How is everyone enjoying Eden?
How is everyone enjoying Eden?
E1 was nice
E2 was meh
E3 was a pleasant surprise
E4 was a wipefest as healers in 2 different groups didn't understand what to do while titan was driving his car
Bump I guess.
>E4 was a wipefest
So it's the true Titan experience
Leviathan was honestly the only one I was lukewarm on, the others were cool.
Titan being a total clownfiesta brought back some goodbad memories.
>E4 was a wipefest as healers in 2 different groups didn't understand what to do while titan was driving his car
It took me three cycles of seeing it to understand what was going on, thanks to the games' fucking terrible animation delay on knockbacks going out. JUST DEAL THE DAMAGE/EFFECT WHEN THE CASTBAR FINISHES AND PLAY THE ANIMATION EARLIER .
So, how shitty's Summoner now? Not sure if I want to power through BLM from 60 to 80 or just dump all that roulette xp into SCH and gear the both of them.
Better than RDM, but far, far under BLM, as well as SMN being the second-busiest class input-wise, next to NIN.
I got the Eden Minor minion. anyone have any ideas as to what interacts with it?
Notable things about him is that he floats much higher than your average flying minion, about the same level as a scholar fairy. His sole animation i've seen is him doing a mini version of his attack
Sub ran out cant do it
Guess I'll just stick with BLM. Their playstyle constantly changing just has me on the back foot. Suppose I should buy some MP potions too for the eventual flaretism
The only caster that didn't change much at all was RDM.
I'm almost done with HW. Should I level Drk when I get to the 3.x quest line? I've been wanting to try tanking and that is the tank job I'm interested in.
Go for it, keep in mind you'll start at 30.
Primal kart when?
Yeah I'm aware figure I'll have a slightly easier time leveling this job vs DRG since I can just dungeon spam.
bruuh look at this dood
I got a grey parse in titania so I quit the game
> Alright WoL, imagine Titan in your image so we can get some earth shit going on
What the fuck happened to the WoL to conjure up such a badass but silly Titan?
He has a creative mind like all other residents of Amaurot.
>WoL remembers Titan as a lawnmower driving uber-boomer knocking story skipping zoomers off his rocky lawn
Savage better have him healing hp by sipping on some Monster while zooming around.
Is DNC DRG BLM NIN the optimal dps lineup
>Yo it'd be sweet if we could liike get places faster with some wheels you know man?
>I wonder what Gaius is up to...
The optimal DPS lineup is four people who know how to play their job properly and enjoy playing it.
Titan mixed with the drilling tank at Ghimlyt and others like it, I guess.
the optimal dps lineup is one that im not in
The optimal line-up is you killing yourself
the optimal lineup is being able to complete the duty in the allocated amount of time
yoshida did away with your autism
pixie butt
>preliminary buff is Art of War and Gravity were brought down to 600 MP from 800 and 700 respectively, in line with Holy's cost
thanks now I don't have to worry about my MP at ALL
>tfw Titan EX was my favourite primal fight
>Titan Ex Neo (Forma Del Drilldo) is still just Titan EX but on a bike
Seeing shitters fall down and get all those vuln stacks is hilarious to me. Should've brought gaols back as well and actually made you dps one of the bombs instead of bitching out in the corner.
Just bumped into a couple of cucks from ResetERA and Giant Bomb.
3 > 1 > 2 > 4
Titan's remix is garbage and the segmented arena ruins the entire thing.
>be healer
>carry an entire team of shitters to a slow, painful, but eventual victory for my first clear, with everyone else in the fight dying at least once
Hell fucking yeah, that shit's gonna be fun in Savage.Assuming I get to see it, with no static for this tier.
Can some people post their manly, bara Hrothgar and/or the cutest character you've come across? Also erp discord?
>A trial with arena getting segmented is top tier
>A trial with arena already being segmented from the start is bottom tier
Special Ed class is two blocks down.
>Titan does his tank buster which does a phys vul down on the tank
>oh you're supposed to tank swap this right? surprising they did this for a normal raid
>he actually doesn't use the tank buster again until after the debuff is over
>Doing Eden normal 2 hours after servers went live
Enjoy playing with shitters.
They're not that hard to do and it's better to do it early and blind before people spoil the mechanics for you.
Getting in with people who actually tried to win was a bizarre experience
>half the party drops during E2 due to figuring out mechanics
>1 WHM manages to pull people up one by one and they don't fuck up right after, so we win
>Almost get wiped at Titan
>Same thing - people get rezzed and keep playing as intended instead of stumbling into the very first AoE they see or having the survived members jump off the arena just to reset
You bring plenty of nice tales for Khloe, yes?
fuck you, give me my omega-f minion
well at least I can get my wind up hien now
I like going in early because no one really gets upset at wiping aside from extreme faggots. It's a good chance to experiment and play with some of the mechanics.
Litrrally beat all 4 blind with random dfs immediately after servers came up. Probably the least challenging norm raids yet. The only mechanic that caused 1 wiped was the delayed stack on voidwalker the rest were 1 shot...
E1 is just a fight created by someone who hates monks.
>I'm going to summon some adds that has 20s of down time
>you killed them ok now lets show a 30s attack
I didn't want grease lightning anyways.
why are you still doing outdated HW content
I’m going in blind tonight and refuse to look at any guide. Gonna have a good time.
The most baffling thing I saw was people slowly understanding the delay cast mechanic in E2 to the point where everyone's movement in the last third or so of the fight was spot-on. This is the first time I've been at the ground floor of a raid cycle, it's pretty neat to see.
for wind up toys, duh
So what are the odds that Ramuh and Shiva don't show up and it's only the classic crystal elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Wind) that get represented? They could put Ifrit and Garuda in the next set of raids and then have all original stuff in the last tier.
