What are your hopes for Silksong ?
What are your hopes for Silksong ?
Basically that it's as good as Hollow Knight or better.
Basically that it's as long as Hollow Knight or longer.
Basically that it's as sexy as Hollow Knight or sexier
No SJW shit. The first game already pushed my limits.
Is Little Ghost basically Kratos?
Fucking enormous
I hope the story isn't the usual fedora tier "religion bad" horseshit, the tidbits I saw don't exactly feel me with confidence
That it's not as painfully mediocre as Hollow Knight.
What the fuck, you are really obsessed
Don't play naive
Are you baiting?
no more dishonest game design
>return of Godmaster-like content
>cameos of characters from the first game like Iselda or Quirrel as bosses would be kino
>some way to actually know how much HP a boss has
>more secret passages but less bullshit hidden walls that you can't reasonably know you can destroy, the entrance of the hive in the first game was bullshit for example
>coop mode, maybe ? Even if it's only for godmaster content, or stuff like that
Release date in 2019.
It's not confirmed
what part in specific?
I don't want to fight Quirrel
>one single quest where the questgiver happens to be a lesbian (that's easy to miss if you're not paying attention) means the game is "SJW shit"
You've become what you hate, obsessing over trivial bullshit.
>What are your hopes for Silksong ?
>Release date in 2019.
No shit.
I'm hoping to not be disappointed, but I'm expecting Silksong to miss that x-factor that made HK so good.
No? Did you guys even play Hollow Knight?
if anything, HK is anti-Sjw
Me brainlet, you forgive
This is your brain on memes.
At least you actually played the game, but that's just one example. If you just brush these things off as trivial bullshit, where is the line drawn? Next thing you know you're defending pedophiles.
What about a friendly battle ? Like when you fight Sly in Godhome. Quirrel would be the guy to beat your ass for sport.
The sword smith also turns gay with one of the nailmasters, and cloth is also implied to be a lesbo.
You're right tho, the game really isn't in your face about it, and it can easily be missed.
Jesus Christ you're retarded. You need to spend less time on /pol/.
quirrel would only work if it's a prequel
And you are obsessed with abolishing religion and truth.
ok now you're speaking my language
Hornet and Lace are gay in Silksong, you should just accept it and move on.
What's /pol/? I've never been on there, but thanks for trying to generalize me like you people always do. What are you gonna do next? Call me a nazi?
>gay: nailsmith
>lesbian: grey mourner, cloth
>empowered females: hornet, radiance
And much more.
Pure SJWism
slip slip down that slope. you are just as bad as SJW's you sensitive retard
You've been generalizing this whole thread you retard.
>tee hee what's /pol/? I spout all their memes but I totally haven't been there
You're very transparent.
>what's /pol/
comedy fucking gold
All the controversial shit is in the background, so if you don’t like that stuff it’s easily ignored. So take your falseflag and mangirl body pillow and fuck off.
What's next? "You should just accept murder and move on". You people are insane.
>pure fan speculation
>blink and you'll miss it shit
>would apply to hundreds of Japanese games
radiance is literally the villain
the thing is that having theese things doesn't by default sjwify something, the key trait is the pandering and poor insertion into the story that turns something SJW
>pure fan speculation
Lmao, now you're just desperate. THere's no speculation, it's directly stated/shown in the game.
So what?
It does.
So you wouldn't mind hidden right-wing messages throughout your games? Maybe some swastikas? As long as they're hidden in the background, right? Fucking hypocrite.
unironically have sex
Cool. You added nothing to the discussion.
>Pale King/White Lady, aka the most important couple in the plot
>Pale King/Herrah, aka the second most important couple in the plot
>Fatbug literally OBSESSED over ghost and later Zote
>Dung Chadender and Isma
>Cornifer and BAPANADA
I could go on, but I won’t.
no it doesn't you absolute fucking mongoloid, please give an example of a good female character in media
Implementing a proper sprint and parry move already means traversal ad combat alone will be leagues above the original
you were the one who de-railed the thread funny bait man
>lesbians are the same as swastikas
Why was Pale King such a manslut?
better bosses. original game is such a let down.
Oh wow, what a hot take! Here's something to consider: I've received the most replies, so maybe I'm the one keeping this thread alive?
HK has better bosses than most Metroidvanias.
