How did Marvel get away with this?
How did Marvel get away with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How did Team Ninja get away with this?
>women actually look like women and are sexually attractive
>this angers the rotund hairy femoid
Seething sully. Could be cool and hate all games journalism. But no, has to be a seething sully
Is this Billy D?
22k likes on the guy giving him shit
Why do 99% of girls want you to use them like a cumrag in bed and abuse them, but outside of sex they hate strong and independent, but sexualized, females who beat up men and dominate them in video games?
Is it really because they just want us to make all female characters useless cumdumps? Hentai never gets bashed so it must be.
>juicy thighs
I see that and I picture the guy saying it being morbidly obese, drooling and wiggling his fingers.
>The best thing about this game is that the women look like prostitutes
>C'mon guy
Lmao roasties so toasty
I fucking hate roasties
hi salty sully.
What's the game ?
Finna buy this just for the tna
>I fucking hate games journalists
>juicy thighs
What the fuck? What journalist actually said that? Can't be from kotaku or whatever
Both are cringe. The true enlightenment is being indifferent.
You say that but that sammich looks fucking delicious.
Spoken like a true faggot.
>tfw slut fetish
>tfw most females today are sluts to some degree
The more men swear off 3D the happier I am because less competition means more used beef for me.
It's one angry gamer.
I hate sjws but I also hate you people. I am truly unbiased as I hate everyone except myself.
probably the girl who replied didn't have too much sex.
no thanks guys that fool is retarded
>That Hela
Depictions of attractive women are undeniable, twitter-brain women succumb to inadequacy and shame men for having fantasies while also shaming anyone who looks at them funny for having the exact same fantasies because denying a woman her whimsy is tantamount to astral spirit-rape
But you see I hate those people as well. Anyone with any remotely unusual views to me I hate.
>because beautiful women are rare in today's media
He really had to ruin everything he had going with that? Should have just left it at "in contemporary gaming" or just not make any reference to the core values/ethics debate at all, now it comes off as whiney and incellish
well this guy is going to go forever
Go away, Billy.
but they are especially in western video game and you know it
>i fucking hate female game journalists
He's right though. How is anything he said untrue?
its one angry gamer yes he is going to do that stupid shit he cant hold himself back
then dilate and chill
>Siding SJWs to own the billy
you're just another part of the culture war
you dont play a lot of games do you
i hate the sjw and the anti sjw both they are both fucking stupid
He does it to get clicks, just like the whole boner culture thing. He hates SJWs but doesn't believe in maintaining a "good image" for his side.
>nooo stop being straight, you fucking white males!!
Yeah western games are very barren but to say that all MEDIA suffers from this problem is just not true
Film, photography, and modeling still have plenty of beauty, although the varnish is starting to fade a bit
Have you been living under a rock?
Surprise women don't know what they want. women empowerment is just marketing and an easy way to get free hits of dopamine online
yes I do women in western game these days for the most part are plain or ugly with almost no fanservice
I will post this in every MUA3 thread until Hank/Scott is announced. Don't test my autism, Marvel.
>having a biological reaction is bad
you just KNOW she'd write about some hunky male video game character without a hint of irony
I hate Marvel
OAG is on of my favorite things in the world that exist today because it upsets faggots. Fag culture is garbage and stupid as fuck, I'm glad OAG is there to throw shit all over pieces of shit that support gay faggotry in video games.
sounds like she needs to have sex
Salty Sully Seethes Again.
Hela looks fucking scrumptious in this game!
and yet you spend most of your time screaming at antsjws and along with the SJW's
ok post the same girls from mass effect andromeda and dragon age
What a stupid question. Do you want everyone to know how degenerate you are outside of the bedroom? Everyone wants to be respected. When you are with a woman you're supposed to respect her like you would a good friend, and make her feel good. That's the only way their legs will open for you too. There's a time and place user. Don't be so autistic as to not realize something so basic.
Get mad, stay mad, reddit.
ok billy fuck off back to twitter
Wait, is this from marvel ultimate alliance? I didnt even know the game was in development, i thought it was some shitty marvel vs capcom again. The first two games were great.
