You are buying her game, right?

you are buying her game, right?

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I thought the microphones were suction cups to automatically harvest her milk at first glance

Got the special edition on preorder for my switch

Is it a shit weeb game?

I'll pirate the Switch version. I don't buy games unless I am forced to (i.e. for multiplayer).

> OK game gets censored because the majority of the world can cope without seeing tits every 5 seconds

Yea Forums loses its mind

> another mediocre Japanese borefest promises lewds

Buy her game

Just fuck off. If you're horny go watch porn or pay someone to touch your peepee.

i don't own a console newer than the wii, so probably not until this winter

Yes. Standard version for me, limited is overpriced and the shipping cost in Play-Asia gets inflated thanks to it. Getting standard + buying the artbook separately is best option.

do I need an asian eshop account to redeem the pre order dlc? I don't know if it's just a code or already included or what and I don't know if I need an account in the proper region just for that

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Mystery dungeon-esque dungeon crawler with slice of life gardening, lewd scenes, and rubbing phallic mystery objects between their breasts to reveal their true nature.

Featured mechanic of the dungeon crawling is that as the girls defeat enemies, they gain omega power that temporarily increases their bust size up to a "Z-cup".

I didn't see an artbook listed with the special edition

As far as I can tell the DLC is only for a single weapon and shield modelled after a pacifer and a baby's bib.


That's a dumb gimmick, but mystery dungeon style games are cool. I'm down.

yeah but I mean to actually redeem it do I still need a Hong Kong eshop account or whatever

>stop having game, a gamer is about brand LOYALTY and FAITH.

No artbook is included in the special edition, will be sold later.

I don't really want to buy a switch right now. But I would have, if only to spite sony over Z

Omega Labyrinth Life?

that's kind of gay
the special edition seems to not really have anything worth it at is

damn, this white girl is based!

Did you play Chocobo's Every Buddy?
I bought it but haven't gotten around to actually starting it.

No I dont play pron games like a degenerate

Attached: blackamo.webm (480x480, 355K)

Pretty much my issue with it. I like the cover in the collector box but that image will be included in the artbook too, no point in overspending.

>says the guy having blind faith in a kusoge because muh titties

I will if it's any fucking good.
Tits alone don't carry the game unless your standards are ridiculously low or you derive pleasure from playing awful games as long as it has a cute girl in it

Is this a BE game?

One thing I'm not clear on is if the game will even be available digitally with the English language option, or if that's only for the physical release.

Yeah, go look at the product listing page on Play-asia. There's an official site plus a number of YouTube trailers.

Buying this game and Ryza in the fall. Long live ass and titties

Only if they go bigger

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I'll just pirate it; looks like another run-of-the-mill kusoge

I will, this looks interesting

On the one hand I don't like fanservice shit but on the other the devs really deserve support after all the bullshit Sony put them through.

You're even worse since you love 3DPD niggers.

So I guess I really can't decide if I should buy it.

The Z-Cup sizes look undersized for that classification. But I might get it.

this image is disgusting

OP's pic shows the main girl at her smallest and largest sizes, C-cup and Z-cup.

My thoughts too. At best they're M-cups.
But I guess they went for a levelling system up to a maximum letter.

>suddenly big boobs
Is this Omega Labyrinth? I'll be glad to get it for the Switch version.

This is what I've surmised from what I've looked at, mostly speculation because moonrunes
>Girl arrives a girl's academy famous for its flower garden
>Garden wilts when she arrives
>She has to go into a labyrinth to fight monsters that imbue her with omega power
>Omega power makes her boobs grow
>Boobs return to normal size when leaving the labyrinth
>Probably that the monsters stole the garden's vitality and the girls are bringing it back, with the side effect of big boobs

is this shit only for sale on play-asia? tryina game with some big anime tiddies and mystery dungeons but never used this chinko site before

For me it was more
> Love Shiren the Wanderer type games
> Rarely are they made with new ideas, budget and free of autism
> Omega labrynth has a small but decent budget, a new idea about power charging and doesn't look like you need pure autism to understand the esoteric nature of the items
> Get excited and follow development
> Sony makes no announcement
> Devs make an announcement which is essentially:
> Someone said that you're not allowed to play the game you like because you won't enjoy it since it has giant anime tits
> Get annoyed

No. Since Omega labyrinth was never localized on Vita I don't feel up to supporting it. Also, since pqube decided against localizing stuff on Vita I don't feel like supporting them either.
I'll just pirate it all since it's braindead easy on switch and obviously PC.

