Why does EVERY RPG have to be high fantasy with ridiculous shit like time travel, mechas, and flying ships? Can't we get something toned down for ONCE?
Why does EVERY RPG have to be high fantasy with ridiculous shit like time travel, mechas, and flying ships...
What like Kingdom Come Deliverance?
medieval serf simulator.
>every rpg is final fantasy
Not even close
Are you actually asking for MORE generic medieval settings?
Stop playing JRPGs then you fuckwit
>actually believing serfs lived bad lives
fucking b r a i n w a s h e d
there's a reason people chose to live like this for hundreds of years
Like what?
Play Persona
I am descendant of serfs, yes, they lived bad life.
because god told them to
same, i demand reparation.
what a fucking idiot
We got this and you'd think the idiots who thought they wanted games without dragons, magic and fun learned their lesson. But I always think too much of you.
but OP, girls like that need to be raped and impregnated by Orcs
I like the witcher for this
theres still tons of magic and monsters and shit but the magic is explained as some dangerous shit thats barely understood
>Why does EVERY RPG
Not EVERY rpg
>have to be high fantasy
cause not everyone into escapism is into extremely high "muh realism" blandness.
>with ridiculous shit like time travel, mechas, and flying ships?
In terms of development cause water and sea shit is extremely empty
In terms of consumers it feeds into the notion of FANTASY
>Can't we get something toned down for ONCE?
You want something that DOES NOT SELL? It's been done more than ONCE. There is a reason why it isn't the norm.
Fuck that, why can't there be more rpgs that use different settings from western or jap shit?
no one fucking chose anything back then
post more sexy girls in those outfits
What do you mean? "Gritty" and "dark" fantasy has been the norm for nearly two decades now.
>Can't we get something boring for ONCE?
Here you go bro.
Have fun while I travel the word on my flying battleship mowing down monsters with my personal ancient mecha
god damn i wanted to love this game but it is SO FUCKING UGLY
1. Dragon Quest isn't popular outside of Nipland
2. Final Fantasy has the other monopoly
3. DND has a stranglehold on western fantasy stuff. LOTR phase faded by 2010s
4. We might see more Witcher stuff, at the least it will bring LARP and HEMA stuff over
Why don't you make one?
The church pretty much chose for everyone.
Also this is a terrible set of posts.
Basically World of Warcraft has the Fantasy games on a stranglehold, for artstyle and entry level elements.
For actual deeper world building , World of Warcraft is honestly more Final Fantasy than what people think it is.
>there's a reason people chose to live like this for hundreds of years
Because they were retards that fell for sedentary lifestyle meme, for most of the human history your average hunter-gatherer lived better than sedentary peons or urban proles.
tradfags get out, you're boring as shit and nobody wants to hear your opions
Why aren't post-apocalyptic settings used more for RPGs? Did everyone just get put off by Fallout?
>the concept of civilization is a meme
You almost had a good post, then you went full retard.
>no dragons = no fun
Medieval peasants unironically lived more stress free lives than the average wagecuck today and had more free time.
You mean like Chivalry, Mordhau, and Mount and Blade?
There is Atom RPG.
But generally the frameworks of RPGs involve bankrupt and terrible ideas. And quite a few of the B or A type projects involves tabletop license money. So on western side we get DND stuff, and loads more.
On eastern side there is a lot of JRPG stuff, but a lot of it is just reskinned final fantasy. Or generic hero cycles, which can be amazing.
Even KOTOR is somewhat unique in terms of RPGs, because its a genuinely good and executed idea. Despite being a little shallow beyond being a good OT trilogy simulator.
Yeah because your village having a bad harvest and wondering if your family will literally starve to death is pretty stress free
Go play Kenshi
There's many of them, it depends on what degree you like them.
all 3 Xenoblade games are post-apo, FFX is post-apo.
fuck all these other shit recs and play underrail
I bet being in debt to your local bank for your entire life and having to constantly take out more loans just to live is totally stress free. Most people are retarded and live pay check to pay check, at least in the USA. No one said that Peasants didn't have any issues to deal with, but on average their lives were not nearly as bad as people like to trick themselves into thinking, and they did actually work a lot less than we do.