Why don't women understand that video games aren't for them? The girls in the game being hot will always be a selling point of any game with girls in it. If they can't accept this basic fact, why do they even bother?
How do these people function? How can you say with a straight face that you just hate men for being men? Do they understand that the species continues by having men fuck women and make a baby? Liberals were a mistake, diplomacy was a mistake. Public executions for being a fucking retard should've never gone away.
Shut up Billy
why does oag upset incels so badly?
I'm not billy, and I don't even go to his site, but I fucking love seeing retards get all fucking pissy about it. I also only ever hear about his site here. You faggot keeps bumping the threads and letting everyone know how much your ass hurts from getting fucked by OAG.
you are a joke billy
the funny part is they are turning into SJW's just to spite him
billy getting his assblasted did everybody shitting on you for the mortal kombat shit hurt you
'anti-sjws' are just people who don't have any tact and can't navigate the heavy-handed snark behemoth of cultural marxism without resorting to the exact same venom they retaliate against. these outward-facing personality-types on social media or small niche news sites don't represent the ocean of non-combatant users with awareness of online enthusiast discourse who are long past being tired of ess jay dubya buhloney and the resulting contrived off-kilter pandering
>the media have plenty of beauty
>posts obese pig as an example
What did he mean by this?
most of what this guy writes is just pure garbage but this one is actually based
>obese pig
You sound like a man of low testosterone levels
That's not obese, she's fucking perfect.
>That's not obese
Spoken like a true amerifat
If that's obese what the fuck is skinny to you?
but seriously the anti-billyfags are starting to remind me of the sons of kojima
I love the "GAME MALE JOURNALIST ARE SCUM", when it's literally one guy who isn't even a journalist.
See SJW males? It will never be enough no matter how hard you submit.
I want to fuck Psylocke's brains out. Damn that ass is fat.
an Hero
Seems like you live somewhere close to Somolia.
Not that thing, that's for sure. I mean, if you're into fatties, that's ok, it's a pretty common fetish, just don't pretend that she's somehow not overweight lump of lard
That writer is going to get fired and blacklisted
>Everyone wants to be respected
Respect is earned not given for free
The really funny thing is Billy can actually do investigative journalism sometimes, the only leftist journo who ever does that is schrier and that guy is so retarded he said the dragons crown sorcerous was designed to appeal to pedophiles.
God I fucking hate women
I wasn't talking about the Mortal Kombat shit, i saw that just now and that seems right.
I'm talking about when he bashes things for stuff relativity minor, like him bashing Crash Team Racing not having trophy girls as scantly clad NPCs despite playable being far better.
user please show me your version a skinny girl
>inb4 it's a literal skele
How does that contradict his statement that everone wants to be respected?
>Beautiful women are rare in today's media
>tal Kombat shit, i saw that just now and that seems right
>the dragons crown sorcerous was designed to appeal to pedophiles.
Can you spoonfeed me on his reasoning please?
I don't think I would call him not a journalist but yeah, you would think they would look at the ample hints around them are realised they are nothing but tools to the female sjws.
in western video games they are
I only hate feminists who work hard to end up single and childless at 30+ and take out their frustration towards male hobbies like video games.
I am unsure if he ever actually tried to justify it
>makeup-caked whore
no they are not fool
It's still censorship to cut them even if it's minor, no censorship should ever go without being called out.
this is a manjaw game is sjw
someone posted a screencap before you made your post and i read through half of it. sex appeal is like the best fighting games have.
Nu-women constantly complain about slut shaming though, so apparently they want people to know and don't want any repercussions from it.
He called the sorceress lolicon bait because he's a retard.
>It's one angry gamer.
If that's true, then it's not from a journalist. The guy is a deranged activist. He can't even write. He uses stupid hamfisted metaphors all over the place that just make you embarrassed on his behalf. Most of his articles aren't ABOUT games. They just INVOLVE the subject but they're really about politics.
yes they are modern western games have for the most part have plain or ugly women in them
But they are in the game, calling it censorship it's like calling Mortal Kombat 3 censorship since it didn't have scorpion
One, untrue.