What's a good MCH revolver? The lakeland set actually fits really well (yes I know it's a reskin) with the desperado look.
>2 of the prime elements are already exhausted
>suggesting that other 2 will be in one of 8 (fucking 8) other raids
No son, we're getting the whole package.
if you want to look like some retard le gentlesir redditor then yeah go for this set
use your new abilities retard, you can do that entire fight and only drop GL once when you get blasted into space. Tornado Kick when the second add's about to die and you waste nothing.
Her journal gives out Goetia tomes if you need them and Omega minions sell for a decent amount (like 1.8-2 mill) on my server. I expect the prices to drop soon though.
I sold my Omega-F for like 9 million when it first came out since I was the only one selling it
>tfw Nomura only got to design the last monster in each raid tier due to project budgets
Do the primal bosses have orchestrion roll drops or is it only Force Your Way?
previous raids drop every song, so it's probably the same here. Although iirc they don't always drop from the place that actually plays the song so they may not be available yet
For GNB, should I facepull mob packs, or use the ranged attack into Rough Divide?
You should be used to this by now
Run into the first pack and AoE, followed by aurora to keep hate while running to the next pack.
does Khloe still give anything worth bothering with or is it still HW tier rewards
You can get level 7 and 8 materia from her
Can’t wait to see what horrible twist of a primal the WoL summons when thinking of King Moogle Mog
there's no point in using both ranged and divide, just one will do.
Personally, I use divide into aoe so I don't have to wait the full gcd after ranged.
The First already has moogles.
ok I get that from just doing a dungeon
>Thinks of Thordan while doing so
>Ends up with the Knights of the Good King Moggle Mog
Good lord the tab-targeting is so bad.
>Forgets how many moogles there are in the fight
>Have to fight 20 moogle adds at once in addition to the King
>Ok WoL imagine Garuda
>WoL suddenly remembers the book on undressed divinities
>new title "Primal Fucker" unlocked
looked like a keyblade user
Run to the north or south and anatman until adds come down. TK the second add. PB after big attack for your stacks back.
Was that so hard to figure out?
>Ryne can't help you in the fight because Urianger is covering her eyes.
i like this picture a lot
>imagines a super lewd garuda
Why would they bother with Mog King? He has no hold over an element.
the fact someone made it in like 2-3 hours after release is even better
>halfway through HW
>already bored
0 wipes on everything except 1 to Titan so I feel like I got off pretty easy.
Imagine fucking a primal to death
Moogles aren't an element?
>2-3 hours
It's been up all fucking day
>Almost to the Heavensward fight
>Still have endgame patch content to go through before I get to Stormblood
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the story, but it feels so pointless when the areas are so empty
>WoL thinks of Haurchefant inside Eden
>Accidently summons this
>imagines her thicc so her asscheeks clapping causes windstorms
>summon Shiva
>comes out as an icy Ysayle
>forced to kill her
>tfw you will never be her "Foolish landwalker"
>wol asked to remember leviathan
>uh well there were two things that I had to hit, fuck were they both heads?
People give a fuck about Ysayle? Literally a mass murderer because muh bedtime story
>Think summoner would be like the Ultima fight where you summon cool primals to cast an ability and leave
>It's just a watered down WoW Warlock pet
I bet Hraesvelg will be part of the fight too
Zero wipes to E1
One wipe to E2
Zero wipes to E3 (But my SMN ass had to resurrect both the Healers and the other 3 DPS after they fell down the middle)
S E V E N wipes to E4, ultimately getting abandoned, then two wipes with a new group to clear.
Titan is really the only stumbling block.
>the dialogue option that makes the WoL look like they have PTSD from Titan
The story is great, I just wish the low level gameplay was good enough to compliment it instead of feeling like an obstacle.
I like how over time WoL has been becoming more of a character, despite representing each individual player.
CS skip to ShB, look up a summary. It's all shit in comparison.
I like her
Recent SMN is shaping up to be pretty cool, but it's a bit to late for the job now. They should've been getting demi-summons from 50 onwards, not 70.
>Why yes, I raid as a thavnairian astro with my Mosque friends, how did you know?
>Ah yes, very good, Warrior of Light, we have brought back Fire, Earth, Wind, Water and even Lightning to the Empty. But I think it's a bit lonesome here. We need someone to inhabit this place. Can you think of someone with very strong aether?
>No not that
>WoL don't do that
>Only villains do that
>WoL st--
>gunslinger outfit doesn't fit a gunslinger
>Only villains do that
>haven't seen anyone wear the big AST hat in ages
Such a beautiful hat is wasted on the job. Give it to BLM. Only BLM has a true appreciation for hats.
>is absolutely fed up with fetch quests
>complete exasperation at the mention of tomestones
no, its a retard outfit and it happens to fit a retard
well for one everyone dumped AST into a pit of fire until they get buffs in 5.05
>having to waste PB on snap punches
Nomura's drawn a Garuda before. Keep in mind he's the designer for this raid.
>run around city
>nobody has a lore-conform character name
how is a person supposed to not get angry while playing this?
>imagines a mommy complex garuda
>Its a Urianger keeps more secrets from you episode
God fucking dammit I hate this fucking faggot
turn off player names? stupid.
But then he wont know how hardcore I am
/Hades Deathstrike
Oh you'll have something to time alright
don't mind the sheeps. we'll have a better understanding when the balance patch drops.
What are the best name settings to balance visibility and recognizing people?
I have pets, minions, interactables, and alliance members set to only when targeted, rest to on. Still can't see shit in crowded areas. Turning it all off is a bit much, would like to spot friends and FC members when I bump into them.
