>restores no hunger
>gives speed boost
>doesn't give you explosive diarrhea
Why do games always do this? It's as if nobody making games drinks this stuff.
>anxiety increases
>cortisol goes wild
>can't sleep
>get severe pounding headaches when character doesn't have a cup in the morning
m8 check your butt if you get explosive diarrhea from coffee, you may be non-white.
Holy mother of christ please kill yourselves trannies.
Why would coffee restore hunger?
>Why do games always do this?
Not all games
I've been drinking coffee since I was a kid and it never did any of those to me, not sure what's wrong with you people
>>restores no hunger
>>gives speed boost
>>doesn't give you explosive diarrhea
Written as a 14 year old that only drinks energy drinks.
>>doesn't give you explosive diarrhea
Do you have some kind of intestinal problem like IBS or some shit? wtf
A crutch for retards.
>explosive diarrhea
m8 I think that's a you problem
>drinking reddit bean water
>he doesn't know
Literally the only reason you don't get explosive diarrhea from drinking coffee is because your diet is so shit your feces are fermenting inside you before they finally come out a week later, Pedro. Also you're not white if you're American.
>t. Tea drinking bong
Fucking communist
There were no toilets in Stardew Valley.
about a quarter of humans experience a laxative effect from coffee, and no one really knows why.
i wouldn't say i get explosive diarrhea but usually if i drink a full cup, I'll need to shit within the hour. But, it's just a normal shit.
>he fell for the liquid jew
Hahahahahahahahaha how's that useless addiction treating you?
Stop consuming drugs, you can go through your NEET routine without coffee.
If they were dumb enough to drink coffee they wouldn't be smart enough to make games.
I drank a strong cup of coffee like 6 months ago and it gave me diarrhea, still not pooping quite right since. It might've been because it was a really dark roast too. But lighter and weaker coffee doesn't seem to affect me that way.
I really don't think many basedboy types would have problems with premarital sex or want to pray at all.
>explosive diarrhea
I don’t think that’s the coffee friend
I swear to god if we mass dosed these esl memers with psilocybin we'd have incel riots in the streets, these people are too dumb to handle anything that isn't water.
Coffee has never given me explosive diarrhea, but it definitely gives me the urge to poop shortly after having a cup. Morning coffee poops are the best
I don't get explosive diarrhea but 30 minutes to an hour after drinking coffee my stomach starts brewing and I have to shit, it's the best kind of shit too because it feels like everything comes out and I exit feeling light and energized from the caffeine.
cigarettes are better.
If you drink coffee you are almost certaintly addicted to it, this isn't like booze where most people can go without it if needed, most coffee fags expirence god dam withdrawal symptoms.
>this isn't like booze where most people can go without it if needed
i bet someone is going to fall for this even though it's so obvious
>increasing some energy
>decreasing Bladder
>could drink enough to skip sleeping
psilocybin had no effect at all on me. it was a neutral experience. drugs are lame.
Also doing coffee is a straight up bad idea. why would you willingly start picking up vices with everything we know now? wasting money
throw back to just constantly popping caffeine pills in stick rpg
You probably ate one (1) single cap or got a bum batch. There's no experience like eating an eighth of good shrooms.
>Also doing coffee is a straight up bad idea. why would you willingly start picking up vices with everything we know now? wasting money
It still has benefits if you can drink it in moderation, otherwise nobody would be drinking it. And it's not really a waste of money if it's something you enjoy without letting it cause problems.
nah it wasnt cause i took it with other people
im kinda curious what you mean by an eighth cause if you mean what i think you mean then i took way more than you
I was 100% tripping I guess. visuals and nice feelings. but it honestly wasnt worth it. its a neutral experience. im not even sure i would attribute those effects to the shrooms.
>>decreasing Bladder
Good idea for my furry diaper peeing and pooping game.
Sounds like you should try crack cocaine instead like your ethnic brothers.
>nice feelings
>its a neutral experience
Have you been dealing with addiction problems lately or something? I've noticed other people in that situation starting to say everything is bad and nobody should use anything, though they usually end up being able to moderate usage of anything later.