NintenDONT have sonycership on their games
true, but they did the absolute best thing they could, they don't look as lewd as they used to, but they made them outright playable and packed with more personality, and they still look hot, just wearing yoga pants now.
It's more of a very good compromise.
Looks more like a regular ass human jaw to me.
They gave the game to team ninja, you know what you're getting when you hire those guys
>Most of his articles aren't ABOUT games. They just INVOLVE the subject but they're really about politics.
This describes like all game journalists.
pretty fucking based
might actualy start going to that place if their write shit like this
thank you user, i would not know about that site if wasnt for you
>yes they are modern western games
That’s just Crystal.
Just imagine the commas
The sully person in the screencap is a guy.
nope man jaw sjw game
>Cultural Marxism
Here we go again...
He's an ally. There's a difference
Everyone hates game journos
>raw meat
Pass me the blow torch and we're goos
That's not manjaw, you're looking at high cheekbones with a long chin.
some of the girls look good and some of them look sjwified. kinda a weird game desu
Lel are you suppose to be trying to make this game suddenly seem bad even though theres everything to the contrary of it? Or is this deliberate parody?
Yeah that's my reaction to cultural marxism too
Well it's on Switch, so no one played it.
its ok when Japanese games do it right
Don't play games that anger you? Play House Party if you don't get enough titillation every other waking moment of the day that you need it.
Is this pic supposed to make me dislike him?
I will now buy your game.
this really confuses me
>he/him 18 cis
I honestly can't tell if this is someone being sarcastic or if it's an anti-SJW who has actually deluded themself into thinking this
Their brains have literally melted from overexposure to hentai, give them a break
Is this the new ASL?
You mean they've been overexposured to feminine women and now get annoyed at western games only have masculine dykes in them?
>calling women who would never even look at you twice obese pigs as a defense mechanism
lol go do a push-up faggot, men are talking here
Who is the old lady?
The games probably wouldn't anger him at all if they didn't redesign established characters for the sake of 'every inch of visible skin adds X icky incel sexism points you can't go above Y points'
wow, this old used up woman is mad
if you like manly jaws you are gay as fuck or maybe you just have the gay gene and your son is doomed to be gay
>When a woman has a more defined jawline than you
Are you implying you like him?
At least get it right
i dont know. i need to get off twitter now. this is giving me a fucking headache and i know theres no arguing with these lunatics
truly a clown world
>how dare a man like the woman form
>18 year old and already a walking cesspool
fucking hell gotta give it to the media they're efficient at what they do
Nothing the journalist said was wrong.
>its a Billy crops an image to have a thread about himself
I thought that nigger stopped coming on Yea Forums after he got doxxed.
>Beautiful women are rare in today's media
Both of these people sound like gigantic faggots. Imagine righting the excerpt above. Imagine writing the tweet below. They're both an embarrassment.
is there anything more pathetic than a "man" who white knights for FICTIONAL WOMEN?
Oh, so are just fucking around for no reason. Next time try not to be so obvious
Can't wait to play this game as exclusively females
the fact the person is 18, putting pronouns, and claiming cis is complaining about a guy writing about the woman form and then having the fucking replies talking about the guy is probably ugly and jerking off
dude i dont fucking know. the pronouns through me off because i see cis. whos side is he on? its like the uncle tom of genders here.
is this some female to male tranny?
this guy is a retard
>reverse the roles
>suddenly the writer is an empowered female who dont need no man
>Other people are retarded so it's okay for him to be retarded because he agrees with me
Why? It applies to film too. Look at that monster they keep pairing up with Chris Hemsworth for some reason.
Now I am interested. Is this Marvel Alliance 3?
PC when?
ok man fucker
>its like the uncle tom of genders here
That's exactly what he is. He's an "ally"
>anons excited for a shitty licensed game
This has to be the work of actual paid shills.
I assume this is about RDR, in which case I assume he was expecting a minstrel show?
yeah but women are lazy cunts
it's entirely possible for the average man to go hit the gym, clean up their diet, do cardio, and make gainz
but you ask a woman to not eat so much and she fucking implodes
that's why nobody cares about he-man, but everybody's shitting themselves over barbie
it's because women are fucking monkeys mate
why do peole say that the girls in this game dont have a manjaw but say black cat in this game dose
people who get offended by drawings of impossible standards that will never exist
Toastie roastie
Hey, I also hate male game journalists! And female too!