You don't even need pets on anymore since they can't be targetted or affected by any enemies
I have FC mates and friends as different colors. Everyone else is set to titles off, initials only. Pets/minions only when selected.
>WoL might be tempered
>An avatar of Zodiark might be sleeping in his tent
So is the Oracle of Darkness going to go all Ultimecia on us? Her fight in E2 already involved Time Kompression mechanics.
I think Titan is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills plebs while riding an ATV and doesnt afraid of anything.
Everything that isn't your immediate party isn't important.
Blame 1.0 for having absolute shit for spaghetti code that you don't get that
That's what I was thinking and am afraid of that possible outcome
Blame nomura
Its that Gaia chick they introduced at the con. But she's not using a hammer
>"Alright, WoL we need some lightning in the First, why don't you just go think of Ramuh and we can call it a day?"
>"WoL, why is Ramuh a giant stone punchwizard, and is that Lyse on his fingers?"
We wasn't one of the 14 best Mystery Niggas in Amaurot for nothing boy, we were that guy who's creations always got turned down by the government but Emet listened to us explain it and bought us ice cream afterwards
>Shiva is Ysayle and Haurchefant riding on Nidhogg’s back
So does this mean we'll finally get our Mystery Nigga robes at the end of the Eden questline?
>Urianger thinks he's getting Ramuh
Please look forward to it
One bajillion Gold saucer points if you win the lottery, aside from that nothing crazy
>Thunder God (Savage)
She also wasn't wearing the goth dress
Presumably she gets the hammer later
>bumbled through the fights, spent a lot of E4 face down on the floor
>already got all my drops on my first run
>no real reason to go again unless the mood takes me
>might have forgotten mechanics by next week
I am not looking forward to it.
My name is lore conforming, it rhymes.
>Saw a Dancer crit for 104k
What the fuck??
Was it on technical step?
and despite that they're still the worse dps
Who's right here Yea Forums?
>we're literally IMAGINING diadem into reality
Quadruple Technical Finish
I kind of agree with the person saying he should have been asking if people wanted help with the mechanics
Day one normal tier stuff? Yeah, donxt explain shit, especially first pull. Most stuff is self explanitory anyway
If it's the first week something's been out I usually wait for a wipe before I explain anything. I like going in uninformed the first time.
Here's a list of names that made me chuckle that I've collected while playing. Getting a pretty good collection going.
If you know the fight day one and are running it again or something for the pet, don't explain shit at the start of the fight. Wait for a wipe or two, it's only normal
Going into new content day one and complaining about wiping is pretty retarded desu.
The other guy throwing an autismal hissyfit is also stupid.
If you are explaining stuff day 1, you are a cunt. Unless explicitly asked, keep your piehole shut. Gameplay spoilers are still spoilers.
>Technical Finish has bonkers potency (1500)
>is like this purely to offset the fact that they're dancing and not doing damage for 4 GCDs
>it's equal to four attacks at 375 potency
Following the "random" mindset they are using for Eden, and remembering him from FFT
>Executes all T.G.'s Holy Sword on random order
>Crush Armor with either Crush Helm or Crush Weapon at the same time
>Duskblade at the same time as Shadowblade
>Elemental debuffs that require stack (nael-esque) before its time stop
>Revives adds from time to time and have to kill them at the right spot to make them disappear
IIRC He can also do some sort of mind control and petrification but I think it's already too much
>get a good ex party
>disbands after one run
I got a small chuckle from this guy.
Sir Edgelord gave me a chuckle
>I-I am not crying
You sure showed me
I get that levi has 2 heads because the wol used to hit 2 things in the fight and he got confused.... but a kart? Why? What made him think Titan had a kart?
we were prolly thinking about that cool gokart thing we used to get to eden
Yes more FFT representation please, I thought the boss look of TG Cid was a bit extra but fuck those raids were awesome.
>Titan has wheels because we're busy thinking about how our car doesn't have any
How has Metaslave Parsetranny not been banned yet
I don't even remember what I was looking for when I saw this.
I wish I screencapped the time I saw a retainer named Sluthole.
I dunno, but that's the only one I stole from a thread around here a couple of weeks back, so no idea who it is or what server.
Have this one too.
I feel sorry for Melee Chads and BLM's in some of these fights
Melee Chads are alright, BLM's are used to getting raped.
You were asked to imagine your greatest image of Earth, which "should have" been Titan. Instead the WoL has just been traipsing around the First and the big golems here are Talos.
So he thought of Titan-Talos, which is why Titan is more like a buff humanoid.
But what do Talos do? That's right, push trolleys.
So Trolley Talos Titan.
Movement doesn't hurt as much as it used to, and we can aether manip to safe spots if someone is there already. Levi was pretty alright as a result. Titan was a fucking mess.
But as the other user said, we're used to it. We can adapt.
>Long-dong Silver
I ran into a Sea Wolf in Crystal Tower yesterday who was something like Rhysnfyltys Sfnlryslysn and all I could say was "yep that's a sea wolf name"
What do I do with the lightweight tomestones? The weekly reward from Eden 4 gives out and you can exchange 7 of them for it but what do you do with it?
Sounds a bit like these fellows
Weapons, eventually. We'll probably get new tomestones with associated gear, and weapons that need to be purchased with tokens and that lightweight tomestone.
The only lore appropriate names that aren't complete garbage are Hellsguard Roe
Are any of the roulettes worth doing for leveling if I already done them for first time bonus?
No, the only thing worth doing in that case is your highest level dungeon.