A study suggests coffee drinkers (male) have better erections
>Nice, tea in this game cheer luv ta
>Where's the fookin milk
>Where's the fookin sugar
>oi what is this khazi in a cup I can't fookin drink this some wanker has ripped open the PG tips bag
>Fuck me going to have to fish this shit out myself.
Of all the faces to make why that one?
>RPG, meet random merchant
>gives you an herb, a consumable
>its gives you a minor version of every buff for a good while, maybe 40 or 50 turns
>once it wears off, use it again
>the buff doesn't last as long
>eventually you get a minor version of every debuff when you don't take it
>by this time taking the herb doesn't even grant buffs, just removes the debuffs
>continue not to take the herb and you get a major version of every debuff
>HP will drop to 1 at random points from the detox tremors
>only way to detox is to not take it for a while and hope you don't drop to 1 hp while fighting monsters
They really are, except its literally cheaper to have a heroin habit these days.
I quit when it got too expensive. That was after changing brands a few times, ended up smoking lucky strikes unfiltered. Nothing like spitting the tar from between your teeth, right?
>he drinks tranny leaf water
Oh nonono look at this dude
it is a neutral experience. I would have felt just as nice if i was sober to be honest. none of it was extreme enough or that noticable and it wasnt enlightening or anything. i still came out of it feeling like i always do
>liquid jew
user do you even know what you’re saying anymore or do you just spout buzzwords at this point?
Everyone in this thread can suck my coffeine injected ten inch cock. This includes cigarette smoking faggots (literal fags), tea drinking britbongs and water drinking little PUSSIES.
>he fell for the literacy jew
enjoy your brainwash lmao
>aww shucks people are CHOOSING to be hedonists and ingest poisons
>Well lets ramp up those taxes and punish them for it hyuk hyuk hyuk
Fuck communists in charge of this shit desu
>he needs a stimulant to survive the day
>calls others who can do without pussies
Didn't say it was wrong. If anything tax heroin, mad money and if you want people off drugs I can attest making it a small fortune works!
lighter coffee is not "weaker" and it's actually more acidic to your stomach compared to darker roast
>doing coffee
You mean drinking it?
Are you ESL or just legit autistic?
Is it a Zoomer thing to act like a straight-edge cunt over caffeine?
i called it, 90% of the people bitching itt are esl faggots. Probably hue monkeys shitting on drugs and coffee because
>Sour grapes
or B
>Quality control in their country is in the shitter therefor all of x is bad
The acidity in coffee is next to nothing. Doesn't matter. However, dark roast coffee is significantly oilier than light roast, which a lot of people will react to. This is why Moka or Espresso is harder on your stomach than filter coffee.
Well, I mean, if you're American, your coffee sucks too. You should try some Scandinavian roast coffee if you get the chance. That's in Europe by the way. Up north. Just in case you weren't taught this in school.
This looks like sickdark kino.
I say it's fucked, you're fucking the lower class over who primarily smoke because minimum wage jobs suck ass. upper class people aren't affected and it's not anyones places to tell me i can't drink gasoline and eat a lit match much less tell me i can't smoke a cigarette unless i cough up freedom tax on it that's there for essentially no other reason than to exploit addiction.
>can only drink like two cups of coffee a day now
Is this a symptom of something? Am I dying?
>He doesn't pirate his cigarettes.
how fucking weak are your bowels?
On the bright side of things you will probably die early from lung cancer, so you won't have to suffer this injustice for that much longer.
I was like that about a year ago, i had ulcerative colitis and poylps in my gut. Get yourself checked out bro.
It might be psychosomatic. in some individuals the effect is nearly instantaneous.
>implying i don't just take tobacco and silly lettuce and mix them essentially creating copies of my cigarettes.
leaf juice is just far superior to bean juice
the only reason i'll drink the bean juice is appetite suppression
Tea is just so bland and for women though.
what does the study say about erections (female)?
Oof. How did this specifically impact your coffee consumption?