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racists go back to /pol/

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Pre-ordered long ago on the Switch.

Spotted the faggots.
>noo, let me drink soi and spend time and money on anime whores that will never touch my dick instead of on real whores that may do that!
Not telling you to change or whatever, but you're just as pathetic as orbiterfags and the like.

Seems to be Play-asia exclusive because they're promoting the fuck out of it. They send out regular email newsletters and they've promoted Omega Labyrinth Life in many of them.

Wasn't it that the game was refused classification internationally because of a character that appears highly questionably underage?

Omega Labyrinth Life doesn't appear to have this issue with underage characters but it won't be getting an international release regardless.

retard. I bet you couldn't even define racism.

>wanting to fuck niggers
>let me drink soi and spend time and money on anime whores
soi drinkers hate anime girls because they're perceive them as misogynistic

Life is easy when you believe every meme you see on 4channel, isn't it little drone?


whatever helps you sleep at night

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kill yourself nigger lover
niggers are disgusting

you have to go back


>assmad whit*oid
We taking your women, now. Hope you enjoy your status as a minority in America in 5 years!


t. white boi

imagine being such a pathetic cuck that you larp as a minority on an anonymous image board, get a job retard

None of you are actually stupid enough to buy anime fanservice shovelware, right?

t. insecure basement goblins

Attached: smolbeen.png (234x385, 204K)

I'm smart enough to ignore peer pressure from an anonymous image board and instead buy what I want

I dunno the game looks like the typical shitty low poly top down graphics of childish looking characters wandering around. Then you interact with something an a 2d sprite of some girl with tits pops up to distract you a bit from the otherwise boring game.

Versus what? The same tired AAA over budgeted mainstream shit?

Be a patrician like me and play DOOM WADs

where can I get it and will it be in english?


AAA shit, even if redundant, is infinitely better than this trash. You just have shit taste and think with your dick because you're a fucking loser.

>>says the guy having blind faith in a kusoge because muh titties
Nothing wrong here

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based fetish

Yep. Braindead weebs will buy any old dogshit if it has anime tits.

How mentally ill would you have to be to play """games""" like this?

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Anime causes mental illness. If you saw that ass and didn't want to tap it, you're unironically gay.

Based. I am.

If this ain't on PC I'm afraid I can't. Sorry miss.

I'm not sure why you replied to me, I can't make you love a genre you don't care about. For me it's fun because it's an instant turn based strategy game with long term planning since a run can be anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours. I enjoy it a lot, so sit with the knowledge that a game you don't care about makes someone else happy.

>milk suction is a fetish of the past now

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meme meme meme meme because fuck facts lmao
reply to this post to get 3 reddit gold

No snoyboys you are not allowed to have anime tits, back in the cuckshed you go

I don't have a Switch but I'd get it if I did. I wanted the tiddy mousepad since I don't have any but I'm not dropping 100 bucks for the LE. Anyway I am interested in getting the artbook if they choose a nice cover picture and it actually has a lot of pages in it.

What's up with California?

Too many fags.

It's funny how gamers and anime fans in Japan lament that their industry is so heavily dominated by pandering to the most pathetic otakus with even formerly quality series having to add more SOL and waifu shit just to sell enough to get by, yet over here people look at all of this low effort trash and go BASED JAPAN!!!