Yup, which is really hilarious since Billy is black. I guess he really gets off doing the /pol/tard larping.
who ever that is needs to update didn't jubilee get rid of the vampire stuff
Continuing on pretending to be retarded doesn't make your argument anymore stronger or right
Lol you're a virgin aren't you?
>the way of writing on that sentence
kill me now please
>First and foremost worth mentioning is that all the women look sexy in the game, which is a really really rare thing in today's industry. The women have hips, juicy thighs, round boobs, and toned bodies. This is a really good thing, because beautiful women are rare in today's media.
Why are so many people defending this awful writing? Just because OP compared it to some random SJW? That's all it really takes for you guys to lose your senses? I demand an explanation.
>one dumb website talks about boobies
>wow, MALE game journalists...!
wtf is this hooker going on about? most male game journalist cover their eyes when boobies show up on the screen.
Ban on Twitter screencaps when ?
because it's true especially in video games
Is it quoting some gay capeshit or what
are you retarded
i do like her look a little i am just fucking with you
>dyke haircut Carol Denvers
It's silly, but at least someone's posting it.
No it's not. Even with SJWs pushing their agenda. Majority of female characters are either sexy or conventionally attractive. That's plainly false. Anyone with eyes can see that much.
That wasn't a defense of him, stop projecting.
show me some examples of this
have sex
Thank god I don't use twitter
>at least someone's posting it.
What does this even mean? Why do any of these people's opinions matter? The journo is retarded. And the SJW is just some 18 year old kid who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing in the world.
>Majority of female characters are either sexy or conventionally attractive
Which ones? They're all man jawed dykes. Only japan does it right.
>the cherry pick of the cherries picks
>Majority of female characters are either sexy or conventionally attractive.
just because you have dyke/tranny fetish doen mean we all do
is there anyway to play this shit on pc anymore for the first and second? pirate options?
I honestly don't get why there's such a big stink about female superheroes that look sexy. The entire genre is about protagonists who run around in spandex suits, yet it's a problem when females do this?
Am I to believe that people would rather have deliberately ugly characters? Because everyone loved what they did to Ivy in Bamham Knight, right?
Sure. Let's start with whatever fucking marvel trash they're talking about in the OP. That game has sexy women. Cyberpunk is being marketed by sexy women. And even nu-Lara, despite her character design is still sexy.
I'd love to see what you think is an attractive woman
If he agrees with me, then he's not retarded.
>nu-Lara, despite her character design is still sexy.
anyone got that pic of nu-body?
Real talk though Trish did look awful in 5
mainstream internet was a mistake
>Cyberpunk is being marketed by sexy women
>Brain melting in progress
if you ran a review site, what kind of game content would you focus on?
Would you let your writers and editors do whatever they wanted or would you restrict them to only talk about certain shit
What? Too much of a hassle to find an example for yourself, phoneposter?
>When your SJW brain shorts out after being faced with a logical argument
I'd make all my writers play and fap to them, except for the ones with disgusting fetishes like feet and shitplay
unironically based
>No ass
>body built like a brick
>no tits
>plain face
I have one question how does she sit down with no ass
>rotund hairy femoid
This is on the same level as those wojakposters that open threads saying the exact same thing.
Sorry bro it's a Nintendo game
Source on the based man?
Why do you get source only for the fag man bellow.
so when someone emulate it
So never ever.. How can Marvel miss that cash opportunity?
Female characters are conventionally attractive. Pretty much just a model with shitty cyberpunk augments.
What an ally
I don't know why, she looks like she smells on the first video..
>that hair
what the fuck lol, looks like a literal hooker
The real thing to do here is start labeling these people as incels when they talk shit about sexualization.
>you hate sex?
>sounds like an incel problem
>jealous much?
vote for my twitter banner!
those ARE twitterposters dude
you can not use tattoos and change the hair fool
look at billy shilling
How the fuck has nobody dumped the NSP yet
Found the roastie
I'm gonna guess that person is the type to state her pronouns in her bio. Am I right?