I was down to one cup a day or i'd get furiously sick, when before i could drink however much i wanted. They put me on meds now and i can drink about 5-6 cups a day.
Not quite the same as me but also not entirely unlike it. Might have to look into it.
Coffee keeps me regular. I take normal smooth poops every day on schedule because I have a cup of joe in the morning.
tea has more caffeine than coffee if you drink fresh/steeped tea
>drink coffee
>tastes bad
>no effect on energy levels
>no effect on digestive system
god i hate randomized resistances
>coffee in the morning and/or during the day
>tea in the evening
Both taste great
>not relying solely on willpower and a cup of water to wake up in the morning
plebs, all of you
Does coffee really increase anxiety? that would explain a lot for me (2-3 cups a day)
>furry diaper
Why do I have to share my fetish with such degenerates?
>keep telling myself i need to quit drinking coffee because i have a caffeine addiction
>decide ill quit
>have no caffeine for 36 hours
>feel like death
>have to drink caffeine to survive
someone help me please, how do you quit once you've been ensnared by the liquid jew?
>Yea Forums shits on coffee
Is there any better proof that this place is full of underaged shitters and manchildren that dont work ?
>inb4 meme reply
Yeah I drink like 3-5 strong cups of black coffee a day and feel hardly anything from it
Maybe I should switch to boomerjuice
A cold shower in the morning does everything coffee does but better.
i like my coffee with sugar and a lot of milk.
>be me
>Regular coffee drinker
>Also a fan of healthy braps
>Haven't had a good brap in weeks
>Try an espresso for the first time
>Oh God. The braps are fantastic.
>Feels so good. Like I just birthed a basketball of gas.
>Have an idea
>The next day I buy 3 duadruple espressos
>A dozen shots of espresso
>Chug them in seconds
>Spend five hours on the toilet
>I can't feel my legs anymore
>When I finally wipe it's nothing but blood on the paper
10/10 would do it again.
>he doesn't drink water
Cold turkey is the best way to do it. If you're so weak that you can't do it, have your wife hold you accountable.
You do have a loving devoted wife and own property, right, user?
Do you really think people only drink one coffee in the morning when there are like 5 bazzillion coffee shops in every city ?
Wait, don't most people drink coffee in the morning because the caffeine wakes them up and it's laxative effect also helps things get going after that?
>cold turkey on coffee
No shit, what else is he supposed to do ?
Reduce it to a teacup full of coffee ?
No soda, tea, coffee, energy drinks, milk. All I drink is water. I eat like shit though.
If you need more than one you should be getting more sleep.
>Drink coffee daily
>Don't have a shitty digestive tract so I don't have to rush to the bathroom
>Don't stay up too late due to caffeine
>Enjoy the warmth and taste (good coffee black tastes amazing and bad coffee tastes like an ok dessert drink when drowned in creamer)
>Wonder if I'm addicted to caffeine
>Stop drinking coffee and be fine
>Three months later start drinking again because I found an unopened container of it stored away
>Still no issues
I'm convinced the majority of Yea Forums is underaged or so disgustingly lonely that they make these shitty threads to somehow garner a sense of hollow camaraderie. I don't care if you hate coffee or not but hating it and getting angry at it not being hated by others is prime deadbeat.
of course!
nearest neighbor is 30 miles away
just me, my wife, our small farm she tends, and miles of woods where I hunt most of our meals and come home for loud recreational sex
Aks me how I know you're one of those zoomer faggots who watch art of manliness videos and use mustache wax.
I literally made this thread as a joke, autismo. I don't really get the shits either.
>hah! I was just pretending to be retarded!
Coffee is for faggots.
Nice try faggot, I'm gonna be 30 this year. I just happen to have enough foresight to skirt a real addiction.
Thats the caffeinated jew, the liquid jew is water
I do get muddy shits but no withdrawal symptoms if I stop.
