Name good mmo expansions
Name good mmo expansions
In the mods defense. The threads were /vg/ bait.
Janny did nothing wrong.
Either way they get moved, it's just another excuse. Also funny considering there's a WoW thread up as usual.
for once they did their job well actually
How’s Eden? Is it hard?
It is for shitters.
Okay. Who's this fucking guy on ultros?
Get ready to fucking die, kiddo.
Normal is never hard, but they're pretty long
he looks like a wrestler
Vauthry is supposed to represent Donald Trump.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, retarded hair, stupidly obese, corrupt billionaire dictator, throws constant tantrums, his supporters hide in a safe space, etc.
god forbid we talk about video games on Yea Forums
I love Hrothgar
>simple raid
>mouthbreathers butchering easy mechanics
>ruining the experience for everyone involved
Standard raid desu
Nothing will ever top CoP, the best Casual Filter ever made for any MMO. I can't think of any expansion that separated elite from the rest. Not even 15% of players had their CoP ring like 6+ months after release.
this but Trump is in the right
alright lads I hit level 80
where the fuck do I get my new artifact armor
Can we just be friends?
>his supporters hide in a safe space
Wait, that part doesn't make sense. Trump supporters are open to debates and discussions, but constantly get prevented from being allowed "a platform."
>he’s not the weird slug version from FF9
Thank god
Talk to Not-Gerolt
Thank you based janny for purging that menace.
Jew cock tastes good doesn't it?
You'll meet Gerolt's AU counterpart during the story and can get it from him then.
Trump: "America first"
Vauthry: "Eulmore first"
>finish crafting a couple collectables
>the turnover literally just happened as I went to hand in
fuck, how many rotate? I wanna know how long these shits are staying in my inventory.
complete all of the role quests for your role and then do the msq until you get to the part where the npc smith in tempest gives you the artifact gear.
It's not hard once you know the mechanics, but their presentation of the fights is top notch. You may wipe once or twice with a new group without backup res, but it's nothing you'll be stuck on for days.
5.0 is schooling SB in how to make kino.
Was the last expansion made by different people or something?
Post more please I’m begging you
what makes Shadowbringers a good expansion?
Samefag. Report this poster
queueing up for the first time now and going in blind, wish me luck boys!
not necessary if you can breathe using your nose
Fun dungeons and raids, good environments to explore and characters to meet, interesting story, excellent music.
Overwhelming player satisfaction.
This scene gave me a good chuckle
Stop getting the threads closed you stupid bara faggots, go back to /xivg/ god damn you all.
It makes mechanics like Titan Car way easier, how is that an issue?
>we survive the kino planet galaxy blast attack
what the fuck
That's just a copy of Eden's attack from FF8, how is that any difference from the fan service in the omega raids?
If you like FF8, you're going to have a good time.
good luck foxy grandpa
You should probably learn to check for samefag before making a fool out of yourself
Have fun! I went in with a friend when they first opened up and it was great figuring out the mechanics.
>those ast buffs
fuck... bros.. its time again...
Report and ignore.
oh fuck I gotta go diving again, unless I got it as a quest reward from him and didn't notice the coffer...
These threads get moved because they're generals.
Nah you have to actually open his vendor menu and "buy" it.
Why are smash threads never moved?
You’re full of autism
>dude 600 mp gravity
actually didn't think of using it for the car, didn't feel the need to either
What shitty bait.
You faggots always use this excuse even though you know it's garbage. WoW threads and Smash shit are up constantly, along with off topic things such as /pol/, twitter screencaps, and waifu dumps.
Hrothgar-user where are you i miss you
>New Titan cries out the lyrics of the song
WoL made him perfect.
god damn it
that probably would have made the level 80 dungeon and trial easier
Because they don't function as generals. Just a bunch of retards making fake leaks and arguing about rumors.
Used it for Leviathan to have less movement overall as well as the car. Less movement is more uptime so think of it that way then, when else are you gonna hit Surecast?
>120s cd
Nu-surecast sucks
But it tells you that when you turn in the quest for him. Did you skip everything?
>how is that any difference from the fan service in the omega raids?
It's written into the current ongoing story instead of just a memberberry
And you're full of AID's, now kill yourself you subhuman ape.
My first time as BLM on boss 4 I died twice early on and the healers just left me on the floor and it took like 15 mins for them to clear.
It was not very comfy
Don’t listen to the faggots that keep crying about hrothgar images. If you were talking about the game it counts
You think Calofisteri is just watching us from the afterlife, getting progressively angrier at the bullshit the Warrior of Light can survive?
>maintaining uptime to make the run go that much faster isn't necessary
who's the real mouthbreather here
I don't really need the "fuck your displacement" because I have gyoten
Have sex
What made it such a casual filter? As someone who never played XI I'm interested in the reason.
Smash threads are literally generals focused on who is in. Same exact thread everytime
It's not an excuse. These threads are literally the same people posting over and over before moving onto the new one when it hits the bump limit. What do you call that, user?