No, better to do the highest level dungeon you can or grind palace/heaven
Thank you user, I hope you find a nice wife some day if you haven't already. One who will love you despite your flaws unless it ends up killing her in an unnecessary manner.
I see those guys in coerthas more than anywhere else
Is there a reason for that or just coincidence?
>tfw a viis huntress will never pin you down and claim your seed in defence of the forest
i see them the most on ul'dah because i spend most of my time over there
>over 3000 years old
enjoy your grannies
>not liking older women
I'd be into grannies if they looked like that
>3000 years of sexual thrustration taken out on your pelvis
why is it so easy to read this in his voice
I wish we had Brothers instead of a Titan redesign for E4 but whatever...
>Thread made two hours later hits bump limit while we're not even half way
People really don't search at all
It's no fun when a thread moves too fast anyway.
Using the catalog is hard.
this is the rhythm of the light!
Is there a good fishing guide?
There are like a bazillion fishes.
she does sound kinda derpy when she says that
probably the reason why janny hasnt found us yet
>Wiped to Titan 5 times before clear
Too hard pls nerf
Shows you time, weather and bait.
He's unable to make a distinction between empathising with the plight of the Ascians (and I mean all of them, not the ones we know personally) and thinking Emett was a good guy. He's calling people who felt bad for the Ascians morons and 'anti-listeners'. He is actually retarded.
He moaned about the same thing with Gaius in 2.0 to make his point. You can't agree with his concern about the primal threat without wanting him to nuke the earth or something.
The PvP one is a giant revolver.
>people can't tether properly
>people keep moving during the big adds and getting blown off
>people not paying attention during the last phase
Why is this trial so hard for some people, I hate this shit.
>wipe in the first five seconds of E1 because someone wanted to see what the edge did
I just hate how much you can get killed by your team when you yourself did everything absolutely perfectly.
>Shiva fight turns into Hraesvelgr EX at the halfway point
Do Crystarium Deliveries reset each week? Or are they a one time thing as you level?
>implying she's not Gaia's loyal, romantic knight
literally every ex trial ever made
If the hammer really is a job teaser, we probably won't see it in action until 5.4
Guardian forces are a legitimate thing, expect them in more amaurotine dungeons
Innocence is pretty forgiving on fuck-ups in comparison
>"Titan... Titan... he was big and stoney. Pushed me around a lot... I remember doing some stupid fetch quest shit before fighting him. Would have been much easier if I had a car or something to get it done faster."
Just server visit a newbie server then. You'll have sprouts flocking around you.
Innocence doesn't tether you to another player and make you die if the other person messes up. And Innocence has no 6 part tether swap that can fuck up if someone either misses the swap or plain forgets.
>Okay WoL
>Remember Pepsiman
Anyone got the music ripped yet? Mainly titan
>WoL tries to remember what ramuh looked like
>the entire arena is his beard
Just turn off Titles. Names are fine, reading them is casual entertainment while running around.
>get in to E2
>brand new, about 6 players haven't done it
>the only people who have are some retarded couple with the same last names
>we pull, get to about 40%, and wipe
>as we're wiping, they're both actually complaining about people not understanding mechanics
>before the next pull, I ask a question regarding the durations of the time delay debuffs, and if they're different per mechanic or are always the same amount of time
>pull 2 we clear since everyone knows the mechanics
>the two couple shitters were the dead weight in the end
It's like... if this guy wanted to clear faster, instead of being a passive aggressive douchebag when someone asks questions about mechanics - why not just answer the question?
>God King Moggle Mog and the Mogs Twelve
>Every faggot suddenly bandwagoning on team G'raha
Well the guys that summon titan use alot of mechanical items
Please no.
King Mog was an absolute PUG annihilator, and so was Thordan and I don’t want to imagine a remixed version.
Wait untill extreme
Well, the King Thordain fight was anticlimactic. Was piss easy.
Quite the opposite. I'm normally late to the party and get stuck with lazy ass players who refuse to learn
>log in
>do 4 fights
>logout for a week
yep thats going to be an unsub for me, good to see the endgame is as shit as ever
Better question is what will we fight for darkness? Diablos? wish it was Sin since his attacks are gravity based
where's Holden Mcgroin
How retarded are you? The XIV end game formula was already known to stay the same since before the expansion released. If you don't like it, why did you even sub in the first place?
Thordan was pretty much a pushover from the day HW released.
Stormblood’s last boss is pretty much the only one who was threatening.
>Know what the endgame is
>Know Yoshida wants it to be this way so nobody has pressure to play
>Bitch that the endgame doesn't change
Crafting, gathering, and all the other side content is there for people who want to play this every day of every year.
Why did Yoshi add ilvl as an option to limit people in PF's? I think it's really fucked up how they can filter me off when I just want to get carried into some mount drops. Is Yoshi supporting elitism now?
>what will we fight for darkness?
Isn't Odin associated with Darkness?
So, just curious, how many people playing this game right now has clears in A4S/A8S from their period of relevancy?
I'm hoping for Griever somewhere down the line desu
>yfw this starts playing
I'm also hoping they find an excuse to throw Laguna's battle theme in the mix somewhere.
I can't play nearly regularly enough for a static and tend to take long breaks, so I miss out on the pug phase.
Really want to give Eden Savage a go, though.
Well we can’t forget Emet
when is this game going to acknowledge FF2's existence
we only got that one remix
Literally who?
blessed entry with the most misunderstood combat system in the series and a great story
Doesn't ring any bells, sorry.
sorry next xpack revolves around FFXV
im still salty I couldnt clear this. I started ff14 with HW and got to end game raiding late
I was lucky enough to beat pepsi man and after that my casual group only had 3 weeks left to learn a4s before 3.2 with our barely passable dps
atleast I cleared a8s but damn I wanted that a4s clear
its exactly like the first one but slightly not.
