How come there are so few plus sized females in gaming?
How come there are so few plus sized females in gaming?
Other urls found in this thread:
fat bad
What is Gaming?
A business
What do you need for a Business to succeed and profit?
Supply and Demand
Is there demand for this shit?
give it time, lad
people generally don't want to play as characters that are ugly, slovenly, easily fatigued, and lacking in self-control and self-respect
Considering many gamers are fat fucks, yes. Don't you want to please everyone with inclusivity? It literally is free money just by saying "and even you too!"
But Wario contradicts that as being one of thr greatest vidya characters of all time while at the same time being all of those things.
Fat Princess is supposed to be a mockery of fat people because the princesses are fed to a size where they’re useless an require teams to move them.
Buttercup from the upcoming Overwatch ripoff on XBone, however, is supposed to be a plus sized diversity character because she’s able bodied despise being overweight. This instance is retarded, but learn the difference.
Wario is a tough and strong guy with endless energy if there's something he wants to acquire or accomplish
Wario has nothing but respect for himself
Granted, but he's a lazy fat fuck 99% of the time otherwise.
He is very self absorbed, yet he smells and grooms himself like shit, so the self-respect angle might be dubious.
Yuma is perfectly crafted waifu bait for me.
Because fat chicks are disgusting
trying to act like a social justice hero in this blasphemy of an industry is straight bullshit.
define fat
Fuck. More?
>no chin rolls
Fake fat
I don't save by artist, and my folder is a disorganized mess sadly.
So Mei drawn as she typically is does not count as fat for you?
I can tell this is gonna be a cultured thread.
Fat faces are fucking awful and ruin every fat picture
It's not Thursday yet, user. Fuck, it isn't even Wednesday.
not many find rolls attractive so many artists omit them. Sort of the "2d will always be better because it never has this" angle going, but I can appreciate a cute x2 chin when done right.
Not fat enough.
because japanese devs usually make skinny women (japanese men prefer them this way) and western devs make masculine women with broad manly frames because SJWism
Fuck fats the unhuman slime between my toes that i want to curbstomp just dont eat you fucking animals that make pigs look beautiful in comparison fucking gluttony motherfuckers
Here ya go.
Still not big enough
>Samus is drawn as soft-faced anime girl
why does this always bother me so?
I don't have a lot of Samus stuff.
fuck, thats a big booty
How big is enough?
Nothing wrong with that.
Kill it with fire.
you should post more, i like my butts big.
there you go
Worst example you could have chosen. Wario is strongly determined and very strong, along being admired by many of his employees.
Everyone hates fatties. Especially fatties themselves
here's the thing though, chubby or even normal fat is not at all the same as these Dr. Phil pop ups who look like fools for not understanding or following simple health science.
>i like my butts big
Good man.
That's the best part, there is no limit.
Not even planet sized?
i'm really enjoying these butts, just letting you know
That's the idea. You're the same user as always, I take it?
think of how many games do not revolve around the main gameplay being physical activity for the character. Piloting, racing, strategizing and organizing, etc
Are there any plus sized women that talk about games?
>Fat fetishists
More than you might realize and yet, is still not accomplished despite the humor factor in it.
the one and only, i go where the butts go.
No but that would be near perfect
>be chubby chaser
>love humor poking fun at fetishes
>but fat jokes in 2019 is practically suicide for PR
Gonna post this for the culture, then.
>He can't instantly recognize Trinity Fate
>near perfect
Perfect being planeteating size, correct?
the culture appreciates your contribution, its made me and it very happy
TrinityFate. Any fatfag can recognize his style.
Want more of those ones, then? I post them a lot, but they get the job done.
Great taste. Shame about the lack of art about this sort of thing.
how about some big ones? we havent done those in a while
>no qt gamer gf to cuddle and feed snacks while she bulks up from lack of excersice
It really is. You would think it would be more common these days.
I gotta head out in a bit, so try and make it quick.
you've got it, ill be done in no time.
I'm talking five or six minutes at most, so get stroking.
one more and ill be done, guarenteed
I'm heading out the door now. I'll check back on my phone in a bit. Enjoy.
this but unironically
too easy. thank you so much, user. wherever you're going, i hope you have a good time!
