What's Yea Forums's opinion on this game? I've been enjoying it so far, though it's a little too easy to just decimate people with arc weapons
What's Yea Forums's opinion on this game? I've been enjoying it so far...
Fun. Wait for the Heretek DLC that adds new missions aboard your ship, new class (the Xenarite that uses xenotech), two new AdMech soldier units and new dilemmas.
Also Subdomina Khepra best AdMech girl. Faustinius for Fabricator General.
Very very fun. Ramp it up if it's too easy.
actual good 40k game just remember to raise difficulty
Best Warhammer game in recent years. Shame it's too easy (maybe recent big update fixed it though ).
Just passing by to tell you to not buy Space Hulk EE. Some of the least satisfying gunplay I've ever seen, recycling areas and nobody to play with except for my friend who bought the game for me and now I feel obliged to play the piece of shit). Vermintide 2 is a masterpiece in comparison.
Did they revamp the difficulty ? Because there was no reason to use most of the toys the game was giving you due to it being so easy. I showed up in the final missions with the max amount of tech-priests (6?), Skiitari snipers and Kastellan. I honestly think that I could've completed the whole thing with two tech-priests built at random, or one tech-priest with a decent built.
Well the game is less easier than before. I'm still at the beginning and sniping after the Void Admiral.
We're never going to get a fun 40k shooter. There is so much damn potential but they never do anything with it.
The fuck i thought the exact opposite of this
This is some heresy right here
Play BFGA2
One of the many fun 40k games people ignore when they say 'why is there no good 40k games'
looks good, torrenting right now. also spacehulk deathwing, both the FPS and the deathwatch mobile game are worthy
>look at the thumbnail
>always think it's a Guitar Hero/Rock Band guitar fretboard in the middle with a green note active while the Mechanicus dudes are the band in the background
it's a really bold game, i loved it
You literally just walk and shoot. Shoot at the bullet sponge enemies that require no strategy to deal with. Shoot with your unlimited ammo. Run for two seconds because apparently Space Marines are some random fat fucks and that's the best they can do. The hallways look all the same. I've seen that one fucking hangar area 30 times now. Occasionally you might block or swing your melee weapon. But the game is so janky that you can't cancel animations so you have to wait after shooting to block or stop sprinting to reload. And it's impossible to tell if your melee attacks actually hit anything because the game doesn't give shit for feedback. Likewise you can never know exactly what hit you when enemies come in melee range. The mission objectives are boring. Lame criticism but there's really nothing to the missions. Mission 5 ends with a defend the room setpiece but instead of something exciting it's just some regular mooks running at you from a single hallway. I just went fuck it and got some coffee while my friend finished the mission. Seriously what a mess of a game. But at least some of the character designs are nice so 2/10.
good of you to remind me, i bought it on the sale just because i love E.Y.E.
time to give it a go
It's quite good, but you need to raise the difficulty above normal for it to not feel easy as fuck.
Also, it has pretty good dialogues and SOUL.
Great game.
Scaevola a best.
the banter is amazing
it also has the best intro in recent memory, you double-click the icon and it throws you directly into the game
o shit, apparently it's getting an expansion