Please make decisions for me
big richard dps
What the fuck kinda job would use darkness and a hammer?
*it's like the first one but worse in every single way
The story mode version is a bit of a joke, he even starts flailing around wildly with his sword until he dies when his ultimate attack fails.
The extreme version is completely different, even has new, more epic music, and where the original fight ends, the extreme is just beginning. Try it out ASAP - thanks to overgearing it's fully possible to clear it in Duty Finder (have done so recently myself) though it might take a while to pop. You won't see the full fight thanks to said overgearing, but you'll see most of it.
Where the fuck can I find a static where people actually want to progress and clear content? Pugging in this game is a literal nightmare, and it makes me hate people more and more with each passing minute.
The better question is what will savage be like? Kinda weird non of the primals had only one phase
Darkness isn't an element dunkasses. Learn to lore.
Pepsiman was hard on us all. What do you think of this expac so far?
>Heavensward Primal Megazord
>I have FC mates [...] as different colors
How? I'm a retard and can't find the setting
The Empire, chocobos, dragoons and dark knights and many other things are technically FF2 references. It's just that a lot of FF2's contributions to the series are general and not specific.
I completed everything but A4S before echo.
I pugged 1-7, but finding a static during 8 made progressing enormously less frustrating
>trial roulette
>party wipes to Hades three times before clearing
>two people died during the active time maneuver
I have clears of Coil and Creator from their time, but Gordias and Midas were PF poison to the extent that I didn't even bother trying.
There a pic of the bi options yet? Trying to decide between male/female MC
The what now?
Kill yourself.
See those colored dots next to each category header? Click those.
>just want to get the dumb little eden minion
>can never roll above a 70
I would buy Emet-Selchs outfit
All I see is party members, alliance members, other PCs, and friends. Nothing about Free Company members
meant for
If the new Levi and Titan are remixed versions based off our memories mixed with other aspects similar enough for us to associate with them, why do you think Levi got a second head and Titan became a transformer?
It'll get easier to get over time as more people get it. In about a month, it will be hitting the ground most of the time.
Levi got a second head because we fight its tail during the fight.
Titan must be a weird mix of the trolley and the stone golem.
>Finished Titan after a few wipes
>I pulled a garbage 3.5k DPS as SCH because I had to hardcast a lot of resurrections
>Other Healer did literally 10 DPS and had 1/3rd of the healing done
I guess that explains why it felt like I was the only healer doing anything
Umbral then. You know what I fucking mean boy
The gremlin things that summon titan are a rather mechanical race
>Shiva's either going to get a dragon form or some kind of dragon add
My fav is Ironworks Magitek Repeater.
Oh shit I flubbed that, I haven't actually checked that menu in ages and everyone in my FC is already in my friends list. There's no option for FC member name colors forb whatever reason. Sorry.
>haven't rolled higher than 35 on anything all day
I bet the fucking Moogles did this. Someone get me an Immunity Chocobo image I can save or some shit to get rid of this curse.
Are they going to do Ramuh and Shiva or will they stop at the 2.0 ones?
>They actually fixed the sightseeing log 10 this patch
next section is probably going to be ifrit and garuda and two nomura original ones, would be cool to see Ramuh and Shiva though
Next section sure, but there is still one after that and then those 2 could show up.
I really like Voidy stopclock girl. I hope the Savage goes absolutely nuts and makes us track eight different clocks at once.
the divebombs, oh lord all the dive bombs with twisters.
Considering we got Leviathan, it'd be weird if we didn't get Ramuh and Shiva unless we get thrown a curveball and little Nomura girl is going to make some primals for us to fight.
For what it looks like right now, though, if we really are restoring all the elements to the land, it'd make sense for at least 4 more fights to consist of the old primals
It's a pretty solid mechanic. I can see it having good design space and being used in future content.
What does being the oracle of Darkness imply anyways
Primal, Leviathan.
I'm in an FC right now, but it's just casual tight knit group, I want something somewhat serious. I'm sick of pugging.
>At 50% Diamond Dust raidwide damage and Shiva comes back riding Hresvelgr.
>At 25% Nidhogg comes in and you start getting Ahk Morned by both dragons back to back becoming more intense and impossible to heal.
>10% ATM:Haurchefant comes in and forms a shield around you and blocks the damage as you finish the fight.[spoiler/]
Minfilia, as the Oracle of Light, can perceive Light and affect its quantities to a limited degree, forcing the amount of ambient Light to swell or recede.
It'd be natural that it works in reverse for Darkness. Though Eden really wasn't giving us much story yet, we have no idea why the Voidsent are even here.
Sometimes there's static stuff on PF. Straight out recruitment or even just wanting for a sub/temp. Join as a temp and be better than all of them and chances are they'll beg you to stay. I just declined an invite yesterday after farming titania for a while with a "almost full static" farm group in pf.
Alternatively, there are recruitment forums I guess. Short of already having contacts you can turn to, I can't think of much else.
King Moogle Mog better be the final boss
He is not associated with an element.
Why do I never see Ninjas anymore?
Wildlife has to start somewhere
They weren't that common in SB, but it's even worse now as their damage is awful compared to every other DPS while being one of the more involved classes in the game.
NIN has to work really hard compared to other DPS jobs and NIN pDPS + TA rDPS does around the same damage as most other jobs raw personal DPS now.
NIN is supposed to be slightly better than everything when you actually take the time to line up raid buffs in a coordinated environment.
If it's equal to other jobs in that environment now but like 10x harder to play than the other jobs, why bother?