Try to read the dialogue.
What the FUCK did they do to GNB's sfx?
>game runs fine all day
>suddenly getting a half-second delay before any of my actions
Guess I'm going to bed, then.
I was extremely tired when I was doing it.
looks Ronkan inspired
dropped a broken equalizer on it
They're not even consecutive threads. These are consecutive threads where people move onto the new one.
which of the 2 new songs is better
>literally speaks his song lyrics to you before he murders you
Titan's not fucking around anymore.
You first.
What does it sound like? Got any samples?
That is fair, I know several people who were tired as hell but wanted to see everything through.
>What do you call that, user?
Video game discussion threads. This is how you talk about something. One thread is not enough.
Fixed the gay sounds.
Imagine if MSQ had segments that had to be done in groups. Now imagine if each of those segments was a huge dungeon/raid that took hours to do with a party of 6 and you had to be heavily prepared with crafted items, quested items, a workable party setup all before hand or risk wiping at the boss in the end. Not only that the dungeons were winding paths, with lots of dead ends, dangerous monsters that aggro and multiple levels.
If these threads belong on /vg/ so don't the smash threads. They're the same people posting the same thing over and over again as well.
They're on point with their inside jokes this expansion, there will be a couple more you'll chuckle at
Tomorrow and tomorrow
I swear you must be him false flagging to give yourself (You)s. Shut the fuck up and stop giving it attention.
Guys! I fell on the floor. Help me!
Already do every day user. Hopefully you will find someone that loves you someday ;)
>"I see now, this is the Battle for my Azeroth!"
>"Very well. I shall embrace this raid!"
>Video game discussion threads.
No. You call it video game generals.
Could they even be accomplished now if someone were to get the game in this day and age? If there's not enough players to team up and do it it would be impossible, locking whatever's behind those segments off forever.
Burst strike actually sounds like it has some impact behind it now.
How dare we discuss video games on Yea Forums! I've seen the error of my ways.
>Stop having threads about a raid that came out today.
the smash threads aren't even consecutive lmao
You can get NPC party members that can be used through the entire game now.
>Titan now has a go kart
>Titan now sings his theme music at you as he knocks you off the platform
What sort of autism does the WoL actually have that caused him to create that primal
Agreed instead its 3 threads at once with one being more active and then people jump ship to one of the less active ones as that one reaches post limit. So smash shit isnt a general but instead spam with the uptime of 3 generals.
>Eden DABBING on Omega
>Omega babies on the floor during the final fight during fucking normal mode
>They continue to shittalk all other content
Storm babies wouldn't last a DAY in Midas.Can't wait for more of this raid.
weak falseflag
Huh. I like it. The previous slashing sounds were more distinct, but sounded kinda blunt too.
Path of Fire for GW2
Too bad they botched so much else about the game, the mounts and instances were pretty fun
His autism is FIGHT.
We need another Midas, I want this community to collapse on its own asshole again
There is a board for video game generals.
Please tell me how "video game discussion thread" should looks like? 300IP posting yikes/cringe/snap/ and /pol/ shit? Really curious. If according to you you can post in XIV thread in you already posted in other XIV thread because it will be general with "same people".
Fuck I dont like that. It just sounds like a greatsword now.
I like the HoT maps more than the PoF ones.
Yeah they're constant.
Fuck you jany you cheeto eating motherfucker
>Please tell me how "video game discussion thread" should looks like?
They shouldn't be video game generals.
Yea Forums is for e-celebs and console wars only
The best FF story since 18 years.
Except this is not general.
>video game discussion goes on /vg/
Good one
OP here.
In all honesty, this wasn't meant to be a XIV thread. I actually wanted to know of good mmo expansions.
some of them sound like ninja kicks wtf
With the recent changes is Palace of the Dead 1 - 200 harder ot easier now?
Go look at /xivg/
There's no discussion there. Just ERPers, avatarfags, and screenshots of people's modded characters among posting about who wants to fuck who.
Chains of Promathia sucked. It added no new jobs, it added some pretty weak lore (a country everyone thought had been annihilated still exists I guess, there's some other deity like Altana we never mentioned, there's an entire cult of Zilarts still around that we never mentioned, and the last remaining terrestrial avatar is in some nip's sword), it added a huge slew of boring zones that have level caps and some of them are considered the worst zones in the entire game, it added a rehashed Dynamis (which drops garbage) and a rehashed Sky (whose final boss is unbeatable), and it all takes place on the same part of the planet you're already familiar with.
I used to love climbing Uleguerand Range and meriting at the top, and I also love Moblin Menagerie and the way Sea looks, but honestly, it was an expansion pack that didn't need to exist. I did Limbus for like 8 months because my friend asked me to help and I kept looking at the gear and thinking, "What a colossal fucking waste of time."