Really? I didn't actually play the game since 30fps lmao
Is everyone who links to OAG billy now? I literally put the archive link right there if you don't want to give them clicks
Shilling so transparently. Fuck off with your clickbait. No better than kotaku. Just the opposite end of the retard spectrum.
Imagine being such an embarrassing manchild that you honestly think this is true. And you only think this because of shitty outrage Youtubers but you call everyone else "programmed NPCs". Pathetic.
show me the dumbest vidya article thats ever come across any feed you have
i want to read some really dumb shit
its the same situation when a comic book artist drew spider woman in a "seductive" male gazing pose when it was the same as spidermans.
Hey, I am the guy that asked. He said a funny and true opinion and I wanted to see what it was.
I didn't even use the archive like a fag.
I asked about source, he didn't provide it to shill.
It must be illegal.
Very nice
ok shill
t. sully
if it were anything above that it would be outright unplayable, once you know how to play the game you go fast as fuck without bumping into walls
>Challenge journalist to fights.
>They block me.
The character was the same brand of disgusting in the comics before the movie came out.
>now it comes off as whiney and incellish
Hmm ... I wonder why ...
>Hey fellow anonymous user. I just asked information from another anonymous user, for the source of a man who I adore and respect based of a literal 3 sentence excerpt.
Yet the "Captain Marvel BAD" shit has gone into overdrive since the movie. People literally get triggered by her haircut because they have the mentality of boomers
>say thing
>somehow it blows up
>suddenly have literal whos calling me a nazi or some shit
>havent even made a response because im too busy trying to understand how you go from "i like this video game" to "jesus christ this nazi literally needs to be hanged"
all i said was i like the classic wolfenstein game
Goddamn you people are so fucking paranoid, you for some reason see OAG as some sort of major threat while he's just some schmuck that almost nobody even takes that seriously. No wonder people keep posting about this site if it causes this many shitters shattered.
>Elsa motherfucking Bloodstone
I will now buy your game
go away billy
Honestly the thing I find the funniest about OAG is that if you switch his political alignment from far-right to far-left, and replaced the "boner culture" shit with modern woke left-wing talking point Billy would fit right in with the likes of polygon and Kotaku journalists.
Nope it takes far more than that
You just see it more because they her more. Yea Forums has been hating Carol for years
Actually Carol started her superheroine carreer with a short haircut. It's just the most recent rooster crest one that's so unwatchable and a symbol of the classic Twitter feminazi.
>post kotaku link directly
>no one complains
>post faggot gamer link
>suddenly people are bitching
>feb 20 2013
god Wasp is fucking hot
even the cartoon version of her was a bombshell
Have you seen what real women look like lately?
Not really. Also I don't know why you people go out of your way to post fake Kotaku articles when there are mountains of real genuinely bad Kotaku articles
... that's what I just said.
Thanks for proving my point.
>First and foremost worth mentioning is that all the women look sexy in the game, which is a really really rare thing in today's industry. The women have hips, juicy thighs, round boobs, and toned bodies. This is a really good thing, because beautiful women are rare in today's media.
Translation: "First and foremost, let me make this about my agenda..."
It's funny when you think about how gaming journalists act like they matter to the mainstream because they attack their readers. And yet One Angry Gamer is representative of their occupation lol.
>no one complains
>LARPing to try and defend whores
go kill yourself nigger
go be part of the 40%
I didn't even see a kotaku link in the thread. And searching "kotaku" doesn't bring up a link. What are you talking about? Or are you just concocting imagined double standards that never happened?
So what are people supposed to do, stop hating a garbage character that gets forced into every major event and needs constant #1s to keep her book afloat?
Real women look fine. It's the amerifats and trannies that do not.
The thing that gets me about this tweet is that she advertises the article by linking directly to it, and then proceeds to hawk her comicbook or whatever. Its almost like a beneficial arrangement for both of them.
Hating everyone is also a mental illness you delusional faggot, goodluck on becoming a guru.