A discussion is still a discussion no matter how much you disagree or feel triggered.
>98% in
What the fuck user? The only thing remotely sjw is the nailsmith ending if you let him live, and i had to read it on the wiki because i killed him in my playtrough
its like keeping a braindead person on life support
>any activity is good activity
You're dumber than I thought.
people who kept him alive are retarded
he begs to finally feel the peak of his craft
killing him is the right thing to do
>strong women in vidya is now empowering
wew lad
He's retarded, leave him be.
>Pale King/White Lady
>Pale King/Herrah
Abusive relationships.
Empowered female who switches partners in a heartbeat, and in the eat just leaves them both, realizing she knows better
>Dung Chadender and Isma
>Cornifer and BAPANADA
Empowered female(it's implied she knows how to fight) stuck in a boring marriage.
I could go on and on too.
Give up, you lost.
that isn't saying much when most metroidvania bosses are giant jpgs with like 2 shitty attacks
You're legitimately the same as feminists who see the patriarchy in everything.
Just because he wants doesn't mean he should.
And he's very happy with his new life.
Not an argument. Congratulations on admitting I'm right.
what the fuck they are literally almost fucking zombified when you find them
Yes but it's still worth acknowledging that it's an improvement.
I was really disappointed that Fusion's bosses were basically them throwing their giant hitboxes at you, people really hyped them up. At least they looked cool.
he's dead in my game and hes not a faggot
its the best timeline
You not being analytical enough to decipher the far-left SJW messages in the game is none of my concern, that's on you. Maybe do some research before you come in here and scream at me.
it is an arguement though
Only ones I picked up:
>Knight referenced as "it" not "he"
>Lesbian cicada waifu
>homo nailsmith but I only got it through the achievements "happy couple" and through watching HK videos on YT
>Uhh... Bath slug was a female? Apparently?
That's about it but I might've missed some stuff as I wasn't really looking out for it.
>female emowerment is having strong females ever
>I want them meek for my fantasy to be complete
You will never be satisfied thinking this
Typical SJW responses. Attacking the person, not the argument.
Gee, that didn’t take long. You realize your falseflagging isn’t doing shit so now you go back to buzzwords because that’s the only thing you have left. You will not fuck with me. You are the first to mention anything about right wing politics and you damn well know it.
>homosexuality is a left wing concept
Stop drinking the retard juice bro
her story arc is her graduating from a helpless maiden obsessed with knights in a shinning armor to a woman who doesn't fall for such bullshit anymore(that's why she leaves zote if you beat him enough in the dream world).
I'm right, you're wrong.
you have not presented an actual arguement this whole time. false flagging annoyance
you have to beat zote for her
You're malfunctioning because you can't find a way to counter my argument because my argument is simply stating facts. Can't counter facts unless you make shit up or attack the person. I'm sorry you're wrong.
You will tell me the lore that clarifies Bretta hasn’t just fallen for another bug like the last two times.
>two or three strong female characters in a pool of a dozen strong characters and two same-sex romances in a game in which romances really don't play anything at all is far-left SJW messages
Seriously, just do your laundry, go outside, talk to people. Not only those things you despise have literally zero influence on the gameplay, but they also build interesting, not unidimensional characters.
Feel free to keep thinking the way you do, but the sooner you realize this line of thinking is poisoning you and how you view your world, the sooner your life will get better.
>right-wing / left-wing being buzzwords
Are you... actually serious?
The knight is a void entity born from a freak experiment so it really has no gender
guhhhh this is so cringe to watch lmao, you are so so criiiinge, maybe, just maybe, try and be less obvious about your bait next time, cringy-mc-cringe cringe!
Ugh, *Facepalm*
that is how they are used nowadays, yes
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Kill all Voidlings, Embrace the old light.
And if you won't, Hornet definitely will after she sees Hallownest getting ravaged by the Void, and there's nothing you could do to stop it.
>Herrah gives up her life and kingdom just to experience motherhood.
>White Lady is so weak she can't even control her compulsions and has to hide whimpering in a cave.
>Colloseum champion starts crying and throws the fight over a dead pet.
>All nailmasters are male, one of them's a homo.
>Fatbug is a thirsty bug version of trigglypuff found crying in a fungus pit.
I mean... It's a Metroidvania game I just focus on exploration not on this bullshit. If this was AAA title with a heavy narrative focus maybe shit would bother me.