The loss of dripping blades and slashing debuff was just too great a blow on top of that the opener got even more complex, now you have to do even more work to even attempt to match other classes on Dps
>STILL can't impregnate Tataru
Shit expansion
Rolled a 91 on it and still lost.
She's gonna be killed off by Zenos
One can only hope.
Good guy Emet.
I didn't know lore names were a thing until like 3 months after I started playing. Oddly enough, my name is a perfect lore fit for an Au'ra tribe, but fuck changing into one of those.
>dwarven PLD sword
>its a fucking pickaxe
Wow I finished all four raids in 2 hours. Neat. Titan is a hectic fight though.
loved the mechanics and the music. cant wait for savage.
The girl was cutting open rifts for them to come through. Urianger mentions it after the fight if you talk to him
>WAR finally gets a hammer
If only we could dye it
Wtf is it called and how do you get it
Absolutely terrible how erratic SE is with dyable gear.
God I hope we imagine a Godly ass on Garuda and Shiva
They know what they're doing, cheeky cunts
What will titan's final form be?
Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock. It can be crafted or bought from Tholl Junkmonger in Tomra.
Beardless dwarven headpieces when?
It would be perfect for FF1 Black Mage glamour.
He turns on his afterburners and zooms around the stage like a jetplane.
Two Go-Karts
A bigger stage, I guarantee it.
Golden Mushroom
Is it possible to get 4 Nastronds in one LotD? Cause I've only ever been able to get 3
Blue Shell
Strangers keep walking up to my Omega-F minion and petting it
I didn't say how, I said why.
The woman herself screamed "WHY AM I HERE"
Are the beast tribes going to be all the faefolk in Il Mheg besides the Amaro?
Nah, Dwarves are guaranteed to be the crafter/gatherer. I bet on Nu Mou as one too, maybe Pixies.
>pop tank stance
>ready check
>alright lets do this
>suddenly the other tank interjects by turning on tank stance and readying a countdown
>meekly switch off my tank stance
>he pulls and MT's the boss
>feel utterly emasculated
Is this what the pajeetfag feels at every waking moment of his life?
>Hey WoL, we need to think of something that represents ground but don’t make it too crazy
>gives Titan a car
Emet was right about literally everything
Hey what the WoL did was Amaurotine creation magic at its finest, Emet would have been proud of us.
As a pld, I always make sure to OT. I have more physical damage mitigation compared to the overall mitigation abilities of the other tanks, plus have far more utility abilities to cover the tank, healer, and anyone else in the party without having to sit in one place.
Titan reminds me of why I'm a casualfag whom isn't interested in savage/extreme modes.
Because you like cocks?
>try out for a static
>bunch of zoomer meme spouting idiots
>wipe 5 times to titan normal when my pugs 1-2 shot it this morning
Should I try pugging this entire tier? How does that usually go? Are there some good folks among the rubble who are good players but don't want to put up with static shit? I've always had issues like this regarding statics and sort of hate the raiding community in this game and the fake "friends and family" shit every static seems to be.
Emet's reactions make so much sense now. He doesn't even view us as humans or someone on his level. We're just ants as far as he's concerned.
Eden was a little too easy, I remember day one Alexander Gordias being fuckin' havoc and loving it.
Depends how much free time you have and what kind of static you're looking for.
Hardcore statics that go poopsock from day 1 savage drops will always clear the fastest.
I'd also argue that a dedicated pugger with a lot of free time who plans to clear all floors by week 3 or 4 will probably finish the tier around the same time as or slightly before most midcore statics.
Forgot to mention, a huge part of successful pugging comes from being ahead of the curve.
The further you get ahead from the start, the less shitters you're going to have in your PFs.
Which is usually why I take a few days or a week off from work when a Savage tier drops.
best name so far
I'd say Eden is significantly more challenging than Gordias NM.
It's probably harder than any NM raid so far actually
>Titan sperging out and spamming fourty back to back AoE's
Holy shit calm down
>Wonder why 14th Ascian's thought creations always turned down
>"Hey WoL, think of Leviathan and Titan"
>Leviathan has two heads, Titan is half-man half-Go-Kart
We all thought Wandering Minstrel was bad
Why are day one blind runs so much fun?
nobody's had a chance to get up their own ass and are just having fun with it
I had one guy get salty in E4N, but the rest went well.
>Ay what kind of armor you want on your striking class bro?
>Robes as ugly as a healer's
Thanks Yoshi you fucking hack
What the fuck is Ultima anyway? Her design kind of looks like a Sin Eater, but she could also be an Amaurotian creation considering how she uses Ultima, a spell that is theorically impossible to exist in Hydaelyn and was only replicated by the allagans thanks to a relic given to them by Lahabrea, which is undoubtedly amaurotian in design.
She's literally an ayylien.
The bottom half looks like one of the Terminus Creatures that fucked up Amaurot, so maybe it's one that somehow managed to make it to the Source, fucked shit up hard enough to start being worshiped as the Angel of Blood, and gained self awareness due to being supercharged by faith.
>used to raid with five Oil Princes
>one was a Lala named Thal Akbar
Good times.
I miss you bros.
In the first fight I had a monk crying over an "early pull". then the healer bitched at him for caring about his parse. It was great.
Biranposter, you never let Yenke speak. Fuck's up with that?