I heard the boogeyman, or boogeyMEN, live there

You know Trumptards? Well imagine all that, plus ungodly levels of smug going back decades, actual decision making capabilities and to top it all off they hate their own countrymen and everything he cherishes, especially T&A

>Legit want to support based titties dev
>They don‘t do PC ports

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yeah if theyre going to get screwed over that hard they may as well just put them on the pc so they can do whatever they want

No because it looks like total kusoge that only appeals to horny retards who can't just look up porn for one of the most common /d/ fetishes there is
I doubt the gameplay is good

imagine being so underaged this is how you write bait

no, their tits dont even get that big

user, I don't want to alarm you, but there might be a boogeyman or boogeyMEN in the state!

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No. Was only ever interested in PQUBE when they localized Sci;Adv. Doubt I'll buy another game from them now that MAGES has a relationship with Spike Chunsoft.

>Well you’re ugly and stupid!
Today friend today

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Well the producer said he would like to release it on Steam at some point but we all know how that's going to end.

The game looks like shit but has tits... I'll just go read a doujin.

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Already preordered the Deluxe Edition from PlayAsia

People who like BE like unrealistic sizes and big-time growth
t. used to be into it

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They don't even get /d/ tier tits.

Already have on Vita so no.

>there are only two kinds of game in existence, anime tit shovelware and brown n bloom shooters

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No, but I am getting the shit out of custom maid 3D2 once it’s out on Steam.

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Unless you're talking about Japanese sizes... that's nowhere near M-cup

what game

into the trash

They are veteran game developers who have made plenty of these RPGs in the past. Games that did not have any fanservice and were pure RPGs. These games builds off of those old ones. It's not inferior because erotic content is involved.


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>make shitty phone game with ten dollar budget
>slap in some very poorly drawn anime titties

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California is the American right wing's favorite scapegoat for all the things they don't like.

Its also fucking shit due to rampant liberalism.

>Its also fucking shit due to rampant liberalism.
Is what gullible children who have fallen hook line and sinker for literal sedition propaganda think

That's a very right wing opinion

>Calfornia, the state where all the hollywood R rated movies and porn is made is responsible for not showing boobs in a video game. If only we get rid of the liberals in california the conservative republicans and Trump will give us our boobies back.

>literally has the most incidents of public defecation in the streets

Dutch is that you?

Its so fucking shit rural California has attempt to split the state numerous times in the past. Also high taxes, expensive housing, rampant homelessness...

You sound like my mother complaining about liberals.

So I have to import the asian release right? This shit won't get a physical or digital release anywhere else?

I see, you believe if you have the last reply you "win" something. That's why you replied with no argument right? You're a kid, aren't you?

>it's so fucking shit that rural cali has attempted to split numerous times
Which is retarded because without the cities they'd have no fucking money, just like every other rural area that has ever threatened secession.

>high taxes
High income tax on the wealthy, a progressive tax, as opposed to some states which have high sales taxes which are regressive.
Also, "high taxes" is relative. Looking at taxes historically, no where in the US has high taxes.
>expensive housing
Is an issue with speculation and using homes as investments instead of, well, homes. Fun fact: liberals are the ones pushing for first-time homeowner tax exemptions, lower rates for those living all-year in their property, lower down payments for homestead, etc.
>Rampant homelessness
as a result of loss of funding for placement and mental health services

One month, lads... and my uncensored switch version arrives in the mail.

Feels good man

Attached: 1492091924345.jpg (400x400, 36K)

So what you are saying is everything bad is happening is from liberals and want to spend more money to fix it ignoring the fact it cost money to do so?And also you think rural industries don't exists and people living outside of cities should have to pay taxes for all this things that only affect city dwellers
Okay user.

taxation is theft

nah the website says it isnt coming to the west, but the asian version (not the japanese version) has english subtitles for everything so its completely playable in english

enjoy those tiddies user

Attached: baal.jpg (639x864, 82K)

California has been in dem control for how long?

>high school

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>another "her game" post
Dude, get a damn life.

