What's your opinion on The Last Guardian, Yea Forums?
What's your opinion on The Last Guardian, Yea Forums?
Lets just say I'm glad its the last one.
I wanted it for the longest time and then it came out and I wasn't interested anymore
A great game which filters plebs.
not shadow of the colossus 2
I'd say it's pretty enjoyable so long as you understand that you should be feeding them blue sludge or whatever barrels to Trico to get him to repond to you quicker and help him grow up to be a big bird cat.
I'm actually surprised how many people said there're severe problems with the game. Just finished it today and overall I had a rather smooth expirience. Camera was probably the worst part but it still was ok for the most part.
I riked it but it didn't change my life
Controls suck and the doggy is stupid but it's typical Team Ico I guess.
Some performance problems
Some weird puzzle logic
Doesn't get in the way of the fact it's absolute japan-auteur kino 10/10
Horrible fps, don't like how tiled the textures look on many of the walls. Other than that it's an absolute masterpiece and one of the few actual filters in gaming that plebs actually are incapable of understanding. Kind of like Ico, but works even better as a filter.
Controls don't suck, they just feel unresponsive because there's input lag due to shit fps. And doggy isn't stupid, you're just impatient. Let doggy figure shit out at its own pace, it has a hard life
>tfw eyes don't have a deep meaning, Nips just use eye balloons as scarecrows
Actually a great game and Trico is done amazingly well. I've owned a dog for 9 years now and they nailed how you interact with a pet in real life in the game.
It's a filter game, if you play as if Trico was an actual animal and respond accordingly then your time will be monumentally less frustrating with the controls. It's very deliberate, you press one button once and wait for a response from Trico, then act accordingly from what Trico does, if you mash buttons a bit or give many orders very quickly then it confuses Trico, a bit like how ordering a dog around in real life is.
I'm excited for the next Ueda game
IGN: 8/10, Did not solve my failing marriage
Decent. It's a good experience if you are in the mood for that kind of things, similar to shadow of the colossus. But I don't see it like a videogame.
>I'm excited for the next Ueda game
You think there gonna be one? Wonder how does he feel about all those development hell years.
Better than SotC, fight me.
One of the best PS4 games
I liked Ico more than Colossi.
Is wipeout actually good?
I felt Ico was a little too slow and tedious for my taste. But that's just any of the Ueda games anyway. I just think ico < nico < trico
Best Ueda game in general I'd say. Ico and SotC were only good for their times. Ico today would be an above average indie and as for SotC you can play the remake and see that it didn't age very well. TLG is the only one that will stand the test of time, looking forward to replaying it one day with a decent fps
>Gravity Rush
>mid tier
Poor man's Extreme-G.
It's great fun m8. Omega Collection fixed the Vita game's 10fps too.
A better tomb raider game than nu-lara
No masterpiece but far, far better than I expected it would be.
If you played an Ico game before it's basically the same flavour, including chunky performance problems, but it's still a great realisation of a concept to the best of the team's abilities. The ending made me sad which is basically everything I signed up for.
The water part was the worst (diving through that one temple) but I'm happy I played it. Will never touch it again but it's absolutely worth playing
>you can play the remake and see that it didn't age very well
Remake being inferior to original doesn't help tbqh.
I loved extreme g and sw racer, but there's nothing like it nowadays
>Everybody's Golf
>Top Tier
I can agree with this list
There's already promotional art out for the next Ueda game. I bet it's going to be a PS5 Launch title revealed next year
>god of war
>same platform as 1886
has it really be this long
Why do you go into every PS4 game thread you can to post your elaborate 3x3? This is not your blog ffs.
>we may get Dragon's Dogma, Elden Ring and an Ueda game within the next four years
>once new consoles are announced it will lift the embargo on lots of games that were basically a secret this year
I'm pretty hyped for next year.
I thought it was going to be some mobile phone game? Gimme a source.
>fellow Gravity Rush Chad
Super comfy game that plays with your heartstrings.
He needs us to know just how much better MLB18 is compared to MLB19 and that they're both very significant to Yea Forums
Order 1886 came out early 2015, over a full year into the PS4's lifecycle. And God of War came out three years later. Not that long. But it's been over a year since God of War 2018 came out, so there's that
All 3 of us plus the Spikat guy know how to throw Yea Forums into chaos.
Feels like I've heard about 1886 10 fucking years ago
Loved the psvr demo for it
You know what's funny? Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune and The Last of Us: Part 2 are one console away. incredible
Most underrated game of the gen
I'm glad Ueada's still trying. I wonder if it'll be multiplat given the fact that he separated from Sony.