Also, how far you got in FFXI was 100% who you were friends with. Tryhards would join other tryhards and pretend they didn't hate each other just so they could do all the End-game content, but what was even the point? They were just struggling to find something they still enjoyed about the game. These people are nostalgic for all the crazy End-game stuff they did, but they only put like 4000 hours into the game and they couldn't even tell you what "Moblin Menagerie" is that I mentioned up top.
Please tell me how "video game discussion thread" should looks like? Post examples from archive
This is explicitly a video game general.
Well this is the only one ever so it's now an XIV thread.
super easy
What is video game general?
Oh so XI had an uber-versions of Trusts before XIV had them? Honestly at this point XI is one of the two FFs I've never played and I'm kind of curious about trying it. What was the combat and gameplay like?
prove it
They releases trusts, which can be summoned basically almost anywhere (the limitations are very little) and released the level cap for these areas, so breezing through the msq takes no time and most of the previous preparation you had to do is now unecessary
>There's no discussion there.
it's more on topic than this thread
Well I stopped right after I got that done because I had to catch up on the role quests to get that part done in the first place.
I unlocked monk but I still appear as Pugilist and cant do Monk missions, what am I missing?
Are you merely pretending?
>'GNB is easy to learn, hard to master, guys!'
>LVL 80 GNB is easier than lvl50 PLD
>You cant interrupt your combo, all your skills are LITERALLY FREE and retard proof, Heart of Stone is one of the bestest defensive cds in the game
Back to PLD i go
Did you equip the soul stone you received?
It was basically like FFXII
equip the job stone in your armory chest
On topic thread are generals
This thread is not on topic so it's not general
Prove it. Why are you avoiding questions?
put your soul stone on
Ok I'm retarded, thanks
Go to your character display click on the equip slot in the lower right to open up your soul crystal armory chest, then equip your monk soul crystal.
Equip the magic rock
>Why are you avoiding questions?
These are consecutive threads with the same posters that immediately move onto a new thread when the old one reaches the bump limit.
>Can't interrupt your combo
Your Gnashing Fang combo can be interrupted though.
Except sea was one of the coolest new zones on par with sky. Not adding new jobs doesn’t mean an expansion is weak
Why are you being a junior janny in a thread with actual Vidya discussion as opposed to the numerous e-celebs and Twitter screencap threads up at the moment?
>going through the MSQ with someone
>we’re only just at the 75 dungeon now
>by the time we get to 80 everyone will overgear the raids and be expected to know them inside out
This. Smashfags will be quick to call any threads other then their same shit threads generals, but then once somebody points out how their threads are generals by their own standards, they scream about how they totally aren't generals and everyone is just butthurt.
>'GNB is easy to learn, hard to master, guys!'
nobody said this.
Maybe the real Shadowniggers are the friends we met along the way
>This general thread autism
This shit is not going to stop until we are actually able to have a meta thread with mods to discuss what a general actually is. Popular games get multiple threads, new content patches bring constant threads, sometimes the janny screams it's a general then other times a game is allowed to have three threads up at once because it's popular or news just hit.
You guys need to make up your fucking minds
so 5.05 will be balance changes and savage, 5.1 will be the 24 man and relic weapons?
Huh, that explains a lot about FFXII combat.
>Being upset over someone calling out your general
If they bitch out a new person for not knowing the fight they're just niggers.
Dios mio...
>Just came out of Eden where another SAM did like 3.9k dps
How the FUCK do you do sub 4k dps as SAM? I'm a shit SAM myself, only capable of pushing out anywhere from 8 to 10k dps, but you'd have to not do something at every GCD to deal any less than that, and surely no one is THAT bad at the game?
>150 replies
>People only posting about story
>No one posting gameplay
It's that bad, huh?
First boss drops a music loot. Do the other three drop theirs? If so, what is Titan's called?
If its about ff14 its a general because seething WoW fags have been traumatized to the point they simply cannot scroll past a FF14 thread without having their PTSD acting up. They are still in the coping stages.
Stop using my wife to shitpost faggot
But people are talking about the new gunbreaker like 8 posts above you.
>roll 98 on the chest
>some queer who was afk for half the fight rolls a 99
I hate this shit.
if they follow their patch cycle then yes
What the FUCK where they thinking?
Why would a tank ever be hard to master?
You get aggro and use defensive CDs, that's all that matters.
oops haha
Mods and jannies do whatever the fuck they want, nothing new. Moot never gave a fuck, and Hiro doesn't care now either.
5.1 will also be the new ultimate and trial series that we still know nothing about, which is sort of exciting.
It seems I am always ahead in aggro as mch compared to my fellow melee dps comrades
They literally don't care about threads like these. Are you retarded?
Why is NIN wearing that garbage? What the fuck.
I fucking love crafting
>dat Leviathan and Titan music
>game focused on story
>complaining that folks are focusing on a main aspect
>waaaaaaah what about the new stuff
Folks are playing the game faggot.
Deaths maybe? Lots of res sickness?