I never said you couldn't hate the character? You know you can hate a character without turning into a sexist, homophobic idiot right?
someone made a real article
>You know you can hate a character without turning into a sexist, homophobic idiot right?
>beautiful women are rare in today's media
absolutely fucking based
There is no easy solution to untangling the mess that is the normalization of sexual violence in this country. But if all these scandals have taught us anything, it’s that silence is not the answer, and neither is waiting until the damage is already done.
It starts with teaching kids about consent. It starts with not telling little girls that little boys only pull on their hair because they like them. It starts with not making “jokes” that a little boy and a little girl who are friends are “such a cute couple”, or assuming that putting boys and girls together is a recipe for sex, because “you know how boys are”. It starts with encouraging little girls to speak up when they feel uncomfortable, and making sure “No” is always an option for them.
Even in video games.
I haven't seen this one in so long, a classic.
>I was almost forced to actually respond to your point but then I realized I could just say you're from another website haha
>You know you can hate a character without turning into a sexist, homophobic idiot right?
Counterpoint: No you can't.
Congrats, your application to write for OAG has been accepted
daddy issues
I'd buy this game if its released outside the switch.
Two of these woman are aliens. The other is a mutant. They they have no reason to abide by politically correct standards.
>I was almost forced to actually respond to your point but then I realized I could just say you're applying to another website haha
If I say that Carol is a garbage character that hasn't been good since Storm was turned into a space whale while fighting giant bugs I'll be called a sexist
It's published by Nintendo.
I don't really consider "yes you MUST be sexist and homophobic when you criticize a character" a point, but nice try.
If you call her a "dyke" or base your criticism around her being a woman then you will. If you have a problem with her writing or actions, then pop off.
Yeah, they look like the women in this game, just without the silly costumes.
>I don't really consider a madeup strawman of what you said a point, but nice try.
If you have a problem with her writing or actions then you are inherently a sexist bigot.
I don't really consider "yes you MUST be a sexist and homophobic if you criticize a character" a point, but nice try.
>Le manjaw meme
I bet that's how your own jaw looks and you are trying to convince yourself you aren't a genetic dead end with a shitty androgynous skull.
Post more MUA girls.
>madeup strawman
I like you make up a strawman yourself in the next sentence though.
Good thing I never said this.
>"yes you MUST be sexist and homophobic when you criticize a character"
Good thing I never said this.
>no u made up strawman
Ok kid.
Look at this fag not hating himself. Self loathing is true enlightenment
>pronoun choice
easiest way to spot a retard.
>juicy thighs
Okay, this is kinda gross sounding.
Yes, I made that post. Good job.
>incels so addicted to fast food they start describing fictional women like KFC
It's like pottery
Yes, I made that post. Good job.
>gross sounding
>ugg icky yikes
Copy this one too.
If you don't like OneRedpilledGamer then you need to fuck off back to your safe spaces, snowflakes. It is the only Yea Forums-approved source of news unless you're an unbased cringe Resetera tranny who's seething rent free in the cope shed, sweetie.
they say shes ugly as fuck and modern game devs make all their women ugly as fuck because femininity is weakness or some other retarded shit
>quote oneangrygaymer's stupid bullshit
>say something painting all male journalists bad because of it and get a million upvotes
Nice prejudice.
Oh the irony
you do know this is anonymous image board you don't have to show how woke you are here
>pretty woman are rare on today's games
ok? what about the game though? does it play well?
How are thighs juicy
nature vs brainwashing
I accept your concession.
Naga is so ugly
Thanks for proving me right again.
Pretending to be retarded doesn't exist. You're just retarded.
>Twitter thread
Jannies do your fucking job.
>pointing out how retarded I am is just proving me right
Women have insane inferiority complexes and it's because they're supposed to be equal to men in modern society. (Everybody know they aren't made to be men. That's not their place)
Mom... put the wallet on standby...
>modern Yea Forums
>actually caring about gameplay
Does it have sexy femoids and trigger the evil SJWs? Good game
Does it have any minorities or women wearing pants? Bad game
I accept your concession.