>no fat girl VN (in english)
Obesity = Unhealthy = Diseases = Death
Glad you liked it. I’ll see you around.
I've seen thin people around my place die sooner with "sudden death" than any fat bastard that lingers around town. Diseases can happen to anyone, obesity only opens the doors to very specific ones, but so does anorexia.
Cope fatty
That futon could barely handle 3 fatasses, then she had to come and destroy it. RIP futon ;_;
What are some games that feature weight gain as a game mechanic other than fat princess and the sims?
God, thank you.
San Andreas for one
Super Fatty RPG.
I've lost 20+ kilos, but thanks.
never heard of that one
Congrats. Losing weight and keeping it off is harder than it sounds. I wish you good health, bro.
You like?
Turns out the thing I was gonna drive to got cancelled, so I'm gonna chill in this thread a little longer.
>never heard of that one
It's about an afterlife where you are a ghost. Your avatar gets visually fatter the more you consume. Comes with male, female, female cowgirl, and werewolf (male) body options. You start off skinny, but your avatar can get screen filling. There's links over on weight gaming.
She posted the pic of the results, but was there a video in particular where it broke during their recording?
How 'bout another one, then?
I dig, thanks
who's this cutie?
You are a true gentleman.
Sabrina, an associate of SomeCallMeJohnny's. She's the girlfriend of his younger brother, Elliot.
Alright boys, show me some bellies
please and thank you
No one but self hating skinny SJW want to see fat people where it would be simply immersive breaking. Soon you will be calling for 500+lbs people to be put into the Olympic swim team.
Now make a game where you score points for being a fat ass bitch who swats other bitches away from the cake then you got a game you can slap a fatty in and no one can or will complain about.
I'm outta Isabelles, so here's this, if you'd like.
damn, that sucks. i just got something to eat.
>No one but self hating skinny SJW want to see fat people
Or people who have a kink for them
I honestly eat like a horse, just giving up entirely anything sugary, soda and treats just seemed to do the trick. I used to go to gym, but I felt like I'd lose more outside of it. I still binge in chocolate, but that's honestly the only treat I particularly like, I never was fond of cake or too much sugar and sodas honestly ruin your teeth and your health, I'd rather YEET that out of my life, I just drink water and coffee and even coffee, I only drink in tiny cups with no sugar and never more than two per day. Keeps metabolism going, but I can live without.
You already came, anyway, so it's fine.
Based and fatpilled
That futon has felt more ass than anyone would ever imagine.
yeah, you're right :) it still sucks when plans fall through, though.
Good shit user, I'm a little on the pudgy side myself but still young enough that I can recover. Getting rid of shit like McDonald's and Wendy's is simple enough, and sticking to juices like lemonade and seltzers as my go-to gimmick drinks is fine and all, but I worry that to get the true weight loss experience I'll have to go to the gym quite a bit. I'm a lazy guy on the best of days and I get the feeling that walking everywhere simply won't cut it, but that's the breaks.
Weight loss should be pursued and all but I can't help but be aroused by 3D pudgy bellies and weight gain.
It's so weird that Sabrina's comfortable being called a "fatass" by the rest of them
perhaps she enjoys it
This, sadly. Sucks being a self-loathing fatfag/feeder
Also great.
The artist is redblacktac
Shall I continue?
The human body I feel will always be pudgy unless you particularly hit the gym or do enough shit in your daily life that warrants you big pecs and even Hollywood pecs are hardly realistic unless going through a very strict diet that might warrant more bad than good. To me, it's not particularly thrilling to turn myself into a rock, just being the ideal weight or at least keeping it controlled seems like enough to me. But yeah, it's not a bad thing to tone yourself, but at the same time, it's not really worth it to overexert yourself to unrealistic standards.
There are two sides to every coin. Now there's nothing wrong with appreciating someone who has these qualities such as girth and comfort level with food, but while there are limits there are also overlappings where you can still have fluff and still be healthy. After all, if you keep stamina and strength up, some extra weight will be nothing. Plus, muscle is naturally made to balance with fat to an extent.