Tank and caster are good, the rest are trash
based crafter chad
>Striking is a fucking healer recolor
You have taken the SAM hate too far Yoshi
Was FFXI a good Final Fantasy? Was it a good game? Would there still be value in getting a group of friends together and just running through the entire story?
Limbus and Dynamis both had useful upgrades depending on jobs you were playing, some were good for BLMs for sure and it was a good money maker if you weren't a complete retard and was able to solo Limbus or monetize carry runs (which I did in Apollyon NW for a year, making a fortune that way). Nobody cared about AV being unbeatable really the final boss was pretty much considered to be JoL by everyone, AV as just a meme.
As for new jobs I didn't gave a fuck personally, adding new jobs isn't what makes the game better especially when balance around these is terrible. Sea was a pretty chill area. CoP added ENM which were also great and which some of them could be solo/duo'd easily on a regular basis without needing to accrue anything in order to enter. As for how far you would go, it was down to your dedication. Whoever put the time and resources to progress could progress. You would eventually make "friends" that shared the same objectives as you and would put the same level of efforts.
Brink of death can put you at potato dps, and this is brand new content. Get over yourself.
Well you need to be a complete tard to stop rip,tear and gouge to finish your default combo
>melee share a grandma night gown with healer
This is the result of Frogs encouraging Ayumi when the Astro set was shown, she understood that people loved the fuck outta gowns and now we get this
I unironically love gowns tho
>Range is more armoured than Melee
You underestimate how much of a shitter people are, especially in normal mode. At least some of the shitters don't care enough to do savage or are scared of it being too hard
i wanna go back
The gameplay is either you you hate it or you don't. I personally enjoy it a lot as far as tab targeting MMO's are concerned.
I wouldn't bother today really. Story is acceptable but what made the game great was playing it at the time. By today's standards you wouldn't last long playing it, too many annoying QoL issues.
>Game focused on story
It's worse than I thought
Why don't you start?
This is literally every thread in Yea Forums about game X. Especially about new game X.
If thread of game X in bumplimit you will search another thread of game X if you still want to discuss game X. This is discussion. Same for every released game in Yea Forums. There always shitty bait threads with shitposters and normal threads with discussion. Even shitposting threads operates by same way. Once in bumplimit you will jump at next one. Every thread is general by your definition because I can reverse search images and find same image in same thread from same poster.
>parsing brand new content people are still learning
Get fucked tranny
Get back to grinding your azerite faggot
Dumb foxposter
>brand new content with mechanics so easy a toddler could figure it out
as a MCH, I really like that set. Wish it didn't have that thing on the front tho
>Retard posts pure bullshit about yoshi getting btfo in a famitsu interview, people respond as if he's telling the truth without doing 6 seconds of googling to see that famitsu haven't done an interview with yoshi since the media tours
Fucking retards I swear to god
we call those people netflix players.
>Tankchads dabbing on everyone again
So how's BRD looking as far as meta goes? Did they lose too much support to be wanted?
I'm wondering if I should drop it for MCH or DRG (which is totes gonna get nerfed) this round.
>Can't read
It's that bad, huh?
unironically the story made me cry
Meta dps will be blm/drg/brd/x/
Looking at timelines, this is usually people who let GCDs pass by. They'll go 15 seconds standing in front of the boss without pushing a button.
every job can clear anything. only reason to bother with meta is if you want to leaderboardfag on fflogs or you're a world first savage raider that wants to sell clears asap for the highest price.
not fair
Tank/Ranged chads win once again
Take the fur part off and caster would be pretty swag.
If you ain't trying hard you're hardly trying.
>leviathan theme doesn't loop properly
>few seconds of awkward silence every few minutes
Only retards play easy games like XIV.
Is this what retards legitimately believe?
The new continuation explosions sound good but the keen edge combo sounds much worse. Like the weapon is blunt.
Go back to mindlessly grinding necklace mojo and giving them $80 for a shitty mount
>change my opener for GNB slightly
>suddenly jump 20 percentiles on fflogs
>Such a big inferiority complex he thinks anyone against his game is sided with WoW
I think both games are shit, and being better than WoW at this point is NOT an accomplishment and does not signify quality.
DRGchads and Tanks have the best. NIN looks fucking stupid.
Ok I’ll be more specific, its not exactly fair to generalize it to FFXII.
Its similar to FFXII in the main structure of the combat, auto attack with a menu where you access abilities and spells, however the majority of the time you use macros, which work just like in XIV. Gearswaps is also a huge thing in FFXI’s endgame and stats are way more intricate and diverse. The true fun of FFXI comes in building your job, theres many combinations that work.
I’ll use white mage as an example, white mage’s crux lies in two stances: afflatus solace and afflatus misery. Afflatus solace powers up certain healing spells like direct cures and essentially buffs the attack spell holy for the amount of healing that you do up to a certain extent. Afflatus Misery howerver, us a stance you use at close range and powers up your Banish line spells based on the damage YOU take expecting you to actually tank AOE’s, meele and use sacrifice to absorb status ailments. White mage is a healer first and foremost so most people will expect you to use afflatus solace naturally, but if you were to make a white mage/ninja and dual wielded clubs with a meele equipment setup, it would work and you’d do a lot of real damage.