Californian liberal here, I don't agree with censorship.

its a shame gaming companies wont follow that stance

i quite honestly don't believe this post

you mean one single branch of a company

1 is enough

Ill play any game that isnt apart of this political native shit that keeps infecting new games if it's fun.
But that also makes me easy to market for kusoge just because it has lewds or jokes

shut up you whiny faggot

what you gonna do about it you fucking butt toucher?

>don't buy lewd games, watch porn
>don't watch porn, get a girlfriend
>you want a GIRLfriend? You transphobic, misogynistic pig.
I'll stick

call you a faggot

typical gayboy actions

Preordered the CE and hyped
I'm going to make the prettiest flower garden and NO ONE WILL STOP ME

>no u

try harder faggot

Oh.. So those are microphones..

says the jester of the gays




>says the guy having blind faith in a kusoge because muh titties
But that's not the case, it's having faith in an established 2 decade old developer.

That was the excuse the journo's used(they also tried to imply she wasn't consenting). The reality is they don't know shit all about masochist character archetypes and just reee'd that she's "not consenting" when she was actually getting off.
Hell if you play Z she gets rescued by Rio in the tutorial. She spanks Urara when she's rescued. Chichi freaks out because that's weird to do to a friend. Urara gets super wet because of the spanking.

>is infinitely better than this trash
Third Person Shooters are more casualized in AAA games than niche games. So no, try again, this time without the retarded faggotry.

Do you have a single piece of verifiable evidence to back up your statement?
Note: RetardEra posts are the opposite of verifiable evidence

You can tel that people who shit on California because
>They HaTe anIME TIddY!
have never stepped foot in California

If they hate on California so much then how come Anime Expo, one of the biggest if not THE biggest anime cons in the USA is located there?

Attached: MINETHONK.png (227x197, 28K)

>before Sony censorship
"Omg these games are the best, fucking Nintendo and their kiddie games, they'll never have stuff like this!"

>after Sony drank SJW koolaid
"No one ever liked these games and I'll gladly take censored, often broken, games!"

With good reason because California is a shithole

Thanks for being a prime example

Release it on PC and I will

Not him but I was born in California and can attest it is indeed a shithole.

No. Based Sony trying to destroy the weebshit game market.

People who think like this think the whole state is San Francisco

You have to be over the age of 18 to post here

same here buddy
who here
>San Diego/Oceanside

Watch this game get at best one thread on release day and anyone who bought it never come back to it after two hours of gameplay

It's just the typical Anti sjw crowd, they eatup this shovelware trash like noone else. Retards just dont understand localization.

What's wrong with California?

Attached: rxdr3x6sfkmy.jpg (461x669, 29K)

Low T. Males spotted

it's a red state as in communist

Have you ever been on Yea Forums when these games release? There's a couple threads here and there all the time. It's just that unlike AAA cancer that needs 50 threads of the same shitty spam these just have 1-2 threads of chill talk about the game and it's scenes.

>Anywhere in America
Based retard

Uh, yeah. I'm thinking this post is based.

>what is hyperbole
>takes things 100% seriously on 4chin of all placed
>calls someone else retard

>Governor of California is ITT RIGHT NOW trying to get people to move back to his libcuck state

Attached: 1562816549469.jpg (768x768, 209K)

I highly doubt hes having trouble getting people to move to california, considering theyre jumping the border into cali in record numbers

They aren't actually communist they just larp as if they are. In reality nobody is more prone to buying shit they dont need and feeding big corporate capitalism than the lefties that supposedly hate it.

And cali itself massively shits on the poor and homeless in favor of their rich gated communities and upper middle class college students and silicon valley people. It's an entity of pure hypocrisy.

>Dials 1-900-MIXALOT

more games need breast expansion mechanics.

Attached: when you got full HP and the mage heals you anyway.webm (1920x1080, 1.76M)

I wish this happened IRL

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Plus Cali is one the the richest states in the union. And that isnt backfiring on them at all!

baiting incels like you