So 6.0 will probably be Garlemald. I really, really hope that this games survives up to 7.0 because i want to go to Meracydia so fucking bad
>get through all 4 raid bosses
>don't get the item I need off of titan
>ah fuck it I'll just go again
>lose the roll again
>and again
>FC wakes up and they all wanna do it, figure I'll be able to request the gloves
>they all say sure and we go
>wipe to the first boss once because they wanna go blind despite me knowing the mechanics
>one FC member doesn't get an item, we go again
>wipe two more times
>go into 2nd match, wipe three times
>again, FC member didn't get the gear he wanted, pull again, wipe two more times
>go into THIRD fight, FC members all get their gear, but we wiped three times total
>enter fight 4
>fucking fight 4
>just need to win once, I'll get my piece for sure
>wipe about 8 times, one of them at 5%
>got my token tho
I've already done the fight 20 times. I love it.
>lose the x1.21 damage they had for nearly every skill
>get like 50 extra potency on some weaponskills to "compensate"
>also btw every addition to your kit is still going to need to be fed through TA because that's what you do
If they made Huton into a simplified GL that was still skewed towards skillspeed it'd make sense but instead they lost on hit ninki making even their big potency moves less spammable
>Tank's name is Steve Minecraft
>beat every boss in the raid either on the first or second try
>music is banging remixes
>won something on every roll
This was a 100% positive pug experience I was not expecting to have on Crystal.
>ondo as the crafting class
If we don't get to help the Nu Mou I'll be really mad. They're adorable.
Dorfs are cool but I don't think they count as a beast tribe, they seem like an enlightened race.
Cursed image
watch them do a rival beast tribes thing in il mheg
choose your faction debauchery between faerie/beaver
One world's astral is another world's umbral, user.
I want the beaver quest to never be explained.
Imagine Koji's shit eating grin when he never explains what the fuck was up with the beavers
Where do you get the item to trade with the beaver for the minion?
i want beaver beast tribes that only raise more and more questions before going full horror
>everyone becomes beavers
>the fae
>the nu mou
>the amaros
>the people in Lakeland and surrounding areas
>the scions
>even everyone on the source
>Bad End and have to start your character over
>quest that ends up lighthearted and fun but is actually a psychological horror that make you increasingly paranoid
Turns out the shoebill was trying to warn you about the incoming beaver flood
flee, son of man
>roleplay instance of the shoebill fighting powerful enemies just to stop you from entering the beavers nest
>if take too long get duty failed of the WoL becoming a beaver
Loli hoe!
based khloe poster
I do NOT play BUT Fordola IS cute! She IS my [beautiful branch]!
You expected anything else?
Where is the patch trailer though?
There's only one true branch, and she doesn't share her roots
Give me THAT wife! I will collect ALL Final Fantasy XIV wife!
Am I supposed to do anything pre-pull as an AST besides star and getting a card?
yea. switch your job stone.
The Kojin are hardly uncivilized and really aren't even beast tribish considering Susanoo was a complete accident, but the dwarves will probably have more to do with the ARs than outright having beast tribe quests
apply shields
start casting malefic
Can anyone link me to this video's SHB equivalent? I can't fucking find it anywhere.
There isn't one because we didn't get a Calloway vocal theme for this expansion.
>in 2 statics for eden savage
i hope they fix the gay 1CHEST mechanic before i start pissing off my groups
There isn't one because they wanted ShB's song to be heard during the game.
>fix the gay 1CHEST mechanic
lmao have fun pissing everyone off
Why the fuck would you join two different statics on the same character you retard
Well okay but now that it's been a couple weeks, can't they release it?
it's close enough
the song is ingame and was a surprise
it's called Tomorrow and Tomorrow
I see, I didn't cast aspected helios because in dungeons it woudl always draw aggro from the regen, but I didn't know that doesn't apply for trials and raids
im pissed that i have to wait to do real content
they removed it but here's just the music
aspected helios BEFORE the tank would pull, I mean. Of course I used the skill after they took enmity
cuz im gonna quit the shittier of the two
regens take aggro
shields dont
you can prepull shield then swap to regen stance too
I legit cried when I heard this shit during the ending, I have no idea how they managed to make this expansion so fucking good, especially when you compare it to the complete shitpile that was Stormblood.
no way, mr. gay
Post cute feet
post sexy garudas
I really really really enjoyed Eden
jet fuel cant melt crystal towers
I can't imagine Titan as the last boss of savage tier especially if they're not doing door bosses anymore.
I have COLLECTED Fordola! She IS my wife! (She is! She is!)
everything but titan's wacky race was kinda disappointing, savage should probably be pretty cool tho
i do like that we're gonna fix up the little lake over the next couple years tho, those are always fun
Eden Savage will flip the fights around so Titan and Leviathan will be first, with Dork Girl and Eden Prime taking up the latter half
rest of the primals from WoL perspective
>lotta nails and explosions ifrit
>big booty braphog garuda
>ramuh destroyer of tanks and uptime via terror
>shiva stepping on you
Too late. I've cock vored her. She's gone.
>tfw we'll never get cool attack names like Doomvoid Guillotine
You DID cock vore A Fordola BUT not MY Fordola! Each user DOES get their OWN Fordola! I collect many wife! Give me MORE Final Fantasy XIV wife! I have ADDED Ysayle wife AND Feo Ul wife!
>join group
>first time
>ask what I need to know
>literally everyone else's first time too
>everyone is super chill
>get it on 2nd try
there's no pressure when nobody knows what they're doing I guess
What! Who IS that GOGGLE wife!
Anyone here in Tonberry. How the fuck were able to get into the server? Holy shit there are a lot of leaflets running around.
>Fighting Shinryu for the first time
>Button mashing all of sudden
Fuck your carpal tunnel syndrome
the fuck are you on about
>leveling a WHM
>GNB tank
>know they have superbollide
>still get a fucking heart attack whenever they use it
literally just roll your hand on your keyboard. there's more effort involved turning on the game
>WHM benes me out of LD after the first fae light
Watch. We will be summoning Shiva riding a fucking dragon.