Range and melee are both light armor. Dragoon is the only medium armor class.
>Garuda is E11
>you finally bring back the wind
>but the WoL remembered too hard and a crazy new Ultima Weapon shows up to eat Garuda
>also he has the powers of all of the previous Eden Primals
>also, he absorbs Eden
>you have to defeat him by Drawing Eden from him
What a waste of time. Last (You). Begone
>I think this game is shit so I'm gonna go shitpost in a thread about a game I hate multiple times
And people question why we don't have good discussion on Yea Forums
That sounds horrible
Fuck off avatarfag
>still responding to the baiting avatarfag
Why are you avatarfagging you waste of space.
Minne has some real good synergy with sch if you can coordinate.
Nice argument, retard.
If you beg me to leave i'll consider it
>Ramuh savage
tfw I fucking hated the edgelord but the story is so tragic that it makes me miss him
>Can't read
God I feel bad for your parents
>Need to use Eden to bring back the Dark element
>Need to bring back Light
>Summon ourselves
that’s why XIV is a singleplayer game made for casualfags like you and XI is dead, so don’t worry about it
This right here, both story and difficulty. To put it into XIV terms, imagine if..
>Every dungeon/trial in the story was EX or higher difficulty
>There were no strats online
>All of it was level capped at various levels
>You had to go farm/spend a shit ton of money for gear for each level capped part of the content, level syncing wasn't a thing
>Had to spend an arm and a leg on consumables
>Dungeons weren't this 1 straight line path like XIV, they were at times big sprawling mazes with mobs that felt like minibosses
The Ultima and Omega battle on the deck of an airship flying through the clouds in a fleet was peak kino.
>>Need to bring back Light
Are you retarded?
And he's probably same Yea Forumstard who shitting Yea Forums threads.
>E5: Eden OC thing
>E6: Ramuh or Eden OC thing
>E7: Eden OC thing or Primal (Reverse of 6)
>E8: Ifrit
>E9: Shiva
>E10: Eden OC thing
>E11: Garuda
>E12: Ultima Weapon (Omega Weapon in Savage)
god they better not make another fucking eureka
Just a little.
Wouldn't doubt it if The Oracle of Darkness and Urianger's secrecy fucks shit up just so we have to summon more light.
Oracle of darkness? So like the minfilia of zodiark?
Wait, you can mix Jobs like in FFV?
living dead needs to be fixed
TBN needs to be free and not cost resource and nerfed to 20%
dark mind needs to reduce all damage by 15%
I fixed DRK for you
>hmmm what shall I do today?
>I know, I'll go post in a thread about a game I don't like
>this is surely a better use of my limited time on this Earth than anything else I could be doing
How could they fuck up the raid so bad when everything else with the expansion was so good?
Complete dogshit raid.
More boring ass ancient civilization technology dogshit.
Goth semen demon isn't even shown, have to wait 6+ months for the supposed lead character of the raid. Instead we get more shit Thancred and nu-minfilia.
4 distilled arenas, nothing conjoining anything together, no interesting environments, 4 shitty square arenas. Not even a faust or something fun.
You randomly start out fighting Eden Prime, to randomly being ontop of the ship fighting Voidwalker, to suddenly being magically summoning rehash primals. Shit was so obviously rushed and recut together after some major failure, makes zero sense.
TWO rehash fights, who the FUCK wants to fight Leviathan again? Also that Car-Titan shit was so fucking stupid.
Think it's time to uninstall. Savage is going to be dogshit with the only two real fights being Rehash Leviathan and Titan. The 2nd fight would be coo with the time spells if it was the 3rd or 4th fight in the tier, but it's going to not be fully fleshed out as the 2nd fight.
Silly elitism. XI is casual game for casuals. Compared to Lineage 2 it is just a joke.
>tank shitters die
>no more aggro reducing abilities
>boss is casting the tankbuster
>on me
it's not fair, BLMbros
>we accidentally summon a lightwardened version of ourself from a stray thought
it's just seething other mmofags that ffxiv is stealing their players. wowfags, terafags, gw2fags, blessfags, however you want to call them.
Yes. Your sub job gets half the level of your main job and you get all the abilities, magic and traits up to that point. It also boosts your stats based in the level and job.
Alright, I got GNB to 80 and completed the MSQ.
Should I level BLM, SAM, or RDM next? (RDM at 60 something, others at 70). How are they in ShB?
the story is like Avengers mixed with TTGL, epic but tragic at the same time as your favourite characters get thanos'd
XI lets you equip a subjob which offers all job abilities up to half of your main job's level, it's cool.
>Summon ourselves to correct the balance of light since we don't know any applicable Light primals to use
>WoL autism kicks in
>Wow fighting myself, that's gonna be real fun, now I'll see why Zenos was so happy about it
>Zenos.... What if Zenos was there too and I fought myself and Zenos at the same time
>What if me and Zenos had go karts
>Urianger's secrecy
It's funny how he's already at it yet again. He'll never stop being this way.