>a real addiction
Holy shit, I can smell your neckbear virginity from over here, fatty mc dirty
they have nothing going for them so they need to feel superior, any reason will do
>give you explosive diarrhea
you might need to change your coffee mate
or your third world water you are drinking from
reddit is that way
This is it, threads over, even OP is retarded faggot as you can see here:
I had a horrible addiction to milk once, I think people can be addicted to anything. Milk got to a point for me where I I was drinking 3-4 gallons by myself in 4 days to a week. On top of that I hated the taste of milk later in my life and couldn't stop. When I was trying to quit I confused being thirsty for milk cravings and dehydrated myself. I tried to find milk alternatives but decided to quit when I finally found one. Drank about half of one of those cassein shakes. I had the absolutely most euphoric feeling I've ever felt in my life for about a minute after drinking it. Got extremely sick for two straight days afterwards and told myself I'd do it again in a heartbeat. That's when I realized I had to stop. Anything can be addicted in high enough doses. From what I understand cassein addiction in high quantities has a heroin like effect.
this post reeks of incel
Good thing you know so you can go right the fuck back to it faggot
caffeine addiction is real retard, one cursory glance at the rest of the thread would show you that much.
>no u
oh no no no, how embarassing for you...
since when does you shit take a week to process
that game sucks balls. its boring as fuck and full of gotcha fuck you traps
>cassein addiction in high quantities has a heroin like effect
Are fucking shitting me you fucking underaged
Google "mental addiction" and "physical addiction" and then fuck off with your retarded onesided opinion
>tfw bleeding ulcers
no u
It wasn't an opinion, it is simply what I've read online through research into why I'm so fucking addicted to milk back when I was. It could be wrong information I don't know, I finally got over it and don't bother looking into it anymore.
coffee does not "wake you up". this effect only happens with people who drink a lot of coffee during the day, and the 8 hours of sleep they get represents a period of caffeine withdrawal. the first cup in the morning fixes that withdrawal effect, it has no effect on people who don't have caffeine addiction.
also, if you have a healthy bowel cycle you will want to shit first thing in the morning, again because you've had 8 hours of downtime so anything from the previous day should all be processed and ready to go. if you need laxatives you're already fucked
Man, quite a lot of quirky people in here who just aren't themselves without their cup of coffee in the morning.
>restores no hunger
staves you off for an hour or so, it's more filling than water.
>gives speed boost
more of an intelligence/alertness boost.
>doesn't give you explosive diarrhea
stop drinking 4 cups a day.
>the proof is totally this thread
I cant even tell anymore if youre baiting or actually this retarded. Maybe try leaving this place once in a while
>this effect only happens with people who drink a lot of coffee during the day
>not drinking a bucket of milk
Wanna know how I know you're a faggot?
Give coffee to someone who never drank coffee and it wakes him up
There, proved you wrong
Their daddy drank coffee and now their söy-fueled seething hatred of authority and logic gives them a pavlovian response to the sight, smell, and mention of the beverage.
Wanna know how I know that youre some underaged sperg ?
Imagine being such a weenie your reason for not liking coffee is it gives you and only you diarrhea and from this you make aggressive, autistic posts attacking coffee drinkers.
>mounts high horse of maturity
>ends up falling down immediately
Good job, you tween shitlord.
Wanna know how I know you got daddy issues?
You're actually both wrong. Caffeine doesn't "wake you up", it blocks the adenosine receptors in your brain so that you don't feel tired. You don't get any extra energy, it just lets you temporarily ignore (for lack of a better term) how tired you actually are. That is why after a few days of not sleeping coffee no longer affects you, your brain is pulling out all the stops to make sure you sleep.
You smell children from a mile away?
Nice argument, oh wait there was none.
Stay mad :^)
>same situation
>normies meme me into increasing my coffee intake
>fuck it, i'll try it just to say i did
>don't feel a difference
>until a few minutes later, my stomach is fucking roaring
>drop everything i'm doing and rush to the bathroom
>void my insides
>actually feel more tired than ever after the hellscape that was that trip to the bathroom
Coffee just makes me bloated. I think it's the caffeine because I don't get it when I drink decaf. Not that I go out of my way to drink coffee. Usually there are better tasting alternatives.
