Red Orchestra 2.
I installed the game 30 minutes ago.
I just killed 2 retreating teammates cause this game doesn't tell you who the friendless are.
But it's totes cool cause I played as the Soviets so it was historically accurate.
Awesome game.
Red Orchestra 2.
I installed the game 30 minutes ago.
I just killed 2 retreating teammates cause this game doesn't tell you who the friendless are.
But it's totes cool cause I played as the Soviets so it was historically accurate.
Awesome game.
I hate womans
You niggers got any tips for an absolute newfag?
How is the population? Thinking about reinstalling after trying RS2 for the free week
It's got three full servers. Plus 2-3 that have more than 50%. So, not great, not terrible. People are still playing is what I'm saying.
Play RS2 instead, its better in almost every way.
>no Nazi Germany
>no Soviets
>just a bunch of jarheads and rice farmers
No thanks.
Okay I might get it eventually cause Tripwire makes decent historical based shooters, but I'll play Red Orchestra first.
Any plans for a Red Orchestra sequel?
Nah, I think bolt-action and semi-auto weapons fit the game's style much better. I also love the Vietnam setting, but there's more variety in RO2
play hell let loose
omaha beach level drops thursday
>77% on Steam
just look at the uniforms
learn the maps and dont rush in areas you're pushing up on.
also stand back when you're scouting out a window.
check your map before throwing grenades into a point.
the rest you'll pick up on as you play more.
>early access
Do you think I'm retarded user?
Appreciate the tips user.
Both games have their ups and downs desu
>I just killed 2 retreating teammates cause this game doesn't tell you who the friendless are.
Protip: If you see a guy running, both hands on their weapon => ruski, only one hand on their weapon => germ.
After a while you work out the other differences but the running animations help out a lot early on. Also the same for Rising Storm, japs/vietcong hold their weapons in one hand, murricans in both.
Also what helps is looking on the map (the actual map, if you're playing on a server with a mini map stop playing on that server). One of the best things about the Red Orchestra/Rising Storm games is that you have an actual frontline that helps you to pin point where you're enemies might be, unlike most other modern shooters where enemies might spawn behind you. Veteran players might know how to break through front lines and harass you from behind but that doesn't happen that often.
bretty gud tips
thanks user
>But it's totes cool cause I played as the Soviets so it was historically accurate.
battles have an ebb and flow to them, it's hard to describe but you should start to recognize when it's happening after you get some experience and it's a big part of staying alive and not having your experience be camping and/or just getting mowed down by people you don't see. so don't think that's all there is to the game.
also leave specialized roles/classes to other people when you're just starting. pick the grunt class that doesn't have a limit, and leave leader roles to people who know how to use them.
other than that, don't try to spam shots even with semi/auto weapons, the recoil will fuck you're aim so hard and you might as well be holding up a flag that says "pls kill me"
its closest to RO2, without getting too autistic like PS/Squad
like some user said in a previous thread, learn to stop and look around, not using your mouse but your eyes. stop moving for a few seconds, scan the area and advance.
also, alllied soldiers sprint with their rifles in both hands and axis use just one.
Pay attention to hats. This seems like dumb advice but trust me it's going to be what prevents you from tk'ing someone after shooting at a pixel from 600meters away with your bolt action.