This guy might be shitposting but he’s not wrong. A story focus doesn’t fit an MMO - XIV’s story would be better told without as much padding and better gameplay. The story and multiplayer aspect are already completely divorced from each other.
You have a main Job and a Subjob. The Subjob is capped to half of your current Job's level.
RDM is basically the same as it was in SB. Maybe with a bit more MP management trouble?
>P-please stop making fun of my favorite game please it's all I have I can't take dissenting opinions
Head on over to /vg/ if you want a circlejerk
>really want to level any other role other than tank
>Haveto empty my armory chest of leveling tank gear
Just two more tanks to go....
epic raids for hardcore raiders (such as myself)
>pursue education, career, love, making the world a better place
>the entire time I think of the time I could've spent shitposting on an anonymous basket weaving board
Urianger literally cannot stop keeping secrets.
>Ruins of Kunark
>Heart of Thorns
>Echoes of Faydwer
Fight me.
I know which one you fuckers will bitch at me for, and i know which one you wont have heard of.
BLM at 80 is much like it was at 70, but better.
How many Jobs are there? Are they still split into Healer/Tank/DPS? Can Jobs equip more than one kind of weapon?
>Heart of Thorns
Here's your (You) pal
There's a difference between criticism and going into threads about games you clearly don't even play and shitting it up for no reason, but I wouldn't expect a Yea Forums mongoloid to understand that
>please don't blow me the fuck out or I will post more anime girls
Sure sounds seething to me. Why don't you head back to your mmo hugbox where you can circlejerk your tears over the game that triggered you.
>Enter car phase
>Dire Straits starts playing
Yeah but what do you stand to gain from coming into threads of games you dont like every day to bash it? Are you at least getting paid for it?
Just manaward bro
Don't bother getting into the game if the job system is what you're interested in. It's grindy as fuck and the gameplay is mindnumbing moreso than most mmos.
>Witness my ascension to Modhood!
dopamine hit of (You)s
New raid boss is looking pretty good.
Darian is a great character.
i like how striaght they played him, no cynicism there, he deserved better.
Second best written Character in the game after Kurog
Why a car though.
Jobs can equip a multitude of weapons but have a skill rating in each of them, someone like a Dark Knight would rank highest in greatswords and scythes so those would be their main weapons of choice. FFXI works differently (or worked in the75 cap era, I can't speak about 99 cap) than other MMOs in that it had Tanks, Damage dealers, Healers, and a 4th role of pure support. The term DPS didn't exist because damage was done in an entirely different manner and even within the damage dealing "role" there were massive differences in how they went about it and what their conduct in content was like.
It was my first run through the four encounters and I never dipped below 7k. Hell, you can get more than 4k dps just by continuously doing your basic SAM combos and using midare when you have all the sen, and nothing else.
why the fuck not
i still died
Will Ryne absorbe her 13th shard version. Will she keep her looks?
Titan car phase theme
Dead on the ground is 0 dps and weakness/brink pushes you down further.
I think the biggest disappointment here is you actually parsing normal raids.
Theres no role, the game actively has a bunch of hybrid jobs. I guess the jobs you could say are highly cemented to a specific role are white mage, black mage, paladin and Bard but even then they can bring utility such as healing or even extra damage in the bards case, despite being mainly entirely support or a tank or healer. The job design echoes more along having a certain gimmick rather than “role”.
Yes jobs can equip more than one kind of weapon.
Theres 22 jobs up to this point.
>red mage
>black mage
>white mage
>dark knight
>blue mage
>rune fencer (this is basically mystic knight)
>Goth Minfilia vs Redhead Minfilia
I bet they get conjoined through Zodiark trickery and it's just Ryne with a black highlight through her hair and heterochromatic eyes.
Really get those animefags hooked.
It's a normal raid for normal people, it's there for everyone to have fun. Stop tryharding every second of your existence and just have a good time.
The story wasn't anything special. What was fun about FFXI was just the sense of being in this other world, which felt sort of like a real world because of how time-consuming and harsh things could be. That alone is kinda' nothing, but when you jump into that world with all these other people, the interactions alone make it entertaining. Unfortunately, everything good about FFXI is also what's wrong with FFXI. It's such a huge timesink, and that's pretty soul-breaking, but it doesn't feel that way when you're a newb. It just feels like the world is huge and there's more to it than just rushing to get to End-game. But once you do get there, the luster wears off and you just end up in the competition for End-game gear, just so you can say you got it. Stumbling upon an NM and killing it for the possible chance of making some money was an indescribable feeling, but SE had to axe that to counter gil sellers. Hanging out with cool, funny people was great, but for every one of them, there was someone trying to scam you, or backstab you, or MPK you, or spread rumors about you, it often felt like high school, and you'd be put in weird situations where someone with a bad reputation is helping you and someone with a great reputation was being a cunt to you, or your friends are hanging out with someone who hates you. Sometimes the fun just came from thinking on your feet when an unexpected challenge arrived, sometimes you'd plan these huge things out and when everything went well it was really satisfying (although it's more likely it wouldn't go well, so the least you could hope for is that it failed in a funny way).