Ramuh? We will be up against a young Ramuh doing martial arts with lightning blasts.
>leveling GNB
>pull big
>health going down fast
>getting real low
>hit superbolide
>the millisecond before I push down the button, the healer hits me with Benediction
>that brief moment of the health bar being full before going straight to 1
>half dragon/half elf Shiva
I can't wait
I expect that half dragon part to be very literal. Like her arms are just dragons now
I like that they made the raid impossible to spoil
>By the way, the final boss is Titan but now he's in a tiny car and he tries to knock you off the platform with it
I’m still doing Stormblood end game shit (Omega, Ivalice, Rathalos and Hildebrand)
I really want to be done with this shit and play shadow bringers but the end game content threw me for a loop for being like 15x more interesting than Ala Miggher freedom
Doma and the Amazon Steppe were kinda based though
>taking three Titania tethers as DRK
>whm benedictions me at 2
I'd leave Rathalos for later, it takes fucking forever to get the mount
The only reason I'm leveling DNC is for their level 80 gear
>paladin clemencies himself the moment he drops below 60%
>Stop healing him since he wants to be the healer now
>lalas in the DNC AF gear
Legitimately the most disgusting thing I’ve seen in this game.
how can anyone be this gay
I did that once.
ok faggot lmao
Me desu
I just don’t see how anyone can find a round shapeless potato sexual in any way to the point they put it in a slutty dress. It’s fucking gross.
New Gunbreaker sound effects are absolutely terrible.
Who fucking asked for this shit?
they have the most sensual and delicious looking tummies I have seen on a fictional race
>old sound effect
>*swish swish fwoom* like precise expert GB user
>new sound effect
>*thud thud thud* like unga bunga cave man
Ok now them but that's just shit taste now.
Everything's fuck able to someone. There are men who get off to tiles and minerals
I like the smartphone camera modeled on them since they were reused from the companion-app emote
not only that but the volume seems lower than it was before. your own sound effects get drowned out in raids from other characters sound effects being louder.
titania's castle dungeon when I need that flying onahole
can anyone explain the point of summoner to me
>BLM has the absolute largest penis of any DPS and shits out numbers mere mortals can only dream of
>RDM has mediocre DPS but brings utility that can literally make or break a fight
>Summoner brings very little to a team and, while having higher numbers than RDM, is nothing special
>also requires korean levels of APM to play properly
Guys, the FFXI chads are laughing at us again!
>10 hours of nonstop PF farming to get 10 titania totems for my weapon
im finally free bros...
>been pugging Titania for the past 8 hours
>still haven't killed her
>at least two braindead monkeys die on big add phase
I want to hate the fight, but it's so easy... all these mouthbreathers must be culled.
High mobility, supposedly.
it has more utility than BLM (res, devotion) while being better than RDM for damage. It's for if you want to play a helpful DPS without bending over for your party. Also thematics and their visual effects for deathflare, akh morn, and revelation are just pretty.
It fills the appeal of being gay. Some people like that.
if you haven't cleared it by now, than you're the problem
I like summong shit but Agi Assault spam are pretty fucking boring.
you forgot phoenix medica 2
The Ruby Sea sucks shit.
>stack in center then spread mechanic
>leave leylines outside so I teleport to ally center for stack, then teleport to leylines outside for spread
>some clown decides to run right on top of my leylines for the spread
At this point I think you people do it on purpose. Stop bullying BLM's.
It's more like a medica 1 in actual healing.
if your party needs Phoenix healing, you have far worse problems
Retards might think it's a "stand here" mechanic.
>doing daily frontlines roulette so I can put a dent in this Garo shit before they remove it
>die at a seize tomelith
>faggot team is sitting right outside our spawn and chasing me down and killing me every time I respawn
>teammate tells me to stop feeding
>5 seconds later I've been dismissed from duty
We were like 200 points ahead too and one team was literally wasting time spawn-camping, and these fags kick me for dying too many times?
holy fuck imagine caring this much about this fucking thing in a shitty pvp mode that no one likes and everyone will stop playing when the Garo shit is gone
I assume feast is this bad if not worse because it's ranked, I don't even wanna try for that Garo mount for feast wins now, holy fuck
Stop feeding, shitter.
Feast is considerably better than Frontlines, not least because the matches are much faster. Get your 10 Frontlines wins then start spamming Feast.
good to know
is there a recommended job to queue for feast as? something that's strong and easy to do well with?
I know DRK in SB was great in frontlines with unmend and plunge
what killed the hype
apart from the story the expansion is bare-bones
Tanks are generally great in Feast. Avoid melee DPS unless you're really confident.
no moreso than Stormblood, and Eden is already better than Omega
Nothing new on that, SB and HW was also barebones at 3.0 and 4.0.
They do it on purpose so people can do the story and relevel everything without feeling pressure to do other shit.
Pretty sure RDM and SAM had primal weapons on release. Every class also had a full questline (instead of sharing them via role quests and crystarium deliveries). Don't get me wrong, I'm loving ShB, but SE still cut a lot of corners.
whens eureka 2
hopefully 5.1
RDM and SAM weren't released with a new race and a major client change.
gotcha, how's GNB looking in pvp?
Will relic weapons follow the same rule of being worse than the current savage tier until the last one
yes, just like the past three expansions. Relic is literally welfare gear.
Obviously since they come out 3 months after savage.
I know Garbage Dps.
Literally who doesn't?
E2 was the only one I feel will have a good amount of fuckery in Savage. I'm fully expecting E4 to be a scripted mess because it'll be too hard for PF otherwise if Titan just did whatever the fuck he wanted with his landslide chains.
A second Titan.