hows this game
Hows this game
it's actually pretty fun and a decent spinoff
I love Megaman!
It's good. It improves on the original a bit, but start with Colosseum first if you haven't.
Fuck off
Best 3D Pokemon game. It's fun but not perfect. Nicer visuals then Colosseum as well as better variety of Pokemon but still feels a little limited. I would still play Colosseum since this is suppose to be a sequel but it's not 100% necessary. I still replay this game every couple years for enjoyment
Don't bother with Colosseum, it's literally 1/3 of a full game which is why the trainer levels are so fucked up. XD is a proper console Pokemon RPG, which is frankly unnecessary to begin with but at least it's playable.
Better than the mainline games.
I'm playing Colosseum right now and shadow pokemon, all double battles, and snagging makes for really interesting gameplay that isn't offered in any other game. The only problem is every shadow is stuck with shadow rush which is either too versatile or too weak depending on the users stats because it's only physical. I still really like using shadows and I'm sure the shadow move variety in Gale improves them, but I haven't played it in a long time so I can't really remember it. Slowly unlocking a moveset of preset moves through purification is nice since they all have some kind of useful support moves that work well with doubles, and they reserve the good stab moves for the last slot.
>I like it because it subverts my expectations!
And the limited pool of available Pokemon, and purification through battle usage is forcing me to use Pokemon that I would normally never think of using and I've found myself really liking a few of them. Though I do hate how purification is is implemented since it doesn't reward performance at all. Most progress is made calling Pokemon out of hyper mode which wastes two turns minimum, and it would be so much better if they just rewarded you for actually KOing opponents instead. My Jumpluff with her excellent speed and sleep powder is making for an excellent utility pokemon to make captures easier.
It's in a franchise that's so formulaic that it's basically the same game every time beneath whatever the generation's gimmicks are. It's refreshing to play something different for once while still having the same foundation.
Yeah, that's... kind of the point! Except Colosseum is like walking into your office one morning to find that someone has decided to "surprise" you by doing "something different" and smearing liquid diarrhea all over every flat surface they could touch.
>newfags that don't know you only post >XD when OP posts XD in the OP
Nah they are good
Who are you quoting?
It's actually really solid, Colosseum has really fucked up progression and if you play it like a normal pokemon game and purify a team/level them up you'll be fucked.
You both need to grind in Colosseum, AND constantly use the latest strongest mon.
XD is different, they purification system is designed so you can sorta passively optimize what you purify, and the game is both a lot longer and a lot more balanced.
It also adds adds in more shadow moves so you aren't limited to shadow rush.
Green texts arent only for quoting posts new fag
The only real flaws I've run into so far are the ones I've mentioned, the size of the overworld and dungeons, and the shit AI that teamkills itself with earthquake and does other retarded shit. None of those make it awful. The shadow mechanics just vary between an annoyance and an interesting challenge. The lack of variety in available Pokemon is the biggest flaw, but that doesn't ruin it for me. And Pokemon's AI usually sucks anyways so it's not different from the main series.
You can just purify the mons you don't wanna use with massages later in the game
Boring, mostly just basically double battles forever, with some very boring wild pokemon battles sometimes. It could've used a lot more content. Not a bad game, though.
I could spend a long while talking about everything Colosseum did wrong and how XD fixed 95% of its stupid fuckups but the simple fact is that there's nothing good about it except for the fact that it's different. That's the sole redeeming factor that everyone mentions: it's "different". Having a homeless guy vomit all over you is 'different' but it isn't enjoyable either, is it?
I do wish the AI would actually try though. It's reliably retarded. Eveery single one of the 9 trainers on the way to Dakim killed at least one of their own Pokemon with magnitude, and when I had to reload a couple times to catch Entei I had it guaranteed that he'd kill both his Marshtomp and Camerupt and maybe weaken Entei for me while doing 0 damage to my two flying pokemon.
Yeah, but that seems kinda cheap, and I'm enjoying the variety I'm getting by trying to use each one. The only two that have been unusable for me so far were Slugma and Remoraid since their starts were shit, and they somehow managed to be weak to literally every trainer in the areas I got them in.
I wouldn't advise doing that if you wanna get Ho-oh.
The more overleveled your team, the better. Though I wouldn't blame you for not bothering with Ho-oh.
It's working so far, and I've also found out that I can easily powerlevel any single Pokemon that I want while doing so since the exp. share gives them a larger cut than if I'd actually used them. I think it's still 50%, but with doubles that's the max any Pokemon would get if I didn't switch out, so I can level the one I want faster than naturally using it since I tend to switch out a lot.