>modern game journalists and SJWs
>actually caring about gameplay
Does it have stronk femoids and trigger the evil Yea Forumstards? Good game
Does it have not enough minorities or women wearing pants? Bad game
Why burgerland find everything offensive?
then why do retards cry endlessly when a girl in a western game has it
>if empry hero was a journalist
Don't get so triggered, user.
Copy this one too.
Add Jennifer already you fucks.
they were funded by the most puritans of all protestants in europe
It is. I personally call it "PAB"
P = Pronoun (How the faggot wishes to be addressed)
A = Age (How old the faggot says he is)
B = Buzzword (What meaningless term the faggot uses in place of a personality)
E.G. he/him 18 cis, means:
I am a man
I am probably underage
I am normal and therefore do not belong in your hip alternative circle
another example. she/her 31 trans means:
I'm a "woman"
I will most likely be committing suicide very shortly
I thought the grass would be greener on the other side, and so sculpted myself into a goblin's form.
I believe that, should this catch on, it will be incredibly easy to discern someone's character (or lack therof) with only 3 lines of text, similar to the antiquated practice of "ASL"
Don't get so triggered, user.
My biggest hope is that Jen is in as a secret character. She HAS to be in. She-Hulk doesn't get enough love.
Nah, not really. Pointing out the decline of quality in Yea Forums because of their obsession with owning the libs isn't that common. Getting triggered over the evil gaming media is bottom tier shit that everyone here spouts without actually using their brain. Nice try though.
The people who hate hot girls in games are not females, they are trannies
Nah, not really. Pointing out the decline of quality in game journalism because of their obsession with owning the gamers isn't that common. Getting triggered over the evil Yea Forums incels is bottom tier shit that everyone here spouts without actually using their brain. Nice try though.
Yeah, beautiful. What shithole do you live in?
In other words
Don't get so triggered, user.
it still looks like trash though
found the gaming journalist
Hes talking like a Yea Forums user
How flattering.
>big bimbo lips
That's going to be a yikes from me.
How retarded.
Hit a little too close to home, I see. Man you guys are easy.
I know you are, but what am I? Rekt.
You can't extrapolate this case in particular to every single instance of the term being used for the simple reason there is no centralized definition.
I'm only shit talking on people on this single instance because in my opinion, that jaw ain't manly.
>defending gaming media and "journalists" unironically on 4channel
>lol ur just triggered xD
hope they will include best costume
looks like i hit a nerve
Really easily because attractive people, especially women, is still the overwhelming standard in video games as well as all other forms of media.
Where exactly did I defend them? You know I can point out how low effort the GAMING JOURNALISTS BAD posts are without thinking they're actually good, right?
Don't get so triggered snowflake
No thanks, I already won. Feel free to reply to this one after I've left the thread if you want to prove me right one more time, though.
>we've finally gone full circle and journos are praising hot women in vidya again
Incredibly based, thank you Team Ninja
That's not an agenda, that's human nature.
i saw this because arin from gg liked was like the most hypocritical thing i ever saw...considering he sells a ton of merch sexualizing a female version of himself
>getting triggered over the evil gaming media is bottom tier shit
And you consider this ... a defense of gaming media? You are very stupid.
>this is sexy for westerner normalfags
goddamn your standards are really low nowadays.
>accuse people of being "triggered" for rightfully criticizing gaming media
>criticism of game journalism is "bottom tier shit" and "low effort"
You are tremendously stupid.
Go to bed hufflaw.
You already lost. Thanks for proving me right again. Hold this.
You are so fucking stupid you can't even comprehend the idea of someone criticizing shitty posts but not actually defending the thing those shitty posts were about. I pity anyone who has to interact with you on a daily basis if you lack such basic critical thinking skills. My god.
Absolutely based.
> (OP)
>>juicy thighs
>I see that and I picture the guy saying it being morbidly obese, drooling and wiggling his fingers.
I see this and I picture you being a tranny
>successfully got half the thread absolutely seething just by pointing out how they've been brainswashed to think the evil SJWS are out to get them by shitty websites and outrage Youtube channels
Good anons. Reject the evil femoids and stop breeding. For the sake of humanity.