When I think of all my favorite FFXI moments, very few of them are thanks to the game itself being the way it was, and none of them are related to the story.
This game kinda sucks
I just puked after drinking 0.7l whiskey while playing it
I never puked after drinking this amount while playing WoW
>to dodge titan's landslide, you have to stand in front of him
excuse me that is the exact opposite of how I remember it going
>Goth Rynefilia
fuck yes
FFXI didn’t have roles period.
Even a class like white mage could do more than just pure healing.
Dark knight wasn’t just damage since it had stuns and absorb spells to debuff.
Black mage could sub things that allowed it to heal.
By the time toau released, the games jobs basically became exclusively hybrid with shit like blue mage, scholar and puppetmaster.
Why the FUCK did they ruin gnb sound effects? I fucking hate them now, give me back my slashing effects on the 1-2-3 and aoe
Orsinium is fucking great you shitter, best expansion the game had.
When was the last time a TES story wasnt about some Daedra Big Dick or some world ending threads.
Orsinium is absoluteley Redpilled Orc Game of thrones, featuring Orc 9/11 beeing an inside Job.
Kurog is also a great Antagonist.
>Heart of Throns
Unironically the only piece of GW2 content that understands the strength of GW2, nameley its Events and its failure states.
Not having Hearts was a great idea, verticality makes the map also look great.
It also forced people to work together, which is what an MMORPG should be.
Fucking Solo shitters get gassed.
>fuck up taking a screenshot
>whatever ill retake it in unending journey
>its not in there
Auro Woodborn you're a massive loserS LOL.
There's your problem.
NG+ soon
fated circle sounds way better now though. but solid barrel is meh
>ywn join Malgus empire
Then they shouldn't have fucking died. All the mechanics in these encounters are clearly telegraphed (and those that are not usually kill more than one or two players, causing a wipe and are mentally noted by everyone in the raid for that). Either they were shit at playing their class or they were shit at clearing mechanics. There's no escaping their shitter status no matter how you try to twist it around.
>guy has fun parsing in new content
>guy says he has fun parsing in new content
Take your meds, faggot.
Being the best expansion of a shit game doesn't make it a good expansion
If you didn't fall for Titan Landslide the first time then I think you are just acting tough online for no reason.
Why did Nomura give her such a horse face?
you guys ever notice that there's always 1 dragoon player that visibly panics on screen when mechanics happen by running back and forth
Even if the jobs aren't explicitly referred to by roles in-game, people still played them like they had one. Yeah, there are some fringe cases and some things are up for debate, but most of the jobs are pretty black and white. No one would ever call Dark Knight anything other than a damage dealer, for example.
I drank JD while playing WoW and I was fine
Coincidence? I don't think so
FFXIV is for junkies
dunno but she has nice dick sucking lips.
>Day 1
>Hour 1
>Of a new raid
>Made for the general public
>Anyone and everyone is invited in to try it and have a good time
You're trying really hard to show off how badass you are by making fun of people just trying to have a good time. No one cares about people dying in this raid, no one cares about your parses, everyone is just there to give it a try and have fun.
Its still one of the best games left in this fucking joke of a genre.
With the kind of piss people lap up like its fucking Champange, we truly didnt deserve Everquest Next.
Incompetency, there's no other word.
it was from raid quests
>doing malikah's wall
>never let the tank go down below 50%
>tank keeps healing himself with clemency when he doesn't need it
>"wow, I shouldn't be doing your job"
>they're a male miqote
I really fucking hate that player base so god damn much.
Moonfire Faire is coming soon friends, what are you hoping for?
>took 30 minutes killing it because people were completely incapable of figuring out that Landslide comes from his sides first, then in front of him
>never mind when he gets in his quad and starts driving around
Why is there so many fucking parse faggots on here?
I like it. There's more BOOM to the continuation combos, which is really the main draw to me.
t. BLM main.
Hey DRKbros, what are yall doing for your openers?
Note how I said that some mechanics are not as clear, but that they also usually cause a wipe due to that, which would then make everyone cognizant of it on the next attempt. Dying to those mechanics beyond that first trial and error makes you a shitter.
Where's that webm of the DRG running into beams.
fags coming from WoW where they have parsers up starting at level 15
>I'm going to stand right in front of Titan as he charges massive landslide and looks straight at me, he's definitely going to aim everywhere but where he's looking
But custom mixing of Jobs sounds like a dream. I'm seriously considering this.
Jesus christ there are Scythes?
That's a lot of jobs, I'm just picturing all the combinations you could make out of those.
So basically you really had to be there? Fuck, I wish I'd actually asked for it as a kid, I used to read the official website's descriptions of Jobs and think how cool it would be to play.