Doesn't matter if either of you is actually underage, you're both behaving like immature shitlords.
Underage detected
I've had this image for so long, waiting for the right time.
Underage detected
>>doesn't give you explosive diarrhea
I used to get that, then I tried drinking non-instant coffee.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
I dont even have to google it to tell you that coffee raises your heartbeat and other shit
>after a few days of not sleeping
>a few days
Did you even proofread what you just copied you complete retard ?
This is the face of 2011.
>purchase this
>have to pay toll when it enters country
>literally have to pay the troll's toll to get inside that boy's hole
so mad
>I'm right because I said so!
This is why you need a strong father figure when growing up. How embarassing.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
somebody needs a coffee
Shut the heck up fag...
go on user, this is the part where you tell us how not mad you are~
This guy need a big cup
Yes, quite pungent my dear
>I got no counter argument
>better insult him
Thanks for proving me that Im right
Fuck off faggot
>not having tea from hand-painted East Frisian cups instead
shiggy diggy
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
You can call me daddy if it makes you feel better. I don't mind...
Tell me what's on your mind, son.
What's wrong cupcake? Need a juicebox? Maybe a small plastic baggie of cheerios? Go on kitten, you can tell us.
I prefer monster, the purple one honestly.
Coffee is ok tho
Coffee accelerates my digestive system. I normally crap every day but if I stop drinking coffee it goes down to every two days for a bit. Similarly if I haven't drunk any in a while but then start again I really need to shit a few hours later. It doesn't give me diarrhea though just more mushy shit than normal at first.
no talkie until I've had my coffee
oh no no no he will never ever recover from this tasty ownage
Larping is pretty gay though, faggot
How about those counter arguments ?
Still got none ?
>using kitten diminutively as an insult
I might start doing that.
whatever you need to tell yourself kiddo, have to protect that fragile ego.
by the way, how is community college going?
Drink coffee
you didn't do it though. you just typed words.
do you also believe that energy drinks work? it's funny because usually the people i see drinking them are always the most tired. all they're doing is trying to make up the ground they lost to withdrawal.
how does that make me wrong? altering your brain chemistry develops tolerance/dependence. that's why you eventually go to sleep no matter how much caffeine you try to drink, it stops having an effect. and then it normalizes your brain to have a higher level of caffeine affecting it. when those levels drop, you get withdrawal. and that's what the morning cup does, is pick you up from the withdrawal. it doesn't make a normal person any more alert, as you admitted.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
It's OK, just bring out all your daddy frustrations. You'll feel much better. Then you should have a big old cuppa joe.
I fucking hate coffee. I only drink it because it’s free at work.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
Rule #10, newfag.
>you didn't do it though. you just typed words
So did you, assclown
Got anymore opinions you want to color as facts ?
Oh, it's a retard from /int/ thread. Makes sense why it's so shit.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
That's the spirit! Take what's rightfully yours!
I'd drink Saya's coffee if you know what I mean.
Please start using a tripcode so we can filter you.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
>when you're on the brink of crying and can only mutter the same sentence over and over again
Man, it's like when daddy is scolding you and you're too scared to really talk back.
Oh yeah sure. I myself keep slamming my hand in the door. I hate it but it's free.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
>make a cup of coffee
>take like 3 sips of it and do some work (IE browsing Yea Forums and watchig youtube)
>by the time I go for the next sip its cold
Every fucking time
Feels damn good being part of the coffee master race who can drink coffee endlessly without ever having shit explode out your ass.
Stop drinking strong coffee on an empty stomach.
Don't worry, friend. Worthy attempts exist too!
I like to enjoy coffee as an occasional treat.
She is a very talented barista
Wow sugar plum, you're frothing with impotent rage there. Go ahead, respond again and prove me right. Go on sugar plum, you know you can't help yourself.
>sour cream donuts
something about grinding and brewing just makes the whole experience a 10/10
That's everyone who gets used to it. You have the opposite problem now. Stop drinking and you'll become constipated.
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
>double sugar plum
Stick to your kittens.