I think bellies on a screen are hot, but I'd never get with a fat girl in real life. Is that weird?
>Fantasizes about being feed to the point of being immobile
>Has been a twig my entire life
The suffering
This is my struggle - I love fat fetishism in all forms, even fattening myself. I gained twenty pounds and liked it a lot, but I've since had to lose it due to real life concerns.
does it not connect mentally or does one desire outweigh the other?
I just think it's disgusting in a normal living environment, but when it's presented in an intentionally sexy way, it's hot.
This pretty much means that I'd find fat girls disgusting 99% of the time, even though I love fat threads.
First of all it depends on what definition of plus size we're applying
second of all, it also depends on their role in the game, let's face it that a "plus sized" character would hardly be as fast as a thinner one.
and third, it also depends on their role as either a main or as a support character
but of course, since this is an actual decent response to an obvious bait no one is going to bother actually replying to me to talk about this
kill yourself OP, you KNOW you just wanted a thread for people to post dumbass fat versions of game characters
If within a feasible context, could you see one in a main role? It exists quite commonly in cinema, and you know how closely resembling to gaming it can be these days.
Just go here you horny chubby chasing fucks.
Cus fat is unhealthy. Often made as bad guys.
Really. Fucking fatties. Disgusting. Can't properly wipe their own asses, wash in shower. Huff and puff if they have to walk more than 5 feet. Can't fit in a single chair. Can't see their own genitals. Smell bad. Multiple chins (were supposed to have one damnit).
It's the fat thread on /d/
Don't know why it didn't link correctly.
That and people can't get to immobile size without risking near death.
definitely could, though it would depend on the setting, it's much easier to make a plus sized character fit into a main role (and still be quite conviniently attractive) in a near-future/futuristic setting. Maybe as a pilot, a sniper, heck maybe even a fat but still kinda muscly space pirate.
It's harder in a fantasy setting because then we would need to apply more arbitrary rules but I can definitely see a plus sized character in a tank role, a druid, heck maybe even a barbarian.
iirc there was even a fat tanky lancer girl in a fire emblem my friend showed me once and she was pretty cute. it's an idea that's just not explored enough
Shadowbringers did.
>HUGE flabby lower half
I know why I have this boner
Still, there's a long way between thin and immobile. I think the best 3D sizes are those that are soft and smooth, but still somewhat functioning. 250 lbs is a nice number.
shit, here I was thinking of a portly inner city cop. Like not full on Paul Blart but about half as blarty.
unironically soulier
Look, with enough time and a few artistic choices we could even make a character based on Amy Schumer's body look pretty attractive and be a main plot relevant good character, just don't try to make her funny and definitely do not give her the same face
I want to plow the fields of Rebel Wilson, but I hate or dont care about everything she's ever touched
I think you see what I mean then
>Gains a belly worth grabbing
Can't argue with that.
Best pic in this thread.
Because you did it wrong.
I really love realistically rendered fat.
>your head will never be the dog to your girl's huge belly bun
Fat threads have become more prominent across the boards.
I like it
Life goals
I wish I could draw good fatties, bros.
I wish we were having a discussion about the design and implementation of fat bitches in vidya but instead it's just fetish posting
Anons realized that fat is the best fetish
>wishing to have a meaningful discussion about the nuances of implementing fat female characters in video games
I don't know what you were really expecting
I only recently became a fatfag.
I'm still not 100% acquainted with everything. I don't know all the artists, and my folder has almost nothing in it, but I wanna grow it. Fat asses are my main thing, but belly is also alright.
this may help
reddit doesn't sound so bad right now
how fucking low has this place fallen
>Tfw Gnibbles hasn't drawing anything in forever
I miss his stuff
I'd even do an art trade if it meant him drawing something
>Anons just accepted that they are into fats instead of being in denial and coating it under other labels that aren't accurate
Sounds about right.
we need to find more ways to get fat women in vidya
make some Wade-like remote tech support
>we need to find more ways to get fat women in vidya
I don't even really care about that, I just think it's not something we often see in modern days outside of badly written SJW Schlock, and it's something I could definitely see happening given enough time and artistic decisions to make a decent character whose entire personality doesn't hinge on the fact she's fat.