>I suck and fuck sneed journalists
Yeah, the shitty websites came first, not the obnoxious idpol.
Deluded faggot.
>accuse posts rightfully criticizing gaming media as "shitty posts"
>but I'm not defending games journalists from criticism, dude trust me!
I can't fathom the immense disappoint your parents for you. I honestly pity them for having to deal with such an incredibly stupid child like you who lacks basic critical thinking skills and would not be missed if you were killed tomorrow.
>out how they've been brainswashed to think the evil SJWS are out to get them
I'm a guy and I'm the opposite desu.
Where exactly did I defend them? You know I can point out how low effort the INCEL GAMERS BAD posts are without thinking they're actually good, right?
What the fuck is even going on in this thread?
Doesn't everybody like beautiful people?
not him but
>using twitter meme
All I see are faggots getting rolled
not him but
>using 2hu meme
sony have admitted they are censoring games not to offend SJW's
>successfully got one assblasted autist absolutely seething just by pointing out how they've been brainswashed to think the evil incels are out to get them by shitty websites and outrage blog posts
Good Ally. Reject toxic masculinity and don't breed (not like you have a choice lmao). For the sake of humanity.
Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~
You haven't ever met a beautiful person IRL who was just shitty AS a person?
Man the world is full of them. Thinking someone is "good" because they look good is media brainwashing tier.
Thats 22k salty women, faggots and trannys
Depends where you are, I guess. Literally over 80% of women where I live are fat and formless. Being skinny immediately elevates you to an 8/10.
>posting a gif of a movie character who beat his wife to own the misogynist incels who hate women
This made me angry and that is the sign I need to get the fuck off this site. So much of Yea Forums now is just screenshots of far right or left tweets by random cunts that everyone pretends represents all views of that side. I feel like seeing all this shit constantly is warping my view of how people are in the real world.
Get a job poorfag.
Is Team Ninja even capable of creating ugly female characters? The only one I can remember is that old spider lady from Ninja Gaiden but maybe she was outsourced.
they are overpriced fuck that. already got 3 on preorder
>not just pirating it for your switch
one nothing wrong with me two nothing wrong with me
>game is made in any country other than the USA
>Amerifats are universally baffled by how attractive the characters are
Every time.
cant wait to use my white cis male eyes to gaze on all these beautiful womens luscious lips, thighs, tits, and most importantly, their delicious ASS
not him but
>I won you proved me right
>little bitch game journalist white knight left the thread
I won.
Japanese game dev published on Nintendo (of all the fucking platform). Literally Sony and Nintendo reversed their policy on censorship. LMAO
>about to buy this game because of psylocke
help me bros
>Everyone looks so ugly in inquisition besides Morrigan
As it should be.
the first and last sentence are literally the same thing, just reworded.
Is Billy D. so retarded that he can't remember what he wrote ten seconds prior?
>Women on twitter
>omg henry cavil is so damn hot, that fucking six pack unfff, omg Henry as Geralt looks so damn hot. That aqua man looks so damn interesting... I'd let him take me anywhere he likes
Same women on twitter when a game dev makes an ordinary slightly attractive female
Women on twitter need a fucking smackdown already.
Was looking for it in my twitter feed and this showed up instead.
I don't get the salt. This is what girls look like.
How the turntables...
This was just a few years ago.
>women called this a "dad bod"
And now...
who are you quoting?
>beautiful women are rare in today's media.
nigga are you high?
I fucking hate this man. I fucking hate what everything he stands for. I fucking hate everything he writes.
Objectifying women through their body types and appearance is a low blow that should never be allowed in today's society. We have evolved past those, but men like OneAngryIncel and his supporters hold humanity back in many different ways that I can't even.
It's 2019, but it feels like 1819s where women can't even walk without opinions being being formed around and being labeled. I fucking hate you incels for promoting him and I hope each and every single one of you cis white men will never find love.
No sexy women? Really? Really now? Have you ever gone outside your mother's basement? A lot of women look stunning and they express it in many different ways. Their courage, their smarts, their looks, their social interactions. And videogames in this day and age reflect those women. It is over. It is fucking over. Get lost you incels.
How would you know user, you never go outside.