
How do I git gud at this game?
and why is railworld so much fun?

Attached: factorio.jpg (1267x956, 1.11M)

Pipeline work and never get hung up over inoptimal designs.

Railworld is fun because it requires you to step out of your main factory mindset and regionalize things.

I enjoy railworld with a bunch of train mods, making a working trainyard is the most kino thing

Post your first ever map, and let people wonder what the fuck you were even doing your first time.

Attached: fucctorio.jpg (1920x1080, 753K)

Just spaghetti to victory.

>tfw a game allows my autism to run free
>brain not large enough to think of ways I can make peak efficiency so I always make a shit base and spaghetti to victory
It hurts bros.

A organized factory is the worst thing you can do, debugging shit on the spot is way more fun

>playing with friend
>have autism corner
>debugging shit
>friends think they are fixing it and helping me when im trying to debug
>they fuck things up way worse then before

Attached: tay.png (262x271, 162K)

what does that even mean?

Attached: 20170202163611_1.jpg (1920x1080, 704K)

"spaghetti" is used to refer to messy, disorganised belt placement that is inefficient but works. it is named so after "spaghetti code" which is programming code that works but is messy, disorganised and inefficient.

games fun yo, what are some good mods to have?

>install rampant mod
>biters/spitters are tearing through my walls like butter
>destroy my drones as they try to repair/replace them
what do

uninstall shit mods lmao

>A organized factory is the worst thing you can do
Absolute omega brainlet. Stick to offline play.

Best tip

There's no challenge with the vanilla enemies though.

Just git gud then

>playing the game for the enemies
long reach, upgrade planner, god damn it water, squeak through are great for making your life easier
good mods that add content are the bob's mods (kind of difficult) and the angels mods (very difficult) or seablock modpack (ridiculously difficult), typically i'd recommend doing just bob's and then doing bob's+angels but you could jump into both. angel's petrochem is the main difficult part of angel's and that is like a fucking organic chemistry course with a whole ton of pipes everywhere.
i've also heard good things about the spaceX mod.
factorissimo2 is a mod that gives you factory buildings in which you can make your shit, and they have a "bigger on the inside" deal. it's really fun to nest them, but the individual buildings are expensive to make.

Artillery is the best/worst addition to the game.
It's so satisfying to bomb a fucking biter nest from miles away, but it also takes out any challenge of dealing with them in the first place.

There wasn't much challenge before artillery either. You'd just run around with power armor and a swarm of combat drones blasting everything in sight.