That's why Kingdom Come Deliverance is based
You mean like the more than half of RPGs that have been released in the past ten years. Have you been living under a rock or are you just pretending to be retarded?
For some reason i feel a very strong urge to raid her village, rape her and then give thanks to Odin while i drink from the town's priest skull
They look like their time period had black guys
what a shitty mog it barely even shows off her ass
That's right.
Where did she get the modern makeup?
you should probably lose 85lbs first
Not every rpg is Final fagtasy or Dragon Quest though?
It kind of is desu, I'd rather be picking berries and sick with incurable TB than posting on Yea Forums
Say what now
I think he means less floating crystal everything games where you go decked out in armor of the gods to slay reskinned rats and more games that are akin to folklore and fairy tales.
more the top 2 images and less of the bottom 2
wtf I didn't know they have camera during the middle age.
Are you fucking retarded? Makeup as existed for as long as women have existed.
doesn't count because its not a linear, cinematic adventure without game mechanics.
Would impregnate and make a family on the countryside with her.
>why don't they make games boring on purpose
gee I dunno OP
more like this please
>they chose to be poor
why are amerisharts so terminally stupid?
yes their education is shit but that's no excuse anymore because the internet exists
kim nuke america already you fat faggot
I seriously don't know what games you're even referring to?
is it gay JRPG shit?
What's wrong with the right one? Why is she so blue?
why do posters always assume that someone saying anything you don't like is American? I'm not American but it just comes off as insecure and frankly runty behaviour
She’s only a model
This. OP don't even keep up with recent games.
RL is unironically more interesting than your generic fantasy romp. Sure, there are good settings, but the are rare.
congratulations user!
I still want to meet the descendant of Nobunaga someday before I kick the bucket
Because when someone makes a sharty post it’s usually an American.
>says the shitter making shitposts
i'm a vide3o game
lowest iq on this board, there is no hope for you
why hasn't there been ASOIAF games?
the CK2 and Warband mods fit the setting pretty well but it would be interesting to see something more along the lines of modern version of Daggerfall
there worse ways you could live sure but that dosent mean serfs lives were any good.
>that armor & longsword
I'm just an american but m8 it's always been my dream to have my own full suit of custom fitted armor
There was an RPG, but it is more Dragon Age 2 than Daggerfall.
Serfs =/= peasants, dipshit. The typical commoner had more rights, more free time, and better caloric intake than most people were led to believe, that isn't the case with serfdom, especially in the shithole half of Europe.
I really hate the art style and changes that came from the TV series adaption, it's a shame something wasn't made earlier before the show came out
fuckin nerd lol
>Why does EVERY RPG have to be high fantasy with ridiculous shit like time travel, mechas, and flying ships? Can't we get something toned down for ONCE?
DQ did that for most of it games until it tried to 'modernize' and it got called generic.
can you use google?
Just go to Renaissance Faires bro. The girls are all thirsty, repressed sluts too.
masterfully baited, user
Well, don't entice me with a good time
I love Chrono Trigger. Who's your favorite party member? Mine is Robo
is the blood of her enemies
Fake as FUCK
hats or hoods, intellect bros?
Not him, but exactly this. This is also why I think Zelda is one of the best fantasy vidya series; it has a very "fairy tale" feel to it.
theyre doing it wrong
their hair is exposed
I wish the stakes in games would be tuned down for once as well. Instead of saving the world/universe/dimension from an all power evil force that wants to be/is God, can't I just go on an aventure to raid a dungeon of it's treasure or save a friend in trouble?
Imagine a game like Final Fantasy Tactics where the only goal of the game was dungeon diving and friendly competition with rival exploration parties
>those breeding hips
Your clothes can't hide them bby
her clothes are fit to show them off, she's a model
this, or Pokemon to a lesser extent
>bottom left
XV was not perfect but Altissia was awesome
UnderRail is a game I love but that ripped my asshole apart.
>americans dont have a family suit of armour
if you own a suit of armor and don't wear it casually then you're a fucking faggot as far as i'm concerned.
But was it fun?