>make some Wade-like remote tech support
this is another thing I don't want to see, it's a low hanging fruit, it's too fucking easy and a stale idea used too oftenly in not only games but pretty much every type of visual media.
we can do better, we can do so much better if we just don't stick to what's stale and overused
Fighting games are an easy way to introduce at least a stronkfat woman but no one dares to do it.
I personally think it's harder without exaggerating her features to make her moves easier to discern, would be a fun challenge designing one though
Good example
I mean don't knock the leagues of help Codec call guys could be.
How about as bosses? Could be leaders of organizations, gangs, factions, anything. Hell even like bee monster girls, just have a massive queen with an army of drones in front of her
Fillia is like a really good example of chub in vidya
I once had a game idea with a female remote tech support character for the action hero, but she wasn't fat. I did however think of a pre-stage conversation between her and the MC where he'd remark about how sitting around in front of a computer eating pizza all day will give her a fat ass, and she'd reply by asking if that's a bad thing.
Gotta keep it subtle, you know?
>Skullgirls threads used to be comfy
>autistic webmanon ruined the threads
>even the designated Thursday night ones
I remember shitposting in the thread when webmanon made his first appearance a couple months back. It hasn't been the same.
I think fatfags have recognized this, and dispersed into other threads. There's actually been MORE fatposting since his outburst. It used to be contained in Skullgirls threads specifically. I guess this is the future he chose.
haha, yeah...
That's hot, but definitely not subtle.
Was he falseflagging fatfag though?
I doubt it.
fat is the future
Not everybody who would watch/read that would assume it's a fetish thing.
Good fat*
Everything turned out better than expected, but I do miss those Thursday threads.
Not even a fatfag, but that's hot as shit. More???
You. Are. Based.
More what in particular?
Cute girls with big potbellies?
Cute girls with big potbellies that get bigger?
>I mean don't knock the leagues of help Codec call guys could be.
I'm not, it's just an overused trope in my opinion
>How about as bosses?
Now we're fucking talking, a strongfat leader/queen of an army of goons with an awesome final battle? Nice
>Hell even like bee monster girls, just have a massive queen with an army
not with that waistline she's fucking not
overdone but still might be fun if you write it well enough, not the point of this thread
just recently got to hang out with a semi popular girl in the feederism community that I've been friends with/had a crush on for years. Got to make out with her and feel up all her amazing fat. Felt soooo good bros
Either, I'd suppose. I don't even know why this shit is getting my hard.
Pics or it didn't happen
Getting new fetishes is the best feeling, embrace it!
No it isn’t. I was into melting and futa for one day each and when you think you can pop a boner and you can’t it hurts a lot emotionally
>the reality of being grossly overweight ruins the image
You were never a fatfag to begin with.
why the fuck would I want to dox myself user?
Weight Gain is way hotter than fat itself. I'm more into fat going to ass/thighs/hips/tits than anywhere else but progressions are still the apex of the fetish, unless they go too far (which 80% do well before they're even halfway done).
Anybody know why most weight gain art that focuses heavily on the ass and hips is post-vore (and slightly more commonly furry than most WG art)? Vore & Furry are not turn-ons for me but they seem to gravitate towards the holy grail of gains.
I went into that thread once a little after he shown up and I immediately knew with the shitstorm going down there I was like "yeah this is the death of the threads isn't it".
what was her name? i might know of her since i'm into that shit too.
I honestly don't know how to feel about Kip sometimes. I've been enjoying No Lunch Break and I'm glad that they're finally making a character that fat, but at the same time I really feel like her face and arms should be affected by the weight too but they made a status saying that too many autistic fans freaked out when they experimented with doing that
Cause it's the concept of "absorption" and not weight gain caused by consuming people/animals whole.
I.E. post-vore expansion.
Yeah from me nigga
Really? That sucks, I'm not much for fat faces but I could deal with Sydney having some thickened arms.