Real talk here: Im just copying that one sentence for like 10 times by now, if you wouldve simply stopped replying, it would be over, but you cant stop being triggered, eh ?
Anyway, Im bored of you now, goodbye
>sour cream donuts
Sounds horrible. Like a treat made for animals.
this literally happens to me every time and it's more spooky than anything I've read on /x/
>uhhh I wasn't crying, anyway I won because I said so even though nobody thinks so and now I'm gonna leave
they sound awful but once you've had one regular doughnuts are like eating plastic toy food, trust me
starbucks calls them "old fashioned doughnuts"
Starbucks is inedible shit.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
You really are new, then. PROTIP: anonymity works both ways. Just like you can pretend to disappear into the crowd here, it's also entirely possible that multiple people call you out for your bullshit. Which they did.
Lurk some more before you repeat your mistake.
Yeah maybe part of it is conditioning but then again caffeine does get from your stomach into your blood pretty rapidly anyway.
Damn, they actually look great. You just widened my horizon.
Coffee seller I'm going to work and I need your strongest coffee.
please enjoy user
>not drinking black coffee on an empty stomach every morning
literal pussies
>make cup of coffee
>take one tiny sip
>mouth burned immediately
Even worse.
>having coffee before first cigarette
I was going to put in a honey bun, but sugar plum sounds more in line with what you'd call a little girl, so it seemed more appropriate for them.
>boil water
>pour into your pouring kettle for like 15 seconds and let it drop to 200F
>meanwhile pour the rest into mug, and use some to rinse your filter and also warm your carafe/dripper/etc
>your mug is now hotter than your coffee and will stay warm enough to drink but not so hot that you can't taste it
>i-im not mad y-you're mad!
>sucking the nicotined jew
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
>explosive diarrhea
I've been drinking two cups everyday for the last 8 years and haven't happened to me once
>not strong-willed enough to resist jewish indoctrination while smoking
Condition your mind.
What kind of backwards babby digestive system do you have where coffee causes explosive diarrhea? I have the same question for anyone who says the same about Taco bell.
>that 2 minute window between "burn your mouth" and "cold as antarctica"
kuso thread
best $15 purchase
>resist jewish indoctrination
>while smoking
>used to drink "coffee" from a fancy machine at work
>9/10 times would have liquid shit within the hour
99% of coffee is shit!
you gotta drink the good stuff, like fooly cooly
>faggots drinking coffee and tea
>true chads drink chocolate milk
>A quarter
Oh no, I thought this was completely normal
redbull me on big coffee. do jews own the south american plantations? do they own starcucks?
This, true taste
>show up to work
>start chugging free coffee
>get the shits for an hour in the morning
>get done slacking in the bathroom
>back to drinking coffee
>shit more in the afternoon
it's like a free $30 for shitting every day
>"Yes, I do drink only water and cow milk. What gave it away?"
It's probably just the heat. If you're ever constipated, try drinking lots of hot water. Makes you shit just as well.
if you're buying coffee
you're buying big coffee
best just to not think about it
>chad has diabetes
>drinking diabetes
You realize pasteurized milk is already loaded with sugar, right?
who knew there was so much laundry detergent in mountain dew, holy shit
This is the most normalfag thread I have ever read on Yea Forums in my entire fifteen years spent on this shithole. Holy fuck this board cannot be saved haha
For me it's Kool-Aid Jammers
>There are people who can't enjoy a nice cup of black coffee
Being paid to shit is one of life's simple pleasure.
I can only drink it black. Only started drinking it because of my first job.
Who knew how much coke is in my drinks
>very vocal coffee drinker
>adds milk and sugar
>even water contains sugar
Its for your own good, user. Coke would never lie to you, would they?
Based feeder architect
The bag is empty, retard. Its bent and reflecting light from another angle.
What? The only thing that gives explosive diarrhea is pasta.
If sugar was bad for you then I would be dead already.
>try coffee when I was a little kid
>hated the way it tastes
>try it again once I was an adult
>like the way it tastes
>Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged
Thanks for proving me right you triggered underaged.
