I'm not even white and the first thing I thought when I saw OP's webm was "If that was my neighborhood he'd have gotten the shit beaten out of him before this video was ever filmed."
As somebody who lived in Miami (Overtown and Little Havana) and worked out of one of the nicest areas called Miami Design District ; this man is telling the truth. I've had tons of cousins and friends who got killed. Miami is fucking crazy. You wouldn't understand it unless you've lived there, it's unlike any place i've ever been/lived.
Fuckin' A. Best thing I ever did was quit /pol/ and go to uni. It exposed me to so many different people from different places and you know what they were the same as me. I used to be a hardcore /pol/ bitch who got all his views from that shithole and entertained every schizo tin foil BS crap they espoused (except the /sig/ or full-on Nazi threads). Now I see it all as just stupid fucking shit.
To be honest Yea Forums in total generality was far superior when /new/ and /pol/ did not exist.
I miss when this place was simply nothing more than a place for nerds and weebs to discuss nerd and weeb shit, not a platform for aspiring political ideologies to spread their crap views.
Anyway, life is a journey and if I can escape it, hopefully the dumbfuck NEET naivete dwellers on that board can too.
Detroit is not better by any means. At-least in Miami you can make connections extremely easy if you have street smarts.
Why do people still live there with that happening?
Not everyone can simply up roots and move away, also economic factors and familial ties prevent them from doing so. Life isn't as simple for 99.9% of the human race as "this is shit let's move."
Some of them can't get out, others are in denial like .
You need to realize something, a LOT of Americans are in complete fucking denial about how shitty our cities are.
To them, paying $120 a month for a full home security system is 100% normal.
Congratulations on paying a ridiculous fee to be indoctrinated and indebted. Here's a news flash though, all of the progressive and trendy colored people you met that changed your world view on undesirables are not the same as the overwhelming majority of rotten trash that fills every inch of the country
Most of us have family down there and once you're there it's quite hard to get out because everything is so fucking expensive and you're living paycheck to paycheck. I was paying $900 rent and I was living with four other people in a decent place. Any cheaper then that and you're living in literal ghettos. I got out and relocated to Tampa Bay and haven't looked back since.
Yeah epic. Yawn.
>Just get up and leave your friends, family, and connections behind
Do people actually say this shit unironically or is it just bait?
Man, you have issues, you know that? Just live and let live, man, it's not worth it to be so angry at imaginary boogeymen, life is too short for that.
canned response with maga image, keep living in denial despite being fully aware of the problem
Man, I missed out on some wild shit growing up across the street from a cow pasture
Extremely false, biased, cringe, and bluepilled.
This user is speaking the truth. But if we can't vent here, we have no where to unleash our inner self.
Yeah, I've been through that /pol/ phase as well. I've gotten out of it a bit earlier even before uni though, but it really showed me that indoctrination is a real thing and how easy it is to slide into that mindset. As a plus that put a new lens on some historical events for me.
Man, user that sounds rough.
I've been sheltered all my life and I couldn't imagine living in your shoes.
Keep living under that nebulous shadow of /pol/ echo chamber feelgoodisms and NEET comfort. Getting all your views from shitposting faggots and YouTube pundits is not good.
Life is a full spectrum experience and you get all your shit from a tiny hateful lens? Christ
If that is your inner self, then you shouldn't have a right to vent it.
Work. I am the user who posted the original Miami post. My job is here. The job I've been at for 7 years now where I make good money, have prospects and am able to save a lot. Trying to find a new one in a different part of the country is extremely hard.
>canned response
anything /pol/ is a canned response at this point you dumb nasty shit
It was rough but it opened my eyes and made me appreciate the little things in life.
I'm not saying you shouldn't visit your family or friends, but why the fuck would you expose your wife or children to this? That's some fucking denial right here.
Not even that user, but tone it down m8, you're starting to sound like some retarded white girl who thinks she's worldly and deep because she took a bunch of ambien for the first time in college.
B-b-but user! Its a utopia! Ive seen it in my anime! There are no jews or black people and all of the women have large breasts and would really like my cool maga hat!!!
He based
Good on you fellas. It's not easy to break hard bias and leave familiar ground.
>but why the fuck would you expose your wife or children to this?
Nigger, your wife probably grew up around similar shit too, you do realize that ~70% of the population in the US lives in a fucking city, right?
I think you people should tone it down because you're sounding like a bunch of brownshirt-clad people who listened to an angry guy blame Jews circa sometime in the 1920s.
I don't go to /pol/, you're completely right about it being an echo chamber where it's impossible to have a dissenting opinion. That doesn't outweigh the fact that it kickstarts many people's dormant subverted brains on what's really happening and what the real problems are.
I'm not even white m8, but let's be honest, the less Jews the better.