There was an SJW penchant that's true... But I don't think it was to the detriment of the game. Story was OK and the SJW shit isn't really that big of a deal unless you obsess over it. I choose to dismiss it.
He's trolling, probably the same guy making all those HK vs Bloodstained false flag threads.
HK is SJW proganda now.
restate your arguement in a condensed fashion please so I may refute it to it's fullest extent without misinterpretation
Yet again... attacking the person, not the argument.
a shitposter derailing all discussion like ACFag in a Metroid Thread.
just ignore the Nigger and keep posting about how the Void is an abomination on this higher-being-given earth
More consistent movement. Hollow Knight felt a bit limiting at times and you would often not be able to save yourself from falling into pits if you contacted an enemy. Hornet looks like she won't have as much trouble and I love that she can grab ledges. Nothing worse then a small ledge stopping you in HK.
With a not dead kingdom, I hope that the NPCs aren't annoying, that the quest system feels nice and that there is no big grinds. If you were good about not dying and picking up things to sell, getting a lot of Geo was easy, but the later purchases were still just so tedious that I still haven't bothered.
Good game.
Bad game.
Fun game.
You have everything I've said, plus evidence from others in this thread. You can also do your own research which I highly recommend over blindly trusting some anons here. You'll soon find out you can't counter any of this because it is fact.
I doubt the quests are gonna be Monster Hunter-tier, but I do hope they explore this new kingdom a little more and give us more insight on why it's a trash heap compared to the dead kingdom several miles down the road.
I have a huge feeling it will be something like this and I don't know if I'm ready to admit it.
You're shitting me
It's not mulana-fag right?
People insult you because it's obvious you're not arguing in good faith. You're a stupid faggot and everyone knows it. If you don't like it, leave.
if you didn't speak like a schizophrenic I would do this
I just wanna see the fate of the hollow knight.
>hollow knight
dead or in the void
>little ghost
in the void
>he didn't get the god master ending
It probably is
More movement options to make combat more varied
You guys really speak for yourselves. Enjoy your echo chamber.
Then explain god master ending
You’re right, that’ll calm the thread down. I’m the capfag from a few replies ago. God I need to forget this shit ever happened.
How come the hollow knight looked like the regular knight in the birth flashback?
>stuck in a boring marriage
wrong, she gets bored when she's alone
she gets really exited when Conifer comes home
>The Vessel ascends into Void Godhood
>Rapes Radiance so hard she Zero-Sums out of existance
>Proceeds to tentacle hentai the Godseeker Dream Realm
>Infection is Kill
>Hornet faces off against non-infected Hollow Knight
He didn't, each vessel has a different head shape. The hollow knight simply looked younger, that's all.
belive it or not I'm not left wing and this statement was presumptuous of you to make perhaps as if it was a glitch in the code of some sort of response robot
Now look who's using "buzzwords"! See how I can easily turn your invalid arguments against you people?
so bayonetta is sjwshit for having an empowered female?
never have I mentioned buzz-words in this entire discussion
What did the hollow knight mean by this?
It wants to be acknowledged by his father, the Pale King, and as such forgets its family.
Ironically, this is what allowed the infection to corrupt it.
Little Ghost attunes himself to the "Gods" of Hallownest through the God Tuner.
By observing and defeating the "Gods" he begins to ascend into Godhood himself, during which time he has the Void unified under his will.
Eventually he challenges the Radiance who was brought into God Home as the perfect version of herself: Absolute Radiance.
Because the Radiance only exists in the Dream Realm, Absolute Radiance is the actual Radiance unlike the others who are just brought in from dreams
During the Absolute Radiance fight, Ghost ascends into full God becoming the Lord of Shades and completely consumes the Radiance.
Unlike the other endings, the Hollow Knight and the Shades are unaffected by Ghost's will and remain independent.
With the source of the Infection gone and the Dreamers seals broken, the Hollow Knight is free though weak and injured.
Hornet turns around in shock and looks to defend herself, but the Hollow Knight seems to be supporting himself on his Nail and is unlikely going to fight her.
>Shallow Trite fans made this shit soup thread
This is prettu much it, the only thing I would "disagree" with is that I don't think the Knight itself ascended at all, only the Void, breaking free from the Knight's control. Why would it shatters itself it that wasn't the case?