So where the fuck is my PC version? Im not gonna buy a PS4 for one fucking game. Its been a year or so? Fucking hurry up
So where the fuck is my PC version? Im not gonna buy a PS4 for one fucking game. Its been a year or so? Fucking hurry up
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Hi false flagger. Sorry but nobody cares about your shit game anymore
The game literally isn’t even that good
Not worth waiting for really.
oh ok nevermind then
an admin can lock this topic
You all either haven't played it or have shit taste, probably both.
Falseflagging shitters and sour grapes PC owners aside... the game is really fucking good. I'd say it has literally the most production quality of any game yet. Even if you don't like the game (which is fair, some people just don't like some games) you can't deny this, there's just so much fucking content painstakingly shoved full of detail. The fucking random NPCs have entire pages and scripts of dialogue for different shit you're doing/wearing/killing/etc. It's overwhelming.
the state of consolefags
shh, dry your tears sweetie and go to bed
it's okay
Just watch the cutscenes on YouTube, bro
>muh cinematic experience
You sonygroids should play games for a change instead of watching movies
>Im not gonna buy a PS4 for one fucking game.
>God of War
>Last of Us Part II
and yet RDR2 is a better shooter than anything that came out on PC this gen
who cares about a empty open world normie garbage game?
lol cope
none of these games are worth playing at all
especially not dyke of us 2
What the fuck? RDR2 has some of the worst aiming and movement of any shooter ever.
sure fag, go play you JRPGs like a real """man"""
lmao stick to fortnite
You should get a ps4 for literally ANY other reason, RD2 is only good for one playthrough
It doesnt have much to offer gameplay wise so id recommend just moving on or watch somebodys playthrough of it instead
took a year for the pc version of GTA V to be announced
Why does no console shooter use motion controls for aiming? It makes shooting significantly more intuitive for controllers.
Its amazing how its not a standard by now. It would take one fucking day to program.
Fucking Splatoon and Fortnite offering more user options than the most profitable developer out there
umm, splatoon is a console shooter
Oh how I wish I could agree with you. Got burned out on its absolute shit on-rails shooting gallery mission design after about 30 hours.
Cant wait to replay it with a keyboard and mouse. Fucking me, aiming with a controller is for plebs
>mfw i almost bought a pro that was on sale yesterday just to play RDR2
glad i came to my senses.
Its been 8 months.
If you cant afford a $200 console, you have problems.
That's when you do some chilling in the free roam or better yet take a break
>KBMfags unironically think this
yeah, im saying why hasn't any other game implemented motion aiming besides nintendo games, those are like the only two
the aiming in red dead is awful, sixaxis has existed since 2006, I just dont know why its not more widely used
Dude no one plays fast paced games like unreal tournament and quake 3 you would be surprised to find how many Pc owners play fps games with a controller
Nice green text and stock meme photo you basic bitch lmao
>Not an argument
fallout 4 aiming in third person felt totally fine on console. rockstar just sucks ass
Pulling info out your ass. Also why would you care? Are you actually defending auto aim shit
Have you ever played MGSV with a mouse? It's quite literally infinitely better than with a gamepad.
Until you open the iDroid lol.
Unless you're playing MGO3 there's no excuse to use KBM over controller
>Are you actually defending auto aim shit.
Reading is hard isn’t it. I am just saying there are very few fast paced FPS games on Pc it’s all console ports all the new arena based games died everyone says they play them but don’t. What do need M/kb for Fortnite?
What do you*
>What do need M/kb for Fortnite?
Games where you have to aim.
Console players are so shit that they think someone with a keyboard is cheating.
they also get easily dominated by keyboard users.
Cope, consolecuck.
the aiming in RDR2 is uniquely bad, most console shooters are at least acceptable.
>get home
>work in video game
Two games. I know you want FF7R too. Don´t even bother to deny it. Still, i wouldn´t buy a console for 2 games either.
your arthur looks like shit
There's no advantage in using the gamepad over KBM.
The game itself looks like shit.
Like what? Is there anything that needs precision aiming Pc users hate consoles but beg for console shit there hasn’t been a game optimized for proper m/kb play in years it’s just console shooter with m/kb support making it an easy as fuck point click adventure
i fucking hate the shopping in this game. the worst looking part of the game is the character models, and rockstar zooms right up to them whenever you shop. it sucks
>the worst looking part of the game is the character models
What? They're fine and not copy paste cheap shit like 99% of other open world games
lol, just games where you have to aim. Doom. Hitman, edf. I also play witcher 3 with a kb and mouse.
i've never seen such a wrong post before. rockstar has the worst looking character models in the industry. arthur looks alright, but everyone else looks bad
It has to do with speed and precision you tard, it's just more comfortable.
>implying any genres that make use of the mouse are bad
I want it on PC so mods can fix all the broken or bullshit issues on it.
Why would you buy a PS4 for RDR2 when the definitive edition is (currently) on the Xbone X?
Nice bitrate faggot.
I pre ordered the ps4 pro/RDR2 bundle just for the game and it wasn't worth it. The first few chapters are great but then it gets repetitive and the flaws go from noticeable to infuriating. It would be pretty good on PC if mods can fix all the issues, but you'd have to not play past like chapter 3.
>You're a pleb because I refuse to adapt
lol spoken like a true pleb
>there's just so much fucking content
Collectibles mostly. And plots that don't go anywhere.
It has nothing to do with adapting, it's objectively faster.
seriously, the game really doesnt have that much content. i personally barely consider collectibles content because its just filler to put shit on the map. so for me, that means the dinosaur bones, all the plants and eggs you collect for the saint denis dude, the markings on the rocks, thats all barely content to me. so what does that leave? some sidequests, and hunting for clothes. the game actually feels pretty damn empty in my opinion, there's not much to do in it other than hunt for collectibles.
Or I prefer a game that doesn't take half a minute to do literally fucking anything because of the overly long animations.
They tried to do that ten years ago and it failed miserably outside of the year or two when the Wii was a fun novelty. The 360 seriously went from the console of choice that gen to being a wasteland once Microsoft started to focus more on kinect shovelware over everything else.
just wait