The other day I saw a thread on /pol/ where the OP seemed to genuinely believe that bee hives were being farmed for their anti-gravity properties and that was why the bees are all dying
These are people who would go towards stupid tinfoil hat bullshit retardation instead of simply accepting mainstream scientific opinion that the earth's climate is changing
Simply because it's mainstream, which is now evil.... or some shit... because of rich liberals... or some shit
Do you think theres a battery pack that recharges while he's riding the bike? That'd be cool as fuck, just like in that episode of pokemon where ash recharges pikachu
I commissioned a detailed drawing of my favorite TF2 map and had it shipped halfway around the world so I could frame it.
I spent way too much on FGO.
I'm glad it didn't stop me from quitting.
>I have come from the Stormfront discord
What you're basically saying is you believe /pol/ shit without wanting to actually say it
/pol/ has a lot of genuinely /x/-tier schizos on it.
Like that one dude who was making threads constantly for like a year and a half who kept talking about getting raped by his sister when he was 14 and how jealous he was of the guy who was fucking her and other weird shit.
The board's really become intolerable in recent years, even moreso than usual.
>you people
Bitch I'm old-school /pol/, fuck off.
If you have an above-100 IQ and a self respect that isn't treating yourself and others like a bitch you will come to realise how fucked that board's viewpoint is.
You're not really a Nazi.
You're just right wing / conservative.
Convincing yourself the world hates you for that is just making you hate harder.
>I admit that /pol/ is absolute trash tier for genuine discussion because of the fact that it's an echo chamber
>hurrr ur stormfront dumb nazi
Are you sure you wouldn't like /pol/? Because /pol/ and nazis are all you can think about
Nigga that was my first post in this thread
By the way you worded it, my 3rd world shithole sounds safer.
>Spent too much money on ingame shit?
Pussy saga
>Regret a special edition?
Octopath traveller
Yeah they're all I can think about when this fucking site got infested with them, and every second post now is some stupid Nazi shit redressed as "alt-right" BS. Truth is you faggots want everyone to know you're hardcore Nazi skinhead geniuses who see things as they really are. In reality most people just live their fucking life and you go hysterical like the Tumblr radical leftists in turn. Shit's mad. There's no mediated ground anymore for rational realistic conversation thanks to fucks like you.
He's pokemon going to the poles.
>OH no some morons on the left have gone radical
>Shall we move the dialogue to center?
>NO let's move it to the far far right instead that will cure everything, having two constant extremes dominate every single fucking exchange on the largest English imageboard on the planet
Genius guys.
Not that user, but do you think that /pol/ is why there's no rational realistic conversation nowadays?
I sure hope you're referring specifically to Yea Forums, otherwise you're fucking insane.
This somehow makes me feel better for growing up a white person in Rhodesia.
Don't know if you have noticed, but every place on the internet that is lax on moderation has offensive content in all social aspects. The choice of coming to a website where you're free to express yourself in any way was your own, the only way to prevent hurt feelings is to go back
I think pol is pretty retarded, but I'd rather browse that cess pool of a board that read this shitty comic a second time
>Not that user, but do you think that /pol/ is why there's no rational realistic conversation nowadays?
Yes. It has become a hub and base for mass infiltration of the internet at large.
>I sure hope you're referring specifically to Yea Forums, otherwise you're fucking insane.
Not just Yea Forums but /pol/ has demonstrably shown it is capable of influencing sites outside it.
>LE GO BACK MEME t. guy who came here from the 2016 furore
Uh no fuck right off. The /pol/tards are the encroachers here and people chose to forget that because arguing with you fucktards is like banging one's head against a brick wall.
>Yes. It has become a hub and base for mass infiltration of the internet at large.
Oh, okay, you were sounding reasonable at first but now you're sounding more and more like a crazy person.
I don't think I need to read the rest of your posts.
you ever notice how these faggots who are glaringly obvious virgins always default to have sex because it's the most cutting insult in the world to them
and you're a furry too
>Poor rob rich, not poor
>The /pol/tards are the encroachers here
People have been talking about /pol/ invading everything way before 16, tardo. All boards intermingle, you'll just have to deal with it.
>Le ur sounding mad gaslighting
No I'm not. Speaking out against people moving in on this site once it opened to politics is not mad, it is correct.
Must be nice. This guy would have been beaten and robbed in a heartbeat in the US
The entire thread.
>If I tell someone they came here during 2016 election period that means I meant that every /pol/ retard did
Bro? Retard
Sure, but unironically saying that a bunch of retards on Yea Forums are "mass infiltrating the internet at large" is fucking moronic.
I don't know if you noticed, but most of us shitting on America are Americans.
lmao this particular board has been reveling in off topic trash for years, you're just mad because it's shifted from
>that feel when no gf
"why are niggers so loud and violent?"