Is she gonna be our Oracle job trainer in 5.2 or 5.4?
Sorry what's that? I can't hear you way down there at 3k DPS. Could you try coming up here?
I played GW2 a little some guy from Yea Forums gave me key in HoT times. I remember it was kinda boring but UI design and combat were good. Hell I watching now some videos and battle system with jobs looks fun and very fast. It has story with dialogue choices aka routes too right? Why GW2 failed?
I use this.
I judge people who parse casual content to brag about their numbers far more harshly than I do everyday shitters minding their own business in the content made for them.
We just had Ultima Weapon for the 2nd time in Stormblood. Your suggestion is garbage.
Why do you care, faggot?
I heard the optimal is EoS > delirium > blood weapon > bloodsplitter x5 > fray.
I can't get the 5th bloodsplitter in so I do a basic combo with blood splitter first > delirium > bs2 > fray >bs3
There is literally nothing wrong with parsing normals and dungeons as long as you aren't an ass about it
endgame is a joke because they tried to get rid of the Trinity, but only succeeded in so far that they turned everyone into a DPS
>Are they still split into Healer/Tank/DPS
Kinda? As in, the game doesn't tag you as a healer when you choose WHM, but everybody is expecting you to act as one.
A lot of jobs had different uses on different situations, and support roles played a HUGE part of the game development.
Jobs can equip more than one kind of weapon, yes, pic related, those are the weapons a Paladin can wear.
But just because a job can equip different weapon, means that you should be using anything but your more-suited weapon for the Job you are playing, but some cases required you to use something different because of the monster or content you were facing.
>not recognizing shitter poster
He trying hard in every XIV thread. I'm pretty sure this is same person. Kid or LARPer
>Mid expansion job
It's not happening unless they make it another limited one.
And even if they actually added a full one, it probably wouldn't come on a raid patch anyway, assuming they learned from NIN.
parse niggers have always been here
>that fag during ucob who spammed his clears and images nonstop
GW2 is alive and well. It is among the most populated mmos on the market, even.
Yea Forums is not a good place to gauge how popular the game actually is because this place is full of anally annihilated GW1 babies that cannot just accept that the franchise changed and move on.
They had some pretty fun weapon skills, Also the DRK FF11 AF set is recolored and used in 14.
There's your problem.
Thats objectively wrong though. For example, Bards “role” by the playerbase was “buffer” however, they were capable of meele dps as well, to the point of outdoing a red mage.
It doesn’t stop there, depending on sub job bard wasn’t just a buffer, they were also the groups puller, they also debuffed and had debuffs specific to them, if they subbed white mage then they were back up healers. Heck when you think buffer you think “oh they raise the groups damage output” but sometimes you used them to fucking resist debuffs or flat out mitigate heavy elemental damage of a particular element.
Thats not a “role” thats a series of roles.
>using an avatar
>Of a foxgirl who wants nothing better than to spiritually sexually heal people
>Being a vitriolic faggot
One or the other, user.
>Ultima Weapon
>Proto Ultima
>Ultima (Ultimate)
It's tradition.
Was there new Artifact Gear with every expansion/increase in the level cap like with XIV?
do hats not drop from Titan?
Don't card me bro
thanks mates
You might be referring to 99 content, at 75 bard did no damage or healing, they were the purest support in the game, and that was fun. Red Mage however was a main healer, buffer, debuffer, master of soloing through face tanking or kiting, and could even tank bosses as /nin.
Good times they were, the trinity ruins MMOs.
fucking based
I never bragged about my numbers, though. In fact, I clearly said that as far as SAMs go, I am awful. Me pulling 8k dps as a SAM, the job capable of pushing up to 12k+, means I am a shitter as well.
That is exactly the reason why I was so baffled, because I am bad, yet somehow someone manages to not only be worse than me, but doubly so. It is actually pretty impressive in its own way.
Nah, she's going to be foreshadowing one of the 6.0 jobs. Or the only 6.0 job if they keep their habit of cutting corners up
Calling it right now, we won't see her in action with that hammer until the last part of Eden.
>Hey, do you want to do more damage?
Why yes, I dont need to be boosted for my parses, how did you know?
Why yes I parse dungeons and normal modes, how did you know? I need cold hard proof as insurance in case someone talks shit. The only way to silence toxic people is with the parse.
Why is NIN wearing healer robes?
Imagine being this insecure someone might know you suck at a video game.
I parse Fates.
>he didn't have them bound already
If you don't use 100% of the abilities available to you, you're a shitter.
>ninja wearing robes
>at 75 bard did no damage or healing
Because almost every group used them as pullers expecting them to sub ninja to sleeppull a bunch of mobs in the camp while keeping buffs up.
That doesn’t mean they couldn’t be used as backup healers with white mage sub (in endgame this is basically how they were used) or that they couldn’t mathematically pull off a meele setup. Did you know bard could equip joytoy? It blew my mind when I found out