That's a fox, not a cat
coffee is only good with lots of sugar and milk
Oh yeah thanks for pointing that out.
Um sweaty its a kitsune you baka.
Yeah but all the bags are like that, none of the bags contain sugar, just reflected light
Could I post about ANY food or drink without triggering a bunch of spergs who think their taste is universal?
everyone's addicted to something, I'd rather be addicted to caffeine than sugar, nicotine or narcotics
people who drink this drug daily are fucking retarded. Its good when you really need a pickup maybe 1 a month but daily usage is totally worthless.
chill, It's no different than drinking tea or water
>look at this faggot addicted to water
coffee tastes like shit. i got hooked on it because of the good feeling it gives at first which eventually fades and the unfunctioning withdrawal comes sokner and sooner and i dont want to up thedosage. ppl forget that caffeine does not give you energy at all.
>having such a weak constitution that coffee causes diarehha
any normal human can drink a thermos of it in the morning and by noon fire off a thick healthy log of shit no problem, you're broken, user
it is since caffeine is addictive and you ride a rollercoaster of high and low. again withdrawal is a thing and its in the dsm5.
As a girl, I'm disappointed in everyone in this thread that doesn't like coffee.
You mean that dsm5 that says gender dysphoria is not a mental illness
Thanks Ron
I drink something that tastes good, is dirt cheap and your body builds a tolerance to rather quickly so there is really no long term negative effects. What are you addicted to? Alcohol, pop, cigarettes? All of those are far far worse than caffeine.
Worse than coffee I meant to say. Pop has caffeine already.
Coffee withdrawal is nothing that a good night's sleep couldn't fix. If all the coffee disappeared tomorrow, no one would be out on the streets trying to suck dick for a fix.
Oh, I'm sorry does my regional dialect trigger you? How bout soda? Is that better?
I drinks like 9 strong cups of coffee most days and the days I go without I don't even notice.
Did your poopoo change at all? I've been having seemingly random dark diarrhea once or twice a month followed by mild acid reflux and I'm starting to wonder if it's related to my coffee habit. I can't tell if it's upper GI blood or nothing at all. Looked at every image of stool in google and nothing matches. No health insurance and I'm OK with dying, I'm just curious to know what it is.
It doesn't, it suppresses hunger
Eat more substance maybe. I start my day with bread and while the first shit is usually a bit more vivacious than the norm, diarrhea is pretty much a luxury I afford myself for order in pizza
check what dsm5 stands for esl retard.
true no one would suck off others for caffeine but people would riot like in Sweden. Also people would be below baseline functioning. Again as scientific papers say you only cure withdrawal which can last for 2 weeks or more and if you have coffee you are where no coffee drinkers are at baseline.
cow fee
>people would riot like in Sweden.
fuck, you're stupid.
If I drink two cups I get the coffee-shits. I'm Balkan, so where do I slot in on your whiteness scale?
hahahaha you do thats why you keep drinking coffee. i dont care about anecdotal made up shit when scientifically withdrawal is a thing after consumption cease to exists.
read history dumb shit not hard to google.
are you fucking retarded or what
isnt coffee older than the jew themselves?
my work has a coffee machine where i can get it for free no matter what time - places like mine are just too tempting for people to not get a cup every morning
probably had better (female) erections
you are for sure
I used to smoke spliffs and shared a few tokes with a non smoker, forgot to mention the tobacco. he got nauseus and light headed, then asked if the weed was laced. felt bad for desu famalam
Fucking Mountain Dew putting all that reflected light into their sodas
dont drink tea but this looks comfy
they tried to take the free coffee away at my work, there was nearly a mutiny
>drink coffee
>5-10 mins later I'm falling asleep
I guess I have autism
bros i actually get sad whenever i see this
>explosove diarrhea
Nani, is this like lactose intolerant but on coffee? It doesn't give me diarrhea but it helps me digest and take a shit easier though.
holy shit im high, i spent about 8 minutes thinking this was a magic eye picture
>give you explosive diarrhea
You are drinking it wrong!